tv News RT July 13, 2022 11:00am-11:31am EDT
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ah, ah, with a have to be brilliant to attempt to qu, i disagree with that as somebody who is health plan, coo data, not here, but other places. it takes a lot of work after donald trump's former national security adviser opens up under his box by his stunning to to tell a confession, we take a closer look at what other places may be speaking about. walter coming up. oh, with sure lanka to clear as a state of emergency as that president please, the country with a prime minister temporarily kicking charged much to the continued anger of protest with
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a done yet great public eye. kindergarten takes that direct hit from ukrainian. shelly, well, a separate attack sees to civilians now there's joe biden touches done in israel as part of his 1st presidential visit to the middle east. we look at her rising tensions with washington made truest klemmer in the works with just after mid day in south polo midnight in tokyo and 6 in the evening here in the russian count. but a welcome to the news roundup on our team. in a bombshell admission, the former national security adviser to donald trump has admitted the u. s. was involved in a number of cruise around the world. john bolton made the confession during an interview with sienna. one doesn't have to be brilliant to attempt to qu,
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i disagree with that as somebody who is health plan, coo data, not here, but you know, other places it takes a lot of work. a big surprise that john bolton, a former national security adviser, would actually call a spade a spade when it comes to washington's decades long tendency of over throwing governments around the world that it doesn't like. but to introduce this idea that the u. s. orchestrates qu day taz on in other countries on a mainstream media outlet like cnn. i mean, that could really, like you said, open pandora's box in terms of how people view the legitimacy of washington's foreign policy decisions. we've already seen bolton's comments, draw out quite a bit of criticism from the u. s. is european allies on twitter already, and i mean, do you remember what one, guy doe, america's yes, man, who basically tried to overthrow the venezuelan government several years ago. i mean, he's definitely going to look a lot less like a freedom fighter now and a lot more like a foreign agent to your average american and bulletin, even called vin, as well as government and
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a legally elected government. i wrote about venezuela in the book and it turned out not to be successful, not that we had all that much to do with it, but i saw what it took for an opposition to try and overturn and illegally elected president. and they failed. we have to understand that bolton's admission of failure and venezuela, his admission that washington organizes coup d'etat around the world. i mean, this all actually flies in the face of what former secretary of state mike pompei o said back in 2019. as the venezuelan government was an, as a life and death struggle over the country, sovereignty pompeo said that the u. s. did not get directly involved in this at all . now, it looks pretty undeniable that the u. s. was actually quite involved in quite o's movement of the same movement that ended with an attempt by armed men to take over the government in which a number of people were killed and even to 2 american former, of course, as soldiers were arrested. their countries not accused or accused the u. s. of
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meddling, their claims must be seen in a whole new light. now, surely, that's true. i mean, these are not new claims that the u. s. has been involved in this or that uprising around the world. i mean, we saw mass protests in hong kong in the same year that they were actually taking place in venezuela and back then beijing said that the u. s. was stoking the flames of those protests there. and bolton statements just lend more legitimacy to that claim. just this year, the former prime minister of pakistan, emron con, he's, he was ousted from power amid a constitutional crisis. and he says that the us was behind his removal because he tried to maintain a non aligned foreign policy. so with all this political chaos around the world wide in and one way or another connected to the u. s. government, it's really, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that a lot of african countries and asian countries are weary about being connected with the united states, especially when the united states is trying to get them on the anti russian
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sanctions bandwagon. i mean, they're, they're leaders see what happens when american influence is tolerated, and countries, and then the authorities there make one wrong move that washington doesn't like that. my don uprising of 2014 in ukraine will not no big considered a crew by the west as well. so that's possibly the case, i mean back when it took place back in 2014, many people saw it as a qu data back then as well. i mean, it's no secret that the former under secretary of european affairs victoria newland, and co operation with the former us ambassador to ukraine at the time in 2014 they did all they could to guide the ukrainians, ukrainian opposition movement, where they wanted it to go and this is one only one of the reasons why russia's foreign minister at the time called my don and outright coup d'etat elizabeth elizabeth, them to the little open concluded we call it a true day tongue, which took place the morning after france. poland and germany signed an agreement between the then press didn't in opposition leaders. what ramifications can john bolton's confession? not huff?
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well, it's unlikely that level headed leaders of sovereign nations around the world are ever going to entirely trust american diplomats and american politicians ever again . i mean, in dealing with the united states, it's not going to be clear whether the american politicians are going to be conducting diplomacy with them in good faith. or if they have some sort of alternative agenda, perhaps a coup d'etat up their sleeve. and what's even more shocking is that bolton was not the 1st one to open this can of worms. earlier this year, the former us ambassador to russia, michael mcfall explained how america teased and lied to ukraine about nato membership in 2021. we kept reiterating that ukraine was going to join. we kept saying that over and over to you. so might he's so might what? so my so my, so our diplomats are lying. yes. oh so yes, that is the real world guys. so if it wasn't already glaringly obvious how the u. s . views its dealings with other people around the world. i mean these recent
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statements by these top u. s. officials should really be one heck of a wake up call. well, it's a pleasure to welcome live on to the program. now if former cia analyst raymond mcgovern, for his take on those developments, good to see you re what was your reaction to bolton's admission publicly admitting that the u. s. organized coups abroad? well, this should be a shocker to no one. ah, bolton is trying to sell his book. and bolton is a mag gala maniac with an accent on the maniac. no. equal accents on the mega mccalla and maniac, he is one of the people that george h. w. butch, who happened to be a friend of mine called the crazy sh. and i have that in writing from that then vice president. so what bolton is trying to do is seized the limelight. you'll
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notice he always wears his yell ring and 6. it well, not up as nose, but all was on his cheek so that we can know that john bolton went to yale. he's a menace. and when people describe me as a ca, official, i always say i was a c i, a analysts because ensure there are 2 c a's. there's one there was created to give president truman the straight story on what was happening on broad. and there was another by virtual circumstance after the war the u. s. government fell to need to overthrow governments just as the k g b was doing. and so they needed a place to put this overthrow of governments place. it was really a little bizarre to call the department for over to our government. so they made
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a very, very big mistake. they put that group in with the analyst cia. they came to sir, medically shields, but that was a structural fault. and so when i say i'm an analyst, i want to dissociate myself, not only from any role or from any knowledge what was going on in the covert action, over throwing government's field. and the way this came, i this statement by john bolton. did you find a surprising re that the journalist chick tupper from cnn didn't really follow up, but simply nodded his head and laughed when he said that could a taos were happening abroad with fall us knowledge? well i'm not surprised to jake tapper is part of the establishment and there are, there are distinct limits as to how far a an establishment journalist can go in questioning without endangering his
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position. jake tapper is making a lot of money. i know i'm way back when, when he was making no money at all. so my point is simply that as there is a establishment, there is a or degree beyond which journalist can't go. i'll give you an example short one. i challenge secretary rumsfeld in atlanta. i called out his life on a rock. this was in 2006. i get a call from andras and cooper. or were you afraid? and i said anderson at weren't you afraid to challenge? i shouldn't look anderson. this is what you should be doing. journalists should be challenging people not acquiescing in the lives that they spewed. so that was an example of how a very prominent journalist thought that he should be afraid. and when i went on his show that same night, he started with the same question,
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weren't you afraid as if you're supposed to be afraid, if you're a journalist or if you in your presence of a dignitary like dignitary, used loosely like down rochelle or john bolton, i just the word on that briefly before i move on ray, do you feel vindicated by what you've been saying before? now, as being made essentially public by the u. s. establishment. well vindicated is not in my business. we just keep plugging away, trying to spread some truth around. we get very little recognition. we were right on russia gate being a hoax. the one time we were right in agreeing with donald trump and no one has given any thought to that, even though 5 years, 5 years of blaming russia for donald trump and for the victory that he achieved, has now been totally dispute it. with documentary evidence from court documents,
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we don't get credit for that, but that's, that's just, we're in, rick and i briefly then just touch the ramifications of this. is it not legitimate to question washington's motives whenever it speaks about its diplomatic efforts abroad? well, i think most countries are quite used to knowing about the kinds of things that john bolton is crowing about. now, there, i think it will have much of impact abroad except for people like him run con and again, pakistan who has accused us of the latest koobooley that military and pakistan. there will be additional evidence that people can cite, but it's no question. it's no real surprise to people who watch these things closely. the president has the authority under the national security act, 1947, to use such other functions and duties as he may deem required for the national
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security. that the umbrella under which covert action comes. it was a mistake for the beginning. put it somewhere else other than with the analysts. that's my school. on that way, we always appreciate your time. thank you so much for coming into program. former cia analyst raymond mcgovern, you're most welcome. all right, another headline story today. marsan rest ensure a lanka shows little sign of relenting protestors of breach the prime minister's office. he was appointed some days ago as the country's acting precedent, but citizens are ready demanding his immediate resignation. oh, well, police use water, a cannon and tear gas against the protesters, but we're unable to stop them taking over on the line with a miss singles office. at least 30 people were injured in the car. she's
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a local journalists, sent us this report over just to that very much in force, behind me, the secretariat. now there's been an official gone for me from the president has left the country and he's currently in all of these things. but she lanka will need a new government with the president most likely designing to day and prime minister and become a cindy. also expected to follow suit, they will need a replacement. why is that? because somebody will have to negotiate with the i am the international monetary fund to get a good be now to beckett's, then she'd uncle will also need all good to finance minister. now important to underline, feel that much of the focus also will be on the new government and how they tackle the same set of massive challenges that made this particular government out. the
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new government will also inhibited massive humanitarian and low. i know challenges a state of emergency after president water by our job shop the country. now the administration is doing everything it can. the sponsor called several gas shells, have been used on the still remain adamant they want the prime minister as well as the president. all 3 long golf design right now to the focus will be with i am going to sharma in columbus. ah, the most brutal winter of the past 60 years. that's what the e u is about to face, according to romania is deputy prime minister. he's claimed the crisis has been brought about by the sanctions imposed on russia. first of all, we,
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the european union will pay for sanctions against russia. europe, the european union must admit, frankly, that unfortunately we will all pay the price this winter. it is going to be a harsh winter, perhaps the harshest in last, $4050.00 or 60 years for the whole of europe. all i can say to that is that these leaders are just about the worst gamblers ever. if they ended up in las vegas, they b, y, the guys who loses, their sure ends up crying over the free house drinks at the bar and wondering where it all went wrong. they spent the past several months betting everything on cutting off russian energy revenues. not a day goes by here in europe that we don't hear about this energy crunch, panic, rationing shortages, cut off all this brutality on the people and all for what. if our leaders, we're aiming for russia than he really could use shooting lessons. you think that they put down the shovel and stopped digging themselves into a hole, maybe just long enough to come to their senses. first, they try me,
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appellate russia, into caving to western demands in ukraine by cutting off russian gas thinking that russian energy revenues would be cut off entirely. forgetting about the rest of the world, because that all didn't work. russia just ended up finding new customers elsewhere . russian oil has been heading, for example to the middle east and coal to china. meanwhile, it's you citizens who are worried about the future, mainly because it's pretty clear that our leaders have no clue what they're doing. and if they did that, they probably wouldn't have started freaking out over the plan nord stream, one pipeline maintenance, which is only going to last a few days. and they knew that if their goal was so calm, which was so confidently stated, was to shun russian energy permanently. then why are they in such a panic if russia actually fulfills their stated wish? and while they're firing up coal plants again in europe, out of energy desperation and reclassifying, fossil fuel,
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gas and radioactive power, as green. oh, sorry, environmentalists. germany has now decided that it can do without rushing, cool, starting august 1st. and it can do without russian oil starting december 31st. you know, i brought my hand to this point. yeah, sure guys, why not just set fire to all of this sales while you're sitting there in the middle of the ocean struggling, panicking, and just hope that somehow you'll safely end up back ashore if they have a solution for replacing rushing gas there. sure. being discrete about it and they're not communicating it, but um, it looks like now they're gonna, they're making sure they're going to be left without any backup plans. all because this seems to be the only leverage they have left against russia. so they're playing that card. they're burning bridge after bridge, after bridge with their scorched earth policy, with reckless disregard for the price that the average you citizen will have to pay . and european commission vice president france temperament is sounding the alarm
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over all of this and how it might turn out. if our society descends into very, very strong conflict and strife because there is no energy, we're certainly not going to make our goals. we're certainly not going to get where we need to get if the lack of energy leads to strong disruption in our societies. and we need to make sure people are not in the cold in the coming winter. so the leadership there is voicing concern about their own anti rush policies, sparking conflict and strife in europe when they were aiming for russia. hey, at this point, maybe they'll even spark a coup against themselves if you citizens get fed up enough. alright, let's move on now on a busy new say to the latest on the conflict and don boss, the city of gore, law k, in the done yet, the republic has been shown by ukrainian forces, according to local authorities, a kindergarten took a direct hit. in fact, this footage shows the aftermath of the shelling on the nursery school. officials
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say around 20 strikes from multiple rocket launchers were fired right across the city. 2 civilians were killed while a number of residential buildings were parking, destroyed, and local infrastructure damaged. and also in the city of danielle local authorities say heavily populated areas have once again been shelled. as you can see, one rocket hit, the roof of an apartment building no casualties were reported. official same ukraine is using nature weapons to target civilian areas in the region may bring new gowns, republic, the city of luther shouts is seen. what can be described, perhaps as a semblance of normality, following withdrawal of few training forces, units of the republics military or carrying rubble. as you can see here from the streets as rebuilding work begins, here's what the locals have to say about the arrival of russian lead troops still to la annually. sure they were shooting even back in 2014,
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the ukrainian soldiers told as to when we leave home, we will destroy everything on our street. we shall, 10 times. all of the rounds came from close by kitty, for we are deeply grateful for what you've done for liberating lucy chance. we've been waiting for this for 8 years. a jo biden's arrived in israel at the start of a 4 day tour of the middle east. he's expected to focus on on emerging r a is really military partnership to combat the alleged threat from a run to iran though, claims the trip won't help bring security to israel. i had all the visit clashes between his really soldiers on palestinians occurred. dozens of protests or through stones and rocks and security forces, who in turn fired tear gas of arrested several people. the demonstrators also denounced is really settler attacks, which they claim police turn a blind eye to policy, clear texas through what we can expect from president biden's. trip to the region. these elect left to me here in israel as joe biden touches down for the 1st time as
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president. and the thousands of police deployed is come in place for visiting dignitaries. so what's new on the agenda? temporary 3 prime minister. yep. he says he ran is the main issue under discussion . israel will not stand idly by while ron tries to attack us. we will discuss with the president and his team expanding security cooperation against all threats. i can say is he's in favor of a more integrated and stable middle east, but he's also suggested 8 new middle east in may. so given the problems, some excuse the common tomato of staring up in ukraine. little wonder these criticism that this will some p d, stabilize the region further. the injury of foreigners in the region will not create security and stability, but is itself the main cause of tension and regional rift. america raises such issues solely with the aim sewing. i ran a phobia and division among the countries in the region. tango at little king of al
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jazeera agenda, serene absolutely hasn't faded, and her family is still seeking justice. they accuse biden of white washing these way. the armies actions and social pressure is quite high too. when biden enters bethlehem from jerusalem, the 1st thing he sees will be this wall painting. the wall painting as an expression of a rejection of the american position on the issue of the assassination of ob lockley and a condemnation of the american report which results amounting on his way to human rights. in the latest danasia by a palestinian christian organization is well, is accused of meeting the criteria of an apartheid state. just the latest voice to the chorus of international organizations denouncing the countries humanitarian track record. it is abundantly clear that israel meets the definition of the crime of apartheid under international law, both through the laws, the state has adopted and its inhumane practices. israel actively works to promote separation and segregation through
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a biased legal regime that offer specific rights and privileges to one group at the expense of the other to maintain its domination. for an israeli jew, there are no restrictions to move and elected or make his i'm not making things easier, quite the contrary. when they come up with statements like this, if there was a button, i could press that would take all the arabs and put them on a train to switzerland. may they live amazing lives there? i wish them all the best in the world. i would press that button a button like that does not exist. apparently we were destined to exist here on this land in some form. it's still a question with a bite and we'll address these issues at all. and while is, will, has condemned one ukraine. it did not doing sanctions or weapons delivery, rushed from the waste. they asked israel no bigger fan of israel than cleanser graham for stinkers. and apparently israel said no. so i'll get on the found israel . you know, we stand up for israel where they are, and all that is all in russia has a temper, cooperation in syria,
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putting tel aviv in a tough place as the middle east looks to me further from the u. s. c. of influence . is this a tangible biden to finally get coasted ally in the region, putting on board? or is this an opportunity to create yet another military alliance in a really unstable world, all will bite and finally do what is clear to so many in the world, and stop giving israel spatial treatment policy a r t television. it was a huge money laundering scheme involving assailants in a number of countries including europe's poorest moldova, and our court in moscow has under done meant the prison sentences to some of those involved ortiz. ilia per tranquil, has been looking deeper into the skin, including cia involvement. it's been decided, the people behind the glass won't be able to walk free for many years to comp imprisonment of 8 years. 19 years imprisonment within
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a maximum security penal calling up with a fine of 2000000, 500000 roubles. let's take one of the characters from the other side of the glass. now examine the court can oh, when log behind bars, he'll probably misses villa and rushes poshest neighbourhood just to the west of moscow. as well as his land cruiser, adorned with lights and insignia of the emergency services. but unlike other famous criminals, for instance, who accumulated their wealth through abusive power, mister cork in has never worked as a government official. instead, he was a key figure overseeing a scheme which allowed the movement of billions of dollars out of russia dubbed the laundromat was filled with all the services tending roubles abroad has always existed. but it was previously conducted on an individual basis with the introduction of the mold over laundromat scheme. it was turned into an automated process. entrepreneurs no longer needed to explain each individual payments. the
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scheme reached industrial scale and they can be possible to withdraw huge amounts of money without any control from russian oversight bodies. imagine russian citizen, with an exorbitant sum of cash in russian roubles most likely dirty cash. this person's ultimate goal is to move this money to offshore accounts without getting caught, converting this sum to a local bank and sending it abroad as a regular transfer would attract the attention of russian law enforcement. so the plan requires a complicated scheme. the defendants who just been sentenced were in charge of the russian side of it. but it went so much further. the laundromat was so elaborate, in fact, it involved corrupting the judicial system of a 3rd country. europe sport, state mulder over either he billions of us all this was sent from russia to small, moldova, and bank. later, the funds were transferred to accounts specified by the participants of this criminal scheme. the amounts of money transferred significantly exceeded the assets
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of the bank itself. was a huge amounts of money for the whole republic itself. this definitely could not have been missed by the mold or authorities on their law enforcement officials. and this system indicates that the moldova government was aware of this scheme and condoned it to explain fully how the whole system worked would take more time than this entire news program. but just for your understanding, it involves setting up a whole bunch of shell companies, sneaking past financial watchdogs, setting up fake loan contracts, handing down court rulings on non existent deals, and much more dodgy stuff. russian police have been on this case for many years and have now traced the masterminds and the roots on the mold oven side. we've been given exclusive insight into the case by our sources and russia. security services who specifically point the finger at one man and the plotting of us intelligence.
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lucia the scheme was personally initiated by the so called shadow, hidden owner of the republic of moldova, the chairman of the democratic party, vladimir plot, nick, who acted on the instructions of the cia moldova curators who was stationed in neighboring romania. you heard it right. vladimir po, hoard nuke being referred to as the hidden boss of moldova. he was the richest man in the country. he ran a political party, a bank, a scrap metal business, and as his critic, se used to post sec staves of his opponents on the internet. at one point the man was in control of mil doe was government and parliamentary majority. no wonder washington had long cultivated mister blackwood new as a force to stand up against russia or as our sources within russian security for out a say he was the see eyes choice and a bid to discredit moscow with that huge money laundering scheme. going to
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the main goal of the u. s. secret service is while implementing this financial scheme was to create the conditions for capital flight from the russian federation and discrediting out country on the international arena. first the americans issue to so called quota to the moldova bank with no more than $50000000.00 per day being withdrawn from russia through the mold dive in scheme. the corresponding bank for these operations was the bank of new york, according to our sources. one of the tools used by the cia was taken advantage of a law firm headquartered in the us. it was used to full russian citizens in to thinking the scheme was legitimate by proving fake legal findings going back to let them play. hort, duke, he was even officially praised by the agency and its head at the time. mike from pale with this award for setting up the laundromat plains our source. however, as usual, sooner or later, americans deal with a henchman at the beginning of the year 20.
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