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tv   News  RT  May 28, 2022 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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ah ah, heavy fighting continues and the village of nova mikaela caught in the dawn. yes. people's republic with local official thing. russian lead forces have now regained control of 220 residential areas that while the west urgent care to continue fighting for as long as possible, some surrendering ukrainian soldiers. they say the situation differently giving interviews, they express hope for peace and urge their fellow soldiers to return ukrainians, laid down you on it is time to wait in the school to return home. i'd really want to war 2 and soon protests to rob in the us off the texas police admit they made
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crucial mistakes while responding to the school shooting the left 19 children debt with very well welcome to you. this is our t international with the latest world news headlines. it's good to have you with us . now, it's not a by putin has warned his german on french counterparts against any further destabilization of the crisis in ukraine. thus, as european countries continue to supply key of military with their weapons, the russian president made their statements during a conference call with chancellor sholtes and president micron. putin also brought up the global of food crisis, blaming the west for what he called. it's erroneous, economic policies and sanctions against russia. the president says russia is ready to export more grain, including through its black see ports, and turn. the german inferentially dissolved vladimir putin to facilitate the
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release of some 2 and a half 1000 ukrainian military prisoners who recently surrendered to russian lead forces in the dorm bus to see if mario call meanwhile, on the ground fighting is again intensifying with heavy skirmishes. continuing in the village of nova mikaela and the doing is republic. this is exclusive footage of a russian attack on ukrainian forces which moscow says along the defensive in the area. the video shows the work of most a cruise and heavy artillery, who aided by other elements of the russian military, have had the village surrounded since last month. according to the russian defense ministry forces, if now seized control of a key town in the dumbass region where ukrainian soldiers had been hold up russian troops supposed to entered cross nearly man in the north of dawn. yes, on may 23rd, with kiev forces, withdrawing to the south west. i don't. yes. people's republic say that the town is
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just one of 220 don't yet was a dental areas russian lead forces have we taken from the conflict ruptured in february. let's take a look now. it's the teacher of a recently re taken village near the town of never good old school which has been in the continuous shelling by key of forces and the neighboring lu, ganske republic. the head of the village of spots of us that a ukrainian attacked killed 3 people and wounded 14 on friday. meanwhile, ukrainian soldiers continue to surrender many talking of the horrors of war in interviews while expressing their hopes with peace and encouraging their brothers in arms to return to their families. now we could not independently verify that those in the video we were about to show you were not speaking under duress. melissa wall, i was mobilized in february the 24th. they told me you are either going to fight or you're going to prison. it is not true that the russian soldiers mocked people. russian soldiers are good. i have nothing bad to say about them. i really want the
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war too and soon what line as a supplement in one forest plantation we dug in, we stayed there for several days. but then our troops retreated without telling us . there was no communications. we were simply forgotten. we waited until evening and then we 2 began to retreat. but we didn't know where our troops were, and we didn't know where to retreat ourselves. we were taken to an area to begin and told to hold the defense. we dug in and stay for 3 days. we had no water or food for the past 24 hours. our side retreated, but we stayed. no one warned us that we had to retreat. ukrainians, lay down your arms. it is time to win this war to return home. well, ukrainian soldiers called for an end to the conflict, all authorities and kia promised the war will continue to the quote victorious ends, claiming russia can only be stopped by sheer force. despite such bo the thurston
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assertions and support from the west. caves forces are seemingly losing grounds. i'll corresponding women co culture of reports. brushes, recent advances amid the conflict in ukraine have split western politicians into 2 camps. some are calling on key of to accept moscow's demands to reach a quicker peace. others are pushing key of to flight fill the last man standing more weapons, no talks, no compromise. this is a very strong signal to all other aggressors potential criminals, that if you commit a crime and you are not destroyed within 3 months, then everything is in order. everything can stay like that. we also agree on this point. we are not doing anything that would make nato a party to the conflict. that would mean a direct confrontation between nuclear powers. it is rather a matter of making it clear to prudent that there will be no dictated peace. ukraine will not accept that, and neither will we know dictated thee, says the german chancellor, but the reality on the ground says otherwise. in the next republic,
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thousands of ukraine's most experienced troops are now close to encirclement. the forces of villa ganske republic have almost completely regained control of the republic territory. russian forces are making advances in the south and the north. and all the western funding and weapons sent to the key of regime doesn't seem to be helping to change the situation. on the front lines, we've lost to the russian army in terms of pace. the russian side has managed to gather its reserves before we could, we are lagging behind and that makes the situation at the front extremely difficult . ukraine's soldiers have been surrendering by the thousands and have scathing words for their leadership. it was the best option for us when we heard the military vehicles coming, we took off our helmets in body armor and went out. look, we'll see for, for absolutely no one wanted to fight. we all wanted to leave. they said,
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you're the border patrol. they won't make you fight, but they deceived us and sent us here. we're proposal in mid march. i received an order from the brigade commander to dig a trench. they needed it to bury about 50 of our soldiers. among them were my friends. it turned out the commander simply covered up the losses and then lied to the families of those who were killed. even the wes steve sat main, cheerleaders and armed suppliers are starting to doubt the chances of their ally teaching at great cost to him. so from to, to, to russia, movies continuing to chew through ground in dorm vast, he's continuing to make a gradual, slow, but i'm afraid, palpable progress. so why do the weapons and money keep flowing? if for many realize they're fighting for a lost cause, the truth seems quite obvious ends and will rather sad. key of and their friends in the west are pursuing a so called scorched earth policy, the dumb boss to leave as much infrastructure destroyed. and as many civilians
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effected as possible before their retreat and leave it to russia to deal with? well, i think american government officials been very clear the goal of the war and the arming and katrina supplied. the ukrainian government is to destabilize the russian government and they've been pretty open about the goal being to literally bleed ah, lead the russian government. and the russian stayed, nor terribly, and politically and economically. and with the goal of bringing about its collapse the, there's been a well, you know, well orchestrated media and propaganda campaign. i think the, the axiom is the truth is the 1st casualty of war. and i think, you know, all sides want to portray themselves is winning or be on the customer victory. no one wants to admit whether real or not. if they're losing or doing poorly, people usually don't give up on the big o shooting table. they think they can win on the battlefield. so i think control
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one or both sides feel that they've exhausted military resources or a military option better. it only gets to that point when i think people get serious on negotiating. any type of the magic settlement from the crime of neo ne, who are cracked down on dissent, ukrainian marine commander who surrender to russian forces speaks about pressing issues and the water and country. in interview with our c correspondent, more guns, the f. do bear in mind, the commander is speaking in custody as a prisoner of war. the troops surrendering here, ah, g, u, b, u cranes, best best trained, best equipped, and most motivated, which isn't surprising. lisa is as all the most of them are fanatics, nationalists, and neo nazis who volunteered to fight and heal, gloried in it, and they lose like them of done terrible thing. where is there? have you seen what they did to russian prisoners?
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i saw a report, the shouted to me. i think it was about 3 weeks ago. but did you see them gouging out their eyes? no, i saw the one when they took the wounded out on the like my instant response the time and the which unless then we watch this. i said, i totally oppose such practices. you know this footage gouging out their eyes. i understand all this. i'm a career officer and the normal guy. honestly, this is something that goes beyond my understanding korean. have you seen how they shot prisoners and the knees? i can imagine that and gouging out their eyes after that. make no bones about this . even posted this online, look what we did to them. i believe that these people were digging their own grave as the saying goes, colonel vladimir, but i knew hero of ukraine was captured just weeks ago. he commanded ukraine's 36 naval infantry brigade, most of which surrendered in mary opal in april colonel. but
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a new says he was never a nationalist. he was as an officer serving the people of ukraine and following orders. he was prepared to lay down his life face country as he learns more and more of what his commander in chief has done, of what ukraine has turned into. he begins to doubt, but for your honor over they ban the opposition platform for life and other parties that body not sufficiently pro ukrainian fucking water over life. he can't be that . why it's impossible. you can't believe that this has happened just now with her. i am really surprised that must be equilibrium and the system is not right when the right leg is bigger or longer than the last one, he would still be able to walk, but it would still be difficult. a percentage. imagine i told you the truth. that's what really happened. all the parties that are not pro ukrainian enough have been
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banned political throne pushing. it doesn't matter. pro ukrainian or not, they should be there any parliament should have opposition forces with a constructive agenda, regardless of whether they are pro ukraine, pro hungary, all pro russia. you need a balance likely in and young. ukraine is a parliamentary and presidential republic. the parliament is largely responsible for new legislation. this news is really surprising. if that's true, they would have absolute power with no checks and balances. that's not good. that's my take on it. the ukranian government and media who had previously praised and idolized, but i knew as an example for ukrainian soldiers made him a hero of ukraine, have turned against him after it emerged, he had been captured, labeling him a coward, and a traitor. colonel baron knew was saddened to learn this. he was saddened to learn that the country he had served his whole life now preferred to see him dead and
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silent. rather than alive and talking more. i'd gouge the of archie from the nearest ah, a top you s security official has admitted their police officers made a critical mistakes were responding to the texas school, shooting that left in 19 children and to teach is dead on tuesday. according to the states, head of security, local police waited more than 40 minutes at the scene before deciding to storm the school. all students were still trapped inside with a loan done, and he was eventually killed during the police rate. the governor of texas, he previously praised the actions of the officers now stacy was misinformed about their response to the shooting. yes, i was misled. i am livid about what happened. i was on this very stage 2 days ago. and i was telling the public information that has been told of me in the room just
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a few yards behind where we're located right now. the tragedy in sponsor protests with hundreds gathering outside in the event of the us national rifle association. to demand that strict to gun control laws, there have reported it been more than 200 match shootings in the us just in the past 5 months. many americans blame lax laws that allow teenagers to easily on themselves. but some senate has claimed there's a link with moscow saying that russians are sponsoring the national rifle association. the dark money operation run by the national rifle association. it has immense, secretive political clout. it's impossible to track the money flowing in and out of the n. r a because it's not properly disclosed, but there has been evidence step russian money has flowed into the investigative journalist, rick sterling says the mass shootings are a symptom of widespread toxicity in american society. i think most americans would
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look very skeptically if they're blaming and blaming russia for the events in all the texas. there is a lot of pressure and criticism of the national rifle association. and beyond that, the, the weapons industry, which has been profiting, what's much less criticized as the defense industry, which of course is, is the, is the elephant in the room. and with their recent congressional decision of $40000000000.00 of weapons and other resources to, to ukraine. i think a lot of people are fed up with the, with the violence. i think it's definitely the case that this is symptomatic. the problem isn't just that a provo teenager could buy weapons, but is really a symptom of, of sick society in some ways the violence, the alienation, the individual ism, they're all shown in the rhetoric,
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events which seem to be happening every few weeks now around 500 native american children died at u. s. federal indian boarding schools from 1819 to 969, according to the countries indian affairs bureau, the jessica doing an educational policy to replace native indian culture with that of the countries white inhabitants, seen as the cheapest way to force integration of the quiet indian territorial land, the federal indian boarding school policy was intentionally targeted at american indian, alaska, native, and native hawaiian children to assimilate them and consequently take their territories. the document focuses on 408 boarding schools that operated in the us across 37 states where at least 53 different burial sites were found. hundreds of thousands of native american children were removed from their families and placed
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in the schools. once that they were banned from using their native language culture, religion, or their previously given names, many submitting to corporal punishment. if rules were broken and neighboring, canada more than 150000 indigenous children were forced into government lead boarding schools. many of them suffering abuse and many never going home in recent years, hundreds of unmarked graves have been found at the sights of the institutions and report from the canadian reconciliation commission details the stories of those who survived. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 did it, is you in case it did that you think was that it wasn't you today that was going to be the target, the victim. you know, you weren't going to have to suffer any form of humiliation. you learn not crying. you just get harder. and yet you learn to shut down
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noon. i couldn't talk a word of english. i talked creek and i was abused for that hit and made to try to talk english. i lost my language, the threatened us with stopping it. we spoke it within a year, i lost all this. 8 i used to do my ill trying to trying to night else to print school to take him to the hospital. he didn't so after about 2, my brother was in so much pain. he was going out of his mind. i pleaded with the principal for days to take you to the doctor. ah, they started to actually take advantage of me and abuse me. not one, not too many, many people for a very long time until i was 16. i held everything in and didn't tell anybody for 20 years. we talked to
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a canadian advocate for missing and murdered indigenous women who said that for many the issue is still unresolved. being from canada, there hasn't been changes up here as well. the systems are raised in canada and i'm assuming that they're the same in the state. people think that because the residential schools are gone. this is actually, yes, this is true. how ever there is another residential school and what they call the boarding school system. so now it's the foster care system here in canada, and they have the same thing happening down there. so now these kids are not just in the residential run by the racist church, but they are in the foster care system where they are separated from each other. so siblings, it's hard as it is for me to david alyssa really were together in the residential school, also known as the boarding school by here now in the foster care system are separate
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from each other so they don't even have each other. now. a group of latin american countries are boycotting the u. s. hosted summit or the american next month. as after the binding administration excluded the venezuelan on nicaragua and governments from the event keepers president his among those now refusing to attend chicago america, we all recognized that the government of the united states conceived it from the start. this summit of the americas are designed it in a non inclusive way with all the process involved in the position of the united states government. and i can assure you that i will not attend under any circumstance, the summit of the americas. why it's coming up with the way forward cannot be exclusion as the united states of america intends to do in the midst named summit of the americas. the way forward cannot be exclusion discrimination against entire nation such as venezuela, cuba, nicaragua, could mean awesome knowledge. when my therapy and i,
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but i say from here to the united states or forget it and i'm here, we are not interested in being at that summit. we are not interested earlier a u. s. senior diplomat said cuba, venezuela and nicaragua wouldn't be welcome at the summits because they quote, do not respect democracy. mexico's leader has requested the us invite all american nations and has also questions the very nature of the summit. that's it. good it as, is it going to be the summit of the americas, or is it going to be the friends of america summit because if they are excluded, what continent are those countries from? aren't they from america? daniel shaw, a professor at the city university of new york, say the error of us imperialism in the americas is coming to an end. biden's been trying to sure of support for this summit of america, but it's an absolute fiasco at this point. many countries across south america and hemisphere are going to stand with the extruding countries with nick, with cuba,
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with that, as well as with bolivia, mexico is spearheading this ever to say, hey, we're all going to sit down and everybody's never voice. not just the country us imperialism. prioritize is the control those countries with the us to try to do is divide and conquer. there defining russia is the mean energy giant right now, that's the number one enemy. they want to do back room deals with that as well. and see if they can guarantee more oil employs venezuela. leadership is a world where there is multiple rarity in different. ready pulls and centers of power is long overdue us to germany. i can honestly, diplomatically, militarily, is waning every day. and we can feel that. and the empires exploding from within
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all of these races, white premises school shootings, the u. s. is reputation is in all time low international law masks a bid to take over twitter is continuing to make waves this week. investors suit the believe that on the top, for myself, as alleged corporate law violations during the acquisition process, and also focuses on a ledge, wrongful conduct by most qual, attempting to buy the company. he's been accused of manipulating the stock price to drive down the cost of acquiring the social network, the loss. it also says he took financial advantage of a delay disclosure if his stake in the company. when it exceeded 5 percent. an early warning could have allegedly pushed up the share price by delaying his disclosure of his stake in twitter, muskie engaged in market manipulation. and, but twitter stock at an artificially low price earlier in mosque announced the temporary suspension of the purchase of toys her until the company provides more information on the number of fake accounts. that billing that assumes he should pay
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less if it turns out the boats make up over 5 percent of the platforms. total accounts, michael rex and vote for me and new york university professor and all of the google archipelago thinks musk didn't actually try to lower the price, but would have had reasons to do so. his beard was over and above the share price of twitter at the time by $11.00 or so. so i think that there is no indication that this manipulation, i think that he learned about the number of boss and fake accounts on the network. and twitter assured him that they would only be 5 percent. so it certainly has every right to say, listen, we said 5 percent or bank and i'm finding out from reports, but it's much higher. that would be a problem and you could try to lower the bid on that basis. and frankly, that would be a legitimate basis. i don't see how you can sue him for that because as
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a matter of fact, it was promised that it would be 5 percent or less. so you know, that would be some sort of a manipulation on the part of twitter itself. no, i'm so anyway, probably discerned that i'm, i'm a fan of mosque in terms of twitter because i need be broken up from the heart now broken away from it in order to ensure a greater field of expression on the internet. many thanks for keeping us company here in the international. i've always plenty more to be found on our website. dot com. ah ah, the ah
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ah ah, it's this card tail. this alliance between the mark was ended. the tear did somehow get reflected throughout the next 6 years. this would even called promiscuous power sharing would even mean that perhaps it would be sirens and tara did that. we had
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run in 2028 with another mark was as a running mate. and then they will just switch and this will happen for years in years simply because the dynasty part dale will solidify ah. a nozzle you while div easy while finish. ah, yeah. boy he is sick one slide yet if south. yeah. trash you out with skipping a duck. awesome boys. now watch them up for me. at that
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a bull up. i'd beat them. is amelia full of goody? of whom shall i be? a yes, my vote or change in that again. do you watch anybody up? not a lot about it. more just financial. ah . a question everyone you thought, oh, you mean you clear a do you live in the schools? if you look for the initial be while i pull up
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a video can use to put value i needed to do or ching, by y'all as to what done a seminar, like going to thought that i'm going to believe just to submit. i, you, would you what i see the student bosses don't q motivation says decent it don't boss with your stuff or go to boston. do i haven't got so much more much more month of good. i was going for several weeks successful russian entrepreneur, you're either gone or has been moving humanitarian cargo to the people who don't boss from moscow. and he's been doing it at his own expense. he and
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a group of like minded volunteers deliver it to where it's most needed in the region a, a, mr. dunn boss dealer b. if it's a u, i c, the senior bus route you lation says this not to do a support you. another aspect of you and he spent volunteers work, he says they locate and rescue people from the water a minute. but.


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