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tv   News  RT  April 16, 2022 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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ah ah, germany is involved in the work of bio weapons labs and ukraine together with its u. s. ally, that's the latest revelation coming from moscow on the west. so legend, biological military activities in the region. russian troops have taken full control over mary opal's urban sections with more than a 1000 ukrainian soldiers laying down their arms. civilians are beginning to leave their shelters and receive aid for following weeks of fierce fight to deal with the blood. there you look good. an investigation claims the ukrainian security service used guantanamo style torture techniques on political opponents of president vladimir zalinski. we speak
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to the author behind the probe, who says the practice was supervised by the sea island. with wherever you are right now, you're watching our to international. my name is donald courter. welcome to the program. rushes. foreign ministry is claiming germany has conducted military biological activities and ukraine with its u. s. counterparts. according to confirm reports, germany closely carbonated, it's work on biological security. with this american allies that established a network of at least 30 biological laboratories in ukraine, in addition to their other activities, they were involved in dangerous research. the fact that is the official go is to improve the biological to fans insecurity situation. ukraine, particularly in the east of the country, gives rise to the rhetorical question of which border, the german military biologists consider an outer border for the purposes of their professional interests. is that the russian ukraine border. archie is eager. donna
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joined me in the studio earlier to discuss the issue. the fact that these by a labs exist at all it that is an open secret. i mean, united states even have openly admitted that they are there. what's new here is apparently the germans involvement in it. apparently, according to the documents revealed by the, by the russian authorities, you can see them on your screen right now. at least several german institutes. joe and research institute even would ties to the german military, according to the russian foreign ministry with ties to the german military. they were kind of, they were in cahoots with the, with these labs in ukraine. and they pass to them some, some samples of diseases which are very contagious. and well, they're quite nasty. here's how these spokeswoman for the russian foreign ministry . murray has a heart of explained what was going on and how exactly those institutes were involved in ukraine. the frederick left or institute,
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his focus and came in congo hemorrhagic fever. but the burnett knocked institute for tropical medicine has concentrated its activities in ukraine, an extremely dangerous fever's den. get chicken good yet west nile and a suitor to name a few. so these are some names that she don't really hear often in your day to day life. we have some pictures of one of the diseases that was studied there. again, it's quite graphic and it is quite unpleasant to look at. but this is just for visual purposes. just to give you an idea that is again, it's not just something that you just that will just give you a cough or a runny nose. and these viruses were shipped directly from germany, according to the documents that we've seen. and according to again, according to marie, has a heart of a spokeswoman for the russian foreign ministry. basically the justification, the pretext as to why these, these diseases should be studied was the world was the internal conflicts at that time. the internal conflict between key of and the eastern regions. the institute
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of microbiology claims in this materials that the project is related to the potential thread of biological terrorism in ukraine and me the an anti hostilities in eastern regions of that country. it is crystal clear that this is a way to send a subtle message about the d, p r, and l p r, as possible involvement and hatching class for the use of internationally prohibited biological weapons. have we heard any comment from the united states or germany in relation to these bio labs? well, germany has been trying to distance itself as much as possible from these activities and helping the united states in the rhetoric. but well, the russian military, which is engage in the special operation in ukraine, they are making some very disturbing revelations like, for example, documents the ukraine of authorities. apparently they reached out to the turkish manufacturer of the bike, todd unmanned aerial vehicles, trying to figure out and asking questions like, for example, if the drone is capable of you know,
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flying as far as 300 kilometers away from the control point from the control station if by rock towers are capable of carrying areas, souls, so both on says we're know the ones that they received from turkey. but again, this is very alarming given that shortly after that, the russians they found out, they literally found a drone that was equipped with everything necessary to well be flying with something with something spray about essentially. and don't suppose that the united states, they painted a technology that would allow them to manufacture such drones, well, capable of flying armed with something, spray a bow. so essentially that technology would allow them to manufacture those drones at large and again. so what the, what the us government was trying to do, it was trying to, well, kind of, well move it as far away from the media, limelight as possible. but one thing is certain,
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they didn't point russians to find out and still don't as to what's going on behind . then the walls of these labs have less. ukraine has biological research facilities. we are working with the ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of russian forces should they approach. i'm sure you've noticed how careful victoria noland was the picking was as to what exactly is going on there? what these facilities are right now, there are, there are 2 different forces acting against each other. the united states trying to kind of sweep this under the rug and russia and china who are kind of urging other nations to pay attention to this as well. especially given if any of this information or substances full in the wrong hands. the urban area of mario paul has been completely cleared of mercenaries, neo nazi and nationalist battalions,
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as well as regular ukrainian armed forces, with only 2000 ukrainian soldiers. still surrounded at a steel works plant according to the russian defense ministry. the remnants of the ukrainian group are currently completely blocked on the territory of the as of stall metals plant. the total number of this group is about 8000 people. according to the russian defense ministry, and it spokes person has added that the number surrendering is increasing daily. mario pl. total losses of ukrainian group amounted to more than 4000 people. total losses nationwide are said to be more than $23000.00. thus, russia has rejected the claim to the western media of president vladimir lensky, that total losses amount to just around $3000.00. ministry also says that russian air defense in odessa shot down a ukrainian military transport aircraft that was delivering a large batch of weapons to ukraine. from western countries, in the devastated city of mario pal civilians are starting to leave their basements
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. many people have been trapped in shelters with little food or water since the beginning of march. humanitarian aid, though, is now beginning to get through as ortiz roman culture reports. well, once again we're here in emory will once again, if we are delivering humanitarian age things like food, medicine, hygienic items, and basically anything else that people here have been lacking for the last, almost 2 months. as you can see, many parts of the city are devastated. people are on the streets, there is no electricity, no running water. and of course, many shoe in italian missions are here now trying to help these people out at a distance. you can see people are registering within. you don't ask people's republic authorities. i over there, people are receiving humanitarian aid from other organizations. i hear we can see
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a field kitchen where locals are lining up in order to get well, their daily meal, subdural modernist rule. but while it but more than normal way, we're near to mediately with digital shut. the not said you had to, which is luck. and that he built those ashley losers, but it would shoot with a d 20.0. dois a clear book which thought, well young knew the volley, digital phone, good news. you've got there is the way it is the way it looked the deal. you need these and what would the yield of the resume, but what are you the doin do? am you sure? yeah. and what do you do um, do you still have your and your good breach please? to share generic gun is a wireless voyage 11 or she mewing. dongle shipped from long island oak, the american gillian busybody. the la molla, you do not belong authority to a 3rd. lynda castillo, which is thrash number viola. stay on the sheila span to i la donna c number on
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valence michigan. no matina clinton will will continue working here until the situation is finally over. and of course, like many others, will continue bringing necessary items that people here need for among cauthrin archie done as people's republic. another news, the crew of the sunken naval flagship, the mosque law, will continue to serve in russian naval forces. these are the very 1st images of the crew since the boat went down following a fire on board, which triggered an explosion of its ammunition. ukraine claims it hit the boat with missiles and some claim. the crew was dead accusing rush of silence about the sailors. fate. russian navy commander in chief and black sea fleet command met with the surviving sailors and civil stapo. while high command vowed the traditions and memory of the crews there will be preserved and continued. a new investigation has alleged that the ukrainian security service has been torturing
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prisoners of war and ukrainian suspected of having pro russian sympathies. the report contains the accounts of people who shared their experiences. they used the lights or to heat up a needle, then put it under my fingernails. the worst was when they put the plastic bag over my head and suffocated me. and when they held the muzzle of a kalashnikov rightful to my head and forced me to answer their questions, it was like a small guantanamo. i was told that if it wasn't for my 2nd passport, i'd be killed. i didn't know how much that was to influence and scare me, or how much of it was real. currently, the s b u is rounding up. anyone accused of sympathy for russia? so anyone who speaks russian, anyone who is, is thought to be in support of the russian offensive inside ukraine is likely to be put into this torture prison and interrogated and beaten my
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investigation contains testimony from 2 men who were tortured inside the s b. u. headquarters and a sports complex or gym attached to it. and they gave me accounts of extreme torture. beatings where, where prisoners were bleeding from their mouth. one man had hot needles stuck under his fingernails. he said that there were 2 men from the russia who were tortured to death. so it's clear, and it's been documented not only by myself, but by amnesty international and united nations that the ukrainian security service, the s b u. torture is prisoners. ukrainian secret services use of torture and prison has been previously covered in reports published by the united nations and
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amnesty international. according to those reports, the s b u has a number of compounds in cities across ukraine, where people have allegedly been detained and tortured for having pro russian means . the reports all sir dan cohen also claims the ukrainian security service was working on a plot to assassinate the exiled opposition, figure and leading journalist anatoly shuree. he's also a popular blogger who, back in 2020, had already claimed zalinski presidential office, ordered his assassination. no, i could be a glove. this police report was written a few hours ago to spanish police. in this report, a man named alexander zohler to can states that he's got an order for a political assassination of a politician and blogger, anatoly, shari. and according to his words, the assassination order has been given from people directly affiliated with the presidential office of ukraine. we need to see reporters asking zalinski, where are these prisoners who have been disappeared and we never and we've never
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heard from again. and if they've been killed or tortured, as they obviously have their need to be, these are, these are crimes that need to be, there needs to be accountability for them. this sort of torture fits a geopolitical agenda. i'm in support of the united states and european union against russia and so well the u. s. and you claim to be supporting democracy and, and for freedom. and it's obvious that you know, anyone who is unlucky enough to end up in one of these torture prisons ah, may not come out alive. so there's a very clear double standard and this has nothing to do with human rights or democracy. it's all about us, empire. well, you've just heard that threat opposed to one opposition figure in the past, but another is facing problems right now. victor med mitchell was arrested by
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ukrainian sir security services this week. and now his wife is asking british prime minister boris johnson, to swap detained british mercenaries for her husband. from 2018 until his arrest med truck was the chairman of a pro russian party and key if he played a key role in negotiations between ukraine, russia and the people's republic of bennett's ganske. as wife says, the arrest was completely against the law. then the prime minister johnson, i'm trying to go live on the original petition element of your grand government ritual. i appeal to your for help in exchange and my husband who was a that then, but keith, a purchase for political reasons and south and his asians for citizens of your country. i've been asking them and some pina. hello, live family and friends. don't. i don't. and song help me on victor.
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earlier russia said it to change several military personnel from nato countries, including 2 british citizens, aden, ashlyn and sean pinner. were fighting as mercenaries in ukraine. and they were captured this week as prisoners of war and mario pl. along with hundreds of ukrainian sultans, this comes after boris johnson's flying visit to kiev, where he pledged to provide more military age to president valenze key for already already been several reports of british citizen fighting in ukraine. however, johnson himself has completely ruled out the possibility of british troops officially fighting in ukraine against the russian army. political analysts dive on missouri leaves as long as the lensky continues his ante russian stance. the west will turn a blind eye to any political repressions in ukraine. well, my son was shooting by and large slender. he has a free hand today to find the strength of political freedoms in ukraine with the landscape could not have an honest and democratic dialogue with the victim
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adventure in a political competition. in fact, we see a typical dictator in the center of europe, and unfortunately today are strongest and a macro and other european lead to turn a blind eye to this. they see it like this. it's the lens, he does something bad to russia than this is our guy. such reasons they will turn a blind eye to political trials to the arrest from an opposition political leaders such as victim at the chip, unto the activities of nationalists and radicals. a lot of humor inside the army, a senior us official has accused russia of driving food shortages in yemen and beyond laying all the blame on moscow for the rapidly soaring price is being seen around the world. the world food programs march report identified yemen is one of the country's most effected by wheat price increases, and lack of imports from ukraine. this is just another grim example of the ripple effect rushes unprovoked, unjust unconscionable war is having on the world's most vulnerable. the u. s,
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as in baset, are to the united nations linked russia's actions in ukraine through demons, crippling hunger crisis. at the same time, she praised saudi arabia and the united arab emirates for their humanitarian support to the country. so not mentioning that re adds ongoing bombing campaign at allegedly targeted on purpose food production site and vital civilian infrastructure for more than 7 years. currently, up to 900000000 people in yemen are classified as food insecure and even more are in need of humanitarian assistance. with 3500000 women and children suffering from acute malnutrition. russia responded to the charges during the un session, claiming us sanctions have damaged the supply chains and caused global food shortages. the main factor for instability and the source of the problem today is not the russian special military operation and ukraine. but sanctions, measures imposed on our country seeking to cut off any supplies from russia and the supply chain. apart from those supplies that those countries in the west need. in
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other words, energy. this is an outrageous accusation. the entire world knows why yemen has no food. it has no clean water, it has no medicine. and that is because of the u. s. back war. there is an old saying that if you repeat ally often enough, it becomes the truth. and i think that's what we're seeing here. this war in yemen, led by saudi arabia, participated in by the united arab emirates and with the military backing of the united states has been going on for a long time. and it's because these 3 countries just refused to accept the fact that the government of yemen has changed. now, what they are able to do in order to choke off the new government of yemen, is to stop shipments of food and medicine. they can bomb 24 hours a day, and that's exactly what they've done. they're hoping now that the world will be distracted by another war in the ukraine,
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and will ignore the war crimes and the crimes against humanity that have been committed by saudi arabia and the united arab emirates in yemen. ah, jo buttons, critics have been taking a swipe at the presidents faculties once again claiming the look, claiming that he looked last at the end of a speech by trying to shake hands with thin air. the president also claimed he had served a full professor as a full professor at the university of pennsylvania, despite having never taught a class at the institution. hm . ah, latest gaff has unsurprisingly led to a flood of means appearing on line one, showing biden's shaking zalinski hand, and another highlighting his apparent confusion while trying to leave the state.
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it's the latest in a string of recent biden blunders. only last week, the president appeared confused, as he was apparently ignored at a white house event. ah, biden also looks like he started resorting to cheat sheets when he double down on his apparently unscripted claim last month that russian president vladimir putin cannot remain in power. the notes appeared to include questions expected from reporters, as well as the answers that biden should give. biden has used notes, identifying certain reporters since his 1st press conference as president. it's also important to note that biden's approval rating is apparently at the lowest level of his presidency. so far with a cnn poll of polls, putting it at less than 40 percent. former vice chair for the libertarian national committee. arvin bora thinks americans are increasingly beginning to question the
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president's ability to leave the country. there is a lot of things that are conveying the impression that there might be some sort of cognitive impairment, some sort of dementia. and the problem that we're seeing is not just the, the, the actual problem which, you know, we might have present that does not fit to be president. but there's a secondary cover up that seem to be going on. you know right now, abide and dementia is probably one of the top google searches in the country. but if you type start typing by dimensions into google, you don't get the auto fill that you usually do for a highly popular search. so we're seeing not just the question on everybody's mind, but the fact that the answer to that question or information about that question seems to be be actively suppressed by the big tech companies that really back as president in the 1st place. basically, there are a lot of questions coming up of, you know, does he have the cognitive ability to do this job? and he can see this is not a partisan issue, because if it's showing that he doesn't, the person who would take over it would be vice president harris who is also
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a democrat. so this is not a republican versus democrat or republican versus libertarian versus democrat. mean this, that the parties not going to change, but this question, it has become a question that you know, on the minds of the american people. and some people are seeing it actively. some people are maybe sort of subconsciously looking at it, which is why you're seeing his domestic numbers plummeting. if i had to guess, my guess would be that his born perception is also not doing too well, but at least domestically we see those approval numbers plummeting. because people have very real question about if you fit to even do the job. twitter is board members are set to block a hostile takeover bid by 11 months capture. he announced a plan to buy the entire social media platform with all the details. here is our chief killed, the billionaire alon musk is talking about buying the top social media app known as twitter. the u. s. political establishment is up in arms saying this is a threat to democracy. i am frightened by the impact on society and politics. if
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you on musk acquires twitter, he seems to believe that on social media anything goes for democracy to survive, we need more content, moderation, not less. their argument is why should one man have so much power? for those of us who care about equity and accountability must appointment to such a prominent role and a platform that serves hundreds of millions of users daily is highly disconcerting, a slap in the face, even. it's a bit odd that they're so concerned about mosque when the washing post is owned by jeff days over the new york times is owned by carlo slim and mark zocker berg owns facebook. i guess these ultra powerful american oligarchy are not a threat to american democracy, even though they all have a record of getting in a hot water over who they allow to say what on their platforms. but it gets better . one of the major shareholders of twitter at the moment is a saudi prince. the very person who rejected alon mosques bid is the member of the
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ruling family of an autocratic kingdom. that is absolutely okay with regular mass executions. after all, jeff bezos, washington post accuses moscow racketeering. in his new attempt to take over twitter, ilan musk is turning to a bare knuckle tactic more common to the corporate raids of the 1980s. a hostile takeover bid last because now taking the opportunity to conduct some classic twitter style trolling free speech is essential to a functioning democracy. do you believe twitter rigorously adheres to this principle? most of these top accounts, tweet rarely and post very little content. as twitter dying is a new platform needed masks. rivals in the american billionaire aristocracy are now maneuvering to stop him from taking control of twitter. amid this power struggle, the hypocrisy of many us media voices is becoming very apparent. caleb bobbin artsy new york on behalf of the art international team. we want to say thank you,
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and we hope you have a great day. ah ah ah ah miss has section is very easy to make. if you're very good i did, for instance, if you work in the media and you know how to do it, you can do
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a very good job and manipulating public opinion. you can paint white as black, you can totally trust reality and sometimes not even by lying. sometimes just by making what you want to pay or putting things in a certain order. all putting human emotions into one side of the story while not giving a rational analysis of the whole picture. ah ah no, she has gotten my going down like christina, it isn't with us, but i'm, i'm the one who knows maybe no one
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a with a lot of life with a feller the all new polls and those are hard to what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race group is on often very dramatic development. only personally,
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i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult. time time to sit down and talk. ah fi is started the war against the dumbass republics in 2014. but the authorities didn't take civilian casualties into consideration. ukrainian armed forces moved remorselessly towards that goal. taking control the rebel regions capital was done as
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a new gun or or send me might be what was to use didn't was number but, but i'm bonus something. what on the block, we should we come up numbers towards what address and we would have them a lot of them to let me apply for a couple of shops dealing with come up with that. it was just the mom for being a ticket for them as you as often are dissolved with little bullshit. and i'm sure you got to be with another another over there is good mushroom, the most all about it go for when you start going with them over to want to follow up with you for the mom? sure. i knew the g with sport. it was you or but need some people who i know people with.


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