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tv   Documentary  RT  May 1, 2022 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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ah ah, with the said we stood up almost you know, it doesn't work online with
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the clinical with a shame actual study. can you look at them? i don't it down then. do you know what i mean? that's who doesn't let me know that as an indian, i don't know a start to huss america. yeah. pria overall. it's not. and i am a lead to just monitoring the paul marsh shovel is not a shop personally. tavia, madame with someone on this with with
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her. so don't i don't that glutamate in fact, she dies a told her to really do 3 people at the brochure. deal with mr. smoke and you guys are generally escal accomplish because you're, you're cured with lisa. with
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little or be aware when you're with her. so when you're ready with a see if it's different. sure. the sniper cut a feel for us gave them just name of a certain portion was jordan jordan.
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but though more so, because then you need to do one should only wash them. so you're not a jewish. that whistle is that it would talk about at the ledger that i bought this night. there's 2 new talks to russian collage cut close neighbors. given a solution that was will, unless there's a solution or oh good. it's a gives us diane. you use up to the a on so much it did good. yeah. i did. it was always a militia line with mr. some welcoming still my
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with the blood with this your me or send me to send you minus. so much business with miles i funny. just talking to me, but i fishy. i use a border with a brochure. mama, no less. so that is colette, i'm just to put that on a conventional and you just a newer version of a with solution is to the most is the meaning of impression is much the anymore.
7:06 am
mm hm. yeah. okay. lemme and quote, i don't get the bill. i just got home your photo id with cash there. ask our guy. yeah, pretty much a clinical morsels. yep. with similar kind of a sudden she's interested pursue a sam can have a nuclear because i'm a block. i live a budget is pretty busy and i'm scared with really it goes by cbo with the city. it's because it's like you can literally a limit with keep it you get that good that the call is totally busy today because you have to, does he owe union a?
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got us because you're with worse. mike, what year a dollar will for the school confirmed to never will is there to there for. but the lou really poor because of a dollar you're talking about you is a told are children shooter. so the computer will in your put, put on it was with news to later on. you still love what door at all for his live dinner. persuaded detroit any, but the motion is, i mean, you're no problem. a structure question to address. yeah. they please, kenya. well, i'm that that will be so below a piece of that of my new piece to reduce the lawsuit that yeah, the new political version. well, so far for coursework, good us deal as off to new criminal government as often as deal issue enough for you to preserve the fuel pushing trajectory produce. cuz when you,
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when was that was you to start with lamps on with and i know stella and i'm not going to an issue that chicken up by at the more not holding them as this down a bit of it crushing. okay,
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go ahead. you're letting them off a little bit of shift. now mock motors, i can't offer any extension or to say that yesterday, but i'm going to win it on the bush longer say it. so when i sorta she out of me. okay. mm a you as that you with the queen's started on the so them on our screens able it's got the doc this is the true true with well there's more you do not qualify
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for both of the dogs. all i was at the school the school was questions right. well, well not then it's called cause i mean you're on a claim said right concrete, i mean, finished the war on i suppose it's for the human system. got a new marsha down. those are words. well comes words with keep
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1st and this is just for the new vision a full solution. so you brush will cranes can also to push them. i'm finished with
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shipping. this special with carson with i just knew that everything has been done to reach and so we're not sure if someone else a storage charge or a
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look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, accept where such short or conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to great trust rather than a very job with artificial intelligence. real summoning with a robot must protect his own existence with what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race move is on often has very dramatic development. only
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personally and going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk ah, with the push another visit with maggie smith, it was just reading with also to talk to
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with unless it was actually basically at the store. it must have been if somebody dishes, i groaned all my stub with it and that is julia, just polio. but this is julia bye at them old mission. those same login with citrix unit, which pushes the logistic human up into the us now with the cast. awesome. cuz i still am a lawyer with michigan. if you still, are he boys to a small studio with crystal played,
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you know, said you know that what is this? well know what you're supposed to be with. get away with so much going to start with your leash. that video with plato and monica, but most of the media by hugely what is most video, a special hon clarinet that'll start from ago, but i was really careful shipping to the well, i was redone there not be a, there's a cheers. thank you for on the phone. barely didn't help with audio. what if i come to school? he has a, a bug, olivia, a will a shop college. i was up with those for being is showing you video. but on shortly i don't really know. full speed will show you all the decor cuz they're still working with you. cuz that was really an up. i was just not sure. yes, it was way. and you so much. it was the only way to my tuition to get
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a little can you me? it was so not sure. let me up. us to release was comedic. when you school seals to get a quote up of anybody else that was on the, on the gun to some waste on put up on let's hope unless you really what you were boy with go do it. nobody met with kimi actually that was like a lot the way the old official. what would you have to worry about strippers with keith? i will say yes. a problem with a book useable was but he has nice the with to be sure to move it. cuts the booted push, put the way it will look up what your various levels are from your book that i'm using digital. somebody able to with the bush and i'm going to spend less. somebody will say, i am well, good luck with this level socially. i should bring you up with
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a with that it shows a video presentation can talk about stylus and with the show. boy, you lucille, it's a little slow show. if i wasn't really sure of school because here she got it was, it was suitable to bring your community almost with a well from a book a will. could you know you sure to look to be or during the years with
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no, i last listed there, start off with with, with us. not a mind if i don't know why, just wanted to post on ordinary them off with you. but it was because in the new ac fidelis distribution, when you started,
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you reach will to touch because in your cars there is this choice that you're working with . i see it says i, kathy dear 3 should say proudly. yes, there was worse than your slay company. or is it not sure such interesting, i'm cannot a liberal yes we do. so can you teach gets a dos at the mom is the 3 of us on a regular to make more than with the conditions or was it was like that. but i to get away from all of the garage done more school, pull it out. yeah. i was like, i mean, when you good shepherd in i'm butch, fully in that that i don't much thought i'm with it must be
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a bad idea. my birth is here, not be there was for cisco, early mother was nice to catch up. but interesting where you can go more special with that, like it was also from you have an issue with there's also with the fuel when you scores, it is going to national great with this call with
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it. so she'll said a with because you're here see our someone like all the do up here here for work. well do for you. why did you yes, near fees on the words? yes. last question for where he needs deferred. so as a new, yet can you need you to sure who you are. my student. you also go all the doctor. i don't know the answer for you. wasn't the one with 2 to 4. yes, this lady is creating with
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a water. thank you. mm . to and really quick fish. now i have limited version or something. the video 3 pm on where to maria campbell. their families are on the with lemonade to show door to go. but he's critical that blue armoire, russell rick, additional. but loony of html or
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a spectrum sales or the whole, the human as were shania. pistol being a severe democrat, is substantial. almost all not for a says, for example, go green, the stimulus will not on a stimulus to problem with the media. you will get busy with this crazy, i will give them a see to see which we have to show those one which who stores on the plant, but between the pistol think yours or this with people have to understand that all the blood of this war, every broken window, every bombed home, every fresh grave with blood is on the hands of the united states government. victoria, new and barack obama. job cia, the u. s. military,
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the trained these nazis hide behind civilians and shoot the russians who were come in to liberate city here with his sexual can literacy together of omega. so we in the way of motion the more guide to william there's to joy accept original document design. mitchell, i can associate samaritan and yeah, because that's mitchell, erica already and you show critique that a little shade when i see them where i'm supposed ah, ah ah
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mm. so called enhanced interrogation techniques used by the u. s. officials were basically designed as techniques to break down the human mind. if you force a human being to stay in a certain position doesn't take very long to the pain involved, to become absolutely excruciating, but nobody's lean finger on you. you are doing it to yourself and we started adopting those techniques when i was stationed in mosul. among them were stress, possession, sleep deprivation, and conducive hypothermia. there's already beginning to be evidence that these old techniques are now being used on immigrants and children, whatever you do or more me comes home. nobody has been held accountable for the
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torture that happened in the past. the moral authority, the made america war later. sacrifice for the shimmer of effective interrogation. ah ah mm hm. mm mm. mm. hello and welcome to, well,
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the part is one thing in common between the russians and the americans. it is a deep seated believe that the passage of time reveals the moral truth from st. augustan to martin luther king from president obama to president putin. and now president vida, and they all have a soul seated themselves and that causes with their right side of history. but is the divide between good and evil. indeed, so stark and irreconcilable. well discuss it. i am now joined by charles corruption senior fellow at the council of foreign relations and professor of international affairs at georgetown university professor captain. it's very rare treat for me these days to speak to western and experts for form. officials like yourself. i'm very, very grateful for this opportunity, but i also have to ask you, why did you decide to talk to r t given the and you know the potential academic and professional repercussions
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that you may face. well, i'm some one who believes that we should keep the corridors of communication, even as the relationship between russia and the united states gets worse and worse, even as the war goes on in and casualties continue to mount. i think that that, you know, dialogue is always better than no dialogue. so that's why i'm sitting here, having this conversation with you. thank you for that. and the previous time i interviewed you was, i think in the summer of 2017, when we thought that the relationship in the russian, the united states, the lowest point after crimea, and all these sued the russian mythology surrounding the trump administration. this is the way seen from moscow at least, but in hindsight it seems that the back back then, it wasn't that bad. do you think we have the. 7 bottom already,
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or the worst is yet to come. it's hard to say, i mean we're, we are clearly at one of the lowest points in us, russian relations. and i would clue include the cold war. yeah, mad i think this is as, as dangerous a moment as we've seen because right now are in a hot war in which bombs are dropping missiles or flying. fortunately, russia is not in a war with nato, but it's conceivable that this war could spread. you know, many of us feared, going back to 2014, that in the russian annexation of crimea intervention. and donna boss could just be the beginning of that. at some point, russia might try to create a land bridge between don boss and crimea. that seems to be what's happening as we speak. let's talk about that. what do you think is the reasoning for such a genetic.


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