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tv   News  RT  April 11, 2022 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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ah, ah, pakistan's parliament, a leg, a reef to replace the enron con his prime minister of thousands of be ousted leaders. supporters took to the streets to protest his removal from power. and what's con has called us back with you as president biden tips to up the pressure on new daily against the whole thing. russia holds a virtual from it with india's prime minister. russia is making love pitch attempts to evacuate the remaining radical trips from mario pope . with the dorm by city now, almost completely under russian control. we report from inside the parking here booth, especially ferocious views,
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at least over now people off was again route mistreats. they used us as human shields with hello and welcome. it's a pm here in moscow, and this is asi international with the latest world news update. now, austria's chancellor, how stressed the importance of safe humanitarian corridors inside ukraine, which should be upheld by russia? coney hammer made the statement during immediate briefing following talks with president putin in moscow, is the 1st visit of an e you, leader to russia since the conflict in ukraine erupted in late february. meanwhile, the head of the don, yes, peoples republic has declared to the intensification of military action in dumbass in order to speed up an end to the fighting. as he noted that drawing out the conflict is affecting civilians, stuck in the crossfire. ah,
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i cosigns parliament has elected a new prime minister abbas to reef who's been called a western friendly politician. the vote comes off the 10s of thousands took to the streets across pakistan to protest the outs. think of populace leda m ron con. ah, the parliament held a vote of no confidence on saturday against con, following weeks of political stand off with opponents criticizing his economic on foreign policies. however, con insists the motion against him was rooted in a u. s. box conspiracy. he's also said he won't recognize the legitimacy of his replacement. the u. s. has denied the allegations of having to fade in the motion against. com. thank it, respects pakistan's rule of law. but some of his supporters suspect the opposite.
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hassan pakistan's, legitimate government, has been removed after us interference all the institutions, including the judiciary, assisted in this, those same thieves and looters have been imposed on us again. a mag you de paula. so a bolt leads and now lives. and we don't want our hopes to and our children now struggling like how we did. we want to tell the hell would this is not a democratic way to and to government. what does america think? they will bias, but that won't happen. every once she traced their voice against the decision. monday's vote in pakistan's parliament went ahead without any of him. ron cons. lawmakers who resigned in protest over his ouster, i discussed the legitimacy of the country's ne prime minister without his oksana boy co who interviewed con during his recent visit to moscow. to the latest developments on pakistan, well, the shipper sharif, as we know,
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has just been appointed prime minister. however, ahead of the votes, all of console makers resigned on mass in protest of the proceeding. so just how legitimate is this new prime minister in your eyes? well, i'm not, there pakistan a supreme court then it's, it's hard to, to get to this point. but as you pointed out before, it comes up to weeks and weeks of political in fighting the new interim prime minister because appointed until the next election. so i think that we just laid it either at the end of this year or perhaps early next year. he will be in power for a couple of months, but he comes from a very rich family. he is a younger brother of nova sharif, who served as package sounds permanent to 3 times, was out of it ousted once, and then he also had the corruption charges pressed against him before. and he's now residing in london and from where he remains involved in
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pakistan. is internal politics, his younger brother is set to be of similar persuasion. i wouldn't describe him necessarily as distinctly pro western. i think pakistani pull to policy at this point of time is more or less that multi actual it's very closely tied to china and perhaps it will stay that way. but whether or not this would bring in that to the in fighting political infighting. we are yet to see because there speculations that for example, back to sounds corruption, bureau a may bring some charges against the, the new prime minister. and it also remains to be seen what the army thinks about him. because traditionally dean of os family has had this somewhat contested relationship with the army. and as the saying goes, there are many countries that have an army, but there's only $11.00 army that has a state and this is pakistan because of the role of pat stan is military in the, in the politics of the country has always been pretty substantial i remember not so
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long ago watching your interview with him, randa, on fantastic interview, of course. so you probably have a better insight into the garden, his character, his personality. it looks like he's going to fight this. absolutely. there is no doubt about it as you've already shown, the videos of enormous crowds that call us in as momma by then some other cities. he has a lot of popular support that you describe him as a populous politician. i would slightly disagree. i think he's popular and he has invested a lot in both in his capacity as prime minister and before that in the benefiting the poor and in the country and trying to provide social safety net. but he's already said that he's going to fight till the end, then he's likely to remain a formidable force in, in the opposition. and perhaps we'll run in the next elections as well. pakistan is a democracy, but there are, there are so many actors. they're both in parliament,
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the supreme court, the military intelligence, and there are also numerous accusations of foreign meddling him around himself. said that his political faith or you know, the current political faith is a result of a 4 in a, the coo and he specifically accused the united states um meddling cave. in the mentioned one specific official, donald lee who is assistant secretary of state in charge of. busy south and central asian affairs, a man who's been working a lot in our region. and that a lots and lots of speculations that this ousting of iran has a lot to do with pakistan. making its foreign policy far more multi vectors and trying not to distance itself from the united states. they still are in favor of strong ties with america, but also branching out to china, russia and the rest. as you mentioned, i had a chance to interview him last month,
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and i hope we can run the one of the eclipse from that interview. let me just go back at history. when the goal was, you know, ravaging the whole of the world, the world was divided into blocks like a son moved into the united states. we became part of the block in the cold war with the u. s. india actually stared neutral, but it was very close to the soviets. now, when i look back, i think initially august, i needed help because of when we became independent, we way bob rushed. the millions of refugees and bug is done. we needed help. but you know, beyond 10 years or so, we shouldn't then be non aligned, independent country. us stood on feet, not rely on a we became part of a block because we got for an aide. when you look back for an aide is a good for
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a country because you do not fix your systems. you do not raise your never revenue . you don't increase your export. you rely on hand out and it stops a country evolving and developing and becoming self reliant. so the world being divided into cold war blocks and bug sun becoming part of a block. when you look back at it stopped us from developing as a country. it does seem as though him run cons, popularity is c, like with the west really did you turn after he came to moscow in february and met with president peterson. i suppose it went downhill even before that and he himself, um is pretty open about it. he said that it was important for him, for pakistan to have an independent and multi vector on foreign policy, which includes ties with china, ties with russia,
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a joint attempt to do something about afghanistan. he was very, very passionate about it. and he was also very open that package sounds reliance on the united states and you know, cost pakistan a lot and gave very little i'm in, it's not the secret. the americans, the central look the way it allowed pakistan to develop a nuclear bomb in return for pakistan is support for the arming of mcgahey dean in, in afghanistan, during the, this soviet campaign there. and from then on pakistan to play the very active role in the american lads war on terror. but the men ha, tens of thousands of dad for pakistani lost a lot of lost revenues. a lot of last infrastructure. and when i was in pakistan last time, you know, with the questions that many people and analyst and officials are asking. and you know, it's sort of a rhetorical question,
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but they're essentially saying that we've done a lot for america. but what has america done for us and then not too many eloquent answers to that question. it's ultimately about, you know, how lobel security is organized and whether there is one country that decides everything or whether, you know, some sort of compromise or a certain arrangement could be achieved as a result of regional consensus. and iran han has been a pakistan as well as many other regional players have been very, very open and desire to finally bring peace to eurasia, which means developing economic ties with each other. and with afghanistan, one which i think americans were not particularly excited about. and you know that both russia and i have to say many people in asia in south asia believe that the current events in ukraine is not just the, you know, bilateral, russian, ukraine and struggle. they're part of a much bigger struggle for, you know,
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more multi polar world is something that allows for peace and stability. not the only on the american terms, but, you know, bringing all the actors and all the decision. decision maker ah fist fighting wages on inside the city of marianna, hellena don, yes, republic, with the russian military. st. key as has been trying to pull out near nancy as a battalion shapes from the battle russian and on. yes, for public official say, most of mary, i'll police now in their hands. he cranium president lensky. recent, he told the associated press to the city. is that close the heart of this war? because the outcome of the battle could define upcoming. he's negotiations on season like gas damp reports from the area. as you can see, we have been able to reach the water front. here in the middle, almost the geographic middle of mario bo city. rece means that the ukrainian forces
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in the city itself have now been split into at least 2 pots, perhaps more because they're in the distance ease viaz of steel and darn works. industrial complex, which is where thousands of ukrainian nationalists are making their stand we, we don't want to walk out to the water front because there's merely a kilometer between us and the as of steel, industrial complex, which is well within range of a good sigh. but on the other side is the port of mario book, which is where another group of ukrainian forces troops as well as naturalist elements of also being surrounded. they have already lost a significant part of the port, which has been liberated by russian forces. but again, this means that a significant amount of ukrainian troops of now being split hadn't encircled it all,
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came at a tremendous cost. ukrainian nationalists made fortresses out of people's homes and neighborhoods even as they forbid them from leaving those homes under the penalty of death. human shield on top of scorched us. this is the right bank of marble or but downtown and city center fighting here was especially ferocious. but these at least over now people are once again that the streets no longer hiding in basement. some of them with what possessions they have left on cards, their apartments and houses burned. some buildings are more or less. okay. others, as you can see, are completely destroyed, burned, and on the verge of collapse. mir streets away. now, there are the, there is,
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you know, the fighting the combat yet people here they that him so much as turn and local or flinch at the sound of explosions and gunfire. wherever you go and liberated areas, todd and weary civilians pull carts piled with their possessions or firewood, all loaded with water. for weeks they had been unable to do even that. now that the shock and horror of battle have worn off, they speak frankly. he was here now in that they used us as human shields. there's national monsters would drive in town residential neighborhoods, fire something very loud than run away before the return. fire came. he used us and even took away our food here. it's the same story all over the city. the nationalists, who are predominantly from western regions of ukraine, have always viewed the pro russian east of the country with disdain. they
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despised us, we all knew it even children, they would make them sing the ukrainian anthem before and after lessons. and if they refused, their grades would be lowered and the parents were too scared to complain. when boots spoke of genocide in ukraine against russian peoples and russian culture, this is what he meant. the kidnappings, the secret prisons and torture, the brain, washing of thousands, western press ignored this. people were too scared to cry out for help. you said you've got years, they told us. if we have to retreat, we will. what to city of the face of the at the national i sent this to us me back in 2014. i remember the nationalist fest to paint and now city it women in the keel at them gave fest called amal defenders. and one of them turned around and told her who sadly came here to defend g with come to make mincemeat out of ye. and that's
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what they're doing now. where i'd gazda of all t for mario bull. as front lines continue to shift inside ukraine and don bass. kiss, forces are on the hunt for so called collaborates as you've been helping russian forces. parties were on cars or ever explains how some locals have been caught in the crossfire. the nature of war is that a land is worn and last one again, and a last, again, front lines moved. valium, the fighting. that's what's going on right now in ukraine. compare the maps from the 29th of march and today. and you'll see that the russian forces have withdrawn from areas in the north. the kremlin says it's a gesture of good will to keep negotiations on track. the thing is said, troops move on, but the people, the civilians while they stay behind. so we ask of what is awaiting those ukrainians, who now find themselves back in ukrainian hands. well,
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nothing good. if you listen to president vladimir zalinski, when you bought the dublin lemming, my message to them is simple. responsibility for collaboration is inevitable. whether tomorrow or the day after tomorrow is a secondary issue. the main thing is, the inevitability, the justice will be restored. therefore everyone who became a traitor can already register somewhere and resolve so, and that will be problems for cooperation with them or with the occupiers directly . this is the last moines. the message from the ukranian president is clear. if you did anything that might be seen as collaborating with the russians, you're in trouble so much so that you better run. now. his advisor is should as similar, chilling warning, urging people to boast private information of the so called collaborators. so that they could be dealt with. but so what does collaboration mean?
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anyone who spoke russian, anyone who took food from the russian army or any one who didn't put on a pro ukrainian blue arm band and stared down russian tanks. well, we've reportedly already seen the ukranian force, his attitude towards these people in boucher. i have the russians who at air with an inspection to see where civilians are. they saw the children asked if he were hungry if we had met sand and so on. as a result, stay later brought tea of their kits and literally an hour later, how has we'll shout after that? of course we realized that we needed to leave a number of those killed in boucher. we're wearing a white arm, band signifier, their pro russian stands as just days after the cranium forces officially announced that said they were doing a sweep for russian accomplices, and the russian defense ministry is warning that says similar scenes will play out in other towns. this mertsa, this approach to those who weren't chanting so love
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o grania or glory to ukraine in english as started as soon as the war broke out. according to the interior ministry on just the 2nd day of the war, 6 c, so called sabbath tours were killed in kiev, and the even foreign journalists have been unable to deny that the atmosphere of suspicion has had fatal consequences. with the civilians are taken justice into their own hands. that problem will be widespread, given that key of handed out guns to any one who take them and also release criminals from prisons to help their war effort. where are they now and who is monitoring them? no one knows in the capsule, especially the paranoia was so high that armed civilians, volunteers as that were cold, reportedly inspired by the metrics roam the streets shaken people's accents. in particular, in a war it says civilians who always pay the highest the ultimate price. it certainly
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looks like ukrainian civilians will find themselves that sorry, of kias, vengeful forces, who, ironically claim they are ukraine's protectors. ramon cosser m r t. done as people's republic. lottie has received a voice recording of a former ukrainian politician. he was killed in the ukrainian city of boucher a back than ukraine was great to put the blame on russia that the recording apparently predict it predicted exactly this, that the politicians eventual killing would be pinned on mosca. let's get more dee's house from our correspondence. don't caught it now. don't good to see. what exactly do we know about this recording sofa? well, this recording that we got our hands on appears to show a conversation between russian forces and former ukrainian peoples deputy alexander or job ski. now to remind our viewers or shops, he was an outspoken, the pro russian politician who lived in the town of boucher and on march 27th. the
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ukrainian authorities confirmed that he had been killed and of course, accused russian troops of being responsible for that. his relative say that unfortunately he was killed right in front of his wife and his sister, and he's now buried in the courtyard of his home. but going back to that audio recording and it appears to portray russian troops actually insisting that they evacuate or job ski from the area because of that he's been in, he's now considered a traitor to specifically ukrainian nationalist forces. so let's take a listen to a snippet of that audio recording. you will return home now. yes. do you expect any problems? because our leadership is very afraid for your life off do you have been with us? and in order to avoid any incident later, when you return home and then they find you dead and pin all this on our leadership, a decision will probably be made to relocate you to where there is water, food, and heating away from here, from boucher. i won't run away from my home. it is not necessary.
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i am at home now with my family. i am not afraid of what will be will be it must be treated philosophically and look butcher has been taken. who will go after me? do you think there is a kind of a saboteur sitting somewhere sharpening his knife. as we heard from that audio recording, shasky in the end decided not to leave his home despite the threat of being attacked after his town of butcher was reclaimed by key. and key of ended up accusing russia of war crimes without putting forward any hard evidence. let's not forget or zowalski was an outspoken opponent of the neo nazis in his country. and also collaborated with the russian forces to bring humanitarian aid into boucher after it had fallen. under russian control. so another thing that he said before he died in that audio recording is that he had a gun and that he was going to defend himself and his family, if it came to it,
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done the recent deadly missile attack on the train station in the dorm varsity of climate tours was also quickly blamed on russia, but there wasn't an investigation most right. this is just another example of how key of has been blaming russia for everything under the bright blue sky without putting forward any hard evidence. when d cremmit tourist train station was hit by a missile last week, he did the same thing, but it actually turned out that this missile was a tortuga you missile that was only in service and is still only in service in the ukrainian military in terms of this conflict, the russian military doesn't use this missile. and then the italian journalist even took a picture of the serial number on the casing of that very missile. proving that it was part of the same missile family that ukraine's been using against the done yet can lugens over the past 8 years, even before the russian special operation began. so that report made its rounds across italian media and basically showed the world that it's important not to jump
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to conclusions in times of war. i see corresponding dawn quarter. many thanks. the, the international monetary fund has opened and administered account to provide dona funding to ukraine, something the i m. s. calls quote, a secure vehicle for financial assistance to key if this comes despite ukraine's well documented. reputation is one of europe's most corrupt countries. raising questions over where exactly the donor money will end up. rachel blevins has a date house been notable to see this new trend of western countries looking for additional ways to show their support for ukraine. and there have been increasing calls for international financial institutions like the i enough to step in and cancel ukraine's debt. however, the i m f has yet to sign on for that kind of a plan. and that couldn't notably be because the ukranian government owes the i and that more than $13000000000.00 with more than $2000000000.00 in debt payments due
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this year alone. however, the i and that said that they plan on creating a new account so that donors can send their funds to ukraine, which is notably one of the most corrupt countries in the world. the government of canada has proposed up to $1000000000.00 canadian dollars in the recent federal budget to be disbursed to ukraine through the administered account. and the account is available for use by any other members, as well as inter governmental agencies and organizations who wish to use it as a vehicle to provide financial assistance to ukraine. so how much of that money could be embezzled and is the i m f aware of the concerns? well, the short answer there is yes. in fact, just one year ago, the i m f. and now that it would be putting a pause on funding to ukraine because of concerns over rampant corruption and those problems surround both ukrainian president zalinski and some of his close friends with the i m f. even admitting back in 2018 that he would have to put
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a stop to loans disbursements in the country because of the fact that there were more than $15000000000.00 in stolen funds. and the i m f, notably admitted that it didn't have confidence that zelinski or his government would recover money. now back in 2016 at the i m f also said that it would deny request for a full bill out from ukraine with the funds own presidents saying that kind of action would not be considered until the corruption stopped. i am concerned about ukraine slope grass in improving governance and fighting corruption and reducing the influence of vested interests in policy making without just substantial new effort to invigorate governance reforms and fight corruption. it is hard to see how the i m. s supported program can continue and be successful. wednesday is calling the i am asked to ignore all of those concerns and who instead and more money he appears to be calling on the world to forget about the billions of dollars in
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stolen money. and to do that, just as many of them have forgotten about the presence of new, not the militias in his own military when they agreed to send more weapon. however, while there have been many western governments that have been quit to comply the i m that has not yet forgotten about just how much money they are owed by ukraine. thanks joining us there are naughty international. we're back to stay in just over 30 minutes with the very latest to see them. oh, ah.
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ah . n b c, news reports us intelligence agencies. i've been deliberately laundering foamy stories about the one ukraine through the media. those of us who have watch carefully in the conflict suspected this all along. when you're losing an argument or the 1st line of defense is to lie with a, with
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dime african retention your what you're going on the ground, the team. and i will be back soon with a brand new look, despite nature nation and you censorship. but until then, we'll be showing some of your favorite shows of the season so far coming up with his show, his russia, the most sanctioned country in the world, overtaking iran. we asked around universities, professor mohammed mirandi about the effects of economic warfare and how ukraine may permanently shake up world power politics as brittany, you and usa, poor arms and to ukraine to fight russia. and as the internet.


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