tv News RT April 29, 2022 2:00am-2:31am EDT
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a just with plans to seize russian assets to fund key of war effort, but still maintains it freezes on afghan money despite millions of afghan people facing starvation as the un warranty. with each day is horrible. you have read one day and the other day, you don't. this is all because of the americans were wandering around, were broken hearted. if you guys have witnessed all these recent events, how the americans made our lives miserable. and today we are paying the price of their bad policies in plants. ukrainian news outlet has caught red handed, trying to pass off the photos of children sheltering from a shelling attack and done yet 3 years ago. as a supposed current store in half of over 80. people operate the dog who
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she was trapped with very whole lot of the laws with the city, all these operations able by an unqualified nurse. our correspondent explores the story of a medic who has it become a legend and marketable, having operated on hundreds of wounded people. while sheltering in a basement with scarce equipment during ongoing fighting with casting from our studios in moscow. this is our international. i'm john thomas is certainly glad to happy with us. now the u. s. congress has passed legislation to streamline the world war 2 era. lend lease program in order to speed up supplies of military equipment to give if passed on the same day that the joe biden administration proposed legalizing the confiscation and sale of russian property in the us to finance the war effort in ukraine that will enhance our underlying
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efforts to accommodate the russian oligarchy and make sure we take their take their, their, it'll be gotten gays, we're going to accommodate them. we're going to caesar yachts, luxury homes, and other it will be got engaged of prudence cryptography. yeah. cryptography and club. the guys who are the club ta chrissy, producer bad guys is now calling on congress to approve $33.00 billing in dollars and funding for ukraine. about 20000000000 of that would go directly as military assistance. and during the speech that he gave, he referred to this as a small price to pay. and he also says that this is a way for the american people to do their part with us involvement and a conflict that they never voted for it to begin with. but at the same time, biden is also calling for russian individuals to do their part apparently has the
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white house now called on congress to give them new sweeping powers. do not only seize assets from russian individuals, but also to ban. so those assets saying that they will give the proceeds to ukraine as a new form of assistance. now, when it comes to the terms of exactly what they're asking for, everything right now is incredibly broad. they use terms like money laundering and corrupt dealings to say what new assets they would seize, but at the same time, they leave a lot of room for decisions on their end as to how they would move forward. now we don't know exactly how congress will approach this, but at the same time this does come as there are a number of countries that in the past have been very reliant on heavy, heavy aid from the united states, such as a country like up ganna. stan, they received billions of dollars in u. s. a for years only to be cut off last year after their us supported government fall apart and the man came sweeping back to power. and the u. s. came in and froze
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. $7000000000.00 worth of athletes creating a huge humanitarian crisis in their country. so there is a lot at stake here. as the u. s. shows that they are more than willing to move forward with tens of billions of dollars in aid, as long as they agree with the government that's empower, and the biden refers to that a small price to pay. here. we heard from radio host, john elliot, who says the us move to see russians. assets is actually an indirect attempt to punish moscow by any means. the united states government is craig of the constitution and fries assets of a foreign government. but it cannot turn around and use those assets that are seized to distribute to out a 3rd party. so i would think this would need an act of congress, or we need an act official act from the bit by the ministration and signing the consent decree to do that. i'm not sure. oligarchy. perform any other service other
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than i can be. i think it's a pretty picture to seize the yacht. i don't know that the oligarchy have any type of influence over the russian military, over the russian government over the russian intelligence. i think it is the intention of the united states in the countries in the west to punish russia. regrettably, when you punish nations for the activities of government, it trickles down to effect the russian citizens. and little fact them as far as cost will increase and it will be some suffering to the people at large. and that's very unfortunate. well, joe biden says, russian assets in the u. s. should be seized to fund the war effort in ukraine. un human rights experts have called on the u. s. to end its freeze of african state assets as they could be used to avert an economic collapse and widespread starvation in the war torn asian country. they fill out the there are currently too many economic problems. my monthly salary is only 5500 f ganges,
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but sometimes it is not enough even for my medicine. i don't know how to feed my kids how to pay rent. somewhere along each day is horrible. you have bread one day and the other day you don't. this is all because of the americans were wandering around, were broken. my hand is not working. i pray for the strength of the taliban government to handle this misfortune caused by the americans to serve the dance. could i come in that i have 7 children? my husband, his jobless work, no life. so i do laundry in a neighbor's house to support my family and find a morsel of food for my children. today. you guys have witnessed all these recent events, how the americans made our lives miserable. and today we are paying the price of their bad policies and plans while mom doesn't. i am an 8th grade student. while i studied school, i'm also going around everywhere to find work. but the reason i work in this age, we should be all in the school study, but due to poverty, we can continue our studies. so we are all industries to find something to do for
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work. the by an administration has frozen nearly $9500000000.00 and assets belonging to the african central bank after the tele bonds take over following the hasty u. s. military withdrawal last year in february biden issued in order to use part of the funds for purposes within the u. s. instead of tackling the humanitarian crisis in afghanistan, now seizing the central bank, funds has left the afghan economy teetering on the verge of collapse. the united nations has warned that afghanistan could reach a near universal poverty rate of 97 percent within months. half of afghans are already on the brink of starvation with more than 4000000 having been internally displaced. we discussed the situation with an afghan activist and politician mohammed that down rocky who says that washington has a long history of seizing foreign assets, george w bush, obama and trump killed guns by bombing them. while
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by then killing us guns indiscriminately, by depriving him of basic human needs, which is food. and the economic function has been a devastating effect on the coming people has been so severe that people are filling the kids, you know, the for other kids to survive. basically what the americans are doing is that it's a revenge mentality. the nato got bogged down and basically we're defeated, enough gun is done and you know, the to get even. they want to use the post world war 2 institutions of economic control mechanisms and deprive of the basic needs united to the history of mino, behaving like a teeth, you know, whenever they take over other people's money or well and so forth.
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they keep it until you know, until the level, the excuse is satisfied. ah, australia has condemned russia over its operation in ukraine. but at the same time, its government has failed to meet a compensation deadline for ledge to war crimes by its military personnel in afghanistan, potentially leaving the issue to be sorted out after the current federal election. there are to kill him up and comments the deadline for australia to announce compensation for the victims of its war crimes in afghanistan has passed. the report that called for compensation for the victims took 4 years to compile, where there is credible information that an identified or identifiable going national has been unlawful. i killed the inquiry has recommended that australia should now compensate the family of that person without waiting for a stablish mate of criminal liability. this will be an important step in
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rehabilitation of trellis international reputation, and it's simply the right thing to do. the war crimes are very real. 39 afghans had their lives cut short in violation of international law. 25 australians were implicated in the atrocities. and when you look closer, the details get pretty ugly and heart wrenching and incident where members from the special ed service region and were driving along the road. and so to 14 year old boys home they decided might be terrible sympathizers. they stopped search the boys and slid their throes. the rest of the troops then had to clean up the mess, which involved bagging the bodies and throwing them into a nearby river complicity went up the chain of command. it wasn't just a few bad apples. events were covered up after they took place for what possible reason could compensation for the victims be put off. the issue of compensation is complex and comes with a number of legal, practical, and logistical issues. too much red tape let us sorted out, give us time. well,
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the report was compiled over the course of 4 years of investigation, and now the victims deemed to be worthy of compensation are being told to just sit back and wait. but it's a very different picture from the australian government when it comes to russia's unproven war crimes. there's no doubt in my view that war crimes and atrocities are being committed in your crime. by, by, by russia, vladimir putin must be held to account for those walk and atrocities. yet another moment when those who look more deeply will notice western hypocrisy on all things related to russia. yes, true government has gone further to investigate the magic war crime by the state of the united kingdom. it's a really important step that report in the public records cannot now be disappear. what they seem to be doing is just tribal walk this thing,
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knowing that, you know, that will be an election very soon. and essentially shifting this responsibility on to the next 3 year old photos of children sheltering from rocket fire and done yet, sc are the latest fakes to be utilized by ukraine media in the countries current war with russia. now the images appeared in a major media telegram news channels this week, and the images were initially taken by a ukranian correspondent and done yet back in 2018. the incident is one of many in which ukrainian news channels have used all the images to portray what they claim are atrocities being currently carried out by russia. of e channel claims that the terrified children were photographed hiding in a basement from
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a russian showing in the countries 2nd largest city. hark of the post got over 46000 views. we heard from independent journalist and author thomas roper, who says it's not the 1st time the ukrainian media has been spreading for content. we have seen several examples of where they showed like, like videos from cameras of bombing, a city with rockets. and then it's, it seemed that this, i'm not actual videos from, from here, but for example would be, is from the next. we have lisa in march, we had the explosion of touch got rocket, right? internet center was killing more than 20 people and the pictures, but then for example, in italian newspapers used as a proof for russia bumping key. if this is a pity, but it's normal. busy doing this regularly and nearly every day, i think there are all right lies cross because we see so many really open fakes, which are quite easy to prove. and this is what i'm doing. and on my,
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on my block and with german media every day. and when the, when you get a minute on, on some kind of fake, maybe they stop talking about this one, but they think about another one. so they never corrected. it would be ok, you know, everybody makes mistakes. they could sell cars, sorry. we took the wrong picture and they explain it, but they don't do it. they take the wrong pictures, people prove that they are wrong, and then they just go on as if nothing happened. so it's an informational war and, and i think the red lines all crossed and elsewhere in the done. yet screw public civilian life has been gradually returning to the city of marble. falling weeks of intense battles, our senior correspondent, but our garcia is in the city and has heard from a medic who operated on hundreds of people in a basement with scarce equipment during the fighting. mary, you bull has no shortage of stories to tell. most of them how horror stories full of villains and violence. but every so often you stumble upon heroes like these
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19 year old young man who has absolutely no background in medicine. this is a school is says any. this is a perforated, shrapnel wound which i am dressed in with bandages to prevent it from getting infected again. oh, there are many people with boons like this. there are more with the open wound than not he, he is among a small group of volunteers doing things that they have no business or knowledge doing. but who else him and his friends learned battlefield medicine the hard way. they are credited with saving more than a 100 lives. 2 months ago, nikita was a simple nurse assigned to an ice hockey team. now he is a local legend. you know, football hunter will you. when it all began, i far would help the children. i didn't think it would all get so bad, but then i saw so much sadness. eventually i was sewing people up stopping blood
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loss and reanimating people to do it all started when i helped 2 people and the message spread from bomb shelter to bomb shelter from one of the 1st patience was a man who was shot in the hand by a sniper, girl, he said he raised his hand, showing he had a milk bottle and the sniper shot him through it. what sniper was it already? he says it was a ukrainian sniper, better. 1 tons this was a bar and billiards club. when fighting reached this harry of the city, there were more than a 100 people in this basement alone. they were everywhere on the stables. underneath lining the car was bruising. here was a real surgery with wanted materials. they had just in this room alone, wholly stable, more than 80 people were operated on, mostly with shrapnel wounds, bullet booms,
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but invariably whole lot of their loves was saved on this operating table by an unqualified nurse. they had nothing at 1st, only ordinary suing needles which they ended up bending into a mockery of surgical ones. there was no anti septic, no scalpels, no dressing, only a dank basement phone flashlights and the hectic stream of critically injured and dying civilians. over a period of about a month, nikita carried out 300 surgeries in that basement, or in his journal re recorded operations when we could, when we had the time, look, hears 102030 so many people are hearing what sort of injuries were there was one that i use mostly lacerations with stitches in the unity. we also reset bones and open wounds. so patients arms wouldn't tangle like snakes. chris,
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what was the longest and most complicated surgery minister there was vera, a woman who was shot and the collar bone and the bullet went into her chest, ripping it open. it took over 4 hours to stitch up her wound all under torchlight. many of mary hugh pulls, prominent surgeons and doctors, respected and lauded, disappeared. they ran from the city or hid the ground, rejecting patience, their oats, forgotten. makita and his friends helped all that could be helped. boehmer herschel brolio of a bunk struck the house and destroyed to oper, stores killin one woman and burn another pregnant one. under the rubble. a group of about 20 of us went to help to get her out. of it was this during shelling of you? yes. as we clear debris, another shell struck me of i. her husband was in shock. he was lost. we eventually
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hammered through to her. she was lucky only her leg was crushed. we got her out and she gave birth a week later. her lack however, was amputated. i tried to save those who could be saved. the fatally injured weren't brought to me and teaching. honestly, i mentally burned out. there were days when i had as many as 18 patients towards the end. my fingers would not function and i was psychologically exhaustive. if it wasn't for the volunteers who helped me, who aren't doctors but helped anyway, i wouldn't have been able to last. now that fighting his past, nikita's burden has lessened. most of those coming in now, people in to redress their wounds or for a checkup. and occasionally recovered patients, men, women, children, and the elderly come to thank him again for giving them another chance for i guess d of r t from mary you pull iran has restored its oil production
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capacity to pre sanction levels and increased its foreign currency reserves in recent years, despite mounting pressure from the united states, that is, according to the iranian central bank chief who said that the country has revived its economy, despite not being able to replace the so called iran nuclear deal unilaterally, acts by the us. about 4 years ago. the deal had provided much needed relief from decades long sanctions. under the condition that iran's nuclear program would be more closely monitored, but then the trumpet administration pulled out saying that it was a bad deal and the suffocating pressure was reinstated. no sector of iran's economy has been spared by washington's punitive measures, but the country's economy has proven more resilient than some had predicted with g d. p growth now seen after 2 years of recession. western media outlets have begun drawing parallels between iran and russia as both have seen
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economic improvements, despite har sanctions or cheese. maria, for notional looks at what russia could learn from iran's experience live in under sanctions, is a relatively new and rather mysterious path. russia has taken its 1st steps on, and while experts still wonder what the journey will bring, one country knows for sure what western restrictions feel like iran sanctioned for decades. the country managed to overcome a 2 year recession and its economy is now growing with all production reaching, pre sanction levels. we have achieved very good records in terms of oil sales. we are recovering the income from the sale of oil in full. so even without the joint comprehensive plan of action, the supply of currency in the country will be handled appropriately and we won't have any problem in the currency market before the military conflict in ukraine. iran was the most sanctioned country in the world. experts say, if russia wants to survive, it could learn key lessons from tehran, a finger,
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what the americans on the you can i, los feet post above is on was that it? on the part i said without the solution, but the long gradually found the way hall to go away on leave without c on to prove to the war that the whole economy of the war is not the safe. and. busy there are many big countries like china, russia, but he talked to other countries that they do love to have trade. they don't even country look at the moment which is ever alloy of and either cancel, they live, it treated it, it on the though. so i think the credibility of swift was damaged so much, and it's not just about the energy sector which, you know, you know, when brand new cars in iran have an accident,
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spare parts cannot be found or would not come on time. we have to be self sufficient. we have to repair that piece ourselves, find repair, paint, and deliver like new to the satisfaction of our customer with the talents we found within ourselves. because it can take more time to be able to go there and bring the parts. and amid the sanctions, we have been under for 10 years. that was not possible for our work. and we could not do it. we have to be self sufficient and do the work ourselves. the you as sanctions effect and access to medicines in iran was once a big deal, not any more. the more yet the medicine sanctions are a subset of economic warfare, and they have both negative and positive effects. but if we look at it, generally, the positive effects of sanctions are that the country is moving toward self sufficiency. moving toward self reliance, moving towards consumption management and managing waste in the pharmaceutical sector and so on. we're producing the best medicines and our dependence on the west has completely diminished and the sanctions have had no effect on the work of
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medicine and pharmacies, we have become self sufficient and i do not think it is necessary to send assets out of the country in order for a medicine to be imported from there. with the help of its elise, its own drug makers and knowledge based companies are on has been able to produce all the drugs achieve self sufficiency and reduce drug imports. thus, greatly lowering its dependence on the west. it has produced both original and generic drugs as well as complimentary drugs. more than 30 countries have imposed sanctions against russia following the operation in ukraine. and eric is secretary of state says the russian economy is in shambles. moscow would rather not agree with that, but no matter how dramatic they impact proves it runs, experian is a powerful sign of hope that what doesn't kill you. it cannot meekly can make you stronger. canada's lower house of parliament has unanimously declared that russia's military offensive in ukraine amounts to genocide, including quote,
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mass atrocities and the willful killing of city vill civilians. now this is despite the u. n's claims that it has not observed a genocide in ukraine and russia has insisted never target civilians. but back in 2019 the national inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women and the girls released a report saying canada had historically perpetrated a genocide against indigenous people. since last year, nearly 1000 unmarked graves of children were discovered on the grounds of a former residential school where indigenous people were taught to give up their culture and adopt european ways. the discovery added to canada as already massive list of unmarked graves of indigenous peoples. previously in 2013 researchers announced the discovery of the bodies of at least 3000 children who apparently had died while attending residential schools in canada. here is a brief look at this historical issue. 2 8 8 8 8
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8 8 ah. 8 is you increasing fear that you think was that it wasn't you today? it was going to be the target, the victim. you know, you weren't going to have to suffer any form of humiliation. you learn not crying. you just get harder. and yet you learn to shut down. i couldn't talk a word of english. i talked cree and i was abused for that hit and made to try to talk english. i lost my language. the threatened as with stopping it grew, spoke it within a year, i lost all of it. 8 i used to him my ill drunk sang at night. 2 i asked the principal to take him to the hospital. he didn't, after about 2 weeks, my brother was in so much pain. he was going out of his mind. i pleaded with the
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principal for days to take him to the doctor. ah, they started to sexually take advantage of me and abuse me. not one. not too many, many people for very long time until i was 16. i held everything in and didn't tell anybody for 20 years. earlier i spoke with kennestone from canada's hamilton coalition to stop the war, who thinks the parliament's decision is actually an attempt to prevent ukraine from adequately engaging in peace talks with russia. the resolution, it was past with the purpose of preventing peace talks in ukraine because how after all happen, you sit down with someone who is a genocide or, and instead, the canadian government fueling the conflict in ukraine with more arms, more funding and with the mercenaries of the m p heather macpherson personally push
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nato to admit ukraine as a country as a state. and she complained the project unifier to train the ukranian army, including its neal. not that it wasn't funded enough, it had to be bigger and do more to train you the ukranian army have been genocides, native peoples in this country. most outstanding case of genocide though they call it a cultural genocide, was the residential school system, which was designed explicitly to quote, kill the indian in the child by bringing taking them away from their parents and their native customs and culture and language and bringing them to residential schools and trying to make them think white. while canada does not support russia, as stated goal of di, not defying ukraine. it ignores blatant nazi sentiments among the ukrainian armed forces you claims. border service recently released
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a video with an officer displaying a nazi inspired tattoo. now it shows the 148 a symbol used by neo nazis and white supremacists, to covertly show support for it off hitler. but earlier this year, the canadian prime minister just in the trudeau had slammed the use of nazi symbols reportedly displayed during the trucker protest in ottawa, freedom of expression, assembly and association are corner stones of democracy, but nazi symbolism, racist imagery and desecration of war memorials are not it is an insult to memory and truth that does that for me. stay with us throughout the day as we bring you more news and commentary, this is our to international. ah,
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no. when i was shown seemed wrong when i just don't know. i mean, you world yet to see how does the because the answer to an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look so common ground. ah, lisa come to russian state little narrative. i've stayed as i phone and the most landscape div asking him the american house house up and up with business if ever been okay. so my name is barbara speaking with we will.
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