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tv   News  RT  May 29, 2022 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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a week out at that point that that might be worth it. i have some great news that have that ah, like in the lord british and law, not only is it loaded, but it is also logged in. so one careless step, one careless push. this thing will open fire on saying, look, the don't going guess. it's today mind the all industrial area in mario, which was the sense we're fighting in reason week between russian both and hold up ukrainian national trade a 1000. it is really police class with palestinian pulled up in slide jerusalem's.
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i'll ask them ahead of a jewish nationalist march in a prominent finished journalist has publicly burn the nato flag in a protest against his country joining a blog pointing on fellow things to express that anger, at least claiming the media is not completely under nathan's, control. a will not increase and security. there are many people in finland against night because the block is increasing tensions with russia with variable welcome to hear you're watching the weekly on all the international. bringing the latest headlines along with the stories that dominated the week to fit to happy with us. now moscow has said it has uncovered to an elaborate planned by ukrainian nationalists forces to provoke a response from moscow by selling russian territory from the north eastern
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ukrainian city of sumi, near the border. they then planned to detonate chemical reserves in the area and claim that russia was responsible making it appear as if it had loosely chemical attacks. elsewhere in the war, 2 important city of mario post civilian life has been gradually returning to normal following 2 months of intense fighting, russian forces has been de mining the hub error, enabling the 1st commercial vessel to enter the water since the war started. around 13000 explosives have reportedly been uncovered in the area. the mining operations are also on the way at the cities of small industrial plant, which was the epicenter fighting between russian and ukrainian forces in recent weeks. more than 2000 ukrainian trips surrendered there. and now the former positions are being inspected for booby traps is equal to on of reports from the area a warning you may find some of the following images, just so this is the place where the as of neo nazi battalion tried to break through
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the encirclement and will somehow get to the other sure. some were swimming across this river. at least tried woke. they failed. and as you can see, this place is in ruins. there still mines are scattered across this place. and there's an armored personnel carrier behind me as well. that toppled and fell into the river. and if you were to peak around the corner, just like i did in the beginning, you can still see some of its crew floating in the water as, as off, was trying to escape the plan to escape the as of style steelworks. they tried to gain a foothold here under this bridge, making it a temporary shelter for them. a rush, an air raid found them and well, they failed. they couldn't escape. and here you can see all sorts of weapons and equipment scattered around the place, like there's a rocket launcher over there, a,
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a vest and armored vest over here you have a 2nd rocket launcher, likely in and lower british and law. not only is it loaded, but it is also locked. so one careless step, one careless push and this thing will open fire. all these vehicles around me were destroyed. full of armaments full of weapons, machine guns, sub machine guns, assault rifles, grenades, you name it here. you can also see plenty of cases like this case. what from some miss are launch. unfortunately, i can't tell which one exactly, probably an american made stinger. so all these vehicles they carried some sort of armaments for the as of battalion. and quite interestingly enough, this one is a civilian car. yet if you look under the seats here, you can see mines 120 in caliber. so they were disguising themselves as civilians, and they were shipping, transporting weapons to the as of neo nazi battalion at the plant. well, and here
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a group of as of neo nazi fighters. this is where they rested one last time before making the final push. you can see stretches here, probably this is where they treated the wounded little bit. over here you can see special medical scissors that were designed specifically to cut clothes on an injured person. also a lot of bullets and even grenades scattered all over this place. now juanita mull over a controversial proposed ban on russian energy in ports. the head of the austrian industries federation has raised the alarm. as in george, nell say they dance embargo could cause 300000 austrians to lose their jobs. it would have massive negative effects on our economy. the greatest risk does not come from russia. this is not the security of planning that we require. this would be
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a straight path towards a loss of prosperity. earlier e member hungary blocks the unions proposed 6 package of anti russian sanctions. budapest say that holding the oil imports would cripple the country's economy when . meanwhile, some european industry leaders have warned if a looming wave of mass and employment in their countries with what they've called little to no consequences for russia as ortiz, that charlotte dimansky recalls will. if he thought the surgeon household energy prices was bad enough and then to add on to that the increase in basic goods, then you may want to walk away from your screen right now because the warnings coming from certain industries about the future of the european economy if the block continues with its sanctions against russia is pretty devastating. this will start off with the car industries with manufacturers such as b, m, w,
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and also volkswagen. suggesting that further sanctions could see the entire industry grind to a halt or industry accounts for around 37 percent of german natural gas consumption, not just b m w, but the entire sector would come to a standstill. i think we should do the utmost to really stop this war and get back to negotiations and get back to trying to open up the world again. well, it could be time to slap up a car before those production holes, but it's not just that warning from the car and stream. we're also hearing a pretty similar warning coming from the diamond industry. now at the moment, there are new sanctions against russian diamonds being imported, but sanctions that have been imposed by the u. s. a said to cause a problem already in the supply worldwide. so much so that the heart of the diamond industry here in europe in antwerp in belgium, is suggesting that they could be wides by bankruptcy and major job losses. and all
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experts say, for new reason, bending russian stones, we would only be cutting our own flesh. it would cost $10000.00 jobs in one fell swoop, and it won't hurt the russians. they would just fly their stones to do by that despite is pussy in quite a warning. so different industries, it seems as the e wants to do a full steam ahead with further sanctions. it's already saying. ringback look, set to approve a sick set of sanctions, hopefully in the next few days. now throughout the war and ukraine is the new is been announcing new sanction package. often new sanction package. it is said one thing pretty consistently that the packages of sanctions must harm the russian economy more than they com, the economies here in europe at the moment that doesn't appear to be the case with the russian economy being far more robust than expected. however, karen, europe,
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many people are really feeling the price squeeze. and of course, we're now getting those warnings from many industries about the devastating impact that could be if there are further sanctions. meaning that many on our questioning, whether the sanctions themselves or even doing that job. meanwhile, the head of the european commission has made a u turn well, talking about a russian oil bad saying the move would not be safe for the economy as live on the lion previously insisted on energy sanctions against russia. but now she says, an oil embargo would only benefit president pearson. so today we will propose to ban all russian oil from europe. this will be why we would completely cut immediately as of today, off the oil. he might be able to take the oil that he does not sell to the european union to the world market, where the prices will increase and sell it for more to west is getting more
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desperate. i think they, she russia winning this war in eastern ukraine. so far, the economic sanctions against russia have not hurt russia. in fact, the rubel is now record highs. meanwhile, it seems like the sanctions of backfired on the west. i don't see how your can refuse russian oil. i mean, maybe they could try to be less dependent on it, but the fact is it's the closest oil supply. so this is an insane move by europe if they do this. and i think a lot of leaders there in the population know it. i think they know that their political future is probably on the line, but again, whether they will follow what they know is uncertain. the far reaching effects of western sanctions on russia have reached last in america with russia, one of the world's largest fertilizer exports is accounting for more than 12 percent of the global market. sanctions on exposed to put the whole wage and on the
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verge of an agricultural tries. this is alex pin on reports from mexico to learn you propose. last year i planted 3 hector's but this year only one year, due to rising prices for raw materials, and especially due to the shortage of russian fertilizers caused by the imposed sanctions. sergio garcia has had to play less corn and tomatoes this year. over the past decade, mexico's agricultural sector has become more dependent on russian fertilizers, particularly urea. according to preliminary estimates, mexico news about 6000000 tons of fertilizer this year, filling without others on the zone is not in any of these problems are not related to a long standing friendly partnership, but are explained by the difficulties in transporting goods on a global level which arose primarily because of the situation with russia and ukraine. therefore, it's currently difficult to import fertilizers into mexico sim. but i think that the growing crops with our fertilizer could be a real disaster from mexico and if the moment villas at the moment farmers are considering different options to get out of the situation. for example,
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it has been proposed to use other types of fertilizers or apply smaller amounts to reduce costs. sergio garcia is buying less fertilizer, where he previously used 5 bags of fertilizer. now he only uses 3. length is unit number month. i will try to grow crops. i can only hope that i will not lose the money i have invested. but i do not think that is possible. i think production volumes will decrease in the said, montana that meter is also a shortage of fertilizers and warehouses in general. 20 per cent of farmers costco to fertilizers. but amid the shortage, that figure has risen to 50 percent according to forecast by the end of the spring summer cycle. farmers may lose part of their crops in some cases up to 50 percent. lily, bottom, ayana, willing to price may change from day to day, particularly thought any issues with the weather. as the saying goes, don't count your chickens before they hatch. oh. the mexican government has said it plans to triple fertilizer production to support the agricultural sector. like this
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ever so far, 740000 farmers and 9 mexican states have taken advantage of free fertilizers to feed their corn beans, wheat, and rice crops. the problem is there is not enough support for every one jeopardizing employment for hundreds of thousands of families. and driving of food prices, a major crisis is brewing. the said yet them to come all, it would basically mean death, what, what happened to the people in the whole country without agriculture, he the trade turnover between mexico and russia may. so it never turns out in relation to other countries in it, but as we see, it is of strategic importance to sure this situation will really harm our economic relations and trade turnover, which has been on the rise. of course, it must be taken into account that due to the conflict in ukraine and the sanctions imposed against russia, this growth will stop the trade turnover will decrease economic sanctions against russia, imposed over the conflict in ukraine or having macroeconomic consequences. a mexican
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farmers are already feeling their impact within just a few weeks time, one of them alex pinion. r. t. mexico city. thousands of israeli police have cast with palestinians. hold up inside jerusalem's. alex and mosque is hundreds of jewish nationalists visit, visit the cities muslim quarter. i. here are some of the latest images from the se ah, hosting in protest is reportedly threw stones on short fireworks towards police who responded with stung grenades. officials say at least 18 palestinians had been arrested as 2 of the palestinian dances trip have expressed that concerns about the jewish nationalist presence. we expect the resistance to respond. a kit
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remained silent in face of such matters. sal ox, a mosque is a red line that is forbidden to cross by anyone. and it's a key issue for the resistance. up a lot of advice. of course we're all worried about potential clashes in jerusalem today that could lead to a war one, but i don't think gaza will engage in a war like last year. it does that, i'm if alex a mosque was stormed during their so called flag march, it will cause turmoil in garza garza will take part in the war to defend jerusalem . the us secretary of state claimed on friday that turkey objections to finland and suite enjoying nato would soon be overcome. possibly even before the alliance's summit next month earlier turkeys president the keys, the 2 countries are supporting what it considers kurdish terrorist groups stressing that the blog has failed to address those concerns. we believe that an enlargement policy, which disregards the fundamental aspects of security won't bring benefits for us or
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for nato or 30 nathan countries would need to agree for a new member state to be accepted. ankara has the key stock home and health and key of harboring members of the kurdistan work as party which took it considered as a terrorist organization. and also one sanctions lifted its military operation against kurdish forces in syria. well, by finland and sweden have faith domestic opposition against the bid to join the western military alliance. in sweden, the 2nd largest city gotten crowds took to the streets to express concerns about the country potentially being drugs and to nato. was politicians in both nordic nations have refused to put the issue out for referendum. i prominent journalist in finland recently, burns the nato flag and protest against joining the blog. you have corona and the chairman of the association of independent journalist conducted the demonstration in a sense of how thinking we spoke to him about the country's public perception of the
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us led military blog. but i. e lisa portable is all thus warm, l nato will not increase phelan security. there are many people in finland who are against nato, especially because the block is increasing tensions with russia. we have a shirt long border of 1300 kilometers on the fence of learn to live in harmony with russia here for 80 years and do not want any tension. we don't know exactly how many friends are against joining nato now, but before there was 60 or even 70 percent of the population, therefore, the fins have taken a civil initiative on a referendum in record time, and this initiative is received the necessary 50000 votes. however, the parliament has still refused to take this into account, which is unprecedented. this referendum of the finished people was ignored for political reasons, to finish politicians just wanted everything to be passed very quickly. fell and, and threw it in bed for nathan and the ship has been almost universally welcomed by
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the currents, nate as states, but there is a position as we just heard from turkey and also from croatia. you are a ppo hone, and again, is ongoing that the finish public isn't being allowed to say in one of the country's biggest decisions in decades. a was son or a dallas are we live in finland that an unprecedented time debates and from london in the media and now completely under the control of nato. the finished media is completely one sided about nato. but in fact, the more serious problem in finland, his social networks were if you say something against nato, you will immediately be called an agent of a foreign government. that is, in this case, a russian agent. people are intimidated at work even found and yell that in social networks are not allowed to speak out against nato, or simply express their own opinions. my generation is never witness something like this when people are being completely gagged and this is just sad. in my opinion, this is absolutely killing the conversation on social networks by burning the nato
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flag. i wanted to show that finland still dares to express its own opinion, even if you're trying to silence it in every possible way. the mother of the u. s. has planned to bring in over 1000000 cans of baby formula from overseas in the coming weeks off. the shortage has been empty store shelves nationwide due to disruptions and the supply chain is stems from february shut down up a formula manufacturer that had controlled almost half of the domestic market. well, earlier new york's mag declared a state of emergency over the shore full the nationwide infant formula shortage has caused unimaginable pain and anxiety for families across new york. and we must act with urgency. the mayor of new york city, eric adams, declaring a state of emergency because of a lack of availability of baby formula nationwide. but also here in the city, in the boroughs of queen, in the borough of brooklyn, people just don't find it on the store shell. it's not there,
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and this comes on the back of joe biden, invoking the defense production act, getting the military and ball treating this as a national emergency. the fact that they need formula is not available there is a nationwide shortage. this is some of the reaction with america being the current that we're in now. we don't have the funds in order to pay for, you know, the inflation or the prices in the higher gap and things like that. it's really all or, and bill with the price is going on everything. you don't have food for your babies . it's kind of like, where's my health, when i renew in there, you're going to be stepping out more not only for the formula to supply chain issue . why i don't understand why our government isn't doing more now. one of the major factors leading up to this was the shutting down of a facility that made a very large percentage of us baby formula. i was determined that there were unsanitary conditions as a facility. some babies were infected, so as
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a result of that, this facility was shut down by the food and drug administration that caused the shortage. in addition to that, there are issues related to the supply chain. i increase demand coming out of the pandemic, etcetera. but all of that is creating a situation where a lot of people are very, very nervous. you can't find a formula anywhere. look at walmart. walgreens, my baby can't find anywhere. it's really, really hard to find. we've looked all over at wal mart here, target everywhere like formulas, basically out everywhere. it's hard to go to the store and find exactly what, what he's drinking with all the other formula, like he was sitting up and everything and it's coming out of it knows we switch them to this one. and it's just hard to find the formula that he's on. this is being treated as a very serious emergency here in new york city and a national level. we've heard some thunderous speeches on the floor of congress. money has been allocated to deal with this out, but many people are looking at this as a failure of dividing administration. why was not taken more seriously?
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why was priority not given to this issue rather than dealing with international issues. ready that they seem to have been given priority to. so a lot of anger as a lot of working families are worried about where baby formula will come from. there's also been reports of price gouging because baby formula is so rare. there been reports of people charging quite a bit of money for it. you know, i'm in the shortage. there's attempts to crack down on that. so why did serious situation, especially here in new york city, but all across the united states when it comes to us foreign policy, taiwan continues to be a political hot potato, particularly with president biden, claiming america will defend the island if china starts any offensive. that's a claim that they wanted houses now walks back on 3 times in 9 months since us foreign policy doesn't states that it will defend taiwan will give a not some media have thought it to all speak directly. who is in charge in biden's
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office with you didn't want to get involved in the ukraine conflict militarily. for obvious reasons. are you willing to get involved militarily to defend taiwan if it comes to that? yes, you are. as a commitment we made, ah courtney, as president said, our one to appoint one china policy has not changed. he also highlighted our commitment under the taiwan relations act to help provide taiwan the means to defend itself. ah
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ah ah, his poem is latimer potent who is to blame for god's sake. this man cannot remain power to not have a strategy of regime change in russia or anywhere else for that matter. and in this case, as in any case, it's up to the people of the country in question. and you're going to see when you're there. are you ventnor? you're going to see women. people stands down from you interpret the language that way. i was talking to the troops were talking about helping train the troops in that are the ukrainian truth should or in poland.
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ah many thanks for joining us. our nancy international will be back at the top of the alphabet. ah, ah, ah.
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the sanctions packaged bonds. russian flags vessels from entering you, posed belgium, gary sweeney. romania, italy now would be close to russian ships. here for with this talk of rerouting oil and gas exports to asia and was myself, but i with the additional booth for the eastern part of the northern route has never been a good way of you. what is the matter of course, or she's done it,
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but of course that all ah a with that you for that. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy, even foundation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. development. only personally,
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i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical of time to sit down ah ah with mm. welcome to worlds apart. the by those command that the sun shall not bear the iniquity of the father and vice versa doesn't always apply in politics. but in the case of the recent elections in the philippines, it seems a remarkably relevant. the main bolt held, not just one, but 2 political dynasties to return or stay in power despite their rather
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contentious legacies wise family politics so attractive to filipinos. well, to discuss that, i'm now a join. but aries auto, guy, political science professor at the university of the philippines, dylan. professor, our lead, great to talk to you. thank you very much for your time. thanks for having me. now . i filipino politics over the last couple of figures. i wasn't boring at all, but even by your boisterous, rather, boisterous thunders. i think the latest elections produced rather remarkable results. we have the son of an ousted and disgraced leader, often described as a, as a brutal dictator, being chosen as president the life and the daughter of a previous controversial, outgoing president. also often described as a dictator and now being elected as a vice president. this is an amazing ticket. i don't think we have seen anything of
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this sort in recent years in global politics. what does it say about the aspirations of filipino voters? well, we're, we did not just elect a president in a vice president coming from 2 of the most powerful political families in the philippines. but they were elected, overwhelmingly wait with the majority mandate of the latest count is that both of them almost got around 58 percent of the vote. and in our system we don't have a run of elections that assures a majority mandate. we only have a plurality system. so this is the 1st time that a president and a vice president has been elected by a majority since democracy was restored in 1986. and for that majority mandate to be earned by 2 children of a former president may sit really an astounding electoral outcome. it seems like the majority of.


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