tv News RT April 9, 2022 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT
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ah ah lucky stands prime minister im wrong con is removed from office in a vote of no confidence to following a weeks long political standoff. he says that the u. s. orchestrated the after detained ukrainian nationalist fighters admit to war crimes such as murdering unarmed civilians including women. they describe how they committed the atrocities in exclusive footage. i shot her in the temple. i was interested how a person dies. i asked one of them what the word tally any to me. he didn't answer and i shot him dead. and in a story that shaped the weak moscow's at top diplomat rejects ukrainian, and western leaders, claims of russian involvement and an alleged massacre in the key of a suburb of boucher saying the issue is being used to derail negotiations and the
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conflict of june, pre cima at that, what is the reason for the outright provocation? we tend to think that the reason lies in the desire to find an excuse to disrupt the ongoing negotiations by the inability to negotiate. once again, characterizes the true intentions of keith and its line of delaying even undermining the negotiations through departure from the understanding reached a broadcasting live from our studios in moscow with news and commentary on the stories that shaped the week. this is our to international and the weekly. i'm john thomas, but have you with us? now? pakistan's prime minister imran con, has been removed from office and a vote of no confidence following a week's long political stand off. his accused the us of conspiring with the opposition to ask him over his friendly relations with russia and china. local
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journalist sheds light on the ongoing crisis in pakistan's, upper echelons of power. i miss him on connie's mom. i miss his party, the ruling. 8 will now sit on the opposition benches. so there is a background of this, this proceedings because it was a sub, but i moved by the speaker off the national assembly. he does appear in the last session of the rent and then he and his resignation. and he said that he has gone through the details of that letter written right. if i could find the best part in the in washington clearly says that the u. s. government asked him to convey to his government, it means to find a government that if the country this motion is not successful, why cosign will have to face serious consequences? so i guess i said that he will stay with the leader and he will follow because
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there so. so he asked the opposition member a farmer speaker, mr. to preside the session and then he left so immediately moved for the whole country. the martian and date of us are counting then and 176 members. but in terms of the confidence, marcia, now on monday, the session will start again and the house will elect a new leader. and b choice is mr. siobhan city. he's are 4 times chief minister of the law, just progress offer and job. and he's a younger brother to farmer the primary focus on mr. norma city. so he will the same day he will be elected because they have the majority in the house now. and the same evening they will take off as a prime minister. the vote came after pakistan's, supreme court said cons, previous, moved to dissolve. parliament had been illegal. some opposition. politicians have
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accused him of treason. the parliament is now set to appoint a new prime minister and com. it has said that he will not recognize and opposition government on this. let's cross live it to political analyst, java runner, who is in lama, but thanks for being with us here in our international help us kind of gauge the situation, wrap our minds around it. if you will, what has been the core of the political stand off in pakistan? i mean, what actually led to this ouster? well, at the heart of will by mrs. austin, is his foreign policy. he is the 2nd pharmacy in those field barcus, on after $970.00. that he tried to demonstrate an independent foreign policy. he wanted to have a last died that assure you want to have a close to the china. at the same time, he wanted to maintain a fairly lucian with the u. s. c, the usa, which has the habit of having a pro american leaders and pockets on they did not put up the situation. and
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according to the former prime minister de launch off conspiracy in league with opposition parties and some analysts, she had also believed that welcome on the blue creek of at least some of the journals they had to bear, give me a signal or to the pollution parties as to which the allies parties the redo of their sport, and many members of the ruling party, they switched over the law diesel law pieces office parties that according to the ruling party, happened after their fall. bombs were these, they were, they were feared, millions of us dollars. even the ruling party claims that opposition was funded by the us. it appears that it is a dark day in the bucket. arms is free because it is yet another incidental regime change in the boss of your medical is what responsible for directly or indirectly
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assessing knitting. bob looters are fucking from having better g regime change in buckets on. and this was the 1st time that the political leaders like him on the home he'd assisted, and that has no deserted. i'll forward the american sentiments in barcus, on which he has taught the public gathering. and i think it will not be so easy, but a fog for the parties to defeat farmers. then there were, there are other lectures in bucket song. there's been a lot of talk about american involvement in the, in this particular situation. but you touched on something i want to go back to because i know that there are laws in pakistan that prevent foreign meddling. do you think there is substantial for an influence on pakistan? politics? well i think for the 1st time there is a glare of reduce a glare roof, our cable off, bug charles buster to us. he based his communication with the us officials where he
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he was threatened that in curious, low confidence motion fails to all by mister barker. so i'm going to have fears, are consequences, and i think by mister mid, that point time again. but the court did not listen to him. the military did not listen to him and the door basically at one point of time in a national security council meeting. they admitted that the wordpress and their express seat is concerned. and the u. s. top. the med was also somebody parkinson's foreign office. there was a protest. none the less they have opted to austin because the legal reality, the constitutional relatives were so strong. the numerical strength of the opposition parties were so strong that it was not possible for the prime minister to really stand back green the pressure. but look at a bigger picture, which is a developing bucket. and that is the reply mr. ron hahn has become once again a popular and he has a wide empty american sentiments and buckets on just recently there was
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a survey in pockets on get upset pockets on richard 72 percent focused on these vic consider the us or the me, the reason being gaze there the it, the told him people have died in pockets on when bugs during last spring, 2 years when park is started participating in american war against data. so those are already anti mental. sandy mentioned parker. and i think the reason the pharmacy wanted in the lecture, the reason he dissolved the law limit, was a simple. she knew you can still come back to the law. and, but the military and the opposition parties, certainly the upholstered. and he has not been able to manage it as we speak, the willing or the former ruling. he is preparing to go father mos rarely in in buckets on today from us from now to let's see how all things unfold. but certainly, let me tell you in the long run,
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the americans are going to suffer in this part of part of the world. people are not aware of what americans had been doing and pockets on generally perception in pockets on these that the americans don't want buckets on to develop the economically. because their fear that the focus on developing mclean that means it would lead this law. me. all right, something about it goes boardwalk. i have to ask you quickly. what is the basic thing that led to the ouster symbol, the foreign policy about this on but i missed the former prime minister's attempt to be having a good listen with she up the day he was tired. russia. i think i think that was very disturbing for the americans before that there were buckets on national security advisor. he received a call from washington. did you do us a didn't want barcus on experiments to do with russia? and i think that is at the heart of the problem, the americans are trying to isolate russia and by mr. marcus on
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a former premise of august on simply became a victim off between 2 ship bartch, java drawn on political analyst. therefore, us, thank you for helping us learn about what's happening and focused on fitted. thank . now let's move on to ukraine, where captured nationalist soldiers have described how they brutally killed civilians, including women for refusing to follow them or not knowing nationalist code words in a bit of war. and you may find this footage disturbing. one militant says that he shot a woman because she refused to go with him into a room. he showed the pit where he dumped her corpse. another fighter has admitted to killing a civilian for not knowing a code word used by nationalists to identify russian soldiers. and we warn you, their testimony may have been given under dress or calling. 2 guys came. i asked
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them to stop and they didn't want to stop. i asked one of them what the word poly any to means. he didn't answer and i shot him dead. the 2nd replied that the word means bread and i let him go how to push the book ocean. i told a woman, let's go to another place nicely or i'll shoot you dead now, though she refused. i shot her in the head. then i got a bit afraid i'd been interested in how a person dies. seals with russia's defense ministry has reported that on saturday alone, more than 80 people were evacuated from conflict areas in marble. that's after the authorities in the daniel people's republic warned that civilian areas have increasingly become under fire by ukrainian troops in recent days. are tease roman culture of spoke to a local woman who described the violence. we are in no one of the children's hospitals a here indian is kenzie. this his where wounded kids from a cities like maria, bull orville, nevada. ah, arrive, they have a difference of various injuries. some have a shrapnel in their bodies,
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as some were wounded by gunshot, some by shelley and some were wounded and they were trying to evacuate from their towns. now i spoke to o one of the mothers that has said 2 children that were wounded as they were trying to die could from the city of val lavaca. the woman is determined to return to her home city of vall, nevada, however, she is still scared about the future, thus she doesn't want to give her name and she doesn't want to be seen on camera. not to miss more, sharon began on march 28th. i landed wicked her back and find the queen car. deborah thoughtfully put to white glove from the cart. we had a loss of all that to my children inside and we set out to us as we were driving. they started shooting natasha without any warning would have been great shallow, my darling crying and begging that they were children inside. he and his mom and i thought no one was a lot, you know, i got out and then everyone who could also still people who couldn't still walk
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some time after that. as the shots against a woman was killed by a raphael fire so that she covered and saved her child you haven't one was injured . but if it is a hugely, for us on the dumbest pulses cane, so they started to get us out of here of english if it wasn't brought to the hospital in session. so to rarely, hospital st. down lives. they stayed there for some time and then we went at least from the hospital. we use that as we get home with my child's health was and emergency service immediately brought us to this hospital in us. as of russia's top diplomat says that reported killings in the key of suburb of boucher and the international reaction to them are an attempt to derail peace talks disturbing footage of what is said to be civilians. lying dead in the town streets was released by ukraine over the last weekend and quickly circulated in the western media. key of says russia is to blame moscow strongly denies that allegation, was lead new grouping with certain in cranium propaganda has exclusively been
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inflating hysteria around the video, which as we understand, was filmed by the cranium military in the city of butcher and the key fridge. and the frank orchestration of deceit about the alleged war crimes of the russian military has been proven many times use. the question arises, what is the reason for the outright provocation? it would tend to think that the reason lies in the desire to find an excuse to disrupt the ongoing negotiations. because on the look upon an initiative by the united states, the u. n. has suspended russia from its human rights council. the decision was based on a narrow majority vote in the un general assembly to doesn't member states including russia's ally, china voted against it. and another 58 abstained. moscow says it's suspension will weaken the panels authority. the move followed intense debates in the un security council about the alleged killings in boucher well named malala senior living as they killed whole families, adults and children on the try to burn their bodies. he how to stop it,
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immediately bring the russian military and those are gave them orders to justice for war crimes. in ukraine, we've all seen the heretic images from the towns of butcher and a pin of civilians deliberately killed in areas from which russian forces have we recently withdrawn. chil, any and all acquisitions, strictly based on facts we, british, newspaper, priesthood will give them the middle east. we came to ukraine to bring the long awaited peace to the bleeding. dumbass, not a truce, but a real lasting pace. we do not have civilian objects in order to save as many civilian people as possible. that's why we're not moving as fast as many expected. we're not acting like america or is allies acted in iraq and syria, wiping out entire cities. what happened and butcher seems to entirely depend on what different sides want to have happened and butcher. what actually happened seems to be of little concern. ukraine than its allies accuse russia,
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russia and its allies, ukraine. at the end of march, russian forces quickly pulled out of the area. on the 31st, the mayor of butcher, in a video announced that the town had been re captured by ukrainian troops. he did mention any corpses, which, according to keith's version already littered the streets. is rosa, dear friends, dear buchan community march 31st. we'll go down in the history our town as the day of its liberation from russian forces. ukrainian troops sent to the town soon after . grizzly images flooded, social media, alleged and disputed satellites, images, which western media claim to have been shot more than a week before. suddenly showed bodies everywhere. some near impact craters. butcher had been on the ceaseless ukrainian military shelling, even after russian forces had left. the united states to liberally glossed over the
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father after the withdrawal of russian troops, the armed force of ukraine shell to preach a city. many of the corpses, little round butcher, also wore white arm bands controversial in the and of itself. ukraine claims that russian forces shot dead civilians who co operated with russia, who apparently showed support. some of the victims had their hands tied again with white cloth, ukrainian. nationalists themselves had commented on the hated arm band saying that they justified shooting at any one wearing them. these arm bands are used by the invaders themselves as an identification sign during fighting. therefore, ukrainian defenders may confuse civilians with russian invaders. factor in the russian military rations were also scattered around many of the bodies indicating that they had been given them by russian troops. just before and this is what key of claims they shot them dead mentioning is ukraine's collaboration law enacted
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recently and ukrainian civilian who is deemed to have call pirated with russian troops and presumably worn a white arm band faces 15 years in jail. that is, if they survive arrest by ukrainian troops under these nonsensical circumstances. what hoop does the un school for a fair investigation have? it is vital that all efforts made to ensure though independent and effective investigations into what happened in between. so truth justice and accountability as well as reparations and remedy for victims on the families. fair words in unfair times, given the war and the unprecedented level of propaganda and dis, information in the media. many have already made up their minds. the pictures from butcher testified to the incredible brutality of the russian leadership in dos who follow its propaganda, facts, truths, evidence, and culpability. a things of
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a now dead, the era in this new age, emotion, and interest established guilt and atrocities. sadly have become sickening spectacles. where the judges, he or she who shouts, loudest, ukrainian forces entered boucher after russian forces left. the town following talks with king of moscow said, it's troops reduced military activity in the key of an eternal gulf regions, as a sign of good will amid progress in the negotiations. but amid an escalation intentions rushes top diplomat sergey lab rav has cooled hopes of a breakthrough, saying cubes backed away from previous promises. worthless them, woo! after these symbol talks, in response to this routing of realism and lee cranium, positions are forces conducted, the escalation and the directions of keith and tourney, as a gesture of good will and to help with the movement towards an agreement. in
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response, there was a provocation and butram, which was immediately used by the west to announce a new batch of sanctions as well as atrocities against russian prisoners of war, but ukrainian, neo nazis logo, move the inability to negotiate. once again, characterizes the true intentions of keith and his line of delaying and even undermining the negotiations through departure from the understandings reached. we see this as a manifestation of the fact that the key resume is controlled by washington and its allies who are pushing presidency lansky to continue hostilities. he was not only foreign minister lab rav making this claim. a recent article by the washington post claimed that some nato countries want to see ukrainians continue the fight against russia. the u. s. has already handed hundreds of millions of dollars worth of weaponry to give, but it's now going one step further. it is resurrecting the world war 2 era, lend lease bill to more efficiently lend out military equipment to ukraine. u. s.
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presidential biden has been open about arming and training ukrainians in the fight against russia. ah same. what have you done at the basic adams or what the hell you think we've done? why do you think you're able to fight? we've trained them and we've given them weapons. that's what's happened. nato feels, it's, all they can do is to a mass forces and, and kind of conduct a blocking action in case russia is intending to go further. you know, to the west. i'm not sure what they're actually thinking in this regard, but it certainly doesn't seem to be promoting, promoting a peaceful resolution. and it doesn't seem to be geared towards helping the ukrainian people. there are some thoughts that the united states wants to keep russia there, as long as it can to engage a battle on the territory of ukraine. and again, at great cost to
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a lot of people who live there in order to kind of bond russia down to kind of show that nato mean something. it looks like the west, which is supposed to be a beacon of liberty, and free trade is not incorporating those concepts into it. so it's predicted strategy for a defense against rush, i guess you would call it. meanwhile, the european union has been quick to cast blame against russia over another deadly incident in the done yet school republic and missile it a railway station in the city of crime. after course, on friday, killing at least 50 people and wounding about $100.00 others. you claims president vladimir lensky said it was a torch, go you missile fired by the russian army, but moscow's forces decommissioned that armament years ago. zalinski his own advisor even contradicted him claiming it was a russian iskander missile. this comes as italian media released images of what was
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left of the armament after the strike. missiles with similar serial numbers have been reportedly used by key of during previous attacks on the don bass. russia's defense ministry has accused kiev of repeatedly committing attacks like this to prevent civilians from fleeing all statements by representatives of the nationalist regime about an alleged missile attacked by russia on the railway station in the city of cremmit or on april the 8th, or a provocation. and her absolutely untrue. we emphasize in particular that touch could you touch co, miss how's the wreckage of which was found near the cremmit or grey station and published by eyewitnesses used by ukrainian forces only the u. s. has approved a massive arms sales deal to tie one significantly escalating tensions with beijing that's after china refused to bow to heavy white house pressure to denounce russia's military campaign in ukraine. and there are reports. nancy pelosi, the u. s. house of representatives. speaker plans to visit taiwan. beijing says
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there will be consequences if she does may volume. could you go to the us side? should honor it's commitment to the one china principal and the 3 china us george communicate cancel the plan, visit of us house of representatives. speaker pelosi may stop. it's official contact with taiwan and fulfill its commitment of not supporting taiwan independence. if the united states insist on having its own way, china will take strong measures in response to unswerving li, defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. all possible consequences that arise from such a visit will completely be borne by the us side. adding fuel to the fire nato member states lead by the u. s. are set to provide weapons and cyber tech to nations. in the indo pacific region, in a show of support against china, r t is done quarter comments. it tried to bully china and to taking
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a side and it failed. nato says it's done with talking and has moved on to saber rattling. we see that china has been unwilling to condemn russia's aggression and has joined moscow in questioning the right of nations to choose their own path. so i expect we will agree to deepen nato's cooperation with our asia pacific partners, including in areas such as arms control, cyber hybrid and technology. working more closely together will make us all safer and more secure. so let me get this straight. nato supports ukraine's right to choose its own path, but not china's and the north atlantic. treaty organization sure is barking orders far away from the north atlantic. we have seen the shine law is unwilling to condemn russia's aggression and begging has joined moscow in questioning the right donations to choose to own pulse. this is a serious challenge to o soul. it makes it even more important than respond together to protect our
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values as always nato's following close behind the u. s, which has never hit in its burning desire to contain its main competitor, china only now, washington's inching closer than ever, towards a military confrontation with it. having failed to shame beijing and to thinking it's on the wrong side of history. the u. s. is switching gears into fear mongering . it almost seems like we can't go through a month without some new revelation coming about china. in my mind, the chinese are building a military that is capable of coercion, which requires us to have a strategy to be able to stand up to that coercion or defend the indo pacific in the broader world order that the u. s. and our allies value washington also claims china is acting aggressively by setting up military bases in the south china sea. instead, the u. s. says it should militarize the area again, the south china sea, $95000000.00 worth of american military equipment has been approved for ty, ones used achieve that end, including patriot air defense systems. then there's august,
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the security packed between australia, the u. s. and the u. k, when it says it wants a free indo pacific, it clearly means one free from china. and so the pacts entering the growing arms race for hypersonic missiles. china, on the other hand, is sending out a warning to the west. don't provoke beijing. the way you did moscow, anyone who do not want to see the ukrainian crisis, should refrain from doing things which may lead the other parts of the world into a crisis like this. as the chinese saying goes, if you do not like it, do not impose it against others, all the while the west and its allies are fixing their bayonets in japan. recent poll suggested people want to break with the countries post world war 2, tradition of leaving defense matters up to the u. s. and strengthen its own national defenses. the european union with all its past rhetoric of peace, is also rearming with germany, for example, pledging $110000000000.00 to modernize its military. it's foreign affairs chief,
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even called the was last high profile summit with china. a dialogue of the deaf looks like all is revealed about the west foreign policy when it doesn't get its way through diplomacy, it's our way or the highway, or maybe the u. s. is trying to have another wall, like a you credible is not enough. so they have to was, at the same time, they want to challenge china over taiwan. we know there will be consequences about chinese foreign minister. you know, obviously this was it, it becomes true. it will, you know, there will be implications and the consequences, you know, you can expect a strong response from the chinese side. oh, so it's really confusing to see at this point of time, us send you message glossy to taiwan, to provoke china, to support the tower independence. that's something that we know. this is a red for the chinese. it's a simply,
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it's hard to understand that it's simply acceptable. you can see right now there's a response that matching china a, everybody says, you know this, the government has to respond strongly as soon as possible. that does it for me this hour. i will be back in 31 minutes with another full look at your weekly. this is our international ah ah noon
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and my daily liquidity. she'll know what will show the portion of my down in that old tree shy court. where did you wanna put a shell, norwalk, with a question, not in the pony shri leash really was new. please know. i put the most of them will be stupid. this is ophelia. i'm to consider only go. so that's gonna be what, what was wrong. so home, they call you beast, i mean that it doesn't come with the universe without us because she, she knew me yet. oh, the russian speaking, se ukraine refused to accept the cruise outcome. people took to the streets of ukraine's largest cities. that had been protests in hoc of a desa, mario pope, and zap our osha mass protests broke out in the crimean autonomous republic and overwhelming majority of crimean citizens voted as a referendum to bring to.
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