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tv   News  RT  May 19, 2022 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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the crimes to know a low grade needs to have that with measuring proposals, expanding the bricks alliance with argentina positioned as a top candidate to join the rising powers of brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa. u. s. senate passes a $40000000000.00 aid package for ukraine and unlike previous ones, it does not forbid supplying weapons to the neo nazi as of the italian. gracious president joins his turkish counterpart in opposing finland and sweden to potential a session to nato. with broadcasting lab
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direct, more studios in moscow, this is art international, and sean thomas certainly glad to have you with us. right now. we start with the latest on the war in ukraine, multiple residential areas in russia's course region and you're the ukranian border . have reportedly come under intense, showing by ukrainian forces, no casualties have been declared as of yet. meanwhile, the russian defense ministry announced that at least $770.00 ukrainian troops surrendered at the as of stall steel factory and marble on thursday. bringing the total to $1730.00 fighters who have capitulated their positions in the embattled industrial complex over the past. 4 days. at the head of the daniel republic have said that more than half of the ukrainian forces who were in the factory have left also on thursday more than 13000 people were evacuated from high risk areas in ukraine, and the don bask republics. joe biden has said that the u. s. will provide more military assistance to give, including our till,
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and read our systems to be sent to the front lights. ah, the group of developing economies, collectively known as the bricks which covers more than 40 percent of the world's population is looking to expand its scope as member state china proposes welcoming more countries. cynthia alliance. china proposes to start the bricks expansion process, explore the criteria and procedures for the expansion and gradually form a consensus. currently, the bricks group includes brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa. the block aimed at to encourage economic, political, and cultural cooperation between the states. the potential new member is argentina, which has been invited to attend an upcoming summit of the alliance and other current members have back to china's proposal and pledged to discuss the matter further. also, during a recent breaks meeting, china's representative called by nato to negotiate with russia and ukraine and condemned western attempts to isolate certain countries. political consultant
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patricio deuced or says it would not be surprising if charging tina becomes a member in the block, as it has long been an ally of bricks, countries, and everybody. that's an interesting proposal. argentina has long been discussing close to cooperation with bricks, countries and also possible participation in the group. bricks is the main group unite and developing countries right now. the values and principles of the brakes sometimes differ from other blogs that have been led by the u. s. for many decades, the bricks group is constantly developing and expanding. it will play an important role in the world or the in the near future. this is when have room argentina has many values and principles that are common with the brakes. ideology. they have been discussions of argentine, it become in the bricks member for many years now the world is beginning to become more multi polar as the u. s. hatch him when he has been breaking down for many years. now, the situation in the world is more complicated than before. our economy collaborate
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significantly with such countries as china, russia, and the india. now argentina has been asked to integrate more intensively with this group. and these developing countries, remember argentina which has faced economic problems for several years now is a huge exporter of food for the world. that's what we can propose for bricks countries. and we should not forget that brazil are in wayne commercial partner is a briggs member. also, china is an important pardon of ours and a funding source for investments. argentina has very close ties with other bricks members as well, and we continue expanding our integration. it will be very beneficial for everyone if we strengthen our ties with the brakes. we heard from brent o altman, a chief editor of the independent news website opera, monday. he thinks that it would not be a problem for any of the current briggs member states to welcome margin tina into the block. i think we have a really good chance is i think that brazil is lula,
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is elected president in october. i think that brazil should be in favor. i think that russia ruby would have no problem with as in tina integration to the brakes. i don't, i don't, don't see why south africa would be contrary the most delicate issue. i think of the b deceptions of india politically. closer to the u. s. a interest and political management breaks is a, from the mental institution they think for building a move to paula will order that these are the way for developing countries to break free from the institution, such as the international monetary fund and the wall of the bank controlled by united states and the recipient union, brick expansion can help developing cat nations that currently depend on the
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dollar base it financing, sir quit. that's my idea about the u. s. senate has approved and $40000000000.00 aid package to ukraine, raising questions about just how much more nato weaponry is going to flow into the country. and on my previous u. s. provisions. this time, there is no stipulation against sending the arms directly to ukraine's near nazi. as of battalion ortiz kellum up and comments, the added state has just passed a $40000000000.00 aid package to ukraine. now it's important to know that previous us a package is ukraine, providing weapons and other supplies have stipulated that those supplies do not end up in the hands of the notorious as the italian, the neo nazi fighting division in ukraine. none of the funds made available by this act may be used to provide arms training or other assistance to the off battalion. now what's particularly disturbing is that this recent package does not include
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this language. does not specify that the as a battalion cannot. ready receive assistance from the united states. what more it appears that weaponry from nato has apparently ended up in the hands of the battalion already. you look at the as a battalions official, twitter, they seem to be highlighting weapons like a matador. ready which is an anti tank weapon that has been among the weapons that nato has provided to you, great the peers, they may already be getting their hands on on us weapons at this point. and we also have us official saying they don't know where these weapons they send you grain, go on and know who ends up, getting them in terms of our ability to track the weapons that are going in. as you know, we don't have any forces on the ground, so that's it's difficult for us to do. i couldn't tell you where the weapons are in ukraine and whether the ukrainians are using them at this point. they're not telling us every round of ammunition they're firing and who and when. now it's
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important to know the united states is the top ex, border of weapons in the world, u. s. arms flow across the planet. there are many instances of us weapons ending up in the hands of problematic individual. when the u. s. they withdrew from afghanistan. recently, we saw the taliban get it hands on some u. s. high grade, military weapons in hardware. and that was in the hands of the taliban. we've also seen in mexico, drug cartels often armed with sophisticated u. s. military grade weaponry. so around the world, us weapons often do end up in the hands of problematic individuals is something that many people around the. ready world are seriously concerned about is the usa continues to escalate its anti russian rhetoric. the united states continues to pour weapons into ukraine who might be on the receiving end of some of these deadly weapons. from on this we can cross lag to us radio show, host stew,
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peters. thanks for being with us here on our international course. of course, thanks for having me. so this new usa package, it's $40000000000.00. it's unlike previous ones that we've seen in the past and it does not outlaw direct supplies to ukraine's nazi as a battalion. what's your take? well, it's unlike anything that we've ever seen because we've never seen a marxist who take place here. we have very similar to ukraine, an installed puppet regime here, and the same tactics were practiced in ukraine by this government with the media's assistance and our ca and our pentagon, when we overthrew or assisted in the overthrow of a legitimate government in ukraine. so, you know, the sad thing is that right now we have a fraudulent pedophile, essentially in the white house, and it probably doesn't even matter what congress says in the bill, because there's no inspector general overseeing these funds. we have no way of checking where the money or the weapons go. so once the money and the weapons show up in ukraine, it's really out of our hands. they can give it to a's on these pagans in these neo
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nazis, or let criminals that they let out of prison have them, or maybe they won't give them to anybody. maybe they'll just be sold off or stolen . but we've already seen this happen constantly. we sought in afghanistan, and that's a country that we were supposed to have much more control over. we're basically taking $40000000000.00 of gasoline right now and pouring it on the largest dumpster fire in the world. right. and before we move on, i have to say that we can actually say that there is a pedophile in the white house or that it is fraudulent, but that is your take on. now the white house has said previously that it cannot verify where the weapons it's applies to crane actually, and up. do you know if the us has a duty to know where these weapons go and to make sure that they don't end up in criminal hands. but of course they have a duty to do so. ah, but you know, they don't respect duties that they have because they're a rogue administration and a fake administration. so anything and everything is possible. i mean, we could see our weapons used in war crimes were already watching this happen when you look at the war crimes being committed,
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the west and the media here in the united states pumping this propaganda to try to cheer on this war for these warmongers elitist in the dc beltway they're trying to rile up the americans, but i have to tell you, i mean, overwhelmingly, the majority of americans do not support a military kinetic confrontation with russia. we're backing putin into warner here, and the media is propagandizing the public in a cheering the sun. so we could see these things use to loop the local population, but even if it does go to the ukranian army, what's even the point of this? i mean, we're basically doing everything we can to make this war last as long as possible. if we take a step back and look at the situation at home, is there a problem with washington providing tens of billions of $1.82 country across the globe? well domestically? the american people are burdened with the highest inflation that they've seen in the past. 40 years, i mean their problems at home they need to be taken care of. don't you think? i mean, honestly, it shouldn't surprise us at all. and i just go back to the fake administration here . you know, in ukraine, the deep state is,
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has used this country as its honey pot for the longest time. the people that are in charge here and going all the way back to the clintons and going into the biden's son hunter biden. this guy was over there at some fraudulent energy company, knowing where all the bodies are buried. there's been a whole lot of dirty work done over there and it just so happens at the soleski is directly tied to them. the guy owns a $40000000.00 mansion here in miami. i mean a lot of people don't know that. so none of us should surprise us at all. our leaders in washington have been putting americans last for decades. they spent a trillion dollars fighting in afghanistan and other trillion fighting in iraq. both of those wars made us poorer and less safe. i know how are americans reacting to the price of inflation and other economic difficulties? i mean, they're on the ground. you see any opposition to these aid packages to ukraine, or is there even really public awareness of it? i mean, yeah, a lot of people point out that we care more about ukraine's border than our own up, but that's nothing new either. we help build a border wall in israel and jordan, ah, congress will pay for basically anything as long as it helps another country instead of our own. so the opposition is overwhelming. here. american taxpayers,
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american citizens, and my generation and generations that have come since me overwhelmingly do not support these military interventions that enrich and empower these elitist members of the worst factions of this satanic cobol that plans to be or pretends to be operating this country right now. so we're starting to see these reactions. yes, of course, and they're 100 percent negative 11 republican senators voted against this aid package. so 257 republican house members. so i mean there's, there's no control here. we have a government or a fake government that pretends that they're in charge, but we have a marxist who that took place here exactly the same with it to place in ukraine. this is hush money that is being sent to the ukrainians. i believe as bribery material because we do have a whole lot of pet ophelia happening and not to mention this, the bio weapons labs that seem to be sent to peter wants to hold on a 2nd. hold on. we can actually have you come on here and talk about satanism, pedophilia and the veracity of the election and the new answer. i understand that
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that's your opinion, but we can't actually, we don't question the rest of the election at this point in time. we're talking about what's happening in your brains to peters ok. run a program upset about it. i understand that it's not. thanks for coming on. the introduction of us right now is these bio weapons labs that are being strategically targeted by that have been hidden by our pentagon and have been hidden by our state department until just recently. we were that they were there. this is the number one for up facing the world. i appreciate you coming on arch international. thanks for your thoughts. thanks for having right now. the vote on capitol hill to approve the a package came, despite opposition from some members of congress, one of them it using fellow lawmakers of engaging and corruption, equating the bill to a money laundering scheme, federal lawmakers fund nonprofits. they fund non governmental organizations. they fund grants grants that go to people and if you really look into it a lot of times it's their friends and families that operate these nonprofits and
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non governmental organizations. and it's basically like money laundering schemes. earlier republican senator ran paul had managed to delay the legislation by several days. he called on the u. s. public to oppose the spending of $40000000000.00 of taxpayer money on ukraine instead of helping americans at home. but said the majority leader, democrats, chuck schumer, hit back at brent paul, even calling him a pawn of the kremlin. i went home and i had a standing ovation from 200 people at a lincoln day dinner claw. say, thank you for holding up this money. we need help at home. we can't get baby formula. we can't pour our gas, but it is repugnant that one member the other side, the junior senator from kentucky chose to make a show and obstruct ukraine funding, knowing full well, he couldn't actually stop its passage for sen pull to delay ukraine, funding for purely political motives is to only strengthen putin's hand. and while the biden administration gives up to send $40000000000.00 to ukraine,
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many ordinary americans are struggling to cope with the highest price inflation and for decades. gasoline prices are a buy more than a dollar a gallon from just last year. many americans say biden is sending money abroad while citizens at home are hung out to dry stock market is crashing gas prices. arising, inflation is through the roof, must be time for another 40000000000 for ukraine. if our elected officials had to pay for their own gas, i bet they would find a solution to the rising gas prices. meanwhile, back in our country, gas prices at highest level ever and rising babies have no formula, store shelves, empty supply line crisis, southern border, a miss highest inflation in decades republican congressman mandates has also slammed to quote progressives in the u. s. government for their hypocrisy and funding of the conflict in ukraine. i used to be able to count on progressives in
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the congress who joined me in opposing a war in yemen who joined me and pushing back against provincial war powers with iran who agreed that it would be crazy to start world war 3 over the kurds. but on the issue of ukraine, the progressives are signed up for the $40000000000.00 plus to fund the war. i political analyst, garland nixon says that the u. s. is sacrificing the well being of its own citizens to fuel conflicts abroad. now we see a tremendous amount of money, $40000000000.00 that will ostensibly go to ukraine. but everyone knows that only a portion of the money will ever leave the american shores. a lot of it will go to defense contractors here or any number of contractors, and certainly when he gets there, there is it, there is a certainly a number of people in the society you are connected to in ukraine who are connected to oligarchy who are connected to organized crime and all manner of mystery and
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behavior shall we say. so we certainly know that money will be laundered. a lot of it will end up in cyprus and various bank accounts of politicians. our country is no, is not a, a nation state as we understand it this, in an empire, we've gone to the dying collapsing stage of an empire. so now the resources from the empire flow out all around the world to try to prop up the empire. so now the american people, rather than get the print b, unfortunately, to use this word, the economic privilege of living in an empire that prays on every one else. now, there are the one who is pre owned by the empire, and the empire simply uses our resources and use the american people to prop up their, their endeavors around the world, such as the proxy war in ukraine. the number of nato soldiers stationed near russia's borders has reached 40000. that is nearly 10 times more than it was before the war. in ukraine,
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nato has been bolstering its eastern positions after the crane conflict corrupted about 3 months ago, and finland, which borders russia as well as sweden, have asked to join the western military alliance. moscow has continuously emphasized for decades now that nato expansion is a red line. but while the baltic states and poland are asking for a significantly expanded military presence, other nato countries like france and italy have said that could become a threat itself. the park. meanwhile, turkey has refused to allow finland and sweden to join nato. and that has caused a widening rift within the block with the president of solo member state croatia. now also speaking out against the potential a session of the 2 nordic countries creation presidents around milan of which wants his country parliament to vote against the proposed nato expansion. as western countries have failed to help creations resolve their political disputes with neighboring bosnia and herzegovina,
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milan of which has also said that allowing finland and sweden to join nato would be a quote, very dangerous adventure. geopolitical analyst, pierre, a manual thompson says that a narrative has been fabricated against russia to stoke fears and maintain the british and us military presence in eastern europe. even narrative that to russia could be a threat to. to nate to member states easy either a fake narrative or because, or actually your russia strategy is to secure its own security in the near abroad. it means sir, oh, try to prevent to any nato enlargement on football. you as his arm and mistakes. especially by kick states because we are already with nato and her but beyond 2 countries. well, or would the nato member states are not threatened by russia?
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this is a, a fake narrative from b, or you can united states to boost we are or no military or spending and exports, especially for united states to europe. and also to, to still maintain their presence in europe to mid to have a new job full nato because so ne, 2 is a, an instrument of a gemini, of united states in europe. so the need to rush out to be seen as the threats. meanwhile, turkeys president has reiterated his stance on preventing helsinki and stockholm from joining the block. we do not want to make the same mistake twice, therefore we will decisively continue our policy. in this regard, we told our partners that we would say no to sweden and finland, nato membership. we will continue our path in the same direction on current claims that the 2 nordic countries support terrorist groups that have taken up arms against the turkish government. diplomatic sources say anchor
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a block to the process for nato expansion within hours after finland and sweden and in their official applications. they, former turkish military intelligence chief, says ankara is simply trying to protect its own national interest dash and believe before the conflict between russia and ukraine. nato was not even considering the membership of sweden and finland. this whole issue is being promoted by the united states and the u. k. they want western countries to stand united against russia. turkey has 2 good reasons to be against this. the 1st is that it will lead to a conflict between russia and the west. and the 2nd sweden and finland are providing strong support to terrorist groups. sweden helps the kurds financially, but there are also other countries in nato that also support terrorism against turkey and the united states is the 1st one to mention here. washington supports the kurds in their efforts to create a military stronghold or northern syria. therefore,
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in light of these significant security issues, turkey strongly opposes the entry of sweden and finland and to nato. if those countries continue to support terrorists, then why should turkey sit at the same table with them? being members of one security organization means that each members obligated to guarantee support and protection to others by supporting the kurds. the swedes and many other countries are putting turkey in a difficult position. in my opinion, turkey has the right to talk about its security guarantees. and until this important issue was resolved on turkey, should stand his ground to go with some numbers of the blocks. ah, at loggerheads over how to proceed with potentially expanding the alliance. a long time nato hopeful kosovo has seized a moment to remind brussels that it also wants to join the block. look, i saw a security force was called deployed with us troops in kuwait. and we are also part of the u. s. sleds joined military exercise defender europe 21. our continued
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corporation, 4 to 5. so as long term commitment to peace, to security and to nato membership. kosovo, a breakaway serbian republic revived its efforts to join nato. earlier this year with the president making an official request. but nato says it's not actually considering except in kosovo as a member, kosovo declared independence from serbia in 2008. but it's status has not been universally recognized. $3800.00 nato soldiers are still stationed as peacekeepers in kosovo, which has also applied for membership in the council of europe and the united nations. political analyst, alexander poverty says that there is no way for customer to join nato as long as several alliance members don't even recognize it. as an independent state. of course, the application was accepted and it was name by all 30 natal members asking for nato members do not recognize coastal. so either those countries would
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have to be pressed to change their mind, which is very hard to do because they have their own territorial concerns. in the like, spain, for example, like will mania are like, like greece. so, you know, they are very hesitant. you know, to, to participate in this precedent. is that happened, it would mean that the 4 countries are brought to their knees and forced to work against their interests. and also just means that, you know, nato doesn't abide by, you know, any law. i mean, it's been obvious for a while. the nato is kind of a law unto themselves, but this would just be additional proof of that. and of course, you know, just make it into almost a carbon copy of the 3rd, right. you know, we're no laws are sacred and everything is just subordinated to this mad dash to the east. ah,
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former us president george bush in what he dismissed as a slip of the tongue condemned to the quote, unjustified and brutal invasion of iraq. he then quickly declared, he meant to say, ukraine, not iraq, response human rights watch, described it as the freudian slip of the century, the decision of one man to launch a holy, unjustified, and brutal invasion of iraq. i mean of ukraine or rack. i mean, the ukraine director anyway 75, which is 2003 invasion of iraq is estimated to have led to the deaths of 200000 people we heard from international law. professor francis boiled, who has examined alleged war crimes by us troops in iraq. he says bush should be in prison. what cern's me is. so the audience saw laughing about
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it. and if you hear us mainstream new suite you this morning, many pundits are laughing about. there is nothing funny about what happened here. this was an outcry, aggression, a nuremberg, a crime against peace. despite to figure you all put up there. as far as our investigations have been able to determine this for killed about 1500000 iraqis outright genocide and 5000 of us. so military personnel bush should be in jail in about $32.00 and a half minutes. i'll be back with another phone. fresh look to news. this is our international got had with us ah,
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for the west drive to weaken and isolate russia is not working out, although well russia, the most sanctioned country in the world, has an economy that is now stable and resilient. the west can say the same for its economy. in fact, the west is weakening, an isolated self move when alex showing wrong when old fools just don't hold any new world yet to say proud disdain becomes the advocate an engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. with
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ah, gray zone inhabitants have learned to sleep through the nighttime shilling and to live without the most basic utilities going for weeks without clean water or electricity. worst of all they've had to watch is the war creeps ever closer to their homes, speech ga, to correct train. you've been us, it's terrain. you don't look, i'm what i knew that i see i was a to the ga ga. so one time with
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a bond was a little less my yes it with, with all these really well, thank you. so over the only other uh huh. a .


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