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tv   Documentary  RT  June 17, 2022 8:30am-9:00am EDT

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even a labor rights lawyer say, washington doesn't think international law applies to the u. s. the u. s. has made sure that it would never be held accountable. right. the u. s. is not a member of the international criminal court. it is, in fact sanctioned the international criminal court. when it said it was going to investigate the us for crimes in afghan to stand the u. s. under george w bush actually passed the law that said the u. s. could bomb the a give the i c c. did investigate the u. s. u. s. is made sure the international law does not apply to the united states. it does not care about the humanitarian cause of the tours of the us knew all along it back, samantha power, who was instrumental and making sure the u. s. would not be investigated or crimes any. and she herself, years ago predicted that millions of p. m. and could die due to the war, but that didn't change her course of action didn't change the u. s. course of action and it won't because they don't care. it's the same as arming islamic state
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. that's the message from a former american law enforcement officer who vehemently opposes washington's continued flow of weapons to ukraine. and we made the statement of visiting the war twin city of mario paul, john mcdoogan said there's a police officer in florida until he was investigated. also a legit alleging widespread corruption, blackmail and nepotism in the sheriff's office he worked in, he eventually received political asylum in russia, which doesn't have an extradition treaty with the us. after recently returning from the don yes republic, he spoke to my colleague in o'neill. so i've actually been there 6 times since the special operation began and the situation is pretty grim in terms of the civilian population. i mean, what they've faced from the ukrainian forces there have just been terrible being used as human shields, being held hostage is being shot by snipers for trying to evacuate. and this is
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straight. i get this straight from these people. they told me this, you know, it's difficult to hear these stories from these people. so in dumbass everything seems to be quieting down a bit. they're rebuilding and merry oval. as a stall has cleared out, i was in as of stall, even in the catacombs. and the people are trying their best to get back to normal life of the western media likes to leave out a lot of important details about the true nature of what's happening because they can't afford to to expose themselves as supplying the weapons to some really bad people in ukraine, which they are. can we touch then on, on why you came to russia, john mark your report on corruption within the sheriff's office? at what point did you realize there was a come into silence you so immediately after i came forward, we had
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a group of guys run around beating black people. and immediately after i reported this to my supervisors, there is a target and campaign to try to fire me. and so eventually i just resigned. i said, you know, i don't need this my left and for 5 years i, i started with whistle blower website. so that good cops could go on expose the crimes being committed by their governments in their departments without them fearing retaliation. and ever since, at the moment it had been a constant criminal investigation and to me until the time were 45 f. b, i agents rated my home in the crime, the crime that i'm wanted for now is 19 counts of wire tapping for recording dirty police officers and post one on china
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has overtaken the us as the foreign power with the most positive influence in africa. according to a poll among young adults in the continent, the survey was conducted among 18 to 24 year olds in 16 african countries and found the 76 percent considered chinese activity is the most positive for the continents pushing the u. s. which finished 1st in the poll just 2 years ago and to 2nd place . the results illustrate china is rising influence on the continent with investments, infrastructure development projects, and affordable products listed as its most positive contributions. but china is a better friends in america. i think it's china because it believes in giving and receiving better with china and tony, shutting down with china is better because it could take over the world economy in the future. i believe it's better to be closer to china than the u. s. in the current reality, it's preferable to work with china taylor,
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but i believe it's china. i think china can help african more in china is better because it brings its talent and know how year african politics and economy on the list. lawrence, k. freeman told us that china has proved its success in africa. unlike the us in terms of reality, impact is china and food. so he's actually making a much greater contribution to african nations in collaborating with them to build absolutely necessary vital infrastructure projects. united states and europe in western has actually failed to make these kind of long term investments and support african nations in building their infrastructure . the u. s recently sent a letter to 14 african countries urging them to reject grain importance from russia,
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saying the food was stolen from ukraine. that's as much of africa at them as africa, struggles with critical food shortages, bringing some areas to the brink of famine, white town spokesperson has admitted the us wants to prohibit sales of grain and african national congress. create b league chairperson told is the support that the china, the u. s. didn't treat africans like humans. what i can say is, we are working with other countries to prevent the sale of grain that has likely been stolen from ukraine. we've found china to be an honest country to do business with in comparison to the west, which when they arrived here, they did not even see us as human beings. but instead they plowed our mineral resources. they are the ones that bombed to heal oshima. they're the ones that mark, i fact she just to test a nuclear bomb and just to protect him. lasha. so we are students of history. we understand what the intention has been. they have been everywhere in the world
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where there's been a lot of the sources, an image not to do business there, but to still and could come in on that people of those kinds of those countries. we are saying that we are going to have relations with the russian people, whether american america loves it or not. we will not be subject to western media. would try to paint the chinese people as a bad people who are in africa to do wrong things. because we can visibly see here, to help with development, and that to be here. and they see us as equals who they can enter into business with not the people that they can spin from. ah, related to france, germany, italy, and romania back immediate e, kansas state school ukraine, and us after meeting in care of with the cranes, presidents landscape less hans. the people who have france has been alongside
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ukraine since the one we stand with the ukrainians. without ambiguous, he, ukraine must resist and when it was killed in the line, but it wouldn't happen overnight, even if 2070 you remember, unanimously approve ukraine's bid to join the states. we'll have to draw up a law where it's roadmap for the procedure. the kinds of it also faces a list of requirements to meet times the european union will have to consider the situation in neighboring states. last week, the president of the commission also spoke about giving candidate status to ukraine . although many key members a positive about the idea for membership could take years or even decades, the meetings that place in kiev, where french, german and italian need, is a right by train, with air raid sirens in the city founding. shortly after their arrival, before the meeting, they made their way directly to the setup of a pin, which he had accused russian forces of trying to use as a base for seizing the capital. the visitors promised move support for the state, including additional legal aid,
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such as see the how would the guns and more money for reconstruction. european leaders also promised sanctions against russia would remain with the president's allowance. he proposing even more. the french italian and german leaders had previously been criticized by ukrainian authorities, but not providing care with the scale of weaponry has been demanding and for not visiting the country sooner. yet, even during the long awaited trip, no documents were signed. more than emmanuel mcclung stated that a country won't be conducting negotiations with russia instead of ukraine, as it is a task to be accomplished by kias itself. why should those say that can hardly expect ukraine to return to negotiations table with my colleagues, and you'll discuss the latest visit to ukraine with russia as deputy. i'm past that he denies of nations that dmitri polanski. now he says it was organized mainly to facilitate talks as there is growing demand for a peaceful solution of the crisis within the u. was
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a lot of bullshit for them to go for these 3 leaders. they were very much expected and they are expected also to exercise some influence on non presence landscape. not only to provide arms to the country, but also to help you to engage in meaningful consultations and to accept the situation as it is. that's the folks, at least from, from russia to you leaders on the visit said the key must decide whether to negotiate with russia but, but earlier in the last week or so, there was quite a strong stance. the key of should negotiate. why do you think that policy appears to have altered b u countries, including those sam, their leaders keep all the local, it will be controversial in their statements. again, there are very frequently belligerent statements and we got some of them. the other hand, there is bigger and bigger demand these countries in the countries from the population,
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their rulers, to and this turmoil, the comics, tomorrow that is embrace european countries more and more and solutions. so these are crisis which is becoming a guarantee and security crisis. and it's quite clear that says all the, all the 3 of these crisis. so i think that the leaders continue to keep in mind the moods in the capitals are quite to do for him. some there is more and more demands for finding a peaceful solution. from this crisis. russia has its own position on the international situation and is not going to change it according to the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman marie. as however, we spoke to our see the ongoing st. petersburg, international economic for with arms and is up of them. isn't that nice to me?
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yesterday you spoke with western journalists, there was even the little dispute. how difficult is it to talk with them? let us go out and we'll nap, salazar, i didn't knock or it's absolutely the same if you stay strong in your positions than it's possible to change that we have our position and it's unchanged. it has its own values and meaning and is based on facts and reality. that's why western journalists are worried and i'm not, i know my task and understand what my personal beliefs are. of course, the intensity of our work has increased because so much fake news has emerged. but okay, now i promise we're gonna take here at live to saint petersburg as the russian president vladimir putin addresses it before him. so let's cross over now and listen. redeem good afternoon. go to the head, 1st of all the saw you know that we just technical issues and we managed to resolve
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this. i'm grateful to everyone who wants to resolve them. i would like to think that those who are attending this fashion and i would like to thank recruiting for finding time to talk at the forum to tell us what is going to happen to us from the can nomics standpoint. and i totally thank you for you when you need that for accounting here, we know that it's not that simple. thank you for your support for our forum, for our country. we appreciated a lot and we are going to take some questions. i'm not sure if we are going to like all of them referred to us and we would be happy to speak only about good things, but i don't think it will be possible for the time being. come, stone photon, the florida yours. we would like to hear you tell us what the future held for us. sure, it's by you. but thank you very much. my committee was in new york and friends and colleagues previous i which is great all the participants and guess what?
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all the twins, if you say in petersburg, internationally konami forum like wouldn't read it, is that you how they're still hearing the hard times for the entire global community when the economy markets and even the principal is of the global economic system are well, again we're suffering heavy blow, trade or industrial supply chains disrupted by the panoramic are going through new challenges and such quay way. the notion says the business reputation. so they did it wrong. pretend process for the foreign currency has been undermined. unfortunately, they have been undermined by our western partner and it has done intentionally for me to feel during visions to preserve outdated to political illusion. rule not. and today i would like to speak about our and by our, i mean,
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not view the opinion on the russian leadership on the global economy. i'm going to speak in detail about how russia is operating under these conditions and how russia plans its development in the ever changing situation. one and a half years ago when i spoke at the dallas for and at napoleon i talked about that legal issue. unipolar world quarter is over and that's something that i'd like to start with because we can't avoid an issue in this by if it is over, despite all the attempts to preserve it. if it with any means possible. and it is only nature because changes in our nature for history because civilizational diversity of the planet breach, now subculture, is hard to combine with the political, economical, or some other patterns because it is not going to work. because even though they are being imposed those templates being composed by one standard because these
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with the idea is flawed. when there is one strong country where the limited circle all the other states that are allowed to be in this charcoal and all the ideas. so the foreign affairs, some trade turnover is only interpreted with in being transferred beast, one state the only working one way, why they only play in one direction, cobra one go and reach such roland will not be stable. the united states oper declaring victory and the cold war, they declared themselves the messenger, installed the gardener, who has no obligations but only in traffic and gets in transmission are to be considered as a possibly this is sacred lineage and it's hard not to not as bad in the recent decade on the planet, we have new powerful standards to wait for you and each of them are developing
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their own political systems. and what they consider aside is they are implementing their models, have a, cannot make the shoot and development, and they have the right to protect these models and to protect solver and the threats we are talking about. objective things about the re, belushi radio, tawny shapes and the jill politics and global economy in technology. and the entire system of international relations. where we see now brit growing growth of the dynamically developing promising countries and the regions in trans cannot be ignored anymore. if it's on demand, and these changes are upon demand for william. and if they can be turned back and would be a mistake to think that the time of the changes can be got notes on the regular. forgotten that everything will go back to the way it was. it will never happen. but it seems that the ruling leads certain western countries do they still have this
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illusion? they do not want to see obvious things that they tried to leave in the shadow of the past. please still think that the demonstration of the western politics is something that will never change, but if something infernal, but nothing is eternal and our colleagues, they don't just deny the reality of the try to counter the history of a thing and you just look through all the things that are latin, the past century are hostages of very illusions, or i'm talking about the golden bill in the countries and they think that other thing else is there a backyard and they got killed, treat them as their colony and shoot them. and then people who leave their, they much the same issue that should be considered 2nd grade. people, as they think they are exclusive, if they are exclusive and everyone else is the 2nd, right? people name, that's why they want to punish the one to exert pressure when everyone who wants to
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stand out, you know, who doesn't want to listen to them. and they, boris lee tried to impose their ideas about culture, about thinks about history that could under doubt the integrity and sovereignty of the states under a thread their existence. i just remember you guys live in syria, libby on the rack. if there's a call with people who beat me to cancel that i put down those rebel as it is, they need to try to isolate them or to cancel them as they say now. and they use all the tools will sports olympic movement, cancellation of culture and masterpieces, because their author is born in their own country. but this has been nature of the current until russian sentiments and those mad courageous sanctions against russia . and they are not only crazy, they are top place the amount of sanctions and the rate at which they are being taken up from school is unprecedented. because the want to crush the russian
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economy for, by distorting by disrupting supply chains, by trying to make western companies to withdraw from the russian market to rates down russian acids. the one to deal have a blow on the russian financial system. they say it is obvious that they have failed. it didn't happen, they didn't succeed. russian business men, russian government worked in the professional manner. citizens showed their unity and responsible approach. step by step, we are bringing more and more stability to the mixer, to asian. the 1st we civilized financial markets through banking, septic and trade system, and then we added more liquidity and more capital to help or the sustainable development of the company has a great more job kick and prospect issue initially. madness, prognosis, shavaun, dentistry, and state of the russian economy, virginia, cancer and true. and we know what was the reason of these the propaganda campaign
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probably were the a big database. tribble, $200.00 robots for a dollar in about an hour and the been stated economy that was just a weapon in the propaganda war. it was a way to exert pressure on the russian society. business circuit was, by the way, some of our experts and pond it. they also had the same things that they thought that the russian economy was going to collapse and it isn't the value to brush and current cerebral will be critically. we can provide the life itself should prove them wrong. and i would like to say, i would like to emphasize to continue to succeed. we have to be honest, we have to be realistic and now recess. and we have to be independent in our assessment. and we have to believe in our strength and we, it is very important. we are strong people and we can cope with them any challenges, like our ancestor is we can resolve any tasks. and our millennial history is
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the testimony to that 3 month when at the needs with new my mom was offering to me a large scale to sanctions against us. we managed to deal with inflation by the inflation is only $16.00 the present. and it continues to decrease canonical situation has a sub allies, state financial system is table your bottom later i will compare we are to ation with other regions and yes, still too much that the 16.7 is a lot. if william was a beacon place and we need to deal with that, and we will deal with that and we will see it, i'm sure if you're early by on. so this year, a federal budget has that prophecy. the red one that 1.5 trillion rebels and becomes all the data budget when he brought the triple play with the 3.3 real
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intervals. it's never been that budget. the opposite in may is almost point 5 trillion rebels. mice, which is in your bullish you more almost buying more times than the by years situation last. and we need to increase production number 2 in progress at the domestic market. and then we can use, we need to bank of because you can restore the banking loans. but anyway, it's, and we have taken special measures still to come to improve the situation. we, the trade capital of the company has annual pro. and now we know we're is business has now have the leisure for the insurance, pay many of them. and in the same time, when your doctoral companies have wider with what's, what's out through our community team, even in the water of the year at the can use delays. basically that mission uploads in the interest loan from the state of georgia to advancement trends. payments will not have to be paid around the one moment and they can do it an equal share in 12
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months starting from the next june smile. using the ban. may we have to use the necessarily mortgage rate, but now it's 9 percent. some up when i go man revenue partition program on the subsidize mortgage should sell it and has been expanded to the end of this year and really object to help with our event with news news, with the housing to support the construction industry and the industry because we have in the land jobs in there and we offer the growth in this ring in the future for us in the russian economists are brought down, the bank is bringing down the interest rate, and that's why i think it is possible to cruise the subsidize more than 80, but now it is going to be 7 percent know over here is what i would like to draw your attention isn't the,
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the consideration of the program is the same until the end of the senior. that means that they will say, doesn't want to improve their housing conditions using the subsidy. they need to use it before the analyst here, who quoted you the top amount of the loans is the oldest, same 12000000 rubles for masculine st. petersburg and 6000000 robles or they wraps of the region for the country. and i would like to have the following. we need to prove that this ability to always be his loan in the economy. but in the near future, we are going to support the activity from the budget and religion assimilating to the mechanisms of the market. banking loans phase has to be supported by on. it's not actually able to improve the app right unit in the region here, tomorrow to funding, we have allocated 120000000000 robots from the fund of the potential welfare. and when you, when you're going to help with the additional loans union for the full on that will
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be your mark project, $3000000000.00 group or do i do with your colleagues? i have already found that comical blitzkrieg against roger was doomed from the beginning from the outset. and the sanction weapons, as you know, as a practice, all of the recent years has shown it double edged. i'm sure. now most simple study, you may do you boy, should there's one head, the niels, you will look them equal the same amount of additional harms you to those who impose those sanctions. and that is the only talking about your current consequences. we know that the leader is on countries when they speak informally, what needs to q. they speak now to the me in the war. if somebody prostate me because the sanctions could be introduced, not only about russia, but many countries that they don't like. and it couldn't be used against any country, including the members of the european union and very companies. they didn't do it,
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they hadn't done it yet, but they have rated, they'll have a blow on their own economy with their own hands. and we can see how the social situation has exist for bait it and europe and in the united states as well . and they can come on, it's pride for drawing the 3 and the price is growing energy price and the fuel primes is growing and competitive. living standard is decreasing and the competitive companies to stick reasoning. but experts say the rec losses from the sanction fever. the european union cannot exceed $14000000000.00 in the $400.00 dealing with all the rest of this is the reality that we're taking just common sense less than that. but this is the burden that will be a good fit on the population of europe. we feel the inflation is more than 20 percent in certain areas of the nation. european union. i have been talking about
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our inflation, but compare it with europe because when they are not tearing out any special operations, intellect and still when inflation is growing, growing and reaching 20 percent you so what is that sort of question? if you get into that, it has been the records inflation and the last for you here and sandra parker, yes, inflation and russia is still in double digits area. but we have all the way to index social payments. and the mansions that we haven't raised the minimum wage and wage, and the last is protecting the most vulnerable people with you're presently stand behind trust raises. that allows you to preserve the savings of the people in the russian banking system or for the representatives of business, its obvious high interest trade is good and a lot of pressure on the economy. but for the people, in most cases, it's a good thing. it's a benefit, but they draw back money to the banks using this high interest rate. and this is
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the biggest difference from the europe. you're doing it in the european union, where the inflation in that you're getting their savings and the current drives is becoming a burden for the most vulnerable people. you need the long term consequences also is caused by the loss of the company as they have lost the russian market. they are losing their global competitiveness and systemic decrease in the growth rate. and this has been a west in many years. but william, they all leave listening of many difficult problems here of faces. of course we have our own issues, but they keep pointing the finger at us while they have a lot of the challenges they're facing them. so i talked about this and we got off and with the new show. so when you arrive and we, we are going to see a lot of inequality on the rise in europe as well as societies and not just
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in terms of their economies. but in terms of the values that they hold, they will of course, now we see, let's try that. trying to hide all of that and see when you look at the democratic procedures, sir, are in europe and you see the politicians coming to power. there. it's are ridiculous, we see political parties that when you look at it alike, lydia suggests her replacing one another. there's nothing different between them.


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