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tv   News  RT  May 16, 2022 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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ah, ah vladimir put like uses the west of quota. rage is rissa phobia on pursuing aggressive nato expansion that benefits washington also has a hungary prime minister say brussels is abusing its power as an e. u. official accuse is hungry. only europe hostage with itself physician to a proposed margot on russian global. we prices search to record high is after india bombs exports to tackle domestic market problems and stuff. western countries from pushing new delhi to continue sending supplies abroad, but also with
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me or corresponding reports exclusively from the territory of the besieged results. steel plant where bottles between russian and done yes. republic, joint forces, and local, ultra, and nationalist battalions continued to ring with around the clock across the world. this is our take, great to have your company today. my name's unit of the week began in moscow with a collective security treaty organization, or c, s t o summit. some leadership of the member countries once again stated who they believe is responsible for prolonging the conflict in ukraine. the consequence of the expansion of the north atlantic alliance is a problem that is create a completely artificial work, or since it is done in the foreign policy interests of the united states. in
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general, native is used as an instrument to the foreign policy of only one country. but gunners produced on so far from the west, including washington. we are witnessing only a desire to prolong the conflict as much as possible. that is the reason why ukraine is being pumped full with weapons, the most dangerous tendency in ukraine and the attempt to dismember it. there are thousands of units that have already been created in order to enter ukraine under the guise of peacekeepers to protect it. as international pressure keeps mounting on russia as rushes, northwestern neighbors such as sweden and finland, let the world know that they have made up their mind. on joining nato, it is crucial and very important for moscow to show that there is a pro active security alliance. in existence that could act as a counter balancing force to the north atlantic treaty organization. and so the russian leader is hosting this big summit and the washing capital. exactly 30 years
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after the alliance was born. the leaders from 5 post soviet republics are in moscow representing pretty much russia's best friends if we take the post soviet republics. the alliance, both a joint action force, which we have already seen in action and january this here. when the catholic spirit was engulfed in violence street on arrest and international peacekeeping mission representing all members was sent and the violence was quickly dealt with. this was something that the leaders remember today and praise. but it seems that for the leaders that's not really enough. what they want to see is the mind filled with extra energy. now, plus, we heard the russian president, alexander lucas shank, in particular call for more unity to have by the members saying that they should act as a united front. when, for example,
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there are vote at international organization such as the un social you will for gloss initial with the silent consent of our partners, bella reese in russia, country to all the norms of international law at the whim of the west, of being defamed and excluded from international organizations. yes, there is tough and unscrupulous pressure against us. the members of the c s t o. but it is for the sort of situations that collective mutual support exists. we heard criticism of nato actions and policies pretty much from every speaker here at the kremlin. but the strongest, of course, came from a lot of our potent before updating his counterparts on the course of the russian military operations in ukraine. mister blamed the west pretty much for associating themselves with the nationalists in ukraine in our neighboring country
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in ukraine, near not system has long been run, which they turn a blind di. this means that some of our partners from the collective west actually encouraged their activities, and all this is accompanied by a surge of outragious were supposed be. now going back to the alliance, we have heard today that it is open for expansion. it's ready for expansion. it has already carried out one successful military operation in catholic stance. so the message to the rest of the world is that it's not only up to nato to pull the strings and international politics and expand both finland and sweden have confirmed. they've applied for an h, so membership, but there's opposition to the move from within the alliance after the turkish president stated, he is not a positive opinion about the bids, the chairman of the european parliament's largest party, whoever sees those who oppose the blocks expansion could face the isolation if the
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2 countries want finland and sweden are part of it, no doubt, anyone who questions nato's unity will be isolated within the community. and as mentioned while helsinki and star comb want to join nato anchor could prove a stumbling block for their plans. the crux of the issue lies in the 2 european countries, ties with the kurdistan workers, party and other organizations considered of terrorist by tricky and gra, has reportedly sent to extradition requests for 33 individuals with a legit ties to those organizations. but. busy all were rejected. richard, ty, bird, a one cues, finland, and sweden of harboring, quote, terrorist organizations this sean, this, this, this he none the in that easy. we are following developments concerning sweden and finland. but we are not of a favorable opinion. scandinavian countries unfortunately are like a guest house for terror organizations. they have found nests in sweden and finland
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on the. in fact, i can even say that they have found a place in their parliaments. at this point, it is not possible for us to look upon it positively unison will. nato expansion on the presence of military infrastructure on russian borders has been a red line continually emphasized by moscow for decades. despite elijah assurances from the alliance in the 1990s that it would not enlarge eastward, the block has been steadily expanding in recent years in the events of its joining the alliance stocum claims. it won't allow the deployment of military bases on nuclear weapons on its territory. political unless richard med hurst point saw it. the question of expansion is also a concern for the country's citizens themselves. they say the nato is more a, you know, aligned than ever a condo, lisa rice, and you know, was on tv just a few weeks ago saying that ironically, vladimir putin has brought nature members together closer than ever. i don't know if this is true, honestly. if you look at the french and the germans,
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at least ostensibly, in the beginning, before any military action took place in ukraine, they were going through diplomacy. whereas the others were going for antagonism. right now, i think it's, it's really just another indication of how much power washington wields over the european union. and the countries there, they're really just acting as vassal states unsinkable aircraft carriers and bases for the u. s. military, they're trying to make it looked like it's a bit democratic because going to run it through the parliament. but you know, at the end of the day, even if they say the population in sweden, in the population, in finland, a part of the support has grown for nato membership compared to 2 months ago. at the end of the day, they're not really the ones taking the decision. if they really believed that people in sweden and finland want to jo nato, why did they just hold referendum there? you know, what, what are they afraid of. busy lot of people who are not in favor of escalation, i think they really understood what that means. they, they would be against it and we shouldn't forget,
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nato was created of counter the soviet union. soviet union doesn't exist anymore. so why has it doubled its membership in the last 3 decades? can another headline story to day hungarian prime minister of victor or bon, has accused you of abusing its power on forcing hungry into measures the country of poses. he made the dumbing remarks in the speech while accepting his re election as prime minister. goslin m. k. p shall talk, showing him not brussels is trying to reduce the powers of hungary and member states of out of school for brussels is abusing its power and wants to force us into what is alien to us. so keep, however, we still do not let migrants in, we do not allow gender ideologies and we do not accept economic measures that would destroy hungarian families. so you now victor or by not holding back on his words, come as the pressure is hungry to drop its opposition to a proposed embargo on russian oil. as the block diplomats met to discuss the potential new sanctions package, lithuania is foreign minister,
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accused budapest of holding you hostage as it continues to resist the move. this is how we will do, remember, either the can you union who managed to go forward and dissent a very clear message to russia who was stuck. and now unfortunately, we are, the whole unit is being hold hostage by one member states who cannot find couldn't help help us find a consensus. yeah, just to expand on the e. u has been unable to agree in a 6 package of sanctions against russia, which includes asset freezes and travel bonds along with an ide, right bar on oil from the country. grief and cyprus have already oppose the drop plan to bonnie, you ships from transporting russian oil. the block by the way, needs all member states to agree to the proposal for it to go ahead. but the news foreign policy chief has admitted he is unsure, the situation can be resolved. it is an objective situation to from member
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to stage phase more difficulties because you have more dependent because the land lock because they don't have the ability receiving directory tankers. they only have 45 lines and coming from russia. so certainly we will discuss about it and we'll do our best in order to do blogs issued to ation. i cannot ensure that this is going to happen because a physicians are quite strong. the spied hungry opposition, germany is nevertheless, reportedly planning to ditch russian oil imports. by the end of the year, berlin was already cut the use of russian or by just over 20 percent since the beginning of the ukraine conflict. i spoke earlier to world of 1st commented, or dr. george zamarelli, who believes each government is accountable to its own electorate, not to you officials but it's more than just hungary
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that we're talking about. i mean, you mentioned greece, but there are other countries that check for public flow vakio, mo, guerria, all of these countries rely on oil from russia. so it's very convenient for many of these countries now to pretend that well, we would have really gone along with this thought for hunger because victor or band has been the favorite whipping boy for quite some time. so i just played everything on norma but basically, or bonnie is actually speaking on their behalf, government ensemble to their electorate not answer go to the last one, there, lie and, and show show. and it's facing the devastating economic consequences facing possible serious food shortages. then they're going to say, what are you doing for us if you stand in the way of countries
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having a problem function economy is that these countries being able to import what energy they want? well, if you stand in the way of that, then what uses the the g 7 foreign ministers have promised more measures against russia, condemning moscow for breaching international law. so named illegal aggression. the statement from the top diplomats of the world's sodium leading economies came in their latest joint communique the russian war of aggression against ukraine as a watershed moment for the 21st century and carries dramatic consequences far beyond europe. we, the g 7, want to make abundantly clear that we will not sit by whilst countries flagrantly disregard the international rule book on which we all depend for peace, prosperity, security, and stability. all the officials also hell russia are responsible for the unfolding global energy and food crisis. they address traditional russian allies like china,
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urging the people's republic to support principles of sovereignty and territory integrity in ukraine not to undermine sanctions imposed in russia. that was met with resistance and some sneering from beijing which condemned the demands as external meddling. she would, you know, went away the lengthy g. 7 communique is filled with preposterous allegations, not even worth refuting. in total disregard of china's position and objective fact grossly interferes in china's internal affairs, maliciously slanders and smears china and once again exert pressure using such pretext as the russia ukraine. conflict should maybe be pointed out quite a different, had shoot as being witnessed as regards these really palestinian conflict as no parties were accused of crimes with the g 7 today. simply calling for peace in their document. israel has traditionally been an ally of the west, which is supplied with arms despite allegations of international law being breached . one of the countries latest missile strikes had
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a syrian time killing 5. the west continues to cooperate closely with israel. something which is often raised, eyebrows among critics. it is true that the g 7 regimes will not sit by whilst countries flagrantly disregard the international rule book. when that country is israel, they will arm fund and reward it's crimes. g 7 communicate from saturdays, perfect illustration of western exceptional icing of israel, palestine, while sections on most of the conflicts cool for respects of international law. human rights and accountability. these rainy palestine power ignores all that and gives awfully lopsided view of reality. that g 7 says that it will not recognize the borders that russia wishes to modify by force. i have to say that this principle does not apply in the case of the state of israel. i discussed the issue with the director of the canadian geopolitical economy, research group thread. he could decide she is of the view. the west is often
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selective about international law in accordance with its own interests, to keep calling rac connections, unprovoked aggression. they constantly use the word hon, precisely to hide the fact that they have been provoking russia to do this for a very long time. and of course, they're condemning russian action in light of international law. but in reality, what you have to understand is that what the west wants to impose on the was what he calls the rules based international order isn't actually international law, erosion of international law, or a set of rules that are designed to favor western countries. israel has violated the rick or the largest number of un resolutions ever life of any country in the mall. and every time the u. israel violates in the united states, essentially be any united nations action to address the situation of the community is another exercise in the kind of hypocrisy that we've been seeing around the
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world. in my opinion, the rest wants to prolong the conflict in the profiting from it. american manufacturers, i'm making a profit handle on top of that, of course the united states did i go to the american bar, at least on the sofa. i noticed we were closely following wheat prices. upsurge the record highs after india decided to bomb exports after a heat wave hit production, leaving domestic prices soaring g 7 countries condemned the move to stop sending supplies abroad as irresponsible league dance will ban affect countries like bangladesh and poll, which urgently needed. we also recommend that a concrete decision be taken on the issue at the g 7 meeting of heads of state and government to which india will be invited from stood guard. we also call on india to assume its responsibilities as a member of the g 20. this is the diction would not apply in cases where prior commitments have been made by private trade,
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as well as in situations where permission is granted by the government of india to other countries to meet their food security needs and on the requests of their governments. the decision overweight to exports, kelloms made food security issues in india itself with predictions of a poor harvest on a record rise in prices. india is the world's 2nd largest weak producer. now it was expected to replace russian products sanctioned by western countries. new delhi has decided to address its own domestic needs. first of the countries being testing abnormally strong heat wave with more thing. india's hottest day in a 122 years as 47 degrees celsius was reached and deli, although it's too early to know exactly what impact those conditions will have on this years harvest un food organization experts are concerned up to 15 percent of india's crops could be wiped on the same time,
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the world's main wheat export or russia is expecting a record grain harvest of about $130000000.00 tons and 87000000 tons of we 2. but like india, russia is limiting its exports to tackle prices on its domestic market. the conflict in ukraine, another major wheat exporter is also impacting the global market. we heard from india and economists be just cert, donna, on the situation. i think this is, i think bus are the same that got a mental as 2 feet, one flight 4000000000 populations. and if there is a good impact on the field, and we definitely it is a modern guilty of government of india to insure it for 1400000000 so that it only does a lot cheaper to read it off for clarity, for 1400000 people,
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so i want an accept the criticism of jesus. most of the rest of the gender they made punishes this sense that they've won all for me and applied for their own on campus. and they want to except whatever they say. this is unfortunate and i think they're sort of a sensitive that countries like india and other big economies also have their food security requirement, economy development, employment challenges and other issues. and then there's also sort of their own, their own priorities and their own agenda, the russian defense ministry. as soon it's forces blocking the exult style steelworks in marty, you, bull will allow the injured ukrainian soldiers to leave the stronghold to seek medical treatment. a hospital in a neighboring time,
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the russian m o t says it will suspend hostilities at the plant to allow the she monetary and evacuation to go ahead. this monday, a cease fire is currently in place to allow the corridor to function of bustles for the besieged factory. i've been reaching ortiz eager shit down a file. this 6 loose of report from the territory ah, plumes of smoke shroud, the sky over as of stone, missiles, mortar shells, and bombs of nearly all calibus hail down upon the steep factory with project how's wearing over our heads? we make way to make the contact lines. ah so right now we're in the midst of
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a regular rotation of the troops with the militia of the da nets, people's republic. we are beyond the premises of the as of style still works as we are moving forward, deeper into the territory of this plant. in mm. the closer we get to the workshops, the more dangerous our pocket comes. this plant has eyes. so a part of the route towards the frontline positions is unsafe because again, all that his separating us and the as of troops as this world moved away and they can start firing at us with good precision to so certain sections, certain portions of our, of our route we have to cross running the parts that are of course, open with
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the ground. troops have received orders to refrain from the assault and besieged the neo nazis stronghold. instead, the plants underground bunkers, shelter. thousands of as of fighters left for dead by their own. commer and they still follow their suicidal order whiten battle. this is the news and you said the after day, of course there are shootings here. the enemy comes out and we open fire on them. we constantly monitor the enemy, their movements and report on it, but even artillery and navigation are also targeting the enemy. it happens that the enemies snaps back shells in response. so today they use mortars, but our guys are in the fighting mood. everyone believes in victory that we have enough provisions that are fully provided with weapons and ammunition driven by
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conflict. this wall over here is the only barrier that is separating us. and the as of battalion that is stationed literally, maybe 200 meters away from here. we're being told that they like to use train carriages train wagons. there's dozens of them over there and the tracks. they like to use them as cover and work underneath. they've been begging for the international community for their government. they've been begging for the pope even to do something to rescue them. according to them, there are hundreds of injured down there without access to proper medicine. the russian side has been saying, surrender. there's nothing for you to fear in russian captivity. so the russians right now, they're not really storming the positions over the as of near nancy battalion, but rather what they're doing, they're just, they just keep firing so that they don't have time, don't have the opportunity to answer back. and my gosh,
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darn of reporting from as of style r t ah, rush is kalynne and grad region must be cleared of weapons and renamed, according to a polish politician. this region must be demilitarized so that nato does not sit on a powder keg between its legs. the statement was a likely reference to russia's nuclear capable. miss sy launchers in its most westward region on part of its security shields. the former polish acting defense minister also wants the region renamed of it's called after a soviet era politician. it's not the 1st time either. poland has made claims concerning colon and grub. in march, a general said the region must be hunted back to war, so historically inaccurate claim as the region has never been parched, and poland we spoke to doesn't cover like human rights lawyer who said the situation could escalate to the point of a global conflict. well, poland been acting more and more aggressively, even signaling that they may
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a invade parts of ukraine. they seem to be the stalking horse now for nato. so this seems to be, you know, an aggressive statement in o's may be signaling that poland, maybe with nato's acquiescence wants to take over the colon and grad region. that's why i think the statement was made. i mean, it does signal that all that region ah, is now seen, is fair game for nato. and that should be again, alarming. russia, i think it's supposed to alarm russia. man, i think we need to be concerned that we could be on the verge of, of war, war 3 and a possible will nuclear war. and that's why this thing needs to deescalate, that's why countries need to work for a peaceful, negotiated settlement of this crisis. okay, something else to expand on now the u. s. will soften sanctions on the northern
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regions of syria thought or outside the damascus government's control. the u. s. treasury department has reapproved activities in a dozen sectors including agriculture, construction and finance. on lavoy. any transactions with the syrian government? no, that's us. american sanctions continue to hummer series economy. we're 90 percent of people currently live below the poverty line. turkey condemned the removal of sanctions on the ruge of a region, an area controlled by the curtis. the syrian democratic forces. i. crosby in conflict with the current since 1970 eights and claims washington's move. well, quote, legitimized terrorist groups in the north of syria. we spoke to local to believe that the lifting of sanctions in one area but not another's won't help syrian people get out of poverty, rudy, and had if the aim is not at all to help the people of area as much as it is to stir up national strife between all the syrian provinces,
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the syrian people with their various national, religious and political components, demand the lifting of the siege on all of syria without any exception. what was the vision said that the sanctions will be lifted from northern syriac and this will not have an effect on prices because our goods come from damascus and the prices there have tripled after sanctions. i don't is that i am in favor of removing the sanctions for the entire syrian people and not for a specific area because they affect all syrian people multiple life was a big, significant issue on this story as well. us forces are allegedly transporting syrian oil from the al jazeera region of the country into northern iraq, a con boy around 70 vehicles, including tankers loaded with oil as cross through the illegal while lead border crossing into iraq. the fleet was allegedly accompanied by 15 trucks, with military equipment, again bolling for iraq and 6 armored vehicles historian and residence out the lebanese university in bay rich. emma,
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what came believes that washington's plan is to defied syria into 2 parts. not the 1st time that the americans, margaret city and oil of ne, in syria, or as well in order to sell this oil and finance the military operations, the u. s. military operations and not eastern syria. actually, the american plan is to cut out a state in northern city are separated from syria as a means to promote its own agenda. it's the political agenda in the region which is to define this region and to some states based on this. it is that in abilene ations and compressions, it's trying to encourage the north eastern part of the country not to mention census the rest of the country. and when they soften the sanctions on this region,
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they will encounter a international companies to invest in the region. and this region will prosper, unlike the rest of the company, or a debate and discussion very much to a for next cross talk. it's going in a moment to join peter the guest. right ahead. i'll see you again in 30. this is our t internet a when i was show seemed wrong when i was just a shape out the scene because of the african and engagement. it was the trail when so many find themselves worlds apart.


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