tv News RT April 16, 2022 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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ah ah, germany is involved in the work of bio weapons labs and ukraine together with its u. s. allies. that's the latest revelation coming from moscow on the west. a legit, biological military activities in the region? an investigation claims the ukrainian secret service used guantanamo style. torture techniques on political opponents of president vladimir zalinski. we speak to the author behind the probe, who says the practice was supervised by the cia. has russian troops take control over most of the port city of mario cal civilians begin to leave their shelters to receive aid following weeks of peer spite theater with
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wherever you are in the world, you're watching our t international. my name's donald quarter. welcome to the program. rushes foreign ministry is claiming germany has conducted military biological activities in ukraine with its u. s. counterpart. according to confirm reports, germany closely carbonated, its work on biological security with its american allies that established a network of at least 30 biological laboratories in ukraine. in addition to their other activities, they were involved in dangerous research. the fact that is the official go is to improve the biological to fans insecurity situation. ukraine, particularly in the east of the country, gives rise to the rhetorical question of which border, the german military biologists consider an outer border for the purposes of their professional interests, is that the russian ukraine border ortiz acres. dawn of joined me in the studio earlier to discuss the issue. it's an open secret that the united states,
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they have a very expensive and extensive biological program of this bile, our program, the, the host. basically there is plenty of host countries. and ukraine became began to take part in this program after the events of 2014, when basically during a revolution, the government was ousted and basically the new government, the new imported government to cause towards a more, you know, towards integration with the west, the so washington had seized the opportunity and well, it established numerous. ah, it, it expanded its biological program into ukraine and there were multiple labs, operational, they're very, very, very, highly secretive. and very few people knew what was going on there. but now with the russian operation in ukraine. now the russian military knows a little bit more as to what's been going on there and a lot of facts and a lot of a lot of evidence points that it wasn't just the united states,
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but its allies like germany, for example. they, they have been taking part in it to have listened to something else said by the spokeswoman for the russian foreign ministry. maria's a harbor, the white house, things that have fans is the best defense and has lost yet another propaganda campaign centered on the false assertion that our country's efforts to draw the attention of the international community to the activities of the us military biologists in ukraine are allegedly nothing more than a smokescreen, which they say moscow will try to use to cover up the potential use of biological or chemical weapons during the special military operation that is conducted by the russian armed forces. so essentially the point she's making here that the united states, they're doing everything in their power to draw attention away from these labs, like nothing to see here, move along. it's all good old fine, and are supported in this effort to draw the attention away the united states is by germany. so that was probably quite unexpected for the russian officials with maybe well, some intelligence pointed to belinda as well. well, we failed to find out. well,
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you said the u. s. is trying to draw attention away from these bio labs, but have we heard any concrete statements from the united states or germany on this? well, again, the united states that everything that we heard from them is along the lines. again, nothing to see here move along. germany has remained silent to this matter, but we did here. i mean, it wasn't, it didn't come right away. it's not a new statement. but here's, for example, how victoria newland of the united states. once reference to these labs, ukraine has biological research facilities. we are working with the ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of russian forces should they approach so well, if there's one thing that is set in stone is that the united states, they don't want the russians finding out what's going on in these biological labs, but well, the russian military, which is engage in the special operation in ukraine,
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they are making some very disturbing revelations. like for example, documents the creative authorities. apparently they reached out to the turkish manufacturer of the bio unmanned aerial vehicles, trying to figure out and asking questions like, for example, if the drone is capable of you know, flying as far as 300 kilometers away from the control point from the control station. if by rock towers are capable of carrying errors, souls, so both on says, we're know the ones that they received from turkey. but again, this is very alarming given that shortly after that, the russians they found out, they literally found a drone that was equipped with everything necessary to well be flying with something with something spray about essentially. and don't suppose that the united states, they painted a technology that would allow them to manufacture such well capable of flying,
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are armed with something, spray a bull. so essentially, that technology would allow them to manufacture those drones at large. was you said, of course this affects the rest of the world. so how has the rest of the international community responded to what, what russia saying about this? well, it is these labs, it's something of an elephant in the room that most countries, especially american allies, are trying not to not to see, not to notice. but well, we've had some reaction from china who woke spoiler alert. they weren't happy at all. may wordly united states has not yet given any convincing explanation. fritz by a military activities, undertaken consultation and cooperation to address concerns is a requirement of the biological weapons convention. the u. s. has no right to reject discussions on the issue. u. s. remarks have so far been ambiguous and even self contradictory, which roused greatest suspicion from the international community. so if there's one solid fact about this, is that the united states, they don't want russia laying hands on anything that will could have come out,
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or is it remains in any of these labs in ukraine? because right now, there is, there are 2 different forces acting against each other the united states trying to kind of sweep this under the rug and russia and china who are kind of urging other nations to pay attention to this as well. especially given if any of this information were substances full in the wrong hands. ah, a new investigation has alleged that the ukrainian secret service has been torturing prisoners of war and ukrainians, suspected of having pro russian sympathies. the report contains the accounts of people who shared their experiences. they used a lighter to heat up a needle than put it under my fingernails. the worst was when they put the plastic bag over my head and suffocated me. and when they held the muzzle of a kalashnikov rifle to my head and forced me to answer their questions, it was like a small guantanamo. i was told that if it wasn't for my 2nd passport, i'd be killed. i didn't know how much that was to influence and scare me,
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or how much of it was real. currently, the s b u is rounding up. anyone accused of sympathy for russia? so anyone who speaks russian, anyone who is, is thought to be in support of the russian offensive inside ukraine is likely to be put into this torture prison and interrogated and beaten my investigation contains testimony from 2 men who were tortured inside the s b. u. headquarters and a sports complex or gym attached to it. and they gave me accounts of extreme torture. beatings where, where prisoners were bleeding from their mouth. one man had hot needles stuck under his fingernails. he said that there were 2 men from the russia who were
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tortured to death. so it's clear, and it's been documented not only by myself, but by amnesty international and united nations that the ukrainian security service, the s b u. torture is prisoners. ukrainian secret services use of torture and prisons has been previously covered in reports published by the united nations and amnesty international. according to those reports, the s b u has a number of compounds in cities across ukraine, where people have allegedly been detained and tortured for having pro ration views . reports author done cohen also claims that the ukrainian security service was working on a plot twist, fascinate the exiled opposition figure and leading journalist anatoly, sri. he was also a popular blogger. he's also a popular blogger, still who back in 2020, had already claimed the lensky presidential office, ordered his assassination. no, i could be ugly. this police report was written
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a few hours ago to spanish police. in this report, a man named alexander's old can states that he's got an order for a political assassination of a politician and blogger, anatoly, shar, in union you, according to his words, the assassination order has been given from people directly affiliated with the presidential office of ukraine. we need to see reporters asking lensky, where are these prisoners who have been disappeared? and we never, and we've never heard from again. and if they've been killed or tortured, as they obviously have their need to be, these are, these are crimes that need to be, there needs to be accountability for them. this sort of torture fits a geo political agenda in support of the united states and european union against russia. and so well the u. s. and you claim to be supporting democracy and, and for freedom it's obvious that you know,
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anyone who's unlucky enough to end up in one of these torture prisons may not come out alive. so there's a very clear double standard, and this has nothing to do with human rights or democracy. it's all about us, empire. while you've just heard about, the threat posed to one position figure in the past, but another is facing problems right now. victor medford truck was arrested this week by ukrainian security services, and now his wife is asking british prime minister boris johnson, to swap detained british mercenaries for her husband. from 2018 until his arrest med mitchell was the chairman of a pro russian party. and key of you played a key role in negotiations between ukraine, russia and the people's republic of danielle campbell guns and his wife says the arrest was completely against the law. then could prominence could johnson, i'm not to go by all of the vision for the addition element of your grand durham
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individual. i appeal to your for help in exchange and my husband horse illegally that then but keith curtis for political reasons and false accusations for citizens of your country either as can and some pina. hello, live family and trans item and song. help me bit on victor. really, russia said it to take several military personnel from nato countries, including 2 british citizens, aden, ashlyn and sean penner were fighting as mercenaries in ukraine. they were captured this week as prisoners of war and mariel, along with hundreds of ukrainian soldiers. this comes after boris johnson flying visit to kiev, where he pledged to provide more military aid to president zelinski. there have already been several reports of british citizens fighting in ukraine. however, johnson himself has completely ruled out the possibility of british troops
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officially fighting in ukraine against the russian army. what a cal analysts devonne missouri believes that as long as lensky continues his anti russian stance, the west will turn a blind eye to any political repressions in ukraine. but my son was sure to by and large zelinski has a free hand today to finally strangle political freedoms in ukraine. landscape could not have an honest and democratic dialogue with the victim edward chuck in a political competition. but in fact, we see a typical dictator in the center of europe. and unfortunately today, both forest johnson and micron and other european leaders 10 applying to this. but they see it like this. if the lens key to something back to russia, then this is all going mosmyer for such reasons. they will turn a blind eye to political trials to the arrest of prominent opposition. political leaders such as victim advert charge and to the activities of nationalists and radicals. a lot of whom are inside the army. so the russian military says it's
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prevented an attempt by key of to destroy a hydro electric power plant. in the southern city of curse, chris on to ballistic missiles were apparently shot down by air defense systems. and fragments of the missiles fell upon a residential area. damaging houses and causing several casualties. the russian defense ministry stated that the failed attack could have led to the uncontrolled flooding, multiple settlements in the region. we have yet to hear from hear about the incident, but one man told us that his home was damaged by the strike. well, this is my house, that 7 in the mornings my house was hit by our glorious ukrainian military. i am not a military man. i am a civilian, i work as a grain truck driver. i love my country. i was a patriot after this was what can i say? thank you mr. zelinsky. not a war. and ukraine is not just a conflict between kiev and moscow for some, it's a fight for their national identity to speak their own language. or she heard from
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one such person named dimitri who was from mariel and joins the dynamics. people's republic militia, in 2014, to fight for his land, solemn nearby than i felt offended when some people came to my city in 2014 and began to tell me what language i should speak. how i should live. we held a referendum. we want to be with russia. we are russians. mari, opal has always been a russian city. we began to fight for our land 8 years of fighting. and finally now i've returned to my native land. i'm overwhelmed with emotions. for me, there is great happiness. it's impossible to scribe what's going on in my heart. someone is sad that the city is destroyed, but there was no other way out. and no one had the strength to wait any longer. i will rebuild the city. i'll be glad to put my whole soul into making it better. we are russian people. we can do it. they would not so many difficulties. play with the russian defense ministry has released new footage of russian forces advancing in the heart of region. settlements are providing humanitarian aid, along with primary and advanced medical care. the pictures show local residents
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greeting the column, which is protected by helicopter air support and tanks. meanwhile, and the devastated city of mario full civilians are starting to leave their to their basements after russian troops took control of most of the city. many people had been trapped in shelters with little food or water since the beginning of march, and humanitarian aid is now beginning to get through as ortiz roman culture of reports. well once again, we are here in the murray who will once again, if we are delivering humanitarian age things like food, medicine, hygienic items, and basically anything else that people here have been lacking for the last, almost 2 months. as you can see, many parts of the city are devastated. people are on the streets. there is no electricity, no running water. and of course many she, when it's area missions are here. now trying to help these people out at
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a distance you can see people are registering would. then you don't ask people's republic authorities. i over there, people are receiving humanitarian aid from other organizations. i hear we can see a field kitchen where the locals are lining up in order to get well, their daily meal, subdural, modernist rule. but while it but the muslims, one way we're near to mediately with digital show you, what did you get to watch? a slogan that he read those ashley williams earlier, would you jude with idea what the, what the ways, luckily of which thought were young in the world in digital phone? good news. i heard you got there the way it does thought it would be, or will you need these and what would the use all of the room but good. are you lyla? doyle, do have new or used will lead to of your story here. and you, what i bridge, who said jim madigan is a wireless bridge 11 or she mewing. little worship from long island from dr.
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american. sheila invisalign the in the bow, a mahler. you do not. the blogger doraville got doyle in the castillo, chintz thrash melbourne villa. stay on the sheila spawn to our la donna. she no problem. villamor, michigan. no matina will continue working here until the situation is finally over . and of course, like many others will continue bringing missouri. i assume that people here need vermont calls for of archie dunn as peebles republic oxfam says 28000000 people across east africa are at risk of extreme hunger due to the conflict in ukraine. countries in the region import 90 percent of their weight from both ukraine and russia. the repercussions of the ukrainian conflict on the global food system will reverberate around the globe. but it is the poorest and most vulnerable people who will be among those hit hardest and fastest. rising food prices are
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a hammer blow to millions of people who are already suffering multiple crises and make a huge shortfall and aid potentially lethal rushes, the world's low top wheat exporter shipping around $338000000.00 tons of the grain last year. the country is also the world's biggest supplier of fertilizers and exports. many chemical components needed for their production of scale, says western sanctions or damaging global supply chains. meanwhile, russian president vladimir putin has already said, not all countries will be able to purchase the required amount of fertilizers this year. you said developed countries had made errors in their economic energy and food policies over the last 2 years. leading to sharp rises in food prices. the president also claimed western nations will try to redirect food supplies to themselves, leaving others walner bowl to the food crisis. people in south africa are feeling the backlash of the sanctions as well. food and fuel prices have been searching.
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the foot prices are very, very high. i'm clicking while is very high, so i didn't buy it much i and see if i can do price check and find that somewhere else a little bit cheaper and better, the petrol going up, everything else is also quite high. usually this truly is not much out of spend to we live, but up spend much more, which is really concerning. i'm so due to the food prices that we have right now, i didn't get everything that i wanted in the shop. everything is just expensive. now. bread is expensive, even like you simple basics like oil, milk, and like just basic basics. i literally have a full bag and i spend $300.00 grand and i can't believe it. i'm just disappointed . well, i don't think all of a hood prices are currently affected yet, but it will be affected with the oil prices, week prices, and general stuff and go with our gas prices going up so much. the food prices are going to skyrocket and they have already a senior us official has accused russia of
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driving food shortages in yemen and beyond laying all the blame on moscow for the rapidly soaring price is being seen around the world. the world food programs march report identified yemen as one of the country's most affected by wheat price increases and lack of imports from ukraine. this is just another grim example of the ripple effect, rushes unprovoked, unjust unconscionable war as having on the world's most vulnerable some bastard to the un linda thomas greenfield, linked to russia's actions and ukraine to yelman's crippling hunger crisis. at the same time, she praised saudi arabia and the united arab emirates for their humanitarian support to the country. though not mentioning that re ads. ongoing bombing campaign had allegedly targeted food and production sites of vital civilian infrastructure on purpose for more than 7 years. currently, up to 19000000 people in yemen are classified as food insecure, and even more are in need of humanitarian assistance. with 3500000 women and
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children suffering from acute malnutrition. russia responded to the charges during the un session, claiming us sanctions of damage the supply chains and caused global food shortages . the main factor for instability and the source of the problem today is not the russian special military operation in ukraine. but sanctions, measures imposed on our country seeking to cut off any supplies from russia and the supply chain apart from those supplies that those countries in the west need. in other words, energy. this is an outrageous accusation. the entire world knows why yemen has no food. it has no clean water, it has no medicine, and that is because of the u. s. backed war, there's an old saying that if you repeat ally often enough, it becomes the truth. and i think that's what we're seeing here. this war in yemen, led by saudi arabia, participated in by the united arab emirates and with the military backing of the
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united states has been going on for a long time. and it's because these 3 countries just refused to accept the fact that the government of yemen has changed. now, what they are able to do in order to choke off the new government of yemen, is to stop shipments of food and medicine. they can bomb 24 hours a day, and that's exactly what they've done. they're hoping now that the world will be distracted by another war in the ukraine, and will ignore the war crimes and the crimes against humanity that have been committed by saudi arabia and the united arab emirates in yemen. ah, northern european stability would be jeopardized to finland and sweden join nato. that's the warning from the russian foreign ministry after both countries said there, mulling joining the alliance. it's no secret that the territories of these states have long been claimed by nato with large scale military exercises being held. the
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motives of the alliance are clear, but it's unclear while baltic region neighbors, finland, and sweden want to turn into a new frontier of confrontation between the nato block and russia. the negative consequences for peace and stability in northern europe are obvious or moscow also stated that if a session happens, russia will have to reinforce the baltic sea region by deploying nuclear weapons. and it's european, our ex clave of kalynne and grog in order to quote, restore the balance rushes repeatedly argued. nato expansion goes against its security concerns. something highlighted during talks before the war in ukraine began, but dismissed by western powers. during the cold war of these countries, alongside austria, ireland, and switzerland decided not to join who were to call and military alliances. however, in the 1990 s. all neutral states became a part of nato's partnership for peace program that allows them to cooperate militarily and peacefully with the block without full membership. the governments
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of sweden and austria, now claim things have changed due to the war and ukraine, and they are reconsidering their positions. the european security architecture have changed fundamentally, after russians invasion of ukraine. we have deepened our native partnership until now hand in hand with sweden. ever since russia is legally an exit crimea, there is no other way to have security guarantees than under nato's deterrence and common defense ass guaranteed by natives. article 5 more to get more insight into that. we're going across live now to dan cove, alec, he's a human and labor rights lawyer and also author of the plot to scapegoat russia. dan, thanks lot for joining us on the program. the 1st thank you for having me. no problem . the 1st thing i want to talk about, basically considering russia in part, went to war over ukraine's push to join nato. are you surprised that both sweden and finland are now considering it? well, ah, surprise, no, disturb, yes, i mean, as you say,
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we know that this conflict in ukraine was provoked by nato's continued expansion towards russia by nato's refusal to guarantee that ukraine would not be brought into nato. and i have sweden and finland saying i will, maybe we'll join nato. so this just seems to add fuel to the fire and is, you know, frankly inexplicable. while there have been and reports on named american officials that say that these countries will be able to join nato this summer. that of that seems pretty quick, especially considering the fact that you know, nato and ukraine were considering ukrainian membership in the military organization . perhaps for a lot longer than that. do you think that's feasible? i me, any things feasible, if that's what they want to do, i'm sure they can do it again. it seems to me to be extraordinarily provocative
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towards russia to do it, especially that quickly. but it's obvious. the west wants to have an extremely hostile relationship with russia, and this would be just another way to show that while, as we already heard, russia said that if this happens, they must go, may be forced to put nuclear weapons in co leningrad. what response would you expect from russia if they do end up joining nato more or less that? i certainly think russia will respond in some kind of way that, you know, is account or move to what sweden finland are doing. again, whatever that moves going to be, it's just going to increase tensions between the nuclear powers and probably make a nuclear war or whether accidental or not. more likely. now, finland and sweden succession may undermine the stability, stability in the north of europe, no doubt. many experts are saying that already,
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how do you see the future of nato and the possibility of further expansion of the block? well, i'd like to see nato just go away and i thought maybe that would be the result of all this. but i mean, i guess with these moves by sweden and finland, we're just going to see increased expansion, you know, they've already. busy expanded into south america, columbia. south america is now a nato. not a full nato member, but i guess the nato partner and there's been nato exercises off the coast columbia . so i guess the plan now is just to spread nato throughout the world. why do you think, as you just said, further nato expansion? how do you think that's going to affect the conflict in ukraine? i'm not sure it's going to affect that conflict per se. i mean, i think that conflicts going to go the way it's going to go. busy but this will just lead to further conflicts around the world and into that extend it's,
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it's regrettable. and how do you think that, along with sanctions against russia are going to affect the geopolitical situation in the near future? may i think what you're going to see is this increased east west divide. frankly, it will rival that during the cold war. um, you know, you had more interaction between the west and the east during the cold war than you do now. i mean, you could take an air flow flight from new york to moscow during the height of the cold war, and you can't do that now. it's going to cut the world in half. and again, that sad, the world we used to say is getting smaller. in fact, now it's getting bigger tank of alex human rights and labor rights lawyer and author of the plot to scapegoat russia. thanks a lot for joining us on the program. thank you very much. appreciate you. that's the news for this. our stick around for more in just about 30 minutes.
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