tv Interview RT April 2, 2022 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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anita of this festival of norie, if they have invited me and with great pleasure in spite the difficult to send in spite of fur of these all the time, the only one who came here. nobody there to travel and come, but i don't feel fear. i am a little bit i'm a little bit old, so extra to read them, not so much serious in. so what i have seen here, and i discovered here it was really the best, the nice this constant surprise at that ever head in all the countries in my life. you know, i have been lucky seen to my birth. i had always really the cream of the best, and i was also doing my best efforts to below the best that they could from myself as nori of as all artists are doing really the realities. but i must say that in every country when i go to the museum to the, to the governor's places. and of course i have the best treatment or honor love
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everything that for today. and for the, the sash for the opening, after certain interviews or will, is a name all newspapers and everything. but even russia from the mom is it, they put my feet here until the left at the moment that they wouldn't go to day. and i feel sorry, that would really go because i love the russia and what i have discovered here in the country i have been cover. it would not only with honor with love, with ceilings, with enthusiasm of people. and i discovered that really the values that always have been the key, stronger and powerful. think for all humanity, that kind of values here. they're still alive, unfortunately, and very sorry to say that in europe they are not so naturally of course they are
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always alive. may a minority of people may not may the majority here i saw the majority of people, the top, the middle, the simple everywhere i had the same reaction of love, of enthusiasm. and, and this is something that i never, never had 24 hours a day. i mean now in every part of it has been in the beginning from moscow, going to for the governor. they are the 1st lady there in all the people who are incredible, incredible, beautiful area and thank you you the for larry and also so difficult. i discovered that you have more than 100 ethnic different ethnic populations. and he same article how you can have that kind of incredible result to me in peace, in love, all of them. one thing that i've noticed in my time here in russia is that there's the stereotype of the russian facade of been called and blocking everybody up with
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. the truth is, from my experience, russians have the biggest heart and the most welcoming ideas. one thing i want to ask about you because we are in the time of difficulty here in russia. and of course we have to address that are not in russia all over the world is changing, sounding must change for the best. i agree. so as an italian, was it difficult for you to get here? you mentioned that you're the only one who came. i mean there are flight restrictions on which is on the vehicle because they have done an incredible thing . it seems that everybody has to be against russia and that they don't understand. i'm not political out this. i love everything. so i don't want to be misunderstood . i am talking from my point of view being greek and absolutely having faith in my absolutely old and past generations. and i cannot forget socrates,
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i cannot forget that christie does that. dad did it in the justices. i don't forget that he thought that was the, the, i don't forget the results of our philosophers to alexander the great, more recently. and i cannot forget of that. and i s greek, i go and search myself the result of the, of the reason of something that they see exterior really, everybody seems to be against the you are by facing china. india said in our pantries. and i really don't understand that kind of for a firm of strange, strange this season, unique in the, in the human existence in this earth. and according to that, the values should not change. but they don't, they don't change the values that they change the people that they are able to. those sound think or not to those sound. think to m door door,
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something good for the values or is keeping respect for them or to make people be mislead. did and don't to respect the values. this is very, very bad. very said. we must forget as orthodox because it is glass head to forget every body. so i can forgive my country and italy that they are the most responsible because they gave culture and art and, and every progress in humanity without getting one penny for over 4 writes of author. this is very important to say they gave every single is not payment because those values are priceless and money are all only a way to me to make beautiful things and to give a fresh air of immortality,
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to the result with money, money are important. don't misunderstand me, but to not to do at a straw fixings to do beautiful things like the aristocrat they did in the pastor centuries. we have so many things to absolutely enjoy a philanthropic things that they did. and we have buildings or have hospitals. we have are cathedrals, we have a civil places. we have art works that those out is the class, their head, those are the stick. those are artist, sir, that they were at that period. and they were close to them to make them feel better, to be better, to me market debate to themselves and the children on itself. so money, we're using it for immortality. also. now money are using only only for bad the result. and that i don't agree. and being an artist, i'm above everything. i think that everybody at this point they to arrived,
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drive to the sadness to avoid take gorski, to avoid, don't stay ascii. but this is a wrong can think of a general situation in the whole word. but this is not the immortal. sink of the spirit of humans, because obvious above and will remain above and even the period of hitler. you did not a prohibited beethoven. jose, how does that mean? and the fact that i am here with you today? i am brick and i a dormitories i door and i love my great good day for my breeze, and 8, bring honor to my grief and to my family because of my family did a lot for maurice. and i am very happy to have discovered here that the values that, that of, for them got them all over the world here, respect them who respect, family, or religion. i mean a promises and humanity and will give love. and you give love
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and respect art and culture. so i think that these are the best moment to begin to have hope all over. and i wish really myself that could be a place that they think that i am able to just the i am able because a body than i have it in greece, in the say, glad it's islands in care. i want to be there as center and the heart of the whole world to bring people together. we the love culture and out and want to peek into your brain just a little bit as an artist, as a beautiful mind. um, unfortunately, all good things come to end, you're gonna have to leave russia. what is it going to be your takeaways to tell your friends back home, culturally, politically, what are you going to tell people about russia and your experience here? as i had to tell you something, they can also tell it here. and that always has been respected. the value, priceless value of foreign culture. humanity has proved it the best to prove it
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wasn't a difficult period of russia on the 60s that the to snuck having like now with the president you have in all the situation. it was med, absolutely indifferent. and at that period, russia had proved with italy together that absolutely values are above everything, political situation at any kind of situation. and in italy and russia had an change or for this that they were going to italy and italians here with ballad, with theater, with personalities when it was incredible. and i have, i have taken all those documents to have them with me on the telephone. unfortunately, i'm not so would enough to show you, but you know, it's the story and so on the 6 is it wasn't that the, my article done to prove it that the symbol of everything today, you prove the same thing on another way,
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but exactly the same thing and i must say that are absolutely is not possible to be involved with other things has nothing to do with it. you cannot say to fish to go and walk with for impact. say you cannot a to humans to go in fly nori african fly because he's also royal eagle. who is your imagination? you can fly because the imagination gives you the possibility to dream, to dream, to think, and after, to do the effort to build something to day. another horrible thing. it is the absence of absolutely instruments to make, to make improvement of the imagination, they prohibited books. in the school, it is the worst thing that they could do to begin with. so young generations, they don't read, they have not knowledge of reading. and so what they need with this they absolutely
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cut off any possibility of working with your brain with it, with the brand, they don't work, they take food ready and they dont go deeply. they dont search, they dont want or discolored. and the worst of all they cannot dream. and if you don't dream you can accomplish to nothing, i wouldn't mean in the cover. and today, without that was he moved of our mind. so have to bring met dreaming at schools with books. and thanks to you that you maintain the values. and also many people i must say i cannot con van or europe general on the word of what you have elite of me, but it always, they think not. they think, let me, they feel like they should feel the humans and they hope that this is the beginning of their hope for the future. ah, now sure thing wrong when all 3
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just don't need any rules yet to see out is the attitude, an engagement. it was betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. so called enhanced interrogation techniques used by the u. s. officials were basically designed as techniques to break down the human mind. if you force a human being to stay in a certain position doesn't take very long to the pain involved, to become absolutely excruciating, but nobody's lane finger on you. you are doing it to yourself. we started adopting
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those techniques when i was stationed in mosul among them, wordpress positions, sleep deprivation, and use hypothermia. there's already beginning to be evidence that these old techniques are now being used on immigrants and children, whatever you do or more comes home. nobody has been held accountable for the torture that happened in the past. the moral authority, the made america leader sucker fudge. the shimmer of effective interrogation lee, it seems, and we've already touched on this a little bit, that there is some sort of russo phobia developing in the european union in europe . you mentioned how that is disheartening for you. one another, as of the arlene europe in europe, the doors of it was passed as messages if, if they did not the european mind they can do is something that wrong. if they
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really do a deep analysis, it is not possible. they did nothing as analysis, nothing as research. they took results without seeing why. what were the reasons that they brought to that the result? because this is natural, what can be done to counter this growing trend to kind of isolate russia and keep it separate from everybody else? i must say that myself, i am repeating your, i'm not political, i'm not economical. i'm not an am not a person involved in neither interest except art and creation. and these he said to her, as i'm not so much human, i'm a little with accepted as jim. but they must say that my feeling is that there are i don't know, i'm not so so me that it's something better evolving in that military situation. i
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don't think that they are the say why this is a protection because the history, what they have been informed and known mathematically, i mean the cry now was russia, hey, you had the ration population there that it's millions and millions of persons. of course, today the word was divided into forces, americans and russia. but the forces and the agreements were taken. diamond go and do you have to go to read and to find out what they were, how they were maintained, how they were full feel upset, and what was done, not so perfectly correct? objectively talking was so in that case you will see that the really you cannot avoid from one country and not to have its proper language. i can say that as
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a greek and recreational matter than anybody else who had 450 years, the mean nation of ottomans, there had prohibited church prohibited the values. but he did scores that we could maintain all our integrity of culture because of the power of the incredible work of our church orthodox church is absolutely related with greek existence of freedom. you cannot separate to them because because of the church they were to with candles and lit light in the covens because a nose coach not like they want to do in a grammy. and now, because i have heard somebody that no one referred to europe bands, because if the europeans, they would know that they would not think like they think now they don't know that really was pro he with a degree the exam with the, the russian language. they did not know that there were kid persons because they
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weren't doing that crime to talk with their own proper language. and this is craziness. nobody knows it in europe, nobody referred to one time. i never saw something like that. i heard then i saw the document here really. so i must say that in these gays, and i hope that the tools will begin to come out from the small elite of people that may begin to realize what did these the reality behind that. so they had to give, read them to the rations there. there is no way i want to ask about this surprised me that back in the day you had never actually come to russia and so you weren't able to compare and contrast. but there is an established narrative about what russia is in the western western media because they don't know because they don't know, but also my, i did not know it. i thought in the beginning of the america was heaven really that
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it was my own personal opinion. because of course i went there so young 1st moment was famous alexander your list. we discovered all the meagre artist of the last century. i was the youngest one 1st day of my arrival in america in his gallery. it was doing, did you say became known on coast to coast? i had there's cluzee with pierre. of course, a younger this. i thought it was heaven. and it was heaven. but really after work, i don't know is they changed also there because through the decades people are changing and it and nothing is stable. everything is moving as the plan that a they say or to in greek. but i must say that really now i discovered another aspect of america and it not of americans. it's diff, rent. oh, but the aspects of difference also is rash and rash and i discovered it here. the
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americans are nice people, a singer really. if you, they see that some of these talent, and they are very happy to talk to by him if they can, and they can or to, to feel happy because of his talent and his success in europe. it is not so i must say that them european i know also like that is but if somebody is valid and they try to absolutely to pack his head. so is different. the possibility, the, the, the big territory that they have is full of incredible sources. of course, europe is smaller and everything, but europeans invested there had it, there's their mind. is there potentially the, and the incredible power of man of man of mind. and i have to use it not to use read the informations that are, that they dont like the ready made information because i make my own decisions.
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after i see the facts and i never have enough if they will tell me these or that no matter which, but i don't belong in one part, they belong to myself and i am the heart of act. so i'm above all those little human things. it always exists that the mood, the med as the beautiful and the avenue, they all toys east. but myself, i use only the positive energy to choose the med. they're not to the less good. why do i have the same energy i would spend exactly if they haven't even more on the, the lesser. yeah, absolutely. so they don't know russia is they would have the possibility to come and meet ration they will change, like i need here. i change mind. i heard no problem, gander from no one because a traveler all that. and i have been well with every body. and i am lucky because inevitably they treat me like
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a queen. art has that right already always. so if they come here and they see all your people, because he had a meat that he thought, the me, the love to be simple. they had the same. and suzy, as me, say, love to leave the same love for the same humanity. so they must come and see you, and i believe that all those estates are there have been, they must have been and because myself, i'm also, i'm not put up because that little logical, the best market for all europe. and the whole lays. it was russia, the russians, they were adorned by on europe, beans, in tourism, in fashion, in every single cars. everywhere it, all the big factories had an incredible prosperity because of russia. now doing this. yes, they do little little problem to russia, but not the real problem. you have probably will have them with the factories that
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after a year or 2 there have to close them because they don't have to bring for online the moon. people to replace that kind of incredible potential market or their head with irrational money. you mentioned something earlier and you are an artist, and this is clearly evident. and it's a beautiful thing to see. but london's royal opera house is cancelled. performance is by russia's prestige. they fail to cry for that. what, what do you think about the sanctions and the council culture, if you will, of all things russia, not a lot of those 3 ascii and whole story, i will tell you that will turn to kill them. you can, can never kill art and act is because out they're not as they can die for the values. the other people never paper they do that grew me matty because this is a great mean ality really and i know my words, what they mean. i love greece,
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i love everybody. i love even every government in greece, even if i don't agree with them. i love them because greece and greeks are to me my heart, but i don't agree. absolutely. is it that art art is? i bought pantry above person, miles about will vermont. they don't have the right to do that. and they did, sandy, they never should have the right to do it. and i will not have enough force to say because i hope that they will listen to me. also the category of people that they have always been able to make improvement and progress. the progress is always been by a small minority of people, not by the biggest, the biggest. they have the right to leave well to, to be respected. the give them the possibilities. but the top, the cream of the wanted that really like soccer is said,
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the most important because they haven't medicating their bread is sold, their hearts and their capacities to do some good will be use will also for the rest, those ones. they exist in europe and i am sure that they've seen greg me. so i hope that this is a beginning because when detach the real bottom in touch, it is said horrible way as they did to that to that are to prohibit, i mean those to magical artist it's, it's not possible that really i forgive them of point of view christianity, but i don't forgive them to do that seem to are because they will not accept to have nothing except to do to ruin themselves. and you see those are a little part, but the biggest you can see in the, in worse and what this chris, at particular history, because this is the only left from rudy's hand,
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because his collection i told you before, unfortunately, does not exist. exist. i mean in the whole world, the last because it had to concentrate things to remain otherwise they are lost. and this is the reason they gave also an orthodox scape in means in the museum because they have beautiful icons there. and i thought that it would, we lost also in the family and they did really an incredible presentation in means they gave me also water. they're very, very nice. i did a very me the division in, in the national museum. and now all of these collection of my creativity, and also part of nikita course are there in means. and they are ready on our nadeem customs because it was past the moment of temporary permission to the museum. so in means can the model of and everything. and so they
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are ready there to go back to europe, but they stop to them because they are there. they are 2 steps to come here. so you will have the possibility to see me and i will have the pleasure to see russia again very quickly. and this one rooney was wearing the the home because after said that he was relaxing with his off his shoes and everything with it, with an afghani a robe that he has. and i have also a couple of robes about gunston that through the was wearing. and i can give you one perfect for your museum in mosque, but i have to talk, i had to think about it, but it's something that comes to me now in my mind. because i've seen the collection that you have in your museums it's. it's absolutely amazing, i'm sure it would be amazing that there would be that they would welcome and yes, and then i this thing that represents the song and also the good i against the evil
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i that this is the addictions don't 2500 b c i bought it from se and rode the love needs because he was with dishes and it is the good i and he was playing hello math. putting good the tutor vance in his head that i had also from afghan temporal clara. from what i'm, what i see russia. yeah. yeah, definitely. and i had to think about it, they can do something out. and this is what they have to show to you with my love to all russia every more the because really you are a wonderful country. but with wonderful people, the only see that it is little bit difficult for me that i am sandy, on the sand. that even in winter will have sometimes 20 to 23 degrees and i was seeming all winter all winter time. here i see ice and white with the white is
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beautiful. i have to hold somebody because i'm afraid to see a little fall down. but it is beautiful. russia really is incredible for the humanity and for the values that you keep so much alive. family lead just and by, by the i mean, these are so tell us a beautiful mind, wonderful conversation. greek and italian artist, thanks for being with us here at our international pursuit. and i thank you really for all the ones that you are absolutely given to me and you are holding me so that a is your media, a reflection of reality in the world transformed what will make you feel safer?
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high selection for community. are you going the right way, or are you being led to somewhere? which direction? what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race group is on often very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk
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with dad is said to be nazi affiliated organization. operating as a militia in your country. they feel they are what they are. they are what they are . that's the ukrainian president's response to the far right as on battalions alleged atrocities is comes out of human rights watch or does an investigation into alleged the torture of russian soldiers by the ukrainian military. also ahead ah, is an angry crowd boos, german chancellor along during his speech in the city of ethan, that's as it, german politicians ask people to reduce energy use a mid soaring price is following anti russia.
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