tv News RT July 6, 2022 4:00am-4:31am EDT
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for a civilian casualties mount in the dorm bus, a 10 year old girl is killed by ukrainian shelling in a residential area of done yet. a warning the following for teachers distress a. 7 you case, daily mirror newspaper has apparently published a fake article blaming russia for shelling and done yes of despite the city being under russian control and local officials claiming the attack on clear the cranium . officials confirm that some of the military aid provided to the country by the west appears to have been stolen to the russian defense minister, adding the weapons are increasingly appearing on the black market. and with gas
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prices in the reach and record levels. german officials urge locals to limit energy consumption. the citizens prepare for a long term crisis. we will get a full scale crisis in 2 to 3 years, and then we'll have nothing at all with from moscow to the world. this is our to international. i peter scott, and these are the top stories this our we start with the latest on the ground in the dumbass conflicts a 10 year old girl has been killed by ukrainian shelling in done yet. this comes as kids forces $550.00 missiles targeting a residential area, a warning the falling footage is distressing. 7 i mean,
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these are the latest pictures from the scene. you can see the aftermath of the ukranian attack, a large crater left by the rockets and shut that windows nearby. with a family grieving over the loss. that goes mother and grandfather told us what happened. we lose good. won't appreciate with the civilian death toll. he's rising every day in the done yet republic as the ukrainian army continues to show residential areas of done yet. this eye witness footage is said to show the scenes of an attack on a car dealership setting several vehicles on fire. a number of homes in an apartment building were also damaged. gives forces have recently intensified their
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showing of done yet. so following the russian lead, takeover of the neighboring luke guns republic strikes by ukrainian forces over the past 2 months have resulted in dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries. now with the ukraine conflicts continued to be plagued by fake news. the new coil u. k. tabloid suggest that russia is bombing its allies in the city of the nets. showing the aftermath of monday showing the article headlined russia in blitz on done yet show as smoke rising on the dunny skyline, claiming it was the result. busy of russian bombardment now, thus, despite done, it's been under the control of vs allied forces and been under constant shilling from ukrainian positions for several years. the lod sign reading we are russian dumbass hanging on a building with seemly not enough evidence to provide clarity on the story. local officials recently blamed key f for the bombardment that led to dozens of casualties including 3 faith colleges. now we have sent a request to the daily mirror for comments and of course will let you know as and
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when we get a response. but earlier i spoke to nagoya mileage a serbian american journalist, blogger, and historian, who was surprised by the piece. then i saw the photo of the actual city of don. yes . be under fire and thought, wait a minute, something doesn't add up here. and as it turns out, it was, it was actually somebody had put up a picture of the city of don. yes. and claimed it was russian shelling that hit it . and that is just an egregious li, gross factual error, a crime against journalism if there ever was any. it's not the 1st time something like this happened earlier on during the, during the ukrainian showing of going to city proper by touching her rock. it's a number of western outlets made the same mistake. so this was russian calling and the ukranian government actually said, you know, these are, are people getting killed the know? yes. but obviously it was the ukrainian government showing them do explain to the mirror will publish a correction for the depart mistake. if they do, nobody will bother reading it, but i doubt they will because it's one of those. oh,
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well, it's just, you know, an anti rushing slander. if you do that, that's everything is permitted. if you're under the right side of history. so i don't think they're going to issue a correction. i think it's fair to say that russia has been given a bad rap in the press even before the conflicts in ukraine, fairly or unfairly. but do you think the reader should be given more context on the background of this conflict? absolutely, but i wouldn't put it in the hands of the current western corporate and state funded pressed do that because all they're going to do is serve them, i'm sorry, but a served him a pack of lies. i haven't seen demon is ation like this since the 900 ninety's in the western press directed against the serbs in yugoslavia. literally in their eyes, russia can do nothing can do no. right. and, and the ukrainian government can do no wrong and that's just appalling. i would normally urge people to check a variety of sources and go with the sources that have, have
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a proven track record. unfortunately, western governments have literally band of almost all media that, that don't report in line with their pull called perspective analysis little ganske republic after russian lead forces took the last ukranian stronghold in the region . they are now reportedly advancing west. and you can see here on this map, the city of civil disc where a fortified area under ukrainian control is located. as russian troops advanced, ukrainian leadership did admit that their troops have lost control over a number of towns on the way to savvy. asked ortiz mirage. gas d. f. reports from the from line. after the liberation of lucy chanced, a city of a quarter of a 1000000 people. the battle has moved westwards. out there in the distance law rush and helicopters, 2 of them they were always flying in bears that even in trios, we're very close to shed ask, which is where ah ukrainian nationalists,
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the ukrainian military is making a stand after retreating from the city of lisa chance about 7 or 8 kilometers over there, and the distance is the least chance, all refinery, as you can see by, by over all the plumes of smoke rising from there. that is where most of the action is, is situated at the moment. as you can see, the only got the over there. i'll cover man filming as we speak. why relatively high so they must feel comfortable that enemy air defenses in this sector have been suppressed. this is what is called close air support. helicopters floating salvoes of rockets, its enemy positions before diving back towards the ground while deploying flares to throw off any heat seeking missiles thought at them. this particular group of helicopters circled back behind us. as you can see,
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the helicopters just what i does have with having achieved their objectives are safely out of the battle zone. but again, this, this concludes not 4 of them. in fact, a lot this we usually see them in tears 4 together. well, this is rare, despite the thousands of anti aircraft systems supplied by nase who states the key of ukrainian forces have been unable to close the skies to russian helicopters and jetson cruise missiles. ah, more than that,
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ukraine has stepped up its use of rocket auth hillary to deploy band had g personnel mines, which it had promised the international community. it had destroyed years ago. or williamson, the liquid. we are not far from the city of severs cry now, and we have repeatedly observed how the ukrainians are deploying band anti personnel mines. mostly in fields on roads, highways, and on approaches to cities. also, lord, ukraine understands well the deteriorating conditions of the front lines, casualties of up to a 1000 wounded and healed, but they are catching up just this week. ukrainian officials announced that women now faced the draft and all to plan to forbid military aged men from leaving their homes provinces to prevent them from dodging the draft all showing how far he others prepared to go to make sure that it has enough bodies to feed its war
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machine more, i guess the of our tea from the la guns people's republic. oh, the russian defense minister said again showing grew, says that's western countries. providing ukraine with miniature aid are looking to further fuel the crisis. but many weapons are ending up on the black market. linkedin is robert my. there's do the do the collective west. we're hoping to prolong the conflict in ukraine continues large scale shipments to the key of regime. if there is more than $28000.00 tons of military cargo have already been delivered to the country stern. yeah, according to reports you, some of the foreign weapons supplied by the west to ukraine are spreading across the middle east. as well as appearing on the black market do. well, those words of the russian minister defense were confirmed by the chief of the ukrainian bureau of economic security revealed that miss aide has gone missing a double. no humanitarian aid is sold for money. today we have several such cases.
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moreover, military aid is also sometimes sold for profit. we also determine such facts of the thought of wars thickening around the fate of western weapons dumped into ukraine. the french army, general staff, even felt compelled to deny a rumor that russian forces in ukraine had captured 2 of the 6 french made self propelled caesar howitzers that paris delivered to keep in mid june. there is nothing which confirms it this information seems very unlikely. even implausible, the staff completely denies this information. the speculation was fuel by a twitter post by a politically active french lawyer. it is easy to cast in no, in which he claimed that the native weapons had ended up in the hands of russian defense company. the company responded by a telegram with tongue and cheek. hello, mister regis, please convey our thanks to president micron for the donation of the self propelled
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guns. this material is of course not tip top, not like r m s t s, but nevertheless, it will be useful. send more, we'll take them down. well, paris steadfastly denies that their weapons were captured. such a situation would obviously spell trouble for nato, allowing for the careful study of its weapons by russian engineers. mystery around the fate of the caesars persists and some even speculate that they may have been sold to russia. but one thing that we know for sure is that interpol secretary general juergen stock did warn last month to expect western weapons to wind up in the wrong hands. criminal groups try to exploit these chaotic situations and be available to have weapons. we can expect an influx of weapons in europe and beyond . we should be alarmed and we have to expect these weapons to be traffic not only to neighboring countries, but to other continents. and he's far from the only one to sound alarm,
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a canadian disarmament organization project. ploughshares had a similar warning that the weapons sent to ukraine could end up anywhere due to a ukrainian government's inability to control. though there is the real threat that the ukrainian government can potentially not control all of these weapons, they could end up anywhere. still that hasn't stopped. western officials from forge ahead with evermore pledges of weapons and funding. this week's ukraine recovery confidence in gone a switzerland. it was even the re branded from its previous identity of the ukraine reform conference, as it was known since 2017. and clearly the agenda has changed and focusing on corruption in ukraine is a little bit too inconvenient. but it would be even more inconvenient if corruption in ukraine led to a lack of accountability over the whereabouts and use of western financing and
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weapons. it's really not enough for western officials to deny rumors and dismiss them as impossible. they have a moral responsibility in the interests of peace and stability to provide an accurate accounting of the whereabouts of the weapons and the resources that they provide ukraine at any given time during their next trip to care if they should be able to stand there with the newspaper or the has today's date and in front of these weapons and say, hey guys, see, everything's good there right here. if only so their efforts don't blow back into all of our faces. no, the news. beijing has slammed washington for spreading disinformation. thus, after the u. s. on busted, as a china accused beijing of promoting quotes were shown propaganda of the conflict in ukraine. i would hope that the chinese foreign ministry spokes person would stop accusing nato of starting this war. that's russian propaganda. you
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one symbol she does, he is the officials from the us who have been spreading dis information and lies non china, where we always make objective and impartial judgments independently regarding the ukraine issue and always stand on the side of peace and justice way. moreover, beijing has repeatedly called on the us to provide more information on american bio labs operating overseas us amid growing concerns of bio weapons developments. washington however, has rejected those claims and went on to criticize china for refusing to condemn russia. of it's offensive in ukraine or vice president of the sense of china and globalization. things aren't big to go. he believes the u. s. d from us words were inappropriate, and that nato shared responsibility for the cleaning conflict. a scene time best of burns remarks in beijing are completely misguided. why i think the world has its own eyes and can make its own judgment as to what are the root causes,
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leading to the outbreak of the military operations you gray or the war you cray, we need to really trace the reason the origins lead up to february, the 24th, and there was no doubt that the continued expansion of nato was very much a contributing factor to the eventual outbreak also in the ukraine. so i think mr. burns probably will do a better job by reading history and study, and the reality is on the ground, rather than claiming that nato is an innocent angel. as far as the outbreak of it is, the ukraine is concerned. no, i made soaring energy prices in europe. german officials are wanting citizens to limit consumption of gas. they say the country may be left short of the fuel this winter. we are in a much worse crisis than most people realize. the more we save now,
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the better the situation will be in winter because the stores will fill up in while inflation levels in germany continue to saw this. combined with supply chain disruptions has led to the 1st trade deficits in more than 3 decades. there has also been a decline in manufacturing output, both in germany and within the u as a whole. and as a phenomenon that was last seen, the onset of the pandemic gemini reduced is trade turnover with russia due to sanctions resulting in prices of critical goods rising by more than 30 percent in may. that's according to the latest figures. this house puts a strain on the living cost of many consumers. judge for causes well, i would say of politics fulfilled its tasks and hadn't for 40 years conducted an energy policy that helped major corporations to get cheaper energy. we wouldn't be facing this problem now in florida. i think it's unnecessary. i think we could have definitely prepared for it in advance. i mean our gas storage isn't full and they
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could have already been always full. and so we fail to prepare. and so now we are all forced to save up just because our government makes mistakes. now, i don't get why one can't think ahead of the couldn't. we will get a full scale crisis in 2 to 3 years. and then we'll have nothing at all. and the most stupid thing the greens could do is to abolish it. the most stupid thing on earth. that's my opinion. i seems it's unseen. russian sanctions are having an increasing impacts on europe as ot season. nicky are and explains if its russian slap it with sanctions speed. the unprecedented approach of the west ever since moscow launched its offensive in ukraine to extend unseen since the 15th. when the soviet union was the target. everything from banks to airlines, entity to all the dogs have found the heavy weights of restrictions hung around the next. and after 5 months of penalties, the impact has been brutal only not so much for moscow. so it's
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a bold decision for europe to wave farewell to the days of cheap oil and gas from russia, especially knowing that current supplies would even see europe through the winter. in the event that we run out of rush and gas and experience in averagely warm winter, the volume stored at the moment, including our obligations to transfer a gas to other european countries, will last for maybe one to 2 months. and it's becoming clear, the european union might not look so united when members find themselves squabbling over who gets watch of the dwindling supply. for example, there will probably be significant conflicts over distribution within the d. u. as it happened in 20152016 with the refugee crisis. then of course, as the businesses that rely on that gas to operate without it and try it, industries will grind to a halt, creating mass unemployment leaving more people on the bread line and dealing a sucker. punch 2 economies. because of the gas bottlenecks, entire industries are in danger of permanently collapsing aluminum glass. the
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chemical industry. such a collapse would have massive consequences for the entire economy and jobs in germany. the looming energy crisis is already driving inflation to record highs, and that's really starting to hurt people where they feel it most their pockets. oh hm . yet for restaurants and will tell you it's a price worth paying? or is it because? well, western sanctions on russia have hit europe hard is beginning to look a little far fetched to claim that russia is the one being crippled with the rubel, hating a 7 year high against the dollar. russia is still in high demand. there's taken the european sanction snap and turns the other cheek to the east, where there are billions of willing customers for its energy supplies, food,
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and mineral exports. the unfortunate truth is that the road to making russia and international outcast is going to hurt more economies than intended rendering the west at risk of losing the international battle of narratives. sanctions have been the u. s. is go to form of punishment for decades, but they didn't work on cuba fell to, to north korea and did little to influence syria. yet when such a tool actually, boomerangs right back and snacks, you clean in the face. perhaps it's time for a rethink in strategy. earlier we discussed the issue with the chief economist of the german de goose about you says the sanctions always sense of a blow. barker, photo and germany is one of the most obvious victims of this trend. o'connell m haven't given the economists have warned that sanctions are always a double edged sword. not because the country that is sanctioned then resorts to counter sanctions. and that's what has happened now on the gas tap is turned off and this has now caused a great deal of damage and it will probably cause even more shock the german
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economy as well as the european one is too dependent on energy imports from russia to allow the situation to continue come off, we can only hope that a solution will be found in the government. i think it has been underestimated how important energy imports from russia for the german economy source. this is especially true for natural gas, which was helping the economy, but this competitive advantage is now gone yet. see, this is a major blow to the german economy, which is now on a downward slide del, so this is not just a cyclical slumps. it's a structural slump, and i suspect it will also be the biggest adjustment crisis of the postwar period for the german economy with substantial losses in employment and production. and i the pakistani government is claiming him, ron cons party, has apologized to the us assistant secretary of state of a cons accusations that he was involved in the ousting of the former prime minister . we have obtained on records regarding p t. apology to lou evidence has been received regarding p. t. i lead is meeting with the u. s. government where they
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tendered an apology. long cons pots he has denied making any sorts of apology. while the government itself refused to reveal its sources. mister con added that he wanted good relations with all but would not allow any country to decide he would rule pakistan during the meeting in as long about before being object to form office. the p. m alleged that donald lew, assistant, secretary of state for south and central asian affairs, was involved in a conspiracy to topple his government. we heard from international law and geopolitical analyst, hassan as long shot, who claims the government is trying to put him on con, the pressure by blaming him for the countries current issues. this holy claim that the former prime minister in wrong hon as apologize to the u. s. as nonsense. it does not make any sense whatsoever in round is not the type of person who would make one statement in public. i. e, that there was a foreign conspiracy to oust him or to people's him. and then on top of that,
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he goes and i apologize, is the u. s. it doesn't look like that. i do believe that the, as the current government is coming on the increasing pressure because of our stocking inflation because of missed governance because people, the masses are very angry with them about what's been happening in the country. therefore they're trying to deflect the blame and they're trying to now sure that it is a run on was reaching out to the us to holidays. it's laughable. it's a high created by them to try and malign and run. it's not working. it's back fighting because with every passing day and ron has more and more sport in the country, if they do have some evidence they should bring it forward. which as i said, does not exist. it's a figment of somebody's imagination trying to put pressure on iran and b d. i discard them because frustration has said in their camps. you see, you can make up stories, you can make up fantastic fables. but when the popularity of iran swells on the
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ground, then that will create panic for them and they will have to use these nuclear options to try and somehow malign run, make him look bad in the country. sure discredit him, but so far, nothing has worked in their favor in neighboring india, people, there are outrage to local phil make out to she posted a picture of a hindu. got us smoking a cigarette. ortiz region sharma picks up the story. creative exploration or a diversity race and multi college resume. that's the mortal or the new culture project cold under the tent in canada. but i've seen some wood wants the events to be swept under the carpet. this after one of the participants decided that some red lines when it comes to tolerance, are absolutely fine to cross. for me car lee, now one of the big ole shad online store for documentary phil depicting it. got us smoking a cigarette and waiving an energy, be flag the move tre, got
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a massive public outrage and quickly led to half tied lena, money, big light trending on to tap in the roof. cream of that the bull mika house hurts their religious sentiments. her team really just sentiments of hinges by depicted hint, goddesses, subjection, numbly, lena, money, macaulay, giving you 12 hours to tender, unconditional apology or else legal actions will be initiated against you and your entire team. your twit is archived, so don't try to delete it. this is deliberately hurting the sentiments of hinder devotees. freedom of speech doesn't mean the one can cross the line and show anything in the grab of creativity. how can this be allowed to even release on digital platforms? kindly take a note because all of the will through again show all the india hive commission was off the canadian authorities to remove the co operative material. seeing that they
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received complaints from the leaders of the community in canada, a country which is home to half a 1000000 in the hi commission of friends in nato, urged canadian authorities and even toggle noises to joe. all proactive material off to receive complaints from canada's hinder community leaders about the disrespectful depiction of hindu gods in a film past, sir, it's aga khan museum, toronto and natalie india. to release the wagner, or even find charges against the ther mika, you p police register 1st, information reports on charges of criminal conspiracy, offence in place of worship, deliberately hurting religious sentiments. intention to provide breach of peace against phil may colleena mon imaquele. i for her movie collie, about disrespectful depiction of hindu gods. in a recent interview, my mclean said as that ha movie, it was around the events that take place one evening when he knew god is a piano,
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i'm sure the streets of toronto. she also said that people criticizing and protesting the poster if watch, so we would then quickly be rushing to change the hashtags from a rescue not to long enough in order to resign such it will still be, have gone unnoticed. right now, if you do, i know that after the scandal over the spokesperson ruling party, insulted the prophet muhammad, leading to angry thought, just and killing. 2 men in the country, in the see enough is enough. and in terms of taking the body with their religion and they thought well, those are the main stories this our don't forget to subscribe to odyssey and telegram channels for more news and video content. my name's peter scott and thank you for watching.
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what is the liberal world order? is it some kind of value we're supposed to believe in who benefits from the liberal order? and are you willing to sacrifice for such an order? have you ever been asked to vote for the liberal order? it would seem the liberal order is an ideology of the least by the least for the only one main thing is important for naziism, internationally speaking, that is, that nations visits are allowed to do anything, all the master races. and then you have the minor nations who are the slave americans, rock obama and others have had a concept of american exceptionalism. international law exist as long as it serves the american interest. if it doesn't, it doesn't exist by turning those russians into this dangerous go. you man, that wants to take over the world. that was a conscious strategy. so some bull fair as of yet to noon, i english v i n b,
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i not leashed off to observe on and tablet block. nato said it's ours. we moved east. the reason the us had germany is so dangerous, is it the lie? the sovereignty of all the countries? the exceptionalism that america uses in its international war planning is one of the greatest threats to the populations of different nations. if nato, what is founded shareholders in the united states and elsewhere in large obs companies would lose millions and millions or is business and businesses good. and that is the reality of what, what we're facing, which is fashion. with .
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