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tv   News  RT  May 5, 2022 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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a, with the russian military opens a 3 day humanitarian car, a door for civilians, other steel plant and murder. you fall, we hear from there was a back. you waited from the side like the nightmare they had to with questions grateful. we have no way to express our gratitude. we can breathe air fresh air number be follow a 2 months on the flyer. it was scheduled to go out by that time we were just hoping also ahead on the program, the top, the flood use upper l. c. cutting gas supplies from russia is out of the question that doesn't stop the blocks commission from proposing a new round of sanctions on russian energy. the u. s. is expected the policy bill, which could leave opec members open to law suits. it was announced immediately
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after the head of the cartel said there was no current possibility to replace russian oil. also, when there does this, there occupiers, they are called terrorist. and when these buildings are destroyed in garza, this self defense that palestinians deserve peace and prosperity. calendar merrick is envoy to the un is seemingly caught off guard by a question on double standards by washington, on the israel palestine ah, across the world around the clock. this is our take, great to have you with us today. let's get to our top story. just after 8 pm in the russian capital, new shamela, cherry and corridors have been opened to allow civilians to leave the us off stell steel plants, and maria pal. the russian military has also announced a 3 day pause in hostilities. russian done yet. republic forces will cease all
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military activity, while the humanitarian roots are in operation with troops also were moved to a safe distance. earlier, more than a 100 local civilians left the front. we heard from those evacuated to a town near done, yet sca but won't. they've hugged to injure which is the national guard. the farmers thought it was very scary to follow a tim on some desire. it was scary to go out. by that time we were just hoping any slightest opportunity. and you need to leave because there may be not another chance. so the decision was made try to wait till cobbler had that. we're so grateful we have no words to express our gratitude. my whole family is a life and mobile connections have already appeared here to we'll ready got news about our relatives. we can breeze air, fresh air. he can walk from the ground on the grass. it's a dungeon. they're almost like 3 floors down below to us. it was shaking. we were
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afraid of the ceiling would fall. i think everyone is glad that everything is over . silence has come. i walked with the kids today. when we had ended ever so it was still snowing. and when we came out there, we saw the grass, we walked around with the kids breathe fresh air, released, the children remembered what fresh air is like, what attempts to evacuate civilians from the factory hunt been made earlier with moscow stating the temporary cease fire is put in place to allow people to leave were repeatedly violated by ukrainian forces. officials from the done yet people's republic also say key abuse. the cease fires to re supply soldiers in the plant with weapons in russian territory came under fire this morning with local authorities teeming, ukrainian forces, shelter time in the belgrade region, located just a few kilometers from the border. 5 houses were damaged with one entirely destroyed, no injuries were avoided among the time citizens. power lines are also said to have
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been damaged. l garage, governor, said, all holmes hit by shilling will be rebuilt. sort of growth. as it e. u foreign policy chief usa barrel has said shutting off europe to russian gas is not under discussion. the energy source on like oil, he said, will be impossible to replace can she cedar later good that cuddled it, that the oil market is global and their alternative procures. there may be moments of transition and some turbulence in prices, but there is no serious problem of saying, oh, if i run out of russian oil, i will raise the price a lot because they will not be oil. this is not the case with oil with gas, it's a different problem. gas to begin with is not only an energy product. it is not only used to make heat gases, a raw material in the petrochemical industry, and the petrochemical industry in europe. and in particular, in germany ways, a lot gas cannot be replaced by anything other than gas gas from russia or
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somewhere else, but it must be gas it. and that is why we are especially careful about gas because there are entire sectors of the european petrochemical industry that cannot function if it does not have gas. that topic is not under discussion at the moment . we have been discussing a lot this week and i was in latin america, but i was on the phone all the time and the discussions did not include gas. we have heard repeatedly from politicians such as yoseph, burrell, ursula von de leon, and others saying, you know, you must end it's dependency when it comes to russian energy. and that has previously been oil, gas and coal. and now here we have the blocks foreign policy chief saying that actually a gas is not on the table saying that, you know, yes, we've been talking about diversification for the future. but obviously that's not something that can be done immediately. but there is also a question as to whether the e will have much for choice in that matter. given that we know that the deadline is fast approaching as to when it will have to decide if it's going to
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a seed to what the kremlin has asked. and that is for all gas payments to be made in groups for now on. we've already seen in the last week what happens to countries that decide that they won't do that. poland and bulgaria had their supplies cut off after they refused to pay for that gas supply in rubles in other countries. or you are trying to make that decision. now, there's been this conflicting advice from europe in commission in some document to say, would be possible to do this with an exchange mechanism in place. in other documents, it says no, if you pay roubles, this will breach the sanctions at the moment. so difficult times the head for the you to make that decision oversee when it feels there is the potential for russia to turn off those taps anyway. and essentially take that decision off the table. the u. s. senate is expected to pass that bill, but could leave opec members and partners open to legal action. and i wouldn't lie
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federal court to enforce judicial anti trust decisions against them. let's break all that on both opec members states and oil companies are currently protected by some im sovereign immunity laws. on the so name no peck legislation is apparently intended to protect us consumers and businesses from supply cuts and global oil price hikes. bio peck, which america is not a member of labelle comes, there may growing tensions between washington and oil cartel members after opec refused to increase production in march. the grouping recently claimed there was no spare capacity to replace sanctioned russian or supplies. but fisher, edmond gary told me earlier, changes in the oil markets will lead to an expansion of american sheal oil exports, which could exacerbate existing fuel price problems within the country itself. on the one hand american oil,
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probably there would be more oil be sold outside the united states, them before. nevertheless, it's not as easy as some people think. for example, trail oil. it's much more complicated, even though it's not a problem. you can throw money at that's going to take time. it's good to, to be able to increase effectively in laws and large the capacity of export of show oil. so that means that it's going to be limited and also it's beginning to affect prices, as we already have seen, over the past month and the united states, oil prices are rising, this is going to have negative consequences on bad ministration that's facing a lot of difficulties with the mid term election coming up in november, especially because of the rise and inflation the increasing rise. so the prices of food, of gas and of other commodities. india has hit new records in coal. i put,
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producing around 777000000 tons in the 202122 period 9. that is a significant increase compared to the year before it and a half percent. co kinds for more than 70 percent of india is electricity production. the country is the 2nd largest consumer of coal. new delhi has been called on by western nations, the phase it out, and switch to renewable energy. but energy expert for under crew model or essays and india has received little of the promise support for the green energy transition. what really happens is that it is something with you going to sit on and off. so all has be the main source of our energy for quite some time. and we feel that before we get into a drug, the more which can really reduce the use of or we will have to
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really, you know, improve our resources on, on the, on the renewables. definitely in this sense that we are ready as to what we can achieve because the off growing the baby investment in the renewables require us to also make big get hold of the big money? no. where does the big money come from? no day we were actually promised by the western countries that once you increase your renew was then we will try to give you some sort of assistance, but that assistance network game. so it did not come then in that case we depend on our own resources. mozambique has ruled on the possibility of giving up on coal mining in order to meet you in a mission goals by 2030. the government claims the much vaunted global targets do not take into consideration realities in the african nation than data across the
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continent. cor remains one of them big main exports and foreign currency sources. and the russians sanctions, unlimited supplies of alternative energy sources of cause cold prices to more than double since the beginning of the year. and amanda has been on the rise since the break up the conflict in ukraine, lawrence, k. freeman, political and economic analyst and africa. say such western policies, border and racism, they hinder the economic development of the continent. it's actually a very harsh, discriminatory policy against african, which is the companies which are the largest number of people, poverty and the greatest number of people without access to electricity by 6 in. basically what you're saying is, and this is what is behind a good portion of the climate change movement, isn't anti industrialization, the west and financial institutions and government with you and the i math,
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they're saying we're not going to allow, we're going to cut off funding. so you can use your own natural resources to develop your own economy. and without energy, africa is in terrible shape and therefore it is discriminatory, immoral, and bordering on racism. not to allow african countries to human resources for the people. let's bring it to the middle east now. newly released report by a local rights group has a ledge that israel, it's holding some $600.00 palestinians without charge or trial. that's the highest number since 2016 and i comes as americans, envoy to the u. n. appeared to be caught off guard by a question on double standards as regards the conflict taking the view away from ukraine to palestine an occupied 3rd of the same thing because it is done that the palestinians. but when there, there's this there, occupiers,
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they are called terrorists. and when these buildings are destroyed and garza this self difference. so there is probably the standard that the word can see. we have to be strong and our support and in our efforts to defend the rights of the israelis to defend themselves against rocket attacks from hamas and other terrorist groups. but we also are clear that palestinians deserve peace and prosperity. yeah, the backdrop to that exchange being clashes which erupt it into ru islam last month in which, over $100.00 palestinians were injured. the israel palestine conflict has been ongoing. the modern version, at least for 70 years, with a series of war is taking place over ownership of land and the region. israel says it is protecting itself from palestinian attacks are in palestine are demanding the right to create their own state. political analyst taste, sir ma hasan believes its nob issue, which the international community has to get to grips with. we are seeing that
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douglas times are from are what we call the international community, especially the united states of america and european union. they are looking to that and tourists and, and the ignoring there are dignity and interests all the people week people as a blessing and people. and i give the israeli occupation that i to defend her ham silva from the rockets of bella, sina beeble, they ignored that policy of beeble is under a co buying occupation. and since more than 7 in the kids and no one in the world, especially at a united states and european union is supporting the policy now people out a strangled signing off the bus and, and people and to get their lives to build their estates. you see today
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a what is happening and jerusalem. we are calling for this for countries in the ward to look at the scene and circles as they are. they're dealing with the canadian people. a cemetery in the oldest city in the netherlands has been vandalized on wednesday graves and monuments out of military memorial in ny may. hen we're defiled with swastikas and ukrainian flags. police have launched on investigation. the military cemetery holds the graves of more than a 1000 soldiers who died during world war 2 most belong to british troops. over many graves hold soldiers from other countries of the british commonwealth. the murder of the city called the incident, discussed one in the bulgarian capital residence defended a monument to soviets soldiers from activists who planned to cover up the statue with ukrainian crew. key of activeness, left theory. without reaching the moria,
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we discussed the increasing attacks on monuments with human rights lawyer. martin. don't know if we see in the moment that happens because as well, the reception of the war which is taking place in ukraine. this emotion allies very much in the european media. there is not an eliasis of history of the genesis of the conflict. there is no reprocess, which really go deeper into seeing it solution for that wall, but it's emotional lives. and if it comes together with the politics on the higher level, try to negate history and push through a new narrative popped up the cranium. people in the ukraine itself and the ukraine and yes for trying to change history. and i think this is just
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wrong aspect of this, that some people feel themselves impulse to do some barriers and disrespectful like that. german law me occurs have lunch, so it's out the cleaning them. buses are after the diplomat label champs rule up shows. an offended liver sausage politicians in the country of slum the comments. anyone who doesn't expel the nazi sympathizer, melnick now has lost all self respect. oh, laughed sholtes. he's not a sausage. he is the chancellor of the federal republic of germany, and melnick needs to respect that even in such a difficult situation, diplomatic representatives should behave appropriately towards german officials. melnick statements do not help ukraine. the insult came after chancellor shaw's declined visit to crane, stating the trip was rudolph because of kids early,
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a refusal to host the german president. that rejection was caused by concerns in ukraine about frank walter stein myers passed leanings towards reconciliation with russia. in response to love shows rebuked tia for ratcheting up tensions and diplomatic relations. berlin residents were critical of the in busters comments to me when fuzzy. it's insolence simply insolent. i can understand that he is angry, but we are doing a lot for ukraine. it's an insult which is unworthy of a political platform. i don't think it's diplomatic. everything can be phrased differently. it's conversational language unworthy of the diplomat. diplomat. flight through the haps, it's too aggressive, they like boxes who taking doping in the fighting each other, just the fun and adding fuel to the fire war. i wonder why a provocation of this sort comes from a country receiving so much aid. i don't get it because something else to tell you
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about this thursday, the serbian president, how stressed his country's future lives within the e u, while reiterating belgrade normal line military policy that's he traveled to germany on a working visit. i am not aware of serbia's political turning points because serbia is on a european path and is not going to turn in any other direction. that is our political line. when it comes to our military neutrality, serbia, is militarily neutral now and will continue to be militarily neutral. law says the us ambassador to her to serbia, urged belgrade to join brussels and washington in the reference to condemn russia for its role in the ukraine conflict. to date, serbia house resisted pressure to sanction moscow. the u. s. diplomat also suggested serbia could join nato to solve the long lasting dispute with costco, which secured its independence from serbia in 2008. but grade does not recognize the claim. political analysts, alexander published explain to us why
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b u. s. proposal. busy will never be accepted by serbia. will nato bombing serbia for 78 days? 1999. we illegally bomb civilians. deliberately they bond to state television house, killing 16 people, dating bond or infrastructure bond or industry, dating rein, depleted uranium on us. and they never even sorry. ok. you know, so of course 90 percent of the serbs consistently and all opinion polls are against joining nato and that can't change. no serbian politician is going to need to because you know, what do we have to gain from that? you know we, we are supposed to. busy agree to losing 17 percent of our territory call. so where most of our most valuable mat monasteries are. and in return, we're supposed to,
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you know, we're going to just buy expensive all for expensive american and was during weapons and degree for our boys to be sent to various new, you know, natal war theaters, maybe even against russia and serves have never gone to war against russia, even during the world war 2 with anti russian sanctions, adding to the volatility of agricultural supply chains, the un, cheap safe. there is no immediate solution for the looming hunger crisis in nigeria . that was during a visit to the country's capital, more than $19000000.00 nigerians will face severe food insecurity this summer. that's according to a report by the u. n. food and agricultural organization. the finding states high inflation and food commodity prices have brought 7000000 more people into food
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poverty compared to the previous year. the un humanitarian spawns plans for the country equates to just over a 1000000000 us dollars. a daniel garber the 2nd to is a presidential candidate for and nigeria is race next year. say's the west has only paid attention to the crisis in nigeria as it sakes. more allies and it's empty russian try you and stick to you know, finally to, to nigeria. i, which i believe it's, it's not a timely why, because it's looking more to see it. it seems to me that because of depression, that the west or my tool is 1st thing from russia, it was one of the functions on the crisis. you great. a once again, and by coming to show was that there to get all the, which i believe is actually not right. we do so funny news. a few years now has
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never been in a strong commitment from the united nations, with bonuses from new york, but not to leech. i'm down here a, i don't believe we'll help you know, i mean, really because that will be interesting. ukrainian blogger, and politician anatoly, shari. has been arrested in spain under an international notice that says key f 6 is extradition. gives a is. mr. sherry was arrested as a result of cooperation between spanish law enforcement officers on ukrainian authorities. he's been placed under a travel bond. none could face extradition. we've asked the spanish interior ministry for comments. we'll let you know of any response we get anatoly. shari is a prominent critic of the ukrainian government. he's accused lovers lensky and his allies of embezzlement. numerous financial misdeeds, the ukrainian government, and turn accuses sharie of treason and inciting, ethnic,
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or racial hatred. earlier this year, the political party he founded was suspended along with other opposition parties following the criticism they had of the printing government. mom should read all your life for the 30 years of ukrainian independence. at least you're told that white is black. in recent years, it happens all the time. this is a white wall, but you're told it's black. you're a normal, adequate person is told you are pro russian, the pro kremlin. you are paid by the kremlin. and those of you who suddenly thought that the government has changed because of the war are greatly mistaken about this power has become different. it has become worse. mr. sherry has been under scrutiny by kid for over a decade in 2011. he posted a number of reports about corruption in ukraine's ministry of internal affairs. a year after that, he was put on a ukrainian wanted list. later receiving political asylum in the european union
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forever. his refugee status was a note last year civil international law specialist maria yama said that possible. extradition will, puts anatoly, shari, and a precarious position. it shall ivy catherine walsh's cherries, persecuted for political reasons and as to legal basis for interpol to refuse to issue. notice for him. miscellaneous decision to lift his refugee status is paulette size and shows it's and willingness to openly go against ukraine authorities and other e u. countries amid what's happening in ukraine, where the political opponents of the key if a gym are disappearing, i think he if won't provide a normal legal process for i natalie sherry, he will likely end up being tortured. it's almost unreal for him to get justice and to protect his life health and freedom. i'm not even talking about his reputation. that means in the event of extradition to spanish court will basically send him to his death story will be closely following here on r t. and indeed,
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next is the story of why ukraine's government crew of 2014 was seen in very contrasting ways and different parts of the country. they close for a short documentary at supper. lou ah, look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. and the point obviously is to great trust or rather than fear, i would like to take on various jobs with artificial intelligence, real summoning with
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obama's protective own existence with oh, nice to come to the russian state to never. i've started as i'm phoning awesome stevenson, hammock ingles, awesome. and of a group in the 55 with disabilities home and he's gonna be the one else with we will van in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state on russia for date, and c, r t spoke neck. given our video agency, roughly all band on youtube and pinterest and with
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race move is on often very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk with ah
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a with
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ah quite julia. julia. julia, those know years read some snow yesterday you liked it would've i'm sure you had those now, but i'll side the seriously wants to it. is that all mobile you brush line you gumble w o c double month? yeah, sure. the labor no, but we're those numbers, he's doing people, not the money you want. my dorm guided that was developed like i said you.


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