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tv   Interview  RT  June 10, 2022 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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ready count like this. however, in reality the unix system was created after the 2nd world war had when the bretton woods conference established a new monetary order that made the u. s. dollar the world reserve currency. today, what is more important than the military outcomes, or at least one is equally important. so as not to exaggerate the economic outcomes of this war, particularly the status of the dollar. if the dollar continues to govern the world economy, nothing will change regardless of the results of the warrior. the thing with the dollar and the many people say that the united states is using the dollar to blackmail the world. and those who opposed it. 100 view this western economics in the war against moscow. and can it be compared with the economic sanctions against syria? first, using the dollar is not blackmail. it is robbery because after the 2nd world war, the americans pledged that the dollar would reflect the gold reserved. but they had the dollar to gold at the beginning of the 1970 starting the next and destruction the united states decided to abandon the gold standard of separating the dollar
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from gold was consequently it became a working piece of paper. but in the united states continue to trade around the world using this worthless piece of paper. this is robbery, and it applies to the whole world. recently, the u. s. raised interest rates and as a consequences, the value of all other currencies drop affecting the economically weaker countries above. yes, it is a tool for sanction. we'll see as long as the dollar is a mobile currency and continues to be settled in the us banks, or what is called the american federal reserve. you are under the authority of this dollar, and therefore your future has a stage where my country or society has an economy is under the mercy of the united states. it is a central part of the sanction. without it, the dollar america would not be a super power at all. mister president, i also asked about the comparison between sanctions against moscow in the experience of damascus and disregard. what the stand is, this comparison valid sort of city and you mean the sanctions regardless of the dollar. of course, the same mentality,
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the mentality of gemini colonialism and aggregate little. they still believe that the situation is as it was several decades ago. and that the west controls and everything the world today, the world has changed and there is russia, china, and many other rising countries. yes, we are under sanction, but many of our basic needs are not bought from western country. we have severed our relation that in these countries don't have the same mentality and this will lead to the same failure for every country can. now, since your basic livelihood and growth requirements without american permission is more than this could be a positive message for russian citizens. but let's talk all some mr. president about the syrian citizens and all the economic challenges they face on the sanctions. the only reason for this crisis, the collapse of this year and pound the difficult living conditions and other challenges sob. we're going to have a lot of it and i don't know not at all. and i have stated this publicly. yes. the sanctions are part of the problem because they raise costs and slow the economic
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process. but there are other global reasons, like covered 1900, for example. the west is presenting a narrative that the current problems are a result of the brain war and more precisely, a result of russian policy. the reality however, is different, and some of the national challenges are due to internal economic plan and not only external zachary of attractive. so it is important to distinguish between challenges arising as a result and sanction for as a result of government plans or as a result of the overall economic environment which could be due to policies of companies or habits of citizen or these all impact of the economic situation both positively and negatively. part of it has to do with corruption to exactly the economy is affected by numerous factors, including management as well. let them stop a little with your plan for competing corruption and do a few 100. most countries in the state of war tend to delay or haul to many core processor, and one of which is fighting corruption level in syria. our view is different because of the war we need more than ever to combat corruption. this is for the
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simple reason that wars weakened state institutions. when state institutions are weak, corruption becomes more widespread. this is a common unfortunate consequence of war in any countries and it is not unique. it's a serious problem. therefore, during such a times, you need to increase your efforts in combating corruption and this is what we are doing. but of course, there are obstacles. the war of self is an obstacle. the weakness of state institutions as a result of the war is another obstacle, as well as the administrative system that requires a lot of reform and is the most important factor in fighting corruption. so we are proceeding with this approach across all secretary political, economic, un administrator. but due to our current circumstances, there is no guarantee that we will be able to achieve our ambitions. michelle, this is true particularly that the syrian people have renewed the trusting you, mr. president, your campaign slogan of us hope in action, but in our tour of the country and when talking with syrians and start
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a frustration because of the difficult conditions they're facing. but here we are. to what extent can this whole be revived in syria? that is losing its oil resources because they're under control of other parties and we'll address this shortly as well as having to deal with other challenges. wait, for example, and what you have available to you, mister president, i will get for you 1st. what you're saying is correct, i suggested hope, because there is frustration. i recognize this frustration which led me to adopt the slogan. second, these words are not a slogan and they are the title of a solution. hope doesn't coming from the sitting around and waiting. it comes from our attempts to be proactive and productive. do we have the necessary tools to be productive? yes, of course we do have, i'm otherwise the state would not have endure on medical care and syria is free despite the decline of services. education is free and despite the decline on quality of education, as a result of the circumstance of subsidies are still available despite the increasing rate of all of these basics,
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services are still available with no change in our policy. and similarly, are there new facilities and enterprises growing or emerging during this period of war? of course, there are, there are many people who love their country and are ready to take risks and invest in this current climate, which is not fast suited for investment. and what is required of the syrian citizens, how can they accommodate meeting day daily, meet and are deteriorating, leaving conditions for it? cause i considered to be patriarch, talked about opening up and is that the island and hunted well with if we agree that an increase in productivity is the best solution to improve living conditions and services that we must, what identify what will you, obstacles are and my main obstacle is electricity and as such, our focus since 2021 has been to find solutions to the electricity shortage, which is a result of the sanction of we have been successful and it is safe to say that during 2022 coming we will witness an improvement in this field towards no doubt a will have a positive impact on our production capability. hassan. so both the problem and the solution have been clearly identified. you know,
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all the we are moving and the right to reginald. we should not raise our expectations to high and believe that all our problems will be resolved, isn't not at all. there will be an improvement and it will be gradual. we must be aware that there are circumstances that are not in our favorite level. there are attempts to undermine every step will take towards development. we muscle deal with each problem as it arises and continue to find a stable solution. luckily, this is all part of the war of and when i say there is hope, it means that we have the tools and the capabilities to face all channels from external forces to undermine growth. and syrian how the, the diesel temp. i also like to political or a pharmacy, perhaps some talk here about the constitutional committee. that's why they're not making progress in europe enabled. lost a lot of the know this is totally different and has nothing to do with the sanction . but if we're referring to the constitutional committee than the requirement is to arrive at a constitution, a constitutional that expresses the desires, the values of the aspirations and the culture of the syrian peep. one that is
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a middle ground between all the different segments and currents that exist in our society. this is the results we aspire, that we should. logically, we are talking about a dialogue between syria or what we might call a syrian syrian dialogue under the assumption that there are 2 partners with regard to the constitutional committee, who we are also referring to to party 1st party was proposed by the syrian governor . its members are neither diplomatic nor government employees, or if they do represent the views of the syrian government. the 2nd party is appointed by turtling. so the logical question is, how is it possible to have a syrian syrian dialogue when one party is syrian and the other party is turkey? this is the problem that can, this is why we are not receiving anything because quite simply the 1st part of the aspirations of monsieur in people, while the other party expresses the aspirations of the turkish government and who are 43. i've been accept that no, they're let mister president. let's talk about what the other parties are. those who say that the syrian government just concerned that the constitutional committee
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will or do something that interferes with their stories of the president. what do you say? this is not an issue the, the syrian constitution does not express the views of the president or the government or the ruling party, or it expresses the unanimous views of the syrian people. is there anything agreed by the syrians as correctly at any rate that is created in any form should be in alignment with the new constitutional? this is fine and it was not. there cannot be stability. that is at odds with the wish of the you know, this is why whatever outcome is read by the constitutional committee now or later or under any other circumstances must be put to a popular referendum. you will not be passed by the government. this is a definitive, it should reflect in their wishes and hands of the people either approve or reject the confusion to those consensus among syria and might be the objective of the general issued which opened the door for the return of steering refugees and other reformation decisions. left criticisms be offended on those who when i was
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president, the charlotte, god being in our will be treated as traders of the homeland shuttle assets. and the, the, and, you know, there are laws in syria. we do not have what is commonly referred to as political prisoner. this term does not exist. there are national given us and we have to be careful to not can use political freedom with transgressing against national, giving a csc to someone might say, why don't we give up our occupied territory to israel. so this is punishable by law and it is a national issue and not a political one. the same principle applies to other things, like opposing with president wilson. you and there are many syrians and syria who did not agree with me on many public opposition to a person or a government is one thing for transgressing against the national given was there's another those who are the host can do. so chair is no problem and this does not affect any person who does this also apply to the kurdish horses? look at the more the kurdish issue is different. if we look at it from a national perspective, the kurtz conference,
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and ethnic city that has existed in syria throughout history for the majority of them are patriotic issues. however, there are some who are not the justice. there are also some arabs, non arabs who are also not patriotic and, you know, act as agents for others, especially americans. issue has nothing to do with the president of the war with political opposition with the issue here is the unity of the syrian homeland mobile one notion of multiple necessities taking the form of canton. it's a war federation is the beginning of division, whereas the syrian diversity within a framework of national unity is enriching. and we view this part of the training and your neck, religious, and terry and diversity enriches syrian society who do not the other way. however, when it is presented in the wrong framework, it becomes a courtesy and this is something we do not allow. the door is open for dialogue with everyone, with the exceptions of a bill described as agents, particularly of the united states. but sometimes we have to engage in our less i'd like to focus on the curtis you're working. particular dell,
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sound controlled boil wells, island america, support. and what are your views on this? and what guards does damascus have in order to restore its ass at the end territory will pick up how all the the problem with any occupation of a country or any invasion is not the invasion itself, regardless of how big the army it is to view the problem lies with the agents who support the invader. model of this is the issue and it exists in syria or not. there are forces acting under the authority of the american. yes. and on their behalf against the unity of syrian society. and we're still not the normal reaction, which is what we're starting to see in those areas like eastern area is popular resistance. since the vast majority of the population of do not accept these deviations and refuse to deal with the occupier. and this treason, this has started a conflict between these forces and the logan population. as long as there are people who act as agency, the occupier will remain strong usually. so 1st that these agents should be purged, they should be weak, intimate, and then the occupier will automatically leave because popular resistance will
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increase against that of the solution. then in facing any invasion, particularly when you do not have the necessary military capability. so is popular resistance. ah, because of the conflict in ukraine, europe and russia are going there different ways and like a divorce, separation is full of anguish and finger pointing. the biggest loser of all in this, of course, is europe. washington couldn't be more please. it's a gemini, is being sealed today i'm authorizing the additional strong sanction foreign companies, quitting russia, a licensing atm card. so blantan banks disconnected from the international payment system. functional move hoppey, jermel donna and euro exchange rates followed minneapolis sellable up article go
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more so. so what are what the committee met? the balkans, the bill that is a good. can you say i don't see a material with almost volume in russian business overcome this song. see near bought enough to handle huge, tremendously. just me don't pres, voice bullshit. national productive. not just 0 dash a miracle. what i see on cell when you go, when you with, before you have already got any of your mind or defeat not, but i, she's appraisal by the look. i don't know if the group, when you, on yesterday with dr. newson, who is a school. so a delusion. we'll be affordable to lucian. close with ellie, look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings. accept where such order is that
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conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. at that point, obviously is to great trust, rather than fear with various jobs with artificial intelligence, real summoning with a robot less protect its own existence with athletic at a hotel. and we're not talking care only about the american challenge for you also have the cherokee, which no longer hides. it's in session to greed, what is described as a save zone inside syrian territories. what are your plans to promote that? maria ha, both comm layman with that it would be a flu pull. it is within the same framework and if there is an invasion, there will be popular resistance in the 1st instant history. of course, the syrian army is not deployed and all the syrian territory,
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but in the areas where it is deploy intimate and when conditions allow for direct military confrontation. we will not hesitate. well, this was the case 2 and a half years ago when there was a clash between syrian and turkish army in the syrian army destroyed some turkish hearts that had moved into syrian territory. little it's the same, will happen again. and as much as the military capabilities will allow us could yada, but a quick one on a coppola medicine. what about inland and what's your vision for the situation there like any occupied territory? it is subject to the syrian military and political plans for liberation of the whole. there is no doubt about the use of any land occupied by the turks or by the terrorists, as we will be liberated and blind. my that it is, find this and with the existence of all these problematic files there does heard talking about reconstruction. are there any urgent plans in that regard? other states which have expressed a willingness that takes laura took there also does mr. president who have made the link between this file and your visit to united arab emirates, the camera comp, adobe winnetka. he caught up at a thought with the,
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with our companies from various areas, states and not the states themselves which have expressed a desire to take part. if we take into account the extreme pressure applied by the west through sanctions on any company that might invest in syria, we recognized that the process will be slow and risky for many and little. nevertheless, there are those that are preparing to invest in syria in ways which sir events the sanction. so if we want to talk about reconstruction in broadside, i cannot say that the current political, economic, or security situation allows for large scale reconstruction would never the less, a process of reconstruction has started out by the limited. this is partly through investors and companies or individuals were rebuilding their facilities and partly throughout the state. so in rebuilding the art around kind of the core of economic life in some of the big i'd like to stop a little with you on the diving in serious return this large gain as crime. how do you see it? it out of my whole case. i, i don't know how
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a large aid is defined and what the word means because we never left syria has remained in place with the same positions and the same conditions dealing with them in its own way. and according to its principles and perspective available, i would like to say that in their essence, syrian arab relations have not changed much during the war. sarab states have maintains that are relations with us and stood with us. well, don't do it at all. even those that were true, their diplomatic mission is yes, even those they with, through their diplomatic mission has changed their relationship and capital. was it a feeling us here in, despite not being able to do anything, the position is the same as formal changes happening in this relationship as a result of the change in work, or stances, whether regional or any other matter that i cannot talk on their behalf. or whoever i do not believe there is a great change in the big change that is happening in terms of for you to let me ask on. it does have any grudge against the countries with amanda and her during
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this crisis. one of the 1st of all, to grudge, as proof of witness. secondly, begrudging doesn't lead anywhere but does not create any positive results, especially in relations with countries. thirdly, and we have to distinguish between policy and errors are made by us and the people in the for that we seek arab arab relations, which means relation between people. and in this case, there are no grudge, assuming, unfortunately we know that our countries have their own circumstance. then we are able to say no on many issues with our habits. many countries are unable to do. the same has not just cation but it is a fate are complete and we have to deal with laming and complaining does not achieve results more hopeful. later in the near future, the arab summit will be hosted by jerry and many people are talking about you end and have some other steps and disregard. what the problem was, perhaps the only weight is some it has is the fact that it is kelvin al jerry,
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this is a fact. i am not being diplomatic. missouri is relations with algeria under all circumstances, independence from france in the early 900, whatever you have been consistent. there is something solid between the 2 peoples, maybe because the history of a similar despite the different appearing to show if we address the arab league regardless of the jury summons with the question of not a serious return or non return. and the word return is wrong. because syria is still in the room and i was hoping membership was suspended on syria did not, of the issue is what will the arab league do in the future regardless of whether sir is in the league or not. and will it show any of that ration of the citizen i'm and why do not believe that it has achieved anything route for that of 3 decades. and certainly during the last year that it was a cover for the aggression against libya and again, syria and every other aggression with the question is, will it be able to make this policy or not the are ably continues and nothing will change in the end of our abilities are subjected to external pressure on all areas
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. as long as this is the case, the results will be the same and it is negative ultima. and then therefore, theory is return with a termination of the engine and something form of it might have some benefits, but we don't count on them. pseudo dolly allowed on italian was what he considered the stamps taken recently, including your job, adobe. and it was a talk where that is going to add up in jury and where and my name is and then come up with a i will be happy to visit any arab country. and this is for sure, but it cannot happen without an invitation. it is normal and to think of visiting our countries because despite the utterly or state of the world, they have to limit the damage and avoid more decline dialogue with arab countries. and arabic officials is essentially one to 3, not a portion of and she said, well,
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here we might point out something very important. and i may say that any return to normal relations with the area through the relationship, iran will not be perfect as long as the relations between the masses continue to balance its relations with iran on the land. and let me see what your relations returned on the other in personal, serious relations with any country are not subject to discussion with any one. no one decides for syria with holy middle can and cannot have relation. let us now no one decides for us, nor do we decide for anyone else. this issue is not a subject for discussion and is not even on the table that it was raised to us when we don't reject it right away in the day. this is 1st 30 secondly, many countries that used to raise this issue in the past. we have not done so for years because they themselves are engaged with iran and this is a contradiction. thirdly, iran is an important country. if we want to talk about debility in the middle east,
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we need to relations with all these countries. but if we want to talk about the balance between relations, the principal is wrong. there was room when all the and the think literally the damascus has achieved it for many here. let him exactly, but not based on the idea of that was because balance implies that there are contradictory parties that we need to balance between. we do not lose this way. we believe that all this company is a common hand out such a process. i'm not your relation and i would rather and good my legal currently, there is dialogue for julian, the gulf data and iran, and believe you might say mindy ation after restoring normal relations between re odd handling. what was it on for one? of course, the basic logic implies that if there is a disagreement, hardy is that you have good relations, which is only normal for you to play the role immediate or the individual and the collection of all countries in the region. whenever we have a normal relation on all the arguments and so we are unable to lay this roll lock
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up. there have been normal relations or in their station on the part of the number of the capitals israel, putting a fold in their realization in relations between the countries and israel. and there have been room is that haven't theory to the fact that the masters will normalize the condition of the ring me off by go on, be sure that this happened and you can and if the 1st term is wrong in syria, we have rejected the term of normalization since the beginning of the piece processing the namely because normalization as her lies in normal relations and a normal relationship, she smoothly like water without obstacles economical, worst, or artificial data for the term normalization, however, is artificial and in that it aim at pushing words in concession is in return for nothing, but this is the object in syria. the germ is normal relations and this is linked to a peace process which is linked to the return up, right?
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this is definitive. on the other hand, we're against a relationship with israel, regardless of whether we refer to it as normalization or anything else. this has been the case from the onset of this process started with the 1970. and today our position remains the same called the we do not agree with any believe that all the processes had damaged are similar. you call them let alone the palestinian. we're going to filter, however, the latest the law and law agreeable which granted all the candidates to israel by the owner of palestine of his halls. damn. and consequently providing a case in the world not normalize relations or make play with israel and all what you like. it doesn't matter because the owner of the cause has abandoned us. so we are against normalization. the fact serial will never change my position as long as there is occupied land to hold, which is the goal was that when the goal is restored we can talk when this does not come in the framework normalization. but rather in terms of having the normally
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between what any 2 status might read or who shop, ok for for digital. now the last one while we're talking is really showing continues on the tar. yes. last of which was the surrounding and off the moscow airport. we'd like to hear your comment on that value from the one. this is a different issue, although it ultimately leads to the same subject which is pushing syrians and making the session. these really interference at the beginning was linked directly to when the terrorist collapsed and syria because the terrorists for us israel army bite with a syrian or other identity navy. so when the terrorist we get to retreat and they're more al collapsed, the israeli intervention was necessary to raise their morale, to re mobilize what israel is doing now comes within this framework and nothing. you know, the last question with which i'd like to lose when you're excellent to see the image of the west project about president bashar assad. they said that the president standing in the people and against the regional and international hours
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today. after about a year, you're being elected by the syrian people and the positive tone, as i said in western capital. well, let me say in their national capital, the image changed. i mean, the health of erica for benefit in terms of the general public. and yes, it has changed not because we've been able to rattle the west using a different language because of different abilities where they would rather because the big lie. and the western officials used in the beginning did an unlimited exaggeration that put them in a difficult position with the client who are didn't know how to come back. and what we call the official channels are the major media outlets in the west continue to spread these lines and that have close political affiliation. what we know that many of the comment was written by their own status and to show that they no longer believe this narrative. well, if we want to address that is supposed to revolution, what is this revolution? and it is continue for 11 years with the support from the longest and richest
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countries in the world that are not a revolution that supposedly represents the wish of the people against the state. yet the state has not follow how does the state consist of superman dosher? this lie is not convinced. i believe she would tell you that this length was high, and there is, in addition to many other lies that their citizens have uncovered the passing of his hide. you're yet. so yes, i can say that the picture has changed. but well, this does not mean that people living in the was a know what is going on. i think they know there is a big lie and they do not necessarily know the big truth and our children, kathy, and waiting to know the bit truth. no doubt about that, but we thank you very much. your excellency, president bashar, our side of syria and thanks to our viewers. good bye. because of the conflict in ukraine, europe and russia are going there different ways and like the divorce separation is full of anguish. and finger pointing, the biggest loser of all in this, of course is europe. washington couldn't be more please. it's
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a gemini is being sealed. ah ah, not another while you. while you easy while furnace us. ah. yeah. do you know it's a one slide yet? if south, yeah. thrashing south. linda is angela neely, griffin. your duck. awesome. boys in norwich. done up all me at the double up i picked on the. is emily up a little video from sure. let me just kim's room. she thought piteously, the why fi ella? a bill and go yes, my thought or jan in that it again deal with fortune very often available this
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morning. search financially. ah, today i'm authorized to additional strong sanctions. i'm design soon. thank you. las glycine so from fis on shoals, hoppey, you're more lavish. russia, a special military operation in ukraine has triggered a wave of anti russian sanctions from the west, and it keeps coming up with new ones almost every day. this package will include financial sanctions that harshly limit russia's access to the capital markets. foreign companies quitting russia atm card to bluffton banks, disconnected from the international payment system, shop, fluctuate ins, antola, and euro exchange rates followed. can rush and business overcome this min app when i travel up on a couple more sto,
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show car from wouldn't. what are more convenient for them on the cello modification for the mileage? the deal is.


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