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tv   Documentary  RT  April 25, 2022 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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been trapped in an elevator. 20 minutes could be pretty long time right and alone. trapped in an elevator for 20 minutes. not knowing what's gonna happen, not knowing where you wore a sense of sensory deprivation. i think that if your life not 20 visits out an hour, not the only guy on the intercom is nothing i was trying to get you out. i was keeping you id. is your communication? oh, i think sistant who ah ah, a more of the building. mm
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. on turn begins with me, but it does not in there. it will not end until every terrorist group a global reach has been found. stopped and defeated. ah . i think the last one, the warranty. so you know, a comparison decline, resort to torture, and i think it gives them the illusion of mastery and dominance and control by torturing essentially we blind ourselves. but we could in fact, create a democratic society which actually has consistently valuable and effective
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techniques to fight terror. the fact that we don't is more an expression of our own anxieties and fears were so so interrogation techniques used by us officials were basically designed as techniques to break down the human mind. and therefore, also the body because they are very connected and leave no physical traces. it's an extremely destructive practice. torture on, of course, on those who receive this pain and suffering. but also on the sidey that becomes a society of cruelty. what we've done is we've not so much lost the war on torture
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as we've won the war on democracy, and that through terrorizing a population over a period of decades. so that there's nobody in this country who didn't grow up with some booky man, some danger. first, it was communism, then it was terrorist for obviously engage in many facets of what is generally called the cold war. rich a communist policy for a political activity or any intelligence there was not approved. at the higher level,
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there was a concern that emerged in the 1st started coal in the late notice that the soviets had cracked the code of human consciousness. that they knew how to apply pressure upon the human mind and break the my mind. and it was that, sir, all this whole pursuit that lead ultimately to the creation of the shies doctrine of psychological torture. this was a time of the brain washing scare. there were show trials in eastern europe, in hungary and poland, which aroused a lot of concern in the west because people seem to be confessing to crimes that they hadn't committed or mm. most importantly was the child of cardinal months in ski and hungry. and jessica
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was already and after world war 2, quite famous because she was known for having resisted the nazis and their occupation of hunger. and then after the war, he became the cardinal in the primary church. they arrested him. they can find him was choose of being nervous to price. it became a kind of target of that regime. and then he was put on trial, were publicly he confessed to the charges against him. and there was this fear in washington, the prince of the church, a man known for his courage, under nazi pressure, that if he could be broken clearly, the soviets were possession of techniques. mm. the c, i s reaction was primarily around what they thought was brainwashing the concerns with communist brainwashing. what they never seemed to realize was that these
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communist techniques were actually borrowed originally from earlier american techniques in the 1920s in 1000 ten's, using sleep deprivation, exhaustion exercises. all these other techniques were standard domestic policing tortures. they were also driven by 2nd concern. there was a moral panic in the 1950s that an american p o w is in korea. they confessed to things that were completely untrue and it didn't look like they had been tortured. during the korean more, what happened was that there were captain down american aviators, and there were around 30 pilots that made testimonies. there were 4 pilots that broadcast on radio birching alleging that the united states was using bacteriological warfare against the korean people after the armistice. when these
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pilots were leased or brought back and they were put through court martials and they realize that they had been put through what was then called brain wash. could you describe the method used by the communist cherokee? oh yes, i would put these methods into to categorize physical torture of a start and mental torture. it consisted mainly of standing at attention, having my face flap once in a while, and i did fail to respond as they wanted me to it consistent of being confined in a very close area. the mental treatment which they gave was a start day designed to try to wear down my resistance to their interrogation to break my willpower to force me in some manner. to confess.
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a mind control project starts in 1950. this was a project that involved a $1000000000.00 a year. there was a, a formal creation, a british finance american operation at the highest levels in order to mobilize behavioral scientists. so these 3 countries are to kind of crack the code of human consciousness of medical doctors or cornell university medical school in new york city. they got access to some of them are classified material on people that escaped from the soviet union. and i've been tortured in the survey in wolf who's a very well known neurologist. he had a personal relationship with our dollars to headed to cia and with the human ecology of fun walls offered to who does ca, essentially
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a friends in order to study questions of brainwashing what they discovered was one of the 2 foundational techniques and the ca, doctrine of psychological torture, they discovered a self inflicted pain. what they described in that, in their, in their co author article was that the most devastating technique that the k g, b a n k v d practice was not crude physical beatings. but simply making subject stand immobile for hours and days at a time. if you force a human being to stay in a certain position, especially a position that puts a little stress on ligaments or muscles or bones, joints. it doesn't take very long for the pain involved to become absolutely excruciating, but nobody's lane figure finger on you. you are doing it to yourself.
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ah, that was one of the techniques, the over technique they discovered was from the 8 of the biomedical research. there was dr. haves work, it was the chair of the psychology department at mcgill university in canada. students volunteered to participate in the study of human behavior under extreme and prolong monogamy. their hands and arms were softly covered to muffle a sense of touch, all harsh lines subdued by a mass comfortable bell choir. and yet it was impossible for most of the students to take it for more than $24.00 or 48 hours. center deprivation really is way of producing 3 monotony. it's of horrible experience getting worse and worse. somebody,
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somebody talked about cruelty. what they said was that the degree of board of became intolerable and was once i'd been said as bad as anything you had to hitler had ever done to any of his son, the teresa victims. as we know from almost any basic medical understanding human contact is what makes us human. and a let enables a person to have it a sense of normalcy in their lives. and when they are completely isolated from any human contact and often kept in this sensory isolation, you will literally easily become severely mentally impaired, or that then they came of a consult that the cia continued to work for them. is really the progenitor, modern psychological torture on
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this project funded another guy, mcgill named dr. illinois cameron. what erin cameron did at elmwood city was, was close to monstrous. ah, i came in psychotherapy, i was just crying, crying cry was a hopeless. i didn't know what to expect. they said i was going to the psychiatric ward. ah, you meant that that, that cameron, that's you and cameron. yes, i met him and we were all was terrified of him. why? we also fear we all had a fear of him and we didn't want him to notice us because whatever he did, whenever there was a patient put them, the patient was always screaming ah,
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is the aggression today? i'm authorizing the additional strong sanctions. today. russia is the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. a number that's constantly growing up in your future. when was the course renewed as we speak on the bill in your senior, mostly mine, or wish you were banding all in ports of russian oil and gas news? i know they, franky with joe biden, imposing these sanctions on russia has destroyed the american economy. so there's your boomerang so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic,
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development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successfully, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk and look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. and the point obviously is to great trust or rather than fear with, i mean with artificial intelligence. real, somebody with a robot most protective own existence with
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these are the days and hours. oh, the occasion professor, you and cameron was a very famous psychiatrist. he was head of the american psychiatric association and the world psychiatric association. he was the top of the field. at the same time, he seemed pretty much willing to do anything. and the for the cia to find a doctor who didn't have limits in a nearby cap at oh, with lots of patients to work with last is subs that subjects was somebody they were interested in supporting. patients would come in, ah, with ordinary psychological emotional problems. they sign their waivers, and then they would be subjected to this bizarre urging of extreme
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sensory deprivation, isolation for, for up to a month. one of his favorite things was he had a sort of a football helmet with a tape recorder. and that would play a tape and look up to 500000 times, say things like my mother hates me and he would blit the brim where ropes entered deprivation and kind of psychological emotional assault. well, what's working? i mean it's garbage move. ah, what he did was he would put people under massive electro shock and he would give it to the banner prolong basis along with what he called sleep therapy. his idea was, once you wipe the brain clean, you could wipe out the site a buried behavior. the bad ideas, the ideas who were messing up people's minds and you could program in other ideas,
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but to come out of therapy picked up. it was widely used in germany before it went anywhere else as a way of returning soldiers to war. the german army wasn't going to spend tons of money on psychotherapy for regular soldiers, so they were looking for cheap and effective ways to send soldiers back to war. it then moves into united states in the clinical note of march 23rd 1962 confirmed a 129. e. c. t 's cameron's clinical notice september 12th recommend patterning and sleep. the clinical notes of october, 19th, november, 1st november, 3rd, november 8th, november 15, all confirmed the patterning and various stages. my son to those that was supposed to be acting strange, right? my mother desire to have. i decided to have the bill to the and find out what was
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wrong. so i went to the on a couple of months later, and bathroom has shocked on me. i was in now on for 6 months and this would repeat yeah, over days and days and weeks and yeah, it's what you feel you have been through being the patent. yes, i guess and i say you in mariah and are different world or a race somehow could be yeah, well. 1 they didn't finish the treatments with me. so when i came out, i was still active and so on. but they did. you went through 3 sessions of di patterning treatments. and when i asked you about things before you don't, you don't remember like i say, if i ask you what were you? what's that for you typing for the national defense, for instance. oh, on that now,
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are there certain things in your memory that you just don't remember? oh, this 1st hospital lies. i was about 1616 and a half. the doctors pushed me into a sleep therapy. and that was it for about 3 weeks in sort of a deep sleep. but i don't remember getting up to go to the washroom. i don't, i just remember that the doctor came in occasionally to feed me, and that was it. and then shortly after a while there was another patient that came in, and she was an older one and she slept in the other bed. when i started to wake up, i've saw these patients and these patients were in tube, some of them they had earphones and headphones. i dont know if they did any of that to me because when i was the 1st 3 weeks, i don't know what happened. but this was
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d patterning. ah, the, she is doctrine of psychological torture that they develop through research in the decade, the 1950s. and was codified in the bar counterintelligence interrogation manual. oh hm. mm mm. mm. as to basic techniques on which all the rest of the procedures to run one is sensory deprivation and the other is self inflicted pain. ah, the cia trained allied agencies in the techniques. so in effect, you know, knowing about, dissemination about is huge. send these techniques to other armies. could you take
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an ordinary individual like a resty or recruit and make a person become an effective interrogate? and that seems that milligrams experiment was like an art of this project. when i learned of incidents such as the destruction of millions of men, women and children, perpetrated by the nazis in world war 2, how is it possible i asked myself that ordinary people were courteous and decent in everyday life? can i callously in you mainly without any limitations of conscience under what conditions, when a person obey authority, who commanded actions and went against conscience? these are exactly the questions that i wanted to investigate at year university. the mower experiment very simply was a simulated torture. this was one, not all the research we've been describing is the impact of interrogation upon the
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subject. milgar had another agenda, the impact of interrogation upon the interrogator. if he were to indicate the wrong answer, he would say wrong. then tell him the number of rolls you're going to give him. then give him the punishment and read the correct word pair. once he got an ordinary people who fit by all the regular scales, very normal americans. and then he subjected them under false color to do to doing what he called an educational experiment. in tried to encourage people to apply ever higher voltages as a false patient kept on getting, making mistakes. in fact, milgar was able to encourage, at least in his 1st experiments, i think close to 70 percent, to go on to apply highly dangerous. and sometimes fable shocked. i'm not going to
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get that mad. think it there in there. i want to learn a life in a now we must go on until he's done wrong. i refuse to take the responsibility and get hurt. that means under all right, it's absolutely essential. as you continue teacher, there are still many left here and i'm eager to get wrong good as to when in last. i mean i was going to take the responsibility. if only have was that gentleman responsible for anything that happens here. continue with. i'm actually slow. wow, dad's truck. music. answer glaze. wrong. ah 95 volts. dance. yes, you did this simply with a very simple thing. putting the person behind the wall and having a person with
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a white lab coat, telling them that they needed to continue. very ordinary people can be influenced by situations and it's one of the implications of both the milligram experiment is embargo. the stanford prison experiment was i think, a unique attempt to answer that question of what makes some people behave in good way. but what makes some people behaving a bad way? and so the idea was let's, let's find an evil place and prisons everywhere in the world are evil places. and let's fill this evil place with only good people. to get the students involved,
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i had convinced the palo alto police department to make mach arrest of all the students who got a president. and then they came down to the basement at stanford psychology department. the place where the prison study was done. the idea is prison is made to feel inferior, insignificant, worthless. the most important thing is you take away their name, they become a number. and of course, given they have smocks it with no underpants that behind is showing like my 1st hour in there. it was humiliating, lose also. abrupt was quick. it was just, you know, take him off, put this on. and then i got dusted with baking soda, which was supposed to be the de lauser. and i was living in the cell. what this embargo did was
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a very cheap dark off of the kind of thing that milligram was doing. not always embargo, but i think, you know, the guard called john wayne believed that ethics don't matter if the environment is artificial and that's not true. all life is real life we needed to get tougher with the prisoners and it could well be that we were instructed by the experimenters to get over. in fact, i don't think we considered ourselves to be a subject of the experiment. we were merely a tool of the researchers to get the results they wanted from the real subjects, which we thought were the prisoners. and i decided to become the nastiest prison guard that i could make myself. but
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i was responsible for coming up with all these routines that i would put the prisoners through where i'd have them stand and align, recite their numbers, do push up to do jumping jacks. i had never one stop to think that these prisoners were suffering any harm or any damage. we're not, we're not beating anybody. we're just sort of applying psychological pressure on them. oh wow. yeah. a yeah, harms me. how did it? how does it hard? just to claim that people can be like yeah, it, let me in on some knowledge that, that i've never experienced 1st hand. i read about it, i read a lot about it, but i never experience that firsthand. i've never seen someone turn that way and i
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know you're a nice guy. you know, well, you and provincial, i would you of that. i don't know when i was wrong when i just don't know any yes. to see how this becomes the advocate. an engagement, it was the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. ah
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ah, is your media a reflection of reality? in the world transformed? what will make you feel safer? isolation for community. are you going the right way, or are you being led to somewhere? which direction? what is true was, is great. in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the
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shallows. situational forces can overwhelm, can dominate even the best of us, ordinary people put in a bad evil environment, can become transformed to become part of that negative environment. and it's any of us, or in fact most of us the office of naval intelligence, it was a pretty consistent cut out front for cia. they funded much of this research. and i don't know if there was a yield that they, they produce a yield for this cruel science. i don't that's, it's maybe more, i just don't think they do.


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