tv News RT June 9, 2022 9:00am-9:31am EDT
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[000:00:00;00] with at least 3 people are killed to the latest ukrainian shelling of the la guns for public hitting vital infrastructure and civilian homes. also ahead. those piles of concrete bones, houses, burns and broccoli books all over the place. we assume when the life will spring again, here we report from a key front line town in the area that's been devastated by months of heavy fighting. pre foreign mass in areas praised in the west, the media for fighting for ukraine face the death penalty if found guilty of preparing a cute in gun that they have pleaded guilty to the charges by a don. yes, cool. which is expected to pass judgments later on thursday. well, mr. binary,
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tell you from here from the national assembly that we are not going to receive instructions from you. but as waiting lawmakers grill the white house for excluding several countries from a us hosted summit of the americas. well, joe biden claims the event is all about promoting democracy in the region with very well, welcome to you. this is on the international with the latest world news headlines. it's good to have you with us. i was not at the latest from dumbass where lou downs officials say at least 3 civilians have been killed when the ukrainian army show the town and the republic. a local stadium was engulfed in flames as a result of the attack was shelling mostly hit residential areas and vice infrastructure including a gas pipeline. several homes will also heavily damaged or completely destroyed, and these 2 civilians have been injured. selling comes a day off to moscow,
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said that $97.00 send to austin accounts for public's territory as now under the control left russian lead forces. meanwhile, ukraine's president said that the future of the battle, the dumbasses being decided in a city of severity on yes quest, some of the heaviest fighting is now ongoing. thousands of ukrainian troops are said to be at risk of being encircled there as russian lead force is push on with their advance from the north and south ortiz, ecos, dawn of reports from the key town of po path naya, which has been devastated by relentless battles citizens of this little town, little guns people's republic, they had to walk through hell fire. their town is no more. those piles of concrete . 2 burned houses, burns apartment blocks all over the place. it will be soon when the life will spring again. here this is murray. you bull in miniature, but unlike its big city brother,
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the town of papa now has had it worse. and this is what happens to city, his towns and villages that the ukrainian forces refused to leave. for example, this little village of papa. now they, as they fought for every apartment block for every building as they well set up their firing positions on top of well buildings like this, there was no other choice but to well raised the place to the ground has been a month since the ukrainians fled. from this place yet, there's nary a trace of peace here. only desolation and endless columns of tanks, artillery and other military vehicles of all sorts. key of through all it had to defend the strategically crucial town. every house was a fortress, every street, a front line. now it's a key launchpad for the russians and the la ganske people's republics militia who are trying to push the battles away from this impaired place. even in the city of murray. upa, which is battered by the war,
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we did see some signs of civilian life. i 1st saw people very cautiously, cruel out of the basement. then we saw the public transport. nothing like that here in the little village of papa. now not a single civilians all in the street. just bags of artillery fire and a heavy smell of gunpowder in the air makers done of reporting from the la guns people's republic r t. 3 captured foreign last scenario, 2 british and one. the ra can he with doug heroes in the western media will fighting for ukraine have pleaded guilty to charges of preparing a key in dumbass, a face up to 20 years in prison, or even capital punishment to be handed down by a don. yes, course, later on thursday, and the prisoners have had a change of heart since been taken into custody. as ortiz, my garcia explains. no one knows for sure how many foreign mercenaries have been killed or captured in ukraine. kiev keeps that a secret, probably to avoid scaring away war tourists,
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or cannon fodder is totally different in a full scale war. and my experience, and this is a 1st time i've had artillery 1st home. i've had grad and, and 1st i've been in a full scale war and is disorganized, it's unpleasant, it's green, don't me. then we do a wall. that's not a war that a ship is fighting for like for myself, i look, look at myself. like i said to me, not one has to be mentioned or talked about by case or tried to help my situation. they understand. i have a time limit to my case and i still abandoned by the crating government. and the british government was sad story of the lad's army. that is what they call themselves lads. army. like it was all
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a joke. it's as if they had no idea what they were getting into. but they did, i feel a need to protect the ukrainian way of life, even though i'm not ukrainian. the u. k. support for ukraine has so far been really good compared to other countries. i hope our prime minister and other m. p. 's can push harder to increase support and give more equipment. aiden ashlyn likes a good flies. he was in a rock fighting alongside the kurds. likely got a taste for violence because soon after he wanted more, this tom and ukraine. i didn't have a financial means to go and start a new life completely over my options. and i, i figured the best bet would meter jersey craig, i learned the crating military as farmers showing pena, lots of joined up raring for our flight. the spot warnings from the british government warnings law to go to ukraine, that they could be prosecuted for terrorism if they were ton,
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but missed the pin up was so full of spirit. i am here defending my family and adopted city brush has started this war. it's funded by russia and driven by russia, but we will fight them, make no mistake about that. this is my 9th war tour. death has been a part of my life for so long. you can't go into each day thinking you will be killed or injured. if this is not your conflict, you have no business volunteering to be in it. you know, we had people here in the united states, or we brought them to the united states who were captured on the battlefield in afghanistan and pakistan, and doe, we treated them as, as mercenaries, which is what they were. they were non state combatants hostile combatants and they faced the full power of the law. and so if, if you're an american or in the case that you cited a britisher or a moroccan and you volunteer to fight somebody else's war, then you're going to have to pay the price. when you're catcher,
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it's going to be very clear to people who are entertaining the idea of going to praying that there's nothing in it for them there. they're not going to get rich doing this. they're not going to come back with glory from the battlefield. this isn't no win situation. they should mind their own business and stay away in the united states, we call people like this glory hounds, people who, who feel like they've wasted their lives and want to be able to tell their children and grandchildren stories some day. it's almost always a bad idea, but apparently neither showed nor aiden, nor others bothered to reckon with the consequences. mercenaries and not afforded protections of the geneva conventions. they are officially not prisoners of war. and the law of the de nets, people's republic allows for death sentences for murderers. for example, for mercenaries. oh,
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go there will so very sorry that it turned out this way. my probably would have tried to not join the military and trying to get in to like a civilian way. i'm hoping the people on the judges like to give my actions. i hope i really hope that i don't receive the death penalty so that i can go on to maybe help rebuild because there's going to be a lot of like help needed. and so many more we are. why are for yeah. and if we ever say in our 33 times in england, generates one or somebody marable to, if i get through this and i'm still alive, i'm going to chance it's, i'm, you know, it's, it's for me, it's the short and sad story of the lads army a bunch of guys who wanted an excuse to, to go and shoot and kill without consequences, which they apparently did for years and then multiple was and suddenly faced with
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a death penalty. after all this cobb, they're sorry, and they should have known better. western hostility towards russia has been a thing for more than a century that was, according to syrian president, bashar al assad has given an exclusive interview to our see. we can watch it in full on friday on our channel and website, but for now, here's a quick previously boucher leaf. this hootie, russia is serious ally and rushes facing a war which in my view is not linked to the expansion of nato. as some people may think, this animosity has existed even before communism and the 1st world war. it is an ongoing war, and russia plays an important role to ensure an international equilibrium exists. so we can view russia from 2 perspectives. the 1st is that of an ally, if our ally triumphs in the battle, or if their political position is strengthened on the international arena, then this is a win for us as well. from a 2nd perspective,
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russia's power today constitutes a restoration. al, bite partial of an international equilibrium. this rebalance that we are witnessing will impact smaller countries including syria. this is my strategic view, the bottom line without going into other legal aspects of doing in his essay, severe drought and a lack of international funding, not just a shortage of russian and ukrainian grain on to blame for african children suffering in countries such as somalia, the un international children's emergency fund is urging the willing to re direct its attention from ukraine to other crises. if the world does not widen its gaze from the war in ukraine, an act immediately, an explosion of child death is about to happen in the horn of africa. across ethiopia, kenya, and so malia, more than 17000000 children are in urgent need of treatment for severe acute malnutrition. according to unicef, almost $400000.00 children in somalia and now in desperate need of treatment of
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a get for it for a deadly form of malnutrition, a 15 percent increase in recent months since last year. some african countries have recorded a vast rise in severely malnourished children needing urgent help. in particular, tenure when numbers have gone up by 71 percent. the situation has been aggravated by the continents, were strauss in 50 years, even more and more people in urgent need of food medicine and clean water. we discussed the issue earlier with several experts. she 7 nations have never shown themselves to to, to be pro africa. you know, never shown themselves to our history to protect valuable children. if you look at, if you look at history, you got to have been in libya. what happened in the out, what's happening in palestine on a daily basis, avoid leaders, especially those of the width and especially those that are lied to g 7. if they really came about the people, the god, they really kid about people worldwide. you know, that would have their own agenda is another focus on you may detailed issues or
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focus on church issues or focus on the, on the main issues that speak to the, to the men on the ground. you know, so i think the situation now is bad about pushing their own agenda. people don't take that sitting in africa, you know, for a very long time it's been has been seen as a place where you just come and see whatever was in leave with terry about what happens. you know, i mean, if you got cars that can constant, this will be, need mailing companies just come, especially minding companies on the way it just come take, we saw the need, you know, and leave those communities in the roads without any, without any infrastructure seen as being german scene after being people to the equivalent demo, equal to the i think given the situation that at this could be the effects of climate change. and now we know that it will rain will not come and the cropping system will not be there. this is going to be very serious because without the
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crops growing the crops in the, on the ground in somalia and other regions in east africa. this situation will be what? because that will call for intervention from outside. if a country cannot be able to grow crops because of the effects of climate change, drought, or no rain, then the situation is fair for seem to be very serious. ah, and as well in law makers of sans the u. s. cherry. picking for the summit of the americas as inigo discriminatory and offensive and thought to washington refuse to invite cuba, venezuela and nicaragua, the venezuelan se caracas will not bend to you as pressure while j. biting claims to summit is one about promoting democracy. earner america, democratic charter, which grew out of the 3rd shobit of the america's capture, your unique commitment to democracy as a region that affirms the right of people throughout the americas to democracy and
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our obligation as government to promote and defend democracy level also. but the government of the united states wants to give us instructions at the meeting in los angeles. well, mr. biden, we tell you from here from the national assembly that we are not going to receive instructions from you. we tell you that we are going to develop all the policies we can put forward and protest. several latin american leaders have sent only by lower level diplomats to the summit. the absence of the presidents of honduras, mexico, in guatemala, is said to be a blow to the u. s. intention to establish dominance in the region. questions have been raised, not only about the events attendees less, but even on biden's, very legitimacy in power. with that concerned brought up i, brazil's leader washington's talk diplomat, responded to the criticism of not inviting the 3 countries by blaming them for a lack of free speech. governments are using sweeping legislation to quash re
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expression. as we saw on the reason slate of amendments adopted by salvador in march and april this year in cuba, nicaragua, venezuela. the simple act of carrying out investigative journalism is a crime. or let's now cross to tell you the wrong political scientists to discuss the control the sea around the summit money. thanks for joining us on the program. now argentina is participating in the summit of the america. so what does point s air is make it the controversial me with not inviting a number of states to meet a yes, i didn't didn't go there. man. really, i've been to meeting or not do all bases on the one hand by just because of the for the numbers or the president of the candidate. but more importantly, because i did not house the but a c, n c brought them part of this a lot. so, but it's then felt around this today has to bunk on behalf of power they've gone through. so there is a note already from the point of view of the national interest of other than dina on
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a dish. bags said to pronouns are very tough as speech because the value lays jones or international evaluate the which have been produced by the united states in america. in the recent years, really betty betty concerned. why would they event, behold the summit of america? if not everyone in the region has been invited, i mean, wouldn't it be better to call it the summit of washington's friends? well, you know, they go to the administration or maybe today's young easter rally for says in the they are larger g o party because it's gene which is basically to defeat the russia and to lounge on their own chinese. now there will be no mistake in these. the goal is to convince the robert or russia angina are the guys of the
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international the see then now do you know that the reset about water freedom in the mail? you go, we have to fight eyes. those enemies, and this is why we in america 76 minute 30 bases of us. they said that their bases are to the friend us from our enemies. but that is not the senior year from russia, from john, you know, from, are you down here in america? so are some gen, is those maybe anybody basis out of here just to have color on top of the reach, not turned out or some says the crowd i want to john dish. this is why the out, according to these meeting, which is a complete failure by now they may tell you around seeing the new york time today doesn't even mention one line of the summit of the i'm a guy, i knew you got the little shonda this time which is the log of us paper or the sign
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did it gauge on any way about the meeting. so that meeting is absolutely irrelevant. is just the propaganda which will render no fruits and some of the major latin american players like mexico did not send his top diplomats to attend that sunday. so does that say, does that send the message about biden's attempt to assert leadership in the region? they think i seemed a she thought i read by then has no conditions except then they've done the read and she'd been in the re young. there are several other countries. we did not a bit, the beeping or friend said represent base young. and i mean your, let me tell you a, b, c, name, nines and submit. so we have being listened in order to starting from 1994 and nothing has changed. the u. s. they've not had any
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gotten on the radio to the bellow to progress and to become a develop john to show these are or show the dog. ok in which is nothing will really be sold report. i want to try to see why that is, are for breed news, and i got to do that already. los angeles, except for the speech of, for the non this reissued most to be are very tough to speech. i think you thing such decision said to cherry pick which countries attend this summit will affect the u. s. a tends to develop relations with some of those countries that weren't invited. i'm it didn't. i didn't hear the last time. thank you. do you think the decision no, to invite? some of the countries is going to have an impact on the us. any us attempts to develop relations with those countries were yes, of course i seen the years we try to banish their gone through. we are not
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following the they all say issued from their white house. but in addition, the problem is that the proposal of mexican press you then to opt out or to create a new or strive georgia, giving in replacement of the oregon shows you the american stage. you getting a student in many. busy governments, you know, you got involved them and we job ally in the united states, but they know very well a polish is being promoted by the us regarding and the emitter gotcha. being extremely did to the mentality for the, for not make up 40 because development of, of our nation. and therefore there will be no doubt that after the failure of the mid shamperdeen you will be a real guy. now you should in the lab, the medic, i'm but i'm not going to be betty for us. it could be in the meantime, we shall be extremely gay out of we're not to get the ball in washing bones plans to attack russia in the,
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in the context of the korean war i sent over on political scientist many thanks for your time and sharing your thoughts with us. we appreciate it. thanks to your a pleasure. i ukraine's former human rights commission. i loot miller, guinea sola has admitted she over did it in her claims of sexual abuse of ukrainians by russian troops which even the ukrainian public found that sufficient evidence maybe i over did it, but i was trying to achieve the goal of convincing the world to provide weapons and put pressure on russia last week that i further was fired from her post for spreading unverified information with ukranian lawmakers claiming that her actions only serve to tarnish the country's image. however, she was sacked after her statements had already made headlines that went viral and mainstream western media. russia has repeatedly denied allegations of sexual abuse by it. soldiers, human rights attorney dunk of alex, as there was
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a reason for such fabrications. well, obviously, you know, any one has to be concerned about, you know, claims of sexual violence, or at the same time, you know, within the last couple weeks, a ukraine fired their own human rights of budman. because she was lying about russian, her sexual violence in ukraine. she was our chief babel fabric writ caving stories about it. and these were the main stories where we were hearing that we're generating our claims of mass rates by the russian. nevertheless, a recent un security council discussion, once again, saw a flow of accusations against russia, even though a un special representative on sexual violence in conflict had admitted that such claims were almost impossible to verify. many allegations of convict related sexual
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violence or difficult if not impossible to verify, making it challenging to assess violence. as a 3rd of june, the human rights monitoring team of the united nations high commissioner for human rights has received reports of 124. and it acts of conflict related sexual violence. verification of cases is few ongoing. among the ukrainian, tara trees where conflict related sexual abuse was reported. what were hung regions, hundreds of kilometers from the front lines far away from any of the russian troops engaged in combat in eastern ukraine and don't boss human rights attorney duncan malik again shares his concerns that perhaps ukrainians themselves were involved in those alleged basis. first of all, we have to be very careful because there's a lot of false stories circulating. the other thing that struck me at least as far as i could tell,
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is that the claims now being made to the security council about sexual violence are happening in places where the ukrainian military is in control. so that makes me wonder whether it's in fact ukrainian army that might be engaged in this violence when i'm keeping this company herron arthur international web, back in the top of the, with the latest. ah, ah, with today i'm authorizing the additional strong sanction foreign companies, quitting russia, numbers 121. thank you. this client atm console, blantan banks disconnected from the international payment system,
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the social will hoppey, jermel, donna and euro exchange rates follow up on a trouble up article more so. so i would know what the committee met. evoke this, the billing address that is the current. can you say i don't know. so c, m a j, a support, zoom and russian business overcome this song. see, near, i bought italy nasty to huddle. she ins tremendously. just me don't pros, voice, bullshit, national, productive notches, steel dash, a mere bull. what i see, i put themselves when you come, when you, with what you got any, a dispute not. but she's a cost to get a group when you, when you're spinning him with dr. new flison, who is a school, so look for her to lose with. get the little booklet lucian
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with ah, a nozzle you while div easy while furnace us. ah. yeah. 4 unit, 6. 1 slide. yes. south. yeah. thrashing south with griffin. you got carson boys now watch them up all mutable. upright beat on the is emilia bulgaria from sheila beaches kim's room. shes thoughtfully. the why? the ella? a bill?
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yes, my thought or to an invalid. again, your fortune very up. my. be a lot about this morning. after search financial ah, you know, there was no program when i left i kind of and all of us at life after hate, kind of stumbled our way through it. and then we can take the lessons that we've learned from that and shrink the time frame down. so there's less was less wandering in the wilderness, so to speak. when i was in the move in the last 2 years, and before i left i was struggling with do i want to leave? i like part of me want to leave another part. it was been battle with us. if i leave, i have nothing to fall back on. i have to pause it. do i have nobody to go to?
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you know me and live around last 7 years. i have nothing and sometimes it's hard. if they've got a swastika tattooed on their neck, it's hard for them, but just to say, i don't do that anymore. it's kind of a long process. it's not like you just leave it one day and you're like, well, i'm glad that's over. i had been out of the movement before i got connected with these guys, but i was on my own and didn't talk about it and had a lot of buried shame and guilt. and then i met these guys and i saw, you know, friends talking arnold talk, it helped me get past that barrier of feeling like i had to hide this from the world that opening up has really just taken my, my viewing process and my solution to a whole other level really, you've got to find a way to find an affirmation that every discussion, no matter how bad it feels, it is going. you've just got to be organized like takes guts to do that. trying to help them discover the abilities that they have. this is why we don't want to foster dependency. this is why the intervention can't rely on my car is more. they
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go from being untrusting, hateful, spiteful, distant to begging for more interaction. another phone call. another meeting, you know, tell me poor and don't be surprised when they say that's the best conversation i've had in a long time. that is something that's very routine that comes out of people just want to be listened to. and we're trying to teach you how to listen to them. well, we hold a mirror up so the person can see their humanity reflected back at them through our eyes. but when we treat them as human beings treat them for the suffering person that they are. and they, on the receiving end of that, they get to see that, hey, there is there. is it the human insight? and that's the, i think the incredible power of passion. it was very impactful when someone finally came along with no fear, no judge man, he heard my story, did nothing to challenge it, but validated the soon as i started talking about, my mother tears came up. i just spilled my guts about everything should done to me
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