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tv   News  RT  April 25, 2022 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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i don't know the news. the news russia open a monetary encourage or a from a bas cj still works in mario. both those key claims civilians remain trucks are also this. our mother we are putting accuses on the western backers of launching a terror campaign against russia. we look into chilling words of warning from the ukranian governor, who stays, he will find and quoted execute. people who support you off the answer. yes, pressure and new delhi to turn it back on russia. that's a high profile delegation loans in the country to trade the
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around the clock across the world. this is our pleasure to have you with us today. my names, you know, no new russia has opened a humanitarian corridor for civilians inside mario poles. a soft spell, steel plumped with key of continuing to claim hundreds of people remained. trump there a number of ukrainian soldiers and radical nationalists. how been hold up out? the blunt moscow say civilians have been used as human shields. that's why key of forces have refused to allow people to leave on several occasions. the russian defense ministry phase all fighting will be stopped to provide safety for the civilians involved in the city of marble itself, which shows spin all but destroyed after 2 months of intense fighting efforts are underway to get fight or she monetary and assistance to people. there you can see in the images here, a ruins railway station. the numer of mario paul say self. the city will be rebuilt with help from russia. vladimir putin has accused ukraine. um it's western allies
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of launching a terror campaign against russia on the dunbar region, which included he claims a failed assassination attempt against the prominent journalist allegedly orchestrated by the ca he wouldn't ordinarily today. russian law enforcement bodies wanted the plans of a terrorist group. it was planning to kill a famous russian journalist. they have turned to terrorists and they wanted to orchestrate, to plan, to kill, unless we know the full name of the people from the west to plant that shirts from the sea. i know this is the type of advice and instruction day giving to best lights in ukraine. this shows their real attitude towards the people's right lives . they only care about their own interests, measures religion. okay, well that's discuss that with her a correspondent eager shit down of her join me not in this shooter ego or i'm sure you'll agree. extraordinary developments claims who was allegedly targeted take us
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through that. well, absolutely. you know, this is probably the biggest development so far that this well now failed assassination attempt has been set and according to the russian federal security service, which is known as the f as b and is arguably the leading countries leading security agency, 6. moscow locals have been in total, arrested in a special operation. the statement in a statement they were referred to as neo nazis. and basically there was a whole arsenal discovered in the apartment where they were taken, for example, or they had to sell, you know, the, just an i e. d, an improvised explosive device, a molotov cocktails, 6 hand guns, a hand grenade of thousands of ammunition of various calibers and so on. so they were really, really well prepared. and apparently they not only were they about to assassinate one prominent journalist, but apparently according to a testimony made in detention of one of the,
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one of the well masterminds. they planned to basically there were several prominent brushing journalists on the hitler's, including the editor in chief of c, with you torch cars with symbols of support for the special operation as well as the military commissary. it's besides that murder model, money on my lease, and murder of who east for killing people who pushed propaganda. new. solid off keslie off, scabby, back pop up and so on. key aussie on simon yon. just a young man. yup. so apparently they were discussing and trying to figure out the best time for the hid the best time and place. it seems that the 1st person on the hit list was bla, dimmer sullivan, of one of the. again, one of the most prominent brushing journalists and he was supposed to be blown up
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in his car, this is again, according to the intelligence the uncovered and reveal to the public by the f as b. now again, it is suspected of course, the russian authorities latimer put, has accused ukraine and its western allies of orchestrating and being behind all this. while ukraine's security service denies all allegations and denies its involvement. eager in terms of journalistic. i think this is an important point with their different points of view, maybe dissenting from not of kia, being monitored, being targeted is their previous form regarding that there will most definitely and see ukraine. it is not known to be a country that is extremely safe for any public figure, be a journalist or an official elected official, even who do not share the official government stance. and there have been a number of high profile cases. probably the most notorious being the assassination
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of all his bosom, who was a very prominent anti and outspoken government critic in ukraine. he was gone down outside his apartment in 2015. and so not only his death has not been investigated properly, but his, even, his assailants weren't found and they remain at large. so there were a number of other high profile assassinations like this. very few people, very few headman were discovered actually, and detained. and even now, for example, using the war as pretext, the ukrainian government has essentially banned all media opposition that they banned all opposing media of a band or dissenting viewpoints. even foreign journals stake heart of that a, a chilly, an american was covering the war and he was critical of certain decisions made by the ukrainian authorities and long story short. he was taken in detention as well by ukraine security service. so again, the very troubling developments and indeed now if they were to spill this blood
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onto the russian soil, that's this would be a very serious one, a very serious event and would undermine the negotiation. the process of negotiations dramatically, given that it has already stored quite significantly in court. thank you very much . r t correspondence, eager should know. a regional governor of ukraine has claimed he is ready to hunt down execute people who support russia. the chilling words came in an interview with the ukranian news channel, which, you know, today, russia blogger was shot dead in his car. this means that there are still rushing traces in ukraine. an old traitors will be executed. i am not afraid of this word. it will be so we will not be able to stop people from shooting traits is either a bachelor. i want to remind everyone that a service has already begun work that will look for such people that are already
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operating. you need to understand that we are far ahead in terms of information technology hacking. we have very good specialists and there are large databases. everyone can be tracked. no one can escape justice. while author on russia on the list, martin mccaul, he blames any extra dis, show executions, could lead to a fall and western support for ukraine. they are really chilling. and he in fact, is saying that they will actually act in an extra judicial manner. because if somebody is found to be transferring information to russia, he should be arrested and arraigned before a court and a judge should in fact pass sentence. and what the governor is saying that he is judge and jury here. and he will then deal with the person may
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accused of treason, and hopefully the governor will not like take the law into his own hands because that would in fact bring the whole ukrainian excellent into disrepute the ukrainians are putting all russians. all of those who speak for the war will speak for boot and that they're putting their lives at risk. this is become very, very savage, in job a war well in areas now under the control of russian troops since the start of the conflict, civilians still live in fear of reprisal attacks by ukrainian forces. the city of mellie took all is one such area. russia took charge of it shortly after its military operation began with trips providing humanitarian aid to locals who lacked basic necessities. a german journalist recently visited and in an interview, thomas from for to las locals were still afraid to openly support moscow in fear of reprisals from radical forces. when we went on to a square with hundreds of people,
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there were like maybe 5 or 6 who were against the russian operation, and they were really not afraid of anything. they. they screamed at the russian soldiers, they searched for any camera and microphone to tell everybody how angry they are. but the rest, so hundreds of people were quite calm and they just whispered in the ears of the soldiers of the journalists, thank you that you are here. please don't leaf, they were really afraid to show that they support the rational permission. because everybody who knows you crate after my dad knows that a we know the, the burning of nearly 50 people in odessa in may. 2014 or many people. well, in west, in the west, it's not known. i wrote an article in 2000, 1000, about 13 people who were in the opposition critic criticizing the government of pro shank with a critical journalist who just couldn't you create these. i think the people in the rest are now people in the ukraine. no, they don't have to explain it. so if you know ukraine,
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you know what they mean when they say we are afraid. if the russians leaving and we will be at identified as people who are somehow supportive, the russians, or at least we're even not against the russians, will tell us to repair, also spoke to locals in melee, topple about how they've been faring in the city admits the turmoil, the people really told me and, and i was also a surprise because i especially asked them about their opinion of the experience with russia and ukraine and soldiers. and many told, told me about robbery and things like that done by the ukraine's, especially for leaving his home. i'm and i didn't hear any complaints about the russian as rus russell. so just of course there were people who were not happy when their house was damaged, but i'm no complaints about concrete russian soldiers they, there are all the people talk me. the russians are behaving correctly, trying to help even giving a medicine if they have a. so really i didn't hear it any complaint about concrete dresses. so russian
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soldiers that i had many complaints about the ukrainian soldiers, whether it was ukraine's shooting at civilians. whether it was robbery and so on. and this is also something i didn't expect. i thought i would. he had a something about some complaints about russian set, but there was really nothing. um, so this was sir. yeah, also summer impressive, especially in one of water is city which is nearly not known in the west, but which is of course smaller than maria upa, but as destroyed as merkel and the ukrainians before leaving on purpose. fired with tanks at the hospital. kennel history to bring you to day european commission president ursula of under lion has held talks with india's prime minister in the meeting. she appeared to him that a particular eurasian partnership poses a threat to new delhi. russia and china have forge a seemingly unrestrained packed they have declared that the friendship
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between them has no limits. what can we expect from the new international relations that both have called for ladies and gentlemen? this is a defining moment. the youth also discuss new trade and high tech cooperation with india and put pressure on the country to sever ties with russia or slur of underline, said india like everyone else needs to choose who site its own. i am very pleased that today prime minister modi and i have agreed to establish an u, india, trade and technology council. to tackle the key trade, economic and technological challenges. we all have to choose whether we want to
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terra nova, to be wild, dangerous, and an livable place, or a better home for all human kind. you don't in union commissions, president then as in india and have to be read. this is her 1st visit. yeah. ever since she was president of the commission in her bilateral meeting, the movie today, she had a new deli, she had offered cooperation on radio issues. for example, in our g defense acknowledging, in fact she has boy in be acknowledged you put power and india is definitely welcoming all these initiatives that you is offering. and once you be a great just started, you know, you at the same time hope all india has made just ready feel that it is not going
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to change newton dawn over you brain. and it's also not going to and it's also not going to impose any stamps you again got shot or would you please india? has it used to be one sided in the ongoing conflict between russia and the 2 countries in the remain? sister did not read the russia. i'm the same time we are going to see that european union as well as either need to find g. i'm going to push india. perhaps i should i india to take a stance against russia. but yeah, so far, has been a new job on the issue. india has maintain its strategic partnership with russia and also remain dependent on russia and military equipment.
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in fact, it is russia is the biggest seller off straight. and yet another story to bring you to day more than 5000000 pieces of fake news has been published since the conflict in ukraine began. that is, according to russian officials. let's discuss what that means. the ramifications and all of ups with a host of ortiz world support on the board who joins me now in this, you know, over the years you really have, you hear indeed of host of world support. you've talked to a lot of news makers, etc. you'll have a good grasp on the sense of informational war for right now across the globe. how big of an issue is i phone and the, you know, i also mentioned that i used to cover a couple of wars from the ground. so i think the flow of war accompanied any conflicts. i mean the be, the expression itself was quinn and the 900 century by my, by the very same guy who said that war is the continuation of politics by other
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means klaus, one counseling, classmates. but i think what we are seeing now is not just that you know, incomplete. and iran is information coupled with high levels of stress, fear, anxiety, etc, but a deliberate effort to manufacture. not only fake news, but specific information that can influence population and math. i'm actually, i'm not making it up. i'm in a couple of years ago, nader was openly introducing the concept of cognitive warfare, which they see as sort of as an effort, as a strategy of which is being military means by non military means getting the public on site, not just hitting the public on side, but influencing the public opinion, the collective psyche to an extent that they will essentially do be enemies bidding within the country. and that includes, you know, and of course, painting your enemy as absolutely devoid of you know,
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a channel manager and also calling into question and you know, the, the leaders decisions. if you watch a western coverage of the ukrainian issue, you would think that natives know the i think here at all. i mean, i've been covering this conflict for 12 months now, and you barely see naida ever mentioned that they see the western media still see it as a local conflict within. for lou crane that's tries for democracy and these angry power hungry russia that's wants to global as whole, which you know, both you and i and, you know, pretty much the rest of the world accepts for the it's western parts knows that it's not the case. you know, i think people are thinking we're, is the next big issue going to break our cross to go while the world's focus is understandably on events in ukraine, in china, tensions with taiwan. they've been bubbling away and spilling over in recent weeks
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. is there a connection to what you just said on what's happening there? well, actually, i mean, you know, the chinese don't really like comparing the ukrainian issue to taiwanese issue because of their one china policy. they see it as an internal drive. but again, we see the same tactics, the same policy by the united states in open we support the taiwanese authorities who don't recognize the unity of china. they for claim that it's not part of the china. taiwan is not part of the chinese mainland. and the joe biden administration, like in the case of your granted promises, it's support what, what's of what that support would mean is an open question, because i think many people in the world and now questioning was the worth of the american promise. because the ukraine at the end of the day is left to its own defense us, right? the west is supplying its with arms and the you know, psychological and diplomatic support. but the end of the day on the battlefields,
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ukrainians are left. the one on one of the russians going back to the china. i want to ship many in china are extremely worried that the same scenario will play out there. and incidentally, just today, i spoke to one prominent china analyst on that same issue. and we can listen to what you have to say each other, you know, a low key. see. now the trying to for, you know, we, we see a, they think you, yes, you've agreed to badness. and we can look at that time. and this is very, very, a very small, and they say, yes, you can use the same way to best try with fine
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law. you. now are we are asking, was that interview in full tomorrow? well, the part of that 1. 1 thing that i want to mention is that it's not just, you know, the sort of cognitive warfare or information warfare is not limited to ukraine. i mean, the ukraine is taken on industrial humongous proportions, but just the other day, one of the tv stations in taiwan actually ran news alerts. for example, let me just read it to you. new type a cd. heap by communist armies. miss south work would break out any moment and you know, similar sort of headlines they later apologize for that. saying that that was a mistake and they support, we put it on there because of some fly, a drills, but you can, you know, you need to understand that this is far more complicated because, i mean taiwan is the major producer of semiconductors around the world. so even if
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it was just a mistake, which it wasn't due to be, you know, the amount of details in those needs allows. but even if that's just, you know, fake news. it could still affect the rest of the world immensely because you know, 90 percent of the world advance computer chips up inducing tie one. so you know, everything from our phones to ultimate don't knock on effect. absolutely. just in terms then of the information war between ukraine and russia that's being played. i t, you mentioned how it's being, it's being fed how it's being and almost used if i was washing a newspaper in ireland and in france it's for, it's, it's not, there's no real difference. what about the rest of the world? 3rd world countries, 3rd countries, 3rd party countries. yeah. what's, what's the thinking there because we do here, washington, london. enough seems to be it when we look at that. yeah. had that sense to me, especially given that for example, r t,
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the outlet the bring the russian point of view and numerous languages, a band and blogs in all of this countries. and it's getting increasingly difficult to for us to broadcast and 3rd countries as well. but i can tell you from my own experience of interviewing a lot of people from africa, from asia, from a hopefully, from latin america soon as well. and all of them are saying, is that come on, it's not just, you know, your globe what they're afraid of is a major conflict. another world war involving nuclear weapons. and there are, there also happened to be living on this planet. then they say that we need to have information from all the counts. we can take it that, you know, let's say b r t out that would be biased, would be carrying the russian position and buys them. think it is not, is not the same thing. i mean, like, even if the kind of seems to be forgotten about there is it there forever. i mean, in a situation when you can only access to one particular side of the story and lesson,
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forget what the way that western media covering it is focusing primarily on emotional issues, showing the suffering without giving too much of the context. you know, do political context, economic context. so the, the rest of the world i think, really feels to be hostage of this conference is not only their bearing the brand of sanctions, that the united states unilaterally introduce them the rest of the world. but they also void of any information and of an opportunity to make up their own mind if they have access to both sides of the story they could do it, but unfortunately in not yet on it. thank you for your time, your thoughts for their ortiz? ok, so on the porter. thanks on some more stories just a fit in this. as far as the top us officials paid an all annoyance visit to kiev on monday and assured support for president lensky, the secretary of states, the pentagon chief, both promised additional military funding diplomatic assistance.
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during the meeting defense secretary lloyd austin said, washington has the mindset to help ukraine to feed russia, hence why it was providing millions of dollars more in weaponry. while state department, head on sleep, lincoln promise to reestablish american diplomatic presence in ukraine for us military officers called bennett fears were washington is in his words leading ukraine and this is part symbolism. but while the role of the united states is pre eminent, it is the main source of funding of morale of weaponry. it is providing tactical and strategic advice. in fact, i would say it is providing also the required extortion and threats of murder that jo lensky may be considering because it's obvious, he is not in charge of the country. it's also obvious, he's completely out of his league and he may have been chosen because of his
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ineptitude and competence and complete lack of understanding of the political military realities. but zelinski is a puppet and a very stupid one. i would add and it's obvious. he is taking the ukrainian people down a road of suicide because there is no hope under heaven for any ukrainian military victory against the russian professional army. i think rushes is also must be wary of being provoked any into any traps with nato, whether it's flight, poland, or other countries, the threats of finland in sweden joining nato. i think all of that is bluff because 11 thing this conflict is revealed is that nato in the western countries are incapable of fighting a land war against the russian professional army. they are all talk. they are all propaganda. they are all endless negotiation discussions which the west only
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uses to create room for more aggressive a symmetric warfare and information operations. and all, as all the conversations continue fighting continues as well to rage in don, boss, or senior correspond rock as the if he's on the ground, there is he has been at 4 months file. this latest report to us phase 2 of russia's operation. ukraine is in full swing, vast convoys of troops and equipment. continue to pour into the boy's own day and night. and as you get closer to the front, the sky lights up with russian forces together with local de niro militiamen are sweeping along the regions administrative borders. all of this was liberated from ukrainian
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nationalists and regulars. within the past week, it's easy to find where they were quoted and resupplied. often, you just have to head for the closest school for 8 years as you grade, waged civil war against separate as provinces they. they tried to convince everyone from you out of the country was united here just across, across the whole, from the local belonging to new black senior ukraine who said over the years and added to that loaner car through an entry to cho wells for viola. pretty good paula sam univision, the one. 1 pods, a show the loom anti and missile. and this is the scene in every single
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village taken from ukrainian troops that they would pose holes in the military bases. social media platforms are flooded with videos, showing ukrainian troops setting up bases and arms depos in schools. even as frightened civilians pack the basement of value village any settlement wherever we go, they make their firing positions. in kindergartens, schools churches the national slip side by side with civilians in the end when they begin to retreat, their artillery hit suppose us and civilians. this scenario is repeated every time . after our troops arrived, people relaxed they begin to live. normally, they calm down. russian and allied forces. here have almost reached the border of ukraine's near perimeter of screech, and they are at the gates of deluca and of a shortcut. a large fortified town. closer to the front lines, we found a full wood medical station. russian and local medics receive stabilize and send on
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troops injured in the fighting. we arrived as 3 beneath militiaman, wounded by shrapnel, received urgent care. with none of the injuries were life threatening, though one soldier was heavily concussed. 3 at once is rare, but not unseen. this is a savage war. even though some humanity remains, in the condition of fear that we're only being at the forefront, we are holding on us. we had a sufficient supply of everything we needed. we accept everyone including civilians, even captured enemy soldiers. we provide them with the necessary medical assistance and send them on further for medical care. we feel great york, we have support.


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