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tv   News  RT  June 9, 2022 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] a ah, i don't. yeah, it's cool to sentence 3 foreign mercenaries to get off. they pleaded guilty to charges are preparing a crew in done by foreigners have been glorified in the western media fighting for ukraine. the 13 people are killed in the latest ukrainian shelling of the guns club, public hitting vital infrastructure and civilian plus the top russian arms control officer stays western weapon supplies to ukraine or anything else in the hands of terrorists through the black markets and could be used against the very countries with these a legal rating tools like weapons. it's
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a very welcome to you. this is dorothy international with the latest world news headlines. it's good to have you with us. now 3 captured foreign mercenaries, 2 british and one moroccan have been sentenced to death by a court in don. yes. after they pleaded guilty to charges of closing occurs that ortiz ramon calls or reports from outside the court house. the supreme court of the nest people's republic sentence to free for it mercenaries that said to britons and 01, the moroccan, a fighter to death. and i took the judge at least 2 hours to read the verdict and they were building multiple charges in question. i including immersion, arisen committing crimes aimed at seizing and holding power by
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a force as well as undergoing training ain't that's carrying out said terrorist activities here in the territory of the done. it's hard people's republic. they have been convicted to death and according to a local laws, the execution will be carrying out by how shooting now are according to the a lawyer that was defending the 3 hammers. here's a question or they will appeal had the decision. now if the appeal goes through and if the apartment by the head of the next people's republic, then their sentence will be commuted to 25 years to life and they have at least a month to carry out their fuel. earlier the 3 mercenaries went upstairs in the western media for fighting for ukraine in the dumbass city as mariel, paul, but the prisoners have had a change of heart since being taken into custody as aunt is mike garcia explains.
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no one knows for sure how many foreign mercenaries have been killed or captured in ukraine. kiev keeps that a secret, probably to avoid scaring away war tourists or cannon fodder is totally different in a full scale war. and my experience, and this is a 1st time i've had artillery 1st, i've had grad and, and 1st i've been in a full scale war and is disorganized, it's unpleasant, it's green. don't be due to the wall. that's not by not of war that have been fighting for like for myself, i look, look at myself. like i said to me, not one has to be mentioned or talked about my case or tried to help my situation. they understand. i have a time limit on my case, and i still abandoned by the crating government and the british government was sad story, the lads army,
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that is what they call themselves lads. army. like it was all a joke. it's as if they had no idea what they were getting into, but they did, i feel a need to protect the ukrainian way of life, even though i'm not ukrainian. the u. k. support for ukraine has so far been really good compared to other countries. i hope our prime minister and other m. p. 's can push harder to increase support and give more equipment. aiden ashlyn likes a good flies. he was in a rock fighting alongside the kurds. likely got a taste for violence because soon after he wanted more, this tom and ukraine, i didn't have a financial means to go and start a new life completely over at oceans. and i figured the best that would meet jersey, craig stokeland, the crating military, since farmers showing pena loads of joined up raring for our flight. the spot
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warnings from the british government warnings law to go to ukraine, that they could be prosecuted for terrorism if they were ton, but missed a pin up was so full of spirit. i am here defending my family and adopted city brushes, started this war. it's funded by russia and driven by russia, but we will fight them, make no mistake about that. this is my 9th war tour. death has been a part of my life for so long. you can't go into each day thinking you will be killed or injured. if this is not your conflict, you have no business volunteering to be in it. you know, we had people here in the united states, or we brought them to the united states who were captured on the battlefield in afghanistan and pakistan, and doe, we treated them as, as mercenaries, which is what they were. they were non state combatants hostile combatants and they faced the full power of the law. and so if, if you're an american or in the case that you cited a britisher or
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a moroccan and you volunteer to fight somebody else's war, then you're going to have to pay the price. when you're capture, it's going to be very clear to people who are entertaining the idea of going to praying that there's nothing in it for them. they're, they're not going to get rich doing this. they're not going to come back with glory from the battlefield. this is a no win situation. they should mind their own business and stay away in the united states. we call people like this glory hounds, people who, who feel like they've wasted their lives and want to be able to tell their children and grandchildren stories some day. it's almost always a bad idea, but apparently neither showed nor aiden, nor others bothered to reckon with the consequences. mercenaries and not afforded protections of the geneva conventions. they are officially not prisoners of war.
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and the law of the de niro people's republic, allows for death sentences for murderers. for example, for mercenaries. oh, go there will so very sorry that it turned out this way. my probably would have tried to not join the military and trying to get in to like a civilian way. i'm hoping the people on the judges like and forgive my actions. i hope i really hope that i don't receive the death penalty so that i can go on to maybe help rebuild because there's going to be a lot of like help needed. and so many more will be our why are for yeah. and if we ever say in our 33 times in england, generates one or somebody marable to, if i get through this and i'm still alive, i'm going to chance it's, i'm, you know, it's, it's for me and it's done the short and sad story of the lads army a bunch of guys who wanted an excuse to,
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to go and shoot and kill without consequences, which they apparently did for years and then multiple was and suddenly faced with a death penalty. after all this cobb, they're sorry, and they should have known better. one of the mercenaries, aiden osland, has been brave, had been briefly arrested on terrorism, charges in the chaos to have fought in syria in 2016. nevertheless, britain's foreign secretary has not criticized the don't yet. sentencing call in the court was decision, illegal, all stating that london will do everything in his power to help the convicted brits geopolitical analyst, and the blogger, john marketing can face the death sentence. is a warning to anyone else. thinking of joining the ukranian army as a mercenary, it was a legal decision carried out by the court. and i, even though they don't recognize the the l d r in the loop on the people's republic in the people's republic. those are still the governments in charge,
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you know, there is so, you know, whatever they say is what's going to happen. and there's not a lot that they can do about it. they're telling people don't come here, mind your own business, because you know what these people, they're sorry now because they got caught in this is, this is the way it always is, but they're not sorry when they're engaging in crimes against the people who donica republic with with you granny military, it's, it's a 2 way street, you know, even me as a journalist, i'm on ukraine's kill list with a bunch of other journalists. and if we get caught there, they'll execute us just for reporting what's actually happening over there. so, you know, the, these governments like the u, k, u. s. and all these other governments that are crying fowler and this, they have no place. they have no reason to condemn mercenaries when when their
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side of ukraine is, is, you know, willing to execute. journalists, like ask official say, the just told from the latest ukrainian shelling of the republic has risen to 13 civilians, a local stadium was engulfed in flames as a result of the attack. the shelling mostly hit residential areas and vital infrastructure, including a gas pipeline. several homes were heavily damaged or completely destroyed, and he, 6 civilian civil say been found wounded me while most go say is 97 percent of the la guns republics. territory is now under the control of russian lead forces. ukraine's president says that the future of the battle for don bass has been decided in the city of the vera on yet square. some of the heaviest fighting is now ongoing. thousands of ukrainian troops are said to be at risk of being and circle back was russian had force his push on with their advance from the north and south . as he think was dawn of reports from the key town of pass naya,
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which has been devastated by relentless parcels. citizens of this little town of guns, people's republic they had to walk through hell via the town is no more. those piles of concrete burnt houses, burns apartment blocks all over the place. it won't be soon when the life will spring again. here this is mother hugo in miniature. but unlike its big city brother, the town partner has had it worse. and this is what happens to cities, towns and villages that the ukrainian forces refused to leave. for example, this little village of papa. now they feel as they fought for every apartment block for every building as they well set up their firing positions on top of well buildings like this. there was no other choice but to well raised the place to the ground. it's been a month since the ukrainians fled from this place yet there's nary a trace of peace here. only desolation and endless columns of tanks,
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artillery and other military vehicles of all sorts. key of through all it had to defend the strategically crucial town. every house was a fortress, every street a front line. now it's a key, luge bad for the russians, and the la ganske people's republics militia who are trying to push the battles away from this impaired place. even in the city of maria upa, which is battered by the war, we did see some signs of civilian life. but 1st, so people very cautiously cruel out of the basement. then we saw the public transport. nothing like that here in the little village of papa. now, not a single civilians all in the street. just bangs of artillery fire and a heavy smell of gunpowder in the air makers done a reporting from the la guns people's republic r t. ah, masha says weapons which have been sent by the west to ukraine are already being sold in vast amounts on the black market. according to moscow,
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the ear is playing with fire as the arms could end up being used by terrorists against europeans. within the start of russia's military operations, several countries, instead billions of dollars worth of arms and ammunition to ukraine, including heavy weapons and handheld anti tank and anti aircraft launch as many of which have since been captured by russian led forces. and despite promises of additional western support, kev says it remains outgunned and his pleading from e supplies several international law enforcement agencies have already voice to back concerns. i've been following supplying backings been traded on the black market. we've got some insight on the issue from konstantin down for a long head of the russian delegation on arms control in vienna. in open source is an intimate you can discover then the gelatin search systems as a tgm. they already in the hands,
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so it live terrorists and the price of the lease is $30000.00 and deliver to the police that are somehow weapon whipple show in dark internet offering. not only lease, but i think they're bad. it's a weapons and it's very dangerous. and we formed our putnam colleagues in the forum that it's dangerous not only for the crate, but it's collateral damage over these illegal spreading of small arms and light weapons. it's collateral damage could be also for europe, other parts of the world, because it's a very dangerous weapons for the civilians. we want a lot of times, what do they think are sending more and more weapons to ukraine? and there is,
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there is sponsibility accountability. i don't think they really think about this. my view that the, the aim is this. the bill is ation in ukraine. but the, they have forgotten that they call little damage of these. is this the zation situation in europe too. and we are fighting to persuade them. come on guys, please sing. deliver the message to your is also that it's very dangerous. meanwhile, we don't have clear, clear answer. ah, some u. s. media outlets appear to have made a u turn in a coverage of the conflict in ukraine and, and are criticizing washington force being, holding competent oversight in helping key f artes kellen. more pain picks up the story. the new york times is generally been quite supportive of us action, supporting ukraine. its demonized. russia is celebrated the relationship between us
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officials and the ukraine government. however, this latest article seems to indicate things between the united states and ukraine are not as cosy as you might have been led to believe. from what this latest article indicates, us officials are not receiving classified briefings and information about ukraine's upcoming military operations. ukraine is not sharing information with united states while you brain continues to demand more weapons and funding. here's what a former senior us intelligence official had just say about us relations with the ukranian government. how much do i really know about how you green is doing? can you find a person who will tell you with confidence, how many troops has ukraine last? how many pieces of equipment has ukraine last? now, at this point, the united states is spending $100000000.00 per day on arming the ukraine. whether it's in terms of direct financial aid or weaponry and there's been an approval recently for. ready long range missiles given to the ukranian government,
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and this indicates that concerns about where are these weapons and where this funding is actually going and whose hands might end up in are becoming more serious . here's how some analysts have viewed the situation. the new york times report, if accurate reveals shocking incompetence on the part of joe biden, and his national security team. would you give a hand gun to a man with no arms and no legs? hell no. but the new york times is admitting that the united states is supplying weapon systems without any idea whether there are competent personnel and ukraine capable of using the weapons. now concerns have been raised by members of the u. s . congress that has been caused for an inspector general, so look into the continued flow of weapons and funding and the ukraine areas, concerns about weapons turning off on the black market after the united states has provided them in frame has been described widely as the country known for having lots of corruption. so at this point it seems the new york times is joining this
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echo of concern about us activities in the region. me while russia foreign intelligence services president zalinski has seemingly agreed to give war. so financial power over his country effectively handling the pos of ukraine sovereignty to parents. according to moscow, keith has provided warsaw with secret information about the financial situation in ukraine. russia had only a warranty that poland is allegedly preparing to annex parts of ukraine. historian john and law cleanser says he has cannot retain its grip on power without the lifeline from its allies. ukraine is on the life support. it's it's, it's on the live support it would have crumbled. long ago, even before the war. i think if it hadn't lived off this like support from, from the west. and so this latest piece of information really early on the lines, the trend, it underlines the trend and it, and it throws into relief. the fact that ukraine is not an independent country. it
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cannot survive as an independent country. the americans are giving us mixed messages at the moment bygone recently called for ukraine to make territorial concessions to russia. perhaps that is the american game plan. perhaps they were expect key f to make territorial concessions, and then to encourage the same leaders in key f to agree to, to become as it were, a territorial concession to poland and the very begging that students zalinski has made his hallmark since february shows that the country, in spite of all the aged and received before february, was still unable to operate independently and indeed to exist independently. countries unable to make their own sovereign decisions on a more than colonies, as, according to a new damning statement from vladimir putin. if you wish to look to claim some
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kind of leadership, not to mention the global leadership, any country, any nation must insure its own sovereignty because there is no intermediate option . a country is either a sovereign nation, or it is a callaway. whatever you call a colony, it is still a colony, and i won't give any examples right now to avoid offending anyone. but if a country or a group of countries is not capable of making sovereign decisions, then it is a colony to a certain extent. in any case, colonies have no historical potential whatsoever. there is no chance to survive and a tough geopolitical standoff which has always been an issue. we were not the 1st ones to come up with this idea that has been the case for centuries. and russia was on the cutting edge all the time. yes, there were times when it was necessary to retreat. but only for the sake of moving on forward. later on was that the western hostility towards russia has been a thing for more than
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a century. as according to syria and president basha allison has given an exclusive interview to us, he, you can watch it in full on friday on our channel on the website for now is a quick preview, blue sky lease leaseholder russia, serious ally and rushes facing a war which in my view is not linked to the expansion of nato. as some people may think, this animosity has existed even before communism and the 1st world war. it is an ongoing war and russia plays an important role to ensure an international equilibrium exists. so we can view russia from 2 perspectives. the 1st is that of an ally, if our ally triumphs in the battle, or if their political position is strengthened on the international arena, then this is a win for us as well. from a 2nd perspective, russia's power today constitutes a restoration. al bite partial of an international equilibrium. this rebalance that we are witnessing will impact smaller countries, including syria. this is my strategic view, the bottom line,
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without going into other legal aspects. rather, ukraine's former human rights commissioner, ludmilla denise event, has admitted she over did it in her claims of sexual abuse of ukrainians by russian troops which even the ukrainian public found lack sufficient evidence may be, i over did it, but i was trying to achieve the goal of convincing the world to provide weapons and put pressure on russia while to weaken, annisa was fired from her post for spreading unverified information with ukrainian lawmakers saying that her actions only served to tarnish the country's image. however, she was faxed off to her statements, had already made headlines that went viral and maids, mainstream western media. russia has repeatedly denied allegations of sexual abuse by its soldiers, ortho, and for me, u. s. senate 8, tara reid stays the western media is promoting baseless western phobia and hysteria
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. it's absolutely ridiculous to hear her say she over. did it over, did it? she lied about monstrous atrocities. alleged that the russian soldiers committed the weren't true and had no evidence. but what's more clear about this is the complicity of the western media journalist. like i think it was news week and some of the other daily beast and some other outlets that raised up these fictional stories without any verification or cooperation. i mean, those aren't journalists, those are stronger 1st for the western empire at that point, as it stands. the western media unfortunately, has just been pushing the hysteria and wrist the phobia and latched on to those stories without any evidence. nevertheless, a recent un security council discussion, once again, saw a flow of accusations against russia, even though a un special representative on sexual violence in conflict admitted this. such
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claims were almost impossible to verify. many allegations of conflict related sexual violence or difficult if not impossible to verify, making it challenging to assess violence. as a 3rd of june, the human rights monitoring to you what the united nations high commission of human rights has received reports of 124. acts of conflict related sexual violence. very few cases is few ongoing. among the ukrainian territories where conflicts related sexual abuse was reported were regions hundreds of kilometers from the front lines far away from any of the russian troops engaged in combat in east in ukraine, and don't bass off and form a u. s. senate 8 tara reef, says western officials need to get their geography straight before trying to accuse russians of something they couldn't have done. well, exactly. i mean, how could they have committed crimes and they're not physically there. and again, it kind of goes to the fact that there is
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a little bit of confusion with some of the western officials of the map of ukraine and where locations are actually. but again, this is going back to pushing. if you listen to her statement, she had said she was trying to get more weapons, a more help for ukraine. so what they would call this is atrocity propaganda when you try to create this enemy by making really vile and absurd accusations to try to touch the emotions of people. a new un report has accused israel of human rights violations and intending to fully occupy palestine. israel has no intention of ending the occupation, has clear policies for ensuring complete control over the occupied palestinian territory and is acting to alter the demography through the maintenance of a repressive environment for palestinians and a favourable environment for his railey settlers. was more the you and commission hi state than end of the israeli occupation would not be enough to solve the crisis in the region. the report also underlines that is really,
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authorities are responsible for numerous infringements of rights of the palestinian population. earlier groups like amnesty international acquainted his wife's policy towards the palestinians to apartheid. activists mentioned violations like seizures of prophecy, force displacement movement restrictions, citizenship denials, and even killings. however, israel denied the allegations on boy quoted the un inquiry quote and get a waste of time. the report published by the human rights counsels commission of inquiry is nothing more than a waste of money and effort of the united nation systems, part and parcel of the witch hunt being carried out by the human rights council against israel. despite the damning un report on israel, ukraine is not shined away from trying to secure a key deal with television. as here wants to acquire is wowza famous iron dome, add defense system. these really have to take the part of the rest of the western
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world. and help you, craig, with all possible means ramsey rudolph, and that is of the palestine chronicle. n g. a says the international community has fell to bringeth rounds to account for its violations. there's never really been any actual and meaningful steps taken to read in israel or to hold it legally, politically or morally accountable to the horrific crimes committed in palestine. but on the other hand, is being increasingly recognized as a state that stands violating human wides, carrying out war crimes against the palestinians, even israel's own human rights groups like be sailing for example. so you can get an idea here of how willing the so called international community, or rather the u. s. dominated side of the international community. how willing they are to give it all the margins and all the spaces to continue with their oppression
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of the palestinian people. of course ukraine kind of understand how israel has always been treated with this special status. the feel that we can operate within that political domain unhindered and thinking that nobody has given me any sort of connection that ukraine is becoming closer, getting closer and closer to a state that we should be a state according to international law. well, the west trying to pin the blame for a looming global for crisis on russia. the u. s. itself has been revealed as the country, the discounts, more food than any other nation. as, according to the latest report by the environmental protection agency, which stays the country, wastes around $40000000.00 tons of food per year, which makes that one 3rd of americans total supply. while in western europe, spain following in the examples of italy and france, is planning to decrease the amount of wasted food by introducing new requirements
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for restaurants and supermarkets. according to relate to study 931000000 tons of food are thrown away worldwide. every year, that amount could fill enough 40 ton trucks to stretch around the globe, 7 times over. no one else shake a member of the egyptian council for foreign affairs and an expert at the valentine discussion plan claims western sanctions for the global 3 crisis. the whole world is facing a great challenge and the great crisis that crisis actually created by that sanctions of the west. and so i think the west is short doing it. so rule building such as sanctions. we need a strong voice again as to what the western countries is doing. western people also showed a great effort in that because they are suffering now and will suffer more
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and more like us, not maybe different degrees, but the will suffer also. so all people in north and south should cooperate together and to have one voice. so by way or another lifting that sanction as soon as possible. otherwise, we are going to disaster many thanks for keeping his company here and i see international as always, plenty more to be found on our website. ah, today i'm authorizing the additional strong sanction foreign companies, quitting russia, a blanton bangs disconnected from the international payment system. functional puppy mall, dollar euro exchange rates follow up when i sell up on a couple more stuff. so what up


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