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tv   Documentary  RT  April 14, 2022 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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yes, to shape out. ah, if he comes to an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds of warren, we choose to look for common ground. who is the aggressor to chose is war. today i'm authorizing the additional strong sanctions with showing that i see speak on the billing if you need more. streamline the rebranding. all imports of russian oil and gas turbine and imposing these sanctions. i brush your has destroyed the american. in fact, there's your boomerang by way of suffering, the price with a key interest really hitting people in the pocket book. boys and girls was on the list there. i see you using your, your router,
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visit the alerts you. this is going to impose severe cost on the russian economy immediately. and over top of that on there by the we have list for social and then use that for them are started a little bit famous. this all the emeralds. remember him that in the opposite it. so that help is think body. how did show that 21st century is with the asians, it. russia is also an asian country. and we need to develop military cooperation. similar to what nature does in europe propose lower british officials for to swing by look at a trait was the search for new markets import substitution. the word sanctions has become part of our data about capital 8 neutralizer, flooded with more and more reports of restrictions. however, sanction that has an instrument of influence and nothing new. they've been used
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against russia for decades. some to limit against new threats. here is paul, is a kick instrument for jacob stared with the rules of how and then did the united states come up with this concept of sanction. instead of real military action operation sanctions can be imposed when you don't know what to do. does the united states want to go to war with russia over you? craig? i can tell you right now that, that would not be a popular outcome. a given the fact that russia has 6000 nuclear weapons, we have 5500 in any war with russia, with 10, because global temperatures to rise by say, 200000 degrees. meaning the end of the world today, russia is the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. a number that's constantly growing most restrictions against individuals, the rest imposed on organizations. some experts compare the measures to financial
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nuclear warfare when you don't have a military option. economic sanctions is the politically expedient of alternative, but it's an alternative that doesn't really address the problem it's supposed to address. it's done to a fees and domestic in quality, but they go with which us on the poems for caution. yes, click on and get the loy pull out. according to me it is a posted news. lots. ringback of shift but if you, thanks if that was to only medina because of i am with 0 and the only song to which . ringback songs. ringback ringback machine. ringback a pushing engine user to combine, you look, to just can use them. we original to cover when brazil ration you, but i do me of paula must oblong data foreseeable future weeks. if dynamic on long mickey, which is orthopedics, but the control sun with bushing it draws play. come when you god see visa, finishing into just
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a more look with theater. we have much thumbnail on the sun and see if you will. and we deny the buzz, me like as a good book with story chest, the strategic blemish, something from, from the companion that's in an approach or a sheer, ethiopia. you mean there, my kids have done sanctioning somebody creates the cause and effect relationship in the global economy. that has a detrimental impact on your own economic activity. ah, you get the word rod, computer engineer with a squeak. biggest misspelled from seattle gigi to increase law. you need to kind of grow the way in there. and she was just from so using the
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little what is the finance mean for us to order? shorter. one, nick and let me can. principally they can you can go about in the morning. the proposal was what we're going to reset the shad said to see if we're going to load the global economy can just fail to run them. she'd run the principal issue with whom you sent me a hear good day and you mean yes, wait a minute to provide you with a good resource of the interest of bunker critics. don't she trust? what plugins will take you to mr. 100 plus, which you can utilize me put it took me to do it of the year of center won't go up . she had to graduate, she should use the issue. the middle economy can use no because of the bias, but i'm not going for one. you can use ation were up done yesterday, but each of which was a little, much,
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immediately mutual at each source where visually one was which alumni, it's glenda fish movie initiative jim whenever he met a shooter syndrome and they were there in the mission to mr. shack, some more slower song c and o. okay. national premium, nima poker. what's a good? we sound super to say, a scholar she believes give us, which is rather posted because she recalls police. i'm at the bulus. yes. mclaughlin. the moment of m. c. m store, even the plates were leona salespeople. i reached the bush, lord, nice. you brought up maybe to go order to get a minute your way in the security of the seller, but it's been jim some i'm not all sure. so you, there does what she did it to you, mr. down the mountain open. are those written your way in the dope? i didn't know with the on john sanctions had a serious impact on foreign trade. the u. s. accused the ussr of low bowling prices
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from matches coal as best us and the manganese exported to america. i did the opposed import duties. the embargo band exposed to the ussr aviation industry man smugly. my lady here with jackson. so on the mirror. ah, yeah. what about what yeah, upgrade you might be almost doing very near fi. a yellow notice beach. i was flightless messiah got a few in the museum. my brother did though. hello is that you got it? him? oh, go do see got a can. but in your, with your wife use of my name, but out to the last, if we forgot about my national afforded name, the city is also not, not the bill of my should have yeoman hope by my sri may i borrow with he but of liquids beside east of exposure. i made it easier for you on the visa with long ago . what did you do about a t. m. yep. hi jim. i see. so yes, conversational post of wish recalls florida finished recording. you bring
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a master thursday at the me at a believe prosper a reason. young man. yeah. pretty much in the cold war the u. s. began to apply a new type of economic sanction against the ussr aimed at cutting off access to advanced technology. so request mom rebel, both of them. yes, boy, yes. for someone from parallel to the app, i made it gone simply will it leave seriously so usually of cardboard. similarly, see abdulla cookie though. i didn't forms woochie, it is episode i'd say just from a for you was all of the, well, you know, believe whether the bali chicka opera bells or alice sherwood, the food store and says go say, in the 19 sixty's nato approved an embargo bill banning the export of large diameter pipes used in the jewish blend oil pipeline to the ussr in the 1980s, a contract to supply 17000000 tons of grain to the u. s. her saw was canceled. this was america's response to the soviet union, sending troops to afghanistan. 50 countries boycotted the summer olympics in moscow
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and following an incident with a korean, boeing airflow was unable to operate flights to the united states for several years . sort of the were border. i get side math, judas, book, daughter, or own. are you sure you're open? mean you can image the sunset will opinion, you know, she would what of what my should need. your auto vision is a balise skipper feed. she asked al nissan to source. is it in the middle? not old? no, but i will. nor chelsea to should the yep. or, well, we use our co mckellar unemployed. seeing enough, i needed godson. i am in the city of the city of dublin yap knobs. veronica political. you for jumping. my word, gift up please. no rush thought of another with for once. one of the richest countries in latin america,
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venezuela has teetered on the verge of collapse with the last few years. a big boy out affinity using our market in order for the neighborhood i've been warned. be, or you receive me to get up, we will proceed. her a couple to look at it on the honey select, the country had an abundance of oil and was almost entirely dependent on it takes bullets. so at the new, oh, seeing angles in iraq proposing like what amina k for a, for all your pain, i think, i mean, they fall away was elite also, so i had all me guess i, pre gas are very miss really. if possible, i guess we will see probably got 40 increase if, if owing the answer to with until 2013 state owned petroleum to venezuela was ranked number 5, among the most influential oil companies,
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the oil price plunge struck venezuela's economy in 2014 strike soon followed since 2015, the white house is blocked vin, as well as access to american financial markets. visit the central bank at venice whaler was cut off from international transactions. later, public debt operations were banned as well. the finishing blow to the economy was a ban on trade with the state oil company petroleum to venezuela. as a result in just a few years, oil production decreased almost 5 times a year for a policy. and what i do, if we will figure out who i law for your be by usa or more young on confirming the unfair you, it can from quite a few, kang lowering or so let after a poor neighbor i'll will helene, from the auto paying a lot of people barely for europe at the electron, nope, when saving for our hold for a bill of petroleum to venezuela, fell into disgrace off the 2018 when madura managed to get re elected for
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a 2nd time that both the u. s. and the e. you refused to recognize the election results mortal, sorry, given this for you in our principles from finance pheromone. we are syn, ohio config carlos in a 100 while classic trying to, i mean, we don't have all other ben is. shayla moved on up whatever it was on, katia. no, boy, i mean people would do it was up and looking for new church totally should toward your son that would need that still in your duck. i was talking to shortly, or the most useful to you and you're still, if you're on the job, what you used chatted security with those to what's the job material? i do it on the which no one near the point to talk. there's not enough when you're fancy, collect down when you get there to continue to see that you can get an appropriate
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talkative every talk will we? i don't mean lisa neil on our not a lot to be hipaa. what really? what other, what a set up for the better you know, who are not feeling better, you're going to what, what really good on. i saw the, i guess the policy on the open real in the funding here for the funding in the giving us well and if you're still getting yourself and if you're a c o l e, a c, or if you see on me coming back home. but these up and they also need to get up with going this is the reality of sanctions. you are packing a civilian population, which means that are just as deadly as any farm or in some cases and more so
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because we're dealing with diseases. so the sanctions aren't nearly as copacetic as people think some people say when we choose sanctions over war, because war so violent sanctions are just as violent rule needed both. ah, that will not that i'm the bull didn't stick. i was bizarre hill that the way my rules. yeah. it's see lewis doodle. but then the other boss lane burial, eat up. no, i got a fever. ah. ah, is your media a reflection of reality? ah, in the world transformed what will make you feel safer? isolation for community. are you going the right way or are you being
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led somewhere? direct. what is true? what is faith? in the world corrupted, you need to descend. ah. so join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. we continue to lucid interior. so to industrial meetings for day, we are going to talk about the situation. garzin oil in the 3 will talk about the long term developmental plans and we all children talk about go solution. all the problems when you think about that, you'd use the companies of this industry are facing because of the actions on the so called unfriendly controversies. the most acute problem at heating can also urgent problem. and the we've sad lat, is the disruption of logistics. i'll be expert supplies sandal. i would like to hear separately about what steps are taken but not to support your death figure
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that the bay is lost transport chains to overcome the difficulty is because so dead increasing prices in logistics and there are some disruptions in the payments for the rochon energy it gives them a few those extra lead use bangs from been from the countries delay with transfer, installed the haymans. this task is already given and to read the rational payments from to the national current is to go away to them and they meet in their credit for an assets. and we are going to increase the payment to international occurrences in the external trade and the foreign trade important. sampson based your regard, but already being taken. and the key task is to prepare all recurrence. the market for such change so that any foreign currency could be exchanged into russian roubles in nannie volume once again. very futile from unreliable for the curious diction of those counties that compromise themselves as
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a strategic goal for the financial and economic safety of our country. and that actually, when usually our goal is to treat or if it increased the volumes of foreign trade, we need to do this to achieve better trade with our more reliable partner school value, their reputation cornerstone, consequences of their actions. and in this regard, i would like to say russian companies enterprises are responsible, they become an accurate on the market. they prove themselves union in the last decades by carrying out their obligation to an attempt by the western countries without roxanne suppliers to be replaced. we recommend our supplies with other supplies will have an impact on the global economy. the context with us could be quite painful if the 1st of all for those who are initiating this kind of policy . and it was, comes with ryan here at the so called partners from them. friendly countries to meet that what they can do without brushing energy,
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including without neutral down for example. yeah. just because there is no replacement for that. yes, it is possible in the future, but not now. everyone understand that there is no free volume of gas to global market lines per model. countries including from the united states and what it as close to the consumer is what i guess many times more you and will have the reflection on the light quality of the people on the competitiveness of their enterprise. and despite the obvious thing is i'll be happy one european countries, but keep talking about renouncing from the russian supply stupid need to eat. thank you. civilizing the market. additionally and with their own hands, gay cars are fine for their own citizens. more than that, they are ready to forget about the very so code green agenda, and they are ready to start working on them,
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slaves all the state based on their energy with high carbon footprint that they want to renounce from they called in the coldest or chi bailey's, any political structure for building their election campaigns on days. rhetoric and what you happening now is just being thrown out. tell 1000000000 though the practical human in practice based and different things. here is experts in abilene war and and they made public statements that were not practical. the change for the green energy is impossible in practice in the prompt fashion without a lot of cose. and that to be proved to be right. but he creates way to show it, and now they can hide their backs and they can see the blame on russia. in this case, you can and we're not talking on leave out there. can you tell collation to energy but a lot of other areas? yes, of course we need to take into consideration these changes of heart fluctuating policies
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on some of the countries, but we need to keep in mind and now both now and in the future. we should think about our own incredibly in this regard to our oil and gas industry. you paid 3 strategic joe's. the 1st one is they need to provide sustainable supply of energy to our domestic market. more than that, under the conditions when their external markets are getting smaller, we need to increase supply of domestic consumers into dreamily domestic demand. we need to decrease the prices when fabricate as possible. the 2nd item. but what would you mean? you just, we need to diversify expert. we should things that are in the near future. supplies to the west will decrease wetmore version of the. so it is important to follow the trend of the latest years to redirect our expert to the growing markets of the
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house in the south. and in the near future, we should define the key infrastructure aside and to start building constructing this infrastructure. 3rd later would be what we need to develop refinery capacities of the oil and gas. we have made certain progress in this regard. we have implemented large scale projects. we have commissioned state of the art enterprises and now we need to support the projects. additionally, that are in the investment phase, so that we could commission them as well. and it should be done as fast as possible . and we should pay special attention to the matter of the substitution of the equipment to the strat. paula gas. it is important both for the current resources and to explore new article resources, including the article that we something that we discount if the day before that and we have already talked about that plan for substitution of conflict on
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the development of this industry. and i suggest to see how efficiently this roadmap itself, the problem, and what problems, what issues with to mind, how it in this regards to corporate. let's talk about all this merits about the oldest and curriculum that we may just out reward and what we should look up on. you could see the reference points where we should we should make necessary adjustments. so ah, 3 word claims spoken with with both both the models you need to do both got nothing
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with a grain. nobody. a lot of them bought a a with the with
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a . so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy, even foundation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. that development only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time to sit down and talk. oh, is your media a reflection of reality? ah, in the world transformed what will make you feel safer? hi, solution for community. are you going the right way or are you being led
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somewhere? direct. what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend ah, to join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah, ah, needs to come to the russian state. little narrative, i phone and ignore santini davis with our sons. a group in sissy babel been okay, so mine is gonna be the one home with we will ban in the european union. the kremlin. yup. machines. the state aunt rush up
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to date and r t spoke neck, given our video agency, roughly all band to on you to send me to school with me. look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such orders at conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. at that point, obviously is to place trust rather than fear with on various job with artificial intelligence. real, somebody with
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a robot must protect its own existence with who, who is the aggressor today? i'm authorizing the additional strong sanctions today. russia is the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. a number that's constantly growing up in your future. when was the question, as you speak on the bill in your senior, mostly mine, or wish you were banding all imports of russian oil and gas new g i g with the letter from you know, we're pretty good regarding joe biden, imposing these sanctions on russia has destroyed the american economy, so there's your boomerang.
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ah, with i was just a recall with this
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with you, i guess with you, i'm with full credit. it's going to be out of wood from beach, gonna still be that
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efficient, but in the border it would it there with a dealer can you spoke with a phone number with grandma, what a lot of them bought
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a wall with.


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