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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 15, 2022 8:30am-9:01am EDT

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oh community ah, are you going the right way or are you being that somewhere? direct? what is true? what is faith? in the world corrupted you need to descend. ah. so join us in the depths will remain in the shallows. ah, ah, ah. hello and welcome to cross stock where all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle, the west, his essentially declared all out war on russia. instead of calling for a negotiated end of the conflict, washington, london,
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and brussels are looking to sustain the ukranian war effort. thus, we need to ask, what is the west policy goal in all of this? i cross sucking escalation. i'm joined by my guess, michael maloof in washington. he's a former pentagon senior security policy analyst in raleigh. we have re, mcgovern, he's a former cia analyst, and in bath we have bruce got gun. he is a peace and justice activist across our rules and effect, gentlemen. so that means you can jump in any time you want. okay, michael, let me go to you 1st here. you know, ever since the, the conflict started on february 24th. there's, there's been this whole maney about how we can help ukraine. there's not much about talking about how to bring peace. okay. so how, what is the policy end here is there, have they thought about it? because given recent street,
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they haven't thought about the law of unintended consequences, or is there a game plan here? are they just winging it? go ahead michael. i think there is a game plan and it's not to bring peace. i think. and, and ukraine is just cod in this, in a, in a much larger strategic picture, a, by the biden administration. and as a near cons, it what it really is is not only to contain russia, but now what from what i gather it is to overthrow the government in moscow itself . that is the goal. but what it's also doing is trying to compete with what they see now emerging is a, is a multi polar world order in which a ask um a beijing and other countries are under the s c o. the shanghai cooperation organization are forming their own independent, multi world order and, and as a consequence, independent financial system. and that's, that's important. and it's a challenge to that western dominated leadership and,
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and, and so called dollar world currency that we're seeing. and this is a threatening to the stability of, of the west. and we're already seeing cracks in the e. u. we're seeing it in nato and certainly with the very weak leadership exhibited by our president biden. ah, it, we see an effort now an emphasis to use the ukraine and incident as a way to propel this of the build up of this multi polar world order. and it's not stopping. it's actually, well, i only have, i guess i go to radio. i agree with everything you say, but ray, i'm in the cards. i have to say is a, the 3rd world war. i mean, you can't discount that. i mean, i remember the late steven cohen was on my program many years ago. and he, he talked to about this and i kind of pushed back, but stephen cohen was right all along, go ahead re cause nuclear war is
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a possibility with his strategy that michael so well laid out. go ahead rate on picking up on what michael and you have just shed peter. this been a teutonic forwarding slips there. there's been a tech tonic change in what the old soviet used to call the world correlation of forces. now you can talk about a multi pola world, but it's, it's really bipolar and both census of the word, right. it's the west and i would add stuff who h. quest? the white west. ok against china, against russia, against india, against south africa, against a gimme a break. this is a, a new constellation of forces. it really is a tech tonic shift. and worst of all,
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the people advising biden shame, no wiser on this, than when they told him exactly a year ago or they're, or she's got this great big problem. china is squeezing russia and have this long water rushes got this stretch. gimme a break, it's a 180 degrees away from that now. and china after all is pu tunes insurance policy. okay, is got a big brother now who gene does so even if, even if his military campaign does not go as well as he expects, he could fall back on this major ally. and it is an ally now. and there is a child as an ally, not because it's best friends with birching, but because it's next in line for august and line. it's nelson. exactly. next in line here. bruce, i mean, as a peace activist, i mean, how do you see the administration's policy? because, you know, they are on the margins they'll talk about, well, that will given a zalinski all the in the room, he needs to make
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a negotiated piece. but when we've had this forum and, and buroso is one in and, and turkey all went nowhere. i had had a little, i'm maybe i was before which, but i wanted to have hope there was some kind of, uh, negotiated and could come, but they don't seem to be interested in that at all. so maybe they're more interested in pumping as much weaponry as possible into a country that has no hope of winning this military conflict at all. bruce, go ahead. but in the rand corporation study goals, overextending and unbalancing, russia, right? that was published in 2019. they clearly lay out the program as to destabilize the rushes, borders creating chaos, essentially burning down ukraine to the ground in order to force as a believe regime change in moscow, i think it's sick, it's dangerous. i've just learned that the youth in the u. k. a nuclear
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u. s. nuclear weapons are going to go back into lake and heats air force space. so it's pretty clear to me what's, what the strategy is here, which is to destroy the russian federation, to allow the breakup of russia into smaller countries. so that the resource extraction corporations can grab russia's vast resource base and at the same time, destroy this momentum that's already been referred to, of creating this multi polar world, rather than having the u. s. b mister big of the planet. and so this is a what we're facing now. it's the most dangerous moment and my life. and i'm really quite worried about it. and what you said about the possibility of going to world war 3 with nuclear weapons. i think it's a, it's very possible, it's conceivable. i think that washington is desperate and they're playing with
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fire. yeah. but michael immune, you know, that the corridors of power here mean the same people that designed the cakewalk, apparently for iraq. ah, you know, and then we have syria, we have libya, we can go, you know, yeah, i mean, we go on or not, these are the same people. so i mean, why would the outcome, tragedy failure be any different? michael explained to me. well it's that's, that's the of them, that's why we iraq the invasion of in 2003 was probably the beginning of the end. as far as i'm personally concerned. that's it from me personally, but, but to, for 5, for that that policy. it was a, it was almost a preemptive policy, and we're now seeing that started again, look if, if the, by the administration and the neo cons, i would add to be democrat republic. and it doesn't matter if they are so ensconced with in our policy of formulation and decision making system it's, it's like
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a victoria newland, for example. now, the under secretary of state for political affairs and her husband, who is a robert kagan, the a, the, the near con of near counts. and i, that's a combination. and it, i, if the, by the administration truly wanted piece, they wouldn't have told her zalinski just ignore the min squan mince 2 agreements. they were, they wouldn't, they were content, they would stop of the flow of arms in order for there to be a basis or a sit down for discussion and have a freezing of act of hostilities in place that's not happening and, and that it's, it, it just accentuates and reinforces this concern that we're expressing, of which nuclear a nuclear weapon exchanged would be the ultimate and that would be a disaster for the world in a re, ever, ever since the military operations started at all to western media and politicians,
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you know, wearing a ukrainian flag on your lapel or women doing their manner cure and the flag in all the l. the i, as in congress walking around and where they wearing hoodies, i don't know what it was. okay. but this policy that the west is pursuing is not in the interest of the ukrainian people because they're the ones on the short end of the stick of this here. it's never really a talked about it the in that way. and i find that terrific because i'm like a lot of people to talk about ukraine. i've been there many, many times. and it breaks my heart, seeing all this, quote unquote good will actually ending up in devastation. because this is a policy maneuver. and when, whenever they get that it's going to walk away and other people going to have to pick up the pieces as usual rate go head like that. and if i have been in ukraine also, and i can identify with the suffering ukrainian people, they are all like so many other folks like the courage and cons of history.
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the u. s. could end ish as a lensky is says, desperately trying to get some more aide for watch, so that it can be blown up by russian forces. ah, zalinski is not his own man. he not only has the u. s embassy to report to but he cannot be a free agent because of the nazis and do not hesitate to acknowledge that there is no way. thank you. ok, keep going, keep going. keep going on that issue because they, they, they, they do not want to talk about it. they want to dismiss it. it's very real. go ahead one minute before we go to the break please. leah, the answer of course is that we need to push for an immediate cease fire. that's not going to happen. ah, a pu gina is going to go forward now was his plan a to liberate muddy bull and the other parts of the eastern, southeastern ukraine, with the forces he has in place. should he failed to do that?
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he can always count on china and i will add this. it is not beyond possibility that china was stirrup, some trouble in the south china sea, or course from taiwan. i'm not seeing the going to invade taiwan, but the prospect of a 2 front war are, are neo con advisors. show crazy. as they would not realize that this is a real possibility now, which has not existed before. and that needs to be avoided. if by any stratagem we can devise swell. that's because edge, edge of money is being question and this is something that mike labs, a talked about so many times instead of dealing with the world that it is they want to deal with the world the way they want to make it here. gentlemen, i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on escalation. stay with our team.
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a spoke with madison. both, both the models you need to do with a, a, a, a, a, a, with
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a personal number that you know with with
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a ah, ah, welcome back to cross stock where all things are considered on peter belt romaji were discussing escalation. ah okay bruce, i want to go back to you in bathroom in one of the things. it's very important. i mean i, i love to talk about geo politics a lot, but if we, if you don't mind, we could talk a little bit about domestic dip political discourse. this whole affair is, is brought about a new mccarthyism. if you, if you say any, anything that was said on this program, we say in public, i don't, i can't imagine what will happen to you because i've been, i've been completely cancelled. i'm of my entire work on r t on youtube has been deleted. i'm a non person except for
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a my own platform here because of my opinions here. this is very, very dangerous here. a before february 24th hardly any one american knew about ukraine, even fewer could find it. but now that it's a litmus test, go head bruce. yeah, i think that's a really important point. i'm feeling it myself. many my friends are feeling as well. this new mccarthyism. i think it's the right way to describe it. if you say the wrong thing, you get d platforms, we've seen scott ritter kicked off twitter, justin in recent time. and it's, it's getting worse all the time. and the, even the so called piece movement is extremely divided. now will, essentially, between the anti imperialist and the liberal democrats, i think the liberal democrats of are coming out like fierce attack dogs trying to protect their president, trying to protect their narrow and shrinking. ah,
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a future and the house and the senate. so it's really getting nasty a bit. i think this is what the ruling oligarchs in the west, what they want divided us. they want divided europe because through that division, they're able to control and move forward with these steps towards a world war, as they're cutting back on human needs spending and increasing military spending and all of these places and in it. and it is indeed a, a war on the global south. any one that dares stand up in the other parts of the world, it refuses to attack and vilify and sanction russia and china. it's a, it's, it's really a harsh time. a one thing i'm really interested in seeing is, as the still facilities there and mary ogle near the port are liberated from the nazis eyes. it's going to be interesting to see how many
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nato, yep, a military officers and enlisted people, retired military people from nato countries. come pouring out of there with these efforts to rescue. now some of these unknown people, i think it really shows again, this sign of desperation, that on the part of u. s. nato, they're really worried about the people around the world finding out this is actually an nato war against russia. there's no doubt about it. nato directed nato train, nato funded nato. armed and growing by the day. you know, my, i'm glad i'm glad that bruce brought that up. michael, because when i look at news coverage over the last 6 weeks or so, the fact that russia was against nato expansion barely just barely makes it in to the, to the they, they dialogues of some of these conversations. i see on cable tv, i'm thinking like douglas mcgregor, that will mention it. okay, erin,
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my table mentioned ed max blumenthal, a wrangler greenwald will mention it, but everybody else see it. it's everything is out of context. everything has no context. nothing happened before february 24th. and that is the problem with the way western publics are being told about this conflict. go ahead, michael. yeah, that's the reason that that's the problem and the failure of the west not to read history because those a grant there were agreements to that effect there at least half a dozen of them are to respect in the visibility of not that is not to increase the strength in the west, at the expense of the east and, and that included movement, server nato. and at the end, the word of 3 presidents totally ignored and, and but, but because they were just agreements and just a word assurances or they can easily be broken. and we wish we saw that even with the creation of the ukraine itself as a sovereign nation in 1990,
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it was supposed to remain non line. and that was in their charter, the in there, in, in the document that the, that, that they signed through belt b independent. and then it was in 2017, that they opted to put the, that the nato joining of nato into their constitution. and that was again at the pressure of washington and because of, of, of what happened in 2014 by victoria newland m and, and then vice president joe by justin to point out just to point out to our viewers in february 2014 there was an illegal overthrow of the democratically elected government in ukraine. and in a re, if i go to you there again, what we're fighting for yoga democracy in ukraine and company who had mentioned that there was a demo democracy there as fragile as it was for ukraine. it was there, but no one wants to talk about that the antecedent to what's going on right now. go
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ahead re well, thanks for mentioning that peter, because it doesn't appear in the archives of the washing poster on any of the cable channels. yeah. it was the most belated who in history advertised on youtube. oh, place, 18 days before it happened. okay. that was february 22nd, 2014. that's what started all this stuff most recently. so if people don't know that, and i have to tell you that the main problem, as you pointed out, is the malnourishment of the american people. they tend to believe all or so i have, i have 4 colleagues, a shoes analysts, who by the, the, the butcher, a butcher, you know, the butcher massacre without agreeing that, hey, there really ought to be an investigation. don't you take? no, no, no, no, no of it. so it's gotten pretty bad and more important at putting,
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looked on at this. and he sees, as he has said many times and he knows from personal experience, presidents are not their own person. they're not their own men. so to speak. ok, so he's had experience with obama. they worked out a ceasefire for 1111 months in syria. and 8 days later us air force rated syrian earth fixed positions. so when, when putting looks at bitin, and he has said this is as u. s. foreign policy as hostage who teens word, hostage to domestic requirements in the political seeing in the u. s. was, i mean, we have the mid terms coming up in november. nothing's gonna happen, except that biden needs to show his strength, so he'll poor more arms $800000000.00 more the arms into you gray. they get blown up by the russians who will get blame the rushes of course they cause they blow at these arms. now, the only person here, only people profiting from this, of course,
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other people who making arms your arms and cash and on this a $100000000.00. and that's that make a man the military, industrial, congressional intelligence media, academia, think tank complex. it's much worse than it was under either too much too much. so you are a compliment to you, raise that many, many people use that acronym right now. you're the only one that can say it though, everyone else can write it that. okay, but bro, so me, one of the things that we could bring a little bit closer to the u. s. m. you know, it's almost a form of nation building that they want to talk about ukraine as you know, the, the american working people in america, the middle classes in america continued to be devastated. here, you know, an $800000000.00, another $800000000.00. i mean, why can't we put that into education or health care? i mean, i, i'm just astounded how these people can print money for these nefarious reasons and just say, and you're going to have to suffer as a result. why should they suffer these wars make people suffer?
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and now it's come to the west. go ahead, bruce. well, it was interesting recently to see a large protests in spain and yet people are out on the streets because of increasing inflation and gasoline prices. i think that's going to spread, and i think ultimately it's going to spread here in the us as well. a biden is talking about the prudent price hikes, trying to blame all of his domestic economic failures on russia. but i don't think in the end that's going to really wash. i think the american people clearly they're brainwashed. clearly they're uneducated about all of this stuff. clearly the american people know nothing about ukraine, nor the don bass, nor the 8 years of shelling by the nazi lead ukrainian army of the people in the don das. i've been to la guardia and don ask,
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i've seen the graves i've seen of burned out build as a result of these shelves. and i can tell you when i came back from there, and i tried to organize people in this country in the united states, to speak out against what the u. s. and nato were supporting these attacks on the don bass. i couldn't find anybody that wanted to pay any attention, but now suddenly they're all experts on ukraine with their, with their ukranian flags. so, it's going to come home here. it already is heading home and it's going to get a lot worse. no doubt about it. you know, michael, i'd like to ended. we are the global south has already been mentioned on this program, which i think is very important. when i think of countries like india and saudi arabia, saudi arabia has its own regime type as unfortunate as it is. but it is a sovereign country, and so you have glank and telling everybody what to do that violates their sovereignty and their interests. okay. i mean, had gemini just knows no bounds. ok,
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i mean in this that i think the global south, this is a pivot point, it's time to turn away, get away from the dollar, get away from those rules based order, whatever that means, cuz no one's ever explained it to me. i think this is a, is an inflection point. go ahead, michael. yeah, well the, this is what you're seeing is that leaders that so called leadership, they, the, it's, it's, it's blinking and others with them. this administration is still thinks the west can, can it can the call all the shots and that's, that's going away. the, the, the dollar itself is going to go away as a, as a world currency it's, it's a, it's fee at currency. it's not backed by anything, it's paper, it's green paper, unlike the ruble now, which is going to be back by commodities and gold. what we're going to see is this new trend in which you're gonna, you're gonna see that the demise of the dollar as, as a so called world currency. and we're already seen where oil is going to be purchased in local currency. so this is a, this is
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a new trend and it can accelerate very, very rapidly. and just as saudi arabia goes in, the u i. e, e, e, e, e goes, so will, all the other arab countries are going to go the same route, even though they have relationships with the u. s, but that could easily and quickly diminished as a watch. saudi arabia ventured more toward dot com, china and russia, because that's where the, the real money is and, and not to fake money yet because he's come on, people on route want real value, not rules based order of whatever that means. or i gentlemen, that's all the time we have. oh, i want to think my guess in washington, raleigh and in bath. and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at our dc you next time, remember cross top pool. ah
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ah ah, ah. a for inpatient and yet i'm with
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with that you for that is in yet did your for the walk see yes i was you choose ah
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ah, russian forces target military facilities on the outskirts of care. that's off to several provocations from ukraine were reportedly on russian territory. the latest was prevented earlier by air defense systems in the border region of belgrade. the wife of a captured ukrainian opposition leader claims her husband has been tortured and beaten by authorities. it comes as a band all a position in the country. victor meant that he is not just a citizen of you green. he is a peoples deputy of ukraine. what is happening to victor is human disgrace. and with washington upping its arms shipments to ukraine out see looks at how such.


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