tv News RT April 11, 2022 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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ah, ah, pakistan's parliament lexia bound to read to replace the iran con is prime minister of the thousands of the ass did lead to supporters took to the streets to protest his removal from power. and what con has called us back to you as president biden's tip to up the pressure on new delia against supporting russia as and hold the virtual summit with india as prime minister russia says, here it is making launch the loft, it to attempt to evacuate is remaining radical trip mario pole with a dumbass city. now almost completely under russian control. we report from inside the bathroom parking here, especially ferocious,
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but these at least over now people are, once again, they're out in the streets, used as, as human shields with hello and welcome at 7 pm here in moscow. and this is our t international with the latest news update is good to have you with us. vladimir putin has wrapped up talks behind closed doors with austria and chancellor call they hammer over the crisis in ukraine. is the 1st face to face meeting between the russian presidents and an e u leader. since the start of the military operation, earlier, the austrian leader noticed that vienna had refused to arm ukraine so far, and called for more humanitarian corridors to evacuate civilians. just a cease fire and a prob, into possible war crimes. meanwhile, the head of the don, yes, peoples republic has declared an intensification of military action in dog bass in order to speed up an end to the fighting. as he noted that drawing out the conflict
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is affecting civilians, stuck in the crossfire. russia's offensive, and ukraine aims to stop the global dominance of the us. that's according to foreign minister. say, love wealth, who also say the west is using ukraine to suppress russia. graham's concrete, ukrainian crisis and of special military operation are designed to put an end to red cliff, the expansion and the pulse to complete domination of the united states and other western countries on the world stage. governance, which is built up with the grossest violations of international law, according to the rules that they set from case to case independence can be recognized in kosovo without a referendum. but in crimea after a referendum observed by hundreds of independent representatives of foreign countries, it is impossible in iraq, 10000 kilometers from the united states, they imagined a threat to their american security. they bombed it, did not find any threat and did not even apologize when the nazis and radicals are being raised on our borders. we're not allowed to react to this thread. it's not
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just about ukraine. and the fact that ukraine is being made to spring board for the final suppression of russia and the subordination of russia to the global system that the west was building on which, despite the end of the cold war, was moving close to a borders the international monetary fund has opened and administered count to, to provide, don't of funding to ukraine, something the i m f, cause quote, a secure vehicle for financial assistance to kiev is, comes despite ukraine's well documented reputation is one of europe. smith's corrupt countries raising questions were exactly the don't. the money will ends up . well, let's bring it out. correspondent ratio blevins. now. rachel, get great to see. does it look like the i m f is fully prepared to follow the money in ukraine? you know, it doesn't just yet, and it's been notable to see this new trend of western countries looking for additional ways to show their support for ukraine. and there have been increasing
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calls for international financial institutions like the i in that to step in and cancel ukraine's debt. however, the i in math has yet to sign on for that kind of the plan. and that could notably be because the ukrainian government owes the ion that more than $13000000000.00 with more than $2000000000.00 in debt payments due this year alone. however, the i in that as said that they plan on creating a new account so that donors can send their funds to ukraine, which is notably one of the most corrupt countries in the world. the government of canada has proposed up to $1000000000.00 canadian dollars in the recent federal budget to be disbursed to ukraine through the administered account. and the account is available for use by any other members. as well as inter governmental agencies and organizations who wish to use it as a vehicle to provide financial assistance to ukraine. so how much of that money could be embezzled? then is the i m f aware of the concerns? well, the short answer there is yes. in fact, just one year ago,
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the i m f announced that it would be putting a pause on funding to ukraine because of concerns over ramp and corruption. and those problems surround book ukrainian president zalesky and some of his close friends with the i m. s. even admitting back in 2019, they would have to put a stop to loan disbursement in the country because of the fact that there were more than $15000000000.00 in stolen fund. and the i m f, notably admitted that it didn't have confidence that you were his government would recover that money. now back in 2016, the i, and that's also said that it would deny requests for a full bill out from ukraine with the funds on presidents saying that kind of action would not be considered until the corruption stopped. i am concerned about ukraine slow progress in improving governance and fighting corruption and reducing the influence of vested interests in policy making without just substantial new
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effort to invigorate governance reforms and fight corruption. it is hard to see how the i m. s supported program can continue and be successful. however, zelinski is calling the i am asked to ignore all of those concerns and to instead send more money. he appears to be calling on the world to forget about the billions of dollars in stolen money. and to do that, just as many of them have forgotten about the presence of neo nazi malicious in his own military when they agreed to send more weapon. however, while there have been many western governments that have been quit to comply the iron that has not yet forgotten about just how much money they are owed by ukraine . way too many thanks for the update that thought either way too blevins. ah, a pakistan parliament has elected a new prime minister should been sharif, who's being called a western friendly politician. though comes off the 10s of thousands took to the
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streets across pakistan to protest the ousting of populace leda in rank con ah, the parliament, how the votes have no confidence on saturday, against con, following weeks of political standoff with opponents criticizing his economic and foreign policies however, con insists the motion against him was rooted in the us backed conspiracy. he's also said he won't recognize the legitimacy of his replacement. the u. s. has denied the allegations of having to fade in the motion against con, saying it respects pakistan's rule of law. but some office supposes suspect he also says that bunkers time kingston's legitimate government has been removed after us
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interference all the institutions, including the judiciary, assisted in this, those same thieves and looters have been imposed on us again. when i'm making you de paula. so a bolt leads a now life, and we don't want our hopes to and our children now struggling like how we did it. we want to tell the hell would this is not a democratic way to end to government. what does america think? they will bias audio, but they won't happen. everyone should trace their voice against the decision by monday voting pakistan's. parliament went ahead without any of him. ron kong, lawmakers who resigned in protest over his ouster, i discussed the legitimacy of the country's ne prime minister with ortiz asana boycott. who interviewed con during his recent visit to moscow. the latest developments on pakistan, well the shipper sharif, as we know, it's just been appointed prime minister. however ahead of the votes, all of console makers resigned on mass in protest of the proceedings. so just how
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legitimate is this new prime minister in your eyes? well, i'm not back assigning supreme court then it's, it's hard to, to get to this point. but as you pointed out before, it comes up to weeks and weeks of political in fighting the new interim prime minister because he's appointed until the next election. so i think that we just laid it either at the end of this year or perhaps early next year. he will be in power for a couple of months, but he comes from a very rich family. he is a younger brother of nova sharif, who served as package cents per minute to 3 times was out if austin ousted once. and he also had the corruption charges pressed against him before and he's now residing in london and for where he remains involved in pakistan. is internal politics, his younger brother is set to be of similar persuasion. i wouldn't describe him
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necessarily as distinctly pro western. i think pakistani pull to policy at this point of time is more or less a month of actual it's very, very closely tied to china. and perhaps it will stay that way. but whether or not this would bring in that to the in fighting political and fighting yet to see. because there speculations that for example, pakistan's corruption or bureau a may bring some charges against the, the new prime minister. and it also remains to be seen what the army thinks about him, because traditionally been of us family has had this somewhat contested relationship with the army. and as the saying goes, there many countries that have an army, but there's only $11.00 army that has a state. and this is pakistan because of the role of pat tennis military in the, in the politics of that country has always been pretty substantial. i remember not long ago watching your interview with him, randa, on fantastic interview, of course. so you probably have
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a better insight into the character. his personality. it looks like he's going to fight this to literally, there is no doubt about it as you've already shown, the videos of enormous crowds that coalesce in his mama by then some other cities. he has a lot of popular support that you describe him as a populous politician. i would slightly disagree. i think he's popular and he has invested a lot in both in his capacity as prime minister and before that in the benefiting the poor and in the country. and trying to provide social safety net, but he's already said that he's going to fight till the end, then he's likely to remain a formidable force in, in the opposition. then perhaps we'll run in the next elections as well. pakistan is a democracy, but there are, there are so many actors. they're both in parliament, the supreme court, the military, the intelligence. and there are also numerous accusations of foreign, my billing, emer, i'm himself said that he's political faith or you know,
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the current political faith is a result of a for in a, the coo and he specifically accused the united states. uh, madeline cavan mentioned one specific official, donald lee who is assistant secretary of state in charge of. busy south and central asian affairs, a man who's been working a lot in our region. and that a lots and lots of speculations that this ousting of enron has a lot to do with pakistan. making its foreign policy far more multi vectors and trying not to distance itself from the united states. they still are in favor of strong ties with america, but also branching out to china, russia and the rest. as you mentioned, i had a chance to interview him last month, and i hope we can run the one of the eclipse from that interview. let me just go
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back at history. when the cold war was, you know, ravaging the whole of the world, the world was divided into blocks like a son moved into the united states. we became part of the block in the cold war with the u. s. india actually stead neutral. but it was very close to the soviets. now when i look back, i think initially august and needed help because of when we became independent, we way bob rushed the millions of refugees and bugs on. we needed help. but you know, beyond 10 years or so, we shouldn't then be non aligned, independent country. us stood on feet, not rely on a we became part of a blog because we got for an aide. when you look back for an aide is a good for a country because you do not fix your systems. you do not raise your never revenue
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. you don't increase your export. you rely on hand out and it stops a country evolving and developing and becoming self reliant. so the world being divided into cold war blocks and bugs and becoming part of a block. when you look back at it stopped us from developing as a country. it does seem as though emron cons popularity is c, like with the west really did a u turn after he came to moscow in february and met with president peterson. i suppose it went downhill even before that and he himself, um is pretty open about it. he said that it was important for him and for pakistan to have an independent and multi vector all foreign policy, which includes ties with china, ties with russia, a joint attempt to do something about afghanistan. he was very, very passionate about it. and he was also very open that pakistan's reliance on the
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united states and, you know, cause pakistan a lot and gave very little i'm in, it's not the secret. the americans, the central look the way and, and allowed pakistan to develop a nuclear bomb in return for pakistan is support for the arming of mcgahey the in, in, in afghanistan during the, this soviet campaign there. and from then on pakistan to play the very active role in the american lads war on terror, but they've meant ha, tens of thousands of dad for pakistani, lost a lot of lost revenues. a lot of last infrastructure. and when i was in pakistan last time, you know, with the questions that many people and analyst and officials are asking. and you know, it's sort of a rhetorical question, but they're essentially saying that they've done a lot for america. but what has america done for us, and then not too many eloquent answers to that question. it's ultimately about,
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you know, how global security is organized and whether there is one country that decides everything or whether, you know, some sort of compromise or a certain arrangement could be achieved as a result of original consensus. and in brown han has been a pakistan as well as many other regional players have been very, very open and our desire to finally bring peace to eurasia, which means developing economic ties with each other and with afghanistan. so which i think americans were not particularly excited about, and you know, that both russia and i have to say many people in asia and south asia believe that the current events in ukraine is not just the, you know, by lexical russian ukrainian struggle, they're a part of the much bigger struggle for, you know, more multi polar world is something that allows for peace and stability. not the
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only on the american terms, but, you know, bringing all the actors and all the decision decision making says fighting wages on inside the city as marielle, paul and don, yet republic with the russian military. thank he has been trying to pull out near nazi as of battalion shapes from the battle russian. antonia, it's for public official say most of mary i'll pull is now in the hands ukrainian. president lensky recently told the associated press that the city is at quite the heart of this war, because the outcome of the battle could define upcoming peace negotiations are senior correspondent, my gas damp reports from the area. as you can see, we have been able to reach the water front. here in the middle, almost the geographic middle of mario bullhead city. race means that the ukrainian forces in the city itself have now been split into at least 2 pots. perhaps more because they're in the distance. eas,
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viaz of steel and iron works, industrial complex which is where thousands of ukrainian nationalists are making their stand we. we don't want to walk out to the water front because there's merely a kilometer between us and the as of steel, industrial complex, which is well within range of a good sigh. but on the other side is the port of mario book, which is where another group of ukrainian forces troops as well as nationalist elements of also being surrounded. they have already lost a significant part of the ports which has been liberated by russian forces. but again, this means that a significant amount of ukrainian troops have now been split and encircled. it all came at a tremendous cost. ukrainian nationalists made fortresses out of people's homes and
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neighborhoods, even as they forbid them from leaving those homes under the penalty of death. human shields on top of scorched earth. this is the right bank of mary you, pal, or but downtown and city center fighting here was especially ferocious. but these at least over now people are once again that the streets no longer hiding in basement. some of them with what possessions they have left on cards, their apartments and houses burned. some buildings are more or less. okay . others, as you can see, are completely destroyed, burned, and on the verge of collapse. mere streets away now are the, there is, you know, the fighting the combat yet. people here. they that him so much as turn and local
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or flinch. uh the sounds of explosions and gunfire. wherever you go and liberated areas. todd and weary civilians pull cards piled with their possessions, all firewood, all loaded with water. for weeks they had been unable to do even that. now that the shock and horror of battle have worn off, they speak frankly, hubert hinora enough. they used us as human shields. there's national monsters with dr. intel residential neighborhoods. fire something very loud than run away before the return. fire came. they used us and even took away our food. it's the same story all over the city. the nationalists, who are predominantly from western regions of ukraine, have always viewed the pro russian east of the country with disdain. oh, they despised us. we all knew it. even children,
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they would make them sing the ukrainian anthem before and after lessons. and if they refused, their grades would be lowered and the parents were too scared to complain when booth and spoke of genocide in ukraine against russian peoples and russian culture . this is what he meant. the kidnappings, the secret prisons and torture, the brain, washing of thousands, western press ignored this. people were too scared to cry out for help. you said you've got years, they told us. if we have to retreat my room, what to city of the face of the at the national i sent this to us me back in 2014. i remember the national nest fast to pete and our city, a woman in the keel had been gay fest called amount defenders. and one of them turned around and told her who sadly came here to defend g with come to make mincemeat out of ye. and that's what they're doing now, where i'd gazda of our tea from mario bull. and the fighting in ukraine has even
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hit convents bombing erects this religious building and surrounding homes. and they don't yet sweeten village. local said, the ukrainian army has been firing from the vicinity of the village with ukrainian uniforms and munitions about them as they retreated. one untold his key have use his will seem to be false for bombs, a controversial weapon in international law due to its ability to rapidly burn through the body, causing organ failure and extreme and extremely painful death. the shelling began at the beginning of march on march 14th a bomb. it looks like phosphorus because everything shone and burned hit the house of our father, the founder of this monastery. the next day it hit our monastery. americans are running everything in ukraine, thus according to a french journalist who's spoken out after spending 8 days covering the situation in the country from kiev side of the conflict between dish and boston,
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surprised me on the volunteers when we realized that if someone was to join the ranks of the defending ukrainians, they need approval from the americans were almost arrested. an american came up and said, i'm in charge here. me not the ukrainians. he didn't even introduce himself. he's a veteran of the iraq war. i checked his mentioned in a recent article of le figaro, he behaved rudely that 1st he wanted to kick us out. he ordered to take sim cards out of phones. basically the americans control ukraine, not the u. s. army, of course, but unofficially or thought will be with international brigades, but in the end we came up against the pentagon. some western journalists have also started to question the mainstream media's interpretation of events in ukraine. american and european outlets were quick to accused russia of killing civilians in butcher before any sort of investigation had even taken place. moscow says the atrocities in the town were apparently staged by keith, an attempt to scapegoat moscow. and italian journalist who is reported both from
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ukraine and on bass as the administration of boucher should be questions on what actually happens in douglas, mayer of butcher was interviewed on april the 1st when he returned to the city and he was smiling. i don't know if you send that video where the smiling mayor went on television and said, i have finally returned to the city which was finally been liberated. he was smiling and he didn't mention any dead bodies. speaking in another interview, this time to i t ga bianchi also said the western media is version of events in butcher doesn't hold water pin bellini. sure. so i didn't see any classes between the russian military and local. the russian soldiers are in the oldest to behave decently and kindly to watch the local population. i don't see any reason why the russian army with no treaty crate and civilians. my immediate doubt is due to the delay of information from butcher. the initial reports about dead bodies came only after a substantial amount of time had passed since the russian left the area. why didn't anyone report about those buddies earlier? why was there such a delay?
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there are a lot of things that don't make sense and there is no direct evidence to connect the russian army with any of these crimes. none. i can't believe that the professional trained russian army would engage in such an incident with civilians in a territory that he wanted to manage. the russian army can't allow even the slightest mistake, because the with media are there waiting for a convenient moment to cut the blame against russia. that's why russia could not have behaved in such a way that all the nato will further beef up its long term military presence on the eastern border created a battle group able to repel invasion. that's according to the blogs chief who claims the block needs a reset. what we see now is a new reality, a new normal for european security. therefore, we have now off the military commanders to provide options for what we call the reset. a longer term adaptation of nato military alliance has already, massively pierce. it is presence in the region with $40000.00 troops now in the
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area between the voltage and black seas. and so some berg had already pledged to send more investigative journalist rick sterling thinks such actions will only escalate the situation. i believe it will make it worse. the conflict in ukraine is a direct result of the u. s. promoted coo and 2014 and the subsequent militarization. the nato training of ultra nationalists and neo nazis in ukraine in supplying more and more lethal weaponry. the war and ukraine would not have happened, of nato had not persistently threatened and provoked russia. now, nato was saying they're going to escalate the tension and threats even more by placing proof for it on the border. when russia did nothing but verbally complain, they kept increasing their threats against russia. and now they are doing this even more. it's not going to be a reset, it's an escalation of the,
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of the threats and aggression by nato. thank a company here when i see a national, we'll be back in 30 minutes with the long when i would show the wrong. why don't just don't the rules? yes, to shape out the thing because the after an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves, well the part we choose to look so common ground in oh is your media a reflection of reality in
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the world transformed what will make you feel safer? high selection for community. are you going the right way, or are you being led somewhere? direct. what is true? wharf is great. in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. n b. c. news reports us intelligence agencies have been deliberately lawn, brainstorming, stories about the one ukraine through the media. those of us who have watch carefully the conflict suspected this all along. when you're losing an argument or
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the 1st line of defense is to law. look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. and the point obviously is to great trust, rather than fear i would like to take on various job with artificial intelligence, real summoning with a robot must protect its own existence with oh, ah, nice to come to the russian state. total narrative. i've stivers,
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i'm phoning the most landscape div knocking also sunset for a coup in a $55.00 would be speedo, cancel nineties to final speedy when else was about with we will van in the european union, the kremlin media machine. the state aren't russia to date and split the r t spoke neck. even our video agency roughly all band to on you to send me to school. the question, did you even close the channels with me.
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