tv News RT June 24, 2022 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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ah, ah ah, russia claims some 2000 ukrainian soldiers, including neo nazi formations, are and mercenary campaign and circle just 20 kilometers from the heavily embattled city of several been yes, also had as the boys joke here, thanks for the ukrainian forces for providing extra weapons and munition for their little units for made weapons as well, like these rocket launchers. this is the infamous british mate, and more fierce fighting comes to head in 7 or then. yes and listen chums are t visits and near by time taken by russian forces just days ago and russia will guarantee ukrainian green exports no matter what the west states the
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message from vladimir putin on the 2nd and final day of the brick summit of emerging with it's in the evening here in moscow this friday. thanks for choosing r t for your global news update. let's get into it. sh. we begin with the latest on the ukraine conflict. heavy fighting continues in the near the city of several done yet. russia's ministry of defense to the site, although the area for ukrainian battalions have been encircled regardless, physical bodily ukrainian troops have been completely surrounded. now the sentiments of ghost koya and so latoya, in total for battalions, have been encircled, which have up to 2000 people. namely, about 1800 ukrainian military personnel, a 120 neo nazis of the right sector,
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and up to 80 foreign mercenaries. in the last 24 hours alone, $41.00 service went in. this area have given up resistance and voluntarily surrendered people's republic of logan's case where key battles are happening right now. rushes defense minister reports about steady success and effective and quite speedy advance of the joint russian republican forces there in the region as a result. full battalions of the ukrainian armed forces have found themselves encircled and almost completely isolated around the towns of gorski and latoya. that is around 1800 ukrainian soldiers and offices here round a 100 nationalists, but fighters and up to 80 foreign mercenaries as well as 40 armored vehicles and twice as many heavy artillery pieces were. she's the fence ministry also says that in the last 24 hours 41 ukrainian military men lay down their arms and surrendered . and according to these prisoners of war,
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they encircled ukrainian troops and now exhausted morally down and disappointed because they say there was a huge lack of fighters plus the supply of weapons fuel and ammunition has been almost completely stopped less. now take a listen, but you have to remember that their statements may have been given under duress. those who we will left without means of communication. we weren't able to speak either with a battalion, the whole the brigades to get any task or understanding what positions to take. we were completely cut off with no food and the water with the only possibility for us to save our lives was to surrender. we couldn't see the enemy to know where to shoot. if we didn't lay down our arm, we would have been killed without fighting. we were treated well, we were given food and water flew. we were sent to nowhere and were given nothing. no explanations were provided us, we were sent with no assistance like cannon fodder and other important development
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in the region. the city of lease a chance, a huge industrial hub of the region which has been under fears, fighting for months now. probably the last stronghold of the ukrainian army in the republic is now almost completely surrounded. once it's taking, i have to remind you, the republics whole territory will be honda, russian control. when maria mentioned there, the strategic cities of several done yet scanned lisa, chumps, nor correspondent, eager shit down of his just a few kilometers away from the former and sent us this report from the frontline, this little village, just outside of the city of several, the nets is strategically crucial for the russian forces. basically this is one of the main directions from where they are closing in the encirclement, the so called cattle around the ukranian forces in the town of lisa chance on top of that. now that this place is under the control of the russians, what they did, they basically kicked out the enemy artillery from here because this place is
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a great vantage point overlooking the town of several minutes. i thought with roger, but we got that boomer. we started to move from house to house in were meeting fierce resistance. we drove the ukrainians out, the nearest houses after a 2 day battle right after that they moved to the other side of the street and held that position. but our forces started to get around them from the left and right flanks. we moved along and started to direct our artillery as they had trenches over there while we started to defeat them and move further along. and a little further, a group of around 15 or 20 ukrainian soldiers engaged us with polish mortars, and we saw them in time as the loo, ganske forces were operating there and had warned us about the enemy, we decided to face the enemy from that position in that house where we saw them,
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but they didn't see us. we got around them from the right and a fierce shoot out started, which lasted for 2 hours. then they directed artillery on us to help their troops to get out. and so our soldiers had to move a bit and we left within 2 days, we stormed the position again and drove the enemy out from there. ah, so did you not think were the ukrainian soldiers executed? our neighbors had been in the basement with us. but when the battle started, we went home for water and they went across the road to get things from their house . and then we heard shots, they didn't come back for days and it was too dangerous to go and check on them while the battle was going on. later when we went over to find them and we saw their dead bodies, ukrainian soldiers had shot them at point blank range. they clearly saw that they were civilians and they shot the man in the head and his wife in the back. ah.
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as the boys joke here, thanks for the ukrainian forces for providing extra weapons and ammunition for their little units. foreign made weapons as well, like these rocket launchers. this is the infamous british made and law smaller one . this is polish, made another one. this is so get made and yet a another piece with all the instructions on it written in english. all these items are being successfully used against, well now, against the ukraine enforcers on this direction. the new heads of the family, youth and sports department in the city of her soul on the plexi coast, which is under russian control, was killed on friday morning in a car bombing. dmitri several,
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a chunk of was killed instantly. no one else was hurt. the local administration branded the incident an act of terror by ukraine. the city has seen a string of assassination attempts on the new local officials, which has been blamed on resistance and extremist movements. it comes as ukrainian defense forces have been posting videos of their new military equipment well funded shelf. the military hardware was published on the official twitter account, some of the ukrainian defense ministry. it saves a rocket launcher from a diamond helicopter. as you can see here has been installed on a car that will be used against russian forces. always a pleasure to welcome live on to the program from a u. s. marine corn intelligence officer, scott ritter for his take. scott,
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as we've been going through their i local official and new in the position as well killed in a car bombing with the cities, new administration funding it a terror acts. it does appear to be a ramp up in developments in the city. look, the, you know, the, the, the fact of the matter is the, any time you, anybody occupies the territory of another. and there are population elements that remain loyal to the former government, hostile to the current occupiers. there's the potential for resistance. ukrainian government is made no secret that they will seek to carry out acts of this nature. but this isn't resistance. this is the murder of a civilian resistance is targeting. the military us seeking to, you know, interfere with logistics, blowing up ammunition dumps ambushing con boys. but picking out, you know,
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as civilians of this nature, it's murder, it's terrorism. and it's, it's also an indication that this is pretty much the limit to what the ukraine is can do at this point, time limit acted limited actions of a targeted murder. this isn't widespread resistance, at least not yet. we just saw the crane defense ministry publish video of a car with a rocket launcher from a diamond helicopter installed on it the. that's what they are seeing at least one message. are they trying to send on with thoughts? i don't know. i mean, it's, it's, it's not something i'd be bragging about. this is, you know, this is the kind of weaponry that insurgencies use that low, low intensity conflict. you know, fighters like isis, the taliban, et cetera, would use this is not the weaponry of a, you know, a, a major power, a modern army,
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things of that nature. so if they're trying to tell the world, look, this is what we're reduced to, please send us more, more equipment, that's one thing. but my understanding is that this video is sort of proud of what they, because it to me, it shows just how desperate they become to try and get some sort of fire support push forward for their troops. ok, it's reflect the reality that you know, the russians have done a very good job of degrading ukraine's genuine military capabilities in life of these assassination attempts on the showcasing of the military equipment. what's your assessments got about what's going on the stage? we're out in the conflict. look, we're, we're in a critical stage in this conflict. ok, you know, russia and ukraine are engaged in some very decisive battles near sarah monday. it's in that region, ah,
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battles that the russian military appears to be wanting decisively. um and the ukranian, sir, i think desperate to try and cobble together some sort of a new line of resistance. and so we see now that are left with acts of terrorism and acts of desperation. i mean putting rocket launcher from a down helicopter on the back of a pickup truck isn't. is not the kind of action you expect from a uh, from a winning side. so i think you know, this is what the ukrainians reduced to and it's an indication that things are not going well for them. scott, i appreciate your immediate take on this. thanks for coming on the program. scott ritter, former marine corps intelligence offers are in the u. s, thank you. now, there are no obstacles from russia to ukrainian grain exports, despite western hysteria, so saves the russian president the speaking of the bricks summit of emerging
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economy, which is entering its 2nd and in fact, coming towards the end of its final day. according to letting me put in russia is ready to supply 50000000 tons of grain to global markets this year. is wasena of the day where seen a deliberately inflated hysteria over the termination of ukraine and grain expos, through the plexi ports. i would once again like to stress that russia doesn't create any obstacles to transport the grain from ukraine and he's ready to provide a free passage of ships carrying grain to international waters. we have a mutual understanding here with the un, but we are still lacking constructive approach from the key of authorities or well before the gray. that was inflation, where the west tried to blame inflation that is ramping in the west on, on russia. try to blame the energy crisis, which also began before this. busy conflict on russia, the world fuel shortage. try to blame that on russia now, trying to blame world hunger on russia. the point here is that the g 7 came out,
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the foreign ministers with a joint statement in which they called on russia to stop. for example, a bombing ukrainian grain terminals in grain silos, paps referencing to a, a strike on a, a grain terminal in the city of mc alive. recently, amazing to mention of course, that the grain terminal had been turned into a military fortress by ukrainian troops who had station all matter of vehicles. rocket launchers there as well as a barracks which in turn caused a russian strike just just for reference. ukraine, for example, is about 10 percent of of world wheat exports. russia is near enough 20 percent of world international wheat exports. nevertheless, the spot, all the, all the fact that you have european leaders and foreign ministers coming out and insistently blaming russia was something that they had. a big part of russia
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is waiting, a cynical grain more easing is, is a till to make see prices skyrocket. and destabilize entire countries in continuation of this very one sided story that we're hearing from the european union from the united states, the g 7 nations that they've come up. and they've said that despite all of these russian assurances that yes, ukraine is free to export grade, so long as it comes out, sends ships out the caraway, the hundreds upon hundreds of mines that it is late in the black sea. there is no talk of the demands being made by ukraine before it starts resuming grain exports. and some of these are very close to unreasonable. for example, ukraine demands that none of the vessels leave in its ports, are searched, searched by russian military ships, all through all manner of security guarantees. and you can only wonder what those
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are. but nevertheless, vladimir putin has come out. tom and tom again and said that russia is ready to allow grey next boots to resume from her from ukraine. but that the bull is in ukraine's court. and that has shown demonstrated an unwillingness to make any sorts of compromises. while it's weston backers haven't pushed ukraine at all to make any sorts of compromises or a senior correspondent morale county if all returning to the brick summits where the groups 5 leaders have emphasized the relevance of the forum in today's world as well as the need for quote true multilateralism. the opening run wrapped up with the signing of a declaration, calling on developed countries around the world to stick to responsible politics free economic progress as well as stressing the need for arms control while day to today. friday, a involved the bricks plus format with countries such as argentina, random, egypt, joining the online discussions. just to give you some perspective on the bricks. as
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regards hard figures, the total population of the group exceeds 3000000000 people. let's sum 40 percent of the world's population. the gross domestic product, obviously, bricks grouping is $23.00 trillion dollars that equates to 20 percent of the global trader on the world. and experts expect that number 2, almost doubling the next 8 years, which would exceed the total share of the u. s. and e. u. in international trade, i spoke to the former director of the south african bricks. think tank, who believes the groupings development is a challenge to western gemini? briggs now gains much more prominence. does it go deeply then still the action of the western world and with these economy crises are not breaks. countries are looking towards russia and are looking towards themselves sufficiency and i dug on
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continuous dependence on a weston giovanni's for scholarly, the american. hi, john e operation of critics. we the indeed to be reinforced because greece, nations can see that they cannot rely on, on trustworthy partners. i'm go west now that we are formulated, bleeds in part as a, as, as protest against the alienation. oh wow. wow. countries in a way, grammy's. now all of a sudden we are given even more options and the chances to make you don't know china now is welcome to paul's decision to not move ahead with a security partnership with the u. s. beijing said it supports the south asian nation in upholding it's quote, sovereignty independence and territorial integrity. various political parties, infections of the government, the army,
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and people across the nepalese society see the as p, p as a military and security initiative. close the linked to the inner pacific strategy, and they consider it against the national interests of nipple and it's long held none aligned, balance foreign policy to be part of the s p. p. kept man too abundant plans to join the u. s. state partnership program or s p p on monday at 1st applied in 2015, but washington only accepted its request for years after that critic feared membership risk the country suffer and see while a leak letter showed napoleon army had been seeking a military partnership with america something that played into existing concerns about the s p p being a defacto military alliance. the u. s. embassy, the claims the document was fake, saying the program only have a humanitarian focus. the state partnership program is not and has not ever been a security or military lions. the united states is not seeking
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a military alliance with natal. there is no proposed. as with the agreement with natal was interesting history. the state partnership program was set up in the 90s to per former soviet bloc. countries with the national guard in u. s. states no includes partnerships with some $93.00 countries. the scheme aims to share the best practices in the event of natural disasters. but it also covers country terrorism over opponents claimed the poles. intention to join was tantamount to renouncing the countries long held non a line foreign policy. china for a specialist, victor golf believes if paul had joined up, it would have made the country a plaything for american political machinations. in the very beginning for the united states tried to enter such partnership agreement with new paul is started on the wrong foot. mainly because new power is an analog country called between india to south and china to the non india and the power relations. and china and
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a power relations have been very, very good over the centuries. and for the united states, try to get into the power to promote this partnership. agreement is very obviously targeting china, but between challenge power, many, many sentries of deeply rooted friendship and cooperation. so it does not just take an agreement with united states to suck all the sentries, long friendship between china and the valise. further, where you promote connectivity in the pro new party is projects can be connected either to the chinese projects to the norfolk, all the indian projects to the south. it does not connect with the united states as way across the ocean. on the other side on the pacific. so i think the united states was very misguided in moving into the power tried to play its political game against time. joe biden has accidentally revealed
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a cheat sheet q card prepared by his stuff during a meeting with wind industry executives of the white house. and it includes very specific detailed actions. the list tells the president to enter the room and say hello to participants, and gives basic commands about where to sit and what to do. it's not the 1st time joe biden has been spotted with similar instructions. previously, he was seen with the answers prepped for the media during a talk on at you crane. and this latest incident has raised more than a few eyebrows online. we meet a list of what medication biden is on. this is troubling. his staff need to remind biden who he is. this man is running the country. meanwhile, not knowing who he is. this is elder abuse. one, keep people poor and on, well fat, to concentrate on their gay transgender pito agenda. 3,
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hide biden. clinton crime families, info and hide hunters, laptop info, maxwell, island list, et cetera, et cetera. all presidents have used no carts. only joe has needed one with basic human functions, like a reminder to say hello and hugh take your seat. god help us. bless, go live. now, to miami and speak to political analysts and journalist nico house, nico, it's not the 1st time joe biden's been spotted with a cheat sheet, but this simpleness of the instructions. this time seems to me, raising some concerns, including from democrats, is not just the republicans flinging things here. what do you make of it? yes, actually pretty a little concerning considering that my german shepherd. i don't even have to tell him to sit down before i put a leash. i had to take him outside. this is the commander in chief. so i think that will probably spark a little bit of fear in the american people that the commander in chief who's you know, supposed to be in charge, giving commands,
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has to receive commands in order. and why would things like, take your seat, make sure you keep your, your speech to 2 minutes, et cetera, et cetera. i, i just feel like if this was another president, like, let's say, i don't know, donald trump, for example. we would already be past the point of wondering whether or not he was mentally capable of remaining commander in chief. but you, you have not heard any of those concerns from a mainstream media outlets. and democrats like cnn and m as in b, c. even comalla, you would think, which ought to step in and uses as an opportunity to get her chance. i being the president, but it's like everyone is terrified say, where, where the writing is clearly been on the wall, which is that joe biden is not mentally capable of being the president of the united states of america and leading to free world. well, he's repeatedly prone to making gaffs calling kamala horace, president, taurus, and mixing up countries and names unfinished. is all this affecting the confidence?
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know that the american people have in their president, or is it just brush the way up? i don't know if it's changing the confidence more or less because i actually believe that the carpet, it's probably had been an all time low really since you've gotten elected. and that's just the general feel i've gotten from people that i've talked to and interact with even on my platform. the idea of electing joe biden was primarily based upon getting trump out of office for a lot of people, whether they were necessarily coffee and him just carpeted that trauma be there anymore. but i don't think that they realize just how much they off the wagon off the reservation if you will, that he was. but yet, and still we see situations like this, right? why were you holding the card backwards? it's already bad enough that you needed the car to begin with. but the fact that he was holding it backwards and didn't notice that it extremely problematic. everybody in that room, i'm sure was a little bit perplex as well. we're about to do business with the president and he doesn't even know they, he's supposed to pick his own feed instead of instead of someone else's like these
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issues, once again, raised serious concern. we're on the brink of a war war 3, like i know that this is pretty funny, but like in the context of this, we're really on the brink of what we're 3. i'm sure most americans probably find it once again a little bit concerning that they're quote unquote commander in chief doesn't know which chair to take in meetings. nick we've 30 seconds, but if he runs again, does that affect high people? are going to see him because he could be 85 in the white house. if he wins. we've got 30 seconds to say if, if biting runs again, my trip and fall, i'm, i really hope he does. we might had actually write down i index cards to remind him to run it yet. i don't see him now and it's not his age necessarily, but i'm like i said, it's not as easy as i'm concerned with. it's mental deterioration. my grandfather's 86 before he passed away was much sharper than joe bided. but if he runs again, i think he the senate democrats up a failure. nico, thanks for your time today. nico high political analyst on journalists live from
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any meaningful relationship is based on the following trust. this is absent in russia's relationship with the west of essentially moscow does not deem western leaders to be good faith actors. this is the lesson learned since the end of a cold war, as we all know, reclaiming trust is very difficult. if not impossible. to church's goal was to preserve the british empire. the united states wanted an open world in which american dollar could penetrate, which american trade would have access everywhere and to market and to labor add to
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resources around the globe. so they had very different kinds of conflict. the interest with john chill wound stolen of an impending attack on the u. s. s. huh. in the face of great danger, he seeks an alliance with russia. stalin doesn't reply. he doesn't trust churchill. with at 4 o'clock this morning, hitler attacked and invaded russia suddenly, without declaration, the war without even algae made him. the german bomb rain down from the
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sky above the russian in russian danger is therefore our danger and the danger of the united states. 2 days later us, president roosevelt also gives a speech supporting the ssr but there are other political forces in the united states. every 2 makes a speech in december of 41 and the senate is as if the russians are winning. we should report the germans, and if the germans are, when we support the russians and that way, let them destroy each other. there was that kind of sentiment in the west at this time. dangerous destructive, roosevelt warm style in japan's intention to attack the soviet union. but soviet intelligence report states via tag is still in doubt me. it's.
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