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tv   Documentary  RT  June 21, 2022 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

10:30 pm
ah, we know the west can industrialized in the country they want. they've done it with japan, korea, taiwan, singapore, malays, yeah. all. so geopolitical reasons, now they do it that the eastern europe. same exactly the same whenever they want to do it when they don't want to lock this new really consequence. august, even the easiest got you on starting from 30 am if it was still your new book bureau. dre lanka is paralyzed a shoes of thousands of gathered in front of the presidential administration building on this square in the capital of colombo. it's become
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a kind of 10 city where the protested sleep cook chant underway change with the game you in on the light and visit the way. is that during the 2nd is vale. this douglas is a shortened version. the president go to my is name main reasons for these economic crisis and current lindsay lanka. the 1st thing is the holy guys that that's the starting place. the 2nd thing is that i see and you've been, well we because our other export, i'll export mother is a hugely less in russia. so the last that my 3rd, the 3rd sacked is mismanagement of the seller miss the all the reason i say,
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i know the reason been all the reason i'm the only one that people are people up with a tree line. cuz example clearly shows the global economy isn't a set of rules that produces a single rank policy. it's impossible to punish one country with sanctions, without hurting the interests of others. the embargo and oil from russia immediately increased energy costs. lanka isn't able to pay the new price sent by the west and bypassing sanctions is risky. you're liable to be sanctioned yourself . you're stuck with, you're still not put on a coupling when you're from a dog with no clue going from difficulty. but what has come a found really more these, the price of visa has gone up to me because as you know, days
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a shortage of these in the united states. there is a shortage of these in many countries. anything through lanka has no choice now, but actually directly by russian oil and gas in my you know, and bypass the sanctions just like india after russian ships who are banned from entering ports. we supplies were severely cut, exports almost hard, which immediately undermine the countries food security, disconnecting russian banks from this with payment system has impacted the tourism industry. today, the sri lankan budget is hemorrhaging billions of dollars. a in the recent past, sri lanka suffered a civil war when tamela temperature is trying to create a to the state. they were defeated at the cost of $80000.00 lives.
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these a former sri lankan army soldiers who fought in the civil war heroes. but now that banding making ends meet today, they questioned the great sacrifices they made or am i that i saw it? they were not his isabel. neither my mother gotta get on the hill without the man i did. when i have a mama, one of them, they've all done on again and again, they will not take them. um and i bet you i mean, lottie. do adela? i've done it. i've been on again, i'm up in the my dog it come up if you want to put them on here. what about around the war? ended in 2009 and former soldiers don't want to see their nation might in civil country to gain things used to be simple. they fought against a terrorist group, partially funded by western countries. the law, everything up in minnesota,
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the monitor, the luck, we'll look up a lot of that today. it's ordinary people who are suffering from the sanctions imposed on russia and it's resulting economic meltdown is a do but many at the deal at the end of it. but is it act in monica? it and there's a bond about using anyissa mess up it. emma? i mean there's a bond, is the better luck i'm. mm sh . well i oh, who will other good. as the genius in the day, i own, like on the old place with you i knew is a motor rick shaw driver. he lives in a village like millions of others. if they have a job, they can keep going,
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but everything's changed now. the transport system has all but collapsed the countries out of petrol, which means no more income. that's why savano has also joined the protest about of millennium, a thing our layman to see say, if you look at this, you out the disease like you know, the felon good. i collided, don't do it in god. there o. c k to be dear god, to see about that he neither good nor lonely does one see it is a lot my dickie the end of it. she vaughn, his family is running out of food and they don't know what they don't do. the same goes for their neighbors. in fact, all villages and residents of own villages and towns in trin anchor are in the same boat. all you got into one of the bag on the can load it on the spot, pick up the wrong log on the deck. i got an idea. does he's fuck good a felony. a believe i got to know. we're under the top. it's like
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a building end up from but we're not mama audrey again, yet. gander, gander gets up on the if you're gonna see things under major gig. that's a better leader there. gun about sierra new in good faith. i've been thinking that the, what i should do is i can download it and selling it and read up my money to get bothered in a little bit. high dollar law made our land. mm hm. i understand with this is in different ways some, some wasn't on my own. i must be mean by saying august some, some are some
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a, a with previous month a
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i don't want this with the next generation with one of the biggest does that we have in terms of full purchasing is the, the cost of crude oil and other flows of the market. the main reason behind these is the russian and the ukraine conflict going on right now. and russia, one of the biggest export is to the world in noise. if it goes away, unclean chose a token of attempts for peacekeeping, please. we should try and borrow this from the international capital markets, which couldn't make our problem even worse, because he's able to meet those international tech obligations.
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the chronicle has been started about the momentous peebles in failing one of its founders documents. everything that's happening online with the goal is roshan fluent because he graduated from the people's friendship university. and he asked us to call him roemer with this with if i and i mean it's morning or and it's like that little does for the phone with why this. busy was on
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the must also look into why adequate be cautions were not taken in this respect. ah, with that, but now everything is expensive. i did a big problem with one of the da mondays. don, my need to understand the pause of the people. this in sensitivity must be crush both parties with, with this hope she's working class that, that poor even t a course that the industry has been a thing to production volumes or feeling because main export of plummeted and returned to figures of 20 years. hey,
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no. nicole just be caught in situation with the creative prussia situation and shortage of put laser. the prices have gone hugely hike up in the full price is going up. i mean, the transport agents are getting held up. people are reluctant the way that these they need to cross blue, green and europe because they are not certain whether they're shipped to go there for a, a, a mary mucho works at the plantation in the central part of sri lanka where the most premium and expensive t grows, but she and her family a barely making ends meet, tally leg, a
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bath that had been i'm gonna kill ah, ah, ah,
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a with a yeah. like i does she somebody over there, both those with luck on you up pulls up, but yes, it is
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a what the and i do so as you know that way. i don't like ah, the protests of rage for several weeks. and they getting stronger every day. the entrance to the president secretariat is blot. police are holding the line and serious clenches may begin any moment. a seed as a person who is a mamma. he came from a district, google based a. d i. in
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a deep economy, i will get with no food. i see a rick, it's a b, but because of the export team up i'm, i'll export the amongst the main mice, russia, daniel craig, and they're boarding other boarding products for the free lamba. so that's, that's my other piece with losing from us. so, so it's, it's mean effective what we think for the other, for putting an extent, foreign currency, mother, little union and the needle, nato. and i am a go to, i'm going to college also responsible for the economic ice control. i'm out. they have the actual address was, was it was a little their eyes. yeah. yeah. yeah. they're like diff, with some people i'm added that
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that is just give us that data. they got it there to learn to se on somebody when they got their medicine for they have on his and mothers like just a few days ago. government rice, disease by most affordable. that's all, that's not that. so it's gonna be w. that's how he's listed on the company's name on site. that's what the price is. so i think it's like, well before to do the so the full basis. i like to do it now with that so that so with this struggle, i know megan you this like maybe a messages somebody maybe in despite the
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venetian in just like the leader, the youth with change movement always carries a red flag. the hammer and sickle symbol isn't just a reference to the soviet union. it's also about social equality and justice. a protest against the monopoly of u. s. financial capital concert and government officials who occurred to tries but allegedly holding passports of other countries. a money is gone, resolve not to how many countries with. ready vital, only one man on the u. s. is in decline, no doubt about and they will scavenge on that very well. i mean, what is happening in the ukraine of neat? yes, the us gap and ging on your these companies work very closely with the united states
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. you know, we get more and more in mash. gonna give them more. yeah. what the store with no obligation was, you know, in addition, nobody knows how to post kilograms, to get the. i just want to switch sort of yes. yeah, i guess. yeah, i got the other guy. he started with for the christmas price was nobody other people. but i wanna know what to do up on an hour or 2 diesel and what the school with the overseas a stuff was washing
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medicine prescribed by sri lankan don't as is usually foreign made and therefore it's all imported. the dollars shop rise has decimated supplies for many, many scenes that are you still alice tease? yeah, i instruct for and they did so many items, not only drugs, but items that these are required for the perform surgeries. i shop for you have books make a nice, you have to make the, how to get your medicine. this is the way that hospitals i've, i mean, at the moment industry, they're still petro for ambulances. but doctors who live far away from work have to queue for petrol themselves. them i did like i let it go. when i left t picking is mary motors
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only skill. there was never enough money for her to get an education. she works hard to provide for her children, so they can at least have one meal a day and go to school. now, 11 out of a sound of a local, then i let clear my label class out my cookie began to the language, and i don't look a stomach article in any progress. hello, lincoln. oh, navigate laura from below. and then a band move by the langley, where and at the move i nat passes any animals and you best outlet and yet bill i have it better than if i'm my family's happening. catherine let her ins, fianna customer that a good bye. he to play a lot, never happened, a game that clearly like they, their identity language that africa. and then it'll look as steadily sri lanka, as deep crisis is affected. families are fuel energy and food shortages and you can
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lose your job any time. only rainwater is in abundance of that anything dealing with other o type up when you go to family than anything where somebody gave them italian, me a this is the been a waller elephant orphanage. about 80 animals live here. you haven't had that up yet. ok. make i didn't killer them after another a lot, telling me that you know, that sometimes their parents abandon them and occasionally poachers leave them behind the elephants need lots of food each consumes up to 76 kilograms of leaves a day. i have a highly admitted to what i'm dominant danika capita, salmonella. i lost a
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modular them again. i'm a new job. in 2021 twin elephants were for 1st for the orphan h a y true lang because elephant population is around 7 and a half 1000. finding food is hard for those living in the wild. so there's no guarantee that numbers will remain the same. i don't usually come up with that go with that. i'm a former student who missed. i'm not going to go
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in the class that is going to tell with with the new position or most set it up with who lives with the stuff that got good. there's no talking with this with you. would you please with what was that? but this is a noun, w, a new teacher with
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a tree lanka is the 1st country to face such a huge crisis. but apparently it won't be the last after the west imposed sanctions against russia, ties between supplies and consumers, whatever. so several other nations risk being stopped under. spangler, danesh, nicole and pakistan on the top 3 on the list it putting up with me money going on here, which is a name that's coming loose the clips. and of course, it all just looking at the difference to put a little bit with most of these issue malaysia and indonesia, by them vietnam and singapore, great new se thing,
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dimensions. and most of the 3rd world countries. when you get to fix that, i'm, it takes them to the international capital markets. so, you know, they don't get money, all the money they need for the i'm with restructure, say one of these and then says ok. they're asked to borrow from the international capital markets that are dominated by an american industrial companies. how much you're going to pay for that. i mean, you're talking about what they're only genes. ok. so you have every conference of whatever reason. so i didn't get that back in the lives of a crisis, and that's all they did them. you live in somebody unable to eat bolts, you thought it would be, you know, a thank you. they live in
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a do a budget that these are the things that they have done to make any salon deluxe the park with, like he only got the edwin mechanic younger bag did in a different plan. ah, i announce a picnic or before because i did was in a state that we could not manage for the next few, installing with
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ah, with restoring you to look up from where you live, your muscle is running noon. she doesn't being nutritional or a nurse to me as presto, mama, cook. of course, if someone can look up to his ashley, uh this morning to work with one to move 330 cool position in newton. can you bring out my booking for the cima bronze
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medal? or furnished or something. yeah. need that week. are at that point. did that with them? oh, when i was showing wrong one, i just don't know any yes to say proud disdain becomes the advocate. an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground a reversible split. this is probably the most accurate way to describe brushes, relationship with the west today. but this did not have to be the wes attempts to cripple the russian economy. have failed, as well as the attempt to isolate russia. the west is isolated is south
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a with the need to establish something like this, a command center. any place is good enough, even the cemetery to visit heavily falsified positions, abandoned by the ukrainian army and near the town of plasma. thus, as russian and allied forces continue the mining territories and taken from peers forces. energy rationing may soon be a reality for millions. that's the warning from islands you commissioner made the blogs growing energy crisis on cells to don is on the brink of famine with the un, claiming a lack of resources to assist the region. we get reaction from some local people probably going to support.


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