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tv   News  RT  April 30, 2022 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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the largest and most powerful employer in such a situation, it's remarkable to survive a report from just outside the aisle stone factory and mario po, ukrainian nationalists forces continue to hold civilians as human shields. both with consider. i was so sick with what was made to unfortunate that made it seem scans to the vehicle with russia top, they put them not aggressive on see russian rhetoric with posters, with supplies of weapons to ukraine. however, some in europe are not pleased with donations. a decision to deliver arms to ukraine is fundamentally wrong. the world will intensify and that can be good. as
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the world value, cravens, india flashing the countries poverty rates as they nato is worried that new delhi is doing far too well without any help from the web and try to find and expand us governmental authority to suppress dissent online just stays off to the purchase of point to buy free st. john's because a long month with very well welcome. this is all you international with the latest world news update is good to happy with us. now ukrainian nationalists forces continue to refuse to that civilians leave a mario post still factory. what they've been trapped for weeks, russian force is hard to slice, to rent surrounded calling for those inside to come out and surrender. and we mol, both the united nations on the red cross, preparing to try to evacuate those tract in as off the plasma. payton and the un
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secretary general agreed to them. there is 25 people have unfortunately left the plant on saturday. russia military has declared to cease fire in the area to allow a human, a terry and corridor. he's more against you have a ports from the outskirts of the industrial complex. this is a real complex. everything you saw when you thought now a week ago, we could only go fly over here with our drug, but i wanted to have you probably right. is all part of the industrial side itself, including the red buildings. right. and then he puts that is where thousands of your great nations and the regulars and the hostages, that they are still holding. that is where they are more or less safe here, deep in shadow. when the sun sets on the other side,
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that is when ukrainians thought was become fair. yeah. all over the place. look at it. 180 degree view in priority. crossed piracy last industrial complex. to see that that is slack mountain, where you, brilliant snipers are also very active, scurrying across it, like i hope it was inside the russian auxiliary rushing. drones and surveillance nearby volunteers from the nits designated marksman, also watch facades of nationalist activity. they spotted something about brownwood woocommerce,
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a head you a new ah, with me and you guys with 4 with no means were system
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with residential apartment block neighborhood that was held by your credit rationalist vis has been separated from naturalists. and that is the black mountain over there in the distance to day ukrainian nationalist that the spoil tip, but more active than usual. and so was russian shelling of it. who probably could you oversee that? she's sure you said you jose goose. forgive the machine for me. right. this was a good thing. you started with rush thing so close for those forms for the you movers, do you have a group? i think i'm we should but hold on please. yeah, you know,
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a women you are bigger or middle level menu option a that is interested in the law accorded with wealthy during daily seas flaws. broo, russian forces are ordered to hold fire. the nationalists take full advantage every day here. the seeks naturally rob it by the rushing side, during which tom, there's a corridor humanitarian called corals, a number of them that would allow greatly a nationalist leave from ju, however, hope of the club you offered to surrender or even laid out. the more that you, the civilians was still trapped inside the of of steel industrial complex. we spoke to a local residence who lives close to the anthem stone factory. she says another building in the vicinity of the plant had been occupied by ukrainian nationalists forces for
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the past 8th. yes. the steam guy there was a can't fish factory behind the wall. at one time it produced a lot of products. and since 2014 nationalists and ukrainian military began to settle there, so it was our neighbors all 8 years. i don't understand why no one came in 2014. when we waited, we are russian speakers. when we approached the ukrainian military, they said that it would be hell here. people were leaving, we left and recently arrived. most of them were from the western ukraine. it seems to me that we simply did not understand them with you, but you must go says he can. you know me? i shall the board a checkpoint in the village and rushes by young region and also damage to nearby town cemetery. residents of the dozens of explosions and walks the area, but no casualties have been reported. emergency workers has been sifting through the rubble while the towns governor has said water and electricity supply that being restored was damaged in the shelling. local residents have called the attack
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on the cemetery, unbelievable. designed to susan. the shells flew in our direction. everything exploded here in the direction of the cemetery. the explosions were heard after 9 o'clock from the ukrainian side. cook was but anyways, there's nothing more fine. with that issue. of course, well let's hand out the weapons. enough suffering already. don't you agree? so i think we need to do something. we need to fight the ukrainians. they're doing things i can't speak of. they're showing a cemetery. it's unbelievable. it's good. the residential area hasn't been home and response to the strike. the russian military says it has destroy the ukrainian missile. and the aerospace factory and russians defense ministry that it use high precision missiles to prevent collateral damage when target trinity moscow early wound care of a swift military response. if every of inside russia keep coming on the attack,
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marsha's top diplomat has said that most scope is not due nato as a direct enemy in the ukraine conflict. yet western powers continue to press on with aggressive anti russia rhetoric. we don't consider ourselves at war was nato, unfortunately, and nato, it seems, considers itself to be at war with russia, nato and the european union leaders are many of them in england, in the united states. so ball on a france, germany and of course sir european, the union chief diplomat, joseph, but ill, they blankly publicly and persistently say, boucher must fail. russia must be defeated. when you use this terminology, i believe you're seeing that you at the war was the person whom you want to be defeated. yes, they're supplying arms through ukraine. we know the roots, ah,
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which are used for this for this purposes. and as soon as this weapon saw a reaching ukrainian territory, they are fair game. any weapon, any arms shipment on ukrainian secretary is legitimate target allows some nato countries are planning to send further military a to ukraine. so germany has admitted that the anti aircraft hung tanks it wants to donate, may not be very effective and says little ammunition readily available for the vehicles. but 50 hard tongues could require hundreds of thousands of shells for that twin comments to be effective. but germany says it presently only has 23000 rounds available enough for 20 minutes of intense fighting. it's now in talks with brazil, castle and jordan to procure more munition. german media have speculated the gym
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and chancellor shows was likely aware of the problem when he also the tanks, but still went ahead to relieve political pressure. meanwhile, some germans have suggested that the nation could further in same tension their mission of the building. that's what we want to convey a message that the decision to deliver arms to ukraine is fundamentally wrong. the world will intensify and that can be good. thank you. one of our lead. i think the sanctions and arms deliveries are completely wrong. approach is playing with fire and it will at some point become a real conflagration. because the threat of war war 3 will escalate more and more. actually from why don't the governments of the western countries do everything in their power. all they have to do is to resolve conflicts diplomatically, instead of supplying weapons, imposing sanctions and inflame intention to mon me. while washington has announced that we'll send 100 says on the cloth finger miss all launches to ukraine. but full,
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the pentagon official has warned that americans stalks off the handheld weapons are being rapidly depleted and cannot be immediately replenished. we have probably given ukraine a quarter of our stocks. we can not within the next couple of years produce more because we have a problem with the government not paying to maintain production capacity. on the u . s. intelligence office has called literacy. america is pressuring, thank you. officials to supply ukraine with weapons. jed, germany like all other european countries, are under a tremendous amount of pressure from the united states to be seen is doing something to, to come to the assistance of ukraine or the other. the other thing that's going on is that ukrainian army is under a great deal of stress there being rapidly traded there in danger of collapsing within a matter of days or weeks. and if they collapse in germany is seen as having done nothing that's going to create some political problems for the german leadership.
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so that's why i think you're seeing right now, a great rush on the part of a variety of nations, including the united states to, to be seen is bending over backwards to provide ukraine with the weaponry they need to defend themselves. i've always been very worried about the, the light anti tank weapons to javelins the in laws did the man portable and here weapons like the stingers. and i'm very concerned that these light weapons is man horrible weapons. a will find their way out of ukraine into the black market, into the hands of terrorists, or criminal elements who, who, who will do western society harm. a world bank report has highlighted how india has made vast strides in lifting its population out to policy in the past decade. but is our think correspondent anti thing reports. some nato countries don't seem too happy about new daily's progress without any western help. i used to look like. 2 a snow for the
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pool in every nook and cranny. it was and luck, limited, and still it was no road, nor electricity, and no market place in this area. but just in a decade, this area is now a middle class need hundreds of poverty stricken 80, as in india, have john's form to d into trying suburbs extreme over these estimated to have gone down by 12.3 percent in the last decade. in india, according to the world back, ever since the start of the war in ukraine, nieto countries have been urging india to cite with washington's allies. instead of moscow. i thought of as even just there was nothing here 10 years ago. people gradually started settling in here and now it is a thriving suburb. now it has roads and other amenities. these western efforts range from pressurizing, india, for example,
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downgrading india score on democracy index. as we are less appealing india, unflattering new delhi. the acknowledging it's accomplishments on reduction. oh, with huntington verse, the us need block. here's that new daily's. historic partnership and musty b. u. stronger. now that india has actually doing it, can it advocate its polity and completion? if we don't look at what bank? nig, i could do 70. the world bank has said that 271000000 people had been lifted out of extreme poverty. and government programs have played a major role in it. when such a home is built for a poor person, the government also gives them a free gas connection and electricity just just the government also provide subsidized food under the national food security allied to her di vale couldn't aid
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the russia has been in all weather friend of india and stood with us in our moments of joy and sorrow. we follow an independent foreign policy. we are free to conduct business with any country of our choice. who is america to tell us with whom we should do our business spartanburg? because the indians making progress because of its own strengths, a lot of good work has been done in the area of poverty alleviation in the past 15 years. everyone wants to establish relations with the person who is making progress in the personal life is the same goes for india as a country. now that we are developing dignitaries from foreign countries or visiting india in their bid to have good relations over 90 swing. definitely, if we look at the situation in the ninety's poverty was a national issue to lower the poverty rate, our country launch a lot of programs. now there has been a remarkable decrease in poverty. western countries should stop lecturing, india on our close relations with moscow. my only question is, where were they when the poverty levels were at their peak in india? her yes, yes, yes, you can or not, but it is right here. if you do decide you duty,
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it's strictly independent. it's not in just ignoring no under you are going to who want russian tv from lina. this is another country this made great have has to raise overall livingston, this china, which is listed more than 700000000 people out of poverty since the 1980s make the gal vice president of a center for china and globalization phase beijing's economic success is unprecedented. ever since more than 40 years ago, china has in box on the road of reform and opening to the outside world. and in this way, china has reinvigorated itself and made that tremendous and profound economic and political transformation, leaving standards for the chinese st. i've been steadily increasing and by the end of 2020 channel declared that it illuminated abject poverty as
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a social phenomenon. this is truly a great achievement for the chinese nation. and this is also unprecedented in human history because china uplifted about 800000000 people out of poverty. and right now we are also embarking on a new chapter in china's development. that is to achieve common prosperity for all the chinese nation. again, this is truly another revolution based on commitment to opening out to the outside world and continuing with economic and political reform. ah, they thought to the wells, which has been on a long mask, which to deal to by twitter while pledging to restore freedom of speech to the platform. that by going to ministration has decided to expand the homeland security department. so 30 percent down narratives. it poses,
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i think it goes down of reports, twitter, a cozy umbrella for all shapes and sizes of leftist fringe and an incinerator for conservative voices. what started with unobtrusive, a hush hush shadow bands climaxed in a resounding crescendo of then president donald trump's eviction from the platform . but now that ellen musk a self proclaimed free speech, absolutist has promised to make a twitter maximum fun. there's panic in the ranks. ellen musk is the fox coming into the hen house, and it is shameful that twitter which has a fiduciary obligation, i would think to protect people who actually use the millions of people who actually use them. do they ask a single woman, a single woman with a single woman consulted? that's an example of a broader question for twitter, which is if you are, if you can invite you to something where there are no rules where there is total freedom ever ever, everybody do you actually want to go to that party or,
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or you decide to stay home, you don't have to explain yourself, you don't even have to be transparent. you could secretly ban one parties, candidate or all of its candidates, all of its nominees. or you could just secretly turn down the reach of their stuff and turn up the reach of something else and the rest of us might not even find out about it till after the election. notice there running a mocking up in flames, not because they might get silenced, but because an alternative opinion could now suddenly pop their info bubble. nothing like that has actually happened yet, but hundreds of thousands of twitter uses have already jumped ship. even the white house was triggered and has set up what it calls a disinformation board, but some had a different name for it. we have just established a miss in this information governance board in the department of homeland security to more effectively combat of this threat not only to election security or to our homeland security. george orwell is 1984 quickly started trending again. ironically
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on twitter, i detect serious 1st amendment problems with this garbage idea. the left has been controlling the narrative for years, but now they're just being blatant about it. welcome the ministry of truth, us bite and launches, ministry of truth to ensure you only speak. thank in hear what the state approves. how soon until biden's ministry of truth is sending dissidence to concentration and re education camps. so who exactly is going to be this detached and even handed judge to sort fact from fiction, meet the lady in charge of washington's new board. nina yankovic, she's been a fellow with the wilson center which gets a 3rd of its funding from the us government, which apparently makes young coverage. 2 thirds nonpartisan. for most of the disinformation that we've seen, the highly emotionally manipulative content is coming from the right. if you look
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at the top 10, you know, most engaged with post on facebook or twitter on a given day. they are usually posts that are coming from the right. and that's because the right does deal on this highly emotional rhetoric. russia is something that sprouts far beyond her career at the wilson center, formerly imbedded with the ukranian foreign ministry. she's never shied away from publicly despising moscow, mainly for exposing uncomfortable facts about the us. it's clear that actors like russia are using those internal fisher, things like our systemic racism here in the united states. things like economic inequality, to amplify these issues and really make us distrust the system. love for the democrats hatred towards russia, a mix more classic than fish and chips. nowadays. the world of nina young coverage is simple and sold. if anything is hurting the dems image, surely that must be russian disinformation. like when she dismissed the story about
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hunter biden's, laptop, and tons of incriminating data on it as a fairy tale, which it obviously wasn't the emails do not need to be altered to be part of an influence campaign. though tis deserve that context, not a fairy tale about a laptop repair shop and the e mails candle that buried hillary clinton's run for the white house. well, it shouldn't have been brought to light in the 1st place, according to young coverage was a really bizarre decision to declassify, some unverified intelligence about the 2016 election that kind of dredged up the whole hillary clinton e mail scandal and the hack. and li corporation perpetrated by the russians. and again, that seemed like a political decision designed to help president trump in general. she's certainly not a big fan of ultimate free speech advocates and you learn mosque himself and it really shows worthers whole this information board is coming from. i shudder to think about free speech, absolutist taking offer more platforms. what would that look like for the much in
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life communities which are already shouldering disproportionate amount of abuse? indeed, to think there might be a platform allowing equal opportunities of expression for the people with opposing views. conservative 20 years, they're claiming a significant uptown in followers since the ellen musk bought the platform, adding that left leaning, you left leaning hewn is as have experienced the reverse or some even suggesting a connection between their rising popularity on the ownership change while i'm awesome and totally deserving of 87000 new followers a day. it seems that someone took the shackles off my account. wonder if they're burning the evidence before new management comes in. remember when twitter, one of the biggest social media companies in the world, spent years shadow banning conservatives and gasoline everyone by pretending they didn't crazy world back then
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a few days ago. twitter as deleting the suppression now goes before must can find them in the code. you know the suppression al goes that twitter told congress they didn't have and didn't use twitter. meanwhile, has puts the fluctuation in follow it down to an increase in new accounts and the activations on april the 25th, which is board of directors accepted musk the also for total control of the company . the believe that entrepreneurs assuring uses that he wants to make the network politically neutral to the public's trust, see, kill a radio host and political commentate to say that prior to mosque the rival conservative uses were victims of a shadow on conservatives who had either abandon twitter or not being a part of it because of the shadow banning because of the feeling that they were being censored by twitter have now returned to twitter. and obviously the conservatives that are on twitter or seeing an increase in followers, i think you're seeing the same thing with liberals, as
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a lot of liberals are leaving twitter and protest, you must bring in some actual fairness of what would be on their platform as they leave the liberals that they were following are seeing a decline in the number of followers they have. i think over time this will balance out. i think you're going to return to both liberals and conservatives being back on twitter and everybody's numbers will go up. i think there's some speculation that they might be and certainly internally they might be trying to clean up their act. maybe change the algorithms a little. but i don't think you see major tweaking at this point. i really do just think it's people coming in or leaving based on whether the other liberals that are quitting in protest or conservatives that are coming back with the anticipation that it will be a new twitter under eli bus. ah, the german government is refusing to buy a commotion that would make the 8th of may the official day to commemorate the country's liberation from the nazis. i think companies that are placed in europe as the victory in europe day,
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which marks the moment 945. when germany signed an access, unconditional surrender to jim and states already come on. the rates may be a fast the day of freedom, but on thursday, a majority of the gym and parliament failed to support a proposition from the countries left policy. russia commemorates the defeat of the nazis on may, the 9th, commonly known as victory day 11000000. se, so just let the fight to liberate to europe from fascism died during the 2nd well very startled day when our former president of germany alicia from white sick a 1st time in german history mentioned the 8th of may as the day of liberation and to them it was the day of being national of a defeat or anything like that. but from that moment on, it was official that this day was day of liberation from the fascist. when the
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officials and the authorities in germany of go behind that point of our former president shut upon bicycle. this is something to be ashamed in the moment they try to succeed and succeed and to have a victory after the next victory in the over the the public knowledge is the public emotions. we should be thankful of father for the freedom and the 27000000 people who were murdered in german name. and i think we should also continue respecting the big events, the big a, big if the big power which was spent to pre germany on that on the, in that war some news just in from the south of ukraine where the poor city of
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a desa has allegedly been bombed with 3 explosions reported by locals. ukrainian military force is on the ground, say the cities airport has been targeted by russian strikes. the official said the runway has been heavily damaged and is now unusable. there's no word on casualties so far. we will keep you updated. well, thanks for joining us. i went off the international. we're back in 30 minutes with all the latest. we'll see then. ah, look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about personal intelligence at the point,
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obviously is to place trust rather than fear a job with artificial intelligence. real, somebody with a robot must protect its own existence with i can understand why russia would feel uncomfortable with nato coming closer, closer to his borders. but that's why i think this is an issue that could have been should have been resolved at the negotiating table. but let's be honest, you frame was not given the kinds of weaponry and it's still not being given the kinds of weaponry that pose a threat to moscow or russian territory. that is simply a false claim.


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