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tv   News  RT  July 1, 2022 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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ah, ah, a pledge is another 1000000000 pounds in funds to ukraine, diverted from a to african and asian countries where millions remain at risk of starvation. thousands take to the streets in india after the beheading of a hindu shop keeper was filmed and posted on line. the muslim suspects have been arrested over the killing hundreds, gather madrid in a protest against police violence resulting the death of 37 migrants who tried to cross the moroccan spanish border. also coming up germany seeks to ease tensions with moscow, urging lithia to lift restrictions on freight transport from mainland russia
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with the weekends just beginning in moscow. my name is peter scotts, and welcome to 30 minutes of news and analysis here on archie international. and we start off with an update from don boss on your school authorities have reported that ukrainian forces launch a number of grad rockets of the city on friday. now it's unclear whether there were any casualties bought the last 2 weeks. i've seen a city repeatedly come under fire. this is what it shows the aftermath of one of the latest attacks on the queue of school district. the left several houses damage and one residence injured locals told us what happened in the incident. please, viola, there was a shot in the house, was set on fire. he fell down and hit his head. you did. i was sitting on a chair or the entrance of the house while keeping an eye on my god and being quoted, i think was come. then there was
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a shot. and suddenly i realized i was lying on the ground, my head ease. he had blood here on his temple. united kingdom is sets to send an additional $1000000000.00 pounds worth of aid to ukraine. the money is being diverted from funds designated for millions in need of aid in african and asian countries. nevertheless, the british governments business chief, has praised the move the vital 1000000000 pounds commitment from boris johnson to enhance ukraine's resistance against russia. british weapons, equipment and training are transforming ukraine's defenses. my department has contributed to the effort by surrendering climate, finance and foreign aid under spends that you case energy secretary is patting himself on the back for promising to use funding earmarked for climate change initiatives and for helping those under developed countries to support nato's weapon shopping spree and ukraine and to justify the move, the minister is using a new buzzword for this magically available cash. the under spends meaning that
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we're supposed to believe that there is money just laying about that couldn't be used because there was just already so much of it already for climate as foreign aid, environmentalists have already had to face the insult of seeing cold plants and fossil fuel infrastructure getting fired up again in western countries after official slap sanctions on their own energy supplies from russia. under spends on climate finance in the context when the $100000000000.00 target has been missed, sounds obscene. and using help to the people of ukraine as a shield against criticism on this is double obscene. so you've sacrificed funding to assist african nations in dealing with their energy and economic crisis for a war with uncertain in. i know you as a single person with no children may not take seriously global warming,
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but african families are very concerned. so the ukraine war isn't just deflecting our attention from the climate crisis. it's draining money from the already inadequate budget to deal with this looming global catastrophe. and by wary, seriously supposed to believe that there suddenly extra foreign aid, when all we've ever heard about until now is how much the world's famine problem is underfunded. g 7 nations, literally just wrapped up a summit where they tried to pin a global famine on russian president vladimir putin rather than the damage done by their own sanctions. during this conflict in ukraine, they just pledged $4500000000.00 against global hunger and ox sam international still doesn't think even that is enough. faced with the worst hunter crisis in the generation, the g 7 have simply failed to take the action that is needed. many millions will face terrible hunger and starvation as a result. instead of doing what is needed, the g 7 are leaving millions to starve and cooking the planet. this is further
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exacerbated by their lack of progress and delivering promised finance to support climate action and developing countries. meanwhile, the you ends world food agency says that a lack of cash means cutting rations for starving people in yemen. but when faced with a choice between those priorities and catering to the weapons winds expressed by ukrainian pirate president virus zalinski in his latest zoom call, guess who wins out makes you wonder if these folks are actually serious about sol? any of the problems that they purport to be actual problems when all of their supposedly biggest concerns are now suddenly taking a back seat to their obsession with sticking it to russia and latimer poon, even their own agendas are now becoming collateral damage. well, earlier we discussed the looming financial crunch for african and asian countries with the co director of the international action center. sarah flounders. this is
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one more effort to use public relations firms, stars media cameras, to project a completely false image of the ukraine. and it's also involves mega money dollars that are never seen even by the people of ukraine, but certainly not by the people around the world who are facing absolute famine. because of the sanctions and war imposed. of course, they want to pay attention to ukraine, where they can promise that they are a big democratic course and push off to the side, the absolute destruction that they have created in afghan or stand and in yemen to this day. this is not only hypocrisy, absolutely. criminal conduct on a huge scale. i mean, this is war crimes to provide,
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to refuse to provide for millions of people in need when the ability is there even on. so the news now religious tension sparks in india, a several 100 hindus took to the streets to express the outrage over the killing of a shopkeeper to move the men allegedly pretended to be customers. before talking among the suspects posted a video online thing they were beheading the man is revenge, as he supposedly expressed support for a high ranking hindu politician who insulted the muslim profits. mohammed, while india is officially a secular multiethnic state, religious tension have been on the rise recently. for the latest incident, the government has taken so drastic measures as our correspond report. not just didn't get, has been put on high a lot. the internet services have been suspended and off i'm not gathering, have been banned fully mom to off till or can they all law who see my dog in
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a raw deal. i see all day for the kids. so the entire country that tina was to be headed off, the beheading was found on camera and then widely circulated on a social media. also, the fact that prime minister in the movie was turned by these murders on camera. we have the headed to taylor. we are living for all god and we shall die for him. listen to me now and remotely. you started this fire, we will douse it in connection to the international control, see which is called after the now suspended. both of the party in india meet with the trophy in a television to be home tomorrow from home. um that is darren did see i next to y, protest fine across the country. it also drew condemnation from all
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a dozen golf con fees. i defended and push on on the social media platform and their mother see that they were arranging insults to islam within organizations as well. what's important to be done across india has condemned this crime, the general secretary of the jamie at a limit he hind condemns the brutal killing a new diaper, apparently committed on the pretext of insulting the prophet and calls it a violation of the line of islam. what happened, a new di, poor has affected the whole country, the murder in question as a heinous crime. it became evident over night that this crime is directly connected to international terrorism. indian investigation agencies are you can get an actual scare me. some people are having arrested in connection to the case, including the to modern are who are caught on camera. in fact,
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those 2 people who found the b headache now earlier in the day to day the supreme court of india came down heavily on new pl sharma. calling her use tongue and that she should apologize to the nation for flaring, communal tension. we spoke to the formula, former chancellor of the molina as that a national earth university says that the incident presents the wrong picture of islam. in a country like india, i can tell, imagine the sink. love that one. no, i just wonder why i'm bo myself. you know, i'm quite worried as to where i can please ling, what these people are doing. dad doesn't think that home it shuttle. his mom is love is understanding because of the leg. my mother was one of them are gross. and the reason study did learn more gross me islam is something a lot lee on account of people who are not present present thing that right
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at the q. and the right men of islam in the news, rage over libya's political style made on worsening living conditions, boiled over on friday as protest is broke into libya's parliament lighting fire in front of the building in the eastern city of to brook video circulating on social media shows the parliament barricaded with protest is burning tires and thick black columns of smoke coming from the building. some protesters were seen waving green flags which was a symbol of the duffy regime. no casualties were reported as the building was likely empty during the process of friday. is a day off in libya, local media reports that libyans rallied again, the political crisis as the country is torn between warring political pauses, pockets and soaring prices also added fuel the fire in fridays to invest. the madrid saw hundreds of process against police
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violence that resulted in the death of 37 migrants attempting to cross the border between macro and morocco and the spanish enclave of malea. the processed as it gathered the city's essential square holding signs and banners, videos, and photos of the border incident spots outrage among human rights defenders as well as united nation processes. voice calls for an independent cross border investigation into the death of the main demands. we are demonstrating foreign spain have to do with the question of pointing out both to the spanish end moroccan governments. their policies of death at the borders to demand an investigation, to make sure that this does not go unpunished. we are demonstrating against murder because we don't want the murder of other comrades with them, a little offense to go and punish the quick one. and you may find some of the
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following images disturbing. here you can see video footage from the scene of people lying on the ground, rounded up by security forces, at least 76 migrants, and 140 border guards are reported to have been injured in the incident. un says the moroccan authorities use both hands on stones to attack the migrants that they tried to scale offense to enter the spanish claim. human rights defend as they, that's police deliberately refrained from helping those who are injured. no one bothered to come to the aid of the migrants on the ground during and after the clash. some of them were crying in pain for long hours in the sun was faint. prime minister called the instant an attack on spain's borders and blamed the death on human trafficking rings. hydro sanchez is facing a backlash from his own coalition for failing to condemn the actions of the moroccan police. the prime minister's government has no plans to take action against the ledger perpetrators of the violence. earlier we spoke to addiction writes mohammed sabrin,
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who commented on the role of western leaders play in the migrant crisis. i think the blame is actually, must be mainly is always and ends, european countries who are leaning in these african countries. some party in the country are actually encouraging people to leave and some other player, you know, enter into changes that game and also, you know, make promises. so when they reach, you know, the shore of the western country, we discovered that, you know, they are not welcoming and they make their life miserable. we should speak loudly and ask for justice for these people. and i think, you know, now this is this answer them or this tragedy is actually everyone is speaking about. and it will be very difficult, you know, to,
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to go to the us to under the card with germany's chancello law shorts has unexpectedly sided with moscow amid a dispute over the uranium bond on the transit of sanctions, goods to russia's cleaning. god region, he reminded fellow e u countries that the western russian ex place should not be cut off from the rest of the country. but steve target regarding the issue of clean grad, it's up to opinion to determine the necessary frame more controls. of course, these measures must respect the fact that we are talking about traffic between 2 parts of russia. i believe that all parties involved i'm currently making great efforts to establish at the installation dynamic here. but despite the german leaders cause lithuanian presidents has responded by branding russia as an long term threats gets enough. now, theater also stressed that nato remains united regardless of some disagreements among his key member states. 2 weeks ago,
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lithuania announced it would no longer use sanctioned russian goods to pass through the territory which borders the cleaning grad region. building effectively blocked the transits of metals, coal construction materials, and high tech products to the russian exclaimed if you and your claims the restrictions are fully in line with the sanctions and have been approved by brussels. however, russia's foreign ministry has condemned to move the lithuanian authorities have gone beyond the breaching international law and are behaving in an aggressively hostile manner. i hope that the le sweeney and officials have some semblance of professionalism in assessing the situation. they must understand the consequences and the consequences will unfortunately come. earlier we spoke with the executive director, the ron paul piece institute, daniel mcadams, the things that need to hurt himself more than russia by supporting unseen moscow sanctions. we started to see some cracks in the block. they wanted to give the impression of unity, but literally everything that they have thrown against the russia. ukraine
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situation has not only not stuck, but it's been counterproductive, hurt nato, more than it's obviously hurt russia. russia continues to rack up victory after victory in the battlefields, not sustainable and in irrational world, would have disintegrated. at the end of the warsaw pact to worse, of course, came into being as the response to the creation of nato. there has no reason to exist and that's why it sort of collapsed into buffoonery. a t o writing checks that can't be cashed by it's individual member governments, the politics and paul being super aggressive toward russians and you have germany facing a very cold winter, u. k. making an economic collapse that's going to spread like contagion throughout the region throughout the nato sphere in europe. and that's what they're going to be facing soon. over to south korea now we're an official, as expressed concerns about new threats from north korea, urging china and russia to convince young young not to conduct expects that nuclear
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tests. now this comes as north korea has increased in nuclear weapon testing activities with a recent report alleging the process was likely quickened by a leak of information from a military plans in ukraine. it looks like north korea's next nuclear missile test is coming up soon. this time, young young could be looking to develop tactical nuclear weapons and sol thinks there intended to hit us led forces in south korea. north korea's transition and weapons development from long range ballistic missiles to short range ballistic missiles from strategic nuclear weapons to tactical nuclear weapons is obviously targeted toward south korea. that shouldn't come as too much of a surprise though. since earlier this year. south korea's then defense minister publicly stated he could launch a preemptive attack against the north. no doubt the situation is a lot more stable than it would be if only one side was armed to the teeth with nuke spot. the way north korea was able to get its hands on long range missile technology could mean bad news if non state actors were to try to get their hands
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on similar weapons. in the same way. according to the united nations to north korean spies were detained. back in 2011 after they were caught trying to steal nuclear secrets from a ukrainian factory called use mosh in 2011, 2 officials of the democratic people's republic of korea travel to ukraine than approached an employee of the state own entity. fully engaged in the developments of medium range, the intercontinental ballistic missiles, to obtain photographs of secret academic theses, according to ukrainian authorities. these would have provided the democratic people's republic of korea with information on advanced technologies and new forms of technological processes for the design of missile systems and liquid propellant engines. fast forward to 2017 and pyongyang had its 1st successful intercontinental ballistic missile test. with what a western investigation said was most likely an imported engine with modifications
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. no other country has transitioned from a medium range capability to an intercontinental ballistic missile in such a short time. what explains this rapid progression? the answer is simple. north korean has acquired a high performance liquid propellant engine from a foreign source. and where did the author of this investigation say north korea got that engine ukraine? it's likely that these engines came from ukraine, probably illicitly. the big question is how many they have and whether the ukrainians are helping them. now. at the same time, ki evan, the management of use mash denied, offering help to pyongyang. but the investigation thinks north korean spies revisited the factory a 2nd time and succeeded. a small team of disgruntled employees or underpaid guards could be enticed to steal a few dozen engines. these machines can be flown or more likely transported by train through russia to north korea. if what the investigation claims is true, the time at which the engine was allegedly stolen wasn't exactly an unstable one.
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for most of ukraine, with a don boss conflict now affecting the entire country, the west continuing to flooded with weapons. who knows what organized groups with bad intentions might be able to get their hands on. of course, it is a big problem. as you know, ukraine was known as the most corrupt country in history. it is known that the soldiers pretty decent and not it can be excluded, that they are selling weapons to whoever wants to buy them. in any case, when the north koreans are leveled up with nuclear nuclear arsenal and leveled up with new technology for the new fall, the nuclear arsenal. it's always a big problem for the rest of the world because we have just one planet. and whenever there is a nuclear war at one side, it will harm everywhere. combine that, we have the pretty menu,
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doubtful people in europe, especially in germany. and now a huge market were weapons of any kind. are basically hand it over for free, then it's getting a situation and a threat for europe that nobody can really calculate any more. and so i would say it is really a disgrace to make such a free and cheap weapon market in, in, on european soil, in this case, in the ukraine. finally, as the world brace this. so for the possibility of another cobit wave, the, the luncheon commission has ignited suspicions of the viruses origins in u. s. biotech. i'm pretty convinced that came out of the us lab, but it's a blunder. in my view, a biotech, not an accident of
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a natural spill over while dr. is around the world or warning about the danger of the possible new way were coded, though it will be a new phase. i certainly is a reason for alarm. at the same time, we have continued debate about the origin of the cobit 19 virus. now jeffrey sachs, columbia university. well respected economist has also said there could be some credibility to this hypothesis about the origin of koby 19. we do not know whether the insertion of the few or in cleavage site was the result of natural evolution or the result of a deliberate introduction of the fear and cleavage site into a sars like virus. as part of a laboratory experiment, we do know that the insertion of such fear and cleavage, sight sequences into sars like viruses was a specific goal of work submitted to the u. s. defense advanced research projects agency. now, us officials have often insisted this theory about the coded 19 pandemic, possibly originating in a lab, possibly a u. s. military lab done for research on biological weapons or biological warfare
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or dangers linked to the u. s. department of defense. often, the usa has dismissed this as a conspiracy theory that, that it is not tolerable for discussion. now wherever we now have the end of the world health organization, saying that they should be able to discuss all i offices, leave them on the table and leave politics out. own hi put, this is my city main on the table until we have evidence that the numbers are 2 rules that day and i put this in or out. there are new questions about the possibility called it originating at a u. s. department of defense link laboratory. it's important to note that some of the censorship that has gone on since the beginning of the pandemic, limiting discussion, and not permitting debate about this issue, certainly worth reexamining. questions being raised about why certain theories about the pandemic were not allowed for discussion. let's say you're up to date with all the latest news from around the world. do you feel free to?
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it's all websites, all t dot com for more stories and in depth analysis monies be just gotten to be back again at the top of the i'll see you then ah ah ah ah, a little with center of chicago. most of them will be with the show piece, the semester ashley,
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with me or for you on national and i don't know that would put on some with no, but i didn't annoy any new job. we used to look at least the, the new sco shit on when you hit them. my albumin bought yeah. which in that usually a score to us? no, i would get a oh no. oh oh yeah. ha. oh,
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what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race is on offense. very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk with dog or brings food to the city. and on her way back she times people who are too
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weak to live in the ruins of mario cal. any more, april above a guide, nothing just assume would accumulate a dog busily. never done this, chris mooney, hershey give us credit post the much need for customer with the coastal grains. just write up a little logo. it shows now to get them to get that, the grains, if my brozowski, which genuine you want them had you of the young people to know it wasn't that those who may have not got an e. what group you have a child shows about doing young still no. go ahead do, maria. those old ladies are involuntary witnesses to the cities. horrifying battles,
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many couldn't get down to basements or a shelter because of their age. so they watched the horrors of war from the windows of shell flats. oh. c oh yes, both with a with with
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the grandma tomorrow. this is the 2nd storming of maria bushy seen in her life. she survived the horrors of world war 2 with a child with a she think that 80 years later she'd say nazi tag. thanks again. this time from ukrainian military using civilian says she, my shields, and once again, she'd be thanking russian soldiers for saving her them with .


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