tv Documentary RT April 29, 2022 9:30am-10:00am EDT
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[000:00:00;00] ah ah, somacki is one of the most beautiful cities in russia's far east. ah, it sits on the river that runs from under russia, china buena and was for many years the far eastern capital. ah, there is no shortage of historical sites here. the officers club is one of them. this is where in december 19,
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49 and 12 members of japan's. quinton army stood trial. what was the only time walk criminals have ever been tried for creating a biological weapon and testing it on. mm a you know, one much a no not what go more serious than what. ready sure enough, when i got the letter, did i get a demand to? no, no, no, you don't know, but no single. but nasal did not feel well and you did
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the remorse shown by one member of japan's top secret unit 731. he and his colleagues killed thousands of victims, well developing biological weapons. he's the guy who had been a unit 7 to 31 soldier when he was young, man and killed people. paul johnson and american director has studied unit 731 documents at length, and knows its history well. unit 731 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short than build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had ever. now. japan had a longstanding interest in biological weapons, emperor a hero heater, who had a degree in the ring. biology believed that biological weapons would help to pan
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conquer the world. as a descendant of the sun goddess. i'm at russell, he saw it as his calling in the 1930s, the concept of japan's exceptional role in the world permeated the country society . oh so so june gets the sunni hummadi condi e clue, sucking yawn all that chisel medina. oh, japanese journalist shoji condo, the author of evidence of unit 731 crimes. a book that caused quite a stir is one of the few people who tries to give an impartial account of factors that brought japan to wall tile to a local, to your school for a chunk. it's a coke got it says so to so you wish. so than what they glint irish but the star, so carrying us get along for
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a gun not on that isn't all want only to lot fixed on in the early 19 thirties, the japanese military carefully studied a report by microbiologist, cheryl issue, biological weapons, affect the human body silent, causing a slow but painful death. there is no need to manufacture missiles. instead, you can infect clothing, food or water, food, his bus, bacteria from aircraft. they will proliferate, and in fact, humans ah gentle easy, wasn't just a biologist, but also a military man. but the rank of colonel, he was very smart, intelligent table, person of high status in japan. he was a medical doctor who was also a pilot and a military commander. he had all of these great talents and skills that sadly, instead of being used for a good purpose,
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he took his great prodigious skills and took it in the opposite direction to the dark side as a force for evil. ah, japan's general stuff allocated enormous resources to help the biologist establish a secret facility to develop biological weapons. china's manchuria region occupied by japan in 1932 and turned into the puppet state of men to co became the testing ground. manchuria is very handy because of its location close to the u. s. s. off. it also has plenty of test subjects. test subjects. you mean people, bro, to the unit for test? exactly. those people were meant to die. that's right. from tribunal questions to quiz. she mc yoshi, a medical service major general ah, in 1938,
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several secret facilities were established in the hills of materia unit. 100 in san john worked on lifestyle contamination of unit 516 in to, to come manufactured, chemical weapons and unit 731 near hobbin, developed biological weapons, and tested them on civilians. in pen fung village, they burned down around 300 local dwellings to clear space to build unit 731. the facility was self sufficient and inaccessible. the will the batteries, a prison crematorium stadium, a shinto shrine, an airfield, a dedicated aircraft group, and a bow station. the facilities commanding officer was also the projects audiologist colonel shinkel. you see who
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he really took russia, what it said, yes, you are, shall go. a full komatsu is more than 90 years old and can't sit down for very long don't at the dinner. k killed when you suddenly loaded russia korean. and as i drew dana, she looked at, i was now on the more real museum here who it's one of the saddest museums in the world who says i owe sitting with a if he can conquest how to from that to you. woman, i sure would have recount or not he shaniqua can control, shall they get agony? 20 sure i'm thinking and then push ya minutes. he could alisha gung john the base
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you young was actually yeah. wow. so you can look up some got the use of our life. cocoa did. saturday. stella none aside. you with a neat dick in day busted skull by many to go good. jane garcia. didn't know what other mm you pico mommy is japanese and lived near unit 7. 31, when she was just 13. mm hm. she often visits china nel organizing exhibitions and conferences to expose the crimes perpetrated by unit 7. 31 clear them visits the guys that the kidney stone corner dis good o at best job given the me they meet them, us cut it. oh i don't know my day. i will. yeah. more like a day. but that's your song on all kind of when he got there.
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mm. the camp as a gruesome reputation among the locals. ah, ah, exactly what went on behind the tool since they'll never know that they all show that no one ever came out alive. after you infected the person, would he get treatment? yes. what happened to him next? he'd be used for further experiment. until he died. yes. none of the prisoners came out alive. from tribunal questions to medical service major general, how was she mc yoshi? ah,
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thousands of people became test subjects. they were from various nationalities, around 60 percent, which i knees around 30 percent russian. and a few koreans and mongolians. they were referred to as my router, which means logs in japanese into ion tomorrow. when they stuck out at the mall. they, they, at all model that the, you know, are you on more more general market that is meant new them all more. look up on there and i got the live marcell. she miss it was an intern at the unit. like other teenagers, he was sent there to work and study materials. i had to put up with her mother and all it buddy vo, could you could i brush thought cows. nice. oh good. that's good to go. where are you? oh, what the on this the we're, we're, she, my, a new on
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a on all site is an all on all simone. good student, i don't the year you're not an all put them out there to keep us together with us. so that all most law, oh, what was it to come look, what mothers show krista said, oh, when i hit or not i could not put the la jolla but she knew of joy. you did to people there even lower than livestock preached shadow issue. the audiologist and mastermind behind everything that happened in the death camp with the chinese population of harvey were the equivalent of lab rats. these weren't human beings who had rights to life, who had rights to freedom from puerto sickness and disease. these were people who
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he could carry out tests to further his goals, which was to create the world's greatest biological weapons program. in 2 subjects were injected with cholera. typhoid anthrax, bubonic plague, and syphilis. the progression of their disease was studied carefully. victims were later dissected, while still alive ah ah ah ah ah with
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ford edge that also produces julia issues. somebody over there, both of those with you up for you was up with it is you know that way. i don't mind. oh, when i went to the wrong one, i just don't a sheep out. the same becomes the advocate. an engagement. it was betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds
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that's how to break the lease, the virus capable of destroying a human body in no time. said shadow. easy enough fish. it is a good joke. your country stand there. the look on the see the little or no, no, no, no. i was just a real hill for the ring that i can do. you know, it still knows i knew guy on you. kai were still ah, it's hard to know how many were killed by unit 731 alone estimate very, some say 3 to 5000 people. others put to figure out 10000 to something. yeah. well then, yeah,
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number a couple years old. i give them all lovely me ah, most the army general staff and emperor hara hutto will well aware of the units, goals and methodology. unit 731 was established in 1936 by the secret order of emperor. here he thought i saw the order with my own eyes when i served his hand of unit 73 one's general department tribunal transcript, major general campbell. she marquee, or she is interrogation. oral coco mean, does she go? she say, says so she's a little short then all outdoor use. and so she, those stuff i need to do,
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or course could, should i know momma who i should reach out to you. he amazed. okay. like you know we did. the haunting oak was all shinji talking to say, so nose near home, won't i? law georgian even law. he turned on short then no, no, no, no, no shorting or hate i. e. j. o walkerson 10? no, no. clock on lashing you walk us without their kids. they are a little poor short then no, no, made it on a general. yes to g. a camera decree,
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the north sancho suckles in the 3 alls policy which said kill all learn all looted. ah. mass killings took place over the japanese occupied territories with in just 6 weeks. more than 300000 people were tortured and killed in nun king. japanese soldiers believed that they represented an exceptional nation and had a license to do anything in local talk on, in those or not. i thought it was gold ticking. i took over 20000. i thought that means look sense or to know one night. so i got out of the world i admired the english nation when it comes to
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colonization, it is accomplished the impossible said adult hitler with many historians claim that famine was a common event on the british rule in india, and that millions died of starvation. ah, also that in the mid 19th century, british business sold huge quantities of opium in china, making considerable profit from the drug trade. ah, it's also said that in congo half of the popular and died during belgium's colonization ah mil jerome's have alleged that a chain of gruesome murders took place while france governed the country forever. i do. what does she thought the older. okay, there's still curse. very good, dora. so nanny, dudgin, i'll go to the scott if you are sorry,
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yes. i disco. curos theory, most agony, another doyle thing is journey. you must, oh, those are you and i discussed with scott bennett is a leading counter terrorism expert. and a former u. s. army analyst, you now investigates, crimes against humanity. ah, the american indians were seen as a scourge as a social pariah that needed to be expunged. expelled and exterminated from much of on the eastern seaboard poisoning blankets with small pox. with this virus that caused the eruption of stores and death upon the american
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indians. blankets were distributed to indians at military installations under the guise of helping them ah walk out of the thousands that unit 731 killed only 8 names have been preserved in history. 6 chinese and 2 russians. a red army. so jekyll, dim shanker and maria, even over with her 4 year old daughter when women and girls became too weak and no longer fit for further experiments, they will put into a special glass walled gas chamber. mm. the doctors took meticulous notes. the daughter suffocated after 3 minutes, the mother of the 5 who
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abducted from a st. carmen with many russians, lived in because china's eastern railway had been built by russian engineers in 1898. ah. many stay to avoid the revolution and civil war. ah. the cities gendarmerie based at the railway station constantly received a new owners. they wanted men, women, or children of a particular day age, heightened as necessity. when the unit needed new subjects,
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the japanese billy snatched entire families from the streets. part of my job was escorting inmates from hobbin to unit 7. 31. they were referred to as logs and used for experiments tribunal transcript sergeant major characters who sat auto. john damari special brown chief ah, how about us keeping us as bo upgrade them, nor to something of a good deal of the stuff ashna knew by sean riley simmons. somebody is born in the gym. you mean you missed july shamiqua by the more now little boy jim could go, eddie, till i just got a little skewed all i served shows is vanya but it says something up or should it was, lets banyon though mike had said to provide you as a civilian puts us um, oh i see the apology category order. mm hm. it should. ling, i'm a fixture version for the honesty. numer blisters registers ah, women and children played
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a special role in unit $73.00 ones activities. women were raped and once they were pregnant, infected with syphilis gonorrhea, and other diseases. are they within cut open? so that was such as could extract the fetus to observe any changes of that go, no, i got one underscore kind of wish dinner a got dollar your home. you know, he didn't bill. oh gosh, more polished enough. i know my lawyer told me who the future war with the soviet union might have been fought and extremely cold weather. that's why they needed to know how to treat frostbite. to find out, they drove inmates out into the cold desk. their limbs with water kept them outside
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until severe frostbite said. ah, the next night doctor his doctor, yoshi conducted experiments on women and children. he later sent detailed reports illustrated with drawings and photographs. what bus y'all? hill wants me to select the corner. mother should not go. you can. i got caught a little long hill hold on. no way on the hill home. so we thought but get in there now with the victims wednesday afternoon, mummified alive they were put into an extremely hot room with no water and kept there until they were completely desiccated. commodities were weighed before and
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after 78 percent of the human body as water. as that experiment proved leaders not north or not because they can manage the loan ship because you're not good, you know, not found. although the all center at the moment on the scene digital enough. mm. some experiments were conducted out of mere curiosity inmates. had various body organs removed, lim switched, also monkey blood injected all their sensitivity to x rays and attic tricity tested . ah, ah, needs to come to the russian state will never be as tight as i'm phone and ignore
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santini div asking him, i'm not getting all sons. maybe within the 50 babel did. okay, so mine is gonna be the one home with will van in the european union? the kremlin? yup. machines. the state aren't russia for date and c, r t sport that even our video agency, roughly all band on youtube and pinterest and with me. oh, is your media a reflection of reality?
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ah, in the world transformed what will make you feel safer? high selection community. are you going the right way or are you being led somewhere? direct. what is true wharf is i in the world corrupted. you need to descend a join us in the depths will remain in the shallows. ah, ah, ah . a secretary of defense lloyd austin says he will move heaven and earth to assist
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you great. at the same time, the foreign policy cheap explains relations with russia should be rebuilt. talk about a united messaging problem. this is akin to say to say to craig, the west was destroyed ah, gary and businessman paid for talks with russian guns from 2 days off the moscow stop applying gas to pull guerria over the countries refusal to pay in variables. we have locals who are bearing the brunt of the band class. i expected to have a catastrophic effect. prices will grow up more. that's the way it will be. i think it will be extremely bad for us, but what i'm waiting for is the governments to resign because we cannot expect anything good from the current one. the us plan to see if the russian answers to funds k as war effort, but maintains
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