tv News RT April 6, 2022 3:00am-3:30am EDT
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ah ah rushes for our minister dismisses the killings in the ukrainian city of butcher as a provocation, named it, derailing moscow's peace talks with care. what is the reason for this outright provocation? we tend to think that the reason lies in the desire to find an excuse to disrupt the ongoing negotiations. it emerges a far rights. nationalist battalion was among the forces who entered boucher right after the russian withdrawal. we take a closer look at the units leader. and as the us calls for justice and a trial for alleged russian war crimes were examined, why the us itself has historically not been subject to some international norms or human rights bodies. ah.
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a warm welcome. this is anti international with the latest world news update is good to have you with us. now, our top story, the killings in the ukrainian city of butcher and international reaction is an attempt to derail moscow's peace talks with kids. that's according to russia, the foreign minister, a disturbing footage of dead civilians lying in the city streets was released by ukraine over the weekend, as well as circulating in the media. here has blamed russia for the incident and allegation moscow has strongly denied. thus, sidney propagate discrimination was up of the western and ukrainian propaganda has exclusively been inflating hysteria around the video, which as we understand it was filmed by the ukrainian military in the city of lucia in the key of regional the frank orchestration. and to see,
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to learn about alleged to war crimes on the russian military has been proven. many times this beckons the question, what is the reasons for this outright provocations? we tend to think that the reason lies in the desire to find an excuse to disrupt the ongoing negotiations. you're still about will matthews and the situation and better with why they discussed during the un security council long chair say well named malala killer, leaving it. they killed whole families, adults and children, and they try to burn their bodies, how to stop it, immediately bring the russian military and those who gave them orders to justice for war crimes and ukraine. everyone who gave criminal odors and fulfilled them by killing people will face a tribunal. similar to the nuremberg trials, none of the culprits will escape no one by the door. as russia is forced into retreat from areas around keith, the brutality of the invasion is laid bare. we've all seen the horrific images from the towns of boucher and
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a pin of civilians deliberately killed in areas from which russian forces have we recently withdrawn. giovanni and all acquisitions, strictly based on facts before conclusions are drawn apart, as should exercise restraint and avoid unfounded acquisitions. we please used to look at these to go down the middle east. we came to ukraine to bring the long awaited piece to the bleeding. dumbass, not a truce, but a real lasting piece. and for that is necessary to root out cruelty to cast out the malignant neo nazi kuma, that's consuming ukraine and would eventually begin to consume russia. and we will achieve this goal hopefully, sooner rather than later. there can be no other way out. we do not hit civilian objects in order to save as many civilian people as possible. yeah, that's why we're not moving as fast as many expected. we're not acting like america or is allies acted in iraq and syria,
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wiping out entire cities. they didn't feel sorry for them, but we feel sorry for them because they are people close to us. so i think there is no denying that there was a fierce battle in culture, lots of casualties on the military side, both on the green inside as well as on the russian side. and how many civilians have been killed in between. i think they need to be investigated, however, single minded allegation without real prove and without verification, to establish all the facts will not achieve the goal. and i think eventually we really need to depend on the outcome and the results of an independent unbiased investigation into what exactly happened in butcher the teacher that civilians was published by the training officials as well as media outlets. the pictures were
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released after the russian army withdrew and ukrainian forces entered the area. he crane his accused russian forces of carrying out the killings. what happened and butcher seems to entirely depend on what different sides want to have happened and butcher. what actually happened seems to be of little concern. ukraine that salads accuse russia, russia and its allies, ukraine every day. the news about horror stories becomes more and more delusional. however, the key of fake machine won't stop in order to humanize russia and denigrate it as much as possible. the mad animals from the nationalist battalions and territorial defense forces are ready to kill their own civilians. at the end of march, russian forces quickly pulled out of the area. on the 31st, the mayor of butcher, in a video announced that the town had been re captured by ukrainian troops. he did mention any corpses, which, according to keith's version, already lifted the streets very,
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he threw his dear friends dear buchan community march 30. first. we'll go down in the history our town. as the day of its liberation from russian forces, ukrainian troops sent to the town soon after grizzly images flooded, social media, alleged and disputed satellites. images which western media claim to have been shot more than a week before. suddenly showed bodies everywhere. some near impact craters, butcher had been on the ceaseless ukrainian military shilling. even arthur, russian forces had left the united states to liberally glossed over the father after the withdrawal of russian troops, the arm force of ukraine shall the beecher city. many of the corpses, little round butcher, also wore white arm bands, controversial end and of itself. ukraine claims that russian forces shot dead civilians who co operated with russia, who apparently showed support. some of the victims had their hands tied again with
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white cloth, ukrainian nationalists themselves commented on the hated arm band saying that they justified shooting at any one wearing them. these arm bands are used by the invaders themselves as an identification sign during fighting. therefore, ukrainian defenders may confuse civilians with russian invaders. factor in the bus and military rations were also scattered around many of the bodies indicating that they had been given them by russian troops just before. and this is what kiya claims. they shot them dead. mentioning his ukraine's collaboration rule enacted recently. and the ukranian civilian who is deemed to have call pirated with russian troops and presumably worn a white arm band faces 15 years in jail. that is, if they survive arrest by ukrainian troops under these nonsensical circumstances.
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what hoop does the un school for a fair investigation have? it is vital that all efforts made to ensure though independent and effective investigations into what happened in between. so truth justice and accountability, as well as reparations and remedy for victims on their families. fair words in unfair times, given the voice and the unprecedented level of propaganda and bis information and the media. many have already made up their minds. the pictures from butcher testified to the incredible brutality of the russian leadership in dos who follow its propaganda. facts, truths, evidence and culpability. a things of a now dead. the era in this new age, emotion, and interests, established guilt and atrocities. sadly, have become sickening spectacles where the judges, he or she who shouts loudest,
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and where the president believes he accusing russia of killing civilians when ukrainian top officials called her residence of the calf region to be brought to justice due to the alleged cooperation with russian soldiers there were collaborators who gave away the location of our soldiers, those scoundrels who leaked information about the heads of government bodies, volunteers, participants of the anti terrorist operation. traders among local residence because of whom both civilians and members of the military died. to bring these persons to justice, please share their details. so they can literally call for programs like this advisor did. you did these, this guy type of vigilante justice usually ends up with local settling their own private scores and a lot. busy innocence, getting hurt, due process, what is that? there is no due process. and you can just basically accused of anybody being a sabbath to her and commit unspeakable repression under disguise, of fighting traitors. and yet the fact that they're so brazen about it. and so open
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about it justifies to the kind of media coverage that they have on part of the west propaganda machinery. the us envoy to the us on tuesday called for the suspension of russia from the human rights council, saying moscow use it as a platform for propaganda. the united states and coordination with ukraine and many other un member states will seek russia's suspension from the you in human rights council. russia is using its membership on the human rights council as a platform for propaganda to suggest russia has a legitimate concern for human rights. they do not belong on the human rights council. and while the night of states accuses russia of war crimes, washington has historically been subject to scrutiny with accusations of war crimes . during gates, with his hairy campaigns, ortiz, maria and ocean takes up the story. the u. s. says there should be an investigation
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that may sound exactly like what moscow has been repeatedly asking for. but it's not the prob, mary case talking about is not into what happened or who did what and when in the quinn, in town of butcher but into russia's actions there. although the disturbing video that merged days after russian troops left the town and even days after it was reclaimed by keith's forces, it seems beside the responsible has already been found. next, u. s. national security advisor jake sullivan says materials for the court will be collected from intelligence services or organizations like un eye witness accounts from ukrainians on the ground and interviews from global independent media. while so far, only certain american breach and ukrainian journalists have been allowed to enter butcher. and finally, the case according to solomon, should be handled at the international criminal court and behave whose authority,
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the united states of america, ironically does not even recognize. we have to understand that the united states did not make itself a party to that criminal court and does not allow its citizens to be tried in it. so there is a bit of you might say hypocrisy to say others should be tried, but are shouldn't. when things happen and things do happen, and i see here reports from november 14th, 2016, contains data on us army war crimes. in janice john, members of us armed forces appear to have subjected at least 61 detained person to torture, cruel treatment outrages upon personal dignity on the territory of afghanistan between the 1st of may, 2003 and the 31st of december 2014. the majority of the abuses are alleged to have occurred in 2003, 2004. but the us made it clear they were not interested in cooperation with a hague. we do not believe that an icpc examination or investigation with respect
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to the actions of the us personnel in relation to the situation in afghanistan. this warranted or appropriate what is appropriate is the use of military force to free united states, military personnel, and other elected and appointed officials of the american government in case they entertained by v i c. c. this is what the 2002 have invasion act is all about the states that have ratified this treaty or trying to strengthen the rule of law, the bush administration is trying to punish them for that. and that's not all. they seem to be reading to threaten behaved directly. if the court comes after us, israel or other u. s. allies, we will not sit quietly. we will let the, i see, see, die on its own. after all, for all intents and purposes, the icpc is already dead from wards and laws to action in 2020 on a president. trump the us imposed sanctions on some icpc officials and certain
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unnamed individuals involved in the ccs efforts to investigate us. personnel cancelling their american visas and blocking their accounts. we hold our own accountable better than the i, c. c has done for the worst perpetrators of mass criminal atrocities. the court itself has no means to put any pressure on the u. s. in the end, they simply gave up. after reviewing matters carefully, i have reached the conclusion that at this time there is no longer the prospect of genuine and effective domestic investigations within afghanistan. the united states is now appealing to the i see as an authority, an arbitrator in international disputes. but washington itself seems to have done more than anyone else to actually discredit behave. the killings in the ukrainian city of boucher sparked widespread outrage with key the key. the russian forces of being responsible as calling for justice mosca has denied the allegations accusing
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case of a provocation. events occurring in the days around the discovery of the killings have been in focus over the last few days. already takes a closer look at the timeline and the forces that entered boucher as russian forces withdrew. the day after the russian forces left boucher, the so called bossman boys from the ukrainian territorial defense moved in their command as surrogate court kick call name a bossman posted the following. actually there is nothing to do there. just mountains of burnt equipment and houses. on the 2nd of april, the craning army documented their sweep at the city wrecked cars at broken tanks, destroyed buildings and disarray, but no bodies. and then bossman posted a video with summer without a blue ribbon, is a civilian, not publicly showing loyalty to ukraine. he ordered from boston as unit was clare,
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shoot them all. it's a lazy claims of the butcher. genocide rang out around the world. bossman deleted his previous post, instead started praising the west condemnation of the atrocities. so who is bossman? the short answer, a lifelong neo nazi with a very colorful past, an ex bell, russian citizen and member of far right group. since the ninety's, back in 2000 of 4, bozeman co founded the nationalist socialist society and neo nazi group, now banned in russia. a few years later, he was accused of a failed bomb attack on one of moscow's main squares. but he really rose to notarize. he, when it grows the video of his emerged in 2007, showing a pair of masked executioners shooting amber heading to migrants. bossman, fred, russia, 1st of belarus, and then to ukraine. and while he managed to have a justice, his fellow and ss members did not. in 2011, 13 members of the group led by crockett,
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the national socialist society were convicted for 27 murders and 50 assaults in 2008. in ukraine. bossman landed on his feet, he became in his strike to any as of italian and then a commander and fighting the separatists in dumbass. and despite alarm from local media and human rights groups, bosman was personally handed a ukrainian passport by then, the president, petro pershing co, where he was snap doing the nazi son salutation. i said than a year after arriving in ukraine, he became head of the department of strategic objects and apparently enjoyed the patronage of the former minister of internal affairs. as his status rose, so did his finances. he had managed to accrue a $1000000.01 and a half, keep apartments in a private plane in less than a year and all on an official salary of $237.00 a month. rumors for says that bossman continues his life of crime. in recent years, 2 of his close acquaintances have died in suspicious circumstances,
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and he's also been linked to the murder of a journalist. when will came to ukraine, he showed his willingness to fight darcy. both you are just devils that decided to talk you crave well, we're waiting for you, please come. we're going to play football with his 7 heads. and it seems he's being supported by people far away with bossman, boasting of gifts from a u. s. military company on his social media. clearly there i'm concerned about his check it past. just as the media seemed willing to forgive him his sins when they took bosman at his word about the events in boucher. meanwhile, russia has latched it out. the pressure on the ukranian far right battalions of the embattled city of mario pole. as the russian ministry of defense is announced his intention to finish clearing it alongside done yet. republic forces fighters from the as all battalion refused to be evacuated by humanitarian corridors. as of the ukrainian army trips laid down the weapons as, as to ukrainian helicopters,
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apparently tried to evacuate the as a battalions commanding offices that was shot down according to russian official battles in mario paul, on going with the cities, methodological plants. they lost area controlled by ukrainian forces. humanitarian cardoso from mario pole have allegedly been targeted in shelling by nationalists forces. despite the dangers they remain open with humanitarian aid, with their deliver inside the city, with food and essential goods being distributed to different areas. i'll correspondent women calls are up is on the ground with the latest. we're just delivered to minutes. aaron aid and medicine to a couple of addresses say here in my removal. and as always, people are pleading with us so to take him to safe areas. risa nikolai ma is one of those people and we are taking her with us on this project. can you tell us what happened to you with 1st,
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we were hiding in the vestibule, on the, and the elevators. my son, who lives in the nats told me mother he to, but to not go to the basement with my flat was burnt down. that's why i moved to another entrance where i lived together with a 90 year old woman. every time there was shooting was so flames, but we got used to it. what school did you say you will meet her son and daughter in law to day? what do you feel about? oh yeah. i don't know how to describe it. i don't know what i will tell them. right now. i'm calling theresa's daughter in law. aah! walks on her roster. jimmy, as a whole, drama goes a lot out of the they did just the year do he is the model a human yet that i still but i think alive as nightmare. b. a
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very go. another area hartfield says story and died about 230 to 40 minutes. they will reunite with that we will go back to variable morrow and the next day and i tried to reunite somebody else. of course, there are hundreds of people out there who have no contact with their loved ones. ukrainian civilians are being displaced not only within the country, but also flee and gets his refugees to the west. with poland remaining one of the
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main hub excepting people. one of them gave an interview to a spanish tv channel revealing the details of what was done to him by his country is ami us our government, and military has abused us during interrogation. they treated us like dogs. i was confronted by people threatening me with imprisonment and beatings, and they said they would take me to the back yard to beat me. put them on the u. s. will impose a new sanctions package on russia over the war and ukraine, and includes a ban on all investments and increased pressure on financial institutions and state owned companies as well as government officials on their families. the science sanctions aim to push russia closer to a default and impacts the countries dollars abs. russia does not have unlimited resources, especially now given the crippling sanctions we've put in place. and they are going to be forced to choose between draining, remaining valuable dollars or, or new revenue coming in,
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or default of sanctions. pressure on moscow is roundtop. the global economy is also feeding the effect from us in the u. s. states of all consort, say the prices for fertilizes and energy have gems, and that's taking a toll on business and living costs. lot of our fertilizer come from from that area, whether it's from russia, ukraine, or wherever. lot of the all and gas comes from that area. so you know, if you go the palms today, a gallon gas is, is $450.00 a gallon a day from you know, so it's really made a difference. we got this, this war between russia and ukraine that really affecting us now. you know, prices as far as inputs that have went up drastically more than double prices for, for our commodity to have gone up. not quite double. the conflict is, is bad for the global economy, where we're sitting right now. we're right close to the mississippi river. we're
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probably going to have had be able to get our fertilizer if we can pay for it. now you look at places in the u. s. inland or places and say all over the world inland in australia, africa, brazil, those places per logical cost a whole lot more. they're not, might not, may not, they may not have the availability that we've got right here. and so it's going to ultimately, it's all linked together and we're going to, you know, we're all going to suffer. meanwhile, the european commission, president ursula, along the line has said the e with working on further sanctions against the kremlin children that the you had set up a joint investigation team with ukraine. these atrocities cannot and will not be left unanswered. the perpetrators of these hideous crown crimes must not go unpunished. the european union has set up a joined investigation team with ukraine. its task is to collect evidence and investigate war crimes and crimes against humanity in ukraine. the
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e u has on least a 5th package of sanctions against russia. they're proposing to include a ban on russian, coal oil and even a ban on russian ships entering e u. ports were heard from some residents in germany who have concerns about the rising cost of living amid this sanctions. i appreciate the mark, my name bonn. i do feel things getting more expensive. i can manage, but i'm having to make compromises. people are arguing over the little that is left on the shelves. it's disorder. i don't know it, but they should now learn how to run their house and not by useless things. so do you know? yeah, is interested hold of anthrax for a term. i have felt prices spike. i think it's about 25 percent higher than it was in cove at times. meet is up significantly as low as but who knows it? i'm making budget cuts to my shot. it costs me 60 euros for what i used to get for 40, like everything is more expensive, especially dairy,
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and immediately back earlier we spoke with the director of the center for europe in studies at people's university of china. he says anti russian sanctions of damaging the world economy, and so should be scrapped. well or from the sanctions? i think i saw. can we understand it? non law clearly, dr. the usaa general west are you see, sir, and the conflict to rebuild the letter u. s. net or the western dominator new colonization architecture. i'm most important of the world to soften a some of the cabinets covered in i t club change and that no energy and a full price, inflation and pasta for decades. hardly see you in united states. so many countries, many regions of an essential for price i so higher oil price, lisa, because of the same issues i should we suit stop this,
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i'm seems gate and then contribution to some ability of the quote and the b start over their global economy. thanks for joining us. her naughty international as always plain small stories to be found on our website, r t dot com ah a with with both both the models you need to do both got nothing to do with a,
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conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence at the point, obviously is to great trust, rather than fear. a very job with artificial intelligence, real summoning with a robot must protect its own existence with who. oh, is your media a reflection of reality? in the world transformed what will make you feel safe? isolation, whole community?
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