tv News RT July 6, 2022 11:00am-11:31am EDT
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ah mm ah, the european parliament by accept proposal to gal sun nucular energy to the use list of climate friendly sources outside of the block, the energy crisis and electricity prices storing to all tight done yet again comes under heavy shelling from the printing and are made the you case, daily mirror and newspaper blames moscow for it, despite the city being under the control of russian lead voices. also as you can see, the helicopters with having achieved their objectives are safely out of the battle . so an r t crew film, russian helicopters striking ukrainian military positions on the front lines. the
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russian lead forces continue or at trans west with stopping it. i'd say canadian cultural event drops plans to screen a new documentary following outrage from the countries indian community over the phone makers come to professional poster of a hindu. go this smoking a cigarette with live from moscow. this is our team. my name's you know, nail in 30 minutes of news and views start night. the european parliament has rubber stamped and e u proposal to add a gas nuclear power plants to the blocks list of climate friendly energy sources. it'll enable investments in this sectors to be labeled as green from the start of next year. as the commission believes, there is a role for private investment in gas and nuclear activities in the green transition
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. it has proposed the classification of certain fossil gas and nuclear energy activities as transitional activities contributing to climate change mitigation off the car. i feel badly for environmentalists at this point. they must feel so gas flit right now. i mean, at this rate by next week, smokestacks are going to be deemed green energy. could you imagine being environmentalists today and being in a conversation with the leadership of the european union and trying to argue that gas fossil fuels are bad for the environment and suddenly they're telling you in some cask i ask logic that no, actually they're not the european union is officially just move the goal posts on what constitutes green energy voting today in brussels, to label these investments in gas and nuclear energy as green. and it seems that just yesterday, germany was pushing to accelerate its renewable energy expansion to 80 percent of the country's power mixed by the year 2030 and the conflict in ukraine. only major
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music army minister, robert havoc, double down on that promise. on the one hand, the climate crisis is coming to a head. on the other hand, rushes invasion shows how important it is to face out fossil fuels and promote the expansion of renewables. you see, but that was before the impact of the new sanctions on their own gas supply from russia sent its members state, scrambling for whatever energy it could get its hands on, even if it meant reverting to dirty coal. in germany's case all while pretending that it wouldn't dent it's green goals. france was also feeling the heat from environmentalists over its nuclear power plants which were neglected and allowed to corrode. with a view of, you know, phasing them out and shutting them down to replace them with greener, renewable energy. but then french president manual my call took a 1st step towards reverting back to france's bread and butter. and he solved the
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country's nuclear image problem earlier this year. by successfully lead lobbying the european commission to draft proposal labeling nuclear energy as green, just in time for my call to promote a new french nuclear when a sauce in his re election campaign. so you see what was dirty is now magically clean and what was the past is now the future all with just the simple stroke of pen. so move over when males in solar panels, the future of sustainable clean energy is natural gas, fossil fuel, and nuclear reactors. in what is clearly a triumph of pragmatism over ideology as berlin, paris, and other european capital struggle to replace russian gas while staring down a winter of potential energy shortages all bets are off. so you know, sorry, environmentalists that you no longer has the luxury of fussing around with wall
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paper while the house is burning down. ok, let's bring you know, the latest from the conflict in don boss where ukrainian troops continue to shell, done yet, sc city on to touch curts. this eye witness for they chose smoke from ablaze after strikes hit the city. it comes out, the civilian death tool has been rising steadily in the done yes. republic over the past number of days about after russian lead forces to control over the neighboring luc counsel republic. on tuesday, ukrainian shelling left at least 3 people dead, including a 10 year old girl. me lol. an article headlined russia in blitz on done yet counts been published by the daily murray newspaper. it shows smoke rising on the don bass city skyline, claiming it was the result of a russian bombardment that's despite done yet being under the control of russian lead forces and its citizens having to live through shelling from key of forces for
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several years. the photo that accompanied the outlet story beecher the building size, bonner reading. we are russian don boss. but that message appeared lost in translation by those writing the story. russia, top diplomat has said western countries need to be aware of the weapons they are supplying are being used against civilians. loosely cool, cool. well, in short, they are lying. the facts, well known, our defense minister presented them on a daily basis. but western countries, of course, must be aware of their responsibilities regardless of what an how's the lensky and his team wants to interpret what's going on. the west must be aware of its responsibility for the death of civilians, primarily in the dumbass would also in other parts of ukraine. why the he of regime uses western weapons against civilians in order to terrorize them. this says state terrorism, a citizen or we've contacted the daily mirror for comment, i will bring you any response. if one comes. my colleague peter scott spoke with
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serbian american journalist on historian in boise mileage who pointed out the paper is far from the only oath. there to have published inaccurate stories during the conflict that i saw the photo of the actual city of don. yes. be under fire and thought, wait a minute, something doesn't add up here. and as it turns out, it was, it was actually somebody had put up a picture of the city of don. yes. and claimed it was russian showing that hit it. and that is just an egregious li, gross factual error, a crime against journalism. if there ever was any, it's not the 1st time something like this happened earlier on during the, during the ukrainian showing the city proper by poach can walk. it's a number of western outlets made the same mistake. so this was russian calling and the ukranian government actually said, you know, these are, are people getting killed and not yet, but obviously it was the ukrainian government showing them, do you expect to the mirror will publish a correction for the depart mistake if they do nobody will bother reading it, but i doubt they will because it's one of those. oh, well it's just, you know,
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an anti rushing lender. if you do that it, that's everything is permitted. if you're under the right side of history. so i don't think they're going to issue a correction. i think it's fair to say that russia has been given a bad rap in the press even before the conflicts in ukraine, fairly or unfairly. but do you think the readers should be given more context on the background of this conflict? absolutely, but i wouldn't put it in the hands of the current western corporate and state funded press to do that because all they're going to do is serve them. i'm sorry, but a served him a pack of lies. i haven't seen demon is ation like this since the 1900 ninety's in the western press directed against the serbs in yugoslavia. i literally in their eyes, russia can do nothing can do no. right, and, and the ukranian government can do no wrong, and that's just appalling. i would normally urge people to check a variety of sources and go with the sources that have, have a proven track record. unfortunately,
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western governments have literally band of almost all media that, that don't report in line with their political perspective. in abortion knowledge. meanwhile, the russian defense ministry say it's or force us destroyed to us made hi maurice rocket launchers in ukraine. the ministry also claims to warehouses with munition, for those weapons were destroyed. the long range systems being tight, it was a game changer for kids forces by the us who deliver it doubt lethal. a recently rushes, moody also said a ukrainian radar station for guiding anti or missile units was destroyed along with a base. housing mercenaries will after russian lead forces secured the last ukranian stronghold in the region of the weekend. they are not reportedly advancing west. you can see here the city of severest were a fortified earlier under ukrainian control is located as russian troops move
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forward, the ukrainian leadership has admitted their trips have lost control over a number of times on the way to suburban or senior correspondent morocco. the reports from the frontline, after the liberation of lisa chance can a city of a quarter of a 1000000 people. the battle has moved westwards. at the in the distance. russia helicopters 2 of them, they will always fly in bears. even in trias, we're very close to shit, of which is where ukranian nationalists, the ukrainian military, is making a stand after retreating from the city of nice chance about 7 or 8 kilometers over there. and the distance is the least johnson or refinery. as you can see by, by over all the plumes of smoke rising from there, that is where most of the action is, is situated at the moment. as you can see, the helicopters with their camera man. filming,
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as we speak relatively high, so they must feel comfortable that the enemy and defenses in this sector have been suppressed. lease is what is called close air support. helicopters launching salvos of rockets the enemy positions before diving back towards the ground while deploying flares to throw off any heat seeking missiles thought at them. this particular group of helicopters circled back behind us. as you can see, the helicopter is just having achieved their objectives are safely out of the battle zone. but again, these, these conclusions say not 4 of them. in fact, the
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only hope is we usually see them and retrieve full together. well, this is read the spies, the thousands of anti aircraft systems supplied by nate who states the key of ukrainian forces have been unable to close the skies. her russian helicopters and jetson cruise missiles. ah, more than that, ukraine has stepped up, its use of rocket artillery to deploy band had g personnel mines, which it had promised the international community. it had the shrewd years ago. when i went into the liquid, we are not far from the city of severs cry now, and we have repeatedly observed how the ukrainians are deploying band anti personnel mines, mostly in fields on roads, highways, and on approaches to cities. ukraine understands well the deteriorating
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conditions of the front lines, casualties of up to a 1000 wounded and healed cuz they are catching up. just this week. ukrainian officials announced that women now faced the draft and all to plan to forbid military aged men from leaving their home provinces to prevent them from dodging the draft own showing how flog he has prepared to go to make sure that it has enough bodies to feed it's war machine more i'd gas the of our tea from the la guns people's republic. ah, the pro key of canadian find her a beaten in battle by twitter on 120000 people were following him on the social network thinking he was the real deal. only to find out he was a fake with the guns and equipment. he was posing with for replicas,
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his account since been deleted. you can read all about it, some r t dot com k. know the story to bring you today. the supreme court of the west african nation of guinea, bison has overturned the convictions of 2 men were charged in the country's biggest narcotic seizure. the court found that the evidence presented could not support the guilty verdict 100 done earlier. in 2020, the accused drug lords, one, a colombian national. the other local were sentenced to 16 years in prison. following the largest ever drug seizure in the country of almost 2 tons of cocaine . hidden in sacks of flour, the country had been labeled to africa's 1st norco state by the you and in 2013 drew to its heavy involvement in drug trafficking, civil groups in guinea, bison, slum the courts, latest decision saying it undermines the credibility of legal institutions in the country the court was hostage to organized crime. the ruling jeopardizes efforts to
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combat transnational organized crime and discredits the country's image and credibility. and another reason, this is significant. colombian drug dealers use guinea, bizarre as a transit point for shipping. co came from south america to europe, using ships and planes, the smuggler drugs into the country. they then repack the cocaine into smaller bundles and transported through this a harder to morocco. after that, than or conduct finds its way to spain, with migrant transporting the drug. in their stomachs and african for a specialist gustavo to car valeo said guinea, bizarre officials face serious challenges in trying to stop the country being a key drug transit point. the recent development team you never saw show much got a problem than just the issue of drug trafficking, but rather systemic problem in the country. having a strong judiciary and having strong rule of law in government systems that enable the states to actually deal with some some of the reasons overturn
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of of the 2019 decision show. some of these challenges, i think presidency circle has been made, hasn't made some of the promise during teach electrical pain around trafficking, but it's facing many challenges around be a she have an effect of security sector reform, the kind of effectively deal with the culture, not all of the many islands that exist outside of the country and making sure the country stops becoming or ment remaining as a transit point for drugs that are coming from much in america to you, getting reliable data in terms of what it's actually happening on the ground becomes very difficult to just came from, from, from a period and every so. and when you're asked those questions, when you're trying to get the data is really hard. which makes it more difficult considering the fact that the united nations office for drugs and crime which
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principal should be working on some of those matters is working with getting solar base from its office. and so we still have a process of ensuring the better day, theresa a level that allow us not only to get a better sense of what it's happening, but also using the data to into a public policy. an international responses towards the problem tracks and crime in get. and so any more largely the curtain has been brought down on plans to show a new documentary on a canadian cultural festival. that's after the filmmaker behind it sparked outrage among the countries hindu community. by showcasing a poster from the film depicting a goddess smoking a cigarette, r t ruin june sharma picks up the story for us. creative exploration or a diversity rates and monte calls for them. that's what all the new cost your project cold under the tent in canada. but i've seen some wood wants that events to
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be set up under the carpet. this, after one of the participants decided that some red lines, when it comes to tolerance, are absolutely fine to cross full may call lean on monday, calais shed online a tow for documentary phil depicting it. he knew goddess smoking a cigarette and waving as you b t flag, the move tray got a massive a public outrage and quickly led to half side lena, money big life, trending on to tap in the roof. scream of that, the bull mika house hurts their religious sentiments. her team really just santana, so hinges by depicting him to goddesses. objection, numbly, lena, money, macaulay, giving you 12 hours to tender, unconditional apology, or else legal actions will be initiated against you and your entire team. your twit is archived, so don't try to deleted. this is deliberately hurting the sentiments of hinder
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devotees. freedom of speech doesn't mean the one can cross the line and show anything in the grab of creativity. how can this be allowed to even release on digital platforms? kindly take note the control with you also do a danger or the endure high commission, which off canadian authorities to remove the cooperative material, saying that they received complaints from the leaders of the community in canada, a country which is home to half a mit here in the hi commission of india not to urge canadian authorities and event organizes to withdraw all provocative material. after receiving complaints from candidates him to community leaders about the disrespectful depiction of hindu gods in a film poster. it all, get con, museum, toronto, and marketing. the are 2 police departments of even fire charges against that will make up u. p. police register 1st. information reports on charges of criminal conspiracy,
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offence in place of worship, deliberately hurting religious sentiments. intention to provoke breach of peace against filmmaker, lena mon, imaquele. i for her movie carly, about disrespectful depiction of hindu gods. in a recent interview, my mclean said that her movie was around the events that the bass was evening when he got his appeal as to the streets or toronto. she also said that people criticizing and protesting the post if watch, so we would then quickly be rushing to change the hash tag from a rescue enough to love enough in order to resign or may have gone unnoticed. right now, if you did one that's after the scandal with both, both of the ruling party insulted the prophet muhammad leading to, and the protests and killing off 2 men in the country. in the state of the nothing
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comes to jason's buddy with their religion. okay, news of some big deals in the food markets. now, russia has become the number one grain exporter to egypt and has fine new contracts with turkey in roubles. the announcements came during a meeting between vladimir putin on the head of the country's national grain company. muslim enough, so my main export client is egypt into agricultural seasons. we took 1st place among russian exporters exporting 1500000 tons of wheat. we're still actively switching to payment to national currency with our partners from friendly countries . so we've already concluded several contracts with turkish partners. the last of them in march of this year, payment will be made in roubles. the total amount will be $3000000000.00 roubles on us from russian relations. historically, you have always been very strong economically, bilateral 3 jump just last year. $4700000000.00 was
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for you to a full beer policy. bratia washer. easy and isn't sure. exports to about $6700000000.00 in order for you. ok next year in r t, we hear the stories of foreign military fighters on both sides of the print conflict. why they went there and why they fought for alarm. they had no historical ties. short documentary, it's friday with with
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oh, when i want something wrong when i just don't hold any world yet to see how disdained becomes the advocate and engagement equals the trails. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. ah, no one missed and what was the limitation of ah, unit 731 when a unique organization in the history of the world, what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most
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powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had ever known real to production, but it will show that they're not going to build on it. so new looking to keep on moved to new mazda thought. this is miss nunez warner. i'm new and i got the sale. i understood, i wished enough about julie who knew he didn't move in a jail it's i had a little cold and weather and all buddy bill, you nice to do want to on this? she my new on it and all i isn't all seminal. gates in the you
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know, put them out to give us ah, well, don't middle alex. she's just gonna be on the left in columbia. nobody but i just bought it that the level that he thought young my real name is logical law school of college. with which, yeah. is it public, is there to be a number to is if you feel okay, that really make it look like which in now she did the way volley april really not is almost was is,
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you know, if there was no way that was yellow, they just had that got on a bus and the bus has been deal. this would not have happened. vedo, as by them didn't push this agenda. this war. was that because on the other sheet, boston on that i should be the what about a, a good nothing with, with, with with really that sure. what it is is it's,
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is there more grad bubbles because you are the one on it but other read them. who knew there was an opponent. ah, to me it's a blanket on which it is public. his sierra b a go to trouble vehicle. we'll do it, is to ship it not still good lian water miss. it's was now. so yes, not shanaiah. waiters. i'm going operative a nazi on a list of or show me it in the garage done the naturally was tanya and if i can liberty mr. jimmy kirk polish, i'll a soon us not to let them of where the this is bonnie: at the bombay school not last year to the bush. it is the teacher is julia cook
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bogey. bla, bullshit was i'm just at the tone. i've had a new born but will follow my steps, gives them yeah. the butcher from below the new york, you mean we're on, you know, for them to see just a moment, the school it was a community closely. i was soon dispersive up to just on be the solution you bill responded to me senior class mathematica finishing by not me. you can only go to the flow bowl, do a primary, but on you would mean the class with a low trans jeremy new me at that with him was the now with
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you. not to, to school called something before the media that she going on with it. i don't think we have them that's got left out. but if they just didn't put it on, did you get all this is our memory? but for you to series queer, a sneak, there's just some prestige or emotional with this out a sports chart. there was a lot of commercial business sheller boom. a sincere to deal with the city. good luck to.
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