tv Documentary RT April 21, 2022 6:00am-6:31am EDT
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ah, ah ah, gloomy food i consider the proposed storming of the industrial zone impractical. i order you to cancel it. breaking news here on our t. vladimir putin holds the storming of the opposite stalls. steel factory and the besieged port city of mario polt, insisting that the lives of russian soldiers should be preserved. the coastal industrial area is the last stronghold of ukrainian forces in the city that says, the russia's russian defense minister says mario paul has been captured with the eyes off stall plans blockaded. earlier we heard from locals who managed to flee from the vicinity of the factory regions nachos today. tonight we walked out to get
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water and sniper shot me in the leg. i didn't see who it was, but it was in an area controlled by the ukrainians. the in south militants told us that anyone who goes on to the russian controlled territory would be shot dead. veteran, italian journalist angelo dorothy stands up against the western narrative saying the u. s. is to blame for the war and ukraine. he shares his thoughts with our t. technically, it's russia that unleashed the war. but in my view, it's the united states that prompted russia to do that. it states the number of publications, including with nato expansion, the thought of throwing anyone overboard is simply unacceptable and shine as president slams western sanctions against russia as bricks. countries prepared to introduce their own alternative to the western lead swift financial system, which has restricted russian access with
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wherever you are in the world. you're watching r t international. my name's donald quarter. welcome to the program. now we start the program with breaking news. vladimir putin halts the storming of the as of stall steel factory and the port city of mario particularly glue from which was huge to i consider the proposed storming of the industrial zone in practical. i order you to cancel it. this is a time when we must think, we must always think, but even more so in this case, about preserving the live and health of our soldiers and officers. there's no need to climb into these catacombs and crawl under ground through these industrial facilities block off this industrial area so that the fly doesn't fly through. once again, invite everyone who has not yet laid down their arms to do so. the russian side guarantees their lives. putting such an important center in the south as mary you pull under control is a success. congratulations. are joined here in the studio by artes eager. don of
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who's across a story for us. eager. tell us a little bit more about vladimir putin's announcement will absolutely. the key thing to understand about this whole decision is that as of style or as of steel, as it can be translated into english was the final and is, remains the final stronghold of all the ukrainian, you know, forces troops, nationalists that remain in the key port city of mario, but it's been days since the russian forces and are well, the forces of the dentist can. logan's people's republics, have been methodically and meticulously kind of clearing out this particular area. but the key thing to understand about what as of style or as of steel is, it's not just your regular factory. imagine a 9 story building, but going all the way under ground. so these are the catacombs. this is what the catacombs under, under this plan, to what the liz, this is what they look like. and some passages, for example, some hallways,
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there are large enough to fit a whole truck. so it is a very well, it's a very well easily defended area. and you can just go into ground and you need a mother all of all booms to do at least some damage to the people and to you know, to the, to the soldiers that will be with that are right now, hiding under ground. so our to storm a, a while, a stronghold like this would mean would mean casualties and quite likely, basically the amount of troops you'd need to just surround and besiege this plant, which is what the russian president has ordered to do, is probably roughly equal to the amount of men that russia would have lost if it was to go unto well, to go for an up front attack and for an upfront storming. so this was, this was the decision that vladimir putin made. basically a very, a good old world. medieval, i could say tactic that has been do, or has proven effective all the way from the dark times. you besiege people,
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you cut them off from, you know, supply pains, and eventually they run out of food. they run out of water and they have no other choice but to come out because just imagine image of the psychological pressure you feel you live and under ground, you are cut off from such basic things like taking a shower for example, you know, going to the bathroom and private. and how long can you, how long can a person, you know, withstand such psychological pressure? and also imagine how much food you need to have stored to feed, say 2000 people if they need at least twice if they need at least 2 times to, you know, to have to have a meal a day. that's a loss of count goods and that's a lot of preservatives. but russia has insisted that it will create and continue to create opportunities for them to lay down arms. and, you know, join almost 2000 of their brothers in arms who have already chosen to lay down arms and become prisoners of war. and what we heard about russia about the situation
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there from russia's defense minister. well that if the defense minister circ a shot was showing go, he has essentially laid out the situation, what it is like and mar, you pull on basically what the russian army faced in the city so heavily with nurses with russian and domestic republic forces have liberated mary, you, paul, the remaining nationalist forces are sheltered in the is austell plant. when it was the 11th of march, the number of ukrainian troops nationalists in foreign mercenaries was around 8100 people. during the liberation more than 4000 were killed. 1478 captured the others. more than 2000 are blocked in his austin nationalists turned almost all the residential buildings into permanent firing positions. in the lower stages, there were armored vehicles in artillery in the upper snipers and anti tank missiles in the middle and in the basements, there were civilians, as human shields and retreating, ukrainian,
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and nationalist forces were hiding behind civilians. as of now the whole, mary, you, paul, is under russian and dynamic republic control. nationalists and mercenaries in his av still are blocked firmly. traditions, of course, we've been reporting from the area for quite some time now since the beginning of the a russian military operation. there what information do we have on the ground will absolutely will a, from the 1st glance, the city of mario to looks like a ghost town, essentially because almost all buildings have been well damaged in the course of war. because essentially we as, as we've been reporting from the city, and as we've been hearing from the locals who were evicted from the apartments and whose apartments were turned into, you know, firing positions by nationalists. they have been describing some of the horrendous stuff that they've had to go through as they were essentially held hostage by the ukranian. nationalists of listen who are usually not healthy. that's neither. we went down to get water. a sniper shot me in the leg. i didn't see who it was you
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that it was in an area controlled by the ukrainians. does dissolve, militants told us that anyone who goes on to the russian control territory would be shot dead. please let him make like he didn't. the soldiers kicked us out dead. we grabbed our passports and money. when we came back to our apartments, we saw our belongings, food. everything was stolen again as of soldiers have taken everything bread due to red nutshell. deborah, i did not let us out as of the last shot at the legs of anyone who tried to get out well, essentially there are concerns that there may be civilians hiding in the as of steel plant. i in the catacombs as well, according to the russian defense ministry. those are the relatives of the fighters who are, who remain there. and again, according to the russian defense ministry, every opportunity will be provided for everyone willing to, you know, lay down arms and willing to come out safely. every opportunity will be provided for them artistic. christina, thanks
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a lot for walking us through those. the details commentary babich is a political analyst and he says that the decision has been made in order to spare lives the lives of soldiers and civilians. as far as i understand the disease and not the storm of the other is due to the desire to spare the lives wrong. so i don't see that there are some in there which is, you know, in big doubt in general i wouldn't. busy stop which i will call it just a more humane and more soft approach to engine this morning. if the west doors something good from the well, i won't, i won't read too much from one of the less will interpreted. it's all the holes that can be said for sure. staying with mary ople,
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dozens of dead bodies have been found within the vicinity of a public hospital. russian federal investigators have opened a criminal case on the suspicion and ukrainian forces are guilty of war crimes. a warning you may find these damages disturbing. this video was provided by russia's investigative committee and shows the destruction of the mariel hospital, allegedly shelled by ukrainian forces according to russian. and yet the people's republic authorities, they say $26.00 dead bodies were found elsewhere in the den. yes. people's republic, fragments of ukrainian metal, intercepted by a local air defense system, rained down on the city of shocked shores with at least one person reportedly killed. the son, verified footage, reportedly shows the destruction in the city where authorities say a child was killed and for other people were wounded. the missile is believed to have been a touched you missile widely used by the ukrainian military in
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other news, prominent italian journalist angelo dorsey has suggested an alternative view of the ongoing conflict in ukraine breaking with the western establishment media narrative . he says the u. s. is to blame for the war. he made this point on italy national television. but i did a remedy for that. but we must remember that this war, besides everything that we're talking about is a war of the united states against europe. the e. u is the real object of this war. the united states is interested in severing ties between russian europe and also china, a contributor to top italian media outlets. dorsey has over 40 years of experience and journalism as track record includes being a founder of several magazines with a focus on history. and last year he ran for mayor of the italian city of turin. he spoke with dorsey and got his insight on many aspects of the conflict. ah amended, i better not go each other little. technically, it's russia that unleashed the war. but in my view,
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it's the united states that prompted russia to do that. it stated a number of provocations, including with nato expansion. the united states figured out that it's losing cloud as a global hagaman. so it's behavior is a kind of a reaction. it definitely doesn't want to put up with its new role amid a shift in to paula centric world. in my view, zalinski is now the main obstacle to achieving peace. it's obvious that he's ready to sacrifice his country in his people in order to stain power. he's also hindering a diplomatic solution if we want peace talks to succeed, then the compliance with uminski agreements should be the starting point. but zelinski as opposed to that the sort of, i think that to day we're seeing 2 wars being fought simultaneously. one is being waged with arms bombs and missiles on the battlefield, whereas the other is unfolding in the media with newspapers, television, and the internet. and the latter one is no less serious. media outlets are being
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shut down and employ to we can arrival power. zelinski himself basically silenced he opposition. so it's not correct to say that the war in defense of zalinski equals a war in defense of democracy. i have never before seen must media acting as indecently as they do now. i'm struggling for the truth. second to my own opinion, without buying into the official version quinn with a my daughter was in crimea during the referendum. she worked. there is a photo journalist and sent me images showing people's joy about returning to russia that the referendum, embodied in national unity that it was considered liberation back then while covering the situation and the don bass, she managed to survive miracle asleep while her 30 year old colleague was killed in a mortar fire, she was very upset to see the violence that the authorities and key if used against the people of the don bass sanctions never heard governments. in fact they heard the population and because of that they are moral.
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they are also inefficient if their objective is to shift power in moscow. furthermore, the sanctions have already impacted european economies. the italian economy has already suffered and it's going to get worse. only the united states will managed to get away with it. probably for now the you doesn't see that i'm surprised by how short sighted our politicians are. china's liter seizing ping as warned against western moves to disrupt international unity. iep, y'all, me, are you going to contract for a ship to navigate a storm and sail towards a bright future? all the passengers must pull together. he shoots the thought of throwing anyone overboard is simply unacceptable. when that happens, both the victims and the initiators of such an ex stand to lose in this world, unilateralism and an excessive pursuit of self interest are doomed to fail. you can get the bricks, emerging economies, that's brazil, russia, india, china,
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and south africa are planning to hasten the introduction of their own financial system to rival the western lead. swift network that says western powers have lashed out at moscow with sanctions, including cutting. some russian banks off from swift rushes finance minister says the new system will help countries shift away from dollar dominance and create a buffer again shocks in case of a global economic downturn. bricks countries also plan to use their national currencies for import export operations and more closely integrate their bank card systems. the director of the geo political economy research group says the dollar dominated system has been hindering the world's economy. europeans in launching the euro was the 1st set of countries, and in fact, it goes back a long way back when the dollars linked to gold was broken in $971.00. that was when the europeans began, a long journey to was monetary union who spoke was, was precisely to eliminate the dollar from their mutual payments. the euro,
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euro doesn't look in great shape right now. but that is just the way these things work out. so i think the russians, the chinese, are the indians in many ways different countries are trying different ways in which to assert that independence from the dollar system, which has been extremely destructive. because the donor system rests on a sort of, of a band of financial ization, which is precisely what has been doing the 2 biggest economic, 2 biggest sorts of economic damage to the world. number one, increasing inequality to such an extent that demand remains a problem in the world. and number 2, ensuring that the vast, that vast amounts of money, we just rushing around the financial system are not invested productively, but are rather invested in speculation. and parasitical creation on the, on the income of a, of those who actually work for a living donor system has been deeply contradictory from the start. people just
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stop as though the dollars dominance was completely natural when they forget is that it has require and as i said this, this, this, this, this a foundation of a financial ation which has been destructive china is increasingly providing alternative trade partnerships, alternative investment relationships, and alternative payment systems and other such infrastructure. and of course, the russians, the indians, it's, if i'm not, and you know, i'm just saying that china now provides a competing goal. so you can, you know, in a certain says, you can look at just look at the map of this, the americans and european, you know, acolytes, i try doing what they're doing. that is putting sanctions in russia, et cetera. in order to scare the rest of the world into coming and becoming part of that system you know, into, into leaving close to the west. in reality,
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the effect of these action is to actually not unite the world under the domination of the west, but actually to divide the world between a small part of the world, which is essentially the old imperial core of the world economy. which is centered around the decaying financial lives relatively speculative american economy. and on the other hand, the rest of the world which consist of the vast majority of the world countries and over helping the doroty of the was too late, which will be centered around a more dynamic china. and of course, in russia and china get closer together as seems to be the case, then it may be a very off will do. busy because what china has, in terms of its labor force and cetera, and what russia has in terms of her resources and also was russia highly trained labor force? i think this is going to be the most dynamic dual ever seen not speaking
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to lecture mowdy or india. that's what british prime minister boars, johnson's office said regarding his 2 day visit to india with russia expected to be at the top of the agenda. johnson's office insists he does not want to pressure new delhi over its close relations with moscow, but may still try to convince them to change their course. johnson has already arrived and is expected to discuss boosting economic, defense, security and technology cooperation between the u. k. in india, he said to meet with business leaders in the western city of metabolic on thursday, and then is to go to new delhi for his summit with modi on friday. our correspondent rtp cool. seeing told us what you, it's back from the meeting. we are expecting that there are many still borders johnson, although he has said that he is not going to lecture robin is still not in there be on your grade as russia, but we are expecting graham in is still going to johnson to explore oper should be slow drain relationship,
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very india would be and perhaps especially in 2 major sectors, which is defense and energy because there is a certain viewpoint in the us and, and in the you need your country that india also needs to rally behind b. c. countries as against russia, in the ongoing crisis where ukraine. so we are expecting that remy bodies, john, so he's going to not bless you guys, but he's going to explore opportunities read. he can push india in a different direction based from russia, with rich india actually enjoy a strict, a partnership and cooperation and has so far been a new plan has abstain from working against russia in the united nations. are we
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also expecting them still borders? johnson, do us reduce its dependence, although it does not really dependent on russia, but it has been full cooperation and strategic partnership with russia historically. and traditionally, china and pakistan have announced they're expanding their partnership as part of a new economic corridor, a new pakistani nuclear power plant, nuclear power unit, rather powered by a chinese developed reactor has also started working this week. the new round of cooperation comes as pakistan's, newly appointed prime minister forms a coalition. government pm ship was sharif, has also hosted china's envoy to pakistan for talks and his lama bod. geopolitical analysts, to san slum, shod and paris school. at technology and business, professor benjamin shall say, close ties between the 2 countries. go beyond the current change of power,
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the new government, any government, when it comes in a box on there are certain companies with chinese are definitely one of the focused on governments. i've reached out to, in the past, it's not subject to the genome governments, it's beyond that governments, it's a strategic state to state relationship. so this was really much expected. and the 2nd thing bear in mind is that he's a part of a good relationship working with be sure he's in the past before i'm the associate pastor, he recently gave it to paula and his algebra and chemistry was an art for him for 4 years. 5 years and it was during that time also that the chinese development relationship, who i see as a relationship with the on any change economically the, the china pakistan economic corridor is of power. mel importers decoy is not just
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about connectivity, is about corporation industrialization of your culture and tourism. it is estimated that decoy dog would create 2300000 jobs between 20152030. and he would add 2 to 2.5 percent h points to the pakistan. so any quote, the value of this project is worth about $62000000000.00 us dollars as of 2020 more than all the foreign direct investment in pakistan. since 1970 we could leaks founder julian assange is now one step away from extradition to the u. s. as a london magistrate's court has ruled in favor of the move. it's now up to britain's home secretary to confirm the decision which would c assange handed over to the u. s. where he faces up to 175 years in prison on espionage charges, where he leeks editor in chief christian province and says,
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the latest ruling could essentially amount to a death sentence for assange. 60 months ago. this for the actual songs would mean a risk to the life that it will be equal to that now the court has been ordered to that been something that is what happened here today. now alive is in the hands of johnson. they need to do the right thing. you need to make sure they do the right thing. they have the power to start to end this, to have a bad life and stop tech on the press. julie in the sanchez adamantly and repeatedly denied the allegations against him. the london court had earlier admitted that assault might face harsh treatment in american custody. we got reactions from carlos devota, pope ada sounds. his lawyer in ecuador, who, which previously gave him asylum and international journalist, richard met hurst,
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they've said that there's been a clear bias to resolve the case in favor of the us. this is very obviously a political political trial. honestly, given a pretty patel's policies, you know, i, i don't, i don't really hold out much hope for sancho because it's just last year where she was trying to make recommendations that journalists in the u. k. be imprisoned for up to 14 years for you know, publishing government secrets, things that embarrassed the government. so i don't really think she is much of a, of a friend of freedom of the press. again, i do hope she does the right thing because she, she, she has the power in her hands right now, as does more as johnson to take a stance for press freedoms to show that the u. k is not working at the past of the united states and, and to stop a, you know, a journalist being shipped off to face 2 centuries in jail. but a few praise yeah. is going needle the united states has provided some guarantees to the british supreme court, but from our point of view, they're insufficient. that came off to a court of previous instance, refused extradition. the guarantees do not employ any real control,
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and in other similar cases, such guarantees have not been respected. nevertheless, they became the main argument on the basis of which the supreme court agreed to the extradition and accepted the u. s. appeal, we have until may 18th to submit our arguments for consideration to the interior minister, pretty patel. after that certain procedures for repealing the verdict follow. and this also has to do with the decision on next tradition. the last instance will be the european court of human rights. so as you can see for yourself the means for an appeal, a gradually being exhausted, and the deadlines are coming to an end. there is a clear intention to continue this case against assange and eventually make a decision in favor of the united states or whatever it is obvious that this case will lead to a conflict of enormous proportions in the political arena. and in the field of human rights protection on behalf of the art international team. thanks a lot for watching. and we hope you have a great day. mm
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. ah. for only one main thing is important for knox. ism internationally speaking to that is that nations that's allowed to do anything, all the mazda races, and then you have the minor nation. so all the slaves, americans, proc obama and others have had a concept of american exceptionalism. international law exist as long as it serves american interest. if it doesn't, it doesn't exist by turning those russians into this danger is boy man that wants to take over the world that was caught your strategy. so some golf out of it on your own, i not leashed off. tim zebulon and tablet block. nato said it's ours. we moved east. the reason us. hey jim, it is so dangerous, is it?
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the law is the sovereignty of all the countries. the exceptionalism that american uses and its international war planning is one of the greatest threats to the populations of different nations. if nato, what disbanded shareholders in united states and elsewhere in large obs companies would lose millions of millions or is business and business is good and that is the reality of what we're facing, which is fashion. and is your media reflection of reality? in the world transformed what will make you feel safe, isolation, whole community?
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