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tv   News  RT  April 11, 2022 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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absolutely blew a mask. protests are wrapped in pakistan with tens of thousands taking to city streets around the country and support of the recently aston, prime minister in ron khan, who says washington push for his removal because of his close ties with russia and china. joe biden is to hold talks with indian prime minister, rendered moody as the u. s. escalator pressure for india to distance themselves from moscow and quote, downscale purchases of russian weaponry western media. once again shows ukrainian forces just playing nazi symbols without mentioning that fact. as an icon of an s s division is clearly seen in images of ukrainian soldiers praying for victims of the
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war. and russia says king is trying to pull as of nationalists out of the battle from arguable as the ukrainian side loses control over the city are tiers from locals. who describe harrowing experiences under the neo nazi as all fighters who previously controlled the city fighting here, both especially ferocious, but these at least over now people are once again that the streets a nationalist mount i guess with driving to a residential neighborhood, i knew guy or something now when you're stand, run away with broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow. this is our to international. i'm john thomas. certainly glad to have you with us. now. pakistan has been jolted
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by mass protests in cities around the country. busy following the parliament ouster of prime minister iran con, at the weekend, tens of thousands have taken to the streets in support of the outgoing liter. ah ah. the parliament held a vote of no confidence on saturday against him, ron conn, following a week's long political stand off with opponents taking issue at his economic and foreign policies. however, con insists the motion against him was rooted in the us backed conspiracy. to remove him, the parliament is now set to appoint a new prime minister. con has said that he won't recognize a replacement. he appeared at a large demonstration in the capital islamabad on sunday, and emphasized his gratitude to his supporters in
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a message on twitter. thank you to all pakistanis for their amazing outpouring of support and emotions to protest against us back regime change abetted by local, merge a farce to bring into power a quarter re of pliable crooks all out on bail. it shows pakistani at home and abroad, have emphatically rejected this. this is the man i do that me inside with he has a journalist with
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the u. s. has denied the allegations of having interfered in the motion against con, saying it respects pakistan's rule of law. but many of his supporters believe there was a foreign hand at play in the aster that buck hasanti pakistan's, legitimate government, has been removed after us interference all the institutions, including the judiciary, assisted in this people. those same thieves in looters have been imposed on us again with a you data so and boldly to now lice. and we don't want our hopes to and our children now struggling like how we did. we want to tell the hell would this is not a democratic way to end to government. what does america saying? they will bias. they won't happen. every one she traced the voice against the decision. my as the u. s. ramps up pressure over new delhi close ties with
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moscow. joe biden is to hold a virtual summit with indian prime minister in a red. dr. modi new delhi has increasingly come under fire from the west over its neutral stance on the ukraine conflict. monday's summit precedes scheduled to plus 2 talks later in the day between the u. s. and indian top diplomats and defense ministers. that's after us defense secretary lloyd austin, called on india to quote downscale, it's purchases of weaponry from russia. we believe that is not in their best interest to continue to invest in russia. equipment in our requirement going forward is that they downscale types of equipment that they're investing in and look to invest more in the types of things that will make us continue to be compatible. experts, however, say similar alternatives to russian weaponry would be too expensive for india to purchase. moscow and new delhi have strong military ties and reinforced their
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cooperation last year. russia provided almost half of all of india's weaponry imports in the 4 year period from 2016 to 2020. we heard from an indian military analyst who says the country is unwilling to reach compromises and choosing its partners that was from united states as well. in the last few years, we able to sell their defense products to india, indian national interests, our foremost to us and no compromises. based on that in how we choose partners, always use our ally and says, look at the russian federation and before landing for the union, the guy and, and the quality also from the hardware we are taken from ratio or what or what decades. it will not be out of the way to say that it is much more dependable in terms of availability, the price point, and also the technology, even a squared which is used in that bank with which we were writing on the days in the
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southern space would also be using that as to how to go. so that is the uniformity of how the spirit part and maintenance is done. and it's a very important factor, because when you see the americans on the other side, b u, which was fun, we just manufacturing the, even the similar kind of a bunch, a helical manufacturing, some kind of a gun system or artillery guns. their technology is divergent and also the maintenance requirements are quite high and exorbitant at times. so i don't think so. our national interests are going to get subjugated to of condition anymore. so just like the u. s. and supreme, but i showed it as a supreme our interests are supreme to us and in that gamut what boxes we are developing has to be mutually beneficial and the spectral. and that is that, that's the way i look at it. western media has been cod displaying neo nazi symbols among ukranian forces without mentioning that fact in their coverage of a religious event for casualties in kiev region. you know the key. yeah,
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i mean it was put up on the highlighted symbol refers to a nazi s. s. galicia division formed during world war 2, among collaborators in what is now western and ukraine and poland. it's been internationally recognized as a criminal organization and such nazi symbolism is officially banned in ukraine, but streets in some ukrainian cities have been named after the collision division and marches to honor it are openly held. this is not the 1st time the western media has displayed such symbols. last month, the b b. c ran a report, interviewing ukrainian soldiers featuring one who has displaying a not c s. s score symbol. we heard from independent journalist taylor who dock, who says the western establishment media is not going to focus on neo naziism in ukraine because it doesn't fit into their narrative. it is quite puzzling that the sign would include something like this, but of course it may show that the media is just becoming
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a little too comfortable and feeling a little bit too competent. the fact that they would portray the ukrainian folder appear to have these nazi symbols. and as we know that there are nazis, i wouldn't even say neo nazis, but not these in ukraine, in the western eastern media outlets. in fact, reported on this around 20132014, but now because it serves the west, they are no longer going to be talking about that and highlighting this. and so it's very disturbing to see western media outlets and western government support nazis in ukraine right now. and that is precisely what we are seeing. and i think that this is all because it serves again, the interest of western governments in western intelligence agencies. we've seen time and time again that unfortunately, it is as if it is the role of the mainstream media to sort of push the propaganda that serve the western nato. allied country. fighting is currently raging in the
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city of mario ball and the done yet can republic with the russian military. thank you. has been trying to pull out neo nazi as a battalion troops from the battle. the cities ukrainian mayor has reportedly admitted that at least half of it is now held by russia. ukrainian president zelinski recently told the associated press that marble is that quote, the heart of this war because the outcome of the battle, the define upcoming peace negotiations, which is what guns you have, reports mirror. as you can see, we have been able to reach the water front. here in the middle, almost a geographic middle of mario bull. city rece means that the ukrainian forces in the city itself have now been split into at least 2 pots. perhaps more because they're in the distance ease the as of steel and darn works,
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industrial complex which is where thousands of ukrainian nationalists are making their stand we. we don't want a bull got to the waterfront because there's merely a kilometer between us and the as of steel, industrial complex, which is well within range of a good sigh. but on the other side is the port of mario book, which is where another group of ukrainian forces troops as well as nationalist elements of also been surrounded. they have already lost a significant part of the port, which has been liberated by russian forces. but again, this means that a significant amount, i have euclidean troops of now been split and encircled it all came with
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human shields on top of scorched. this is the right bank of mario below. but downtown city center fighting here was especially ferocious. but these, at least over now people are once again that in the streets, no longer hiding in basement. some of them with what possessions they have left on carts, their apartments and houses burned. some buildings are more or less. okay . others, as you can see, are completely destroyed, burned, and on the verge of collapse. mere streets away now are the, there is, you know, the fighting the combat. yet people here they that him so much as turn and local or
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flinch. uh the sounds of explosions and gunfire. wherever you go and liberated areas, todd and weary civilians pull cars. paul, with their possessions of firewood, were loaded with water for weeks they had been unable to do with that. now that the shock and horror of battle have worn off, they speak frankly. he was he and i imagined they used as, as human shields into a fellow nationalist mounted as when drive into a residential neighborhoods in the fire. something louder then ran away before the return. fire came. they used as an even took away our food and the lawyer kicked that. it's the same story all over the city. the nationalists, who are predominantly from west and regions of ukraine, have always viewed the pro russian east of the country with disdain. i play despised as soon as we all knew it. even children, they would make them seem ukrainian anthem before and after lessons. good school
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and if they refused, their grades would be lower to the and the parents were too scared to complain. when boots spoke of genocide in ukraine, against russian peoples and russian culture, this is what he meant. the kidnappings, the secret prisons and torture, the brain, washing of thousands, western press ignored this. people were too scared to cry out for help. you said you've got your they told us. if we have to retreat the room, what to city of the face of that at the nationalist sand. this tacitly back in 2014 . i remember the national as fast to paint and our city a woman in a keel at them gave fashion called amal defenders. and one of them turned around and told half of those people who sadly came here to defend jesus touch with. come to make mincemeat out of me, and that's what they're doing now. where i'd gazda of our tea from mario bull,
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russian done yet, sc joint forces have freed 47 sailors from 40 foreign vessels captured by as of nationalists and marble vessels were reportedly seized on sunday and used as firing positions. breslin as are by johnny egyptian. and ukrainian sailors were among those liberated by russian forces. we heard from some of them as they described, what they experienced were ukrainian forces came on board, introduce themselves as these old battalion who they saw that the control console was operational and decided to break it using the stocks of their rifles and their cut, the wires jewels returned navigational and radio hauled when all was destroyed. when the assault came here, they used an excuse to come. they claimed we revising russian military ships for somebody with you. they forced the crew to come here to the captain's bridge. they told us to lay down took all the money, phones, laptops, everything valuable. they didn't, he does though,
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didn't press physically too much. but currently, i mean, there are 14 people in the crew. 13 of them are ukrainians, one as russian. yeah. with the russian army visited us as well, offer to provide food and water, no one offered evacuation. then we've been told to stay at the port ever since we entered it. we are happy to finally head back home. we had no contacts or chance to talk to our families. it's very unusual to leave the ship this way. some western journalists have started to question the mainstream media's interpretation of events in ukraine, particularly the situation in boucher where images of civilians dead bodies have been used by ukrainian and western officials to accuse russia of war crimes. but italian journalist georgia bianchi says there's no direct evidence to support those allegations. when the leave, early on i had logical down about the situation in boucher. i have no direct
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evidence disproving the statement by the ukrainian side. some of the facts appeared to have merit media del, due to the delay of information from the initial reports about their bodies came only after a substantial amount of time had passed since the russians left the area. why didn't anyone report about those bodies earlier? why would this such a delay? there are a lot of things that don't make sense, and there's no direct evidence to connect the russian army with any of these crimes . none but completed the professional trained russian army would engage in such an incident with civilian territory that it wanted to manage. the russian army can't allow even the slightest mistake because the width and meteor waiting for a convenient moment to cast blame against russia. that's why russia could not have behaved in such a way. the global community has come out in support for ukrainian refugees, raising not only attention to the humanitarian crisis, but also billions of dollars to help people displaced by the conflict. politicians
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and celebrities raised about $11000000000.00 in a recent international drive called stand up for your crane. the organizer say that more than $4000000.00 ukrainian refugees will receive funding from the event. it's an outpouring of support. unlike what's been seen regarding migrants from war to our nations in the middle east, the u. n. refugee agency drew attention to displaced nationals from war torn syria and recent report saying that last year it received less than half of the funding it needed to help them. and this year, only 7 percent we heard from syrians who spoke out against the west's apparent double standards in regard to their situation as they struggled to survive. this morning, president biden poised to come face to face with ukrainian survivors for the 1st time president today had refugees in the crowd of his big address. and he also met directly with ukrainian refugees at a stadium in warsaw. he visited a soccer stadium, turned into a refugee center in warsaw,
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where he got to top with mothers and children. these ukrainian refugee got a selfie with president biden, while about 3500000 syrian children who fled that country have been shunned by the u. s. president of how to vote, although the war in ukraine broke house a very short time ago, the u. s. president visited those ukranian refugees. in our case all they wanted to destroy our country. they never had about the refugees of displaced. we've been in distress for a while, but no one offered us. anyhow. we have been surrounded and suffered hunger, thirst, and extreme whether no one helped us, not even the americans. about 120000 bombs have been dropped on syria. rob by the us and allies, nearly 400000 syrian civilians have been killed while the u. s. is only accepted nearly $25000.00 syrian refugees. many accredited refugees were a law or worse to stay in europe, closure their homes. but we've also will welcome 100000 ukrainians. united states
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were the focus on reuniting families. but why is it because ukrainians look european this is a relatively civilized, relatively european. they look like any european family that you would live next door to. this is not a developing 3rd. well they said this is new york or is it because the us wouldn't like what syrian refugees would tell them? the american dream is aligned, there is no such thing. we're living on our land. what do they have to do with this? they hired bandits gave them money to control us law. one of the americans don't care of villians live or die. they only care about the militants. i definitely don't expect the u. s. president to visit us because he doesn't care about the syrian people. he doesn't care if we are hungry or not. all he seeks is his personal interest. energy prices have been skyrocketing in europe with no end in sight, amid suffocating sanctions against the world's largest fossil fuel exporter russia
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. around 18000000 households in the u. k. are expected to see their energy bills go up by more than 50 percent this month. some experts have started to draw frightening parallels with the energy crunch of the 1970s when a fuel shortage severely impacted people around the globe parties. maria national expense. the u. k is in crisis maurice johnson desperately looking for new sources of energy. he promises to build one nuclear, react a year, fix mistakes, so the britain is never blackmailed as he claims by russia. this is about tackling some of the other mistakes of, of the past and making sure that we are set well for the future. i will no longer subject to will never again subject to the vagaries of the global or gas price. we can't be subject to blackmail as it were from people such as, rather the uprooting. we have energy security here in the u. k. the mistakes of the
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past i felt deeply the situation is critical. the u. k has not had such problems since the energy crisis of the 19 seventy's. this really is a historic shock to real incomes. the shock from energy prices this year will be larger than every single year in the 19 seventy's. so what happened in the seventy's? the 1973 arab israeli war prompted an oil embargo by opec that led to a fuel shortage and resulted in global recession. the world suddenly realized just how dependent it was on the middle east and opec for its oil. brittany, suffering chronic inflation and rising prices. very similar to current inflation rates, vehicles fade limits, lines at petrol stations. i remember joining long queues to my local petrol station, ron or pinkerton, and being limited to a gallon or to a 4 star wellstar country was plunged into crisis. a few observes were saying that the answer to high prices is always high prices. and so it proved consumption was
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carved in the night to seventy's and supply grew dramatically back. then the government even urged citizens to hate only one room to save money. what is being offered now? something similar, the labor party quickly came up with a solution in the spirit of the seventy's correction energy rolling blackouts. the government should be preparing not necessarily in public for that situation. there is a lot of complacency in this country about the relative lower exposure to russian gas that we have. the labor proposal is far from universally popular, but forest found his own way out on april the 1st that government hiked electricity prices by 54 percent. at these to record 30 or inflation rate, and experts say hundreds of thousands of u. k citizens could be pushed below the poverty line. this will see a further 1300000 people fall into absolute poverty next year, including 500000 children. the 1st time britain has seen such
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a rise in poverty outside of recessions. so trying to correct what it calls the mistakes of the past. the u. k is now at risk of fallen into an even darker reality . fiercer protests have erupted in france after the presidential elections 1st round, ended with a mere 3 percent gap between incumbent and manual micron and right candidate marine the pen in the city of ren hundreds of people protested against both micron and le pen shouting anti fascist slogans. demonstrators were seen setting up barricades and starting a fire with significant police presence in place. it is estimated that route 500 people hit the streets of the french town following the election results. that you news for this hour. i went back and let's say 35 minutes with another phone. fresh look to stay with us. our international ah
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ah, ah. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on offense, bearing dramatic development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successfully, very critical time. time to sit down and talk it you know you feel you are booking spoke was etc more than the hope long. mm. wow. still up. i never stole crane's got out of yeah. who disposal it, had a bullet got missed the deal with a good you know,
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why would it be a lot of good news for you to pigeon? good. huge. but you're more difficult does was to like to set up a bus to reload the day of school or throw that then you shouldn't have been really well. yes, you said a speaker was potential 1st visit with somebody. see wayne lee could i do them by saying oh, is your media a reflection of reality? in the world transformed what will make you feel safe?
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isolation, whole community? are you going the right way? where are you being led? so direct. what is true? what is faith in the world corrupted? you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah ah ah ah
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. one welcome to world war. when the americans needed pakistan support than driving the soviets out of afghanistan, they quietly luby either way to allow islam of us to put the finishing touches to its nuclear bomb. fast forward some 40 years and the same actors, the same powers are at loggerheads here again, this time in the ukraine who's president earlier this year. and now he's countries intention to develop again, it's nuclear military capability. would the americans look away yet again? if it were to undermine moscow, well, to discuss that. and now in joined by assad dirani, former director general of pakistan's inter services intelligence. mr. dirani. thank you very much for your time. it's a great honor for me to talk to you. welcome,
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welcome. so now you were in charge of pakistan's intelligence services in the early 1991, the soviet union collapsed and a few years before that, i'm sure you're witness that followed the so it pull out from afghanistan. when you now hear western analyst compared the current operation to current russian operation, ukraine to you know, the previous one in afghanistan and some of them, i think, predicting that the consequences will be the same, that russia will be buried as a state in ukraine. what are your thoughts? do you think those are accurate? predictions did are many parallels between various situations. but of honda sun and who cream? i continue. cough a couple. anyone coming through a fun is fun. with the super showed the american sh. our neighborhood. we used to colored shooter, you tipped like scared for one score to clean the strategic depth of russia. you called the near abroad to be with nicole or, you know,
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the or go satellite nation who fell abroad. but all of us are concerned with what happens in your neighborhood. so we took a great risk the supporting the resistance agrees to super bus trowbridge unit that america 20 years in case of you could and there was absolutely no doubt for the last 10 years. we have seen in 2014 was the 1st crisis that this has been declared as the red lane. understandably, if witnessed, nettle the note was. next door's, it was bad enough that has come that far, but this is now the work. now if it happened, suddenly, you couldn't, didn't become a member of nato, then a contradict, then a guide because because then it is a member of the alliance and this inter, any, as far as moscow's consent, there is no difference between them being officially a member of neither or not being a member of neither as long as the western weaponry is being an provided into.


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