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tv   News  RT  May 24, 2022 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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ah ah, breaking news this our on our teeth at least 18 children have been killed in a mass shooting as an elementary school in texas. also i had it's obvious that women who used to live here some of them had children. and it's puzzling at best as to why they weren't allowed to surrender and to get their kids to safety earlier. or to expose the bunkers. the other dolls deal ponds where women fight to sheltered with children during the siege was the west of ukraine to fight to the end. one voice stands out and re, kissinger says ukraine should become a bridge between europe and russia. and industry leaders predict turbulence for businesses and thousands of lost jobs in the u as a result of
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a possible state round of sanctions that to be imposed by brussels on russia with 4 in the russian capital. mine is peter scott. welcome to 30 minutes of news here on our team to national. and we start off with breaking news coming out of the us state of texas, where at least 18 children have been killed in a mass shooting as an elementary school. it's believe officer responding to the incident, also shot and killed the suspects. identified as 18 year old salvador ramos. he entered the school with a 100 and possibly a rifle report to the shooting his own grandmother as well. who is currently in a critical condition will have full details on this later in the program. ah, russia is opening a humanitarian card or for foreign vessels from the ports of murder. you pulled this morning that's after the city's waters were cleared of mines. and de mining
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works are also in progress at the territory of the as of styles deal plans, which is now under full control of the joint, russian. and daniel forces after the final ukrainian soldiers that surrendered last week. those in dpr captivity will face trial, according to local officials, with the court proceedings being prepared at the moment. meanwhile, we continued to bring you details of what life in us of style was like during the siege without eager done of exploring the areas where women fighters for their children. this is the room where we found weapons, guns, equipment, well, armor, et cetera. and this bunker here used to show to women, look his. there are beauty products over here, over here as well. there's children's clothes, there's toys and more children's clothes. well, but down this room there are still more of their clothes hanging on the rope after
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they washed these big reserve. was they still have water in them and well, here's how they slept. for example, there's another little nook over there with beds more beds here, mattresses. it's obvious that women who used to live here some of them had children. and it's puzzling at best as to why they weren't allowed to surrender and to get their kids to safety earlier. but judging by the amount of well military paraphernalia that we found, they were no civilians. in fact, in the back of this room, there's a rocket launcher, so not only did they live here, they also fought here in while the world's richest and most powerful continue to discuss the fates of ukraine at the devil's economic forum. the dominating sentiments, the ukrainians must fight to the end. i am totally committed as one person to
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seeing you crane to the end with a when not basically resolving in some type of a treaty. i don't think that is where we are and where we should be. we are very happy to have them a fight. our fight, you can must win this war. however, this came in a sharp contrast to what prominence. u. s. foreign policy veteran hendrick henry kissinger has said, according to him, ukraine should become a neutral country, and this should be a goal for the west of exactly what rush has been demanding all along dealer who would be if you could do a bridge between a indeed, a neutral bridge would serve to bring russian europe into closer cooperation
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through an alliance that would also help the european union and russia. better compete against both beijing and washington. which could also help explain why the united states is constantly interfering in the country on the other side of the planet. to ensure that this bridge never gets built in calling for urgent piece in ukraine, kissinger could very well be drawn on his own professional experience and regrets. you see the terms of the vietnam war ceasefire, which kissinger negotiated on president nixon's behalf, could very well have been reached for years earlier, with tens of thousands more lives saved since the deal had ultimately changed very little within that time frame. so how does kissinger suggest revolving the territorial speech between russia and ukraine? a, b, i should say,
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to the status quo ante in this case means that control over crimea, who hans, and on that would be restored to russia. it's almost certainly not what the west and ukraine want to hear. but kissinger, as he always does, is speaking from the perspective of foreign policy realist seeking tangible results in favor of peace and not as the kind by dialogue that tends to dominate the western foreign policy establishment these days. under the pressing issue, discussed to art, davos is a possible end to globalization. the conflict and ukraine on western sanctions against russia have exacerbated the economic triples created by the go pandemic. and of incidence. how fragile the global economy potentially is for some speakers at the forum, the outlook is disastrous. but you go back to 2007, 2008 is arab spring. you look at the economic indicators,
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then you have 40 nations with political unrest, riots, protests. and today the conditions are actually worse. so look what you see in sri lanka, indonesia, peru, pakistan. i keep going on. that is only a sign of things to come and show over the next 10 to 12 months. we probably will have a significant, as we are having a pricing problem. one of the main consequences of the globalization is the decline of production prompting arise in food protection is an example. malaysia has recently announced that they would vanish, chicken, exposed to secure its own food supplies. then, you know, authorities have also puts an embargo on wheat on sugar exports. now this move was related to a shop rise in wheat prices, threatening food security in india and neighboring countries. let's go live now to director of geopolitical economy, research group radhika, dis i welcome to our international radhika. now india has put an embargo on its
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wheat on sugar exports. can you explain why this was necessary? well, i can answer it at 2 levels. a simple answer is because it will restrict you severely restrict the domestic supply, which is absolutely necessary in a country that still suffers from very high levels of nutrition. so there is a very, very, that's a simple answer. been beat on is that one has to remember that india has become relatively from in and as an exposure of food products only relatively recently. and i'm not sure this is necessarily a good idea because although india became sort of fairly important exporter of a number of commodities, b is one of them. sure is another cetera. this was happening at a time when levels of malnutrition in india remain extremely high. so it's interesting that it was under the president, right? thing, government, all these developments have taken place and as the consequence of the current shortages of food supply,
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even this government because food prices are so politically sensitive, has to restrict who supply has to restrict exports. and do you think that this restriction will be enough to avert a potential food crisis and tackle that's malnutrition issue in the country? well, it will help, but no, it is not necessarily going to solve the whole problem. the reason is that, of course, as you know, you're facing increasing climate uncertainty. it's not just that it's very hard. it's just that it is actually things are getting more unpredictable. and if you are a farmer, you know that the one thing you cannot go with is unpredictability. so i think that food production in india as in many of the places is already being affected. the 2nd thing is that for the last many decades, as in here has become more and more neo liberal. it has actually caused the great erosion in small the agriculture has. that is one of the key reasons why
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malnutrition has been please, because i used to be a very large number of people who are basically able to produce what they consume, not if you basically undermine their production, they become dependent on food that is walk in the market and that means a relatively smaller number of farmers with bigger firms. we're producing more and more, but net production is affected all these people who are dependent on buying food and therefore buying food cheaply because they're exceedingly exceedingly poor. these people are going to suffer and that will, is what they constitute. the food guys has been india. india is already even before 2022. india was already at the bottom of the leak in the absolute bottom, but very near the bottom of the resume of food security, the adequacy of food provision in india. so this is a at one level, whereas the u. s. and other countries are criticizing india. in fact,
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you should be praising in the fact that you should have done this a long time ago. it could have never become a big player in the export market. not on its own population was well ok, and moving on now. reduce the over to russian on the west, us obviously accused russia of waging a food war would you re with that's given the current situation? well, no, as, as, as i, as in my view, basically what you have to realize is the rest that is waging a war against russia in which ukraine is the proxy. as so many people have said, the u. s. wants to fight russia to the last ukrainian is the u. s. is war. the u. s . is waging this war, unmindful of the consequences for its own population, which is already suffering from increases in prices, a few will and, and food. and these are politically sensitive, price rises, which means the president biden, whatever he's thinking,
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he should be actually even be keeping in mind the midterm elections coming in november. so it's going to affect him by the we hear from a rich country like the u. p. that a very high proportion of the population is beginning to have to decide between eating and eating. and this is a very serious thing to say about a relatively rich country. and of course, a made all this people are completely forgetting about. so many countries referred was that neo liberal policies have made reliant on food imports and they are going to take the brunt of all of this. and i think really what's or for is for all countries to sit down and manage food supply in some equitable fashion. but given the way the united states are going, i don't see it happening. i will have to wait and see how that situation plays out or they can decide director of geopolitical economy research group. thank you very much for your insights today. thank you. ok. now let's return through the
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breaking news from texas where 18 children had been killed at the mass shooting. it's an elementary school in texas governor called the incident a heretic. tragedy. want to tell you that that would happen in you valley busy, horrific tragedy that cannot be tolerated in the state of texas. and there is swift action being taken by local law enforcement as well as the texas department of public safety. let's cross live over to the us now and speech our correspondent that caleb more pin. caleb, can you bring us up to speed on the very latest? one more. do we know about this tragic shooting? sure. 18 children dead as well as one adults for what we understand. the shooter who is i, dana 5 as an 18 year old male. you stock his own grandmother who's now in critical condition. you then from there went to a nearby elementary school. he began firing and as a result the body count has been rising and we have seen
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a number of elementary age school children killed at the hands of this shooter. he will then killed by law enforcement according to the reports. quite a shocking incident. this took place in south texas and the whole community is in shock. a local recreational center has been turned into a place where surviving children can meet up with their relatives. in addition to that, we've heard reports of making sure that medical services are available. the lack of local hospitals in trauma centers to deal with gunshot wounds has been a bit of a concern. all kinds of law enforcement are on the scene at this point. now it's not clear if the shooter was fleeing from police after shooting his grandmother and then happened to go to the school randomly. or if he had intended to attack the school from the beginning. that is not clear. you've already grown parallel to the and from it's sandy hook shooting. that happened where the shooter, you know, had
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a similar thing where he shot a relative and then went to a school that was plan. we don't know if this shooter had planned to attack the school from the beginning, or if he did it in the heat of the moment leading from law enforcement, those details will be revealed. so, and it's important to note that this is the 212 man shooting that has taken place in the united states so far in the year of 2020 to 212 mass shooting incidents in the country so far this year. and that's, that's worth noting, and it's only at this point is only may. so at this point, many people are looking on and reflecting about how u. s. society seems to be prone to these kinds of incidents. mass shootings are happening, left and right. the country is still recovering from the horrendous incident that happened in buffalo last weekend, whereas a shooter went into a grocery store and opened fire. that was a shooter who apparently was inspired by white supremacist. so,
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you know what inspired this shooter, what his motivations may have been that will soon be revealed. he is now dead, killed at the hands of law enforcement after taking the lives of 18 children and quite a horrendous incident. the whole country isn't morning we're expecting to hear remarks from president joe biden. quite heretic incident on some horrific statistics. thank you very much for being late latest, caleb, i'm sure i trust you bring us up to date with more information us. and when you get to that, i'll teach corresponding caleb and reports in life in new york. thank you. let's get some more reaction to all this across live. now the civil rights attorney, robert spencer. robert, thank you very much for joining us. so you have to know the must shooting in the us some road to hearing the words of condemnation on prayers for the dead. but is anything going to change to stop instance like this from happening again? no, no, nothing's been changed. nothing at all. we have an entrenched gun culture here and
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actually it's america. there are more guns and there are people, there are some 400000000 guns in this country from what i understand. the shooter on his 18th birthday and he was able to walk into a gun store within a couple minutes by too high capacity a r fifteens as well as body armor that were using these killings. it was the pivotal that was used on these killing the gun lobbyist in this country have so much money, so much access. they have bought and sold the entirety of the republican party. unfortunately, i was at a point even the most common sense gun control laws. can we get to a boat, let alone pass there? there has been a suggestion since so many of the shooters are 18 years old or younger, to raise the a to buy a firearm to 21. that seems pretty reasonable to the majority of american people. and we need to be $21.00 to buy beer. be $21.00 to buy a gun. can't get a vote on it. there have been points been suggest to have mental health and mental background checks for individual sort of you do have
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a mental health issue. maybe we shouldn't give you a dangerous weapon. can't get a vote on it, so nothing will change as a result of the shooting. and we'll be right back here in a couple weeks when the next shooting and this ongoing catastrophe in america. what about stopping such crimes as the hopping? obviously this is far from far from the 1st case, but the schools do have armed guards a lot of the time, but the security policy doesn't seem to be working either, does it? well the, the issue was we're seeing these shooters now become more sophisticated and the buffalo shooting, for example, the individual had a catalog, technical helmet on and well as level $38.00 plus body armor on front and back. so what he was shot by security guard at the grocery store did nothing because he had military grey body armor on this case. additionally, this individual from what he was wearing body armor. so even there were people there who could try to shoot him from the farm him. you're basically out gun to that point in time because unless you're using arm or penetrating bullet out of a,
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a rifle. so you're not that we felt somebody level 3 a full body armor, so you can't simply do a arms race with the killers because the killers one with when you always be in a reaction or inflate the crime do seem to happen often. and especially with teenagers, what do you think the motivation could have been here? i know of it is a very fluid situation. what do you think drives these young men to do such horrendous things? log like we've seen for years and they've been bit of everything motivating them. the buffalo shooter was motivated by what supremacy. some are saying that the shooter here in texas was a member of the l. g. b t q, community. and they believe that that may have been an issue family issues related to that. i think for each and every single one of these shootings are always going to be different reason. we can't change the hearts and minds of individuals, or what we can do is change the laws. so the people who are, are too young to have access to the weapons who are not a mental state to be able to have access to the weapons. criminal background, for example, shouldn't have access to these weapon. for right now,
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you can simply walk into a store, you have the money by a kevlar helmet, body, armor, tactical gear, and rifles and pistols walk right out of the shopping cart all within 30 minutes. after we're back after a short background check. and i think that is what we call the so many things that happen in america. certainly quite a good shift card, divisive issue isn't in the us, but we see tragedy like this time. and again what, what do you think the answer to gun ownership? i mean, it seems like it would be too late to, to impose restrictions on people owning guns like that. well, i'm, i'm a gun owner. i'm probably a dozen done. i'm a big fan of the 2nd amendment. but what the 2nd amendment says is that you do have a well regulated militia. we are not regulating individuals at all by think it will be completely reasonable to have to have a gun training and safety class before purchasing a firearm. they do that before you can drive a car,
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you don't do that in america. i think it's completely reasonable to say that maybe we should not give these things to people who are under the age of 18 or mentally ill. have a criminal background who are, who would make threats against individual treat the same import into reference that you would anything else that can potentially in the life of another individual. but right now we can, we get to that point of getting to know the basic steps before we can get to the also set this up just before we came on a president biden obviously did address the nation. and we bring that 12 years later robert phill, i'm afraid we got to leave it the civil rights attorney. thank you very much for insights today. thank you. you are the us and south east asian countries have signed an economic agreement at the conclusion of the quote so many of the in the pacific economic framework. it's essentially aimed at counting growing chinese influence in asia. the plan will set international rules on the digital economy and supply chains among other issues, thinking on the agreement for them by the instead the writing,
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the new rules for the 21st century economy that will help the economies grow faster and bearer. earlier, my colleague niels spoke to ortiz, will depart, hosts on a boy called about the developments. the biden administration is pretty clear that they, they see this initiative as a sort of an alternative to china's belden road initiative. but the big difference is that the americans are only talking about values, primarily geopolitical values, present binding, specifically said that, you know, he wanted to unite countries, share our values in order to oppose government, but don't share our bellies. but the way difference from the chinese in initiative is that the chinese, usually a very practical when it comes to the benefits they come with credit, they come with real resources. they do projects that actually benefit people's life . and whether or not it benefits china, your political agenda, of course it does. but it also offer something to people on the ground. there is
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some element of the win win. whereas what this new group thing that americans are suggesting is going to bring is an open question. it's like, you know it's, it's all very abstract at this point. india pierre moody, standing up as he has done for quite some time thing. we're not taking sides, it's indian interest 1st in terms of mutually beneficial cooperation. therefore, between the u. s. and these countries, it's not going to, you know, combat against the test of time isn't going to last up because that's a big divide at the moment. it depends on how the americans will proceed. and the problem with the american approach is that they always put that interest 1st and never consider the interest, so not only their enemies, but even that the allies. and as the abstract, as these framework seems to be again, to bite in the ministration stresses that it needs to bring huge benefits to the american families,
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to the american businesses. in many observers in the region for the fact that it is primarily designed to make the american goods in the region more competitive. because it's hard for the american producers to get into the asian markets because of the high value of the years solar. but again, this agreement doesn't offer anything concrete to those countries who doesn't offer any privileged access market. it's not a free trade agreement. and finally, thousands of jobs last and major jolt for european factories. us the worry of industry leaders in the precious stone and ca, production business all day thing with little to no consequences for moscow. this is the you leaders prepare 6 round of sanctions on russia targeting fossil fuels. ortiz, europe, correspondence shall davinsky picks up the story. when he sold the surgeon house sold energy prices was bad enough and then to add on to that the increasing basic goods. then you may want to walk away from your screen right now because the
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warnings coming from certain industries about the future of the european economy. if the block continues with its sanctions against russia is pretty devastating. this will start off with, with the car industries with manufacturers such as b, m, w, and also volkswagen. suggesting that further sanctions could see the entire industry grind to a halt. are industry accounts for around 37 percent of german natural gas consumption, not just b. m w, but the entire sector would come to a standstill. i think we should do the utmost to really stop this war and get back to negotiations and get back to trying to open up the world again. well, it could be time to slap up a call before those production holes, but it's not just that warning from the car industry. we're also hearing a pretty similar warning coming from the diamond industry. now at the moment there are new sanctions against russian diamonds being imported,
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but sanctions that have been imposed by the u. s. a said to cause a problem already in the supply will white so much so that the heart of the diamond industry here in europe in am to up in belgium is suggesting that they could be wide by bankruptcy and major job losses. and all experts say, for new reason, by banning russian stones, we would only be cutting our own flesh. it would cost $10000.00 jobs in one fell swoop, and it won't hurt the russians. they would just fly their stones to do by that despite is pussy in quite a warning. so different industries, it seems as the e wants to do a full steam ahead with further sanctions. it already saying look, set to approve a sick set of sanctions. hopefully in the next few days, ursula on the land, the commission president saying that putin has lost his best client in europe. if
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we would completely cut immediately as of today of the oil. he might be able to take the oil that he does not sell to the european union to the world market, where the prices will increase and sell it for more. now throughout the war and ukraine, as the new has been announcing new sanction package, often new sanction package. it has said one thing pretty consistently that the packages of sanctions must harm the russian economy more than they calm the economies here in europe at the moment that doesn't appear to be the case with the russian economy being far more robust than expected. however, karen, europe, many people are really feeling the price squeeze. and of course, we're now getting those warnings from many industries about the devastating impact that could be if there are further sanctions. meaning that many are now questioning whether the sanctions themselves are even doing their job. that's how the world is looking at 4 30 am moscow time on. is peter scott on the bucket with more about
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half an hour's time. thank you lou. ah, well, the west maintains is anti russian rhetoric and backed up with ever more sanctions . the position of official kid is not so clear when addressing the davos crowd ukraine's uminski called for negotiations. one of his chief negotiators refuted this. so where does he have stand? with ah
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mm mm mm mm. learning welcome to will to part india and pakistan and russia and ukraine at 1st glance that since these 2 pair countries have little in common, but it scratched me the surface and they're actually quite a few parallels. both do us used to be part of the larger whole both have lots of cultural similarities and both now find themselves in conflict that have to a reconciliation be also somewhat similar to discuss that i'm now joined by mohammed a charge of that director general of pakistan house in islam of on base think. it's great to talk to you great to see you here in russia, even though judging by the recent experience of pakistani,
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think are traveling to moscow or to russia may not be such a good omen for your career. i'm talking about a former prime minister making a visit to russia and then losing his position in power, which he blamed on the western meddling of a sort of punishment for reaching out to russia. do you think that he is departure from office? has anything to do with his jubilant offence? yes. well thank you very much. really appreciate to you inviting me for this exclusive interview. i think my carrier because i am a private person and had of a think tank. so actually it, i don't think so. it will be affected and in flash i, we can see that it's a relative to but i, i would say 40 non con, actually i think here he, he was, he is one of.


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