tv News RT May 26, 2022 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT
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one ah ah haughty visits a city in done yet is taken over by russian forces with little resistance from ukrainian troops. withal, correspondence investigates in an apartment used to targets russian soldiers. there were some present ways in on the reasons behind europe on america's spiraling economic crisis would have switcheroo hook, a few of stealing other people's assets is never brought any one any good. the solomon islands find themselves thrust into its sort of war between china and western allies as both sides. bye for influence over the pacific region and dots he gets access to a region in molly,
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torn between confrontations with terrorist groups, boxed by al qaeda with july, from our headquarters here in the russian capsule, you're watching ought see monies pita scots and here the top stores of 5 am moscow time. now itself key of advisor has conceded the last of the major ukranian stronghold in don boss, the city of lehman in danielle. when you put it in, i'm done. according to unverified data, we have lost the city of lima. this is the russian army, it needs to be checked, has taken it under control that at the same time, over the way it was taken, shows that there were very talented commanders there who organized the operation correctly. and this shows, in principle, the increased operational management and tactical skill of the russian army. lemon located in the northern done nets region has reportedly been taken over by russian forces, with ukrainian troops withdrawing to the south west of the region. now several
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videos were posted on line with russian troops, declaring lehman is ours. russian forces 1st enter the city back in may. the 23rd and of the city in danielle cold settler dusk was also taken by russian forces. however, with no resistance funky of troops, we got reaction to the current situation from some locals ship to it's better that you're here. it's already wonderful. for 8 years constant shelling was allowed. shootings happened near the school and they were shooting. thank you for coming. not only i am grateful, there are more than 90 percent of such people here. i believe this. i am so happy i could cry. honestly. will you leave us? no, of course not. no, no, don't abandon us. it's quieter for now. it seems everything calm down, but let's hope that it will be even calmer when the front shifts a little further further away to carcass. when. meanwhile, ortiz egotist done a visit to the city and exploit apartments, which had been used to target's russian soldiers. this place is where ukraine's
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artillery spots is, was stationed. traditionally they've set up their base, set up their camp on the top floor of an apartment building. this is a flat and this building is home to dozens of families who have been living and are still here right now. so they have a small kitchen over there. the other it is then the ukrainian flags and something resembling letters from home that used to be on the wool. this is what you have here. and if we move down this corridor we get in there . well layer. this is where they've slept, a makeshift well bunk bed. and here on this little balcony of ukrainian spotters used to oversee the russian and the pupils, people's militia positions here they, they, they have a good degree of comfort here. this is where their equipment was,
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as they were watching the well, our positions watching russian positions and well making corrections to their own artillery fire. and here's another interesting find in the room over here on the wall. it's their notes apart from the wifi password. there's also a code what each color of the signal rocket means, like, for example, it's as green means the offensive red means retreat. and here is the list of their enemies. you know, people's militia, they know their code names and they know which weapon every unit normal uses. like for example, here it says, don bass, someone's code name, a 120 millimeter mortar. the u. s. is reported to be plenty yet another weapons aid package for ukraine. but some americans in our question, the policy of freely arming one country while talking of weapon weapon controls at home for me, the latest mass shooting this time at the school in texas,
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president biden insists on the need for con restrictions. as a nation, we have to ask, when in god's name we're going to stand up to the gun lobby. when in god's name we do, we all know our gut needs to be done and don't tell me. we can't have an impact on his carnage. what are we doing? what are we doing? our kids are living in fear every single time they set foot in the classroom because i think they're going to be next. what are we doing? weird how all the ukraine flag people are calling for gun control when they just cried that america needs to send more arms to ukraine. do bad. they don't want to spend $40000000000.00 on school security or the mental health crisis in america. y'all raise hell about how we need to send $40000000000.00 to the ukraine for them to buy guns to protect themselves. but you think gun free zones are the answer in
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america make it makes sense. debates of arms control is home comes as washington has in the last minute package about $40000000000.00 of miniature aids ukraine with us as the bite and administration admits it cannot fully account for where those arms and up in the 1st weeks of rushes, offensive care was feely, distributing firearms among civilians. while the crating defense ministry says the country's authorities ought to adopt a law that would officially legalize a firearm trafficking for civilians we got to take on that of the presence of the mac. a 1st foundation nicholas chief wen says, we know that ukraine has been used as a puppet, stayed for the cia and for the american region for decades. and now just like syria, just like iraq just like ghana, stan, this is another one of these fail projects by the us national security apparatus where we've introduced lots of money, lots of gone lots of corruption and who knows what the effect that that will have on the european continent over the next several generations. this is generating
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a massive refugee crisis of ukrainians pouring across the borders, not just into russia, but into western europe. and with all of these on traceable american arms. but there's no accountability, no transparency about who theirs are going to and where they're going to end up. so i think like you coin why to pointed out, there's quite a bit of policy where the united states is one of the number one aren't ex borders in the world, arming al qaeda, isis, neo, nazis and ukraine. but when we see a mass shooting at home and they want to restrict the guidance queen is calling for your more money and weapons, claiming all the support is received so far is not enough. the us has been the last few months signing off on one historic aid package, b crane after another, with many of the allies doing the same to show their support. but you crania, and officials are saying that all of that money and all of those weapons just aren't enough. and they're calling for the west to do even more. she would even
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just, it still takes time to discourage them from this ship. we still need the help of partners, especially weapons for ukraine. total help, no exceptions, no restrictions but enough to win. those require haven't just been made and recorded addresses, but also in public speeches given by ukrainian officials to world leaders, including this week at the world economic forum, davos summit, was not listening. we are on the european continent and we need the support of the united europe. and while those european leaders have also spoken out of this, i met and insisted that they are showing their support. ukraine continues to ask for more. civilized countries must be united with ukraine, not with their words but with their deeds. so when will it be enough in just 5 months? the western pledge around 68000000 dollars in age ukraine, according to some estimates that's on top of the support. the west has been providing for ukraine's in the us supported qu, back in 2014. while ukraine does have anti corruption officials. they admit they
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have been forced to stop reporting on the countries practices after the government and pose martial law. earlier this year. i'm not saying there is no corruption in this uncertain situation. i'm sure there are people who want to profit from government procurement processes. so where is all of the money to put it in the context? the a is then to all of the developing countries in the world in 2021 was 179000000000 dollars. so who was profiting from all of the funds that you crane? now in comparison, the u. s. and the you can buying have been less than $5500000000.00 on a, for yemen in the last 7 years. despite the fact that the, like in the country pose is the largest humanitarian crisis in the world. which weapons industries in the west have profited heavily from many countries around the world have been quick to call out the double standards. the west is now applying to ukraine, as it remains to be seen just how much more they will give. and if it will ever be
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considered enough in washington, rachel evans artsy. let's go live now to professor of economics and politics at st . mary's college of california. talk to jack ross, miss dodge, jack, thank you very much for doing this here or not. see, now, present zalinski has once again asked for more help from other countries, considering how much has already come his way. are you surprised by this and how sustainable do you think it is? well, you know, they've already dispersed about 54000000000, and he so lensky has that he needs 7000000000 a month more show up for the rest of the year. it's going to put us well over a 100000000000. the usaa budget for next year starting october, has allocated 85000000000 more for the pentagon, but i think this is not going to last too much longer. we already see some cracks in the resolve within the lead cindy us, whether this is really worth it, especially as it defeats come on the field here in your trade, mary,
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pulling out the dom bass. it looks like, you know, the, the willingness to just keep shoveling money is not going to continue. i think beandee at rest of the year. especially if you get a change in congress, which is almost guaranteed come in november. and then, you know, you won't have the democrats controlling the house and therefore the purse strings and i think by the end of the year is going to be some serious re looking at their what's going on in terms of the money i am leaving. come earlier than that, if there are some notable defeats on the ground in, in the ukraine. do you think that might lead to a shift in policy and a push for a more diplomatic solution to the conflict in ukraine? yeah, you can already see a ruling class as spokespersons are beginning to break the silence on that. you know, the usaa, it leaps in the economic and lease have a really made
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a lot of money out of this already. you know, the drive in russia or western europe, not just gas and an energy button just about everything else. that's their goal. they were pretty much a high, radically stolen $300000000.00 in liquid assets and they're gone after other assets . a lot of money has already been made while companies and so forth. and i think a big wing of the capitalist in the u. s. say, hey, you know, we did quite well. is it really worth going further with this? and i, i believe that interest the segment is going to have a bigger voice here about continuing this thing on the ground. now that they've got the money and they want to run, i think that will have an influence on the political strategy. and you know, penny, do you think that the increase in supply of weapons on financial aid to ukraine will help end the conflict? or is it just simply prolonging it?
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no, it will prolong the conflict, no doubt. and right now i think the u. s. policy is what i called brzezinski 2 point. oh, they want to keep the fight going there. and they, their objective is to debilitate russia militarily and economically. if they can, they don't want to resolution right away. it's in their interest to keep it going financially, economically and geopolitically. so i don't think they want to end this thing diplomatically at this point, unless the traits on the ground becomes so significant. and then, as i said, they're going to say, well, you know, let's agree to divide the country. and obviously there are billions of dollars with weapons being pumped into ukraine for that war efforts against russia. do you think the u. s. a. nato, a consent where these weapons may end up when the conflict is over. now, right now, i think, you know, they're concerned as are they, they've got to do everything to keep the thing going and maybe victory here,
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or there, they need a victory somewhere. and i haven't seen any, i don't think they're that concerned about where these weapons may end up, but of course they will end up in places where they shouldn't. but right now i don't think that's on their right. ours. number one objective. ok, well dot said jack ross missed professor of economics on politics at st. mary's college of california. thank you very much for your insight today on those supply weapons and financial aid to ukraine. my pleasure. now in a speech the eurasian economic forum, vladimir putin has reiterated his commitment to developing economic cooperation between the raising countries. and he dismissed western sanctions as quotes useless and damaging to those who pursue those policies. noah, did you miss so? the same is a plea of to me though she want to use sanctions and restrictions in order to contain and we can independent countries. and i'm not just speaking of russia and china, there are more and more countries all over the world who want to have independent policy. there is no world policeman who can stop this natural global process. they
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won't have enough strength and desire will disappear when they will face the problems within their own countries. they'll realize that it's absolutely hopeless stealing other people's assets is never brought anyone any good on the country. those who seek to do so harm themselves and no matter how resistant the economy is that the countries that pursue this policy, the current state of the world's economy, shows that opposition is current and justified. developed economies haven't seen such inflation in the last 40 years. an employment is rising productions change a braking global crisis is intensified. so there were some presidents has also stressed the importance of increasing the proportion of national currencies used between nations instead of the u. s. dollar. u asian economic forum focuses on developing cooperation between countries in the region, as well as expanding their ties with other partners and economic blocks. more than $2500.00 people from around the world attended the events, including the presidents of 5 countries of the region, economic community, politics and international studies professor pac nong wong,
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says the international legal order has been undermined by the u. s. the ministry of defense of chinese, the has been consistently criticizing the united states of exploiting international role for her own fantasia and come up with some interpretations that eighty's or to the chinese point of view is twisting and miss interpreting the the actual meaning of the international law, i think because we're living in the we will, is world in the reading and interpretation. and then how to exploit international law. indeed is, has been in eyes by different countries in the world and soul, what the chinese is saying. he's the international legal olga. it looks he's has been on the mind by the united states, and therefore there's effort to trying to reinvigorate or to repay it
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so that the united states will not be able to act above the law. the war in ukraine is making the will even more multi polarize. i think the situation in the u. s. domestic politics, you know, looking for mr. biden. over to new zealand now, which is declared, it will extend its military deployments in the south pacific, solomon islands, until at least may next year, as it may concerns among western allies about china is growing presence in the region the pacific as a priority area for defense which is why it is important that new zealand defense, 4th personnel continue to operate and support the royal solomon islands. police force to maintain peace and stability through community engagement in decision comes as the chinese foreign minister trouble to the solomon islands as part of a thought of nations disco funds, the beijing draft agreement with 10 pacific states. the job to that's being shown is designed to expand its corporation with countries in the region. the wide
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ranging draft agreements include the package of millions of dollars of money to aid from beijing, access to china, lucrative markets of nearly $1.00 and a half 1000000000 people in a free trade agreement, and great to political and military corporation between the world's most populous nation. and the pacific states, former associate minister of foreign affairs of new zealand ma robson believed to deal with beijing, could prove beneficial for the region by joining in this play of the united states threatening the solomon. so they cannot take a sovereign decision. we're playing a role of an imperialist countries and the military role is growing as we're now a cooperating member of the nuclear nato in, in violation of the, of the policies that have been taken to make us nuclear weapons free and friendly to all countries in the world, that's what's causing the instability. i believe the many of the states the pacific
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them this number of very small island states would look favorably on that agreement with china, which was one that was freely entered into and had benefits for them. perhaps economically. and even put their security needs. the problem is that the pacific and the to the asian reason, of course was colonized was him. part of the imperialist empires. and enormous pressure is going on. these states upon the united states in particular, which is an encouragement on their sovereignty and a return to the bad old days of the colonial empires. so it's not a very promising situation for peace and stability in our region. the instability is being caused not by china, but by the hostility to china. in response to china's proposal,
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australia has said it's foreign minister to the new fiji and attempt to improve ties between the 2 countries and australian prime minister claims more needs to be done in response to what he says is basically attempt to encroach on the pacific. joan, we need to to respond to this, because this is china seeking to increase its importance in the region of the world where strongly it has been the security partner of choice. since the 2nd world war stria dropped the ball. we can afford to do that. we need to rein guides with the region they sovereign nations. of course, we need to respect that, but we need to be offering more support. and otherwise we can see the consequences. with the deal that was done with the solomons, we know that china seas said as the 1st of many, which is a context of the foreign ministers base to the region. a straight in the pop again
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to is even more hysterical held day of the solomon islands. take an independent decision. it's almost unbelievable, but we are acting in this way. and it's one of the, hopefully the new zealand people and the trade in people who actually one piece in the region will see you through and demand of their governments. stop this imperialist behavior. australian government has the challenge to say, are we going to continue to be tied to a dangerous l i. we should ask them to take their basis military bases out of australia. and we should have respectful and normal relations with china, with russia, with other countries and preserve our independence. many, many other people now who are waking up to the fact that new zealand and australia a being used in a ruinous game to recreate the cold war in the interest of the united states. and thought this most faithful, loyal servant, the united kingdom. ah, no,
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it's molly where the army claims is neutralized or on 15 suspected terrorists and taken prisoners in the bonding gara and from book to regions. while he had seen the 3 miniature cruise, 2012, the latest was just one year ago. the physical upheaval came about as the result of the arab spring, which dropped the country into endless civil war. as the moderates, muslim nation fight so called you how to support as of a radical branch of the religion, backed by local al qaeda service ortiz, antoine clara reports from the ground, one of the mac, who we are driving from the mca to tim book to on a particularly dangerous stretch of road, sometimes terrorists attack civilian bust. his head over with the malia army is escorting us to our destination. due to security concerns. we are safe with them on fall from the series dangerous. sometimes they've been shooting moving cars a month ago, a text the driver was killed or the letter of it us sick in addition to the
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security threat posed by that you had us. there is also the religious aspect, the serial law, which they are trying to impose wherever they are. but we're 40 now people suffer when they're asked to wear a bale, it is hard for them. they're not used to doing it and would practice islam. but moderate islam on the she, symbolic of it, is not so much about religious beliefs. is the law of easy money combined with a lack of education and prospects that allows you how this to recruit the population to barracka was you have never been to school. what job can you have in difficult situations when you have nothing to leave on $150.00 for you? something where manny have been deceived in this way in poverty, the situation in which they leave induce them to agree to this adventure. ah ah tech so jenny, we had to gender,
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amalia and city state in history and on the constant threat from jadis. the road here is especially dangerous because terrorists regularly line it with might as a result, the only reliable way to get that is by helicopter. thank you, little bit jimmy. they want to cut off janet from the rest of the re supplying villages and demand that the residents go to areas where the jihadists have more support than in general, which has a zone that opposes these so called jihadist movements. in reality, they are armed terrorists to terrorize the population in jenny's level. the gen a mosque is one of the symbols that a country listed as a unesco world heritage site will gender you how to 2nd various groups present in the region and associated with the local bunch of al qaeda seats. take possession of this symbol is a critical component moodily. the molly military is escorting us and gives us a few minutes to approach the mosque and even enter it. we were told that we should not stay too long in one place, so as not to attract attention. according to them you had a sa hiding among the population of buddhist. you formerly drove occlusal,
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in addition to the symbolic meaning that the capture of janet has for terrorist. such an event will lead to great difficulties and communication between north and south. that is why the malia military's closely monitoring the strategically important point. unders of locals in the northern french city of leal have signed a petition sent to the mayor on the french president, the money coats a soaring utility bills for social housing. so yellow, the charges have really increased in the last few years, whether it's water or electricity before the war in ukraine. i think that the war in ukraine is rather one for all. what did it cost? i think that today it costs the same for mac crohn as during cove. it, that's what our country is like now, just leave it on that for me. i think that the charges have increased because the state takes advantage of problems in ukraine to increase the charges. because for me, ukraine as an excuse for me, my crohn found this excuse,
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and it's asked the french who pay. it's a bad excuse. well, can i get your sense if my charges have increased by about a 100 heroes a month, including water, gas, and electricity, that makes my budget more substantial? you know, the charges for gas, electricity, water, everything has gone up between 30 and 40 percent. and the impact is that i will now have to work more to pay for it or cut back completely. so i don't pay much of runs like many other countries is dealing with the challenging economic picture with consumers experiencing rising prices for energy and essential goods. in response, some regions have started issuing food stamps for poor households. political and social commentator nicholas markovich believes that france was not prepared for this crisis. now, some are choosing stored in ukraine and it is a fact that invitation, for example, to read is more and more complicated. so francis morris, more or less painted itself in a corner, a concerning, for example, food and france used to be one of your major agricultural countries. and it's now
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only, it's self sufficient up to 60 percent. and it's getting quite complicated because inflation is soaring. unemployment for the 1st time in over a year is, is growing up again, and french have to face expensive prices, energy costs, of course, and food. if you take oil and fats have risen 50 percent recently. flower 30 percent past the 20 percent. so these are important meals for a lot of french people. and trap is really having a hard time coping with this. so some cities and even the french government is moving the idea of distributing food vouchers to the poor. people who just can't make ends meet and have a hard time feeding themselves. tramps is not prepared. traps did not see these crisis coming trans thought that agriculture would be managed by the 3rd world countries or other countries which would produce a cheaper that france could become focused on the on services. and this is, i think, one of the big, big major problems of france, it said you're buying up today with all the latest from around the world. do feel
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free to website for more stories, monies be to scott on the back again in just over 30 minutes time, things to watch in awe. a reason is munoz cartagena if you speak russian. keep your voice down while out and about about a quarter. don't put your human symbols on display a guy, so you guys don't talk to strangers. i avoid noisy gatherings and rallies a marsh. we've eaten your
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colleagues and perhaps also your friends think you're guilty because you'll, russian a allowed to with being a specific social consignment. mm. oh, when i was showing wrong, when i just don't hold any, you have to figure out the thing becomes an advocate, an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. ah,
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ah hello and welcome to cross hawk where all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle, the drive to sanction russia in any one who does business with russia is wrecking havoc on the global economy. the goal is to punish russia so far the russian economy remain stable. this cannot be said for other economies around the world. in fact, those who sanction are feeling enormous pain and suffering. ah cross sucking sanctions. i'm joined by my guess, michael hudson in new york. he is a professor of economics at the university, missouri, kansas city as well as author of.
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