tv Cross Talk RT May 27, 2022 9:30am-10:01am EDT
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the compensation goes to china and secondly, by the u. s. on ours or other countries that do not want to excite between china and united states that don't need a new cold war. so the message of the speech about, you know, the, to the new cold war for the be, i think the private a company. so the u. s. they are not follow the comment. so coat, competition, studies, competition with china. they have the own concentration. most recent that also invest in shanghai, another half a 1000000 her new with american. so any quality on you because of the economy and it and also so, so called to the west to be so weak allows we've been speaking about on the program
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hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle, the drive to sanction russia in any one who does business with russia is wrecking havoc on the global economy. the goal is to punish russia so far the russian economy remain stable. this cannot be said for other economies around the world. in fact, those who sanction are feeling enormous pain and suffering. ah cross sucking sanctions. i'm joined by my guess, michael hudson in new york. he is a professor of economics at the university, missouri, kansas city, as well as author of forgive them their debts. in las vegas, we have taught horowitz, he is the chief market strategist at bobbie trading. and in london, we cross into a ewing. he is a managing director of concord risk capital or a gentleman cross sack rules and effect. that means he can jump in any time he want . and i always appreciate, let me go to michael 1st thing in new york here in the conflict started about 3
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months ago. and one of the things that i've been fascinated with michael is the ricochet effect of all of these sanctions. i mean, every single day there's another layer, another unexpected consequence. and it, there seems to be no reverse of this for the time being. as matter fact on the west wants to double down. as i'm aware, todd is in las vegas may experience a brown outs. i read this morning that france is handing out food stamps. um, but you know, doubling downs. got to work somehow. i guess go ahead michael. well, one of the problems of trying to be a futurist is you always assume that countries are going to act in their own self interest. and that's not what's happening now, the european countries, and i shouldn't say countries, the european politicians have been back by so much american meddling in europe selections for the last few years. they've had their whole future to the back in
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the united states. and they really feel that because the united states is sort of running the world, they are representing us interest more than european interest. and the question is now that oil prices are going up, now that all of a sudden europe is essentially being we just out of its chemical industry. it's fertilizer industry, it's a car industry. and at what point are they going to make a radical change? it can be done under the current social democrats and the christian democrats and the other politicians there. it's an inherently unstable situation, but it looks like you're going to be squeezed and squeezed by and in a way that's the effect of the nato war against russia. it's really more and more of the united states locking in control over europe and japan is satellites. and
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by locking it in, it's made a kind of a berlin wall, not keeping russia and out, but keeping its own allies, nato allies and dependencies and satellites in their own expense to depend on american oil, american gas, and basically american exports. and that's why the year was going down, the n is going down toward the british of sterling, they're both going down to a dollar per year or dollar sir sterling and, ah, the american dollars soaring against the satellites. and you, you can just see where this is leading, yell todd, i mean id for it. when, when speaking of europe, a mean their productivity is going to, it's going to crash. i mean, if you don't have a stable energy relations and, you know, you know, getting off of russian oil and gas. okay. well, you go ahead do your best, but i mean, i don't think anybody voted for it. your consumer certainly aren't happy with it.
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here. i mean, the interesting thing for me is that there's a lot of virtue signaling, but there's not much serious thinking here. i mean, like maybe end the conflict in ukraine. it maybe i get ahead of myself. you know what europe is doing is self inflicted. what the west is doing is self inflicted go, had taught in las vegas. mom. i agree, a 100 percent. i mean, you know, listen, we just heard about talking about oil. you know, the united states stop drooling oil on the, on the flip of a coin. and immediately after president biden took office, we were no longer a net export. in fact, we can even get it, which is why inflation is going to pluto in united states of america and around the world. but again, you, you hear about the currencies, what's going on? the currencies or fraudulent current thing to begin with, the fayette currency system is for central banks around the globe, basically stealing money or giving us taxation without representation, no matter where you live. yes, the dollars, much stronger against the other currency. however,
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the dollar doesn't buy anywhere near what it should be buying. i mean, we're paying here which is cheaper compared to your what we're bank by dollars a gallon for gasoline. this is a problem. it is mean self created in self promoted with the idea of bringing in green energy, which is ridiculous because it couldn't be done as if they want to get it done tomorrow. and when we have a, a, the talk of rolling brown house throughout the summer, our power grid couldn't handle a green and the power good anyways. so you know, you should have save and continue to produce oil. and you should have been a net exporter, which would help the u. k, which would help germany, which would help united states and bring the price down. and that would really put pressure on russia. but yet russia is now actually driving. just take a look at the rubel, what it is dawn and it's now at about 3 or 4 year highs from or was. so there's a lot of issues you're that are all self created as you shut. you know,
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tony in london who are the biggest, who suffers the most from these sanctions here. and again, these are not voted upon. there's not any that. apparently the west is protecting the so called democracy in ukraine. but with in the west, people are being, are suffering because of decisions made by leaders that there they never consulted anyone with about and, and so the question is, who suffers the most from this? and there, is there any turning back because the 2nd one is part of the program, want to talk about this, this great breached it's going on in the global economy? go ahead. tony in london. yeah, thanks a lot. in my opinion, i guess i probably have a bit of a country and you, you know, i was in russia when this happened in february and, you know, i think like, like most russians, i was in shock. but then i started thinking about things. and if you look at the russian economy, it, it has, it is, it is done well, but it's, it's come back in many ways to,
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in certain indicators where it was about 20 years ago. and from my point of view, and i'm speaking from a, from a chest playing point of view, from my point of view, the move that the president putting made in, in terms of moving in the ukraine was, was, was thoughtful, i think. and i'm not altogether convinced that the american did not anticipate that move. and then i think on, on the parts of both the russians and american there's, and i'm talking about big business. there is a thought about all the natural resources that russia has, has that have been, that are not being exploited. and that that economy is it. technically, it could be the largest economy in the world by far. it has 3 times the amount of resources that even the state has. and yet we see an economy that has not done what it could. and so when you talk about those that are being hurt in my, my theory about this, the idea was, was to allow the u. s. and the europeans to do the heavy lifting by 1st
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cutting off a lot of the oligarchs who've been choking the economy and retarding it for the last 20 years. the people that, that have owned a lot of the assets, but have stashed a lot of the money that they've, they've taken from russia and stashed abroad in 2nd to, to create a level playing field. that is, when business does resume back in a rush and it will resume when, when companies do come back from the west into russia because they will be forced to. i mean, mercedes will need to, they need to have the largest market for their cars back on track. then in, in when, when that happens, they're going to come back under different terms. and i think, you know, in a, in a similar way that we saw china, you know, do this to everyone during w t o when, when they came to w t o and they said, look, they're going to be new terms, new, new playing. they got rid of a large number of, of their, you know, sort of would be oligarchs, and were able to neutralize them and to allow foreign companies to come in and to,
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to operate on new terms of the chinese that were favorable for china. i think, i think that's the goal here in russia and i, i don't think that it's, it's, it's the villa and that of, of latin you're putting alone. i think this is there. a lot of people involved and i think the u. s. has been jocking for that. i think we saw we saw some of our own politicians and their relatives doing that in ukraine. so yeah, well i think there's, yeah, what, i think it's a really good point here. i mean it's another drift here. i, michael, i mean, you know, talking about coding what going after oligarchy, or they're not really called that anymore. that's kind of a ninety's term. and is, are, is confiscating people's property russians property in the west. i mean that is a complete breach of law and no due process, and that's going to come back and haunt the west. ok. because if people are not going to trust their banks or trust their real estate, they're not going to trust their law. ok, this is another unintended consequences. it shouldn't be done. yeah, but michael,
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i mean, since we're talking about russia, i live here they, it's a country that is under sanction, but out, other than being able to participate in the global financial system, more or less, everything's ok so far, michael. well, i think it's just doing a favor to russia to have that rely on its own money creation. most it rushes money as an investment is a domestic not born. there is no need for russia or other countries to borrow dollars to create money in their own currency, to build their own factories, more housing and more real estate to build up our economy. so by cutting russia off from dollars, it's obliged russia. so just create all of its own money that keeps all of the interest charges and the depth service within russia itself. ah, and actually freeze russia from this drain, or russia had been convinced that it somehow needed dollar credits that it doesn't
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need at all. so again, a rush, it comes out of the net gainer on this. i taught it the strength of the rubel. i've really surprised a lot of people, including myself, actually i'm, it's just because it's more commodity based now because instead of just printing it, it's based on something. it's based on something that people want, you know, oil, gas, grain, things like that, real things, not this imaginary stuff in the west. go ahead. well, i mean again the, the, the rubel is a win win. russian forced people that they want to buy rushes natural gas. you had to pay an roubles, you couldn't pay in any other currency. so they dictated the terms to the rest of the rural. if you want our goods and, and the, the sanctions that are imaginary leads, there are really not there. and, but i know we're still doing business with russian. russia got, i key partners all deal, which is china. jain is, you know, they've been trading back in burger china and will continue to do so. and this is,
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ah, ah, welcome back across not we're all things considered. i'm peter labelle. true mind you were discussing sanctions? ah. okay, let's go back to tanya in las vegas right before when did the mag you started mentioning about the issue about food insecurity in the world? i really would like to point out say when there's no shortage of food, it's sanctions and it's so supply chain issues here. okay. i think a lot of the media has been very, very dishonest and talking about this issue. it's fear mongering. but sanctions do play a role and suff supply issues here. so to todd, to take it from there because this is an issue i asked earlier in the program, who suffers the most? what's always going to be the poorest that's going to some of the most in the, in the building world and in the developed world go head todd. i think the,
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the biggest sufferers are going to be, obviously, as you said, the poor a lot of africa. and of course, the middle east, which is, is desperate for, for russian week and for ukrainian wheat. and the atlas and they supply 30 percent of the world's crops. and you know, we say everything's okay. however you have, you had a bad year in australia, which is a big producer. you had a bad year in brazil. and if united states doesn't produce, it's going to create a lot more of a real shortage of food products as you're in, you're going to do. there is a good chance you will see united states $10.00 for a loaf of bread next year. wow. already running into trouble with these high commodity prices and the inability plus a bag that russia control some key components for fertilizer, which is also short. so you're seeing a lot of things driven for no reason, except for that we have a, a war in ukraine and russia. and we have the outside world trying to dictate terms of our russia analyst, which is not going to work unless you,
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if you only weak and hurt them, is 3rd them financially. the only way to that is to produce oil and guided states. then you could actually hurt russia and are financially, but the way we're going about things is really just making more problems for the rest of the world, including us itself and is michael, you erased your finger that you want to say something. go ahead. yes, you mentioned on north africa and other or the a squeeze on oil prices and on food prices is going to cause and balance of payments. prices for latin america, for africa and for much of asia. and this is coming time when their foreign debts are falling due, and there is no way that these countries didn't pay their dollar rise and also afford to import the energy and the food to keep them going. so what i did states is doing is planning a time bomb that will be exploding by september when the foreign dep service is coming due. and you're about to see a lot of defaults. and at this point,
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russia and china come in and say, we will provide you with not with the oil, the food around the sanctions, and you're having the chance of the whole world splitting into, to block has an american maintenance block and russia, china and your asia and the southern hemisphere all together. i'm glad you mentioned that tony. let's, let's address. go ahead and jump in. go ahead tony. i was really, it doesn't seem to be the goal. i mean, it, you know, to me, since, since the cold war ended. and i remember when, when, you know, when i was in graduate school and people that were getting physics, ph. d, 's were talking about, what are they going to do now? because, you know, there's, there's no more enemy for them do to, they can't get high salary going into to government offices because the, you know, there's no more enemy for us to fight. then, you know, since that time we've been, we've been having little wars in the middle east little words here. i think the goal was to get another cold war, isn't it? and to divide the world into,
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into 2 halves where we're in effect we still would have some. busy control over over some domain and everyone would, would need to rely upon the u. s. for permission to do whatever they need to do. and we really didn't want globalization. so i kinda feel like this is done on purpose and that this is this, but, you know, isolating. russia was, was part of that plan. it was, it was, it was never the acceptance of the fact that perhaps we could actually be allies at some point after, after, on the ronald reagan years, we kind of thought, well, let's, let's continue and see if we can still get profitable. profitable deals for our defense contr actors or shooting off those, those javelins that are 250000 pop in ukraine, all 24 hours a day. now. you know, those are things that people are benefiting from. so when you talk about the losers, you also get to talk about the winners in the winter seem to be pushing for this, this sort of 2nd cold for cold war away in that on time. because i mean, i, if, whether it was the intent or not, what i see is that we're going to have to globalization 2 separate ones. they're
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not going to have a whole lot of contact with each other. because, well, i'm, i'm, i'm very cynical. the, the u. s. wants a gemini, they don't like challenger's. ok and if you, if you challenge them either you know, isolate them or destroy them, that may be the best option in here, just not talk to each other. go ahead, taught in las vegas. i think the united states is driving along with other partners across the globe on identify at the moment, but probably china and others is to bring it into total globalization and ignore and, and break out all the middle classes across the globe. and we make this and i socialistic world where we don't have any more small business. you have no more competition for the big vendors, the big, the big dealers. you know, whether to be from the defense side of the world, or from the facebook and google's of the world, who will have no longer have competition. if you break out all the middle of last year, bust everybody out. and you have just one big socialize world. you have no more
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competition, you have no more real desire to go to work and create. you've destroy an entire class of people, and that's what it looks like is happening to me throughout. and that is very much in, on par with what goes on and russia and china all the time. and i think this is where the united states is headed under their current regime and current policies. michael way in on that about this, this the, these 2 blocks of globalization, you see it that way. i. and is it, is it inherently stable or unstable? go head. michael is not simply a group of one countryside, ne and the u. s. against others. it's a conflict of economic systems in the united states system is a financial i system that's not written. capitalism is finance capitalism. and it's, it's a push the united states into a depression, adaptive lation, the united states as the industrialized because it's so high cost because it's financial ised in russia,
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china and eurasia. they can create finance not to increase stock and bond prices are the wells and the one percent they can create actual means of production for the 99 percent. so it's a conflict of system a mobile g a. what candidates are tony? what is the fate of the dollar in all of this here? because i, over the years i've done a number of programs about dollarization, but that was more in theory. now it seems like in reality, as i pointed out here, if you're seizing people's assets and things like that, you know, venezuela were russia. it ran at the, the thought is, you know, why should i get involved in their financial system. if you're going to steal it from me, ok. people don't want to do that. ok. and they're working now in their own currencies . there is something that started about 20 years ago. it's certainly accelerated. go ahead, tony. i think the dollars under serious threat. i mean, i think, you know, you, you wouldn't even need to go as far as overseas. if you could look at what's happening domestically. i mean, our colleagues are on the show,
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pointed out that we've got, we're, we're, we're facing hyperinflation. we're, we're facing a situation where in effect, the dollar, regardless of what the, the quoted parodies are abroad. it simply does it by what it used to, whether that's domestic or, or foreign. i think when you do look abroad and you and you, you, you also think about the concept of crypto currency. for example. i mean, we had, the administration come out, you know, a month or so ago talking about a dollar crypto, crypto dollar. but, you know, years ago and when several of us were talking about the need for crypto currency to be embraced perhaps by the united states, by other countries. no one wanted to, no one had interest in it. now that the dollars under threat to me, i see that, that crypto dollars really just, you know, grasping at straws them. and i think there, there's, there's desperation there to somehow stabilize the dollar. and for the reasons my colleagues here have said, you know, we, we have, we have a world where there's an energy crisis that's coming. we have a food crisis that's coming,
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both of which are artificial. you're busy. yeah. trying to tony tony, they're artificial. okay. that this is what really gets to me. okay. they are artificial. they're there. it's because of her politics. politics is creating a shortage. ok, that number up and running our time together, we got to tell them to go to charge israel because of production. we know most of the press is full of crap and creates fair in there for minor o ever. in this particular case, there is a real shortage and, and in the united states doesn't have a big crop production with the lack of russia. there is going to be a shortage and, and again, it's going to mean that people who have to pay a lot more to eat. and that's going to really hurt the, the middle east, and some of the small poor countries and, and the overall and overwhelming manipulation and fraudulent behavior by the central banks around the world which really get in to destruct the currencies. which is trying to get to a digital coin versus a crypto coin. i think there's a big difference there. crypt, those are will because they cannot be interfered with with the by
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a central banking system. that is the whole theory behind crypto currencies. what the, what the world wants, and certainly they had said when i was a digital coin, which they can all still it will, did the value and make worth less, make your spending power were less and make you live, work harder to live the same life. you live before and this is, these are the bigger problems yet are being created by these high dollars and high kurt low current use across the globe because they're all, no matter what number their sure boring are worth less today than they were yesterday. okay, let me go to michael. michael todd sat in the program that we could face a $10.00 her loaf of bread. what did the social and political implications of that in what we saw we think of is the prosperous west. michael, were in a dead deflation, were not in an inflation. there may be for the 3rd world countries in the global so their current season will go down against the dollar because of their balance and
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payments deficits, the paper, food and oil for the global south. there will be a currency depreciation, but in the united states it's written as such heavy dep, that's not the case and other parts of the world and the v, as you pointed out, it doesn't have to be this way. there's no real shortage. it is an artificial shortage created by american policy and the world does not have to suffer. there's a way for it to get by and it looks to me like the way to get by is to throw in with the countries that are growing with eurasia, with russia, china, iran, india, that is going to be the new center of the world, essentially just leaving the united states and europe to, to shrink. well, i mean, michael, i, i essentially agree with you and i don't think there's any turning back. i don't think there's going to be a return to what we had before before a february 24th of this year. i think it is a breach in a very serious one,
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and it's good. we can rely upon people like my panel here to help us navigate the future. that's all the time we have. i want to thank my guess in new york, las vegas and in london. and thanks to our viewers for watching us here, r t c. and next time, remember, crossed out ah ah ah, since the break away of the don't it's people's republic wounds been ranging and done by refraining artillery. it's been, i think civilian townsend, mining village is the more, very lovely deal with what
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i grew up with when it was on doable. was a little of as a whole of the 3 of global school did. it was $11.00. 0, when i went to the wrong one, i just don't know. i mean you world is yet to see out disdain becomes the advocate and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground with
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ah, russia's military have claim control of over $220.00 locality since the beginning of the ukraine conflict, according to the countries m o t. the latest is crossed ne lehman. a former stronghold of kia forces in the don baths region ortiz eager shit down of his, on the front lines there on the wall. patriotic slogans which very quickly turned into something very different to pollution. see that the slogans over there. the quickly make way to nazi symbols and an homage to the legacy of the nazi germany. also i had on the program insiders report washington is changing it.
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