tv News RT April 13, 2022 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT
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ah ah, there is of battalion reportedly on the brink of defeat in the besieged, ukrainian city of matter. you both, we take a closer look at media coverage of the far right power military force. not the crew is on the ground, didn't matter. you pull calling humanitarian efforts to help local people with over in pakistan. also prime minister in ron, call and launch is a campaign to mobilize the supports on the street. the bonding new elections, the code returning to power. ah,
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you're watching r t international. my name is peter scotts, and wherever you joiners from welcome to 30 minutes of news and analysis, the russian defense minister says the ports in the besieged ukrainian city of mario pole is under the control of russian lead forces. as following incense battles with fights is from the nationalist of battalion. it's added all hostages, including foreign nationals, allegedly held by as of fights in the ports and surrounding ships have been released, remaining units of the hours of battalion have apparently been surrounded and prevented from retreating. the former paramilitary units since 2014, a part of the ukrainian military as featured, predominantly in the media are sees, don't call it the looks of the units background. not long ago, westerners were mostly in agreement that the neo nazi as our battalion was horrific . after all, who wouldn't be upset with statements like this one?
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the ukrainian nation's mission is to lead the white races of the world in a final crusade against semite lead. under mention, that was a quote from andre bill etzky, one of as offs founders. and it's 1st commander in 2014, he was elected to parliament and served for 5 years despite the whole country. knowing that he founded not only patriots of ukraine, but also the social national assembly. these were 2 neo nazi organizations that became known for a tax on ukrainian minority groups around the same time as off was integrated into the national guard making ukraine. the only country in the world to have neo nazi regiments in the official armed forces. and president vladimir zalinski still doesn't seem to lose any sleep over that. a soft battalion that is said to be nazi affiliated organization, operating as a militia in your country, said to be committing their own atrocities. razzles was one of those many battalions. did. he will need yield, they are what they are in 2018 as off sister organization called national drew gina
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was rolled out and it became a modern equivalent to hitler's brown shirts and pledged undying loyalty to bull. etzky wasn't long before they also began to terrorize ukraine's minority populations. the drew gina quickly distinguished itself by carrying out to graham's against the roman and l. g. b t organizations and storming a municipal council. earlier this year, g of announced a neo nazi unit will be monitoring pulls in next month presidential election. ukraine's former interior minister and close friend of bl, etzky quickly gave national regina his full support. while the growing piles of human rights abuses began to grow even faster, a man with a mental disability was subject to cruel treatment, rape, and other forms of sexual violence by 8 to 10 members of the as of and don best battalions in august, september 2014 a resident of mary you, paul, was detained by 3 service men of the as of battalion. he was continuously
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interrogated and tortured. he complained about being handcuffed to a metal rod and left hanging on it. he was reportedly tortured with electricity, abductions, robberies, extortion executions. amnesty international pleaded with key to get a leash on its neo nazis, but to no avail. in 2018, the us band sending weapons to the as all battalion, but as a national guard unit, it could still receive military 8 intended for the ukranian government. a year later, us democrats tried to add it to the country's list of foreign terror organisations, but yet again, they failed. it's clear that the threat we face today is of a self radicalized gunman. somebody who has been radicalized online, whether it's in accordance with g haughty ideology or a global white nationalist, neo nazi group. take a look at the tactics of ukrainian military and isis, for example, you'd be hard pressed to tell them apart. human shields, torture prisoner executions. the new york times,
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which typically tries to whitewash the crimes of these neo nazi regiments, even verified one of the many videos portraying them on the internet as undoubtedly authentic. he's still alive, film these marauders look, he's still alive. he's gasping. a man says as a russian soldier with a jacket pulled over his head, apparently wounded, it seems still breathing. a soldier then shoots the man twice after the man keeps moving, the soldier shoots them again, and he stops. and the minute russia steps in saying it actually wants to put an end to these injustices that people have complained about for so many years. all of the sudden neo nazis are given a free pass. for the time being. we're making a narrow exception for praise of the czar regiment strictly in the context of defending ukraine or in their role as part of the ukraine national guard. too many in the west, neo nazis had become nationalists. war criminals have become patriots. how easily
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people have put 8 years of crimes and terror out of sight and out of mind, just to stick it to russia. and his battles, the rage on in and around the cities, steel plants, life on the ground, in areas where the fighting is stopped, is seeing some calm seas. right? because the does be of reports from multiple the weather here in maryville has taken a turn for the worst. nevertheless, there are hundreds of people here all waiting to receive permits, permits to walk round the city. they come here with their documents, with various identification, to get these permits that check the, the people who submit these documents up. i actually the individuals written in them and they need these permits to avoid any misunderstandings. we must bear in mind the fighting still rages in maryville. this may be one of the liberated areas, but it is still dangerous until avoid any misunderstanding. people here get these
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permit. you can probably tell by the state of mary, you bull, that many people are having trouble with documents that they've lost them, burned in the files and the fighting with we're carrying out a population census issuing people passes so they can move around the city, some documents always survive, we're using them. but even if people have no papers, their relatives can come to confirm their identity. understandably, there of course difficulties getting a city of running the size of mary you pull from scratch from. from the wreckage and the ruins of the cities currently in is, is a difficult task. everyone must be clothed. everyone must be fed, kept warm. that is in of itself difficult, but getting everyone papers giving out papers, checking people's identities, especially given that people he are still in shock as still terrified from the ordeal that they have to go through. and the treatment that they received from
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ukrainian nationalists, we've all heard that testimony. the entire population of mary apple was held hostage. ukrainian nationalists would shoot at anyone trying to flee. world hasn't seen the like since isis jihadists held hundreds of thousands as human shields. mo, so what santa was sheer, which i'm around that some, not in the afternoon with opportunity to read and put the to believe there was i yet, there, william, there from movies that you know offer to movies with a little playing with nurse to move my live it didn't go through from doctor to look up the other sort from with them really. literally for quite a lot. i do. hallmark a coil, you foreseeable field of commitment? no contract, no private dna connected wirelessly already? yes, he moved next shout. everyone here went through this, each and every one of them has their own horror story. but some happened ended. yes,
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but you'd want to fit your sha substituted company. you holla is not possible. there's no papa. so i was just, all i, you know, what is on as a sex good year, it was you lose, you got to re record it as a status gain is to cook. if the possessor to them or when you scratch of, i don't have you get much of what you she woke up to see what your wish is. she didn't ski dash gets every year which get wish that us guys which the quotient me achievers that we're doing at the moment. i don't give them good me nichole j. w player. when i games and looked at the more properties his digital phone is puzzled . nadine eat him with people from all over the world, have reached out seeking news of family and friends trapped in mary. you both these lists and permits being coupled now will help them more i'd guess d a r t for mario both on stain in the ukrainian poll city of murder. you pull
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ortiz crew is on the ground to live in humanitarian aid. our correspondence roman casa reports, we are we are say yes, another sensor for this place, people for refugees here in maria val see, was delivered to bread, hygienic items of various vegetables, like potatoes or onions, kara, or the rest of the things a long line of people just outside of the sensor on the other side. how many children many held early. each, one of them, waiting for their little packet offer foods and other basic necessary items. so no at the end of the judge, nobody at him with her mom was yours. when you guys are, those are what you want was the one with. this is a cute to one of the many so called that field kitchens here in murray opal. as you
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can see, us mostly elderly people who are waiting for their chance to get well, one of the few meals that meal so they can get the food has been cooked right here . usually it's buckwheat with beef. it's something go armies here in eastern europe or do when they're on a march, but this time and it's built get the kitchen, became useful for these people as well. i've had to go talk to them and find out how they been living over the past month. that i missed, so i searching with insurance with mutual insurance. we are confused. you are happy, but feel the grief at the same time. for us, we were liberated only yesterday as
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a fat. so before we came at 5 and there is already a queue that was these that remained, were mostly pensioners, the elderly and disabled. there are few young people left here and all who could leave have already left east marley. we try to give food to every one, but i mean, what do people need the most these days? just happiness. we need happiness. hope that it will be over soon. we hear explosions all the time, so we endure and wait for the victory. who muted with locals were forced to live in may, should bomb shelters for over a month. there is additional buildings basements, some admit that they were used as human shields. even one, performing their duties at a hospital full of wounded civilians, much had to order them with the full flow. we have an upright and theater which was empty at that time. and there is an intensive care unit, so that ukrainian soldiers came and set a grenade launchers attracting fire on themselves. nothing. and they had known that
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there were 600 wounded people. one floor beneath. correct. that's how the shelling in the hospital started. so last artsy has been covering that on bus conflict for the last 8 years and continues to be at the forefront to this day, working closely with the civilians. we sometimes get calls for help from people on the street and the district suffer. maribelle. i was asked by a woman who cannot carry the 6th floor where they live, their houses, and they are comfortable with the whole
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members of the as off national his battalion remain hold up inside the city's major steelworks plant. but it's believed that their resistance is futile. and the arm confrontation will soon be drawn to an end, at least on this front remark author of arte done at the people's republic here will do much like that other. meanwhile, russian troops delivered more than 30 tons of aid to local residents in the city of car curve where people have struggled to get access to basics. ukrainian authorities have been urging people to flee the region. both that humanitarian corridors were halted on wednesday as it was, quote, too dangerous. we heard from some locals on the ground got us, none of them. most of all, there is
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a shortage of medicines. we have nothing here and there is no opportunity to buy them. the shops are closed. thank you for your help cba, what. what? all numbers eligible to tell though live? we need medication for blood pressure. i'm 63 years old. was. it's my age. my joints hurt. a lot of people are sick here. thank you for your help. working on newton, but don't forget about the model and set them up to cuz i work as a pharmacist myself. i try to help people somehow because it's scary. of course, as we hear shooting, the ambulance is can't operate. so we wrote lists of who needs what form at all. it's been revealed, the u. s. has officially resettled 12 ukrainian refugees over the past month. and thus, despite president biden's pledge in march to accept as many as 100000 ukrainians into the country. citing the need for family reunions ortiz rachel blevins. look at the looks of the gap between the promises made and the reality on the ground. the
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mine and ministrations promise that the us would accept 100000 ukrainian. refugees certainly has not become a reality with the latest data showing that just 12 ukrainian were accepted through the united states official refugee program. now the white house is putting the blame on the us legal system as the department of homeland security reveals that nearly 3000 ukrainians crossed over into the united states through the us mexico border. so the question then becomes, is the, by an administration planning anything to maybe get it a little bit closer to the goal that at that for itself. while reports are saying that they are looking at some sort of a pool role program where refugees would be able to come into the country as long as they have sponsors here in the us. and already advocate through refugees or raising concerns about that kind of a program. noting that it would keep refugees from getting access to certain benefits and protection there inventing this new approach to parole,
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which provides no security, no safety net. and so that's worrying and leaves the applicant at the mercy of the backlog and broken asylum system if they want to stay here permanently. meanwhile, thousands of refugees who are not ukrainian are raising their frustrations and concerns as they are trying to gain access to the u. s, and they're fleeing violence from their home countries in latin america. and it's all comes as the us border patrol has already predicted that there would be a record breaking 3rd of migrants looking to cross over the us mexico border the spring. i think we also have the opportunity to cross the border. they should let us in because we are also fleeing. it's desperate. what we're running from, but it's still a war, a war against gang. i have given that ukrainian refugees aren't the ones benefiting from us involvement in their country. the question then becomes, well, who is and in order to find that answer, we just have to over to the pentagon,
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where reportedly they are hosting the leaders from the top a u. s. weapons manufacturers on wednesday, for a meeting where the main subject is making sure that ukraine is supplied with weapons and ready for war for years and years to come. so it appears as though once again, those who aim to benefit off of this complex are the ones who the u. s. government is listening to the people who have the most interesting influence in the direction of the coverage are weapons makers. they have the most direct financial stake in the way we cover issues of war and peace. unfortunately, they are interested in more war and less peace when it comes to the mainstream media. their coverage here is not much different. for example, if we look at former ca, director turn defense secretary leon panetta, he used one of his many, many recent appearances on the and then to talk about how the u. s. just is not sending ukraine enough weapon and that no point or that mention. and that i also
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reportedly has ties to raise the on which is one of the largest defense contractors here in the u. s. and yet with all of this, talk about the need for the us to send more weapons. ukraine. it never is mentioned that this trend of supplying weapons do a country only leaves you instability and chaos which then creates more refugees. this is u. s. policy always to make great promises and come through on nothing when it comes to the people themselves. so with millions of refugees, once again, us policy is to give assistance to almost none of them. and to instead, impose on the surrounding countries an enormous dislocation. at this point, the biden administration has managed to process, they managed a process in march 12 ukrainians who had refugee status. and by the
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way, this happens all the time. look at the hundreds of thousands who were promised refugee from afghanistan, not much different. so in iraq and syria, in libya, for all of the countries where the u. s. has instigated wars kept them running for years and created an enormous dislocation of peoples who really are forced to leave their own country and then live in a very dislocated life. and enormous expense in the surrounding country. somali and refugees have also to go to gets help from washington. as despite fleeing from a civil conflict in the country, which the u. s. has been to be engaged in. the un human term response plan for the country has seen only around 4.5 percent of planned funding. this year, we heard the stories of some somalis, desperately striving to survive a
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flaw. brave gray for his give me a gentle hungry you. okay. with the other, she him out of that? no. okay. this is something we're already aware of. the ukrainian crisis started less than 2 months ago and we've been stranded across the, our states more than 30 years now with liberty supporting us. now the ukranian crisis has stolen and spotlights in us that is animal. that was even village for 30 years. we've been suffering from deteriorating living conditions, like griffey geez, in all countries,
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a yellow new life. we've been here since 1991 after fleeing the war between the tribes in somalia. us only intervened to achieve its objectives, but didn't do any good for the somali people. and we came here in a group of 350 either the us nor the un provided any assistance to with them as, as the model slowly to face. if you, the you is destroyed similarly and did nothing to support us. now we see that the u . s. and other western countries pay attention to bullhorn countries. why? because the u. s. has an interest in them, otherwise they with will never doing anything good to. i'm, i don't expect to do so i use huge the
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in the use, the ousted prime minister, pakistani mon car has lawns to campaigns, come by to office call was overthrown by the votes of no confidence in parliament. days. after blocking a similar attempt, he held rally on wednesday in the city of peshawar and is calling on his supporters to take to the streets throughout the country and a bit of force fresh elections. oh, my fellow brave pakistan's, we don't accept this shameless government. i assure you, until this government announces new elections, we will stay on the streets and continue protesting. you have the big responsibility and you don't bow down to anyone. you don't bow down to a superpower. whether i am elected in government or in opposition, i will not allow my nation to participate in other countries. wars address we just heard was reportedly delivered to tens of thousands of people. it comes up a similarly large process. we're also held in
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a bit to fulfilling the else the prime minister slums, those process to his last days empowers thing. they will orchestrates by the west in a plot to oust him. this is something the white house denies. the newly appointed government alleges they've inherited an economic mess. following cons. leadership also planning to restart holes with the international monetary fund which stole drink. on his tenure, we spoke with an international lawyer geopolitical analyst who says the blame for the crisis shouldn't lay squarely on con, shoulders at the stuttering economy of focused on is the result of decades of mismanagement. and um that the prime minister street party is partly responsible, one of the reasons why it will be very difficult for us because they don't have across the board to see if you want implementing any policy based. i'm an agent back on the need, the support of the masters, who need across the board by boxes. i don't see that happening. so therefore,
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i don't think it's going to be an easy task for the government, the, the new government to implement any sort of a i m s, or any sort of financial program. in 2018, been gone, fund office, he inherited a broken economy and when he leaves the country, he has done a few things in the army in the development of the economy. ok. so i think a, i personally see that he will be that he will be seeing elections very soon, but on because the current government does not want to be able to sustain this pressure on the elections. i've had that and i believe that if one back to bother with something which brought it over to africa. now we're quoting kenya has paved the way for nearly 1500 people to see the british army for starting a fire drink exercises in the country last year. and that resulted in 2 deaths. it
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follows a petition by the local community seeking compensation officers of british army training unit, kenya caused a huge fire that ravaged more than 10000 acres of land, causing massive damage to flora fonda and the people living in close proximity to the ranch. well, that wildfire destroyed around a quarter of a huge conservation. russia was linked to death. the british army regularly holds exercise in the area and has been paying landowners to do so. since colonial times, however, locals are increasingly questioning their activities. the march you got to you when the british army was training in the forest, they started the fire which quickly spread and covered the area with smoke. it was horrible when they detonate explosives in the forest. they interfered with the climatic and weather cycle in our villages. since clouds the wind rain, i'm to seed with hands cold and surrounding areas to be dry. it's all about hunger, no food, no water, and nothing can be cultivated, you know, area. and i mean,
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i was in the area when the fire started, my grandchildren have suffered a lot, they inhaled the smoke and now they have i and breathing problem. patient still be ongoing training here with immediate effect because the explosives are harmful to the environment and we see how we might be affected again. community lawyer, kelvin cru by claims locals are still suffering from health issues after the fire and says that needs to be a serious discussion about relations between kenyans and the british army. during the fi, incidents, there are so many cases of reactive a is cases of magic attacks. cases of breathing difficulties. of course, the thought is out of the chemical component and military waste that i left behind . it was of training. so when they cause a fire activity chemical, i say deals that smoke we can only say mildly, that's a helpful to the community members. community members are finding no
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relief for their suffering, such as relationship i believe is not sustainable, especially when i mean teddy. i've been living with a community for did, they at least ought to be very vulnerable and they need to be communicative so that the community is able to understand the underlying issues. which is finance, ministry has denied the country as officially defaulted on its foreign debts. moscow insisted has enough reserve to meet its obligations and he's willing to pay us ready to take the issues to court. of course, we will sue because we have taken all the necessary steps to ensure that invest is received their payments. we will presenting quarter bills, confirming our efforts to pay both in foreign currency and in roubles. it will not be an easy process. we will have to very actively prove our case. despite all the difficulties. credit ratings agency, s and p lowered rushes. foreign currency rating to selective default means s and p
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believes that the risk moscow wont meet some of its foreign obligations thought the russia decided to make its regular euro bonds payment in roubles last week versus the foreign dollars. reserves are currently frozen due to western sanctions. or russian international law expert we spoke to earlier expects a number of legal challenges for moscow in the near future. yeah. visa stick, i think in the future, we'll see court proceedings where it's possible to prove that russia had the capability to pay and it had enough reserve to meet the external obligations. but this capability was artificially blocked. there will be lawsuits proving the false measure. russia found itself in and that it did not attempt to evade from its obligations as for losses by foreign actors against the russian finance ministry. well, the creditors will have to go to russian court. i doubt anybody would do this in the near future. so far, even if we speak about technical default, there will be nothing critical for russia. international markets are anywhere close
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for russia due to the sanctions. i see that while she is already doing a lot to inform its creditors that it is willing to meet obligations, even during the most extreme sanctions regime, top russian officials repeatedly say that while she is ready to pay, just give us a chance. if you give no chance leather spain roubles, if you do not want rouble swell, how else can rush me the obligations? well, that is a rap for now. my name is peter gods and i'll be back with more again at the top of the hour. but in the meantime, do feel free to head over to our t dot com or social media pages, including our telegram channel for more stories on analysis. thank you for watching movies. when i was choosing ra.
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