tv News RT July 4, 2022 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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ah ha ah, a friend, lucy chug for months and months everywhere, all over the city. there are galton wrenches, blood clue. they take a lot of work in our crew visit the las ukrainian stronghold in guns republic. on the very day, russian and allied forces took full control of the regent party investigates the arms trade on ukraine's dark, where we contact the dealers to find out about the availability of weapons online and social explosives. that's what the german chancellor called rising energy prices in europe. there's more than 20000000 people in the country,
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remain at risk of energy poverty. with coming to you live from our headquarters in moscow, you're watching our teens now. she's just going to 8 am here in the russian capital . my name is peter scott bringing in news as we had in turn you week ukrainian president followed him is the lens. he has confirmed that lou ganske and russian forces have taken the city of lucy chance. now this means the entire lugens people's republic is now under the full control of the russian military and its allies. ukrainian command said keith's troops were forced to abandon their positions to save lives. hey, you can see footage of deserted trenches on the outskirts of listed chance. the hasty withdrawal of ukrainian troops, many, many left behind personal belongings are season. rod goes the f visits, at least the chance as the battle for the city ended getting into lisa chance is no
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easy task. ukrainian forces blew every bridge to the north, south, east and west of the city. there was never much concern for civilian well being. this a chance was always looked down upon by ukrainian nationalists as an inferior pro russian city. luncheon hon. i says we're out of savannah, hooked up ranch, another worthless outlet arising, no one expected ukrainian forces unless he chanced to collapse so quickly and so completely the 2 months key of promised least chance wouldn't be broken easily. for 2 months ukrainian troops prepared to mounted the feds that would wolf marry you both. what is entirely apparent is the ukrainian troops prepared to defend
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lucy chunk for months and months everywhere, all over the city. there are dugouts in trenches flood 1st they take a lot of work. every major intersection in the city is blocked off like least with rows of vehicles confiscated from civilians as well as broken down vehicle that you can see an intersection. and all 4 roads needing here are blocked off. something happened, something happened that forced ukrainian troops, thousands upon thousands of them to leave, to flee, sometimes to rod. from what we gathered, speaking to locals. this organization was rife, the myriad of ukrainian units were demoralized and believe that they were being abandoned at least a chance. when one unit decided to retreat, it began an avalanche. eventually no one was left. the city had that suburbs were
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liberated entirely in just hours. my landfill, mister jones, fear we knew they had a great concentration of troops here, and that there were many civilians. so we learned them out of the city and slowly whittled them down. they didn't have the strength, material, or spirit to resist here. all of ukraine's military might, and you could say the army itself was in merry you, paul. they were apparently trained, apparently prepared and apparently knew how to fight. and yet you saw how our fighters beat them here. they do not last 15 minutes in a fight. they didn't marry you, paul, but they do not hear. the people have lucy chanced, overjoyed, the city is largely intact. new mary, you will hear. the fighting has ended and spirits have lifted. i want to shout with joy. just imagine where citizens of russia can you imagine how
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we lived here? not very well. she, i want to hold in my arms so a sanchez while fighting has been full minds of hound. ukrainians behaved like an human foothill with thank you so much larry, to can the grinders glory to rush. you thought if we had not waited for you, i don't know what had happened to us. we frame for calling for connie. unfortunately, it's thought entirely over yet a tremendous amount of minds and booby traps were plotted in and around. the city was many ukrainian troops have got into hiding and the now being rude to that. this is one of the barracks where you create him. tombs the mix of the said there's a variety of different services involved. territory prevent fraud as well as regular, as well as national thor mixed up again. they lived in well squalid condition,
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put in every room with her military uniform, scattered about. and that is a major problem because when you have these ukrainian soldiers, as they felt that they were being abandoned, they took off a uniform, stopped and changed into civilian clothes. and mixed with a local population. catching them is a matter of time. the cities still being cleared and more being found to all the time. but the liberation have lucy chance is a turning point. lugens is now entirely free of ukrainian troops, and the ukrainian military has demonstrated. it is no longer in the fighting shape . it once was where i had gaz the of our tea from the la ganske people's republic. the stream of miller shade from nato countries to ukraine has trickled on to the dark web, where some of those weapons appeared to be available for purchase. archie investigated
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the issue and contacted the sellers to try to make an order. good afternoon, we would like to buy some phoenix goes to tech jones as well as some am 18 a one mines which are listed in the description. how much would this coast in dollars or bits coin and how would they be delivered within ukraine? pm, phoenix, ghost, $4000.00. minimum, they are no longer available for delivery. we only have the matter collection point . after you pay the deposit, i will give you a personal contact stay in touch with and i will let you know about every step of your order when its sent, how soon it will get there and so on. we also asked ukrainian arms dealers if they could deliver phoenix ghost suicide drones to poland, which was apparently possible for an additional fee of $1000.00. the delivery option at relatively low cost may indicate to legal traders have made contact with border gods, bulletproof vests, grenades, pistols, rifles,
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and machine guns are also available for purchase. meanwhile, western states continued to provide ukraine with military 8 gifts, already received billions of dollars worth of weapons and military equipment from at least $28.00 countries. 25 of them are nato members, including the u. s. and the u. k. u s. has committed $6100000000.00 so far. michael maloof, a former senior security policy analyst in the office of the secretary of defense. he says there is little accountability for where these weapons end up. surprising the u. s. weapons are being sold on the, on the dark web. it's clear that the pentagon cannot account for where a weapons are going. they're not even a trying to, to account for where the weapons are going. now the downside to this is that these weapons, many of them are very sophisticated. they require maintenance, they require a spare parts, and they,
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and they also need instructions. and unless the individuals who acquire them know how to use them, where they're going to be virtually useless or they're gonna, or it's going to kill them. and also the, the fact to that you have these weapons going into militant groups and militias. and the case of ukraine, the as of a battalion then, and right sector the, this is nazi elements which are part of the ukranian military. today. they have their own agenda apart from the government itself. so that we don't know if they're even acquiring, if they may not be acquiring these weapons for their own purposes, at some later date, accumulating them to do something against the government and keep itself so in the future. so it's a, it's a very, very serious problem. there's gas prices continue to rise across europe. german chancellor,
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olaf schultz expressed concern about the increase in heating bills, labeling the issue, social explosives. if suddenly the heating bill goes up by a couple of 100 euros, then this is an amount that many people really cannot cope with. this is a social explosive, or the 20000000 people in germany are at risk of energy poverty. that's according to the cologne institute for economic research. the reports calculated that a quarter of germans have spent 10 percent of the household income on energy that's almost double compared to last year. and as the poverty threatens loaners and households facing financial difficulty. and as gas prices rise in europe, the u. s. continues to push europeans to quote their energy uses usage. this comes against the backdrop of a price crunch that has increased oil uncalled production, contradicting europe screen agenda. artesia shallow davinsky has more. second, climate change is a perennial issue for the g 7 before the war in ukraine. it was meant to be the
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main focus of this year's summit in bavaria. however, not only was it knocked from top spot, it was positively trampled on. now here is a conundrum. you have a scoop of journalists that you need to get up a mounting for a sustainability announcement. there's a bus that can travel by road, or there's a military helicopter. when you're trying to show the world that you care about the environment, which one do you choose thanks to protests in road blockages? german g 7 hosts are now air lifting reporters. and one of the press pack on board admitted that it was a guilty pleasure. but suggested that they said a lot about the g 7 lead is expected air lift was a stark reminder of how, when it comes to political leaders and their own behavior, the rhetoric and reality of fighting climate change, diverge this just read the reporters, get to share a fleeting insight into the jet set parallel reality of the g 7 top brass, the c h,
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53 bones around 1000 leases of fuel every hour. and well, joe biden was talking up the global need to push the clean energy transition. the u . s. was asking oil and gas produces to ramp up production. our oil and gas producers have a responsibility. we're on a war footing. the, the price of oil and the price of gas is precipitating, the high cost now high percentage of inflation around the world. and so he's asking upon our domestic and international producers to produce more. one seemingly meaningful idea that did emerge was a climate club. now, this would put a price on carbon revamp industry, and c deals being struck with developing countries to strip their economy of greenhouse gases. all that sounds good, except for comes at
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a time when you were pink countries are returning to burn coal. the forsythia lobby is actually much more powerful than the green lobby. but doing what the green lobby tells you to do is actually walk it as good be. i'm a lou so far themselves. they will make an outward show, our support being that is green initiatives and so on. but when the time actually comes to choose practically, then down with legal, invisible oil. we saw that in germany, right. i think the western nations are now realizing that the piano value of the energy is also not ordered. if you look at the historical godwin emissions globally for the last 20300 years, then the vast majority of these are phone western nations. the vast majority by a huge margin. now there that they may do to try to question these for their dell up in countries on how to download and make their people richer, rendered themselves al, gotten rich by polluting though, by moving the planet to that think bach receipt. so you don't extremely progress
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going on here. so while g 7 lead is boasted of an unprecedented shared purpose, when it comes to tackling climate change, what they have ended up doing is contradictory. they want to lower the price of oil and gas. they want to ramp up the use of coal, while at the same time stating the need to end the use of fossil feels. talk about trying to have your cake and eat it. as the cost of living sause, $1.00 in 3 british households can't afford an annual gas safety check leading to increased risk of explosions from on this. on the latest date, on the global economic crisis had over to r t dot com and beijing is sucking rising prices by ramping up in ports of discounted russian coal. as moscow increases, seaborne delivers to beijing by more than 50 percent. ah,
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jo biden's, appeal to petrol station owners to lower prices is either a deliberate distraction or a sign of economic illiteracy. thus, according to one of the richest men on the planet's amazon founder and executive chairman jeff bezos. ouch. inflation is far too important. a problem for the white house to keep making statements like this. it's either straight ahead misdirection or a deep misunderstanding of basic market dynamics. while the president's administration was quick to respond to the criticism defending biden's call to petro pump owners, as well as hinting its hypocrisy on the part of the amazon chief oil prices, have dropped by about $15.00 over the past month. but prices at the pump have barely come down. that's not basic market dynamics. it's a market that is failing the american consumer. but i guess it's not surprising that you think oil and gas companies using market power to re record profits at the expense of the american people is the way our economy is supposed to work. i think
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the anybody that knows person by knows he's plain spoken and he tells me exactly what he's thinking and in terms that everybody can understand. so i think we obviously take great exception of the idea that this is somehow misdirection many us refineries. the supply gas stations with petrol are working at near full capacity. the industry has faced serious difficulty since march after imports of russian oil. we're bond. the measures taken by the presidents, including the release of all reserves and apply to congress to temporarily suspended gasoline. taxes of failed to significantly improve the situation. but despite jo biden's attempts to place the blame, squarely on russia for all is economic woes. only 11 percent of americans share that view with the majority believe in the crisis was actually caused by the policies of the u. s. administration. earlier we spoke to a professor of economics and politics, jack rasmus, who believes biden's appeal to pump owners, is another attempt to distract attention. and by time the problem is at the
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refinery level. there is a refiners aren't a problem producing any, any more refined gasoline. that's the problem factor, even shutting down some refineries that so how do you expect that, you know, the gas stations, the last step in the chain here to reduce their prices? if they're not getting more refined oil, it's really just a distraction. you see that it's not even hip hypocrisy, baylor said it's just an act of desperation. you've got to come up and say something. and so he's now, he's pointing fingers at the, the gas station owners, one the problems at the refinery level. and before that, even at the production level, where you know the drillers won't, won't increase the output the supply of crude oil in, in the us either he's waiting on the u. s. economy to dramatically slow down because of higher interest rates in the hopes that will cause unemployment and
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reduced demand and an answer to what is a supply problem. and that, that will solve it in the mean time, he's just trying to look like he's doing something. but he's waiting on under recession to really do it. yes, president, jo biden's rating has hit it's lowest points with his disapproval figures almost doubling since june last year. some journalists have also been critical of biden for allegedly restricting free press principles enshrined in the iconic u. s. first constitutional amendments ortiz, rachel blevins picks up the story. the united states prides itself on maintaining the principles of freedom of speech and freedom of the press which are enshrined in the nations constitutional 1st amendment. however, the buying and ministration is being criticized for doing quite the opposite. and this time, the backlash is coming from members of the media. in fact, a group of nearly 70000000 stream journalist have sent a letter to the white house, calling for an end to its new pre screening process,
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which dictates who can attend events and question the president. the current method of allowing a limited number of reporters into these events is not only restrictive and antithetical to the concept of a free press, but has been done without any transparent process into how reporters are selected to cover these events. the continued inability, the white house, to be candid and transparent about the selection process for reporters attending his remarks, undermines present biden's credibility when he says he's defined of the 1st amendment. as for the criteria that dictates who passes the screening process and who doesn't, that's all kept secret. this is leading the accusation said biden's team is trying to limit the number of tough questions he is asked. let us be candid, our job is not to be liked, nor is it to be concerned about whether or not you like what we ask reporters ability to question the most powerful ma'am, in our government shouldn't be discretionary. the administration's continued efforts to limit access to the president cannot be defended every other president
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before biden, including trump loud, full access to the very same spaces without making us fill out a request form prior to admittance. it's also notable that it has been nearly 5 months since by an and gave a one on one interview. and while he has been called out on social media for photos of cheat sheets that remind him to take his own seat, he has also been caught saying the quiet part out loud time after time. referring the list of who to call on during his supposed wide open press conference says 1st question i'm told is darlene super real from associated press. i'm told i should start with a p. i've been given a list. how about chris to the associated press and god protect, aren't you? i mean, be happy to take some questions now with
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the new york times and that's not all fox news host tucker carlson recently presented a list of people. he claims that by an administration as use the f b i to target, which includes a man who created names making fun of hillary clinton, a man making a documentary about hunter biden, and ukraine, and even journalist reporting on ashley biden's diary. why have a political debate when you can just arrest people who disagree with you? and that has happened far below the media radar. since the day joe biden was elected. the biden administration is undermining our democracy by weaponized law enforcement to go off to political opponents,
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believing the ends justify the means. these characteristics of a dictatorship or banana republic, not a democracy. as sir would the american people think while a new poll shows that 51 percent believe the government is corrupt and rigged against every day americans? well, 48 percent. believe the content, the media produces is biased and not factual. and while most presidents might be planning for their reelection right now, more than 71 percent of americans say they had enough and they don't want binding to run again. so it appears that all the cheat sheets and improve lists that were supposed to help bite in with appearances have had the opposite effect. and banning journalist won't help either. the end of the news, a good man has shot dead, 3 people and wounded several others. some critically, at the shopping center in the danish capital. copenhagen, the
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police official say a 22 year old. so states was arrested but they are still establishing the motive behind the attack. declining to classify it as an active terrorism. for now, the country's prime minister express condolences to the victims urging deigns to support each other. people at the scene told us what they witnessed. oh, that is just a fun thing, but that people are running in the sun autonomy and a guy with pushing hardy at a time limit. and it just fell over everything. so he just took a shot and ran and we're just not a joke anymore. you know, you might wonder how a person could do this to other human beings, but beyond young, you know, anything that's possible. the chessboard has unexpectedly become another battle ground for the russian ukrainian conflicts. the just community is split amid the
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upcoming elections of the chief of the international chess federation, some stunned against the current fee de chief of cardiac about corbett, his re election. instead promoting ukrainian candidates are fight as not against work of it. it's against the kremlin control over fee day. there is a strong wish in the chest community to distance ourselves from russia and be truly independent of kremlin influence. this election could bring about a paradigm shift where optimistic people can see that this year, especially work of which has taken a lot of decisions that show he is able to function independently of russia. he has acted like a fee de president rather than a russian barcode, which has been vilified by some members of the chest community since the start of the war in ukraine. so he himself openly condemned to russia's military actions. his stunts didn't stop some chest enthusiasts, however, from promoting his main opponent, andre british police ukrainian grandmaster who announced his candidacy in may.
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michelle serene, an international muster of chess from the organizing committee for the chest olympiads says it to our core, which is the frontrunner, not just because of his achievements, but also because he enjoys support in india, where the votes will take place. if you ask me personally, i think the team are led by mr door go, which is a few minutes of the election this time. also, there is absolutely no doubt about that. they have the support of the host nation, and as the fear they had to for the last 40 years, obviously has made a lot of great progress. there is no doubt about that, and that is new to ship it from you. i mean, in my personal opinion, you don't, you don't start to chance but, but then, you know, like i said, it can be tricky but, but, but in my personal opinion and also, i mean, i think of it i've spoken to in the last few weeks on about different actions. i
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don't think it is so much critical from mr. go. it's point of view. but the thing is that you, yes, the media really attention to, you know, anything which is going to issue. and i think this is a bit controversial already. and this has been going to wish for the last to many weeks, ever since i know you created candidate, find his nomination, but india is supporting mr. go is. that is absolutely no doubt about it. we cannot think of you know, better. did you k wants to use the food crisis in africa as a pretext for the royal navy to move into the black sea? that's how the russian foreign minister commented on london's recent proposal to escort ukrainian grain shipments from ports in the region. and some of the origin of the current food and economic crises was explained by president putin. they are caused by the ill conceived hasty and outright selfish policies of western states.
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was trying to speculate in the worst possible way on food security, accusing russia, some things which is not russia's fault at all. if you listen to the statement of boris johnson and his secretary of state for foreign affairs, they clearly trying to use it is a reason for the royal navy to enter the black sea war. and while soaring fuel and food prices have hit the global economy, african economies off particularly affected recently numerous world organizations, including the g 7 and the world bank has pledged financial support more than peak ortiz, flawlessly, at reports from the ground. this is natalie terminal port in mozambique capital city. the push. so it's been expanding for the last 2 years because of donations from the united states and european union. but the timing cannot be more off, especially since traffic to here has declined significantly. ever since russia and ukraine faced off orders are serials,
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fertilizers and fuel. haven't been coming into the country because they can't get out of russia and ukraine. weight supply chains are heavily disrupted, it puts african, a very difficult situation. as we know, food security in africa is a big issue. and africa has not yet self sufficient in terms of grain production. so being put in a position where you have to choose between people needs of food wise and in the global scale of what's happening is very difficult. and so very hard question to ask of africa. what is done generally is spike the food prices on the international market. let's talk about flowers, specifically, even if your country is not sourcing directly from russia, ukraine, on the scarcity or the fears of scarcity from the union, and russian markets have driven prices up across the board. and so you, having african countries have to deal with that where no region, bread or one of the things that government subsidizes here,
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along with fuel. the prices of food, hill and fertilizers not only here but across africa, are reaching record highs. most beacons can already feel the pinch and things will only get worse. as from the beginning of july, the price of mays climbed from $450.00 to $650.00 per tonne. that's around $200.00 more. an average salary here. now say glad i'm in the east out. if the government doesn't do anything, it's bad because a lot of people are starving here in mozambique. they have to change things because we are suffering a lot. they need to talk. and our lament that we want to live in peace and we want to eat because people are starving here dead before most. i'm glad we depend on our monthly salary, but it doesn't cover half of what we need to buy it. so fuel and food are things we struggle with in our country and the people from western countries and money, but it doesn't cover even 50 percent of the countries needs. so it's not fair, wasn't the west, isn't suffering from this. we are dejected, quanto,
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in mozambique. i'm worried about my son and what the future will be like get under everything is bad here. now prices are getting higher. how are we going to stop it? of in been little? i'm worried for the future. oh, mozambique has little grown enough crops to feed herself. there is no capital investment from government, no commercial farming, and no phone investment because of the political instability. the barren fields show that local supplies have been used up. add to that the drought at the last 2 years. and the result is starvation, hunger, and malnutrition. mostly because amongst the 10 poorest countries in africa, situated on the south eastern coast of africa, it's often ignored by the world. but the crisis here is very real and growing by the day policy a r t, the pu to mozambique as how the world is lookin this monday morning. i am peter scott's on a be back with more in 30, but do stay tuned for crossed or.
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