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tv   News  RT  May 31, 2022 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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nobody has been held accountable for the torture that happened in the past. the moral authority, the made america leader sucker fudge. sham of affective intelligence with a woman and a 5 year old girl that being killed in the city of mackey have got and they don't. yes, but public as a result of shelling from ukraine with, according to officials from the republic, aussie reports from the thing. this is the show that landed into the house and fragments of the show that killed a little 5 year old girl with russia guys, problems to spend gas appliance to the netherlands after it became
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a full fewer p and country to refuse to pay for the live for even variable branded the ear, the biggest sacrifice, the block announces a tentative deal to about almost all the question. oil imports, making a temporary exception for pipeline supplies of the tough in tunnel acquisition. with welcome, this is all the international with the latest world headlines. it's good to happy with that. we start with the latest on the conflict in ukraine. a young girl and a woman have dined off to a residential area with shelves on tuesday in the city of mackie. i've gotten that done. yes. republic. a warning you might find the following footage upsetting these pictures. so the aftermath of the attack among was also injured in another instant of shelling of the city. donia sco authorities have blamed ukrainian forces while keith is yet to comment. a correspondent, woman caused reports from the scene where he met the grandmother of the dead child
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. i knew that though you were your yeah, oh, yeah, go i . these are the consequences of what happened to the house after it was shown by the ukrainian army. this is the show that landed into the house and fragments how this shell have killed a little 5 year old girl. mira, louisiana, my head is quite heavy and it looks like it's from a multiple rocket launch system. we are in a residential area, nothing butts civilians, civilian residences around here. i can see behind me there is a coal mine that is working perhaps that was that sorry,
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of ukrainian military who tried to destroy as much infrastructure as possible here in done boss as they're suffering losses and are trying to retreat from the oncoming zep army along with the russian defense ministry remark offer, if archie don't ask people's republic, ah, the netherlands has become the 4th country in europe to stop receiving russian natural gas and softer decided not to accept to request from moscow that they pay for deliveries in roubles. those company goth tara said such payments could violate a u sanctions and presented to many financial and operational risks. russia gas prom has previously suspended supplies to bulgaria, poland, and finland. moscow near payment scheme requires buyers from countries that have placed sanctions on russia to pay in roubles the russian energy ministry has said that 2 dozen european companies have so far open to we will account. i mean,
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while the, he was expected to impose a partial embargo on russian oil imports within days and after the union managed to reach a compromise. following weeks of talks, agreeing to ban all russian oil supplies. except those the enter the block via pipeline will be temporarily several eastern european countries um, oppose a complete bound due to the heavy dependence on russian oil and hungary for example . russia amounts for half of its oil, impose fall in slovakia, 74 percent of its imported oil comes from russia prior to the talks on monday and sonia indicated, the block would not agree on the outline ban. now, some western media outlets have branded to move europe's biggest sacrifice, the european union on monday agree to ban most in force of russian oil, the harshest economic penalty yet, and both in russia for isn't vision of ukraine, and potentially the biggest sacrifice by europe itself. well, this is a political agreement. let's be clear on that. this doesn't mean that the sanctions
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package has been given. the green light is still have to go through some very difficult at discussions over the technical, the legal issues of it. let's not forget that we have got to differentiating things going on here. so initially, the plan when earth lavonne de leon announced this round of sac should packages almost 30 days ago, she said that this would be an outright ban, essentially on russian oil. that's not the case when we look at this package, how it's been politically agreed at the moment. there are going to be massive deviations. and the big deviation is the fact that hungry will be able to continue to get russian oil through a central pipeline that comes from russia into the country. we heard from victor alban, who had previously said he would not allow a ban on oil. he was the one at country standing out say, no, we're not going to do this because it would be like a nuclear bomb going off on our economy. and he seems to have won his argument. he will continue to get oil from russia. and that seems to be open ended. in fact, he said hungry has been exempt from these pack sanctioned packages. or we also know
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that the check public will be able to continue receiving and we selling russian oil products for further 18 months. so there's lots of things going on here that perhaps the european union wouldn't have wanted to have had, but it wanted to show a force of unity. and this is perhaps the only way to be able to do that. and interestingly enough, or we heard from us lavonne delay and just in the last week who had actually suggested that may be an outright ban on russian oil would benefit rusher in the end, if we would completely cut immediately as of today, off the oil, he might be able to take the oil that he does not sell to the european union to the world market, where the prices will increase and sell it for more. no russia has, i. she said, yes sir. sullivan, de leon is on the money when she says that because russia will find other customers for its oil is also pointed out that some of her statements of late have been fairly contradictory when it comes to this pan. well, you mentioned that russia, we'll find another market, i mean, the 2 headed eagle, the emblem of russia,
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one facing west, one facing east. so there's always another market if you will. one thing that i want to know is tit for tat. i nothing happens in a vacuum. there's going to be a response from russia. what response can we expect about this? let us run the sanctions. well, it will be interesting to see how russia positions itself are. we know that a russia has previously said, look, the sanctions don't work. there are legal. our president, putin himself said this is akin to essentially a declaration of war by western nation. so they're not viewed very favorably from russia. and we also had this suggestion from the russian foreign minister said gay lover of that. in fact, these packages of sanctions were pre planned in advance and that's why most of them were given the green light. so quickly, this hysterical i would even say agonizing sanctions were initiated by the west, their scale and the speed at which they've been implemented shows these measures were not thought up overnight. they were long prepared and are not likely to be
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removed. the u. s. has revealed to its allies and quiet, but these sanctions will remain even after the conflict ends. so this is not about ukraine. that country is being used as a tool of the west. this is about containing rushes development. because russia does not let the worst ruler unipolar world as dictated by the u. s. with the obedience of europe. i don't know what europe could gain in the situation in terms of geo politics. every political analyst is saying that because of this situation, europe is losing out on future perspectives. now what's going to be really interesting is what happens in regards to the black sea ports. we know that president putin just a few days ago was talking to chancellor schultz and president macro leaders in and the you and saying look, if he ease up on sanctions, we will open up the black sea ports for the export of grain at the export to quain, which many countries are saying that they desperately need at the moment, all price is happening on the rise this month and are expected to be driven up
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further after the partial embargo comes into effects. some analysts say the new sanctions will also need to even higher inflation in western countries. we'll see a european nations accounts, it's almost half of russia exports. however, moscow has been pumping more oil to countries like china and india in recent weeks . let's go live now to for my british diplomats, william mullins then to discuss this by the many thanks to joining us on the programs get to see now the e. u. as that, the current deal is only tentative with the legal and technical details still to be worked out. why do you think it's taken so long to push this embargo through in brussels? well, 1st reason is a lack of cohesion within the european union, which began in 2004 with massive expansion. you have, on the one hand, you have poland, the baltic states prodded by britain in america from outside on manically atavistic li, russia phobic. unfortunately, and then the other hand,
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you have slightly more moderate states, like france and germany. so that's my immediate reaction. the price of all has already gone up to at least a $122.00. bring crude, it's going to increasingly go up. the move is irrational, i'm not convinced that these 2 little pre and the pin units because there's not sufficient agreement to pre plan. i think it's done on the hoof. pushed and pushed by britain from outside and poland and the baltic states in particular. i see this is a victory for bon. i see it is very partial papering over cracks. germany, a big impact on germany, don't forget that many of the germans was what preceded by massive inflation. now, germany has the highest rate of inflation for 50 years. the. this irrational,
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irrational sanctions generally are simply making things worse for the european consumer, which means the european people, the people on the street will having to pay for themselves through risk, through increased taxes, et cetera, et cetera. i'm fairly sure that is going to improve and increase russian self reliance as it has in the past. let response forget, i think that russia undoubtedly has planned for this. they meet, may even have planned in advance for a total cut off of gas. is russia. let's remember, is one of the most self reliant countries in the world with an economy that's becoming increasingly real. that doesn't depend on ling relaxed with money. as, for example, united states, paradoxical could even stimulate the russian economy. they could even reduce oil production. and because we increase in oil prices, they could still make a profit. of course, that will be expanding their eastern markets, looking at europe as it's increasingly self hogs itself. they're still the oil
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pipeline. all of this is not for several more months anyway, and anything can happen in the meantime. we've seen enormous divisions within the e u, which will increase as different companies have to pay different prices for oil. there's no coherent e u plan incidentally, or how they actually implemented. what is, what do you like about the change of rhetoric from b commissions president who earliest to complete found on russian oil imports, would actually help most go, because it would drive up prices. but now it's live on the line, so she wants to work towards a complete long. so what was changed? hysterical and so promoting is how i see she wants to be the big heroine of europe . and she's proving to be that the precise opposite lack of rational thinking, in a sense, the antithesis of the calm thinking of people like love, for example. she simply, she's simply, i'm sorry to say so she's not all that. and she must have some very strange
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advisors. i think she's unduly unduly influenced by poland on the baltic states. not, not so much paradox street by her home logs in germany. that's how i see it. i think it's unrealistic. i don't think it will work. i think the economic situation in europe will continue to deteriorate, while rupture which is planting properly undoubtedly will become increasingly self reliant. and we can see a lot by the end of the year maybe going backwards because a lot of those depends on, on the actual fighting which is also going on. there's another aspect, since we're talking a very important aspect actually, since we're talking about sanctions, generally putting sanctions on people like kill the head of the biggest christian orthodox church in the world is absolutely beyond the pale it's exploiting religion through politics. it exposes countries like greece,
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cypress bulgaria, romania, which, which are christian orthodox countries. this is perhaps one of the worst aspect and it shows the high amount of simple human emotion by not by not only that, the mass mass of the population that's brainwashed, but also by the leaders themselves, who seem to be brainwashing themselves into stirring up what we had really before the great war of 1914 to 918, trying to stir up hatreds of people and even even faith and religion. this is really i much stress beyond the pale. it also shows a great difference in the approach. people talk in the west about their morality, what morality, real morality, i'm afraid you haven't told she's like hungry and, and russia where they actually believe in morals. so there's a new world within the west. but i don't see disorder within russia, which i think knows what he's doing. this is
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a lot of hot air and gas. if you'll pardon the pun in this, there's nothing overly specific. and let's see what happens. the price of oil continues to go up, and, you know, certain ships will go into new flags. saudi arabia is highly unlikely to increase oil production. so it will damage the west in mind. you, whatever the west means, these days more, more than russia. what about what about the future here? because we're seeing a split among members, now we can about full european countries who are refusing to pay for russian gas supply the rebels. but then we've got 20 other it was so far agreed to most goes terms. so what sort of ram if occasions you expect to see as a result of this long term? further, behind the scenes confusion further, hysteria and fury from poland to the baltic, states egged on as always by britain, with america behind them. increasing confusion, which has happened, been happening slowly since 2004 with his huge expansion and bringing in anti
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russian companies that were members of nato, et cetera. and possibly, possibly to a, to, to europe with the hard core, which will probably wish to be friendly toward russia. that's a possibility. it's been the voice many times before. and then you have an outer layer will be sort of sandwich between the 2. lots as a possibility, the actual dis, total integration of the might be a little surprised because the only thing that would bring that about would be the breaking of the french german axis, which is i think, a little unlikely. i think france and germany will somehow probably stick together, which russell always wanted anyway, because there was, wanted a russia friendly, strong european union. but when it expanded manically and began to be exploited by these, these, the atavistic hatred and emotion, then things began to change. so i see a big, loose market which the americans would like very much because it's much easier to,
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to, to trade with a big, loose market. the market that can protect itself, which i don't think it comes at the moment, look at what's going on. now individual countries taking their own paths and come to like the check republicans. slovakia, frankly hiding behind strong men like or by you see in hungary so there's a lot behind the scenes that we need to speculate them from a much william allison many thanks for joining us on the program. we appreciate your time. bless you. by the way, the western countries pulling punches when it comes to stepping on, rushes toes is on countries refused to climb on the camera. so and then later thing to be turkish foreign minister states that anchored will not participate in west and sanctions against russia. sided up to them, we will not. sanctions against russia have also affected tacky. composition is understood and needs to be understood due to immediate molar. we let them be, this position is clear, we haven't joined and will not allow them to be carried out through and then be
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thought is that to care? well, the us and european union are enforcing financial and trade sanctions on last. go over the situation in ukraine, so i can strongly opposed such measures, arguing they are counter productive instead referring to the war as unacceptable. the u. s. has been trying to get anchor on board, but turkey has instead of offered itself as a facilitator and search the solution to the conflict with close live. now to look a little for my package on basset to the many thanks for joining us on. the program is good to see me now, why have perky elected to reject at western pressure and not sanction russia unlike his fellow nato members? do you think where we have to consider is from the code in effect problem that we are facing with when the sanctions reintroduce from the beginning to results. so that, 1st of all, go, we're not considering the war,
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actually we try to train and now russia as a big read war, it's in reality, returned the united states and russia and the united states. it is actually the wording or trying to impose it when it's an acceptable approach or so to russia was through thing, sanctions made and by logging in the. busy war between the 2 countries. so as such is what we consider as from the cause and effect that they did. there is one problem of concerning charity, which is extremely important. when we are in the, in the black sea region, we are good neighbors. and we have a good relations with russia and, and even more than the present softer russia investors in turkey, hadn't gone so far that it would be ready for surfing to
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know if it's one way or another. these were stuck in our country in the context, for example, i generated 3 major elements. the 1st one is the nuclear central that the, the russian side is actually in our southern coast. secondly, the pipeline system through which we are receiving our service about this is much for europe, the natural gas. and thirdly, it we have read. also had to lately, the summer are broken for choosing cancer, progress from russia. and it's 400 said created to be key measured problem between church in the united states has learned that are many others in other fields where
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ado or russia is a good invest, sunny cherokee and to wash versa. and turkey is also a good, good partner for russia. it's true, it's, you know, for example, of baby cities or other big factors. it's a term that old bit by butler, by the turkish constructors. and then whatever, when you get to the, of course, between church you and russia is increasing and we now see that, well, particularly the region export from russia and new grade are detrimental flora to one of the world. estrogen. so when do you impose sanctions? you're literally, if they become more political than human or terry and if you wish. and the church is not in a position to accept this and from no one,
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i don't believe that way. we can accept it. because if we do so, it will be difficult to venture about. so not on a former broader perspective, countries, but also for the world as a whole. i think to me, correct me if i'm wrong that i'm current. one is the best of both worlds. it wants to continue its open dialogue with russia because it depends on russian guns, but it also wants to be a positive and major positive nato. so what's more important to tech? is it maintaining strong relations with russia, or is it nate? i membership when the world is actually divided into 2 in the past, a position there was po, box against nato, but this is not existing anymore. actually the world is divided into 2 and one, the size belonging to your ratio and the other side. the western world is composed of denija countries, but to when you consume,
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i'd consider the approach of nature is such a, for example, the acceptance software, sweden and pin. and so to nato lately, test create to that other problem. because a, let me give you the authority example. in that respect. and in 982020 russia did. nato is accepted. a lot of the main targets for it would be, did the flight to it was the terrorism. or actually in southeastern cherokee, we have suffering from the terrorism and since years and we spent more than $150000000000.00 and then we lost more than $50000.00. busy license for nothing in the context, soto, for example of sweden is one of the countries who is really
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pumping to improve relations with the p k. k. and the only thing that turkey is and, and nato remembered as well. so know when turkey rejects said the oakland, the demand offer and sweden by putting in front of them it did this problem. i'm in a squeeze. so when i look into the problems, i think that the, from a nation artistic point of view, that i don't believe that the american attitudes in nature and asked where would it be? definitely the success bringing to anyone in the world and this world needs more stability and more of peace than ever as such a fortunately or unfortunately, it is one of the countries who really feeling it. so when did they get 6 fx or what's going on in, in the world?
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and as such as being get h o gosh, a still don't you up to its relations with russia. so i believe that the georgia institute from no one in the, in the near future will not change. and there will remain to be the same with good friends with russia as before. some u. s. news outlets have referred to turkey as a secret weapon. would you agree with that? ok, there is also good or good. i mean there's nothing like a policy and turkey defending its own cause and as much freedom as, as simple as that. so i don't believe that the united states is your own leading color and the world has change in the 21st century. we must accepted the problem most probably they do. united states will continue to lose it since then.
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it's effective as in the world. and as such a turnkey as much as russia will continue to remain the same in the future a to the many thanks for your time. good to do. oh, now the a crane in and military is notorious. the hours of battalion has attempted to distance itself from its near, not seat walls, angel, emblem with western media, claiming the symbol has been exploited by russia to justify its military operation . a new unit, as of concord has changed its patches to the more traditional trident symbol used by the ukrainian states. that the unveiling of new special forces unit in kirk of patches handed to soldiers did not feature the wharfs angel. a medieval german symbol that was adopted by the nazis and which has been used by the battalion since 2014. instead, they featured a golden trident. the ukrainian national symbol warned by other regiments,
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yet to re some photos of the new as of cock of commander show that they have continued to wear nazi symbols on their uniforms. here we can see the circle total caught 4 deaths had emblem, which was used by hitler's s as forces and since adopted by neo nazi and white supremacist groups has a brief background to the battalion which might explain why as of is trying so hard to repaint its image in the eyes of the west. ah, with
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i was arrested by the as often as the human. the bet me on the head and legs with a chain fired the gun close to my ear, threatened to shoot me the head or to shoot my feet. they humiliated me and said they were going to write me. they threatened to bring my wife and daughters in and talk to them in front of me. i could not eat for 3 days. i was one of those manny battalions that the t up will need yield. they are what they are. many thanks joining us, aaron. i'll say international web back at the top of the hour. oh
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ah, ah, [000:00:00;00] a football. talking with the school, i hope i see a with
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a ford edge that also choice issue somebody over there also with poverty over you. look, are you up with the idea, rose, you know, that way they don't mind what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy foundation. let it


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