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tv   Cross Talk  RT  June 17, 2022 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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which started to peter a couple of weeks ago with mainstream media. and then they say, oh gosh, no one saw this coming. nobody should the same thing because, you know, we, i think it was in the core over the course of 10 days. so maybe something like 10 days where we had the head of nato saying ukraine to demand crimea back and within 10 days to say, well, you know about negotiate. well, that's up to a kid. no one's going to pressure to be after. it's been a quiet space for 8 years of nato. i mean, you can't talk out of both sides, your mouth at the same time. go ahead and watch. well, obviously, nato things they can and they do every day. i would agree with daniel that this was entirely predictable from day one, but i would, i would strike is widely contrary and tone here and say that there don't we are reading too much into their segments because what they're saying is not necessarily that, you know, they want ukraine to make concessions? what they're saying is the ukraine has the blank track to do whatever once and the us and nato will back it on conditionally as they have been for the past 3 months.
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obviously the solution to this has always been from day one to negotiate in good faith by the government and you have as incapable of this. this is a fact is an established fact. and so saying, so now you know, after it's way too late, isn't going to change anything. but i keep hearing the same, you know, blinking statement, you know, it's up to ukrainians. he's always been saying it's up to you radius, that's the thing. it, everybody believes that ukraine has agency, but this is a government that's literally being funded, like underwritten by the us taxpayer, just like the regime in afghanistan. this collapse that minus 2 weeks. so were, you know, did his whole notion that ukraine is the one in the driver seat making decisions and the u. s. and 8 or there to back them up is 1st of all completely upside down. and secondly, it doesn't really correspond to reality on the ground. so if is it washington who
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wants to make concessions? if, if they are they need to say, so i don't think they're saying so. yes. appear manual. i think the thing is they politically, an, ideologically, they can't say to care, make concessions after all of the investment. you know, i don't live in the us what, what is it like $7.00 a gallon right now? no, baby food and, you know, and they, they, they, they actually found them so painted themselves into a corner. and by saying, you know, it's up to the ukrainian, it's up to, is a lensky. well, that's one way to say, well, it's their faults to, they're looking to playing the, the blame game already. go ahead in brussels. a sweater. i figure because he said, proxy war are between the natal member states and russia with ukraine as a front states are of a push ukraine to were to weaken rashaw during this conflict. but doing so earn more and more are they your v year are
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losing the economic butter on the, on the one side on the military butter because you're ukrainian army or will they receive a delicate weapons or from inital member states, or they cannot defend property. their territory and or we can expect to russia to whoa to takeover. who would of dumbass on may be bull, the mo, mo, a weight, the more russia we're rice, probably mistakes on the negotiation. will be much more difficult yet. right? yeah, i agree. i mean, the longer this goes on, let me go back to daniel late jackson here. i mean, we'll maybe learn in the future. but there was a point of inflection that in stem bull. and apparently what the media is reporting is that boris johnson told zelinski, i know you're not, you're not going to negotiate here. and ever since then again, this is a ledge. we don't have a, we need to have a call cooperated. but, but daniel,
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at that point, but i think the russian side said, well, what's the point in negotiating with you people? first of all, you didn't implement minutes one or 2. why should we believe you? now? i think this is one of the best big misconceptions in western media. i mean, what do you think rushes in particularly interested in living, listening to what zalinski has to say about anything at this point, daniel? well, the funny thing is we had 4 years of the democrats in the u. s. and a lot of european leaders believing that somehow trump was putin's agent. but literally, if putin was the greatest by master in history, he could not have had agents as fantastic as he has right now. and let's just look at the economic front because oil has skyrocketed, obviously, mostly because of sanctions, but also because of supply price problems and domestic us energy policy. oil has skyrocketed in russia is selling on the world market at a 30 percent discount. and people are lapping it up. i think china has purchased a 67 percent increase in russian oil. literally russia last month made
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$20000000000.00 in revenue from oil sell that month alone. they are literally financing and funding their war on the back of us sanction. how is that for running agents in the west? it's just unbelievable in their bush. and i mean, that's one of the most incredible things that i've seen in my lifetime. how the europeans, particularly about your cut themselves. i mean, it was chancellor shields which i referred to as sergeant shields on this program. he said, well, sanctions are not supposed to impact us negatively as if he was supposed i st. ok. that's why we call me sharp. sergeant schultz. go ahead and washington, well, i mean the europeans, the european union, i'm making a distinction between them. the continent have committed economic suicide and they're in the process of committing political suicide as well as the american empire, on the other hand, has managed to consolidate rule over over europe in a couple of satellites in the pacific, but has literally antagonized the rest of the world,
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they keep talking about international community and you don't hear that much anymore because it's obvious to everybody that quote, the international community is basically the u. s. canada nato, and like australia and south korea and japan. i mean that's, that's it, that's, that's all folks. so in every respect, strategic, tactical, operational, political, diplomatic, economic, this, this conflict has been a total disaster for the west. and obviously the ukrainians are the ones you know, doing most of the dying here. and then you have the dutch prime minister of a country as a, you know, one, a war and in centuries, going, oh yes, we are in water with russia and russia must lewis. and so we must give you creating all the weapons. like mark, do you have any idea what you're talking about? of course not because there's no accountability, there's no consequences. their completely insulated, of the politicians are. there people are suffering, but the politicians don't care because what i get a good both, both them out that never work. yeah. and also in the boyish, again, stay with you here. sanctions hasn't changed. russia's quote unquote behavior. ok.
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i mean it's so you can throw in all these weapons so you want, but it doesn't change the outcome here. and then you have the problem of where these weapons go. and there's a lot of pockets being filled in kid. we always the big story before there's 3 per democrats, i'm sorry for republicans just how corrupt ukraine was upset, not story, doesn't count here. a manual parent manuel and brussels. i mean the outside of the craniums. i mean, europe is the biggest loser in all of this. not russia. exactly. oh, because or a european union member states in part to could of france and germany missed a huge opportunity to decide on their own future andr winner. the americans didn't mean to negotiate in europe and security arrangements or russia, or because of nato enlargement. they wanted to keep the gate open to new need to a nation's a fuel truck or france and germany. we shop supposed to be opposed to this
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enlargement anyway. didn't do a good negotiation, virgin promised russia and not to in her not to were an archer nato, to ukraine. we could have sign a b latter ronald trailer to roger. would you, franco? german, russian, they didn't do it because are they are a consider over europe and project as a sub product to the euro. atlantis or project undo vcs, led by new to united states to contain, or russia, but or so, or european union is more and more divided because you can ever, you have 2 sides now. of france, germany, italy, seed are adult. governments are bought early. they like you or a or a negotiated outcome of is conflict, but o'bar to countries and poor, and they would like to ukraine to win about conflict,
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which is totally impossible. and for example, we are gonna, we are going to, jeff, earn my call. sure sir, i, he but we are not gonna negotiate anything to be efficient of issue do pressure on an ukraine to accept it in any negotiation on, on, on territory to accept a im or no, nate all for for ukraine. mit, which means sir. all so probably no e, you aver, because or would it be a poisoned or a gift for you to take your grain? because you will divide member state, you will never capacity to take your ukraine. so they will be more divided, but they do may need communication and the other knows else because it couldn't be carry the switch or a white sheet. obviously, obviously there's been no, no adults in the room when it came to this decision making here. gentlemen,
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we have to go to a hot breaking out about hard break. we'll continue our discussion on ukraine. stay with our team. ah, ah, a with or ah, needs to come to the russian state will never be tied up on the most landscape
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destination. also a group in a 50 babble disable keys on i need to borrow speaking with we will ban in the european union. the kremlin. yup. machines. the state on russia for date and split ortiz spoke neck, even our video agency, roughly all band on youtube. and pinterest and with ah
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ah mm oh, was recently munoz carlton, if you speak russian, keep your voice down while out and about a quarter. don't put your human symbols on display. yeah. i stacy schneider. oh, i see you guys in the bottom. don't talk to strangers.
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7 i avoid noisy gatherings and rallies with a minimum rushing even your colleagues and perhaps also your friends think you're guilty because you'll russian much ny of the of them. so what can i do on the was landscape. it's all that detail. glad to with ddt, good genetic on thank you so much conceptually by each specific story short time. mm hm. welcome back. across stock were all things are considered on peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing ukraine? ah. okay. when asked all 3 of my questions when guess the same question?
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yeah, i'll go to daniel 1st. daniel and me, you know, there's this talk, you know, should ukraine get in negotiation? who should back it? who should be pushing it, washington in london. the you all of this, but for me, this is all kind of small potatoes because, again, and in the reason why we got here is that nobody is listening to what the russians are saying. and the issue is the issue is not change. particularly since december 17th, when russia and its diplomatic notes. busy or ultimate, whatever, however, you want to define it about rush his own security relations with europe. and that has this thing is not going to be over over until that is addressed. and again, the west refuses to get involved in that conversation. that's what this is all about. not about, you know, the uminski at the oscars and por ukrainians are starving russia. it's not what this is about. it's about security arrangements in europe, and russia won't stop until it gets what it wants because it doesn't have good
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faith interlocutors. daniel. in that you're absolutely right, peter, and in that case, why would russia stop at all? i mean, we're seeing the fact that was on the ground far beyond, on that we're seeing the integration into russian economics or economy and political structures of parts of ukraine far beyond don das. so the idea that somehow putin would negotiate away these facts on the grounds at this point, and someone pointed out, maybe as you peter, is turnbull. i think that was the turning point because the on that there is no point, we already see the effects of russia turning its back on dawn best so to speak in 2014. and it made him very unpopular for a while in the region. so at this point, if he gives away the territorial gains that have been won by the russian army through the benefit of the people in the region, we've seen people on the ground celebrating and being happy, mario poets, cetera,
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et cetera. then that is a huge political liability profusion at this point. why would he take such a huge downside with literally 0 upside? what a pat on the head from blink him. that's going to make him happy. you know, a story. i don't think so. there's no incentive for them to not keep going as far as they want. no voice the same question and daniel is absolutely right here. i mean, why should they give up what they already have in exchange for? what? ok, i mean, i did, none of these people have any understanding of history or geo politics. go ahead. well, contrary to what the current leadership in the united states may believe, this is not 1990 years. sloppy things are completely different, even though the us exactly the same way is not nick. you know, the russian army is not taken territory to give it back for russia. this is not a war of choice as the violinist administration try to frame it in a remarkable display of projection. it's an existential struggle. and if,
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if it wasn't on february 24th, it became so in the subsequent days, throughout this whole obsession with army ukraine, making it a proxy war between russia and west. russia calls it a special needs reparation for it for right, for moscow, this is a police action. but for the west it's the world war 3, but they don't dare actually fight it themselves. and so he has literally become an existential struggle. and so i don't think russia is going to give it, give up on it because they're aware of stakes. i think what's, what we need and what we're not getting is some kind of understanding in the west that this is so and they don't have an off ramp. they haven't thought this through to begin with. they have no big tree conditions. they have no end game plan. their end game plan was basically all will be mean to russia and it will, it will come grovelling on its knees and surrender. well, that hasn't worked and never will work. what's next? and they don't have the answer to that. peer menu al, speaking as
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a european these the talk about bringing in ukraine into, into the e u. i find it really quite fanciful, particularly right now, what, what ukraine mean or, i mean, it's a failed state right now. what did they want to induct? and why, and you as a european, are you interested in paying for that? go ahead. what in the european union history are? each country wanted to be at the center of, for a european union and voice on security. for like the friends at the beginning, the project was in the emitter because there was a west germany in one side to spain each already and or, or shore earn a bedroom on netherlands of been off. and then germany or because of the said center of the you with enlargement of for you were to the east and then now poland under budget countries, they will nyc old. sure not to be or
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a new at the territory, but to and not to ukraine. oh, shoot with a buffer zones against a russia. but the problem is, are, if, when you are working as a cheese now if it's internal structure, you quinn makes road you because are made of money is spent on agriculture. water come on. so to see, but don't show on your funds and it's own sustainable unknown. she'll be really rivalry between media and mendocino done one ukraine because it would suck over on it to the east and eastern europeans would like to put all of them. and you know, you and ukraine show is not going to work a tour. you know, daniel, if i go back back to you here, i've long believe now ever since, since it's them, bull is that the russians will take, take the time table in the terms of the end of the conflict. and we just have to wait for that. the aqua,
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i find it really foolish on the part of western analysts. you know, russia separately defeated him well that, that presupposes that you knew what rushes plans were, but nobody does. ok. and if you listen to the defense, a ministry briefings which are really dry and they never let anything out, they never tell you what they're up to. they just give you the number of items destroyed. it's very, you know, numerically driven, but they never tell you what their strategy. but everybody on c n knows what that strategy is. that's why they look like, fools every single night. go ahead, daniel. it's the vietnam thing all over again. you know, and you have people like william ark and suppose it defense expert writing a piece of news week. i think yesterday saying that, oh yeah. russia is taken over several minutes and a but it doesn't mean anything. they're losing any way you have. you have the hangers all but what's interesting is the thing to shift in european opinion. and there was an interesting recent survey done by the european council on foreign relations. and they asked 3 questions. are you in favor of peace justice already on
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the fence piece, or the people who want this to end immediately, regardless of what it costs justice or people who want to keep going and on the fence or people that sort of want both while the plurality, by a long shot, 33 percent, want to have peace, and that's the way things are going. i think that might be something behind the visit on thursday of the leaders of france, italy and germany, to keep their surprise visit, showing solidarity with ukraine. i wonder what really was said there. i wonder if this is more of a saw a swan song than a new opening because we know that germany says, hey, we're going to send you some great tanks and then there's, okay, this is great. but where is the ammo? well that's gonna come next year. it happens over and over again. hey, have some planes, they don't work, but here you can have them in your calling appraisal, and we need some new ones. we gave our crappy ones to ukraine, you know, it's a money laundering scheme and it's not working. and i think they're starting to sense this. yeah, it's your so right. it's a money laundering operation. this is all,
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this is an a plus and plus all the goodwill from the nato country. they gave them junk that they didn't want anymore. okay, that's absolutely true. that's absolutely true here. no boy should. where does it go from here? because if you look at the headlines, it's dropped, at least in the united states, where people, it's not the story that it was a few weeks ago a couple months ago here. and there seems to be a real quandary here. and plus, you know, a lot of people forget zalinski if he's kind of given that, you know, the, the let down, sorry, but we know we did our best and all that. then the entire government will collapse because he can't stick around being a defeated leader. they don't understand they, they pushed him up so much as a pop star. and now he has a long way to fall. no, boy, sure. he's got the world's biggest sense of entitlement. i have not seen anything like this. not even in the 1900 ninety's with us proxies, but, you know, you had biden himself the other day go going, well, you know, he didn't listen to me what i told him,
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and i've heard it compared to kennedy's famous cause i denunciation of the vietnamese president the m, right before d m got overthrown the crew when we all know how that went for south vietnam afterwards. and kennedy himself later, the fact that the u. s. media and political establishment started talking up january 6 recently as opposed to speaking with ukraine. that's right, that was a dead giveaway to me that the crane narrative has busted. it's done. you know, that that particular ship has sailed the war last call, whatever you will. the fact that the, the establishment is desperately flailing for a new narrative, is showing that there are not actually winning. and i mean not, not the, anybody who's actually observing events on the ground. seriously, believe that at any point. but you know, all this talk that, you know, that whole arkan piece, you know, pay no attention is ever this. i was, there was a, me, my ready, you know, pay no attention if possible. pay no attention to care. so pay no attention to, you know, you are here and you know, that always goes all the way down to pay no attention to. yes, i mean it's,
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you know, what else has to happen for people to understand that the war on the ground is last for the west and it's proxies. it's, it's, it was lost on february 24th. it was lost on march 24th. and it will be lost on june 24th of july 24th, and so on and so forth. i don't think the french and germans are going to make a difference. so because they're the ones to try to negotiate the end of my don and we know how that ended, they're the ones who negotiated means we know how that ended. there's simply in agreement and capable at this point in. nobody's taking them serious appearing menu . well, i mean it, the, the biggest mistake i mean it's difficult to say that the biggest mistake, but if they, if the western said, we must have peace in ukraine and not instead of saying they said we must win. that was their biggest mistake because they can't go ahead in brussels. yes, much that's right earn. so what best western governments because herb piero, we've,
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you know, western been by state, so she more differently. but you're atlantis governments. i would say they think misty can promote their a uni paula world to put to western her values 0 her go. the rules are rules, make sure that the top at the top of the word, but to the kind of because are russia by intervening in ukraine is promoting a mercy, put our ward. and by doing so, are you creating we'd never be part of an aide to which would be very difficult to, to be part of you as well. and means it's a retreat for you. atlantic space or nature. and you and her emergence of murky port richey. but it's very difficult for western governments to accept this fact because it will mean ok, you lose all of their illusions on the deed so much propaganda. nope,
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i got down on the sewer company rapidly out of time, but you're absolutely right now, a neo liberalism in the hubris of, of this ruling class. it will all die in ukraine the way they continue. and unfortunately a lot of ukrainians will continue dying. unfortunately, gentlemen, that's all the time we have. i want to thank my guests in washington, brussels, and lake jackson. and i want to thank my viewers for watching us here at ortiz. see you next time remember cross off ah ah ah ah, with
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a ah, i am my name is franklin richardson. so daughter got in the movement in any age, 13 or 14 years violence towards those people because we believe that word is raised . we were here 1st and this is our country being part of that movement. i got your sense of power. when i felt powerless, we got attention when i felt invisible and accepted when i talked to level life after, hey, is an organization that was founded by 4
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o skin, neo nazi white supremacists in the u. s. in canada. and they found each other and they knew that they wanted to help other guys get out was 2 parts to getting out of a violent extremist group. the 1st part is disengagement, which is where you leave the social group. and then the next part is d. radicalization where belief systems audiology are removed, it was very impactful when someone finally came along with no fear, no judgement heard my stories did nothing to challenge with a wrong one. i just don't a have to say out the same becomes the advocate an engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart,
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we choose to look for common ground. ah, a lot of people with a one with a question, get with
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a ah, the westfield, a global inflation storm by its short sighted policy sounds according to vladimir putin comments that the international economic form and some pieces that i think we all hear about this. so called pollutants inflation, who's listening to such nonsense, everyone understands. the real reason is that huge sums of money will print it, and this money was used to purchase goods and services outside the western countries on the global markets. the gang public official se sum ukrainian soldiers surrounded the as well as a chemical plant in the city of several don. yes, good beginning to surrender.


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