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tv   News  RT  May 27, 2022 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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ah ah, the done yet, people's republic says if gained control of 220 localities from ukrainian forces into the war erupted 3 months ago. and russia doubled down on terrorism accusations against cubes, troops in dunbar, and china accuses us of profiting from the ukraine crisis and says if europeans that are bearing the burden political tensions in pakistan flare up after hundreds of members of the ousted prime ministers party have been arrested with 2 reportedly killed in classes with police. a
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broadcasting lab direct from our studios in moscow. this is our 2 international. i'm john thomas. certainly glad to have you with us. all right, now the don units, the people's republic has announced that it's allied russian lead forces have taken control of 220 localities since the conflict erupted in february. now the port city of mario paul is the largest of those places. pictured is a former ukrainian artillery position at the as of stall steel factory, which was the epicenter of 2 months of intensive fighting in mar. you pull. this is footage of a recently taken village near the town of noble good old sky which ukrainians have nicknamed new york. the village has recently been under continuous shelling by care of forces in the neighboring lugens cor. public ukrainian military attack on a town killed. 3 people and wounded 14 on friday. meanwhile, russia's defense ministry has doubled down on claims that key of forces have been engaged in terrorism against civilians and particularly accusations that ukrainian
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neo nazis have called for genocide against russian and greek minorities from the dynamic republic. british journalist, steve sweeney, who recently visited ukraine, says he faced arrest and death threats while reporting their share to story. earlier with my colleague given o'neill, i thought it's important to go. i'm actually inside you crate and to try and get to the truth about what's happening there because as your views and, and yourself will be where to where the british media reporting is now incredibly restrictive. so you have the, the times, the telegraph, guardian, the b, b, c, channel falls, guy, news, all really were producing identical reports from kevin, from live, but don't deviate a tool from the, from, from the government. i'm from the line on, on what's happening. so i thought was a journalist really is mine, my job, my duty is to report the truth, the truth, the truth matters. so that was why i thought it was important to get in
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a report on the ground. and there was a number of stories really the, i wanted to check out, i traveled in to live in western ukraine. i travelled in from, from poland where, you know, that crossing is, is still open. and i have to say that the 1st thing that struck me really was on my coach on the way. and i was opposite and with a tattoo of a gun on his face, dressed in fatigues. now, you know, we don't really judge by we shouldn't really judge by appearances, but yeah, i think that told me really everything that i needed needed to know before i even entered and, and the city itself was essentially full of fascists and mercenaries. people in the military fatigues are using civilian transport networks to enter into ukraine and whether any checks on those people are getting in any questioning as to where they were going, etc. i mean these, these people, this is the, i'm and
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a read is that the people the, the address, the minutes you fatigue and then coming to fine on the ukrainians are welcomed with open arms so that they roll the red car on the back and own treated as is hero, and that's the harmony i went on with a pendant camera. and i what happened to me was very stark contrast. i mean, if i was going with it sheet for 2 weeks and a gun, i said i'm going to kill russians then i would have been very, very welcome. instead, what happened to me once i was told that, you know, aust quizzed about my business in ukraine, told i was a spy. told that i would be a rested and tortured indication was possibly worse than that. which means that they would have potentially killed me. great ether being made to whitewash this will rehabilitate the office either like having no influence in ukraine or
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or or being just simply misunderstood nationalists. i deconstructed this and the b . b. c showed what i could only describe as a 9 minute master classic fascism does. a denial, a group of legal experts have accused russia violating un convention against a genocide. they say it's an independent analysis and the 1st official such allegations against russia since the ukraine conflict ruptured in february. our correspondent with our guys you have examines the claims. well, they claim to be entirely independent. they say that all of their financing comes from within the united states. but then you look at the rose list, the staff listed, most senior staff are well that they're, they're familiar crowd. there are all people who have worked for the united states state department for the pentagon, for the u. s. military, that people from stratford, which is known as the shadow, cia,
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they're there from the atlantic council, which is a rapidly anti anti russian. i think tag, which for years is called for, for more and more hawkish behavior by the united states and its allies against russia. nevertheless, the news lives institute doesn't, doesn't make any secret of what its mission is and that is the fashion and to enhance u. s. foreign policy, our purpose is to shape pos, foreign policy based on a deep understanding of regional g i, politics and the value systems of those regions. well, they're, they're alleging that russia and this is their, the, their words in the russia could reasonably be accused of genocide, of all intent to commit genocide another they may call all sorts of arguments which are entirely based on ukraine's point of view and what ukranian officials and ukrainian media, both of which are in war propaganda mode of said sites in examples of various as
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they said, processes carried out by, by russian troops. that there was no sort of any effort to verify the thing, no sort of effort to, to check whether this actually happened or whether this is just as it seems. entirely war propaganda from ukrainian pundits anonymous witnesses and the likes. it would be interesting if for this report had mentioned the sorts of things that ukrainian officials have said, i want the word russians to be forgotten in the carcass region. i want the word russians to be forgotten in the loo. hans can genetic regions. we have a full moral right to kill these non humans all over the world, calmly and with a completely clear mind over an unlimited amount of time and in the largest possible quantities. if they had been investigating ukraine's intent to commit genocide against russia, they would, i guarantee you have had a much more solid case because what their case rests on his by accusing rush of the
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intent to commit genocide. they say, rare facts to improve to back this up is that blood of me, a putin and several russian officials of over the years said the ukraine and russia, a brotherly nations. that they are one people. and, you know, in this is a stretch of facts, a stretcher, and exercise, you know, in self deception. to claim that because russia says that you create and russia, ukrainians, and russians are one people. it means that russians want to erase ukrainian culture and the ukrainian identity, which couldn't be further from the truth. there's a plethora of disinformation and miss made miss statement the facts in this report . basic basic fact. and the end result is that the united states, they've department than us media can and again, wave about a short he report the twists absolutely everything it can twist to accuse russia of
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a genocide based on the testimony of ukrainian officials. former senior pentagon security policy analyst, michael maloof says conflicts like the one unfolding in ukraine are almost impossible to independently analyze ever all the sides that are involved in this conflict. i don't know that you can actually come up with a so called independent report or an analysis. and there's always going to be influences from various groups and entities and, and coming up with these kinds of reports. and i think it was a, it's curious that the allegations that they are saying against russians, they're, they're perpetrating themselves from the ukrainian side in the eastern portion of the, of ukraine, namely hidden infrastructure and given the comments that were just made,
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i don't think it's a genocide at all, it is the fog of war, and it is war. and it's you don't have what you had in the rwanda situation where there was a concerted effort by one tried to eliminate and annihilate every member of another tribe. you just don't have that here. so i think it's gross exaggeration. it is a, a narrative that they're trying to push. and it doesn't, it still does not fulfill the very definition of what is regarded as genocide under the geneva conventions. in spite of the fact that many, many lives have been lost, china's foreign ministry has accused the u. s. of profiting from the war. excuse me, with the war and ukraine, while european countries are bearing the burden overton tool. since the outbreak of the russia ukraine conflict, europe has been bearing the cost economically, politically and socially, but the u. s. has been reaping the benefits us arms dealers have been celebrating
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with champagne and the u. s. grain and energy industries have made a fortune u. k. energy caps are expected to rise to a record at $2800.00 pounds in october with prices skyrocketing in the e. u as well. those spikes are causing major problems for the german car industry, disrupted supplies of grains and other foods, as well as fertilizers, have pushed up prices, sky high. inflation in many western countries is the highest in for decades. radio host and commentator garland nixon says that the u. s. isn't concerned with europe sacrifices as long as washington benefits. what the europeans have understand is the ukraine crisis. bob sped up a dynamic that was inevitable in the same way that if a person doesn't have food, if you start starving, your body will literally consume its own tissue to try to keep the organs and the hard in the main parts of the body alive. what's happening is,
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as russia and china provide viable alternatives for developing nations to, to, to trade with them, whether it's in bananas or uranium or coffee or whatever it is. it gets more difficult for the us empire to pray on these compet countries. and to have a high standard of living based on those predatory actions. so what it is done is turned inward, and now it has to pray on the european union here in the united states. i mean, we have some level of, you know, we have increased gas prices, we have a increased inflation, but no more than what's going around the world. we probably have the norm that's going around the world as opposed to europe, which has dramatically larger problems. they're not as wealthy as the united states, they're not as economically stable. and keep in mind something the u. s. in russia can grow their own food. we can create our own a, you know, provide our own energy and the you can do neither of those things. several 100
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protesters gathered outside an event of the us national rifle association to demand stricter laws on gun control following yet another mass shooting in the country. demonstrations haven't wrapped it after a massive shooting took place in texas earlier this week. when a teenager killed 100 students and 2 teachers at a school and wounded 17 others, there have been more than 200 shootings in the u. s. this year. people blame the national rifle association and tax laws that allow teenagers to get guns. but some u. s. senators say that there is a link with russia saying that russians are sponsoring the association. the dark money operation run by the national rifle association. it has immense, secretive political clout. it's impossible to track the money flowing in and out of the r a because it's not properly disclosed, but there has been evidence step russian money has flowed into the r a. and let's
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cross live to investigative journalist rick sterling read. thanks for being with us . you're not international. so the u. s. is making a connection between shootings and russia. is that justifiable? no, i think that's nonsense. and i don't think there are many people that would believe, but frankly earlier in the west accused prudent of causing a food crisis. not really just the shootings at all. but why does the u. s. so often blame russia for domestic problems in the u. s. well they both referred to the oil or get gas high and and so you know, a common scape goat, we do know that i think it's getting rather tired. and i think, i think most americans would look very skeptically blaming and blaming russia for the events of all the texas. a recent poll showed that only 16 percent of us adults
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are satisfied with the situation in the country. do you think that us politicians are trying to shift the blame abroad again, specifically on russia and seems to be the scapegoat. that is the most popular right now, but why not take responsibility for what's happening at home? well there's, there is a lot of pressure. and criticism of the national rifle association. and beyond that, the, the weapons industry which is, which has been profiting, what's much less criticized as the defense industry. which of course is, is the, is the elephant in the room. and with their recent congressional decision of $40000000000.00, so weapons and other resources to, to ukraine. i think a lot of people are fed up with the, with the violence, with the fact that, for example, this a very sick young man, salvador ramos in the small town of google, the texas. just
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a couple of days after he turned 18, he was able to, to purchase, to automatic weapons of war, along with a ton of, along with a double bag. full of ammunition. lot of people are, are very upset at that. i think it's it's, it's kind of common sense that this is not a good way to operate. beyond that, i think i think it's definitely the case that this is systematic. the problem isn't just that. a troubled teenager could buy weapons, but the problem is much bigger than that. salvador ramos is really a symptom of a sick society. in some ways the violence, the alienation, the individual ism, they're all shown in the rubric events which seem to be happening every few weeks. now you bring up a really good point. let's get back to the idea of school shootings in the united states. texas community tauriel candidate federal rourke. famously stood up to the
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current governor abbot there. and he said that the school shooting in texas quote, was totally predictable. when you choose not to do anything about it, what do you think authorities should start doing to prevent such shootings from happening in the states? i think there's a need to be some soul searching within the u. s. at the. the 1st level would be to, to put restrictions on the purchase of automatic weapons. i mean, who needs a weapon of war on this is the 1st thing. there are many countries that, that allow that, that would be the 1st thing. there should be some soul searching if this has been happening for decades. now. there was a very good movie that came out and in 2002, called bowling for columbine, about the high school massacre perpetrated by 2 students in columbia, colorado. where, where 12 or 14 people died and it pointed the finger at society. it pointed the
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finger at the weapons. ok, the manufacturer. that was just down the road from columbine, lockheed martin, and the connections between a violent society violence abroad and violence at home. now a lot of people talk about the 2nd amendment because it gives people the right, but a lot of people say that's false as well. but it does say a well regulated militia right there in the 2nd amendment. now mass protest, something taking place across the country, calling for restrictions on guns and a revision of the 2nd amendment. will the authorities start hearing these calls? i think they probably will, but then i, some people have been saying that for a long time, and frankly it's, it's really hard to understand. and of course it can be regulated by states there. for example, i live in california and there's, there's restrictions on those kind of purchases here in california,
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which don't exist in, in texas. obviously the boy turned 18. he was a dropout from high school. he was a very troubled young young man. he was very unhappy with his life and i think maybe because he was a because he had brought out his grandmother was unhappy with him. he was apparently playing on the computer. ringback world war game call of duty, he was obsessed with that, which glorify violence. and this is, this is the bigger, the bigger picture, the glorification of violence in society and, and there we do see your connection to what you were just talking about in ukraine . why has the u. s. not been pushing on negotiations? why have they not, not been pushing peace? why did they refuse to accept that ukraine could be a neutral country?
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and why are they flooding the country with weapons right now? so it's in this context that we've got sick individual, perpetrating these peripheral bags in that small town in texas. interesting, we have a correlation between the military complex and the gun manufacturers and what is actually happening on the groundwork. struggling investigative journalist realtors are not international that's on right now when it comes to other acute problems like surging inflation, higher energy prices and a global food crisis. western powers are trying to find a scapegoat, seemingly refusing to accept that they themselves could be to blame, or t contributor rachel marston examines these issues for us. a new line among western lead seems to be that russia is responsible for the entire on the most. even those that predate the conflict in ukraine, invoking the impact of the ukraine conflict on energy and prices. as we look at the global gdp, it's hard right now to see how we avoid a recession. but wait a minute,
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i think marginalizing rush economy supposed to be a minor detail or russia now being set up to take the blame for extinction made by western leaders themselves. putin's invasion of ukraine has driven up gas prices and food prices all over the world. ukraine and russia are the one and 2 largest wheat producers in the world where 3 they are shut down. we saw that in yesterday's inflation data. but western media headlines all throughout buy in change is told and walk the delicate line on inflation cnn that same month. it's joe biden. inflation said the wall street journal in march of this year, but not according to joe biden. it isn't. it felt and united nations secretary general antonio debt is also set last week that russia is causing global hunger and uneven recovery from the pandemic. as already puts many developing countries on the brink of dep default and restrictive sex to financial markets. and now the
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russian invasion, ukraine, exemplifying the so they think all these factors, climate change covered 19 and the inequality. but western supermarket shock suffered from supply chain problems relate to labor shortages linked to the coven. 19 pandemic, m related restriction, and post by western government. well before the conflict in ukraine, global food systems, experts share a banker highlighted and recent un security council meeting. i want to start by explicitly saying that the russia, ukraine war did not start the food security crisis. it simply added fuel to a fire that was long burning a christ. we detected primers from long before the coven, 1900. pandemic exposed the fragility of our supply chains. russia, and even be lame for a potential increase in global carbon emissions. that's right, global warming. the rationale is that western nations are now pledging to build new
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infrastructure to welcome gas shipments from elsewhere, other than russia at the time where the green idealists, wanting gas completely phase. but again, russia is not responsible for those decisions and hard to control how other countries ship to react political instability in pakistan as hundreds of members of the party of our prime minister. even on con, have been rounded up and arrested media report. say that 248 members of cons, party have been targeted with some being injured while taken into custody. they faced various charges, including violence against police con, has said that 2 members of his party were killed during the round up in classes with law enforcement officers. con has held a series of rallies to demand fresh elections after he was ousted in a non no confidence. so excuse me, by the national parliament in april,
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in scenes of unrest earlier in the week, demonstrators class with police officers used tear gas and barricades to keep people from entering the capital. on thursday. com gave the current government and ultimatums, demanding early elections, and vowing consequences if his proposal isn't met. within 6 days, protests have been put on hold. since then, rider and global policy analysts said, mohammed ali says it's unclear whether con will eventually return to power, but he stands a much better chance if the massive show of support of the st holds up. if the current government can resist him on cons, pressure, and survive and improve de carnaby, then it can seriously dent him, run hands reelection prospects. but if the current government does not manage to improve the economy as much as it wants to,
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and in run con, can exploit the inability of the current and government to manage and improve the economy. then it is possible that enron con can return to bog. tajikistan has hosted a security conference with regional powers focusing on afghanistan during which india has reformed. reaffirm to support for the people of the war torn country. india's national security advisor highlighted the need to strengthen anti terrorism efforts in afghanistan. the talks were also attended by russian chinese, iranian and central asian senior officials in the attempts to assist afghanistan are being made despite new deli refusal to recognize the taliban as the legitimate government. that group came to power after the chaotic us withdrawal back in august last year. or she contributed rtp to sing points out that afghanistan is of significant importance to new delhi,
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for many reasons. one of the main ones being its relationship with pakistan which borders both india and afghanistan. well, i'm gonna start and is good to go for india's own security because the last time the u. s. withdrew drama, got to stand out about to go are i'm starting to go up the grass, but it isn't that focused on had b, but mentoring in the other parts of india. it accelerated and it created a security issue across the country in india. and in b, ever since the u. s. has left afghanistan, there is a serious concern with this big bush me in india, that's the kind of violence that we have seen by data groups english meeting, the last one, you know, so it looks like a pakistan is once again trying to infiltrate it's
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dennis into question me, it's once again trying to create a cd. i know i know under situation as red as a security situation for in your b establishment english. mean, that is why i've got to standard means our ready, you didn't link bought in the us or that doesn't from this hour i will be back in about 32 and a half minutes with another phone for switch new services or community. ah. ringback with
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so ah ah well i'm sure i'm such a mr maker, we engage in dialogue with all interested parties. this tool was playing quite some time ago. and jerry, we had a very substantive and extended talks with president ted boone and foreign minister
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le member. we have good ties in defense and industrial sectors and his cultural and humanitarian exchange. we also value the resistance of the arab nations to the west and lead, and they're impartial, assessing the situation and ukraine. they don't join the sanctions regime against russia because they generally understand that the cause of the current events is the blatant refusal of our west and colleagues to grow on equal and impartial security in our common region. my oman visit was the 1st one from so 10 heights has been carrick, l said, a seeded to the throne. he gave me a warm welcome. spent a lot of time with me. i really appreciated that from his majesty. as the mom protocol doesn't require interaction with ministerial level officials in such form, the talks have demonstrated that we have a lot of potential for development, especially in trade and economy. we are able to take these ties to the level of political dialogue. we have a lot of opportunities, for example,
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in energy and i t. then on june the 1st i will take part in the regular session of the foreign ministers forum of golf corporation council, russia and riot. this is a format that has been around for quite some time. sheets a cove at 19. there was a pause in our meetings. now our friends have suggested we resumed the practices. in addition to the gc, see russia for, we will also have bilateral meetings with my school members of the organization. all arab nations have adopted and she to responsibility. they've proven that they always are in a way that best serves their national interests and that they wouldn't sacrifice these interests for the sake of someone else's job political schemes. overall relations that base to meet, to respect, respect the fundamental interests of the arab countries. and we take that security concerns seriously when they, in turn recognize threats to russia. security. the threats that the collective west has been engineering for decades, right. some are borders trying to use ukraine to contain russia and inflict serious damage.


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