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tv   News  RT  April 2, 2022 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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a oh done. yes, we're a public official say mario paul is now almost completely controlled by russian forces and the boss over the city may soon be over. an rti correspondence on location meets with a tank crew following an attack on the ukrainian, near nazi as of baton with poland. admit santi, criminal functions aren't working and demands. the ear goes even further against small sco classes. lithuania essays is become the 1st state in the block to fully stop russian gas in the you and condemned britain. censorship of
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russian media outlets including r t as the west launch is yes, another volley of sanctions against mosca. ah, welcome. this is anti international with the latest world news update is good to happy with us. now, fighting continues in the city of mario pole, which has been ravaged by intense parcels for a month now. russian officials say more than a 100000 people have been safely evacuated from the city to the east. however, the red cross attempted to a school to further 50 buses, west of the city on friday, but was forced to turn back saying conditions made it impossible to proceed. ukraine's president vladimir zalinski claims russian troops are leaving mines as they withdraw from other areas of the con,
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straight st. they all do be trotting homes and even dead bodies creating what he called a complete disaster. however, moscow insist sits the ukrainian army, which is retreating as russian forces advance shooting down dozens of ukrainian drones as it closes in and destroying to military airfields rescuer. the 13th for survivors inside a government building partially destroyed in an as strike in nicolette in southern . the ukraine emergency crews have been pulling bodies from the rubble since early this morning. according to ukraine's emergency services at least 34 people were badly injured, and more than 30 corpses have been discovered. here, sees the building was hit by a russian missile. moscow is yet to comment. as more and more people stick to flee, the ongoing fighting refugees continue to gather in freezing cold conditions and my duka on the polish border. many talk of destruction and despair in towns in the east of the country. they are killing civilians. they are hitting villages,
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say one refugee. it was recently fled, the don. yes, region. who cares? top security official has denied conducting an air strike on a civilian fielder po in the western russian city of belgrade, some 30 kilometers from the ukrainian border. russian authorities say 2 workers at the facility were injured when ukrainian military helicopters conducted the attack early friday morning. video of the aftermath shows terminals ablaze with thick black smoke billowing into the sky. emergency workers have since extinguished the flames. meanwhile, intense fighting continues in the southern ukrainian city of mariel pal with local authority saying the city is no longer under the control of ukrainian forces. the head of the dani ex people's republic says the battle for the city is almost over and made reports only scattered pockets of resistance remain. locals, talk to us about the daily problems they faced in the city. some of them have lost
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their homes, while others were injured in the sheli. for the well, it still we have been living in the basement since march 1st. there is nothing here, no water, no lights, no telephone connection. everything was blown up. so much upstairs when some a lot of planes have been sheylan buildings all night long. our house was completely destroyed. our neighbors, the whole family died to begin a bone skin in a police bridge or school. i was walking down the streets a show fragment, hit my knee, i somehow reached the bomb shelter, fell on my knees, could not go any further, shall i would've been that he put a wall. there was a loud sound and then i couldn't hear anything. both my legs were torn off and i had a heart attack that he slid other, but it's yellow. shell fragments struck my legs just now. i can hardly walk. i've already spent 3 weeks in hospital and i don't know where my family is. they said they were taken out of the city,
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but i don't know where it was. i think correspondent maya garcia reports from the scene following a russian tank crew fighting against ukraine's near nazi as of battalion. the battle for mary u bo is in its last act. the cost has been enormous. it still is, but it is ending. most of mary, you bill has been liberated fighting. he is now centered on the left bank of the city. and i wrote a scene here under a monument to the troops and the soldiers who fought in the 2nd world war threw back the nazi hordes again. the grand children are doing much the same here in mary opal. fighting back the thousands of as of nationalists and neo, for neo nazis that have made the base inside the as of steer block, which is a few 100 meters to the west of us that you may see the distance.
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the huge smoked screen at is where a time could be blasting away, has off forces flights as positions we met the crew of one such tank as they stopped to rearm and resupply. what's happened here? we were hit by an anti tank grenade. when we hit on a week ago, but the gunner survived you, but i did it, penetrate the tank. it did, but the gunner was really lucky. tanks here. i used to flush out otherwise indestructible ukrainian nationalist positions, but they set up a machine guns and guided missiles at the top of an apartment building. for example, firing had russian troops and civilians without discretion. that's when tanks are called in last, notice of course there's fear their emotions. but this is our lat. we're defending our land. oh, with sales all these
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time they were answering an infantry distress. cool. as all fighters had set up in a high rise building behind thick concrete walls, infantry is no match for them, but a tank ease ah. throughout mary opal, you'll find hundreds of civilians day and night outside their homes. those who refuse to evacuate, they keep shifts, and link arms to block entrances in order to keep ukrainian troops from breaking into apartments and firing at russian forces, making targets of people's homes. sometimes it works. sometimes as of nationalists, just shoot them dead like horses and here we are in
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a bad state. we've been living in a basement since march 10th. sometimes we'll stick our heads out. our building was on fire. it took a day to put out the blaze on the 1st floor. everything was destroyed. what is the group of the national split up into groups of 10 or so people that took a positions and housing blocks to came here and sat up in the night. you can tell where they've been by the condition of the buildings. if the building is all black and burned down, than the nationalists were there, if the building is untouched than they were probably not allowed in their russian tags. avoid firing at louis flores. that's where basements are usually crowded with terrified civilians. variable was always a pro russian city, and people here as seen as citizens of the didn't yet people's republic. much like the tank crew. again, yes, of course, violet. we've waited for so long. our patience has run out. this is my 3rd tank van . shirley will, will win. justice is on our side. what we've been fighting for 8 years since 2014.
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most of the troops here, locals. veterans who've held back the ukranian army and increasing hordes of radical nationalists for years. their families have lived under bombardment and shelling for the better half of a decade. and now, is there chance to end it once and for all where i'd gazda of archie from mario po, that nets people to republic, human rights watch his calling on key f to investigate the alleged torture of russian prisoners of war after footage published on line last week claim to shall ukrainian forces, shooting captured competence in the legs. they can't say that he's standing the deer in full and you say ethical reasons. the alleged incident has been condemned by the cramming, yet his received mixed rhetoric from the ukraine. decision was taken to hand over captured russian troops to their mothers if they come to collect them in ukraine. unlike putin's fascists we ukrainians are not waging war against mothers and their
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captured children with the brochures not to remind everyone that abusing prisoners of war is a war crime that does not carry amnesty on their international law and does not have an institute of limitations. we are a european army over european country. we treat prisoners according to the geneva convention, no matter what your personal emotional motives may be. me, mistakes videos with inhuman treatments of russian prisoners of war by the ukrainian military are being distributed in those discredit. the defense forces of ukraine. i know that the service men of the cranial on forces strictly of the international humanitarian law.
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we need proof in the military from the ukrainian side guilty. we will investigate them and take them to court. it is important that these types of videos and that any treatment that may happen be stopped immediately. mm. ukraine complies with all the rules for the maintenance and treatment of prisoners of war in accordance with the geneva convention, that's reports that someone tortured someone. no single fact has been confirmed. these are movies that the russians themselves are making and then spread in the fakes. ah! we spoke to political commentators, john brakeman, who doubts there, will be any impartial investigation of the footage. as she was, the day of so gone daughter was at renting. it seems to me that the incident is
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fearless in the videos. but of course, i mean the problem is in, in, in the situation you don't have an impartial body judge in these things. so this one claim against another you have to seem to you and is going to make this investigation that the un under pressure from the united states. and, you know, there's only one goal is to pull all the conflict as long as possible. we don't care about the trillions. we just want to umbrellas for sure. you know, these things are the new one on the much later much after the was ended. poland prime minister has admitted that e u sanctions on russia don't work after the rubel bounce back to pre war levels appear. most of our kids, brussels are failing in its goal of crippling rushes economy. some e leaders are treating the sanctions as a smokescreen for their inaction. the sanctions are supposed to bring your grand peace, not to appease your of the guilty conscience. the sanctions are supposed to stop
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working. if they haven't, it means that they're not robust enough. and the sanctions are already back firing and europe itself cancel. farmers in spain have been destroying unprofitable livestock. as an animal feed prices sky rocketed due to the loss of russian supply in russia and ukraine had exported almost a 3rd of global wheat fertilizer and other key products in the food chain. meanwhile, the kremlin says british energy multinational shell will no longer be able to buy russian gas due to london sanctions. the u. k is the only state to have sanctioned gas pump bank 3, which payments are made. a professor and political communication at to round university told us western sanctions are short sighted. this is a problem that we have in policy making in the countries, especially the united states that they look at the short term, short term interests. sanctions generally don't walk,
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they have the ordinary citizens in the targeted countries and they are designed to create a change. so the idea is that you put pressure on ordinary citizens to get tired, they come to the streets, they change the government. and at the end of the day, at this policy of regime changing, especially on other countries, is going to fail. and in fact, countries that are under pressure from the list and the united states, including russia, including china, including you, are going to join force and are going to have a united front against the staple policies. and i think at the end of the day, the big losers are going to be the countries that impose this type of economic war and others. meanwhile, i think that the rainy i think, is the 1st e country and gas pump client to completely free itself. a russian gas, them ports for me. you i states senator bruce mach saved brussels will double down
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on antique moscow sanctions certain congress in europe to depend on russia and oil gas. i would emphasize for now. i think that would you're going to see, as you're gonna see a change in energy policy in these european countries, germany, hungary, and i think that you're going to see a much lesser dependence on russia, oil and gas going forward. i think they're either going to source or oil and gas, you know, eventually from other countries. or i think you're going to see a change from dependency oil and gas to the other energy. i think that the economic consequences of the sanctions will really have a minimal effect on the west. and i think that they'll have a much more significant impact on russia. i think that you're going to say, no russian companies being able to western stock exchanges in europe in london, in the united states. i think their access to capital is going to be significantly
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decreased in reference to college prime minister earl player. and we will, you know, it's slightly supported right now because of the actions that are, that are being taken by the russian central government to require payments and rubles. but i think over time, you're going to, you're just going to see that the bank significantly very significant. think about a foreign policy cheese form adviser has spoken to ortiz going on the ground. alistair crook warned many europeans will find it hard to even survive. the sanctions, its own leaders in post on russia. he still wants to full version on a web site, author dot com, his a preview. it was only in the beginning of march, the french finance was saying our aim is to collapse the russian economy. and now one month later, we see in the financial, many commentators talking about this is beginning of the end of the global monetary
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system. does showing the and russia together have the kind of infrastructural clout, to be able to save the world from global famine rusher, is the key pin of all commodities, food resources, oil, gas, precious metals. everything comes from russia. europe cannot manage as it is. they cannot get gas from anywhere else that will substitute for russian. yes, that's just obvious. i don't see any sign that the europeans did pay me, gave any thought to the strategic consequences of what they were doing. some of the sanctions on russia have affected important areas of fertilizers, other things that are necessary in food production. certain gas is necessary
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also, and people are going to feel a huge amount of pain. the costs of gas and electricity like can the you are going to go up 50 percent. they've gone up 50 percent. they'll probably call them up 100 percent before the end of this year. how people survive with this. the sanctions in many ways, europe has not sanctioned russia. it's sanctioning itself the. the head of the russian space agency was cosmo says, cooperation on the international space station may be in limbo. if sanctions continue to be imposed on rushes space industry, this is in response to letters from western colleagues in which russia's demand philip sanctions were left unknown said he's donald course had joined me earlier with details. dmitri reagan is definitely not happy about the responses he receives from western space agencies to his demand, to lift the sanctions from russia. space industry. nasa basically said it's going
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to do whatever washington tells it to do. and the european union space agency said it would forward where goes in letter to the governments of the e. u. member states, however, waiting around for the bureaucracies of 28 different countries is not something that the head of ross cosmos is prepared to do. instead, he said that it, that the west needs to realize that it needs russia for anything and everything in connection to the international space station increase moves. do they need the international space station without the russians? they cannot come there because no one but us can deliver fuel to the no one but the engines, a val kauger chef can correct the position of international space station doors in space. debris. interesting. but nobody's getting rid of the sanctions. so a sanctions on the radar. now, what does the future hold for the international space station cooperation? well, march 31st was the deadline that ross cosmo set for these western space agencies to lift those sanctions that i mentioned before. and we're golden in his most recent letter reiterated that to restore full cooperation with regards to the
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international space station. they have to be lifted. he said that these sanctions are aimed at bringing hunger and despair to russia, basically to bring the country to its knees. and because they have not been lifted, a deadline is going to be brought to moscow with basically a deadline to end full cooperation with these western space agencies and to for review, that's already going to be sent to moscow. very soon. as for the current contracts that are in place, i mean, we don't know what's going to happen with them. there's still not enough details to understand. but another thing that we're golden said he actually voice is frustration that completely unsubstantiated rumors that were going around the western media accusing russia of planning to abandon. american astronaut marco vonda high on the international space station. let's take a list, new 3, mostly. some of our partners claimed advice, and ross cosmos decided to keep the american astronaut no. been. and they're not even joking. in all seriousness, they, even as far as we know, informed his mother that such a misfortune had happened. and by the evil will of the russians,
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he would now forever find space. of course, at 1st went to base with great surprise, then it caused trim irritation. lou, because nothing but speculation and inappropriate hands of the lack of integrity of russian colleagues is behind this. needless to say that astronaut did return from the i s s safe and sound earlier in the week. what tell us more about the sanctions and what they include is what russia has been facing, of course, an unprecedented level of sanctions since it began its special military operation in ukraine. but in late february, another package of sanctions was levelled against russia that included a number of firms that are connected to russia space agency. these firms among them are the ones that actually run rushes mission control station as well as the firm that produces cy use rockets the most widely used in space, travel with space travel in the world on top of that europe space agency just last month, ended up suspending a mission that it was going to cooperate with russia on to send
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a rover to mars at the, around the same time the british satellite company, one web also called off. it's launch of dozens of satellites from the bike and cosmic drawn in cars, extend. so with these recent developments, unfortunately, it looks like the future of space travel is not looking so good. the un secretary general spokesperson condemns britain censorship. a russian media outlets, including all he suggesting the measures violates quote, the whites of journalists to do their work everywhere. today the u. k. government announced her sanctions against sir number of 1st states russia, state media, including journalists, those sanctions who employ and as, as, as it's freeze just any comment regarding that. how does that correspond with the principles of freedom of media? we've, you know, we've seen a lot of bilateral sanctions being imposed, or during this conflict we feel we are,
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our field is really the un un impose sanctions. as a matter of principle, we'd very much do believe in the right of journalists to, to do their work for everywhere. last, after the british government announced a raft of new sanctions, vowing that russian news network party would quote, never be able to find its way back on u. k. televisions, as take a look at the british governments. reasons for imposing the ban. russia might be the most sanctioned country in the world, but it turns out does always space for more. the u. k. government, that champion of free speech not only applauded the decision to revoke ortiz broadcasting license, but it's now imposed targeted sanctions, unquote, putin's propaganda machine. for what reason? r t has propagated pro kremlin narratives around the invasion of ukraine, including that neo nazis are present in the country and that ukrainian soldiers have committed war crimes. well firstly,
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ukrainian government officials themselves after seeing videos of russian prisoners of war being shot in the legs. have urged the soldiers to abide by the geneva convention, so heartier pro criminal narrative as the neo nazis. it is indeed true that all he has covered the alarming rise of fascist ideology in ukraine, including at the very highest levels of government. but it is also true that r t is not the only one. the whole bow was a shrine for rice extremism. they had celtic crosses, swastikas, and white power symbols was also an unhealthy obsession with nazi germany. yes, that was a clip from the u. k. 's pride enjoy the b b c. and no, it's not a one off. one report worried about be increasing visibility or fall right groups in ukraine. why one interview even compared the situation to the rise of naziism in
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1930 germany. there's also this b b. c, news. my program called the neo nazi threat in new ukraine. this guardian video about a fall right children's camp. and this time video called inside a white supremacist militia in ukraine. in fact has a comprehensive list of articles written by the western press about ukraine's nazi problem. funny, but i do remember seeing any of these outlets on any sanctions list and if you think it's just r t that spotted, as you turn on the media opinion of neo nazis think again. western media reporting on ukrainian nazi back in 20142015 are today calling this russian propaganda see what the very outlet wrote. 8 years ago in 2015, the new york times described ukraine's dissolved battalion as openly neo nazi to day. and why tease, anton troy and off ski describes as av as far right. what happened to dissolve,
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complete a special training program that takes open neo nazis and turns them into a more palatable far right. the fascist see hile was a gesture, i would see a ukrainian game i went to the 2nd accusation leveled against r t is that generally it amplifies moscow's lies about the war. hooton's war and ukraine is based on a torrent of lies. britain has helped lead the world in exposing kremlin dis information, and this latest batch of sanctions hits the shameless propagandists who push out putins fake news in narratives. my question then is all the western journalists who helped politicians sell the iraq war to the public, sanctioned weather as it seized? were they taken off there? or did they just get away with repeating the mantra of this fabled weapons of mass destruction? oh and repeat, they did. in fact, if you're interested, there's a $101.00 page report on the media coverage of the event. i'll save you the time.
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i'm bringing the conclusion virtually all of the news coverage accepted without serious question the political formulation, weapons of mass destruction as a single category of threat. too often, journalists resorted to what the trade calls, stenographic coverage, writing down what the military or political officials said without getting additional confirming or contesting sources. other failures frequently related to inaccuracies in the given definitions, political context or ramifications of the weapon systems mention. but think given forget a, it's not pro war propaganda when you're the one doing it. looking at all this, it's almost as if there are double standards and play with this faction. the u. k. government has sounded the death knell for media freedom in britain. we will continue to bring the news to audiences that wish to seek it and prevent a media echo chamber from being orchestrated by blink heard officials hell bent on
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conflating. anything remotely russian with wrong. with these later sanctions, the u. k. has made 2 very simple points. freedom of the press only applies to your press untruth our lives only when they come out of russia. things pending us journalists told us the west's move to ban russian news outlets has dark implications for open reporting. port. this is just selective and an attack again on russian media and i think this is all really stemming out of fear because of course, censorship reveals fear. so i think there's a lot of fear on behalf of the western entities, politicians, officials and the military of the true getting out. and so that is why they have to silence and put sanctions on russian outlet. well, interestingly, the west, the u. s. and the u. k claim to care about free speech and the free press. they like to say this during different press conferences and speeches. but if you look
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at the actions taken by the government in the western world, they really don't care about free speech in the free press. i here we have again the u. k, the u. s. claiming that moscow is in no position to report on the conflict in ukraine, which is absurd. russia has every right to have a media outlet and to report on these issues. and then it also does big the question as to whether or not the b, b. c, for example, was in a position to cover iraq and afghanistan when they outright lied about weapons of mass destruction. for example. not only was this completely false, but it was intentional deception coming from the b. b. c. again, complete hypocrisy. when you, thanks for joining us here in asi international as always, you can find plenty more stories on our website to aussie dot com. ah,
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ah, ah. ah ah, so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation let it be in arms right.


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