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tv   News  RT  April 8, 2022 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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a, a disturbing images in breaking news, an international moscow say the key of touch. could you miss all his kill dozens and injured more than a 100 had gone yet region train station as ukraine's president on his own advisor. contradict each other in a bid to blame russia also ahead that with the plot of correspondent mar downs, to have reports from the heart of the besieged tanya, as reaching city of mario pole. as russia and allied forces tried to pin down remaining ukrainian nationalist troop italians come out against prime minister
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maria john keith pledge to public related to ukraine with people warning that will only escalate the crisis. it's an awful idea that would only serve to escalate tensions. to me, italy is behaving like craters. i am very against the sending of weapons. weapons do not increase peace and negotiation approaches. the u. s. broaden this pressure on china with nato expanding in the 8th. and washington sending weapons to taiwan. ah hello and welcome. it's 9 pm here in moscow, and this is our t international with the latest news update. now russia phase ukrainian torch, could you ballistic missile, has killed dozens and injured more than a 100 in a don't yet, people's republic, city of crime tours were about to show you the scenes from the immediate aftermath
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of the strike. no warning. you may find the following footage, disturbing. i this isn't confirmed just minutes of the attack with panic among people at the scene. a civilians have been evacuation is city through that train station. bodies can be seen lying in the street and both on yes. can ukrainian officials fear the death toll could rise further? ukraine's president blame the russian army told you miss all, but moscow's forces the commissions them years ago. and vladimir zalinski, his own adviser, has already contradicted him claiming the station was actually hit by a russian escandone miss o. r c. 's. maria finacialow, who reported from easton ukraine recently told us another deadly incident in people's republic of de naz on friday morning. iraq at heat
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a railway station in town of crematory, which is around 150 kilometers north of denise. at the time when it was packed with thousands of civilians, including those trying to evacuate from the city. the stations, officials say dramatic pictures from the ground blood and dead bodies everywhere. the credit officials accused russia of the attack, but they contradict each other on what weapon was used. shortly after the railway station was targeted, the presidential adviser posted in social media that it was, is, can there a short range ballistic miss are widely used by the russian army. but president zelinski himself said it was too much for you, which is more likely because it's fragments were found at the scene. and plus, there are many pictures and there is also video posted by an eye witness from the ground where it's clear what weapon was that. so there can be questions on this issue. moscow denies any involvement pointing out that the russian army hasn't been using coach. could you tactical missiles since late 2019 while ukraine has and
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does use it? here is rushes ministry official statement. we emphasize in particular, that touch, could you tactical miss how's the wreckage of which was found near the crime, a toss gro way station and published by eyewitnesses a used by ukrainian armed forces only the russian defense ministry also now says that they discovered that the missile was fired from the village of the warriors some 55 kilometers from my tours. and it was done by the queen in rocky division that is station there. and this is what they say about the purpose of this attack. the aim of the care of regime strike on the railway station in crematory schools to disrupt the mass exit of residence from the city in order to use them as a human shield to defend ukrainian armed forces positions. as in many of the ukrainian population centers have k has been a case of showing the region with touch can use before. there was a similar attack with poach to you and the sol used just last month in mid march
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and then the center of the city of the nest was targeted. 17 people were killed and another $36.00 injured, which is a lot of course, but less than during this recent incident. that's because the missile back then was intercepted over the church, are controlled by the russian army. this time it wasn't done. so this is why we see much more casualties. base time. as you mentioned, ukraine claimed russia hit the train station and use no scandal miss are shown here on the left. however, a military expos hold is the touch screen you missed on the strike in which the key views is, is demonstrably different with fins much higher up the rocket. the analysis of the fragments of the video and the images of the rocket that we can easily find right now in the media clearly indicates that it is flawed of the grain and tactical racket complex topical. why? what are the proofs? the evidence 1st war would have to be our attention to the unique form of
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stabilizers. it is very difficult to confuse it with and not the rocket. for example, a russian is can, has totally different once. and another point. ease of the absurdity of the accusation of the russian pot. why? since 2019 such types of rocket complex had been officially withdrawn from the service of russian military forces. so right now, during their special military operation, there is no one such types of arguments that can be used by russian forces. so if i think continues in mario paul, the 2nd biggest city in the don't, yes, region, as russian and allied dumbass forces seek to pin down,
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remaining ukrainian nation is troops sees more galaxy, reports are outside the as of still factory where most military has been advancing on the last pocket of resistance, most of mary, opal's civilian neighborhoods, have been liberated by russian forces some unscathed, some scarred and wasted by urban combat. ah, via alleys and yards. we walked as far as was relatively safe in the distance that $200.00 or so meters, he's the as of steel and iron works plant, which is where most of the fighting is now concentrated here on the left bank of mario full city, a vast number, thousands of ukrainian troops as well. and this is the majority at nationalists. nationalists, blood the as all but that it is russia artillery
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struck it the plot from here we launched our drone to witness rockets and shells pounding ukrainian nationalist positions. jose was one of them ogre the situation as intense. we're engaging and gun battles as combat at close quarters, almost face to face. the distance between buildings here as 50 to 70 meters, sometimes even closer. we've been advancing from the very morning all along the front line. the enemy is fighting backwards, but we're pushing the rest of them out to be as of steel. factory lin, it'll be much easier when all of them are there more now that fighting his moved out of populated areas. russian and allied artillery is playing a greater and greater role on a positive note or a new civilians in the plot itself, which is opened up on hoops, opens unities for prostitutes and russian auxiliary. they don't have to be so warri civilian casualties. now the fight is moved into industrial zones,
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but with the 5 discipline, they say that they have heard on radio ah, english voice, so english and which voices which says that there may be either one of his volunteers inside the plot. but have also the rumors of nato instructor become miasma. industrial complex maddy's, according to various reports, to get and verified instructors will offices from nato countries such as germany, britain frauds, as well as neutral sweden. according to the latest report, the fight here as you've been yet is still very much fierce. the border was and then they worked professionally in small groups. it would have been impossible to train locals to that standard. even in 8 years. we've seen foreigners,
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even dark skinned individuals rancil twice. now. ukraine has launched high risk helicopter evacuation missions to mario book. several helicopters have even made it out, though most were destroyed. the window of opportunity, though is closing with every day. more and more of mary. apple is liberated and chances are high that soon will find out just who these, that ukraine and its allies are so desperate to evacuate. more ad gazda of r t for mary, opal rushes warned foreign states to stop pumping lethal weaponry into ukraine, which is being used for illegal warfare and to commit widespread war crimes, including by chance top fighting for the opening. nazi as of battalion, we call on the international community to give an objective assessment of the crimes of ukraine informations to stop supply them with weapons and to encourage
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keith to abandon unacceptable methods of warfare. the us and u. k. were providing weapons to ukraine even before the conflict began. many more western states had begun sending legal aid to key. as in the last 2 months, washington has even approved a bill to use. it's a lend lease program last deployed in world war 2 to land arms and other supplies to ukraine. she 7 member, italy has also pledged to provide legal aid with the prime minister taking a tough line on moscow. but growing numbers of italians are angry at the premier scene, the sending of lethal aid is counter productive to ending the conflict in italy, the hash tag not in my name, is trending on twitter with italians and europeans, urging that governments to stop sending weapons to ukraine. renee morgan's ratty, i am very against the sending of weapons, no weapons do not increase piece and negotiation approaches. there are poles that
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say that the majority of italians, wonder serious piece negotiation and not the shipment of ours could united in the idea of sending weapons as a political decision. and i don't think it will help the ukrainian population from a social point of view. i disagree, we are fighting a war by sending weapons. we understand that this does not work out, but seeing that it's an awful idea that would only serve to escalate tensions. it can only lead to higher violence, so it doesn't make any sense. so they are spending money that should be invested in health care and other sectors while on cream v o d, i to me and a shipment of weapons to me is not justified by sending weapons. we are sustaining the war and i am against it. get it, he thought you were other than the other. me. i see sending weapons as a betrayal because the italian government has agreements with russia to quote, to me, italy is behaving like craters. it is following an american line that i don't like a false democracy. from the u. s. has approved
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a massive arm sales dale to taiwan significantly, escalating tensions with beijing. as off the china refused to bow to heavy white house pressure to denounce russia's military campaign in ukraine, and are opposed, nancy pelosi, the u. s. how speak plans to visit taiwan. beijing says there will be consequences if she does. the volume could oh, you could only you aside should honor its commitment to the one china principal and the 3 china u. s. joint communiques cancel the plan, visit of us house of representatives, speaker pelosi stop its official contact with taiwan and fulfill it's commitment of not supporting taiwan independence. if the united states insist on having its own way, china will take strong measures in response to unswerving lee defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. all possible consequences that arise from such a visit were completely borne by the u. s. side. adding fil to the cya, nate,
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i member said, said by the u. s. are set to provide weapons and cyber tech donations in the, in the pacific wage. and in a show of support against china. anti is donald quarter, has the details. it tried to bully china and to taking a side and it failed. nato says it's done with talking and has moved on to saber rattling. we see that china has been unwilling to condemn russia's aggression and has joined moscow in questioning the right of nations to choose their own path. so i expect we will agree to deepen nato's co operation with our asia pacific partners . including in areas such as arms control, cyber hybrid and technology, working more closely together will make us all safer and more secure. so let me get this straight. nato supports ukraine's right to choose its own path, but not china's and the north atlantic treaty organization. sure is barking orders far away from the north atlantic. we have seen the shine law is unwilling to condemn russia. aggression and bridging has joined moscow in questioning the right
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donations to choose that own pulse. this is a serious challenge to or, or soul. it makes it even more important don't respond together to protect our values. as always nato's following close behind the u. s. which has never hidden its burning desire to contain its main competitor, china only now. washington's inching closer than ever, towards a military confrontation with it. having failed to shame beijing and to thinking it's on the wrong side of history. the u. s. is switching gears into fear mongering . it almost seems like we can't go through a month without some new revelation coming about china. in my mind, the chinese are building a military that is capable of coercion, which requires us to have a strategy to be able to stand up to that coercion or defend the indo pacific in the broader world order that the u. s. and our allies value washington also claims china is acting aggressively by setting up military bases in the south china sea.
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instead, the u. s. says it should militarize the area again, the south china sea, $95000000.00 worth of american military equipment has been approved for ty, ones used receive that ent, including patriot air defense systems. then there's august, the security packed between australia, the u. s. and the u. k, when it says it wants a free indo pacific, it clearly means one free from china. and so the pacts entering the growing arms race for hypersonic missiles. china, on the other hand, is sending out a warning to the west. don't provoke beijing. the way you did moscow, anyone who do not want to see the ukrainian crisis, should refrain from doing things which may lead the other parts of the world into a crisis like this. as the chinese saying goes, if you do not like it, do not impose it against others, all the while the west and its allies are fixing their bayonets in japan. recent poll suggested people want to break with the countries post world war 2,
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tradition of leaving defense matters up to the u. s. and strengthen its own national defenses. the european union with all its past rhetoric of peace, is also rearming with germany, for example, pledging $110000000000.00 to modernize its military. it's foreign affairs chief, even called the e, was last high profile summit with china. a dialogue of the death looks like all is revealed about the west foreign policy when it doesn't get its way through diplomacy. it's our way or the highway, or maybe the u. s. is trying to have another war, like a u. credible is not enough. so they have to was, at the same time, they want to challenge china over taiwan. we know there will be consequences about chinese minister, you know, obviously this was it, it becomes true. it will be there will be implications and the consequences, you know, you can expect a strong response from the chinese side. so it's really bit confusing to see at
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this point of time, the us send you massive glossy to taiwan, to provoke china, to support the tower depend, is that something that we know? this is a rep for the chinese. it's a simply, it's hard to understand the simply acceptable you can see right now there is the response that pop offense, matching china. basic the everybody says, the government has to respond strongly as soon as possible. china is also strengthening. guess relations with russia by buying coal and oil from moscow to currency b. u on. in march, several chinese firms used to and for russian coal purchases, which will be good arriving this month and mark their 1st commodity shipments both in beijing currency. meanwhile, the 1st shipments of russian oil put, purchased a new hon, arrive at independent chinese were fine as in may. it has some analysts warning of the decline of the us dollar as the world's reserve currency. imagine
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a gold backs rubel tied to the oil price. sounds too good to be true, but yet it is a month into the western sanctions. the russian currency has regained all its losses and is ready to challenge the international trade and monetary system. in early march, many thought it was teetering on the edge of the abyss. that one decision changed everything. the golden mood of march, the 28th, the russian central bank resume purchasing gold from commercial banks, assessing a fixed price of 5000 roubles, but one gram big deal. most definitely a fixed price. a gold indirectly ties the rouble to the market value of the precious metal. the trick is simple. if one gram of gold cost $5000.00 roubles is also fair, that $5000.00 roubles of with one gram of gold markets reacted immediately pushing
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the exchange rates upwards. is the gold standard back? the formal gold standard was that is pinnacle before world war one, but its elements continue to exist up until the early 19 seventy's. under the financial system, the value of the currency was denominated aiden. a gold high for money could be easily converted into coins and bullion at a fixed rate, and vice versa. in russia, it's not the case. if you bring a $5000.00 roubles to the bank and ask for one gram of golden return, you'll be out of luck. it's more of a one way street. fixed gold price right now is any valid for central bank purchases? but it's still sending a very powerful signal to the market. and likely majority of modern currency is backed by nothing more than the faith of their holders. the rouble now has to
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physical commodities. and goals is the only one gold for rubles, rubles for gas. nobody did, i have decided to implement a set of measures to switch over payments for our natural gas and to russian rubles the gas for rubles initiative is another game changer. with natural gas prices tied to the rubel. and the rubel tied to gold ties between rubles and gold, could allow russia to accept the precious metal as payment in oil trade measure. russia saying it will accept one gram of gold tub barrel of oil. the discounted offer, very tempting, what happens next? by a stop buying fiscal goal to pay for russian oil exports. high demand pushes gold prices further up. and if the gold prices are on the rise, so is the ruble. and he moved by russia to accept gold for oil will cause more of
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its influx into countries, reserves, meaning even more stabilization and support for the national currency on the verge of global dominance as a major produce of golden energy resources. russia holds enough supply to back its currency and enough commodities to offer at a reasonable price in exchange for gold in the global market. such a gold based training system is yet to be built. but with the idea of shifting away from the donor more popular than ever, we may soon see it materialize. french presidential hopeful, marine la pan, has rallied against anti russia sanctions that will actually hurts europe had of this month election. the national rallies leader gain is gaining fast in the pulse on president im, i am a kron with le pen standing out the her less hostile stance towards russia. or you were p. and correspondence, shall i. d bench. he has more the opinion polls may have already called the 1st
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part of this selection, a repeat of 2017 but though is apparently no longer in the running on not giving up the fight and with a 3rd of people still yet to make up their mind there is a lot to play for middle shall ends in lieu of quite a long way behind them. so the chances of them being in the 2nd round a is, are relatively low. just 2 months ago, this election was due to the futon regular theme security, tara migration. but since february 24th, a lot has changed. the cost of living, including the price of energy and soaring food costs are biting, some of which has come directly as a result of sanctions that were imposed on russia by the european union. can upa for us here in france. it's already very, very hard regardless of ukraine,
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but i'm against war, but the french can't have immigrant every time from africa, from the south, from everywhere. it's impossible. it's too much for us. i pay 52 percent of my income on taxes and social security. it's been spent on 8, but no 8 is going to meet football. it's in tenable hulsy fix in case it's a wild white crisis. a price of a liter of petra is certainly going to impact ever sake associated with transporting rule materials. that is all wages must follow this upward trend though this going to be trouble. ya. bob ecology sick. while emmanuel lac corn has been predicted to be a shoe in for reelection, summer openly voicing concern maureen le pen can be elected president of the republic. it's one minute to midnight, impossible to say that it was not foreseeable. i have been a learning and fighting for years. of course, marine la pen can win nicole's 5 years of leadership is seen france face to
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most chew as times they have been protest ranging from the yellow, vast movement which started initially over taxes on fuels to anger over his plans to increase the retirement age. and in the latest blow to his hopes, the french senate has now launched an investigation. this is into his government's payments made to consultancy firms. in 2021 that reached a record level of 1000000000 euros were still one american firm. mckinsey which has received substantial payments, is said to have not paid corporation tax for a decade. i think they are damaging, because the french were talking about visceral feelings. the french do not like money. they, whenever there is a whiff of money and mutual back scratching, copy, nauseous, they say in french then that can be very dangerous for candidates and this mackenzie
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. and she does indeed seem to be a very, very serious scandal. the allegation of course, that there has been tax evasion by these by mackenzie, and these are the consultancy firms. and then the 3rd delegation, which is that they've in kind, they've given help to the, to the chemical campaign for free. so i mean, you know, you've got 3 scandals in one. meanwhile, marine le pen has seen her for chines improve. recently. she wants out of nato and to remove frogs from the sphere of american influence. now, one, her ties to russia were recently seen as a cause for concern that hasn't seemed to put off voters. firstly, of course, frances, you know, has a tradition of being relatively friendly to russia. and the french people are not objectively hostile. of course, there is a lot of emotion about the wall as there is everywhere, but it has not become
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a political football among between the candidates, it is in that sense, been absent from the camp short of a disaster, mac korn, is expected to make it in to the 2nd round, the pens charles is our high 2, but there is still a fierce battle let on going for that 2nd spot. eric seymour from the hot right and valerie by chris from the center right. still have hope. in fact, almost this entire campaign is seen as shifting support towards more right wing policies. france has long been considered the past in of left wing politics to why has this happened for people of my generation, the socialist party has nothing to say or offer. we are in a turning point for the left in france. they have to be reborn in a new political force. that doesn't mean that left when politics is dead. in fact, so commercial from the hard black hat, a bump in the poles just recently. he is also seen as pro russian and vocally
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opposes nato millennial, though it seems, represents a dying breed with other candidates on the left, barely registering in those surveys. on sunday, voters will cast their ballot with 2 candidates progressing to the next stage. it's then that the real race will begin. charlotte, even ski, ot see paris. many thanks for choosing arte international. we appreciate your company as a way to can find plenty more news commentary and debate on our website. our teens, i'll come ah, luis counters, russian state patrol never. i've stivers,
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i'm phoning the most lansky in the div us. mm hm. and i'm not getting hold of admit, it could been a 55 when. okay, so mine is provided must be the one else. was about with we will van in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state aunt, rush up to date and school ortiz spoke mckibben, our video agency, roughly all brands on youtube with school. the question, did you think it would twist with me? oh, when i was showing wrong, when all proofs just don't hold any world yet to say proud
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disdain becomes the advocate and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. the problem is the aggressor prune chose is war. today, i'm authorizing the just strong sanctions. i think this constraint, i speak with you mind the bending all imports from russian oil and gas turbines imposing these sanctions are russia has destroyed the american? in fact, there's boomerang suffering.


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