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tv   News  RT  May 16, 2022 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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dallas will depart, we choose to look for common ground. with latimer personal accuses the west of quote od rage is rissa phobia, pursuing aggressive ne to expansion that the benefits washington also aheads on the program. today, hungary prime minister, safe brussels is abusing its power as an e. u. official accuses hungary of holding europe hostage with its opposition to propose the embargo on russian or global. we prices search to record highs after india bombs, exports to tackle domestic market issues and stuff. western countries though, pushing new delhi to continue sending supplies abroad, and also ahead in
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mm. or correspondent reports exclusively from the territory of the besieged asoft steel. plumps were bottles between russian undone yet republic joined forces on the local ultra nationalist battalions continued to ridge with one minute a 7 an evening here in moscow this monday. hope you're having a fine start to the week. i'm, you know, neil and this is our t international. well, the week began in moscow with a collective security treaty organization or c s t o summit leaders of the member countries once again stated who they believe is responsible for prolonging the conflict in ukraine. says that a she in the consequence of the expansion of the north atlantic alliance is a problem that is created completely artificially. since it is done in the foreign policy interests of the united states. in general,
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nato is used as an instrument to the foreign policy of only one country to look on the upward due to them so far from the west, including washington. we are witnessing only a desire to prolong the conflict as much as possible. that is the reason why ukraine is being pumped full with weapons or the most dangerous tendency in ukraine . the attempts to dismember it. there are thousands of units that have already been created in order to end to ukraine, under the guise of peacekeepers to protect it. as international pressure keeps mounting on russia as rushes, northwestern neighbors such as sweden and finland, let the world know that they have made up their mind. on joining nato, it is crucial and very important for moscow to show that there is a pro active security alliance. in existence that could act as a counterbalancing force to the north atlantic treaty organization. and so the russian leader is hosting this big summit and the russian capital,
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exactly 30 years after the alliance was born. the leaders from 5 post soviet republics are in moscow representing pretty much russia's best friends if we take the post soviet republics. the alliance, both a joint action force, which we have already seen in action. and january this year, when cassock stand, was engulfed in violence, street unrest and international peacekeeping mission representing all members was sent and the, the violence was quickly dealt with. this was something that the leaders remembered to day and praise. but it seems that for the leaders, that's not really enough. what they want to see is the lines filled with extra energy. plus we heard that the russian president, alexander lucas shank, off in particular, call for more unity have by the members saying that they should act as
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a united front. when, for example, there are vote at international organization such as the un social you will for globally. when you're with the silent consent of our partners, bella reese and russia country to all the norms of international law at the whim of the west, of being defamed and excluded from international organizations. yes, there is tough and unscrupulous pressure against us. the members of the c s t o, but it is for the sort of situations that collective mutual support exists. we heard criticism of nato actions and policies pretty much from every speaker here at the kremlin. but the strongest discourse came from black or potent before updating his counterparts of the course of the russian military operations in ukraine. mister bruton blamed the west pretty much for associating themselves with the nationalists in ukraine. neighboring country in ukraine, near not system,
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has long been remedy, which they tend to blind di. this means that some of our partners from the collective west actually encourage their activities, and all this is accompanied by outragious were supposed be. now going back to the alliance, we have heard today that it is open for expansion. it's ready for expansion. it has already carried out one successful military operation in catholic stand. so the message to the rest of the world is that it's not only up to nato to pull the strings and international politics and expand. the hunger in prime minister victor or button has accused of abusing its power, unfortunate hungry into measures. the country opposes he made the dumbing remarks in his speech while accepting his re election as prime minister cousin m k. p. shall you show him not brussels is trying to reduce the powers of hungary and
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member state of brussels as abusing its power and wants to force us into what is alien to us. however, we still do not let migrants in. we do not allow gender ideologies and we do not accept economic measures that would destroy hungarian family or you and or mr. or bonds, words comma e, you pressures hungry to drop its opposition to a proposed embargo on russian oil. that blocks diplomatic commit to discuss the potential news i can package, let you in the foreign minister accuse budapest of holding the e u hostage as it continues to resist. and this is how we will do remember, either the can you union who managed to go forward and to send a very clear message to russia who had struck. and now unfortunately, we are, the whole unit is being hold hostage by one member states who cannot find could help help us find a consensus with the
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e. u has been unable to agree on the 6th package of sanctions against russia, which includes asset freezes, travel bumps along with an outright ban on oil from the country. greece and cypress already opposed the no drop plan to bonnie, you ships from transporting rational. the block needs all member states to agree to the proposal for it to go ahead. but the use foreign policy chief has admitted he isn't sure the situation can be resolved. it is an object of situation to from member to stage phase more difficulties because you have more dependent because the land lock because they don't have the ability receiving directory tankers. they only have a call for 5 lines and coming from russia. so certainly we will discuss about it and we'll do our best in order to do blog tissue ation. i cannot ensure that these are going to happen because
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a physicians are quite strong. with aspired hungry opposition. germany is nevertheless, reportedly trying to ditch russian oil imports. by the end of this year, berlin was already cut the use of russian all by just over 20 percent since the beginning of the ukraine conflict. i spoke earlier to were the 1st commented our doctor george zamarelli, who believes each government is a constable to its own electorate, not to e u officials. it's more than just hungary that we're talking about. i mean, you've mentioned green, but there are other countries that check for public slovakia, mo, guerria. all of these countries rely upon oil from russia. so it's very convenient for many of these countries now to pretend that well, we would have really gone along with this thought for hunger. it's because speaking in the use favorite whipping boy for quite some time. so i just played everything
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on norma, but basically for bonnie's actually speaking on the government's ensemble to their electorate. so no answer. go to the last one, there lie and, and show show. and it's facing the devastating economic consequences facing possible serious food shortages. they're going to say, what are you doing for us if you stand in the way of countries having problems function economy is that these countries being able to border what energy they want? well, if you stand in the way of that, then what uses the the g 7 foreign ministers have promised more measures against russia condemning moscow for breaching international law. and soon. busy the legal aggression, the statement came in the latest joint communicate,
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the russian war of aggression against ukraine as a watershed moment for the 21st century and carries dramatic consequences far beyond europe. we the g 7, want to make abundantly clear that we will not sit by whilst countries flagrantly disregard the international rule book on which we all depend for peace, prosperity, security, and stability. while the official sol, so hell is russia responsible for the enfolding global energy and food crisis. they address traditional and rationalized like china urging the people's republic to support principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity in ukraine not to undermine sanctions and post. and russia was met with resistance from beijing, which condemned the demands as external mentally to what went on with the lengthy g . 7 communique is filled with preposterous allegations, not even worth refuting, was in total disregard of china's position and objective fact. it grossly interferes in china's internal affairs, maliciously slanders and smears china and once again exerts pressure using such
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pretext as the russia ukraine conflict was quite a difference. attitudes as being witness towards the israeli palestinian conflict. no parties were accused of crimes today with the g 7 simply calling for peace in their document. israel has traditionally been an ally of the west, which is supplied with arms despite allegations of international law being breached . of the latest strikes at the syrian tone, claiming 5 lives. the west continues to corporate closely with israel, something which is often raised, eyebrows. among critics. it is true that the g 7 regimes will not sit by whilst countries flagrantly disregard the international rule book. when that country is israel, they will arm fund and reward its crimes. g 7 communicate from saturday's perfect
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illustration of western exceptional icing of israel, palestine, while sections on most of the conflicts called for respective international law. human rights and accountability. these rainy palestine power ignores all that gives awfully lopsided view of reality. that g 7 says that it will not recognize the boarders that russia wishes to modify by force. i have to say that this principle does not apply in the case of the state of israel. ah, another story to bring you to day week prices of search to record highs after india decided to bomb export softer a heat wave, his production, leaving domestic prices soaring. g 7 countries condemned. the move to stop sending supplies abroad as irresponsible usually ached. the export ban affects countries like bangladesh and a pool which urgently needed. we also recommended a concrete decision be taken on the issue of the g 7 meeting of heads of state and government to which india will be invited from stood god. we also call on india to
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assume its responsibilities as a member of the g 20. this is fiction with note applying cases where prior commitments have been made by private trait as well as in situations where permission is granted by the government of india to other countries to meet their food security needs and on the requests of their governance. will the decision over a week to exports comes? i made food security issues in india itself with predictions of a through harvest on a record rise and prices. india is the world's 2nd largest weak producer and was expected to replace russian products sanctioned by western countries. new delhi has decided to address its own domestic needs 1st. well, the country has been talking of normally strong heat wave with mart seeing india is hottest day and a 122 years of what he 7 degrees celsius was reached in delhi. those too early to
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know exactly what impacts the conditions will have on this year. as harvest you n food to organisation experts are concerned up to 15 percent of india's crops, could be wiped off. at the same time, the world's main weights export, or russia is expecting a record brain harvest of about 130000000 tons of 87000000 tons of weeks as well. but like india, russia is limiting its exports to tackle prices on its domestic market. the conflict in ukraine, a country with another major weights, export, or label, is also impacting the global market. we heard from indian economists v. j a start dollar on the situations. i think it is. i think that many of them has to be 1400000000 populations and estimate it is a climate impact on the field. and we definitely, it is a modern guilty of government of india to ensure that for 1400000000
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so that the criticism is only done because a lot cheaper to read it off and security for 1400000 people. so i want an accept the criticism of jesus most of the rest. and generally they made sense that they was all for me and applied for people on the phone. i make interest and they want to except of what they were. basically, this is unfortunate and i think they sort of a sensitive that countries like india and other big economies also have their food security requirement, economy development, employment challenges and other issues. and then there's also sort of their own, their own priorities and their own agenda. the russian defense ministry has said
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its forces blocking. the exhaust style still works and murray, people will allow the injured ukrainian soldiers to leave the stronghold to seek medical treatment of a hospital in a neighboring time. not as expected to happen in the next number of hours. now the russian, m. o. d. c. it will suspend hostilities up the plant to allow the humanitarian evacuation to go ahead. a c far is currently in place to allow the corridor to function that ourselves bottles for the besieged factory had been raging and reaching for some time. ortiz eager shit down a file. this exclusive report from the territory ah. plumes of smoke shroud the sky over as of stone missiles more to shells, and bombs of nearly all calibers hail down upon the steep factory with project towels wearing over our heads, we make way to make the contact line. ah,
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so right now we're in the midst of a regular rotation of the troops with the militia of the denounced people's republic. we are beyond the premises of the as of style still works as we are moving forward, deeper into the territory of this plant. mm hm. mm, the closer we get to the workshops, the more dangerous our pocket comes. this plant has eyes. so a part of the route towards the frontline positions is unsafe because again, all that his separating us and the as of troops as this world moved away and they can start firing at us with good precision to so certain sections,
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certain portions of our, of our route we have to cross running the parts that are of course, open with ground. troops have received orders to refrain from the assault and besieged the neo nazi stronghold. instead, the plants underground, bunkers, shelter, thousands of as of fighters left for dead by their own. commer did they still follow their suicidal odor, whitened battle. this is the news and use of the day after day. of course, there are shootings here. the enemy comes out and we open fire on them. we constantly monitor the enemy, their movements and report on it, but even artillery and aberration are also targets liliana. meaning that it happens at the end of a snaps back shells in response. so today they use mortars with our guys are in
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fighting mood. what everyone believes in victory later, but we have enough provisions in our fully provided with weapons and ammunition driven by conflict. her. this wall over here is the only barrier that is separating us. and the as of battalion that is stationed literally, maybe 200 meters away from here. we're being told that they like to use train carriages train wagons. there's dozens of them over there and the tracks. they like to use them as cover and work underneath that. they've been begging for the international community for their government. they've been begging for the pope even to do something to rescue them. according to them, there are hundreds of injured down there without access to proper medicine. the russian side has been saying, surrender. there's nothing for you to fear in russian captivity. so the russians right now, they're not really storming the positions over the as of near nancy battalion,
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but rather what they're doing, they just, they just keep firing so that they don't have time, don't have the opportunity to answer back. and my gosh, darn of reporting from as of style r t ah rushes, kalynne and grad region must be cleared of weapons and renamed. according to a polish politician. this region must be demilitarized so that nato does not sit on a powder keg between its legs. the segments was a likely reference to russia's nuclear capable. miss sy launchers in its most westward region on part of its security shield. the former polish acting defense minister, also wants the region renamed, as it's named after a soviet. you're a politician. it's not the 1st time either poland has made claims concerning colon grant. in march, a general said the region must be held it back to war. so they historically inaccurate claim that the region has never been parts of holland's
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less cross live, no, to done koval acumen on labor rights lawyer on author of the plot to scape goat russia. don grit harvey on the program. the former deputy minister then of the defense of poland, remold, sure, met if has proposed to demilitarize the clinic, broad region of russia. what do you think is the motive behind such provocative statement? well, poems been acting more and more aggressively even signaling that they may a invade parts of ukraine. they seem to be the stalking horse now for nato. so this seems to be, you know, an aggressive statement in o's, maybe signaling that poland, maybe with nato's acquiescence wants to take over the colon and grad region. do these and i smith also show that a, a level of risk of phobia in poland has reached record highs at this stage. well,
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i think levels of russia phobia have reached the highest stages i have ever seen throughout the west. not only in poland, but in the rest of western europe, and certainly in the united states where i live, i've never seen this level of anti russian hatred in yes, i would see this is an example of that. i suppose the other point of view is that russian authority should that be taking threat seriously from who is a former minister not involved in the current cabinet? well, that's a good question. ah, i'm not sure that the russians waft, obviously, have to assess that. they'll have to assess whether he is in fact talking for people who are currently in government, which he may be. he may be sending up, you know, a smoke signal to see how russia's going to react. but i think it needs to be taken seriously. at this point, everything needs to be taken seriously. you know, now in sweden and finland are, may be, become, become part of nato. it's,
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it does seem like, ah, the countries of europe are lining up against russia and they need to take this, this seriously or down on the very point. it's hards not to get a feeling, not that with rhetoric like this. the, the proxy confrontation between russia and nato could expand beyond ukraine. it's a powder keg, isn't it? well, it is again a poland seems like a like a likely country that may get involved in the war in ukraine. possibly romania are less likely hungry, but some of said that to so yes, i mean, i think we need to be concerned that we could be on the verge of, of world war 3 and a possible will nuclear war. and that's why this thing needs to deescalate, that's why countries need to work for a peaceful, negotiated settlement of this crisis. of course, the bach crones to this could be argued that the looming question of nato,
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a session for sweden and finland raises the geopolitical sticks in northern europe . but the baltic sea region, as while making colon and grad a critical point. yes, exactly, and that's why i think the statement was made. i mean, it does signal that all that region ah, is now seen, is fair game for nato. and that should be again, alarming russian. i think it's supposed to alarm roger. you see the west, you see nato, you see the u. s. trying to provoke russia in every way it can. because russia, in truth is gaining ground in ukraine, at least, gaining the ground at wants and the eastern part of the crime. and i think there are some that want to provoke russia to do something that would justify a nato intervention. at the very least, would you expect the president putin to place more resources now in the the enclave to defend it? a possibly yes. ok,
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though i think he's going to be very careful because he does not want to create a situation that's going to look like he's acting provocatively right. a. it's a very delicate situation that europe's and right now. and i think he will be careful not to, you know, shift the balance of powers. they're not, i'm not sure if you want to expand on this, but around a month ago, polish officials made claims to the and k for cleaning products. where do you think such like them came from given it is no historical base says to that to the region . right. the fact is, i understand that it was a once part of germany and it was taken during world war 2 up by the soviet union. ah, yeah, well again, i just think poland is decided that it's going to use the conflict in ukraine to do some of you know, building gut nation building of its own and add territory to its country. right. it
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may take parts of you cry. you know, most people are thinking that, that is a very likely scenario here. and maybe they're saying, well, maybe we'll take particle leningrad, 2 again, they're going, they see the chaos created by this war is maybe an opportunity to extend their border done called acumen on labor rights layer live an rti don, thank you. thank you. ok, let's return to one of our top stories today about the leaders g 7 communicate which condemned russian aggression and promised further action against moscow. it is all seemingly escalating here, some appointed though quite different rhetoric being used regarding the israel palestinian concept because it's discuss all of that. let's cross live to canadian geo political economy research group director run. he can decide to hear his her if use at run he got hello there, the m g 7 foreign ministers have promised not to sit by while there are breeches of
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international law. busy taking place, what kind of actions can we expect after these statements? well, i think that they are basically just continuing the rhetoric that they have engaged in for a long time. so they are, you know, they're basically, they keep calling russian actions, unprovoked aggression. they constantly use the word unprovoked, precisely to hide the fact that they have been provoking russia to do this for a very long time. as far as, yeah, and of course there, condemning russian action in light of international law. but in reality, what you have to understand is that what the west wants to impose on the was what he calls the rules based international order isn't actually international law, erosion of international law, or a set of rules that are designed to fable western countries. whether it's an economy done as military donors, political towns, diplomatic them. so you pointed out earlier the, the comparison which is right. the fact of the matter is that israel has violated
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the rick or the largest number of un resolutions ever of any country in the world. and every time the u, israel violated the united states, essentially be those any united nations action to address the situation. so the united nation has been aiding and abetting the because violator of international law in the world. so there you have it. i mean, this is just the g 7 foreign ministers have just been looking through the community . is this another exercise is you brought in the kind of hypocrisy that we've been seeing around the world, particularly since the, since the russian actions in ukraine started last february 24th. as you all know, right, he get the west is calling for peace in the ukraine conflict, but at the same time continues to pump ukraine full of arms. therefore, it could be argued prolonging the conflict, giving my opinion the rest at once to prolong the marketing from it
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for money. if you think about it, who is, who is we're laughing all the way to the bank of america, arms manufacturers, essentially by providing all this aid, which by the way, you know, people use the word aid and people forget that line development aid. this is not free is not a grant, it's a loan at some point, whatever entity that remains, that will be called ukraine is going to be in the hawk for b, all this money, these billions of dollars worth of arms at the right now being sent to destroy you brain and then destroy ukraine. will be held to account for paying back these loans . so. so basically the united states wants to, to, to prolong the war because, you know, american arms manufacturers are making profit sandoval fist on top of that. of course, the united states derives all sorts of diplomatic advantages, at least on the surface. i mean, it looks as though they have united europe behind them,
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although it will be interesting to see how long this unity in the later screen. okay, there's a reference to the israeli palestine conflict, but none of the parties are held responsible. how do you explain such different arbitrage towards these conflicts? is that something that you find interesting? but. ringback absolutely, it is bars of the hypocrisy of the west. remember, of course, you know, earlier, as i said, you know, they involved, they talk about the rules based international on a precisely because they don't mean existing international law which includes the un charter which includes or the institutions of the un which the west has been violated. western countries and particularly the united states have never really liked the you read because it's got all the was nations in which they, you know, the majority of whom are not likely to agree with the us wants to do. so they never like the you and in so that's why they've invented this new term. it's part of this .


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