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tv   News  RT  May 30, 2022 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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again, machine has begun to crack the reality on the battlefield is at odds with the tightly guarded messaging bed western public's view. courageous voices say the obvious range. negotiate now well. it still has something to negotiate with breaking news on our team international you leaders reach a tentative agreement for expecting the round of sanctions against russia, including a partial embargo on oil import. nato accuses russia of undermining g agreements and says it will therefore no longer observe restrictions on stationing forces in eastern europe and america, the russia to arm the ukrainian military with foreign weapons. u. s. defense industry takes in half the profits with the net worth of manufacturers are rising by billions of dollars and recent month with,
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by casting law direct, more studios in moscow. this is our to international. i'm john thomas. certainly glad to have you with us. we start with the latest developments in the war in ukraine in the city i've done yet 5 people, including 2 children that have been reported killed in 16 injured an intense showing by ukrainian forces. local authorities have said 3 schools in the city, the capital of the done yet republic were targeted and attacked by ukraine's military. now, the city's mayor has said that the ukrainian bombardment was carried out with us heavy weaponry supplied the key. if local officials say that it has been the worst showing of don yet skim 8 years since the 2014, when the conflict initially broke out elsewhere in se ukraine, the city of money to poll currently under russian control, has been rocked by an explosion that local authorities are considering a terror attack there by ukrainian fighters to humanitarian volunteers were wounded
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in the blast in the city center while they were attempting to deliver aid to residence. ukraine situation has a focus of a recent telephone conversation between russians. president, putin and turkish counterpart as one has said that it is ready to mediate for a peaceful solution to the conflict, to stamp out possible further repercussions for the region at large. now onto our breaking news after prolong hesitations and internal opposition to you has announced a tentative agreement for a 6th round of sanctions against russia. it is to include an embargo on imports of russian oil, except by pipeline. there is a temporary reception for the oil that comes through the pipeline to, to, to the decision station tonight. you start to this in 400. so this isn't you know,
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to take into account the situation of the lent looked countries and small the in hungary. there is in place increase show the adria pipeline, that where we can increase the prime minister explained to us tonight, the capacity so that it will over time deliver other oil than the russian oil and be able to deliver that to hungary, hungary, it was the main opponent of the sanctions package long blocking a potential deal because it is so highly dependent on russian oil imports being supplied by pipeline. the head of the commission, ursula vander lane has pledged to cut 90 percent of oil imports from russia to the block by the end of this year. that's despite her recently saying that a complete ban on russian oil supplies would actually help moscow because it would drive up the price if we would completely cut immediately. as of today,
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off the oil, he might be able to take the oil that he does not sell to the european union to the world's market, where the prices will increase and sell it for more. of the sanctions are also to include cutting off rushes, largest bank, spare bank from the international payment system. swift, as well as banning several russian broadcasters from providing their content to your viewers. some russian individuals that you have said were liable for alleged war crimes in ukraine are also to be sanctioned. for more on the so you can cross live to political else alice under, bruno alessandro. good to have you with us. interesting news breaking tonight. you has said that the current deal is only tentative with the legal and technical details to be decided at a later time. is that because there is still strong disagreement within the block about how it will be implemented? i mean hungry has been long opposing it. yes, hungry has been opposing the the pipeline oil. but
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the solution that they've tentatively reached just a few hours ago that is to block c lane shipments is also going to affect a number of e u. countries who have interests in shipping that oil. namely, i'm thinking of greece, cypress, malta. these are the countries that own some of the biggest shipping companies in the world are operating. and in particular, some of the biggest oil tanker operators in the world. and i'm sure that the owners of those companies are not going to be pleased with their governments. and i suspect that they will voice some opposition to this plan. on top of that, the, the machinations that also under lay and was saying about trying to find ways to
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make the oil price more expensive. and that would benefit put in because he would be able to sell the oil to other cars that these are truly, they're jumping, they're climbing on mirrors to try to avoid the what they know is going to be a huge problem for europe in people, not politicians the people of the various countries and now that we are entering summer time people in europe in particular like to travel, they use their cars to travel. they're going to find that huge oil. oil price increases and didn't already seen prices at the pump increase substantially over the past $3.00 or 4 months. we could expect even double those prices by the time, july, and august come in with,
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with the addition of mike, it forces the to the, the sanctions. now also i want to touch back on something that you mentioned just a 2nd ago. the commission president earlier said a complete ban on russian oil imports would actually help moscow because it would drive up the prices. but now she says that she wants a complete band sometime in the coming years. why such a change of rhetoric? i mean, we've kind of seen her all over the place on this. well, she did, she has been all over the place and there is one side of the german green party in particular there itching for this. they seem to be, i don't know, driven by massachuset dick the intent to eliminate the fuel petroleum fuel in germany. and in fact, the, the german foreign minister who is a member of the greens, has been one of the most belligerent of the entire european union against russia.
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and then the greens do see this war as an opportunity to accelerate the so called green transition. and of course, avoiding all kinds of logic because europe is not ready for the green transit. the world is not ready for the green transition. the way the these people envisages and visits this transition to be i see that. so i wonder les, and reflects the mix of position that we have from germany in particular, and all the other states. at the same time, we have the, the, this, the, the, the sanctions themselves and the are starting to weaken in the sense that many countries are starting to feel the pinch already. i see, for example, is a certain group of germany is one because there is still a government coalition,
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not just the green, but france and italy and put funds that possibly spain rely on nation tourists. in the summer. there are parts of italy that have 30 or 40 percent russian tourists they and in fact we've seen effort from the time prime minister, although i've seen the proposal will absolutely hilarious to put it in favorable terms. they've tried to at least re kindle some kind of conversation with moscow. so we've seen president micron speaks to president putin often money a druggie spoke to boot. and so there is while they're pulling these new sanctions in place. there is also a weakening at the political level of the the, the anti rush stance also. well, i think let me ask you about the over time these sanctions come to play. well,
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i want to ask you about that weakening of kind of the idea of this and high russian sentiment. i mean, the, you agreed for an exception for a hungry on the pipeline oil. germany at the same time is saying that the block is united in its decisions. i mean, is it really, or, i mean i, we really things such unity against russia right now. there is a unity at the you level in a face of the lay and in particular, she's one of the through the anti, she's been one of the drivers of this policy. but in reality, i think that the fractures are deep and increase of energy prices are going to compromise the economy of the entire union. and we're going to see definitely a weakening of the social fabric in europe let alone of the sanctions. so europe is risking big the arab spring of 2011 happened because certain
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food prices increased to the point where many people couldn't afford basic food items. well, if we have people not being able to afford energy in the summer, and then of course, we have the winter coming situation. the potential trouble in europe with the gas pipelines shut downs and sanctioned when october and november arrived. that could seriously propose the biggest risk to be in, and i don't mean it just economic political risk of a breakup. so the huge thing with fire, we, we know opec's opinion on this. but if we break it down realistically, is it actually possible for hungry and other states to replace russian oil imports? well,
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these are land lot countries. they don't have ports so they don't have pipelines that link up to north africa as france and italy or spain do them. and already we've seen that problem with gas, so they need pipeline oil is the cheapest for them. and also hungry has another issue. victor over the prime minister of hungary, who was recently re elected with a strong vote with a strong strong support. he is against not just the o sanction. he's against the entire sanctions period. he's participated in partially, but he's maintain good relations with with moscow. so i think see, and there are other countries like victor or a bunch of the crecia is another country that could it could we can. so
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those definitely fractures at various points and i don't. and them, which contrib, combined with the physical need for pipeline oil to create a situation of a tense situation within the you itself. in other words, these sanctions that the use conjuring up are only going to hurt you in the end. this is truly shooting on the wrong feet. for lack of a better metaphor. all right, i was under bruno independent political analyst, always interesting to hear your thoughts. there's rings here on our international nato's deputy secretary, secretary general have said that the alliance could no longer adhere to commitments against stationing forces in eastern europe. they took decisions,
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they made obligations. they are not to be aggressive with neighbors, which they are doing. and to have regular consultations with nato, which they are not doing. so i think that in fact is found, the act is basically not functioning because of russia. now we have no restrictions to have robust posture in the eastern flank and to ensure that every square inch of nato's territory is protected by article 5 and our allies. russia has long considered nato expansion, a direct threat to its national security despite a promise by the west, a decades ago that the military lines would not expand one inch eastward. 14 countries have joined nato since the dissolution of the soviet union in the early 1900 ninety's. the former italian general has urged the you to not further provoke russia over the ukraine conflict and instead seek an improvement in relations with moscow. if we are to succeed in negotiating an agreement with russia on ukraine's war, we must avoid provocations and unnecessary things, such as nato enlargement, which risks further destabilizing the region. instead of strengthening security.
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nato has its share of responsibility for the war between russia and ukraine. we heard from former us marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter, who thinks that nato not russia is incomplete. disregard for fundamental agreements to preserve stability in europe by not expanding eastwards. deputy director general is forgotten that it was a continuous eastern expansion up to the borders of russia. that helped create the conditions for the current conflict. it was nato that has been operating in total disregard of the of the founding act, not russia. secretary general has forgotten statements made by both his boss sector, general johnstone bird, and other ministers of defense and secretaries of defense of nato, which appeared to current conflict between ukraine in russia as an opportunity for nato to inflict
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a strategic defeat on russia. the deputy secretary general's look in the mirror and throwing accusations that russia, which are solely derived from nato's own actions. european economy is going through somewhat of a shock right now, and it doesn't look like that. sharks can any time soon. all nato has is basically some fancy charts and arrows and lines and words. they don't have reality. reality is when they actually build up these forces and then deploy them into bases the cost, money forces, cost money, the equipment cost money, the basis cost money. who's going to pay for this? they know as the us and its allies pump more money into ukraine, t of says that it has already received more than $5.00 and a half $1000000000.00 in foreign aid. but questions have been raised about the accountability for all that western funding going to a country long considered one of the most corrupt in europe,
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washington and brussels have so far failed to explain how exactly they are going to follow the money. despite the oversight process concerns us recently approved a massive $40000000000.00 of military and humanitarian assistance for ukraine. it's one of washington's biggest for an 8 expenditures in recent history that you, for it's part, has already sent 1500000000 euros of military supplies. and recently allocated another $500000000.00 euros for additional provisions. meanwhile, the washington post has published an article about a foreign volunteer who has recently returned from ukraine, saying his military unit was provided with american weapons. that didn't even work dakota cohort. the foreign volunteers was attached to ukrainian military units and brought by yellow school bus to keith from which they was sent north west into an m battle town outside the capital. it was early march, they were issued, entertained weapons, and devil in this house, but no batteries for the loss unit. non functional or not. the flow of american
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weapons to ukraine has already raked in some hefty profits for the u. s. military industrial complex with the network of raytheon technologies rising by almost $15000000000.00 since the start of the year, while lockheed martin has sort by more than $25000000000.00 during the same period . we got reaction from independent investigative journalist, vanessa billy, who questioned where the better quality weapons provided by the west will eventually end up. the capability of the ukrainian forces is not that which they would like you to believe these mercenaries are claiming that the weapons they were given were faulty. we're not working, then you have to ask where the better quality weapons have ended up ended up in the hands of only or the the as of an ultra nationalist brigade. or have they effectively gone through ukraine into other countries,
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into the hands of the u. s. proxies, number of people in the west are starting to question an investment into a war that really they call when there is no way to us, or do you cry or any country, any nice member can give assurances. but these are huge. financial packages are going to be followed through that full accountability is going to be provided to the publics of those countries that are effectively providing this money. ukraine's the terriers, as of the battalion, has engaged in a rebranding to distance itself from its neo nazi wilson gl emblem or t correspondent, roman coast rough comments. if i was to ask anyone whether they've heard of the adult battalion, it will probably ring a bell. those in the knoll would surely also note that said,
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most members of this neo nazi affiliated group recently surrendered through russian lead forces in that on bus city of murray will. however, that event did not ashley more can v and of us off as a reincarnation of the tories battalion has already been announced in the ukrainian city of hud. gov. we are forming new units based on the legendary is off battalions, principles in ideologies. every day, there are more soldiers and they become more professional to day, i have the honor to present promotions, to soldiers of the new unit as of carcass, which is ready to take revenge for fallen ukrainian cities. so the same principles and ideological foundations, the same principles for which the battalion was accused of committing a war crimes rate, torture and looting. according to a 2016 united nations report, you might think that says something could have changed since then, until you look at some of the recent images of as old members,
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when they surrendered in mario pl. one glance at their tattoos makes the neo nazi dedication of these soldiers clear as they even the united states, a country which is now plumping ukraine money and weapons. as previously stated that the us solve battalion poses a threat to americans themselves, dissolved battalion as a well known, ultra nationalist militia organization in ukraine, that openly welcomes neo nazis into its ranks. the group is so well known, in fact, that the 115th congress of the united states stated in its 2018 omnibus spending bill that none of the funds made available by this act may be used to provide arms, training, or other assistance to these av battalion the u. n. has chronicled human rights abuses and incidents of torture in this group's relatively short history. despite these facts, as of has been recruiting radical icing and training american citizens for years, according to the f b i. but so let's take
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a closer look at as of battalion commanders, sir gave elliptical and constantine damage of political has been fighting in the boss since 2014, in just a few months earlier. he was an active member of the forces that than least an armed qu, in capital. key of, he was also the leader of a far right group that was allegedly involved in the tragedy at the house of trade unions in odessa, where dozens of auntie, my jan activists were birds, alive. in 2021 village girl was sent to prison in ukraine for record searing, extortion, and kidnapping. his so called brother in arms. konstantin, image of law before village goes speedy, released from jail, and he was set free. as soon as russia special military operation began, why, apparently simply because he hates russians, you only hear the break lamp didn't come and was going, you know, all of the released prisoners are, are didn't opponents of the russian world concept and have certain combat
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experience scores. all risks and control mechanisms are assessed individually for each of them. according to russia's investigative committee village, go an image of, along with other members of the us, of battalion committed war crimes. when they beat up and shot 8 russian military prisoners in the legs, political himself doesn't even deny this atrocity. not supposedly did any uplifted into a lawyer. there were cases when soldiers of our unit shot russian military prisoners in the legs. they had surrendered. their hands were tied in our soldiers shot them . i don't think that was right. so what to expect from this newly formed assault article of national his battalion, we already know from its leader that it was created with the same ideological foundation as its predecessor, leaving observers guessing how many more war crimes could be committed under the neo nazi symbols of of the forces in austria and politician has
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slammed suspected ukrainian draft dodgers after 2 taxi drivers were beaten up in the center of vienna by a group of men traveling in cars with ukrainian license plates. dominic nap the head of the vienna office of the freedom party had harsh words for the suspected perpetrators. instead of fighting for their country, ukrainian men are beaten up. taxi drivers in front of luxury hotels in vienna get out of our country. according to the license plates, the vehicles were registered in ukraine to me pro pet thrust region reports to claim that one of the taxi drivers may have been knocked out during the violence as he wasn't moving when the attackers dragged him to the side of the road, fostering police are conducting an investigation into the incident the incident is not the 1st in which the behavior of ukrainians abroad has come under scrutiny. earlier this month, the warsaw resident died after a fight with ukrainians and in prague. some stores are now refusing to accept
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ukrainian customers after it in increasing tests in recent months earlier former european parliament member godfrey bloom claimed that such problems can be caused by open door immigration to welfare states. a conversation between locals and refugees are getting worse in the west for a number of reasons. first of all, we have been swamped by a number of bogus refugees who are economic immigrants. so welfare benefits, some freebies and free handouts. government handouts are extremely generous, and of course in the welfare hasanti immigrants coming in means there's less of the cake to go around for locals and being specific problems. for example, in sweden, with an almost open door immigration policy that have been sorry to say, very serious crime problems involved with that there is only
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a certain amount of hospitality that you can give to refugees. you know, it's limited results is all finite. i'm, when governments throw the doors open, you get you get problems with the locals and when people are realizing the cost of this in all sorts of different ways, i think the resentment will grow. not necessarily against you credit refugees, but their own government maneuver them into this crazy position. the un human rights chief has called for deeper cooperation with china falling a 6 day visit to the country. michelle busha lay urged beijing to address the concerns of the weaker community and other minorities in the country while also calling for further collaboration and interaction between the u. n. and china. given the many intersecting global crises facing the world to day, including climate change threats to peace and security and instability in the global economic system, as well as the impact of the coven. 19 pandemic. china has
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a very important role to play as a key contributor in multilateral and regional for we agreed to establish regular engagement between the you and human rights office and the government of china. including through an annual senior strategic meeting for discussion of issues of respective interest at national regional or global levels. however, the officials call for cooperation with china has been slammed in the western media where some are even questioning the very credibility of the un human rights office . the director of human rights watch in china is among the critics for her to fail to explicitly criticize the chinese government a given the abundance of evidence of some of those serious human rights crimes under international law was an enormous failure. really damages her and the office is credibility and frankly enables the chinese government to continue thinking it can commit great human rights crimes and get away with the director of the piece
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and future research foundation says the un officials, rhetoric on china has fallen under criticism for failing to support western stances, this is part of a cold war agenda against and therefore she does it differently. he does it as a professional un office. and that is, of course, worrying for them as it shows that you can have dialogue with china. the criticism is that her way of doing things diplomatically and she succeeding in creating dialogue that will be future meetings. he has managed to also say some positive things which a balance person should do about what china has also done for human rights, such as, you know, lifting. i don't know, 700000000 people that they of course, who have not been that who are confrontational, was that it should be more like a baby size, which is a day. and of course, they feel like eating something that they have not achieved,
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or she is doing the right thing in terms of psychology, culture, re, dialog, dialog is not the purpose of the u. s. policy it. well, that does it for me this, i'll be back in 31 minutes with another phone. fresh look tuesday with a start to international. ah. the so called enhanced interrogation techniques used by the u. s. officials were basically designed as techniques to break down the human mind. if you force a human being to stay in a certain position doesn't take very long to the pain involved, to become absolutely excruciating. but nobody slain finger on you. you are doing it to yourself. we started adopting those techniques when i was station in mosul. among them were stress, positions,
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sleep deprivation. inducing hypothermia is already beginning to be evidence that these old techniques are now being used on immigrant children. whatever you do or more comes from home. nobody has been held accountable for the torture that happened in the past. the moral authority, the made america leader sucker fudge. but the shimmer of effective interrogation ah, [000:00:00;00] with hello and welcome to cross like we're all things considered. i'm peter lavelle,


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