tv News RT May 13, 2022 11:00am-11:31am EDT
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[000:00:00;00] a, a has expressed serious doubts about k of the membership aspirations, the russian formative, as long as the blog will becoming nato's accessory which you have here is the ukrainian, the small business. it has been sets up on a roof of one of the military bases. and it has been abandoned well along with the rest of the base of correspond reports from ukrainian military bases in mario uphold which they abandoned this russian port is advised that the russian and going yes. so just continue to try to the as a field plans on the outskirts of the city the people have been named the best performing currency if the year 5 bloomberg,
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despite russia facing unprecedented economic sanctions. latvian member of the european parliament gets detained as protests, against the definition of a memorial to soviet soldiers unfold in the last, in catholics with a warm welcome it 6 pm here in moscow, and this is on the international with the latest world news headlines. thanks for joining us. that we start this out with some breaking news coming in from the city of da, coach of ask in the don. yes, people's were public, wherein all crew has been shelved by ukrainian forces to calmer men have stuff at shrapnel wounds to their legs and bikes that being taken to host. so we'll keep you updated on any details as we get them. ah, mosca, we shifting its position on ukraine's membership of the european union with the russians. tom diplomat saying the block is turning into nato's aggressive accessory
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and moving away from the initial founding aims off the block. little problem or the knock is less of keeps desire to join the you raises serious, dallas is a european union, has turned from a constructive economic platform as it was created to be into an aggressive militants player. so they followed nato's leaders there by confirming their integration with the north atlantic alliances and will essentially perform the functions of its accessory. meanwhile, president valencia, he has expressed his willingness to negotiate directly with president putin without any mediators. he also added that keith will never recognize crimea as russian territory all the autonomy of the don't yet scantily ganske. republics, that comes as the kremlin reported no positive dynamics in bilateral talks with ukraine laying the blame for fails negotiations on key f. as close to the situation on the ground and in ukraine, now, the russian defense ministry says it has struck an oil plans to the city of kremlin shake in the central part of the country. officials at
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a high precision weapon destroyed the oil plant, production facilities, and reservoirs with gasoline and diesel fuel used by ukrainian forces to power their vehicles. meanwhile, in the city of mario po, danye were public officials came. the joint forces are now strengthening their positions and putting pressure on ukrainian troops in the as of style plant. meanwhile, russian, anton yes republic joint rescue services are conducting early stage reconstruction in cities and the dog bass region. clearing dave, re and explosives from the area they both have begun supplying the cities in the don. yes, for public and ukraine with water supplies and humanitarian aid residents of some cities will also receive one of financial support as locals begin to rebuild their lives in the water regions are correspondent egleston. a visit to military base is abandoned by ukrainian forces. this military base, it has housed all sorts of troops including a tank unit that has left tons of armaments like this one for example. and he
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rather well die a condition. also there was a special forces union housed in a building over there. again, tanks and even priests and many, many rooms. he had a bare insignia and flags of the as of battalion and the right sector to most notorious neo nazi wings of the ukrainian forces. the base resides in a strategic location. it provided ukrainian troops with an excellent fortified shelter overseeing the key road towards moore. you pull from the east, along with a good portion of the city. and what you have here is a ukrainian snipers nest. it has been set up on a roof of one of them military bases, and it has been abandoned well along with the rest of the base. but here you can see it up close and personal and have a glimpse as to how it all works. he's looks very cozy, like for example, here you have a whole sofa. that looks that way. later we were explained that this position was
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more likely to be used by officers tossed with reconnaissance or a sputter. that's of course, before the hail of bombs made them flee the place, abandoning weapons equipment, vehicles, metals, and documents. and this is yet a, another military base that was abandoned by ukrainian forces. they've left behind quite a lot because military vehicles here. some of them have been quite badly damaged because while they were shelled quite extensively here you can see, for example, the wool over there has been completely destroyed and dismantled, obviously as a result of some sort of a strike, maybe of a tank strike. this whole area has been made available for journalists, for example, are not so long ago because as they were leaving hastily they were still, they still had time to rig the place. but now, well, just dogs are roaming around here. they didn't have many options as to where to run from the shelves, either surrender or hole in at as of stalls steelworks,
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which catacombs still show to the bleeding out remainder of the merry you pull neo nazi garrison left at the very end of the rope. i'm a good done of reporting from are you pulled out c. o. i huge by. it's been taken out of apple with the tech giant losing its crown is the world's most valuable fun . only this year it became the 1st company to hit the 3 trillion dollar mark base value since fall in nearly 20 percent. the oil dime to saudi around co now sit to the top of the tree around caches. have gentlemen 30 percent since january with markets camps, lines ethan and capitalization, climbing to $2.00 trillion dollars in march, the world's largest oil exploiting company report is full year profits. last year, more than doubled due to soaring oil prices compared to the i find making sales which have been hit by the supply chain crisis on u. s. central bank policies. earlier we discussed with a panel of guess how market for shifting as the world economy grapples with
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geopolitical changes in fashion on the supply chain crisis. and not silicon valley jones have lost more than one trillion dollars over the last 3 days. are we seeing a burst of the table, or is this just a temporary, a temporary glitch? well, it's probably not temporary. a probably intermediate trend going on here. you know, investors go, we're a prices and profits are rising and with the global supply contraction or the stabilization of supply in oil prices will keep rising. you know, saudi doesn't want to pump more oil. neither do other countries in new american oil companies. and then you've got the sanctions on top of that, and all of that seems a not a short term trend. it will be an intermediate term lease. so profits and prices keep going up in oil. then you compare it to what's going on with tech which is contracting. now i think tech is going to be in a recession fairly soon. here as a credit shortage,
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both through sanctions. if there's an additional shortage crating through infrastructure destroying oil, and you can create an increase in demand both through for military, non military reason. them of course, the price. so something's going to go up. i don't think that that tech is going to as a, as a sector itself, be an immediate medium turn to term shrink. i think what you're going to see is a lot of rearranging climate change is something that the people of earth are very concerned about. and now we have oil taking over where exxon, i mean, beating out netflix is down 73 percent. why? because exactly as you point out, these tensions geopolitical tensions have forced oil to go way up while all of us are looking to survive simultaneously in the us with inflation being as high as it is. people can't afford and won't be able to afford luxury items like i phones i pads even apple plus streaming. netflix isn't keep raising the price as inflation keeps going up. so what are people forced to do?
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food, water, shelter, milk, and gasoline also known as oil and petroleum. is that the thing symbolic? the toilers overtaken technology? or do you think it's just a temp regression? we will see a re shuffling of the deck. you wanted to find it as the big things. what you got is look at the nasdaq market. i mean, it's contracting dramatically here. it's almost bare territory. a lot of these companies are coming in with earnings that aren't very good. to some extent, it's is demand related, but it's also supply problems that sort of forecast that you know, the earnings are going to continue to go in the direction they have been and tech has been in the kind of a bubble during the coven period. so it's already too high of an appreciation and price ratios here. so i really think the francs are going to contract here. well, not negative, maybe slower growth, but they're not going to be the high flyers that they were. so what extent did the,
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the current financial and economic crisis has been caused by russia going to war with ukraine, or was it bounce up anyway, at some point, one of roches main exports is oil. and when you make it a limited supply in europe is desperately requiring every drop it can get, the price goes way up. well, that stuff becomes valuable. it's exciting to be in the oil business, no matter what country you are. so it's a golden days for the moment, especially if you have the oil. i think that the war and ukraine has certainly increased the price of oil. and there's no question about that. but in terms of timing tack constantly, re shuffles nessa nature of tech? it changes the dad's re, shuffles. there might be some acceleration, but i think when you see social changes happening at the same time as new technologies, you're just going to see a lot of re shuffling and they don't unprecedented western sanctions against russia . the country's national currency, the rubel has been named the world's best performing currency of the year, according to bloomberg. it was
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a little over 11 percent against the us dollar since january. the agency reports. excuse me, while the offshore rate indicates the rise amounts to around the 12 percent. this comes with no sco required to export to sell foreign currency and trade partners pay for energy imports in roubles, which is one professor of banking and finance that demand. that university says western sanctions have failed to really hurt the russian economy. bringing damage to european mog is i don't think those that impose those sanctions wake spec thing the rubel to do this. well, the fact is that since 2014, with sanctions kicking in and the international financial markets being already at that time becoming increasingly hostile towards russia, there was a kind of market based discrimination against russia. we're aiming at russia but not really achieving that. but actually if you look at the logic behind this, the sanctions, it is essentially sanctions imposed by the us on europe to head the european
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economy. i mean, they're not really sanctions to had russia, which is very difficult to do when you are, you know, the largest economy, the largest country in the world, and, and one of the largest economies that spanned from europe to asia, that is able to trade with the entire world lousy, a member of the european parliament, tatiana donna has been detained, a protest against the demolition of a woman morrow to soviets soldiers in the countries cups a week. the politician was among hundreds of people who gathered in the capital to protest against the decision of the latvian government, reported it began preparing to demolish a woman moral to the soviets, soldiers most condemned to decisions, saying it to find any reasonable explanation at accused fear of being the most aggressive, less phobic ally of a you and they. so vacations have now been lost in foot into some of those who came to the memorial. after being outraged by the flowers were move along. may the 9th,
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one case has been opened against the man who was spotted with a russian flag. he's allegedly accused of condoning genocide and crimes against humanity. the time i was working with protest taking place on friday, police have been told to take a 0 tolerance approach. we've tried to get reports from the grounds. however, many people, including local journalists, appear to be concerned about legislation, prohibiting dealing with sanctioned media outlets. attentions emerged after authorities used bull doses declare flowers brought by locals to the monument for the maid, 9th, and victory de collaborations. a response people brought even more flowers to the site with please. then completely blocking off the area, reagan has been one of the most vocal critics of moscow's actions in ukraine, latvian published this dance, political activists that vladimir in demand believes these actions are
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a reflection of the rest of phobia. currently being with witnessed across the well, it's your 3rd liberal now in view of the fact that the world is infected with such a virus of the most violent, unbridled lucy phobia on this wave. and this background to the ruined people of lots of it have realized that this is their chance when they can demolish the monuments. this is a step towards rewriting history. in general, history has been written by the west, but especially in the baltic countries and in poland. with such an attitude that in general, the russian positive traits in history is simply raised to a state of 0 below the plan. and if it does not exist, this is the task. the task is to depict the role of russian civilization and history in such a way as if it either does not exist at all, or it is absolutely negative, villainous. i regret that van journalist vans in our stays. the aim of these actions is to suppress the russian speaking community, just as it was worth the but now the circumstances allow the largest russian
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speaking community to be put in their place. some time ago in m. p. in the latvian same uri's, dubois said, we do not need you to speak the language, meaning lavion. we need you to know your place. and today that is being implemented would right now, the goal is to suppress and subdue those who preserve their cultural identity. that is why the ruling elite calls everyone who visited the monument to the liberators of riga, on 9th, and the 10th of may enemies of the state. we need to realize that everything that has happened is no chain of coincidences, but a result of preliminarily plans, special operation aimed at turning all baltic countries into a military base against russia and in the u. k. a recent policies 93 percent of britons are very aware of war in ukraine, while only 23 percent are informed on the hunger crisis in east and africa, which has tens of millions in its grip. the horn of africa is a region consisting of 4 states and more than 140000000 people. it was previously partially administered by britson and g. s. have won the global focus on the
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ukraine conflict may distract the world from other large crises. here in experts has been warning of a crisis in the area for months before the start of war in ukraine. 3 failed rainy seasons have caused the worst drought in the region for 40 years. the problem was exacerbated by the war in ukraine as well as sanctions imposed on russia, which is the world's main weight exports. and the situation has caused great prices to skyrocket. but russia faces problems exporting goods to global markets, after lamentations on financial mechanisms and goods, transportation. we discussed the problem with an associate professor at the university of south africa in pretoria. who said africa has been living in a state of conflict for a very long time and the continence problems that shouldn't be forgotten. conflicts on daily basis. and we see immediate, if we get the work done,
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you just by making sure that you guys can keep up with any longer because that was funded by the western countries. most was them. so i knew because to be in making sure that i was in place on issues in, into food situation. so be just fine. but again, let me start from there. well, why do we is to give more debt for us to don't kind of give them money as we are content and also because there's not one on the market. it's in time to make that produce with them. clashes have a wrapped at at the funeral of an al jazeera journalist in palestine showing up
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a aqua was killed on wednesday while reporting in the west bank. the the footage shows clashes between police and those attending the funeral. as they tried to leave the casket on foot, it's unclear what exactly caused the scuffle coughing with li to deliver to church by ca. thousands of palestinians took part in morning for the journalists, who lost the life of the recent wave of pension warning. you may find the following images is that it shows the moments off to the out. is there a journalist who's killed? you are going to really ami rate in the town of jen and how it's been, you know, he's on the tv tunnel itself. plane is ready, soldier, the journalists, this is well said, both soldiers on palestinian militants were firing at the time. i called a joint investigation which kind of sign has received a number of leaders. if threatened to boy cause the june summit of the americas in los angeles,
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if another trio of nations keep out nicaragua and venezuela aren't invited, figure on bobby too, as well as mexican bolivia that they went to 10th. if president biden doesn't change course. if not everyone is invited, a representative of the mexican government will go, but i would not go in line with the principles and values of the plural national state of bolivia. i reaffirm that if summit of the americas, that excludes american countries would not be a full summit of the americas. and if fraternal countries continue to be excluded, i will not participate in it. if the united states insists are not inviting cuba to this meeting, it will immediately cause 14 caribbean community countries not to attend. the absence of mexico's leader is expected to significantly undermine the stomach agenda with us mexican border migration up for discussion earlier the u. s. secret terry of states claims the governments of cuba, nicaragua, and venezuela, do not respect democracy. although now former white house press secretary gen saki,
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a final decision on participants is yet to be made. community workers steven sefton thinks the situation reflects the decline of u. s. influence in latin america leads to the summit of the americas some over the last couple of occasions has involved those kinds of complications. largely because the united states policy host, as everybody is well aware of for decades, applied sanctions, what they call sanctions, which are in fact illegal unilateral coercive measures against the government of cuba. and since something like 2015, i believe, i remember rightly the united states government has been applying similar sanctions against. and his waiver overrule, what you're seeing is a decline in the influence of the united states. and i think this whole issue in
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itself reflects an inability of the united states to exert the kind of repressive control over countries in latin america and the caribbean. so you have all these countries in effect rebelling a publicly declaring disagreement with united states in a very forthright way. and i think that's really unprecedented. i thought you were a pain officially back and a marshall style planned to rebuild. you train well calling for global help to set the bell, it for the ongoing conflict in the country. the post world war 2 marshal plan. so the u. s. grant to europe the modern day equivalent of $200000000000.00 before he is an economic and technical help. the president of the pain investment bank said europe must not be left alone to such a bill which could run into trillions of yours. the project is set to be very complex and costly. it involves not just rebuilding infrastructure, but also reconstructing the economy,
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which has suffered from 8 years of conflict in the don't boss as well as the latest conflict that comes with the western countries continue to send weapons to ukraine with the u. s. a load improving over $33000000000.00 worth of 8th, though taxpayers seem to be the main funders off. they said it's been branded as democracy contributors by joe, by them on to talk to human rights lawyer, don cavallo, who says the west is looking to prolong the war for as long as possible. not about helping you crane. i mean, in fact, it's quite the opposite. do this warn you cry and they want to weaken russia? clearly this is about attacking russia and using the ukrainians is, can, and bought or to do that. it appears they want to sacrifice the ukrainians, keep this war going. as long as they can. despite the fact that essentially the outcome is now pre ordained, and that is that russia will, i think, could cheve its goals, but they want to make it as costly on russia as possible. and as they say,
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they will fight russia to the last ukrainian to do that. if countries have the will to help. yes, of course, it will be rebuilt and syria, which is not gotten to help in the international community and they have not rebuild. so look, good, talk to the international community to help rebuild. and i hope that does happen. of course, bangladesh has become the 1st country in south asia to achieve 100 percent electricity coverage. it follows the launch of the payroll power plants, a joint project with china on the key part of the belt and road initiative. the prime minister is that it means every house in the country now has electricity. the belts and road initiative is a strategy launched by china in 2013 at plans to connect to asia with africa and europe via land and maritime networks. it also aims to improve regional integration, increased trade and stimulate economic growth. combo dia, meanwhile,
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has said it's also seeing improvements to people's livelihoods in the country through projects under the belt and road project. it said the aim is to help base the countries socio economic development, vice chairman of the shanghai center for impact and international studies. nelson wong, things china has a completely different approach than the west when it comes to helping other countries. this is very easy to get misunderstood. this is a new toner lism off china. this is a by lending money to people. you're trying to drive that trap. full of countries that took the los i think this is totally wrong. what china has been doing is to help those people, those country is to build that infrastructure. what china does is a very business like transactions. basically, if you go to a country and discuss wisdom, whether you like a port or a power plant to be able to lot, then if the terms are agreed,
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then let's go and do it. and but no other conditions. but what we have heard from other countries is the reasonably like chinese companies to come and do business with them is that they don't. the chinese do not tell them what to do. the west adopted a different approach when it comes to helping other countries. many thanks to joining us here in asi, international web, back at the top of the out with blue. ah, ah,
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hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things considered. i'm peter labelle. when thinking about the e. u. one doesn't know whether to laugh or cry when it says it's united over the issue of ukraine. it is not. it says it doesn't want to fight russia, but in fact, is a coat belligerent on the side of ukraine. it is determined to deeply damage russia's economy. but in doing so, damages itself with cross stocking the e u. i'm joined by my guess, marco gas in london. he's an international affairs commentator in prague. we have brad blankenship. he is a columnist at c g t n, a freelance reporter bush in law, as well as a rti contributor and a mirror cash we custom roster. martin j, he's an award winning journalist and commentator. all right, gentlemen, crossed out girls in effect that much. i mean you can jump in any time you want. now it's appreciate a martin. i start out by saying, i don't know if i should laugh or cry when it comes to the e. u. i think that should be familiar to you because i was
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