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tv   News  RT  June 25, 2022 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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ah, a one of the most contested cities in the ukraine conflict, but i didn't. it is now under full loot, gets republic control. according to the russian defense ministry, it was confirmed after troops entered the neighbouring ton of lifted shells, which had been the last stronghold of the ukrainian army in the republic. going against the mainstream narrative, leading french news channel reports on residents of the premium for the whole style to local forces. i'm waiting for the arrival of russian fruit. a place at the top table is courted by the g 7 group of advanced economies,
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as it sounded, especially in 5 to somebody summit. and what's seen as the latest attempt to push new delhi away from moscow. huge protests are held across the u. s. after the supreme court overturned the constitutional right of women to access abortion, that decision that's torn yet deeper ribs in the country already fractured by political with broadcasting for moscow. this is our t. my name's you know, neil of 30 minutes of news and views starts, and then d. we begin with quite a sizable development, the russian defense ministry, se separate danielle is now under the control of the lookouts republic, including the assault plants in the industrial area there, which they say the authorities kind of been used by ukrainian forces as a hide. now confirmation came after lucas l p r authority said russian lead forces
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had entered the ton of this a chance. now as you can see in the map here, it's located on the other side of the river from several to on. yet this a chance had been the last stronghold of ukrainian troops in the republic. talking earlier on all the sar t's ramon coast ref. paul, we are indeed getting information now from the local military authorities in the legacy peoples republic that said, joint forces over russia and l. p. r. have now entered the city of las a chance, and our combat is now taking place on the streets of the town. now we are in reports that they have already taken over one of the mines and other factories there as well. ukrainian forces at the moment, according to reports, are being forced to retreat from this city and the vista latest advance of the joint forces. and the potential loss of the city by ukraine will probably
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represent a major defeats the entire force of ukraine in this region. in particular, now the city of elicit chance is just one of many towns in this area that were taken over by the joint forces in the recent 2 weeks. now ukraine, however, the cranes army ukrainian nationalists are continuing to use scorched earth tactics as they are retreating form from all these set sounds. now hardly any civilian infrastructure is left intact. as there finds a bomber. everything insides and civilians themselves have obviously also fell victim to the ukrainian shilling. now one prime example of that is the village offer nova touched kafka according to a report. so from the legacy people's republic, as the army of this republic entered the city, they could not find any
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a local residence alive. and they said that there found many people in the bomb shelters who died simply from a starvation, as they were hiding from the ukrainian shelling. now this killer village became a crucial for the joint forces on of their way to advance in other cities. in the longest people's republic seats is like a gorski and does the latoya that have already been freed according to the local authorities. and we spoke to some of the locals who gave their own witness account of how they were treated by the ukranian nationalist. it refilled, you will run, the ukrainian military fled at night very quickly. they abandoned everything they destroyed and plundered the whole city. around 40 percent of the city is destroyed . we expect that we will have a stable government here and we are waiting for
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a referendum to become part of russia. like larry williams was also going article ukrainian. so which is sealed, my eyes tortured me, tried to break my arms and legs. they tied people to a road post. any one they suspected of looting. and it's not some random people. the police did it. they kept man alone for a whole day, then they released him. he still limps, and another one was repeatedly beaten in the abdomen every other. this is something that so we have seen here not only of the last 4 months, but over the last 8 years as a residence in dunbar continued to suffer from ukrainian atrocities. ok, let's bring you some more developments from the front line. the russian defense ministry. how stated around 80 polish merson race fighting, and don bus been killed and a russian her strike? the m o. d also said strikes in the past 24 hours had, quote, eliminated more than $300.00 ukranian militants and foreign mercenaries near the
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southern city of nikolai, of ukrainian artillery units, which had been shelling residential areas. and the nets were also hits well, as russian troops advanced on blizzard chanced, the fronts 2 news channel went against the mainstream. nor it said with reports from the ground saying that lucas had been waiting for the arrival of russian soldiers. me. so she said that i, you see shawn's cilla measure, we need to speak to somebody to see that he knew bohannon back. they'll do the oil fuck exact on law made. well, the report shows people refusing to leave the city, treating ukrainian troops with hostility, some local to even claimed enough report. it was the ukrainian army that had deliberately targeted residential areas. journalist crystal, nene founder of the dumbass insider psych claim some western outlets are changing
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their narrative as they start to investigate the conflict directly. league means to media ah, are oblige at some point to tell the truth because the people are seeing the food. yeah. i mean, what they were in, what we saw on the ground with the video prove i have to see very few western media are present here now and do the ones were here that were several scandals, because against it's a going against the narrative of the western countries which are supporting ukraine, was there supported ukraine. they have to hi. all the war crimes of the you can use all through all the war crimes of the you could, you knew or not. but now you said the troy, now to just keep us just national, east or beach for right, but not too much as a bit. we are seeing the same syntax that we have seen just of the, my dad i,
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when all blue western countries who are the real nature of the i don't, i'm really happy to see that my colleagues from crossing for decided to tell the truth for once. ah, indian has been invited to be a special guest participant on sundays meeting of the g 7 group of leading world economies. as being seen of the latest attempt to woo new delhi away from moscow amidst the ukraine conflict here shortly. contribute our article from the indian capital. friends turner in the movie is attending the g 7 summit on june $26.27 in germany ad b indication off germany's johnson law shoes. branch and will be is expected to speak in due sessions on which will be focused on environment clean energy, climate,
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food security and democracy. branson will be on the sidelines of the summit is going to hold bilateral meetings, read some of the leaders of the participating countries. chancellor shows invitation to the brands to more be to jarring. b g 7 summit is part of germany's efforts for the war in from russia, in the backdrop of the war. in yuki india has so far maintained a new dance because of its longstanding strategic partnership and security dies wave to russia is also asked broad end. oh ha, still these and has aggregated dialogue and diplomacy of the german chancellor whose hosting this year's g 7 summit has once again blamed russia for
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the pain germans are feeling in their pockets saying it's the ukraine conflict causing it will have shawl say, is the issue will be one of the main topics of discussion of somebody's me go slant, rushes through to war against ukraine is also having an impact here. many things we buy have become more expensive food, but especially the price for energy, which we notice when we pay for heating, heating, oil, gas, everything is much more expensive than last year. meanwhile, i cried off more than 3000 people gathered in munich to demand more from the g 7 liter staving. they're all talk can collection. the protesters are demanding a complete phase out of fossil fuels and increased efforts in the fight against hunger, that corresponding from her sister channel or t deutsche is in the bavarian capital. it's dear west on civilization about to decline. that's what many demonstrators are claiming here on that this year's demonstrations against the t 7 meeting that takes place on the castle of
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elmore in the barbarian out. today we have around 2 to 3000 demonstrators here in this city center of munich, who at demand a would throw wall form of fossil energy. they also against imperialism, and again, deliveries of weapons to the ukraine. i would think so far, it's peaceful and we hope that it stays like this until the end. get another story to tell you by today, argentina's president has asked that bricks, countries to incorporate the south american nation as a full member. alberto fernandez, made the request as he join the blocks 14th and major summit via video conference this week a bit. alice has helped me and been plano. we want to be full members of this group bricks, countries that are already represent 42 percent of the world's population and 24 percent of the world's growth product. we are reliable and responsible food
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supplies, who have achieved recognition in biotechnology and applied technologies in logistics . this means we can not only produce an export food, we can also supply services and train specialist. this newer china hosted the brick summit virtually uninvited 13 countries outside the block to take part. among the issues discuss was they possible expansion of the club, which currently is made up of brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa. the chinese president, she jan paying is reported to have personally invited argentina to attend, while beijing foreign minister also talked our potential expansion. china proposes to start the bricks expansion process, explore the criteria and procedures for the expansion and gradually form a consensus. yes, some reaction we got to the argentine in historian nestor steve, or believes there would be big benefits to his country joining a grouping. the lead yes bricks is an alternative organization because before cove
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it and the ukranian crises, the world wasn't able to cooperate enough. and the new world order couldn't to pair . this is why countries whose power has been in decline, such as the u. s. a, trying to stop globalization, to increase their influence in different regions, bricks and other organizations ought to combat u. s. international policy and support a multi lateral world order. peace and integration. argentina supports these intentions. the country has been trying to integrate to bricks for several years. and now it has a chance to do so. argentina is trying to be a part of the organization that is making the world multi lateral boosts countries . collaboration and development. laos has become this 2nd southern asian country this year after sher lanka, unable to pay it's foreign debt, a double blow of low cash reserve. the sun surging inflation means the nation can't pay off its arrears of $13000000000.00. locals are being hit hard by petro price, spikes on the value of the currency. plunging problems,
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how been exacerbated by interest rate rises in the us making imported goods were expensive on investment manager and author of planet, pansy, mich firestone, is convinced more defaults are likely to follow across the globe. if the issues of 2 things, how foreign death accumulates and her cache is created, aren't addressed. the west has exported inflation when the quantitative easing that's gone on for the past decade, that's what happens when you just print infinite quantities of money. it ends up manifesting itself in different ways with unintended consequences. so this is part of the problem. yes. and so i'm not surprised that the emerging markets now are becoming more impacted because when the united states sneezes, the rest of the world gets a pandemic. that the debt and the emerging markets in dollar denominated, when the dollar gets stronger, it's more difficult to repay,
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especially when you have a local currency that's being debased by inflation. so that's what exasperating makes the problem exponentially worse. so i think that the debt has to be cleared. we've got to see bankruptcies across the board to clear out the absolutely horrendous amounts of debt. i mean the debt to g p that japan has and just watch japan. japan is the model. they're going to be the 1st ones to go because they're debt to g. p probably, or the real number is probably around 300 percent. so that's why their currency is, has dropped about 23 percent. and the bond market is about to explode. now the, the smaller asian countries can't do that, but the bigger ones have been doing this ponzi scheme for 10 years or so, or more. so now it's about time to pay the piper for what they've been doing for the reckless money printing that's been going on for more than a decade. just the day after the u. s. supreme court struck done the constitutional rights of women to access abortion clinics in. some states have
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already started closing many city. so thousands take to the streets and protest out the ruling with police and or a zone are resorting to firing tear gas to disperse. the crowds, 0100 people had tried to force their way into a government building in phoenix, smushing glass walls and doors. officials declared the rally there on lawful assembly. demonstrations also took place in new york, boston, los angeles, another major coastal cities to a course of my body, my choice president biden. slum the court's decision as a project on historic area make no mistake. this decision is a combination of a deliberate effort over decades upset balance of our law. it's a realization of an extreme ideology and a tragic error by the supreme court. in my view, what
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a cascade of anti abortion legislation in individual states is expected to follow the supreme court's ruling effecting nearly half of the country states will decide their own policies independent of washington dc, with conservative states likely to bring in either a partial or full balance hospitals in at least 8 states have already stop providing such services. daniel is our author of the velvet cou, the constitution, the supreme court on the decline of american democracy, believed the decision will only deepened divisions in the us. essentially it rolls the clock back by 50 years, all center and left. men and women are, are losing face and bite and they're giving up hope. they realize that democrats simply have no way of fighting this republican steamroller. the u. s. seems to be headed for some kind of civil war. we can't be sure, can't be sure,
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but the states are lining up. they political differences. ready are bitter and there's no way out of this of this by the end of this conflict. twitter hired dozens of former f. b. i. agents under love to consul employees and organization, largely sponsored by nato. now that's the spice, the social media side trying to maintain its image as a home for freedom of thought and opposing views, slanted media fund. manila sean has been looking into developments for our 2 social media companies. in this case, twitter have been on a hiring spree of a number of former f b i agent such as director of corporate security and risk. that's what mark dear a huge he did. after he marked 21 years at the bureau, leaving his post as supervisor, a special agent at the f b i san francisco field office, or like
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u. s. army veteran and west point graduate. karen waltz was also spent 21 years at the f. b. i in new york, serving in her last position as a special agent of public and private sector outreach. twitter likes to present themselves as arbiters of free speech truth and tie, fake news, and some sort of community to share thoughts and opinions. but can such be the case when they're c suite and executive ranks are filled by folks from the f b. i the investigative arm of the d o j. the truth is that at the f b, i 50 percent of all the normal conversations that people had were about how you were going to make money after retirement. you know, they hire people from the ca, who worked in science. and a lot of people who worked for the atlantic council, the think tank here in washington that is funded by nato. so it should be no surprise when twitter announced the labels that would be tagged to certain profiles
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like my own twitter account, effectively calling me a social media russian agent if you will, because of my affiliation to r t or, or our accounts get suppressed. and basically, shadow band, other journalists from china, iran, venezuela. many others also get labels and shadow band, but not so if you're a reporter for the b b fee or n p r, coincidence, i'll let you decide all this information though important for the average user to know about who's actually controlling what at twitter in washington i manila chan ah, now an investigation by the un. how's fond is really forces responsible for the recent fatal shooting of an al jazeera journalist? we've inspected photo video audio material. we visited the scene and we've
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consulted with experts, and we've looked at official communications. we've interviewed people who are also on the scene based on this very rigorous sam monitoring. we find that the shots that killed a black lay came from israeli security forces. the prob concluded that, despite wearing a vest and helmet purely marked with the word press, sharina buckley was shot dead by idea forces. it's happened on may 11th, while sharing was reporting from the city of gin and her death sparked a furious reaction to run the worlds on thousands attended her funeral. israel has demanded access to the faithful bullets it say's to determine whether it was fired by a palestinian gunman or id f troops. the leader of the palestinian national initiative party sees the case is a quote, terrible crime ends its israel's fault. in my opinion, the picture is clear and what needs to be done is to punish those who committed
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this terrible crime. not only the soldiers were shocked of the shot, not only in the office i've ordered the shot, but there is a government except including the prime minister in the style you pin it will give free hand soldiers and all that. is there any legal settlers to shoot for the stimulus without any consideration for that matter? it's not only that a lot of me killed shooting and injured police. monday more than that, the fact that they had a funeral, coughing almost to the ground. and the people who were cutting and coughing to the thread, there were, some of them were hurt. some of them had the fractures of the neck because the visitor had tax. so it was a big infant not only to the memory of shooting a broccoli, but to one journalist, and to the free press and toward the listing of these war crimes should be stopped and they will not be stopped. and this is very knows that it will be punished and
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sanctioned for these actions. well, thank you for your company. this is news. all right, that is where we leave it for now. from moscow more program is right. i had those see what is showing wherever you are today. this is with a with, with you is with you. i'm with
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political, chris got to boot from beach. still easy to the station, but i to in the board with with go to russia.
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oh, never this landscape with it within 50 babble did. okay, so my niece madeline speaking with little van in the european union. the kremlin. yup, machine, estate aunt, rush up to date and sports r t sport neck. given our video agency, roughly all band on youtube with ah, click to see we are on the trips and the trips i escalate to
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a big part of it is the way in which also information and knowledge is being restricted and constrained. the imposition of certain restrictions on flow of information, branding needs to be counted. it cannot be that the single narrative determines what's happening in the well i mean they're using this to absolute, not go with enough to hold them. whereas with like a little fingers with some of the truth, peter winning up will shut down the green jelly, nauseous, commodity li, woocommerce some stuff done with filled up if, if those have been marked the little buggy,
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so my load up to the blue as to deal with it was up here at the ball, which when you, with a sort of
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a good old was signed. on february the 12th 2015, it was meant to end military conflicts in ukraine between government forces and don bass militia groups. the agreement stipulated that both sides would withdraw heavy weapons to an equal distance from the contact line. this left several 100 settlements trapped between opposing forces. local civilians became unwitting witnesses to and victims of the continuing civil war. thousands of people still live in small towns and villages that have become the new front line. they call this area the grey zone a with
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hello. yes, yes we is. are you know, really? sure. yeah, you do a with one example, they don't do. it is one of the gravestones most popular residents. he's the only electrician still here after civil war broke out in the settlement of alexandra for him. the frontline stopped just outside the gates of his own house or did i just i didn't purchase well if it was pretty south or to play route.


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