tv News RT May 16, 2022 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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i did with the mirror, put and accuses the west of quota. rage is rissa phobia, on pursuing aggressive ne to expansion the benefits washington. also coming up on the program, hungary prime minister essays brussels is abusing its power as an e. u. official accuses hungary of polio, europe hostage with its opposition to a proposed embargo and russian oil level. wheat prices storage. the record high after india, bombs exports to tackle domestic market problems about housing, stop western countries from pushing new delhi to continue sending supplies abroad. plus
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with correspondent reports exclusively from the territory of the besieged assault steel plants were both between russian under nets republic joined forces. i'm local ultra nationalists battalions continue to rage with from moscow to the world. this is our t pleasure to have your company today for the global news update. i'm going to need the week to get in moscow with a collective security treaty organization, or c, s t o summit. some leaders of the member countries once again stated who they believe is responsible for prolonging the conflict in ukraine. that the consequence of the expansion of the north atlantic alliance is a problem that it's created completely artificially. since it is done in the
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foreign policy, interests of the united states in general, nater was used as an instrument to the foreign policy of only one country. but gunners produced on so far from the west, including washington. we are witnessing only a desire to prolong the conflict as much as possible. that is the reason why ukraine is being pumped full with weapons, the most dangerous tendency in ukraine and the attempt to dismember it. there are thousands of units that have already been created in order to enter ukraine under the guise of peacekeepers to protect it. as international pressure keeps mounting on russia as rushes, northwestern neighbors such as sweden and finland, let the world know that they have made up their mind. on joining nato, it is crucial and very important for moscow to show that there is a pro active security alliance. in existence that could act as a counter balancing force to the north atlantic treaty organization. and so the
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washing leader is hosting this big summit and the washing capital. exactly 30 years after the alliance was born. the leaders from 5 post soviet republics are in moscow representing pretty much russia's best friends if we take the post soviet republics. the alliance, both a joint action force, which we have already seen in action and january this here, when can expand? was engulfed in violence street on arrest and international peacekeeping mission representing all members was sent and the violence was quickly dealt with. this was something that the leaders remember today and praise. but it seems that for the leaders, that's not really enough. what they want to see is the mind filled with extra energy. now, plus, we heard the russian president, alexander lucas shank, in particular call for more unity by the members saying that they should act as
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a united front. when, for example, there are vote at international organisation such as the un social you will for your, with the silent consent of our partners, bella reese, in russia, the country to all the norms of international law at the whim of the west, of being defamed and excluded from international organizations. yes, there is tough and unscrupulous pressure against us. the members of the c s t o. but it is for the sort of situations that collective mutual support exists. we heard criticism of nato actions and policies pretty much from every speaker here at the kremlin. but the strongest, of course, came from blossom or potent before updating his counterparts in the course of the russian military operations in ukraine. mister bruton blamed the west pretty much for associating themselves with the nationalists in ukraine. a neighboring
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country in ukraine knew not, system has long been remedy, which they tend to blind. i think this means that some of our partners from the collective west actually encourage their activities and all this is accompanied by a surge of outrages for supposed be. now going back to the alliance, we have heard today that it is open for expansion. it's ready for expansion. it has already carried out one successful military operation in kaz extend. so the message to the rest of the world is that it's not only up to nato to pull the strings and international politics and expand both finland, unsweetened have confirmed. they are applying for nato membership, but the turkish president has expressed opposition to the move, seeing his country count along the lines to include members who in his words, support terrorist key jayla indicated that we've asked to extradite the terrorists
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to turkey. they refuse, they do not oppose terrorism. they supported sweden is the center of terrorist organizations, even in the building of their parliament. and they give the terrorists an opportunity to speak out. sweden will visit turkey on monday. if they want to convince us about our position. i say directly that we will not change it to the crux of the issue lies in the 2 european countries, ties with the kurdistan workers, party and other organizations considered a terrorist by turkey. ankara has reportedly sent extradition request for 33 individuals with a legit ties to those organizations, but all were rejected. or turkey house faced the hostile response. fred stamps, the chairman of the european parliament's largest parties, sees those who oppose the blocks. expansion could face isolation. if the 2 countries want finland and sweden are part of it, no doubt, anyone who questions nato's unity will be isolated within the community. nato
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expansion on the presence of military infrastructure on russian borders has been a red line continually emphasized by moscow for decades. despite the legend assurances from the alliance in the $9900.00, it would not enlarge eastward. the block has been steadily expanding in recent years, while in the event of its joining the alliance, stockholm claims it won't allow that deployment of military bases and nuclear weapons on its territory. was a pleasure to welcome onto the program, retired rear admiral in the turkish naval forces. alley denise could look, you're most welcome and we were sharing me. we've not heard. thank you. we've not heard a firm no, haven't we? from the turkish president, in response to plans of expanding the allies. what do you make of and chris opposition?
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i think it's being discussed at this moment. know what position so hold on. there are impediments and preventing and cut out to say yes, as i understand. and also i have particular opinions that said domestic issue is that those kind of expansion needs to be discussed based on the message for other members. because it's not something we do agree with so much, lee in each and every chance that needs to be based on what they're going to provide as to members and what they are going to bring up and to what they stand those just to be met with what kind of compensation omega to be given a return and it's, it's a critical understand there's
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a one year us to discuss those kinds of issues. i believe time is really important. and in fact, i think the right direction as an individual space. and as a nato hold the chairman of the european parliament's largest party. as you may have heard us going through earlier, said that those who oppose the alliances expansion could face isolation. what do you think the block hopes to achieve with those sorts of statements? i think you'd never say as statements made about other nations. i think it belonged by national courtesy and friends of nation. so one of our states
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that she is nothing but creates and they're only members of that and just to expand on your 1st dance for sir, do you believe turkey stones could be a significant stumbling block for finish and swedish nato membership plans going forward? i think it's 30 to 40. come yes. that's me. the needed to examine every talk. it's not straightforward. and turkey may or may not be something block call the soft also stays on the other hand that's required to be discussed with natal. not only the key, but it's among others because there are many issues needs to be looked at in this mood, let's say, as to rush and to, to let them to, to become
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a member of the southern, out of blue. and those 2 states. why don't we have over 160 years as a neutral state, the other one from from 2nd, or as usual space or benign relations with russia and rise to join nato organization. because a lot, i don't see this resume on those is if i already made the issue, i'm going to question what is the rational having though? so space within the advisory? that's one more of the refresher and the limited ability to offer to organization. and do you think those discussions are being held at a high level to, to regard as you've just been going through i think that there are many, many ongoing discussions being held in the later issue. are you to come up the
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correctional? why do i need to make a decision as such as early as possible? so goes to a partnership for peace and countries to become a member best. but if you look at it, let's say that last use discussions with the nato summit, there was no, no clue about any, any expansion to east or not. all of the sudden that's seems to be made requirements that whoever has made the requirement that needs to be answered also those questions arising can i also just briefly touch upon what seemed to under president early on so much turkish media has reported that to the nordic countries have refused increased extradition request for what he calls terrorists and kurdish members in those countries. how important of an issue is about to turkey?
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i think among others is, is also the issue as, as mr. president, made known to that. that's more than charted. 3 and known individuals involved in terrorist actions are using those states, as i said, heavens and ex, expert requirements have not been met because of this rational domestic rational of course, is there. and so decided on that. but also it's turkish to respond in return and to those say, sorry, pollution, pollution needs to be shaken and if both sides can get from their own national interest it of course they need to be connected to the shop. well, many thanks for coming in the program and explaining all the retired rear admiral in the turkish naval forces. ali denise could look into that,
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my sharing hungarian prime minister, victor, or bob has accused the you of abusing its power on forcing hungry inter measures up the country posts. he made the dumbing remarks in his speech while accepting his re election as prime minister on m k. p. shallow. show him not brussels is trying to reduce the powers of hungary and member state of the brussels as abusing its power and wants to force us into what is alien to us. however, we still do not let migrants in. we do not allow gender ideologies and we do not accept economic measures that would destroy hungarian families. that you and mr. bonds. words come of the pressures hungry to drop its opposition to a proposed embargo in russian oil. the blocks diplomats met to discuss the potential new sanctions package. let you in is for administer accuse budapest of holding the e u hostage as it continues to resist the move. this is how we will be,
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remember, either the can you union who managed to go forward and to send a very clear message to russia who had struck. and now unfortunately, we are, the whole unit is being hold hostage by one member states who cannot find could help help us find a consensus. the e. u has been unable to agree on a 6 package of sanctions against russia, which includes us. it freezes untroubled bombs along with an i tried ban on oil from the country. gree son cypress already posed a no drop plan to bind the ships from transporting rational. the block needs all member states by the way, to agree to the proposal for it to go ahead, but they use foreign policy chief as admitted isn't sure the situation can be resolved. it is an objective situation that's from member to stage phase more difficulties, because you have more dependence, because the airline loc,
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because they don't have to push the video, you're receiving directory tankers. they only have a call for 5 lines and coming from russia. so certainly we will discuss about it and we'll do our best to the order to the blog tissue ation. i cannot ensure that these are going to happen because it positions are quite strong. despite hungry tal position, germany is nevertheless, reportedly planning to ditch russian oil imports. by the end of this year, berlin has already cut the use of russian or by just or 20 percent since the beginning of the ukraine conflict. no, i spoke earlier to world of 1st commented or dr. jordan marielli, who believes each government is accountable to its own electorate, not to e u officials. it's more than just hungary that we're talking about. i mean, you've mentioned brief, are there other countries that check republic, vakio, mo, guerria,
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all of these countries rely on oil from russia. so it's very convenient for many of these countries now to pretend that while we would have really gone along with this thought for hunger, it's because there are some in the use favorite whipping boy for quite some time. so i can just play everything on norma. but basically for bonnie is actually speaking on the government's honorable to their electorate not answer go to the last one, there, lie and, and show them to show. and it's facing the devastating economic consequences facing possible serious food shortages. then they're going to say, what are you doing wrong if you stand in the way of countries having a problem function, the economy is that means the countries be able do in border energy they want. well,
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if you stand in the way of that, then what uses the the russian defense ministry has said its forces blocking. the adults still still works and more useful will allow injured ukrainian soldiers to leave the stronghold to seek medical treatment of a hospital in a neighboring town. the russian m. o. d. it will suspend hostilities of the plan to allow the she monetary and evacuation to go ahead. a cease fire is currently in place to allow the corridor to function. now says bottles for the besieged factory helping raging r t z eager shut down our file. this exclusive report from the territory ah, blooms of smoke trout, the sky over as a stone missiles more to shells and bombs of nearly all calibus hail down upon the steep factory with project towels wearing over our heads. we make way to make the contact line. ah,
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so right now we're in the midst of a regular rotation of the troops with the militia of the dynette peoples republic. we are beyond the premises of the as of style steel works as we are moving forward, deeper into the territory of this plant. mm hm. mm, the closer we get to the workshops, the more dangerous our part comes. this plant has eyes. so a part of the route towards the front line positions is unsafe because again, all that his separating us and the as of troops as this world moved away and they can start firing at us with good precision to so certain sections,
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certain portions of our, of our route we have to cross running the parts that are of course, open with ground. troops have received orders to refrain from the assault and besieged the neo nazis stronghold. instead, the plants underground bunkers, shelter. thousands of as of fighters left for dead by their own command. did they still follow their suicidal odor? whitened back. this is the news and he said the after day, of course there are shootings here. the enemy comes out. we open fire on them. we constantly monitor the enemy, their movements and report on it. like even artillery and aberration are also targeting the enemy. it happens that the enemy snaps back shells in response to day
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they use mortars. but our guys are in fighting mood. everyone believes in victory that we have enough provisions that are fully provided with weapons and ammunition driven by conflict. her. this wall over here is the only barrier that is separating us. and the as of battalion that is stationed literally, maybe 200 meters away from here. we're being told that they like to use train carriages train wagons. there's dozens of them over there on the tracks. they like to use them as cover and work underneath. they've been begging for the international community for their government. they've been begging for the pope even to do something to rescue them. according to them, there are hundreds of injured down there without access to proper medicine. the russian side has been saying, surrender. there's nothing for you to fear in russian captivity. so the russians right now, they're not really storming the positions of the as of near nancy battalion,
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but rather what they're doing, they're just, they just keep firing so that they don't have time, don't have the opportunity to answer back. i'm a good don reporting from as of style r t o, after being ousted from power last month, a former pakistan, a prime minister and run con, continues to go on a great support across the country while alleging up the u. s. was behind his removal from office count has been mobilizing follower, speaking out raleigh's in different pakistan city. this is a former pm addressing a crowd of sins of supporters position accused the wrong count of manipulating the public in order to remain in power of the claims. the politician of made how greatly resonated with the public during the raleigh. he also spoke of the loss of like a stunning life fighting on behalf of the us. only gonna be
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american say said thank you to us for our 80000 people killed in their war. going to be the number of our soldiers killed him. this war are more than 3 times the number of americans killed in afghanistan. no one said thank you, honey people. but somebody can also accuse washington, i've tried to make pakistan a slave to, it's will. the ex, international curricular stated he fears for his life found has even recorded video naming his legend killers in the event of something happening to they want to kill me. i have recorded a video where i take all the names who are involved in this conspiracy and run can claim repeatedly that he was forced to leave office by the pro american opposition in pakistan. the new government incidentally, is expected to increase cooperation on many fronts with the us that was confirmed. and the statement made by us senator chris murphy. you said that
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u. s. pakistan the relations being through many rough patches over the decades, but still remain strong. as with every bilateral relationship, there are ups and downs, but this one pakistani us relations has endured the test of time and i look forward to continue growing it for next 75 years. well, let's get the thoughts on all out of her son, a slum shod international lawyer on geopolitical unless speaking from the pakistan capital you're most welcome. demonstrations in support of marin county have been ongoing in pakistan for some time, non show little sign of abating. why does the former prime minister appear so popular? ok, clearly a little bit of a connection issue there with our guests will try and recover that and get the glitches out there. speak possibly a little bit later in the day. okay. it is indeed
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a busy newsday and, and just in case i missed anything, i was always r t dot come as my back on yours. do check out our website for all the latest goings on top notch analysis as well. this is our t international. ah, now it just seemed wrong. i just don't know yet to see about becoming an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground.
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ah, the 1st time in history, an entire country's culture has been canceled to the very modern weapon cancel culture. the desk will i will, sheffield my last lot in when will you get just me sitting there with the phrase now particularly refers to counseling russian culture yet them know what secret the few orders because it's convenient. my sure which will be your child will fill out that the most from december to london, eat them we what rushes created over the past 1500 years. there's no question actually condemned, reviled and reject it to sort of like a bill of brown. there's a lot closer on
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a whole bunch. thank you said a little short list, joining total condemnation, gross daily, and now includes just a asking to cascade shostakovich that i need to you with the time. will you do obama lee? you're not gonna do that. a little bit more ah, but the brain continues to pace. the situation on the battlefield for the camp regime is going from bad to worse. nonetheless, the u. s. and it's nato allies continue to pour in massive amounts of 8 and weapon . diplomacy is still not on the agenda with
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ah, you will see it's a laboratory or supposedly reco, gracie, but you will see i need to know here to what is in time with abilities for those to go get res issue and it's close to global measures unless you mean you may 0 is just the concern, but you do it to build cheese to break things to store. but i wanted to show that you come back to biological experiments on so just employ
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a model j e n n e. he matches not reasonable laboratory lewis. i believe i'll do it. daniel. medium and moving you nice teaching loop of she will need to be able to pull no rush stub letter that i would get or must so but our senior us no one on the buck. the eagles probably the local guys. she said that.
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