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tv   News  RT  May 7, 2022 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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lucel, including those with the civilians, are taken to safety from a steel planted mar, you pulled nationalists battalions continue to hold it up that facilitate. around 400 more people were evacuated from the city overnight. so head on the program, moscow say he's on the 10th a terrorist attack on russian journalists in berlin may have happened because of rising persecution against the countries media in germany, a reporter, based in the building described with joe, yet you forgot to do more at 1st i thought it was some kind of fake bomb. something used to intimidate our workers, but it was hidden. the police officers were not skeptical at all, even all the recent incidents happening in berlin with russian buildings and made yet another rhonda avante, russia sanctioned the u. s. s gearing up to a bond,
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uranium imports from the country, but could the move her to the american economy more than that does russian about. so all ahead this out with live from our international new center in moscow. this is our te welcome to the program. my names you to know me and we begin with the latest on the ukraine conflict. 50 civilians have been evacuated from the adolf style. steel planting martyr. you pull this saturday according to done yet. republic officials. earlier the official said, almost $400.00 people were taken to safety from the city itself. overnight. it comes after new humanitarian corridor, which were open to a lot of civilian evacuations to take place a ceasefire has been agreed by russian forces at the factory. a closer look now at
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how the media has been covering the stand off german news. i think they're speaker has deleted a video showing civilians released from the as of style steel plants. in the footage, people claimed ukrainian battalions would not allow them to leave on its web page. the german daily published a notice saying the video has some quote inconsistencies, but did not mention specifically what facts in the material were wrong there. speaker added doubt a clarification of the footage is underway. this is what one woman men the nar, remove video, had to say, following her experience of the plan. what do you propose? but you have a question about why people were housed in the city. the man laughed just left the city and the people in question to ring ukrainian army was that which did not let ordinary people leave children, the elderly, the sick one falls on independent journalists, thomas re per sees,
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the german news. i played camphyllis readers. it's propaganda. you see that the she got now was i know that my read us right mails to the interest people that there there were comments under the article under this video. this vehicle knew that they were lying that they could have written. oh yeah, the video was the she was saying the opposite. she was playing as of a we don't got the wrong information for writers as they say they are more say right. it's right, just a fold up, but even they didn't do it. they're just hated the truth. they knew that they, they know that were available and they're just just telling us that, oh yeah, somehow we don't understand something went wrong. sorry. i'm returning to the conflict on the ground in ukraine. this on verified video is said to show the aftermath of a russian strike at boardington media reports. factory in the southern city of death was said, it had been used to repair combat drones used by creative metric another story to bring you today. a berlin apartment building housing,
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russian journalists on their families, was attacked on friday after a window, and the complex was broken. a suspicious object full of wires, was discovered. a bomb disposal unit arrived at the scene to examine the suspected improvised explosive device. the russian embassy and germany gave this comment on the incident. the russian embassy does not exclude this outrageous act, could be directly related to the atmosphere of persecution, of russian state media. in germany, which continued to be accused of spreading disinformation and propaganda, information and photos revealing the addresses of russian journalists and their families who continue to fight threats have been posted on social media and published in leading german media outlets. will ahead of the russian state news bronson, berlin, where the suspected device was fun, said he initially thought it was fake. hi, charlie. yeah. just like go, i'll do more stuff. at 1st i thought it was some kind of fake bomb. something used
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to intimidate our workers, but it was hidden, was if it's intended to frighten it should be somewhere in sight. but it was placed right near the basement window. her, we called the police, they shut off the area and we realized the situation was serious. whenever the police officers were not skeptical at all, given all the recent incidents happening in berlin with russian buildings here, they say they understand why it's happening. there are lots of refugees in berlin because of the military operation in ukraine so, so we don't know who exactly placed the bomb, but when it could be ukrainians or some german left, his groups whose members were caught near our building, taking photos. the investigation is still ongoing to store you pretty well. first and foremost, all these journalists who were living there right now, they're back home and apparently they're safe. but there was a rather unpleasant incident that well, they had to go through and the 1st, what happened an unknown individual through a bottle breaking one of the windows. and initially it wasn't really clay. what was that? was that an attempt to attack with most of cocktail, or was it just
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a stray bottle of some drunk may be picked up off the street, but then when i more would blue enforcement arrived, they discovered an interesting device, an unknown device, which later turned out to be well explosive for probably an i e d. so this is what they discovered in the apartment all these wires. and again, as you mentioned, they discovered that it was armed with something with something explosive. so again, it is not clear as to who put it there, it is not clear who the culprit is. it is not even clear as to what sort of an a explosive substance was used there. but again, this is, this is very, this is very concerning because this building there, it's a building, there was a specific heat allocated to house brush and journalists both with brian of a city. and for example, are a head of the sputnik germany. sputnik being and other russian news agency and a big radio like network worldwide network. so it does look like this building was
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specifically targeted because it only housed again russian, john less, nobody else lived there. so it was allocated for those purposes. and given the fact that shortly before this incident, shortly before this attack, a report reported of the of the german spiegel journal spiegel magazine of a kind of dog st. people. they released a report. they published a report saying that this is where russian propagandists live and again, there's no connection. there's no direct connection that can be, you know, established between the 2 incidents. but again, this is very concerning. concerning that anyone can ascertain way reporters live from this report. will absolutely, and given that no russian citizen, let alone journalist, especially working for a state funded news agency, no one can feel safe in europe right now when it comes to
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a being of russian citizen, russian local. so there has been a tremendous pressure applied to russian media work as well across europe in germany as well. for example, we have a sister channel, i mean c teams. the national has assisted channel r t deutschland, and from the very get go journalist and the very well entity was precious by the german government. they would take, in effect of the press service argues that was done illegally. even the r t journalists, deutschland journalists, their bank accounts were frozen. so like there was a tremendous pressure applied all ready and now like other russian, based in brush, you know, russian journalists getting flack for essentially just working for moscow based outlets. so this is very concerning, especially if the german police managers to establish a well, a significant link between the attack and the fact that they had been docs cortetia
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down off. well, it's far from the 1st incident of hostility towards russians following the start of the conflict in ukraine with a tax and russian nationals on their property occurring in europe and the u. s. c. ostracize ation has effected the country sports science culture with many ordinary non political families being targeted. we got reaction from journalist daniel is our human rights lawyer done collect on the state of violence against russian. but it does seem to fit what's happening in many places. there is mag attacked in new york city because he spoke russian. he happened to be ukranian, but of course, people don't know the difference and they beat him up anyway. i mean, still the towards russians is at an extreme high right now. and it's quite disturbing that there is a concerted effort to sneer and to bill by not just the russian government,
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but the russian people. and this is what happens when that out, you know, this is a speech and speech many times leads to have actions. obviously a, that's a violent, alter right, is growing bolder. and it's activities due to this war and it's going to be creating a major emergency in europe. and the problem the europeans will have to deal with. but that requires dealing with some of the, the very grave contradictions that are raised by the, for a new run of anti rushes. sanctions cutting through the bond on uranium in ports entering the us. the element is used to generate power in nuclear plants. those are t killable open reports, some of question whether such a move could end up hurting the receiver more than the seller. over the past few months, u. s. energy policy has been very clear about the main goal,
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cut off russia, no more. russian oil no more russian gas, but the united states is pretty dependent on russia for another energy source, uranium nuclear power plant across america depend on russia for uranium, but not much longer. the u. s. energy secretary says that is coming to an end. we should not be sending any money to russia for any american energy or for any other reason. what exactly does this mean? the amount of uranium coming in to the united states from russia is quite significant. more than 90 percent of the uranium that fuels us power plants is imported and russia is the 3rd largest supplier. in 2021. russian imports cost almost $1000000000.00. now the united states does have domestic uranium production . however, setting up a domestic uranium supply as a process that can take years. this is not something you can do overnight. and critics are worried about the environmental impact when it comes to getting those
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vital elements and nuclear power. the russian state run corporation resort them seems to be the best option. the u. s. cannot develop a commercial capability to compete against roosevelt on while we depend on foreign uranium. today, only rosa told me in the energy department to capable of producing high r, say, low enriched uranium. 20 percent of us electricity comes from nuclear power plants at this point. power grids across america are already fragile. the electrical grid of texas collapsed last winter, leaving families in the cold, causing a crisis. so now it seems that in the name of hurting russia, joe biden is willing to do even more damage to the u. s. economy. merican families can now expect that in addition to the rising cost of food and the rising cost of gas, their electricity bills will also be getting higher and higher kayla bobbin r c new york. and just on this story, economist an ortho richard waltz police,
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even if the u. s. proclaims have been politically, it could still find other ways to import the needed energy resource from russia. if mr. biden believe that the support of the sanctions program against russia would improve his chances in the election in november. i think he has been disappointed in many sanction programs, the export in country, in this case, russia and the importing country. in this case, the united states can and often do the, they did the whole business by using 3rd countries, add to work a deal whereby russia sells the uranium somewhere else, and they sell it to another party and then it sells it to the united states. this
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is, has been very common in the past, and that may well be how this gets worked out. in reality, in the coming months. i volunteer fighters are joining russian forces in the city of what it pays no, and where there's been heavy battle to run this aria chemical plant ukrainian forces continue to hold their positions in the city. in ortiz, maria financial reports not from the ground. these military tribes reign greenforest men to don bus frond 240 volunteer fighters from russia. come here a dubious. no, because this is where one of the key battles is happening right now. russian forces are now in complete control of the town have to weeks of fears fighting, but the ukrainian military supported by foreign mercenaries and nationalist battalions still holds as strategic position in the cities industrial zone. those area chemical plant surrounded by concrete fortifications. it resembles
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a fortress and is hard to capture. the newcomers will support the joint forces of russia and the republic in this important fight, never woke up here. my name is up t, the commander of this unit and you are coming under my command. the fighters come empty handed here at the chechen special forces unit headquarters. they'll be given ammunition and weapons and assigned to their tasks. who were this day i wanted to hear. it doesn't matter to me what nationality you are and what religion you are. the volunteers who came here to fight to represent different nationalities from across russia's vast geography. but why they came? that's a question to which they have similar answers. but supervision is thursday i came here on the grounds of conscience for the sake of the motherland and for the elderly people. my grandmother is also a war veteran and of course for people. first of all, the mission is critical ones because at our factory secured it on pave the way to
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list a chance and save it than he has. the last 2 strong holds of ukrainian forces in the region when they are secured to the republic will have its entire territory regained murray from ocean or arte from rebels. now, a natural gas prices in the us have more than double from the previous decades average. but that semi are putting off europe us at 6 alternatives to russian energy. europe currently relies on russia for 40 percent of its gas. but as the continent turns its back on moscow over the conflict in ukraine, it's ready to pay much more to import american supplies to make our parts of the shortfall. but it's not just the extra course that's an issue. fossil fuel expansion, faces resistance over climate concerns and investor reluctance. nevertheless, president biden has promised washington will help its europe and allies to meet their energy needs. we're working with other nations like korea,
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japan cutter and others to support or effort to help the europe and allies threatened by russia with gas blackmail, and their energy needs and other ways. aggression will not when threats will not win. this is just another reminder on the imperative for europe and the world to move more and more of our power needs to clean energy, international petroleum, economist john foster fears europe could be shooting itself in the foot by turning away from russia and g. the increase in natural gas prices in the united states and canada will affect the economy into other countries adversely. and the same goes for even more. so, for western europe, for europe, where the price is, the price is being much greater. europe is shooting itself in the foot. i think the, the dramatic expansion in the production of cheryl
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gatson, united states, is literally as leveled off. so do i think that europe could cope without russia? i guess i think the answer is no. it, it won't be able to, it will be able to impart by bringing and gas from the united states as it's currently drilling and trying to expand whether or not with success in l n. j, from the united states at higher cost. i guess that can be bought from russia. so there's a cost to the european economy. notice belonged in longer term deals. ok to another part of the world, the pakistan where thousands poured onto the streets of ram comes home town on friday as people continue to show to support the former pakistani prime minister who was arrested last month addressing the cried mister can once again reiterated his claim that the current government was imposed by the united states quote,
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the prime industry is also calling for new election saying to be the main demand of a plan, protest in the packets on the capital or on to 1000000 people are expected to attend raleigh in the summer but can was, i said last month after losing a new confidence hosts. so he claims washington was directly behind the move a few back by his quarters. nobody done, as america has initiated a conspiracy to rouse the government of im, ran con and bring in this important government. and we boy called this government. we will continue fighting with them in ran. com is on the right side and we will support him. americans have deceived us in the past, like on the kashmir issue, cost we had paid the full price for f. 16 at croft. they charged to sell the juice, but did not delivered spare parts for a long time. the u. s. denies the claims had wanted can out of office, but with him gone. washington is not stressing it's desire to work with islam about
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in particular encountered terrorism and border security. political analysts sub t knock med dar, believes many people in pakistan feel betrayed over what has unfolded. the majority of the pakistan is there, but decided to follow the narrative or former prime minister or focus on iran con or the prime reason for this notion is that the c m, ron con, as an honest leader who has been betrayed by the group american elements and the bought this on the institutions and social media trends and spastic, 3 weeks, you know, completely, you know, shoes of that new journal public is not ready to accept the newly formed government in boxes. and they would keep demonstrating their rule stream bronze on your end to just report it repeatedly after the 5th. or the only reason behind the spect is that it is a completely gras stroup political movement led by the public in favor of the leader in ron con. now as billionaire ilan must
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prepared to take charge of one of the most influential tech companies in the world, he's already pledged to restore a free speech on twitter. some advocacy groups are worried that democracy on their platform is endangered calling on the biggest brands in the u. s. to threaten them advertising boycott if mosques governance results and changes to its content policies. rachel blevins has been taking a closer look at stuff you want is no stranger to criticism, but his $44000000000.00 purchase of twitter and maybe one of his most controversial moves yet at least according to the mainstream media talking has then follow billionaires who are speaking out and about his new acquisition, that list includes activist groups such as media matters for america, black lives matter and women's march who sent a joint letter to twitters top advertisers, calling on them to draw their support from the company under mosques management,
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which at risks becoming a cesspool of misinformation with your brand attached, polluting information ecosystem. and at time where trust in institutions and news media is already at an all time low we call on you to demand mosque up, hold these basic standards of community trust and safety. and to pull your advertising, spending from twitter, if and not in response, must pointed out that these big groups wouldn't exist without big money to funds these organizations that want to control your access to information. let's investigate. what does that investigation show? well, the money behind many of the 26 and g as an activist group to sign that letter has come from george soros and is open society foundation, as well as top democratic party donors and even former hillary clinton and brock. obama staffers. oh, and bill gates, who fell way behind, much in the world's richest man rankings, is now speaking out, saying he's concerned about plans for twitter to allow for speech. and how does he
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feel about something that says vaccines kill people or? you know, that bill gates is tracking people, is that one of the things you think should be spread so, and it's not just individuals. the mainstream media is also doing is part with a recent article for the new york times, arguing that mass grew up in a bubble of white privilege and south africa, where he saw the dangers of unchecked speech. the apartheid system created a distinction between the white people, specifically between those who spoke africans and bells, who spoke english like mr. mosques, family, as a white student coming up in the place to you, hon. his bo suburbs, he never saw the suffering of his black counterparts. arrow mosque said he believed that apartheid had told his son not to discriminate, but ellen's electric car company, tesla has faced serious accusations of racism. but suggesting must is racist in his upbringing is to blame. it doesn't actually match the facts and others on twitter.
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we're quick to point that out. your headline reads like a hit piece about how he didn't feel the effects of propaganda. get your actual articles. content is basically he did in fact see all the bad things that happened when free speech is in allowed. well, that piece is sure full of inconsistencies. it's as if you set out with a narrative that you couldn't find the facts to support. the article literally says born to anti apartheid politician and fled saw because he didn't want to participate in an apartheid military. so by the same insinuation, anyone who has immigrated from india is a proponent of the cost system who paid for this little hit piece or did the all to just come directly from the white house was, was not forget the just a few days after must reach to deal with twitter, the by an administration announced plans for a dis information board run by the department of homeland security which immediately drew comparisons in 1094 is ministry of truth, the crime committed by mass admitting that he is a free speech. absolute is
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a good sign as to whether there is free speech is, is, is someone you don't like allowed to say something you don't like. so and the anti you on must, campaign continues and appears the money and power behind it is rooted in the fear of what could happen when you, my free speech is allowed in the public square of social media. i think that the, the issue surrounds the idea that, that it's not must purchasing twitter. it's the fact that he's going to open up the gates of truth. but on the other side, a lot of the things that the radical left and the, the democrats are doing the united states just fly against the basic principles of democracy in truth. and so what he's doing scares them because they don't get, they can check, they don't get to control the type of narrative it, he's going to bring back public discourse or, or the ability to have debate. and what they want is they want just one narrative to permeate society. there is just
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a couple of days last night before the victory de commemorations take place across russia holiday. when people look back at the great patriotic war and the sacrifices made by the people involved in it during the 4 years of the soviet union involvement on international orphanage in the russian city of upon, of a became a shelter for children from different countries to most us events in china brought many pupils from the country to russia. some of them even went on to serve on the front lines while others, some still children, health care for the wounded, brought to the orphanage or t heard some of their stories. ah, ah, yep. or restored i just remember that i was born in moscow 1936. and then when the
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great patriotic bull began in 1941 was sent to the red to the city of van over 300 kilometers from moscow, where the 1st international orphanage was built. ah ah, yep. when you got them. i remember when injured soldiers were brought from the front line as well as wounded civilians. the older guys acted as paramedics taking care of the engine. as for us, the little children we helped them washed band, just kept the wounded come. we sang songs to the injured soldiers and civilians danced, wrote letters during the great patriotic bull. we was small, but despite a rage, we'll try to help the soviet people defeat the fascists. so we went through this war together and won this war to get
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with libya, vision, with the dog. i have the fondest memories from life in the orphanage, even in such trouble to difficult times. it was my golden childhood and i think we received a very good spiritual education there, the russian teachers, but also education and it will finish in still to me. i love for my us from my profession. so i want to give my heartfelt thanks. not only to my corey over for teachers, but to all the educators to all our teachers. he's always cool because they told me how to be a good person. ah
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ah ah, his name was joseph gerber. he was nazi germany's minister of propaganda. the myths that he created exist to this day google's propaganda was both actually trying to denigrate other nations while at the same time raising ordinary german self esteem. in 3 years of girls knew precisely what the masters needed to hear in order to make them follow him. and he was like the pied piper from the fairy tale only dreads,
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follow the tune of his pipe. the myths created by the chief nazi ideologists found for a towel, soil in the west. we have to fight these myth today in memory of those who won in the 2nd world war. ah, ah, you could get you. people don't want war and they believe it is a against something to ukraine with arms and you please cannot be achieved that way . need your board. but then staff, please. in negotiations we've got through so co beer or ukraine, a phobia today i'm authorizing the additional strong sanctions on visit. john, thank you. list licenses on childrens happy.


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