tv News RT May 21, 2022 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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ah, ah ah ah, as russian ned forces came full control over the last foothold of ukrainian troops in the dawn by city of mario pulse 20 becomes the 1st international outlet to report from this scene. this as of style blonde was a split for the worst of the worst that well basically for the most radical elements of the ukrainian forces along with the regular soldiers this well, this block was occupied and will commanded by the neo nazi as old battalion. we want to leave proposal for ending the conflict in ukraine received. luke warned. the pole from e u officials, despite simmering public across europe,
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over the backlash of sanctions with plants, a change of heart and a dramatic political. you turn the world's richest man said he will switch to the legions to the republican party passes. democrats criticized ellen musk for his efforts to fight twice it. they have changed from fighting for freedom to fighting to silence. anybody who disagrees with them. they've gone from a party of at least a social freedom to a party of social restriction and a party of social heat. ah, very well welcome. you're watching on t international with the latest world news that date, it's good to have you with us. russia's defense ministry say the last group of ukrainian soldiers hold up at the as up stall factory and mario paul has now surrendered. that facility had been deceived for almost 3 months and was the last hot spots of fighting in the dumbass city. let's take
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a look at some exclusive footage from the scene now with some of the russian lead troops sound guarding the area of the plans. earlier they ever saw the surrender of the ukrainian so just outside the still works factory. more than 500 competence turns themselves in on friday, bringing the total number of if scenario i'll post a 2439 just this week, russian and on. yes, force is say that now in full control of the as of style factory, including a vast network of underground tunnels where the ukrainians had been hiding for months. ukrainian presidency, the soldiers that followed key abs order to surrender, to save their own lives. they, as of commander, hate to let the defense of the factory has said that only the dead now remained inside. according to russia, all of the cap should ukrainians will be treated in line with international norms for prisoners of war. well meanwhile, russian antonia's forces have started d mining operations in the grounds of this steel plant. our t seacoast on,
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on the fast journalist to report from the newly new declared plans is that the same bright behind me is the as of style steel works. these are exclusive pictures that you're saying it has been captured by the russian forces or by the forces of the, the nets or people's republic. after all of the, as of south fighters of the neo nazi fighters have decided to surrender, they received orders to surrender. quite importantly, among those who have chosen to become prisoners of war. ah, well, the commanders of the as of battalion 3 most media friendly figures, there were dozens of wounded people in very serious conditions without access to proper food or medicine. they have been taken to hospitals and they of course are receiving treatment. now this comes after world months of a see here that we have seen that we filmed. we filmed the fighting here, but, and after months of heavy shelling of heavy fighting ivy prussia by the russian forces there, by the forces of the dentist people's republic. they have decided to surrender.
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quite importantly, nobody stormed them after direct orders from the russian president vladimir putin to just lay siege to this place and make this operation as humanitarian as possible . have a lesson, particularly. i consider the post storming of the industrial zone in practical. i order you to cancel it. this is a time when we must think, we must always think, but even more so in this case, about preserving the live and health of our soldiers and officers. there's no need to climb into these catacombs and crawl under ground through these industrial facilities block off this industrial area so that the fly doesn't fly through. once again, invite everyone who has not yet laid down their arms to do so. the russian side guarantees their lives. well this as of style plant was a sess spit for the worst of the worst that well basically for the most radical elements of the ukrainian forces along with the regular soldiers this, well,
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this plant was occupied and will commanded by the neo nazi as old battalion these are some of the most radical and right wing posse of the ukrainian army. they are known to have committed multiple atrocities and will crimes against humanity and will crimes of war. so again, this is the same as a battalion that is now being treated in accordance with the every word with every article of international law applied to prisoners of war. they themselves did not bother following those rules. there's no secret as to what's going to happen to the, to the prisoners of war, to these people because according to the russian authorities to the local government here, those who will be tried and found guilty of committing these crimes of committing crimes against people. hale of committing war crimes. well, they will have to face military tribunal and again, they will have to face punishment in accordance with the law. many of the surrender, so just have been spotted with tattoos of insignia infinitely brandished by hatless,
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nazis some have as scullen cross bones imaging on their hands mimicking the toes in cop symbol used by s as troops. others have tattoos resembling an eye and cross a german military award, also used by the nazis among those who have so ended in marielle. paul is an as of battalion commander. let's take a closer look. now it was house the notorious new nazi group. his 9 full ah course, or just one of them.
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i was arrested by the as often as the human. the best me on the head and legs with a chain far as a gun close to my ear, threatened to shoot me in the hands or to shoot my feet. they humiliated me and said they were going to write to me. they threatened to bring my wife and daughters in and talk to them in front of me. i could not eat for 3 days. i was one of those many battalions did the key of when they are what they are. and we discuss the latest developments with executive vice president of the your age
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a sense i think tank rasmussen as investigative journalist, edward. so here in the u. s. of every eastern on the regular news. but obviously if you turn on the main stream media and the newspaper, it sounds like my gosh, when is russia going to laugh? your grain is winning. so hands down why, why is this work still going on? and it's completely opposite it. we've got a very, very, very strategic show. well, plan methodical writing approach being done by the russian army, you know, credit given here and it's lately the opposite direction so, so from immediate perspective, they don't want to surrender. so i think is a very, very, very good approach. the president took here and isolating the city, putting the, basically it's a prison. they are essentially in until they really had no choice either they
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starved themselves or, or die of injuries or, or render some out. just this is a move that their leader should have done a long time ago. several weeks ago. the defeats of the forces are in the eyes of sto, climb to install and to send it to mary o paul. they represented what could be considered to be the most trained, most of our most committed forces that the ukrainian army had. and also this is bits of victory that of the entire world can't deny. right? it's something that has been a question here on the west. we're watching the war from seeing social media post office to sing the statements by the west, the straightened by the government of russia center wondering what the truth is. something that is undeniable is that when a flag is res,
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i guess the elephant in the room is no one is able to factually or journalistically denied that the group that's in place on trial. the leaders, the soldiers during placed on trial are neo nazis. are committed war crimes, the westward presented by ignoring it down playing it. and of course, condemning russia for carrying out these very just judicial actions. we maybe fight thing domestic protests against the increasing age to ukraine. italy has submitted a 4 point piece plan that he believes could end the war. but while they use foreign policy chief jones that burrell has, that they received the initiative, he stressed that is that to ukraine, to decide on the terms of any negotiations, also contributes a way to math and explains. he might say, italy's plan as unprofitable. we may be finally witnessing the beginning of a shift away from war, and the 1st tend to have but concrete steps in favor of peace,
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italian foreign minister luigi to my o has apparently come up with a peace plan for you grange, suggesting that a li may be joining france and germany in seeking de escalation of the conflict, despite pressure from the united states and great britain to keep it going. the my was taking his plan to united nations secretary general antonio. now this is interesting because keep in mind that 3 weeks ago ukrainian visually criticized the jettas for making a trip to moscow to discuss the conflict with russian foreign minister said a lot of people and president vladimir, who's in before heading to here. so my decision to involve yet is could suggest an interest in leveraging the u. s. the radical debug and traditional role is peace broker dem. i was laid on a 4 point plan, 1st a ceasefire and demilitarization of eastern ukraine. secondly, negotiations on ukraine's neutrality and any potential integration into existing
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blocks, such as the european union. 3rd, a negotiation between ukraine and russia over existing territorial disputes involving crimea, done nets and new guns. and fourthly, and finally, a larger european security agreement relate to arms control, which no doubt will be needed after ukraine has been flooded with weapons from its western benefactors. but looming over the miles best intentions is whether washington will even allow you to push for peace. in light of its multi $1000000000.00 investments in the continued destabilization of ukraine to be economic detrimental europe is going to require strength of will. unity and determination on your smart political scientist even got jake saying that it's these p initiative doesn't fit into the plans of some of the countries western
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allies. i think these 2 factors, one is a really wasn't hawkish to begin with. and the other is that as not being hawkish is probably seen as a contra diplomat camera, or some kind of establishing relationship reestablish and relations with russia that it should come out with this sort of interesting. i honestly believe that at this point, these initiatives are going to do anything because the west is not interested when i say the why fi? i mean the united states and let's say brussels collecting brussels on the 1st row . because their idea from the beginning was to try to economically in economically suffocate russia to maybe provoke regime change. i guess they want to prolong the war and the other side of why would rush
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hour go to to sign a deal. that would be absolutely, i guess it's interest you. k is reportedly planning to send weapon simone goes up to help the country protect itself from a perceived russian threat. however, with person already arming ukraine. a new media report claims london wants to keep the will going for its own political agenda almost unnoticed by the world. the past who a ceasefire is being complicated by some long distance belligerents, 3 top members of the united kingdom's government. prime minister boris johnson. foreign minister list trust and defense minister ben wallace have all sought in the war in ukraine, a boost to their political fortunes. the u. k. has been among the strongest supporters of ukraine, or as johnston has even visited keith to pledge his personal backing for the war effort. last week in london approved more than a 1000000000 pounds of military age to ukraine with some senior you cath issue
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leaving saying keith could legitimately use western supplied weapons to target russian territory when it comes as far as johnson's government comes on to increasing criticism at home over the notorious policy gate scandal, what us discuss these developments with robert the griffiths now general secretary of the communist party, of course, and many thanks to joining other programs. nice to see you. and that was what you make of the timing of this damning meteor article that claims london is seeking to profits here from the war and ukraine. well, this is a growing suspicion, and at least some circles are capable of thinking rationally here in britain. because clearly the tory government we have is in some difficulty they did suffer a defeat in the most recent local elections. and it's not just the policy gate scandal so called there's also a gathering cost of living crisis. here in britain,
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prices are soaring. not only of gas and electricity, but almost everything else that requires gas and electricity in order to be manufactured. i mean, we know have between 10 and 12000000 people who have to go to food banks in order to get a free supply of food because they can't afford to feed themselves and their families adequately. know all that bonus johnson can say, in defense of his records of his pretty disastrous reco, no role as prime minister as well. nobody more firmly in support and insult done with ukraine than i am. and i'm afraid the media coverage in britain is so completely and utterly uncritically one sided that ukraine's cause is supported unquestioningly by
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a very large percentage of the population. so it's really much in the interest of bonus, johnson and those around him. in fact, to see this, this conflict continue in ukraine so that he can continue to stretch around the place and appear on various stages around the world person as a great champion of the ukrainian people. of course, we know from bonus johnson's past record. the moment it suited him to pull the plug or not support for ukraine, he would do it. and there is, there is a say in this in circulation, in britain to some extent, which is the britain nato, and the united states. and the european union prepared to defend ukraine to the last drop of ukrainian blood. it's all looking ready, very cynical. and nobody is really calling johnson very
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strongly at the. ready moment i think that it can change, especially as the cost of living crisis gets worse, or the government refuses to help people and resend in 3000000000 pounds a 1000000 military and other assistance to the ukranian government. perhaps this our school by play and it's a sign that you know things a changing the perception is changing. but i wanted to ask, you know, if the borrower's johnson is, as this report claim seeking to use the conflicts to draw attention away from his own scandals. will succeed well, he might get away with it for a while, but in particular is the cost of living crisis. lessons learned? i think time it runs images. so we can cite, for example, as to right. you know, there may well be cynical forces wish to prolong the war in the hope that it will weaken russia's position is the fact that in britain,
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the moment there's really no significant force that is calling for any kind of ceasefire negotiations that a peaceful settlement. we have no equivalent of the latest italian plan coming forward in britain, the monologue is all about. how can we inflame the situation further? how can we pour yet more arms into ukraine and more troops into eastern europe in the baltic states? nobody in britain virtually outside of, you know, parties such as the communist party and one or 2 small left wing circles and peace movement circles. nobody in the british government or even in the main opposition labor party is actually proposing that we should put at least some effort into a drawing for police. instead of continuing this, dr. prolonged war, griffin, general secretary,
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or the communist policy person. many thanks for your time. we really appreciate your thoughts on this. thank you. and the pentagon said to you this military aircraft to bring baby for me to, from europe, to the us as the country faces severe supply shortages from american power and say that desperate to keep their kids fed. my child's right. a pretty big deal. i gotta figure out the baby doesn't understand shortages. she's she's 100, i usually get for these big tubs that will last me for the month. and so we buy more and i've started to see that there was a form of a shortage. i was telling my husband, i said, honey, we gotta go and find is formula because this is a crisis. you saw everything is gonna be all right. you know, all of us that we go to buy formula. everything is gone. so pretty scary to realize that he might not be able to teach her maybe great. so we're
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probably going to trade switch and get some furniture that when that went out. but we just don't know what to do. supplies have baby formula in the u. s. a. reportedly down by 40 percent, to the dismay of parents who rely on the product. the shortage began in february is the biggest formula production facility was closed by the us food and drug administration because of contamination problems. the white house has announced that the pentagon planes will bring the formula from europe to alleviate concerns. the f. d. a has borne the brunt of the outrage over the shortages undesirable, more time to help bring back maybe formula to stores. why do i not spring into action? why does it take for months to prove this formula? office? sure, sure. the store show how many more illnesses and that's because, due to the end of the a slow response, one problem i've seen over and over with the f d a and my 10 years here is you guys aren't good at communicating. and you know,
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this is something a parents are asking us about, they want to know what happened, who was handling all of this in when it went to the f b. i am committed to get back to you as specifics about what i'm just not prepared to do. all just legal analyst and if a breed and say it's ridiculous to see the u. s. government spending tens of billions of dollars to help me crane while americans are struggling at home. this is a horrible, horrible situation for millions of americans for parents like myself for others. and you know, we don't, we don't know why this government, why this administration continues to shows that content for the american people. i mean, it would in a breath of us having this conversation. and as this baby formula shortage has been going on, we saw us congress passed the 40000000000 dollars 1000000000 dollar bill to funding ukraine to phone with going on. he agreed to give money overseas ukraine. meanwhile,
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our babies are unable to get a form to our children are starting. we have gas prices nationwide looking between $4.00 and $7.00 a gallon. i mean, american families are suffering. this is a massive country and there are people that have needed this. now for weeks and weeks, and you're talking about, you know, maybe $12.00 shipments that are going to be enough to stop shells nationwide. i mean, when we say shelves, are they, are they, are, they are, and that is nationwide. the world's richest man, a long must, has been hit with sexual harassment allegations of the posting tweets critical of the u. s. democratic party. now some say the scandal could have emerged to tarnish his reputation amid the political bickering. in the past, i voted democrats because they were mostly the kindness party, but they have become the parts of division and hate so i can no longer support them . and we'll vote republican now which the dirty tricks campaign against me unfold.
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democrats have been criticizing musk the assets to buy twitter, former presidential candidate, elizabeth warren has expressed faith that such a deal would be dangerous for democracy. while far left congress, women, alexandria korea course has that claims mask. it has an ego problem. twitter has previously quoted controversy among republicans who say that views on the platform has been suppressed last year then president republican donald trump was kicked off the social network and is not only politicians, but also liberal media outlets that have been lashing out that must bid to by twitter, this guy has no experience whatsoever with any of the lines of business involved and twitter. he has no media experience. he has no experience with advertising. maybe what must cares more about now than ever is this role of influence, power and celebrity if you are, if you get invited to something where there are no rules,
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worthers total freedom ever ever, everybody do you actually want to go to that party earlier? my colleague, peter scott discussed the issue with a panel of guests put her by really as a phone, the big digital monopolist unwanted competition. i mean, they don't want to have any venues that compete with their promotion of progressive criteria, like woke nests and political fields to the democratic party. and this is why there's all of the public who below about about taking over twitter. there's, there's the gatekeepers, the establishment gate gatekeepers are up in arms because this is a threat to their monopoly over information and opinion which they have enjoyed work. probably a decade the democrats started out a good culture or a cultural war about freedom of speech. freedom of expression and they won that war
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and then they kind of kept going and the culture wars become stranger and stranger more and more disconnected from any kind of reality. and more and more angry and religious or belligerent towards anybody who disagrees with their latest mode propaganda. so because they have changed from fighting for freedom to fighting, to silence. anybody who disagrees with them. they've gone from a party of at least a social freedom to a party of social restriction. and a party of social hate. sexual harassment claims have been brought up against the law most gonna, he does, of course, deny them. we get them into the realms of conspiracy theory. everything that through links or do you think it's, it's more than just a coincidence. i don't think any of us should be shocked that it suddenly happen. of course, that happened. he just went up against a whole political party, half of the united states of america. so it's time for him to get during the timing is suspicious as hell. i mean, not to say that that that's proof that the claims are false. and i think that,
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that any claim of that kind against a powerful person should be taken seriously should be investigated. but i mean, the timing does really beg the question. those are the last have critic sized, the billing as attempts to acquire switzer ella. most essays, a free speech absolutist. do you think we could see a shift on twitter now or do you think he was going to be a free roll? normally, his company is poised to bridge ai with the internet with live human breaks. this is data mining, it's large and the more controversy brings to twitter. the more people are going to go on, including me. i want to see what's going on there is going to r q a much larger audience and come home with everything he does is conspicuously contrived and well thought out who is by that genius creative brain of his i think what you on is fighting for is open discussion, open freedom for all positions to be heard. equally right now,
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the way the mainstream media is running and the way social media is running ideas that are in line with the book narrative or artificially boosted, causing people to believe that that is the dominant and only thing. one of the things that's being left out of this is that new un rules and regulations are being, are being mandated or will be mandated that will restrict speech and police so called dis information. and so there is a possibility that must won't have the opportunity to create this free speech absolute zone that he and that he helps to create discussion and analysis on our website i t dot com. ah,
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