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tv   News  RT  May 24, 2022 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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a with a besides of a truck and burned down military vehicles, as of style is the epitome of obliteration r t films, exclusive drone footage of the devastated landscape of the marty. you, paul, still mark those russian on dpr forces gain full control of the area. also coming up industry leaders, predictability for businesses and thousands of lost jobs in the u, as a result of a possible 6 rhonda sanctions set to be in both bible souls on russia. with wimbledon political decision, ted bon russian on beller, russian tennis players leave. the grand slams reputation severely bruised as high profile stars boy called the front of the quad summit of
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nations, takes place in tokyo. we look at why the u. s. seems to be the main beneficiary of the 4 country organizations with, from moscow to the world. this is our t pleasure to have your company today. my name's uni. ukrainian fighters, who recently surrendered results fell. plumps will stand trial for the crimes. they're accused of going back multiple years. that is, according to the leader of the done net republic. the group includes members of the neo nazi as off battalion. the territory of the plant is not fully yonder, the control of joint russian. i'm done yet. forces who are currently carrying out a d mining operation across maria, the historic steel factory is deemed beyond ripper, but the city itself is to be restored with the help of petersburg as the 2 were
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declared sister cities. meanwhile, arte got the chance to explicitly film the sprawling industrial zone from the air unexplored steps on the surface. you can very clearly see how much damage the russian artillery, the russian air force mortars. how much damage the cost to this place. i mean, look at it, it is utterly devastated and you can see where the bombs fell. the roof is caved into this building into this absolutely, truly massive warehouse over there to. and also you can also get a glimpse into how much the as of neo nazi fighters and the ukranian forces, how much they had in between them and the falling bombs, not just not just concrete, but here, hard steel. all of this kept them really, really safe. and now i'm going to give you one of the most vivid examples as to why
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the as of style fighters could have sheltered in full safety, complete safety for however long they wanted. this is a crater left by a truly massive bomb, likely dropped off a jet. and you can see how much damage it made compared to me. it's massive. it's absolutely colossal. but have a look at the concrete there. this is just the upper layer of all the dungeons that, towering down there under ground. so they, it managed to destroy the concrete plate, the very top one. but there are several more each and single floor each. each single floor there is separated and protected by plates exactly like this. imagine how many bombs have to be dropped in one particular spot in a one concrete spot which is already impossible to get to the as of style neo nazis and regular soldiers. which who are hiding and living on very low level,
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the catacombs underneath the as of sal steelworks can be explored endlessly. this maze of tunnels doesn't stop surprising because from one tunnel you go straight into another than does this array of well ladders and staircases. and you have no idea what, right around the corner. this used to be the headquarters of what of the many units that used to be stationed here, that used to shelter here underneath this plant. there's still a heavy stanch of ash in the air because before leaving, they burned this place. they raised it to the ground. not only did they burn the place, but they also had to drop some weapons. and basically they made them useless. like over here you can see rifles, you can see shane guns, they did their best so that nothing falls in the hands of the dynette peoples republic militia. but right now scouting this place. they have already. well got
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some trophies. we had to climb about 2 stories up to get to this massive place and get what we're still under the surface. we're still under ground. so you can imagine how deep the tunnels go here and they really could have stayed there. and i mean, even bombs dropped from jets, can't get them here. i mean, look at all the concrete. so it is one of the safest places in the world from the catacombs. we finally see the light of day. we had to get some 5 stories up just to get here to the ground level craters, the size of a truck and burned down military vehicles. as of style is the epitome of utter obliteration. and a metaphor to the fate of every one who was sheltering underneath the places annihilate by the russian jets and artillery of the da nets, people's republic. oh,
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they're moving the program all. now a french player has become the 1st pro to openly boy count the prestigious wimbledon tennis tournament. that comes after the sports oldness. drum slum was stripped of its clear ranking points due to its decision to bomb russian and beller russian players from this year's event. over the conflict in ukraine, ortiz don quarter as more. but a lot of high profile tennis players are very upset with this. with the fact that ranking points are going to be dropped at wimbledon this year after the former world's number one tennis player, naomi. soccer heard that heard this news, she decided that perhaps she's going to be out of the tournament altogether. this year. i would say like, the decision is kind of affecting like my mentality going into growth like i'm not 100 percent. sure. if i'm going to go there, it's kind of like, i don't want to see pointless, no pun intended, but like,
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now the reason these ranking points were dropped has to do with wimbledon ban on russian and bell russian players at the tournament this year. and based on what we heard from osaka, it looks like this could have serious consequences for the sport as a whole. and that's why the men tenants association expressed regret when it said it had to drop these points. the decision by wimbledon to ban russian in bella, lucy and players from competing in the u. k. this summer undermines the principal and the integrity of the a t p ranking system. it is with great regret and reluctance that we see no option but to remove a t p ranking points from wimbledon for 2022. and it looks like that regret is warranted because wimbledon is now because of this decision facing a boycott. top french tennis player lucas actually became the 1st player to outright refuse to participate in this year's tournament. he said that the dropping of the ranking points extended what was originally just an injustice for russian and bella, russian players who were banned, that this extended,
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that in justice to the rest of the players, were still allowed to compete. i was in no way associated with his decision, which i do not agree with. i understand the frustration of the russian players and the injustice of it. but now there is an injustice for $240.00 players instead of 12. it was never a unanimous decision that i know we don't even know if there was a vote. in any case, all the players i have spoken to are against it. now on top of that, the world's current number tennis player, novak joke of, ich said that wimbledon came to the wrong decision. he said that the tournament administration had other options i could pursue, but the side decided not to. we also heard from the u. k. is number one, tennis player cameron, norry, he said that this is going to really discourage top players from participating this year and make it look more like an exhibition that was the all his own words that he used there. so clearly this is upsetting a lot of players, this mixing of politics and sports, we're going to see just to what degree it's going to backfire on tennis as
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a whole. or for a deeper dive into this, let's welcome onto the program alan merlin, sports columnist on consulting and host of capital sports. 3 point oh, good to see you again to why don't you dance? has wimbledon reputation being damaged by the decision to ban russian and bell russian players we were waiting for this for a while, you know, because you know, women, they were saying initially that people would have 2 players who have. ready to sign a waiver, shall we say, or that they would, they will be against russia. that's basically what they want to say. the russian pears, i'm better assign initially people are complaining about that, but i think it was kind of who was accepted. well look at that, the just the worst can can happen. just like that in a band. with you real basis, just not a lot of finding the players come better osha and from russia. it really said a huge shockwave to attend community. and as you know,
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i mean it's working for money when use it, pressure times players, and then a whole range of nationalities. and in the last week, and i had feedback from 30 pros, past and present from different countries, including ukraine, of course course as well on every single one of these things. and this is a joke and you know, it's kind of like for people who are good again, just like our co park is where you want to be retrieved, say the tennis, their mother, even if you, if you think that you you still want to play on that beautiful green grass. but now i think it damages, i don't know if they're going to get it back. you know, because a lot of players are going to follow, differentiate a lead and they might just actually pull out because when i find the point, it's actually workforce. yes. their bread and butter isn't it? indeed, when you look at statements such as saloon stevens, tennis player, saying that at discrimination, any form will not be tolerated. refreshing comments from prose. what kind of other
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consequences do you foresee here are, you know, we are a month away from the start of women than you think more players might join in? yeah, it all depends. you know what, how content with the book, we're going to see how the channels we move. they have left open to a t p center. if they decide to reinstate players and allow players to qualify to play, that's in play because of course we're talking about as well, the wheelchair swell and junior. so it's not just like to talk roles were talking to people who, you know, if this is a great job to play in wimbledon and into her. so that sort of situation where if they were pulled ahead, i couldn't say okay, that's be normal to human and that the people played. it could be okay. but if not, you know, that we're discrimination was written in their 2nd by the atp that's years. you
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know, that's the 1st time anybody, anybody i need main major organization. i don't. i think it's just that people and it's hard of all these. you know, anti roshan rhetoric and this, you know, i won't say where she phobia. just rhetoric said it rushes by, respond and all are but we've seen this afternoon and 11 with muslims. we, i group with it the same with irish people. it is time, i think that a lot of the tennis pros, they're very, i criticize them minute times, but they really have grown up there and now showed it that's what sported all of it . do you think women might reconsider its decision? know that they're facing this barrage, this pushback of people, you know, some high profile player is very high profile. indeed saying, you know, we're not sure that we're going to compete here at all. she the only doctor who i would be critical in my new ways. she played it straight down the line for you basically said that this is, this is wrong. and this is basically
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a glorified exhibition torment. we saw reconstruct haine on cream. i was told by a former wimberly jump into double chunking, and he said to me that, you know, this is basically you walk into and you see it asks me, beautiful, beautiful girl. you walk up to her and find it. that's your sister's. you said that's what go into play and women would be like this year and i think women do not want to be your sister, your identity. and i thought i worked out one lightly and thanks very much for taking us through all. the allen sports columnist on consumption live on art. see now a summit of the sodium quad nations japan. the u. s. s. trillion india is under. we in tokyo member states praise the relations with each other and reiterated their goals of establishing a, quote, free and open in the pacific. the leaders of the 4 countries agreed to work closely on the indo pacific economic framework essentially aimed at country growing chinese
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influence and asia. the papers jo biden's, new economic scheme for the region. the plan will set international rules and the digital economy supply change. the carbon is ation on regulation applying to workers. earlier i spoke to ortiz worlds apart, host oksana, boyd coe about the minutes. the biden administration is pretty clear that they, they see this initiative as a sort of an alternative to china's belden road initiative. but the big difference is that the americans are only talking about values, primarily geopolitical values, present binding, specifically said that, you know, he wanted to unite countries, share our values in order to oppose government that don't share our bellies. but the way difference from the chinese, an initiative is that the chinese, usually a very practical when it comes to benefits bank. com with credit, they come with real resources. they do projects that actually benefit people's life . and whether or not it benefits china, your political agenda,
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of course it does. but it also offers something to people on the ground. there is some element of with the when, when, whereas what this new grouping that americans are suggesting is going to bring is an open question. it's like, you know, it's, it's all very abstract at this point. india pm moody, standing off as he has done for quite some time thing. we're not taking sides. it's indian interest 1st, in terms of mutually beneficial cooperation. therefore, between the u. s. and these countries, it's not going to, you know, combat against the test of time. is it going to last up because that's a big divide at the moment. it depends on how the americans will proceed. and the problem with the american approach is, is that they always put that interest 1st and never consider the interest, so not only their enemies, but given that the allies and as the abstract as these framework seems to
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be, again dividing the ministration stresses that it needs to bring huge benefits to the american families, to the american businesses. and many observers in the region suspect that it is primarily designed to make the american goods in the region more competitive. because it's hard for the american producers to get into the asian markets because of the high value of the years solar. but again, this agreement doesn't offer anything concrete to those countries that doesn't offer any privilege to access market. it's not a free trade agreement, or we spoke with career indian diplomats to say that jo biden's presence of the summit shows the region, remains a priority for the us. but the, the new delhi won't impose sanctions pushed by washington against any country. i think that the president biden is keen to demonstrate that the united states focus on the in the pacific has not diminished as a result of preoccupations about what is happening in europe. and i think
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that is an important factor because he has also come up with the initiative of the in the pacific economic crim bill, which india and other countries including many of the young countries have joined. so i think this is to signal that the in the pacific remains very important aspect of us policy and priorities and has never ceased from us by the west, a sanctioned us for years and years and years on very critical issues share for the best of india joining in anything against russia, our policy is very clear that india will abide by any sanctions which are approved by the united nation security. so if at any
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stage against any country, sanctions involved with the approval of the united nations, india will not be a bucket. but short of that, in thousands of jobs lost and major jobs for european factories. that's the worry of industry leaders and the precious stones and car production business. all they say with little to no consequences from moscow. natalvi, you leaders prefer a 6th round of sanctions on russia targeting fossil fuels. ortiz, europe correspondence. charlotte dubin ski picks up the story. what is the salt, the surgeon? how sold energy prices was bad enough? and then to add on to that the increase in basic goods, then you may want to walk away from your screen right now because the warnings
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coming from certain industries about the future of the european economy. if the block continues to the sanctions against russia is pretty devastating. this will start off with, with the car industries with manufacturers such as b, m, w, and also volkswagen. suggesting that further sanctions could see the entire industry grind to a halt or industry accounts for around 37 percent of german natural gas consumption, not just b m w, but the entire sector would come to a standstill. i think we should do the utmost to really stop this war and get back to negotiations and get back to trying to open up the world again. well, it could be time to slap up a call before those production holes, but it's not just that warning from the car and stream. we're also hearing a pretty similar warning coming from the diamond industry. now at the moment there are new sanctions against russian diamonds being imported,
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but sanctions that have been imposed by the u. s. a said to cause a problem already in the supply will wide so much so that the heart of the diamond industry here in europe and i'm to have in belgium is suggesting that they could be wide by bankruptcy and major job losses. and all experts say for new reason, by banning russian stones, we would only be cutting our own flesh. it would cost $10000.00 jobs in one fell swoop, and it won't hurt the russians. they would just fly their stones to do by that despite is pussy and quite of a warning. so different industries, it seems as the e won't to do a full steam ahead with further sanctions. it already saying look, set to approve a sick set of sanctions. hopefully in the next few days, ursula vandalay and the commission president saying that putin has lost his best client in europe. if we would completely cut immediately as of today, off the oil,
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he might be able to take the oil that he does not sell to the european union to the world market, where the prices will increase and sell it for more. now throughout the war and ukraine is the ear has been announcing new sanction package, often new sanction package. it is said one thing pretty consistently that the packages of sanctions must harm the russian economy more than they com, the economies here in europe at the moment that doesn't appear to be the case with the russian economy being far more robust than expected. however, here in europe, many people are really feeling the price squeeze. and of course, we're now getting those warnings from many industries about the devastating impact they could be if there are further sanctions. meaning that many on our questioning, whether the sanctions themselves or even doing their job will throw the conflict in ukraine. kiev has repeatedly accused russia of committing atrocities,
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but despite often being unable to verify the claims. western media outlets have been all too willing to run the stories. here's our senior corresponding morocco, steve. ukraine, without a doubt, has become a public relations superpower at designs. fashioned spreads narratives, information and disinformation in such volume and with such reach, that it is simply astounding. and less than governments and media which enabled us have become willing megaphones for this propaganda machine was shameless as it is, the dead boy is among dozens of alleged child rape victims, which include 210 year old boys triplets, age 9, a 2 year old girl raped by 2 russian soldiers and a 9 month old baby who was penetrated with a candlestick in front of its mother, according to ukraine's commissioner for human rights and don's pass journalists would ask questions like, did this really happen or is this as it appears?
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walpole baganda on steroids, but that's in times past these days, whatever you cry and says, you just reprint with an addendum, we can't check, verify, or confirm. any of ukraine's claims some way near the end. like the time that you can claim that russian troops booby trapped children's beds all like the claims that a ukrainian grandma down the russian drone with a jar of pickles or tomatoes, which made it to the front pages of once. reputable media outlets. the thing is with propaganda, as on the hinged and unquestioned as these while it card last. eventually people get tired of being treated like idiots and journalists to look, i respect those who take ukraine side in this war. they have a valid point of view which i happen not to share, but what i object to is the holy one sided nature of public opinion. here it is so
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bad that it is a positive disadvantage to know anything about the subject. unlike russia much as required to check and to proven to verify, thrice and using that, it says the brilliance of ukraine's propaganda machine is that it is shameless. it knows that whatever it says will get reprinted, it knows that it can get away with saying the most unlikely. and outlandish things . as irony here, ukraine lies to the west, which is only fair because the west lied to ukraine. in 2021, we kept reiterating that ukraine was going to join. we kept saying that so our diplomats are lying. yes. so yes, that's the real world guys come on, but you can read on your own when say mar diplomats, who lying all the time. yet the russians who trust them. when they are for assurances,
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we can only wonder what we will be in this mess. would this conflicts even have started if they hadn't lied, hadn't lied to russia about not expanding nato, hadn't lied to ukraine promising it membership. but they did. and somehow they must now make it all rushes fault, the media and the u. s. and generally speaking, the propaganda of the department of state is maybe the only thing more powerful than the weapons. the pentagon themselves have access to. we understand that in this country, the press is entirely owned by a small group of very wealthy individuals. and those people have connections to weapons firms, to the gas and oil industry. and all the people who really stand to game are from a longer and more intense war in ukraine. joe biden has written a piece on flooding or zalinski for time magazine,
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racing him as one of the most influential people of the year. the u. s. president say's his counterpart has left his mark on world history in presidents lensky. the people of ukraine have a leader worthy of their bravery and resilience as citizens across the country. shopkeepers and soldiers, tailors and truck drivers fight for their homes and their freedom. ukraine's parliament recently study the rough bill, which would have a large army officers to execute their soldiers if they refuse to follow orders or abandon their post. though it was proposed by an m p. from mister lindsey's political party and was later rejected as it led to an outcry inside the country, the idea came against a backdrop of a growing trend of ukrainian soldiers blaming for providing insufficient training and equipment. while geo political analyst john mark doogan said western media that would be unlikely to investigate that story as the mainstream. normative he
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believes, is largely aimed at white washing. kid mentary media is going to do whatever it can to, to protect the landscape, to produce that the bye didn't ministration. they are absolutely complicit in the crimes of what is been happening in ukraine. because you know what the, the media, they are supposed to be. watch dogs of government. ok. they are supposed to be the people that hold government accountable and they are absolutely not doing this very, very important role. there is absolutely nothing that has been real journalism about what the west is written about the war and ukraine. there's absolutely nothing, i mean i, i've been on 5 trips to ukraine to verify information for myself and on us, on none of those trips, if i ever met
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a western journalist because they don't want to come, they don't want the truth on a grip of dutch journalists and civil rights groups of joined forces to take the use decision to bon r t in the sputnik news agency to the european court. while they don't endorse either outlets content, the coalition say's such censorship is on democratic. we are not fans of r t and splitting it. but if government leaders can independently prohibit information, it affects the democratic constitutional state as a whole. we do not think it is up to europe and government leaders to determine what can and cannot be found on the internet. yeah, just to flesh out those remarks. the european union barred r t and sputnik and early march, citing the conflict in ukraine. i think that the ban would remain in effect until russia stopped conducting what it called disinformation against the u. as a result, all r t and sputnik broadcasts and even there are a conference on social media platforms are inaccessible within the block. before l
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. murphy and founder of geopolitical media projects, toriana analysis believes western states aren't interested in keeping their people freely informed. actually, it is very hard to tell whether this challenge would be successful or not the legal challenge, right? because the decision to ban rti and split think and other russian outlets came from the united states in order to block or control the cloth information into european continent. also in the united states and in canada. because the pins and the americans are finding a hard time nowadays to convince the people to abandon their welfare, their social welfare, for the sake of the, by the ministration and the military industrial complex in the united states. when we see that your political conflict in ukraine, if they let their people listen to both sides of the story, in increasing number of people will realize that this is not the black and white situation there. it's very important for them to keep their people informed,
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but informed about their narrative and not the ration right. they. because for the moment people are feeling the birds and the economic burden on their shoulders. and in order to, to sad this work for them, they have to tell them that every cent, every extra sense you pay for your meal, for your fuel, et cetera, you are helping ukrainians. where the fact is they are helping a fascist government. unfortunately in, in ukraine. ok, another trip to the world to part she is coming right up in seconds. they close, for example on her yesterday elsie's with with.


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